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Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1885, p. 3

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Mr. Hickey, in movicg tbat it was ex- pedient that recognition should be made by the Dominion Government of tbe volutteere of 1837-8. aaid that com* perioui might I'.muou tbe justice of tbe oau*e m which tbe volunteer* fought, but they were fight- ing for tbe Crown, and il wa* not for them lo ask the reason why. He intimated tbat a suitable compensation might take tbe form of grant* ol Not lowest land. Bir John Maodouald said tb* disturb anoeewera Img past. Tbey took place before tbe Dominion WM formed, and the olaim of tbe volunteers was upon the OovMomentvof tbe different Province*. Mr. Blake agreed in tbe view ol the last rp*aker, and said tbat tbe Province ol Ontario bad already taken tbi* view. Tbe Oovtrnment ol tbe Hoc. Bandfleld Mso- donaldbad compensated Montgomery for the burnic g ot bis barn by the volunteers. (Laughter) Bir John Maodonald nuggeited tbat the motion be withdrawn and tbe mover con- sented. Mr. Mackenzie moved for a statement shewing tbe Mveral amount* collected by she Dominion Government for lands aold or leased within tbe bound* and limit*) of the) weitern part ol Ontario as determined by tbe decision of tb* Privy Council against the claim of tb* Dominion Government. Tb* motion WM carried. Mi. Dawsou, in moving for tb* raturn of the Bottom* collected in Algoma lor the last six months ol 18B4 , called attention to the) inereaae in those receipts and in tbe population and shipping "' AlgomaM show- u . ibat p< o^ile ouuid Ou a> well in Algoma iu the Provicoa* of tbe Northwest. Mr. Blake laid there WM on* thing which l .e bon. gentleman had omitted to state, 1 tbat wan where Algoma wa*. Tbe bon. i utleman did not M*m to know last **s i ' m. (Laogbtw.) Mr. Dawaon- 1 aball be happy to give tbe I .n. gentleman any agricultural informs in ol tbat kind. Algoma, a* I understand . and there WM a *pecial Act defining tb* -otoral district, extend* from tb* Freucb ver oo the eatt to aomiwber* about Rat 1 ttage on tbe west and from tbe great KM to Hudson Bay. (Cheer* and laugh < r ) Tbe motion WM carried and th* . use adjourned. Tbe following public Bill* wen pre- . nted and read a first time : A Bill respecting International ferriea- ' i f . Patterson (Essex.) A Bill to amend tbe law relating to con -nious diseases among cattle Mr. Pope. Bir Leonard Tilley presented a Bui re ting to the CooiolidaUd Io*uranoe Act of ; 1 7, explaining that it was tb* same Bill WM introduced by th* Government last -M ,u Tbe Bill wae read a ttnt time. Mr. Pope presented a Bill to provide for ne taking of a oenius of tb* North went Tritoriee and Manitoba. Sir Richard Cartwrigbt Will tb* Gov . . meut take a oeneus dt juri or it mcto. > ,-iwingthe people wbo are tbere or those no oogbt to be there, M in tbe IMI oenioi ? Hr. Pope From oor experisno* tbe i m will be taken i merly. Tb* Bill ' Air. Cbarltou preaenttd a B the belter observance of tbe commonly called Sunday, by prohibiting report traced them, but it WM important to know wbat tbi Dominion Governmei I propoeed to do in Ibi* miner. It waa IL hi* opinion most desirable that tbU dispute should be tattled soon and tattled onoe for all. Bir John Macdonald said tbat be quite gretd tbat this dispute should be mulled early and for ever. TbeM piper* would be brougbl down. The motion wa* carried. Mr. Jiokson, in moving for a return ebowicg tb* dredgpB, tug* and dumping aoows built in th* Toiled Slal** fir tb* Govtrnment of Cauaoda during tbe yean 1U8S and 1884. oalled attention to tbe expenditure ol 1130,000 within the lait two year* in procuring these v*e*el* from a Luokporl, N Y , firm. He eoutratted Ibis action with theory of tbe gentlemen oppo- Mir, "Canada for tbe Canadians," by which they bad oblaiutd power. Tbe motion WM carried. Mr. Blake moved lor a statement show iog tbe estimated receipt* for each year io respect of each olau of public property, on which A. M. Burgeis, Deputy Minuter of the Interior, baaed BIB t sinuate of 168 000, 000, wbiob be laid would be received by tb* Government from tbe sales aud leases, eto , of land In tbe Northwest from January. 1883. to December. 1891. He referred to the reportof the Minister of the Interior which bad ja*t reached hiui, to chow that Ibe receipt* so far were lev* lhan two million!, and tbat for th* succeeding years ol tne period it would rt ijuire an averag* r f )8,000,000 a year trom tbi* lim* forward to make up tbe amount eatimated. He thought il would be interesting to have tbe data on which the eetimate wa* bwed. Tbe motion w*i carried. Mr. Mulook moved for eopie* of all minutes of Council nol already laid before tbe Parliament, relating to th* ><> oalled Fiabvry Qaeetion, from tbe lit of July, 1867, up to tbe time of tb* signing of ttae Washington Treaty. Be read extraote from paper* already brougbl down to ibow that muel important documents were indicated M existing wbiob were not before ihe Parliament. He calltd attention to eom* statement* in document* leading to tbe conclusion that bad not monetary oompeu- saliou been asked for a Reciprocity Troaiy would pnpably have been Ite result of the OMaionot ' Clause*. THE WOUNDED FENIAN. A London cable *ayi : Further investige- liou of the antecedent* of Mr*. Dudley bow ber hintory to be tall (f guilty rornanoe and startling episode*. Your cor- eepondent to-day bad an interview witb Mm Malkin, wbu keep* a boarding house at Wallhametow, in Kasex, a lew mile* from Ln-duu. Mri. MaJkin in the Udy to bom Mrs. Dudley wrote a pathetic letter ja.t be/ore ber attempt at suicile on tbe Great Eastern Railway, and with whom ibe bad boarded lor aome yeare. bbe wait Drought to Mm. Malkio'i boune wbeo a young girl by an E-six clergyman, wbo rt[ robtuted himself ae ber guardian, but wbo WM iiupccted of beiu^ ber latber, 1 IL.OUKU ibe relationship wa* never scknow- lodged. While Btill a child ibe diplayed o >umderable btitrionio talent, and much ap- titude in mimicry and declamation. At tbe K o( 17 ebe began undying lor tbe alage aoder (be tuition of Minn Ellen Terry'* tatber. Tbe ntxt year ebe obtained in en- gagement 10 play muall parte at tbe Priooe .1 Walei' Theatre at Maicbeiter, and tbe appeared in tbe Chriitnik* pantomime at iut theatre in lH7-> Wnile playing tbere be WM deceived luto a mook marriage witb a yoaog clergyman from Obeebire. It waa tome time befcr* ibe discovered thai ebe bad been made tbe victim ol a fraud, and tben her reaaon gave way. She fled from Manchester and took refuse in ber old borne at Wallhamitow. Her daugbter Marguer- ite WM born there in September, 1*7'.', and died two yearn later. It wae at tbe time ( tbe dieoovery of ber ibame and fc*r flight from Maocbeeter that the &r*t die played symptoms of inaauily and luioidal mania. After ber return to Mrs Malkin'i bouse ihe always called benelf and instated on being addreaMd a* Mrs. Dudley," all bough she did Dot admit that tbat waa tbe name of ber betrayer. Hbe rtfuned to proeeouta him, laying that ibe did not want to dr*K ber misery before tbe public, but only t) bide beratlf and care lor ber child. bunoK this time ibe wan befriended ' ibe iba rights uuder tbe Fiabery THK BAVHAJ1 - ll.)> I I M. Web el Bvlateare J I'l I.UU. . A last (Wednefday ) nigbt'i despatch say* : Tta* facts (kr TiUcnburg oounaonou by Lady Gertrude DooglM, fitter ' f t XI r,iuu of (Jieensberry. From I"?'. 1 to Banday excursions, vtbiob wae read a tint time. Bir John Maodonald moved without com- ment for tbe appointment of aiptoial otimmiitee made up t f member* on both itdei ol the House, to take into consider* lion and report on Ibe alleged Leoeanty that txiste for tbe adoption of ciu lyeMm at bankruptcy or iaaolvenoy, giving ade- uaale protection againat uudu* preference*. Mr. Blake Doe* not tbe boo. gentleman deeire to explain tbia resolution ? Bir John Maodouald eaid be thought be bad explained sufficiently on a previous cooMion. He referred to the requote by members of tbe Board* of Trade in Canada and tbe Chambers of Cimmeroe in Hug- laad, tbal there should be an iniolvecoy law. Ccmmeroial men, however, were out nailed in favor of iucb a law, and outeide ol eommetoial cirolee opioione eeemed to be rather adverse. This committee was appointed t > investigate tbe whole. mention and aesiit Prliaiuei.t to com* to a decision on tb* qjeetiob. Tbe motion WM carried. Mr. Mill*aked wbetnerit waa tbeiLteu- tloB of tbe Oovernment to propcie aoy legislation, or to invite Parliament to ask for Imperial legislation, to define tbeboun dary ol tbe Province ol Ontario upon tbe north and went. Bir John Maodonald U ia not tbe inten- tion to propose aoy legislation. Tbe <jue- tioo whether it i ueoeasary to aek (or Imperial lKilaiinii i* now under tbe earueet oiumderaiioo of tbe Government. Mr. MoMuilen anked whether aoy, and if to, wbat earn or cum* of money have keen paid to J. A. Wilkineon by tbe Gov- ernment ot the Domiu ion from lhefir*tday ol January, 1884, to February, 1886. If paid for what purpoae or service*, auj where T Mr. Pope said tbat eo tar ae be kuew oo money had been paid to ilr. Wilkioeon, except by the Departmeut of Railway! and Canal". Tbe sums |>m 1 were IC'J on 1st Krbruary, IHHI, and S2rt!l ou tbe *:ird May, IHH 4, tbeee kiitns being paid for salary and expenetsae land valuator. lu reply to Mr. KJgar. ilr. Chapleausaid uo bad taken place between the Uigti Cjmraissioner and tbe Govern- mentou tbe subject of Imperial Federation. Tbe Oovernmeut, bowever, bad received oopiei of tbe reeolutiooH paieed at tbe con- ference on Imperial Federation bold in London during .be pant year. Mr. Cameron (Middlesex) aeked le it the intention of tue U ivernuient to intro- duce any legislation ibis ie*i< n affeoling beuevolent or friendly aooietief? Hir Leousrd 1'illey Maid tbe only Irgifln- tion ou tbie nubj-ci wan tbe InxuraDce Kill now belore the House. Mr. Mi,l. on loovitg lor copies ol all Orderi m Council, Irnpeiul, Canadian or Provincial, in Ibe Imnds of the Govern- ment and not alrmdy laid h. f .re 1'arlit meet relating to tbe dinpuUd boandarie* ol Ontario, poiuted out tbat tbe report ol tbe Judicial C'lumittee of tbe Privy Council ID the boundary case n ferred only to a pirtiuu ol tb bouudary ol tbe disputed urn lory. It was stated tbat the Privy Ooouoil would auk tor Imperial legislation to confirm tbe bouuJariei no far a* tbe witb tbe 8 til well murder are one by one coming to libt, and there is now very little doubt io tbe mindi of any 11 to tbe real per- petraton of tbe atrocious crime. Au adjourned examination wae held in E4cn to-day by Judge Hughee, ol St. Thoma*>, in wbiob important evidence ooiroberatiug ibe oonleeaiou made by Albert Thouisa Uat week WM elicited. Jue Forbee, wbo at tbe iuquest ewore that tbe Winchester rifle wae iu ber lather'i house all tin afternoon of Jan. 1st, when tbe eboouog took place, acknowledged to having been urged by ber brother,, Ktoeom. and Albert 1'bomae to make tbe statement in order to avoid IDS pioiou, and staled that tbey bad taken II out in tbe af teruooo. Evidence wae given bearing upon tbe uuba,|>py relation! exist- ing between Bulwill and bie wife. Hbe bad frequently been beaid to expreee tb wub that be were out of tbe way, and ber willingness to give aconnideratiuu u> secure this eud. JaoeForbea WM released from custody, and Mri. Btilwell wea taken back to tbe Bl. TbomM jail. et A>lrtl A laet (Sunday) Light's London dep*tob ay* : Y-eterday afternoon a Gerrnau Jew named Francis Hauui, who baiU from Dallae, TeXM, WM arrtsied here by Detective K>der, on an extradition warrant for uttering forged bills uf lading iu tbal place about a year ago to tbe extent of over 1100,000. Tb* mau 1883. and e*t>oially after Ibe death ot ber bkby in 1*M. Mre. Dudley frequently tt reatened to commit suicide, and on two oooMloni ibe neatly succeeded in carryiug the threat int o(iration. Bmee tbe faou ol Mri. Dudley's periodical insanity have become known, a wial bae been expreened in many juartert to taise a lund to pay for having witoeise* lent trom this coun- try to New York to ?rove tbat ibe WM irresponsible tor tbe btmioidal mania tbat must have potBeeeed ber when sbe ibtt Kwia. It i epeoialy desired tbat tbe evidence of Dr. Willians, Bupenntendeot cf the Uayward s Healb lukane Ailynm. be given in Mrr. Dadlef 'i defence, tilhur by bis going to New Yotkorby Ihe arp .int- meot of a legal oammiieion to come bere and lake bu testimony IIOHUIHI I COLLISION. t-rrlahl matt Oil 'It. la < Illdr- lar < - llui I. .1 u . . , II. ,i k . I-.... l.ll l>...l . \ I, ,.lbl. lllM. A last (Saturday) night's New Bronswiok, N.Y., dir|.al:h aays : A collision occurred Dotwetn a freight and oil train, on tbe iron bridge of the Pano Kulway, ipaflbiug lUritao river, at 3 o'olcoa this morning, re u'tiug iu the Ions of iwu lives, Ihe deoiruc- liou ol Iwo Iboomolivea aud many can, tbe partial wreck ol one span uf th* bridge and ibe burumgol two factories, six dwellings and on* hotel. Tb* damage amouuls to nearly million. Tu collision, a* tar M ascertained, dn to the CAreleajue** of lh conductor of Ibe forward train. Tbi* train ojutultd of freight and Oil oars, tbe latter b*iug iu the rear, and WM easlward bound. \ it town reason ibi Iraiu stopped on the bridge wiib tne tail end Handing oo the ibore ipan* No flagmen were sent back lo warn the approaching trams ot danger. The result WM that tbe locomotive ot tbe tMt esBibound freight traib plunged into the rear ot tbe oil Iraiu. 1'be shock WM terrific, and caused tbe tbe exploiiob o! the oil oar. Btream* cf burning oil speedily overspread th* bridge aod ran down tb* atreel, igniting everything combustible in their cinrte. Two Drake mm cf in* oil irain fell through tha bridge to ibe street, with tbe car in which tbey were, aud were burned Up. Tbt engineer and fireman of the rear freight train jumped from ibe cab at George streel croMiuf. see log a collision wa* Inevitable, and saved themselves. The shock ol the explosion aroused the pe< | e of tbe city from their slumber*, aod attracted by tbe light from Ihe burning car*, hundred* rau to iha bridge aud attempted lo slay ib* progreas of tbe flamee Ibe enire fir* department WM out promptly, but tbe gutters were :: led witb blazing uil, which ecu 11 not be Mrued from ite coune toward the nver. and soon the Janeway Co s. immeoM wall paper factory, do** to tbe bridge, caught lire. Tb* chief cf th* department, recognizing ibederperatetlraita in wbiob be wan placed, telegraphed to Treutoo, Ensabelb and Jersey City lor assistance, but before the steamer* arrived, Janeway 's factory wa* destroyed. Jobb 1) jugherty, an *m|>loy**, utered tbe cflia* to save tbe book*, but was overcome by imoke aud penshed. 1'be fir* iiii :< I 11 i n ii 'i- >mr will !. Tkrlr Una's siawl Ves. BBC Tarlr Kmim **a To* will Ui. M.. If. t . r < hbi.a.r . M ab.ut fjnr weeke ago cenie to Chatham and reeided tbere with hi* wile until il> '' uit., wbeu be came to London. A dct-Oiiveof the Guuld system of railway! arrived m Chatham on Friday, and ascertaining tbal Banm bad moved bore came ilong witb Cbiet Baxter THE l>\ > v 'HI l l i l > l ,.,,,.1.4....." I .,."- I* Tains I. i. ,.,.. i ii. 1-1.1 in. k. 1,1. A last (Wedoesda)i nigbt'i London cable sajs : II I* eteted that Jamee O Cunningbam, the suspected Tower dyna- milard, baa broken oV-wn in consequence ot having been addiliouallv idei.t I; d M one of the men concerned in tbe under- ground railway explosions. Insptoior Frederick Jarvis, of tbe Whiteuall police. wbo nas charge of tbe case, now believes thai Cuuuiuguam will turn informer, aud ihal bis revelations will lead to the large*! haul of dyuamilarde that baa ever been made. lliree men suspected >.! cant-ing tbe explosion near Cower ifeet italic n rode in tbe guard's van, from which it M sujp.s d the dynamite WM dropped. Tbe name* ol ,11 the other yaeeetgere were laken, but these three) IHtfefi but were oarelully sorulini'd by Ibe guard and sergeant ol police. Alter Ibe oooclu ion ol Oanniughm'i examination ou Monday, be wa* placed among a number cf oibere, when tbe guard picked him out M one ol tbe three upeou. Cunningham waa uneasy during the inspection, and kept next extended to the large factory of the Ntw Bruuewiok Coanoliiated h run Jar Co , which was quickly enveloped iu flames aud WM totally consumed. The next stream ot oil reached a row of dwelling boBsee on Washington Uriel immediately opposite, aud they were burned with an hotel adjoin- ing. At 6 o clock tbe fir.-meu succeeded to getting ibe fire under control. Over two thousand men are thrown out of employ- ment by tbe diMeter. Twooars containing 11 horse* were among those burned. All traloi on tbe Pennsylvania road are out i tt, aud compelled to make a wide detour. The bridge wae one of tbe finest along tbe road. Tbe IOM of Janeway dt Co. is 1175,000. partly insured , tbe Consolidated Frail Jar Co. loee ball a million, lolly iniured , dwellug bouse*, JlOOtO toe Kailroad Co.'* loas II unknown. Tbe total lose u not leu than three quaiteno! a million. Tbi accident seems i> have been caused by Ihe telegraph operator wbo worked tbe Dlook signals. H* cannot be found. rrwswrsu. A last ( Wednesday i night i Halifax tele gram Bay*: A Cuarlottelowo deipatcL mates tbat tb* condition ol ib* men rescued from tt>e ice boats u much worse. than reported. Mr. Giddoo, of Builon. and Uurrisou, tbe traveller from a Halifax wholesale bouse, will lose both bauds and lest. Two ol tb* boatmen named Treo bolui aud Allan, ot N*w Brunswick, will die. E'ght or ten other* will Ice* a p rlioc ol their liiabs. Millt twill lose orjo band tool aL.d his ear*. Tb* It>meu Catholic Arcbbisb'op ha* written a letter to a local journal, in which be lay* : " There are no word* strong euo'igh lo condemn tb* in human meanness of the authorities or their ignorant flippaccy ID the House ol Common* regarding the winter mail service witb Prince Edward Island. Tb* men only get paid ISO for tbe round irip over tb* ice, aod aa they failed to make tb* ruui.1 trip tbi* time lb*y will not get a bra** farthing for all tbeir peril, toil and suffering. Bo wills the Government that it can spend thou- sande in inducing Hun* and Goth* aod Taiurs lo com* to Canada, but eacnol spend bundled* to remunerate Canadian* for c*oe**ary public service, (jaeeliooe of winter communication interest all Canada. U* bitter,> denounce* tbe mean aod niggardly way Ib* mail Mrviosi* conducted, and argue* tbal railway* lo both Cape* be ootnplttdd, [iers bull:, and powerful tug* on Doln side* cither k**p the channel open or meet Ib* small boat* at solid ice. H* urged Ibe maritime men to stand together and be patriuls for once. He say* when ever this question b* oome up in tbe Common*, whether Mickscie or Mio donald wa* Premier, it was mad* a party affair. A Government ear/porter mildly hoped combining would b* don* . an opponent wilily denounced th* Gov- ernment for not doing eomeibini; . and a wily Minuter encouraged tutting between the opposing parlies. When they had txbtu*i*d their strength rbe Miuisier would n*e aud make a sials pun about " I cola liou " aud possibly exhibit bis igoorane* of tb* whole nsture of tb* question, aod certainly ihow bis contempt lor tbe island p*O)flcally, sod tb* Mariiiai* Province* in general. "To* ipuit ol tb* parly would be evi.ked and a docile msjority, like a flock of Scotch sheep following tbe bell wither, would follow tbeir leadsr in ignor ing the jui claim* ol ib(M Province* by tbe sea. Tb* repre-eotstives of the** Pro vino** forgetting parly most unit* in densodiog tbat our birthright and our patrimony receive seme at least of tb* ear* that IBI so lavishly bestowed upon tbe Upper Provinces. These are IILU-K when -ill no* on the part of free eilub* is equal to trsaaon. I think ihe preseot ie iucb time, therefore I speak ' tut 10 to tbie city, where tbey photograph of tbe mn. gave Ryder a In a> very ibort time the officer brought tbe prisoner to tb* police ulatioii, whir* he WM rcogui*ed by tue Texas officer, and bell for exiradi liou uu warrant isaa*d by Judge Hall, of Chat- bam. Io company with four others, includ- ing the Dallas ala.i >u ag*bluf tb* railway, the Jew isued forged bills of lading for ooltouaoldby them, and divided the money The o-ime wa* di-o ivertd, but, with the iioeptioo of Hauui. all got away. H* WM arrrated, aud held to bail for trial io IH&.OOO before the trial tiv* wteks since Baum !kipped, and is now urelly inre ot being takeu back, lie wa* iu a pawnHbop whan arr*it*d. IIOI.. I hi. . . - < Hfltl , . .1 A Windsor despatch say* : Joseph Aruittroog. of Detroit, au el convict, and George Buck, ol QarriKVille. Mich.. *tx>l* aod B. G. Davl*' I hie bat pulled down reoogcilion. an attempt to evade IIOKMIBI.K - in . . N t >.,Mik Ian I .!.. Tnomaa \ ,j|lau'- boine cutter from hie place rig was taken to Clare In m Bl. Thomas. Tbe iw weeks ago. The Creek, nine miles thieves lodged lu school bouse* every niithl on ili-< way down. Tbey took the horse iuto tbe nobool build in**, built fires witb mapi, books aud what- ever WM al band, and always left be fore daylight. They were arrested near Bimooe for breaking into a school, and cent to jail tor sixty dayr, before Cuief Bain*, of Windsor, wbo WM on tbeir trail, reached tbe place. Ae aeon M the officer got back to Windsor with tbe nor** b* *wore oat a warrant again*! Armstrong and Buck for h'lrce-itcalii'g. and mailed it to Bimooe. Wheotb* pair are released on the first charge they will be brought lo Windsor lor trial. Tb* stolen flutter waa found al E.atx Osotr*. I. sorgo Dolby, tbe bistoriau of Dicken* American tonr, ban incurred tbe wrath of Iii.n iloumiiH by recording thsl Ihe novelist wa* Htruokby tbe absence of female boau'.y ami ng his Buffalo audience*, and tbat th* taoen of the gulu cf tbal city were cf " a <>rt ot German- Irish -Scotch mixed -with Indian type. Kighteen hundred dollar* worth of strawberries have been raised on Iwo i>nd a half acres of ground by a farmer of Dole ware township, Cambeo county, N J , and be accordingly ha* received a premium from the Htate Board of Agriculture. A Wmoipeg despatch says : Al Portage la 1'rairie lives an old orii 1 1 knowu M th* Hon. I>r." McFarlan*. H* i* giv*n to drink. The other dsy while b* WM me briated a number of young brute* amused tbeiuslnit by lighting match** and placing them on tbe back of bie band*, while tbe sulphur WM burning by this barbarous torture bliitenug tbe beljlesn man'i hands in a most horribli manner, and causing him to groan witb pain. But nol *ati> ti d witb the demoniacal and lavage amuse metit, tbey placed old MeFsrlane on tbe ix>r and sal upon hi* maimed leg, witb tbe ,ilea of itraiguieoiog it. Tbil dmwliug performance WM *o painful tbat McFarlan* yelled with gooy. Hi* eriM attract* d lib attenlion of a peraon a woman, it i* *eid wbo bMtily went to ascertain ib* cause, and wbo, teeing wbat WM going on, mad* Ib* men " deMi" their inhuman cruelly. A c juple ot arreit* have been mad*. A policeman i* aid to bav* been a pwtive observer of tbe barbaiou* iporl. McFar- lane ii over TO yeare of age, aud bis leg is terribly bent. Tbe attempt to ilreJghtsu Itedin a I'liotnl rupture. It renull Kir Andrew Clark and th* Duke ot Weit- mtueler have at once te*titi*d tbeir friend- ship for old Gladstone, aud iuaugurated a new eastern by xnding cheque* for on* nundred pouuds M youug Gladstone's wedding preeeut. Mis* Clara Louise Kellogg he cancelled ber engagement*. Ou Friday her phyiiciaii gave a d rtitioate tbat on tocount ot illness -be Ins been obliged to dtilst from linging ( ir the t "'ent aud by bu advice ban goi * 1 3 New York. BOM* of tbe Englnh Biibnr* work bard, Thun, for io*tane, during l**l Or. ThoroM the Bithop of B'0h**ter, noriveJ y,07 letters, preached 107 aerni'>ns, delivered 1 1 J addrwiei, conartued 11 C87 oateohumeL*. attended 79 committee meeting* and 57 public meeting, rouseorated 8 eburobee, opened 6 miion build- ing*., ordained 44 deacons and 44 prieeti and presided at ft rurldeeanal coulerencee s)n HB Parties; Rrlwrra !<!! I ,.,... I "U.I III. I Ul.lll.1.11 Uil.. Aa ludianapoli* (lud.) l*l*gr*uu says A omswhat n*w thing in Ib* *iop*m*ul line i* reported trom Darlingloo, Montgomery county. Wednesday last * fellow from \ irgini*. known aa Major Tomlinaoo, Itl. with tb* wife of Harvey Sbauver, a pros- peroue young farmer living five mile* u irlb f thai place. Mr. Bbauver aod wife were ibougbi to be living harp ly, with three btajtiful little ohiUreu. Mr. bbauver 'a *j*|<iolOL* were aroused by one of the little fellow* telling him thai tb* major, wbo M a farm band, " kis-el ma Mid ma kied the msjor." Mr. Bbauver look his wife to task for *ucb sc.ioo. 3h* did not deny il, aod also a'aleit that i-he would kiss him just when she pleased Mr. Bbauver oha*li**d ber tor ber conduct, and paid t ism.jor off, telling him tbal b* would give him until Wedges- day to leave. Tbie seemed to raise the ire ol Mr*. Kuauver, aod sb* quickly gave ber buabaud to uud*r*land ibal sb* would go wiib tb* discharged mau. Mr. Bhanver knelt in prayer aod prayed long aud f*r veutly tnai mob thougou would nol b* nuriaioed by hi* wile, bul hi* prayers would not *of MU or change her bean. Mr Sbauver gave her all ber b*lougtog* and ib* baby, a beautiful boy 2 year* old ; b* uelptd ber ibto tbe *leigb, lucked Ib* wrap* oloeely around b*r, and wild Mar* almost streaming from hie eye*, kissed her and tb* child good bye, tailing her b* bop*d aod (i rayed th* would be latittled wilh ber ill juJgod undertaking. Tbi couple listed tbal they were going to Oregon. ISM. BAITSBM liartlT O'COXNOB, '. l-Kiugtn- Tuesday. ITlh Uarot, ' May mn M&rcr Cornwall .. 4 L'Jrigual .-l-snli 0-vuawe mnuAxi. i lat't IT aos*, j. . *ta A|iril r .11.) IblL A(ll 1-Nspan** . -tlCtotl t-fvurburoasb . 6 rMlievnl* 7 CoUourn l-Oraoi;eiille J-at Ciliariuse .. ...... ft jneu BuuuJ TuaeUay. IT-h Mar, r .'I iirsu. *'. t, Uarsii Tumilay. Jl-t M.:. r i ueeuay. 7m A(ri. _ Tneklay. Uu. - Ui.L>uy ItL ] I 111. Ill "ALT, ). alo k-x i-i Manager Field, ot Host, is rapidly extending hi* theatrical operations, and i- 10 negotiation with Mr. John 8. Clarke, tbe celebrated comedian, for hi* return to Ibis country. If b* succeeds be propose* to tar htm in two new puces, tupported by the oomidy Motion of the Mu**um Com- pany. ITS WEIOHT IN GOLD. Tin aggregate pr duotiouol gold, in tu Toiled Btate* ol A uirioa, np lo June, 1883, we have )u*t b en told ou tb* authority ot Ihe Timtt, va* '."< yil ' ~'~'l troy ounce*. When we taw this particular weight of gold given a* the accumulation of all prtoediig years we were *l ouoe struck witb Ibe remarkable approximation of Ihe weight given to wbat bad juel oome to oar knowledge was Ibe oitpuiof Cocoa iu England by one firm (James Kpp A Oo ) fur cne year only, the laat twelve months, it being 8i>. 403.333 troy OULOSS, or 'i til', avoirdupoi* tune, and, ou tb* moment wo could nol withstand recall- lug lo mind tbe old adage" Worth it* Weigbl in Gold." Tbere ar* uin* American oountoMea and'>uuese* iu K >uie ibi* wluler. A new GoHege) of Pharmacy ie to be erected in Toronto. 11 j tbal will bvlievf only what he osn fu'ly oomprebend muet hsve a very long bead or a very short erred. At the U uvereity ol Virginia there u DO prescribed oourie of itudy, no entraoci examination, no vacation, except Ibe suiu iner on*, and but six holiday*. ..... I uli AIU-I. b-balullu.u ........ n), lUUU April otruali i in. i ii aMMi.ia. J I -Quelpb . TueaUai, linli Marct a-hus.lurd ............... ....... TuMOajr, ITui Marb -\Vuua.W>cl ., Min Man* im ............ fu d.y, <l.iMartf> IK - IUMU.). .iuA|inl ., ...... IHto apru 7-llrsi.tlur.l ...... ... MullOa). lJUl AI.I. WKSTSKV i IH. i IT insaos. r. j. \Vallrtou U -iJa>, ITlti Marsb -Uml.ricn Muiiuajr, ii,,i Mat^t. - iiuu.i.y. JMBllaiee 4 batiilwlob . ...Muuuay. >'iu A|III cnaiiiaiu .............. i in. A|/n C-bl luoluas ................ M.'ua.) >,li BOSH 1 1 a. i it-wu IM.N. i j Btilton ......................... TuceOay. 1Mb arct TuroliU) Civil Cuurl . ltuuaa> it in Main. Turuubj criuiisa. Cuuri ...... sKmuy i.'tu A|irt braniploii .......................... Muu.u* . ubii.i I H.I.. . . . l>, .!.!,. OMX UBt III THE > HAM I Harris ....... _W*lD*sOs> IU n Main Owen tkiuoa ........ 'lumosy iTUi Marct. Itraultunl ...... .._... Molnli) , i ir.l Haiti Bluioov Tburolay atarrl HaUMII. I* ...... Mou'l.) WUl atM> I , \\Mll>y ............ ... M'.U'U, l.illi >! i. bt. CatuariuM . Tbuida>. iin At>nl Toruuto ...... V.lllU) lUL. IA| r KASTCK!! i IHi I II-raOI'l>riT '. . ,*rl rewrburu MI.UJ.J, ji-Uj Marct Lanuu> ---- MM.USV. M Af*1 DlUwa ... TbunUay. 4utU A|il Curi.w.U . . Tnuixuy Ttb Va> tirtwafili* Mun.i.) ulu Maf Kiiid.w.ii ...... ii.ii. I6lb k.. wsT)an tiiM-oiT rs*i.'v Ktrall.'til ........... W*UoOay. 'ill A| ln>tri>b M<uu\ . >t Ayiil A.oukvk ..^... Mu...1. U. All . w.iK.ruiB ...... M.'>.ii;ii Ixiuaun ........ Kniia) .. i i kisy Siirn* Mi'U lay. 1>1 Juur an.lwlcb . . Tburiay ItliJuui LliaUJau ....... .. ....... Wednesday uil. lui . 1 1 >,. Ilr ! ,, " \ " My, mv, bow tbal chimney tmuke*," ouii'UiL. til a wit* to tier bunband. II migut do worse, my dear, be replied " I'ln HI to know bow." " Why, you ne u might chew." A fall ol soot elopped tbi do* of oonver- saUun. -dr*>jiuji* iravtUr. JoLn Brigbl La* figured out the cost of the am of (^utin Victoria'* reign, aud in Uis tpeeoh al tb* Licx-ral demousualion lu Birnjiunhaui lul Thursday f.miig be .nii.iuucn 1 thai K glaud has saoriQO*<i 97SO.OUU MOO aud I* (AM) live* iu war since tiieoorouatiou ot ber preeeut illunUioue aovcreiKD. nearly 48 year* ago. In tbe I. >udou &ltilic*l Jitcvd a mao adverusea io luruub "tuiuou by ourrcs (loudfiioe.." *o that tbaulo^iosl, luudioal, pbarmaocuuoal aud civil WIVIM txa>miua- iion uay be pasied by men auj wouiru of average oapaoiiy. Strict secrecy i* main tained, aod arrangements msy be mad* with candidates until luoeeeiful

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