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Flesherton Advance, 12 Feb 1885, p. 4

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02 O fc P O o Qi ST^ a GO e THE ADVANCE. . R Fawcett. Editor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, FED. 12, 1885. 77/A* WtfW SCHOOL LAWS. Minister Ross, we notice, has in- troduced a measure for the consoli- dation of the School Laws. What- ever becomes of it, he must be con- gratulated for the attempt. The School Law is, as lie stated, very badly arranged and equally bad to understand the classification in- ti-ndfd where the subjects and the luws governing each subject arc given in a compact form is very desirable and will be appreciati <1. The subject of Union Schools is i|tiiU' timely, where provision is to be iu. uir that one municipality cannot \\ itlnlraw at pleasure to the hurt of the ntlu r contracting party ; but the matter must be first submitted to a of Arbitrators, both to form or duolve such Unions. The duty for assessors if required annually, would be unnecessary. The Board that lorms tho Union could equalize about once in four or five years, and decide at once on the proportion each part of the section should raise to furnish any given suiu. This would dispense with the necessity of equalization iiiimially. For instance Township A should be required to raise three- t 'inrths, niDi'i or leK, and Township IS one-fourth, or balance of sum required over a series of years as aforesaid, let the ass. ssment on the land be what it might liiiring the U-nn. The disparity of School Ratta in a i.iiniii-iiulily If mikeil i vt i V Mini [in stion Section otic puts on 5 mills ; Si i-tion two 6 mills in the dollar. Thf question arises, why should NT-KIM -2 ho rated higher thnn Section 1 ? If llit.' property >f the Township must pay for the education of the children, is it fail', that one portion of the Township should pay more than Jkwotlifi ',' Township lioardn would urtify this ineiiuality, but, as the Minister states, the people do not .. li>l>i this systt in. His plan i.- a novel one, if we tin- ili-rstitnd aright, vi/., that the sum of $100 shall ho raised by Council by a i iit-nil rate for every school in the l'own.shii>, t-M'L'pting Union (Schools, fn- which a priiportioiiuti' sum would Lc raised, uml lor schools employing j f wo Touchers, $50 additional would be i d for such extra teacher. In this way small school sections would ii- assisted, to some slight extent, by tin- hif^i-i oiii-H ; but it Htrikos us, tho . . i i lit.- would scarcely warrant the change anticipated. If, in addition, the Government | v. mild grant, to sections of small area I unil small iminrrieal strength, nut of j tin.- school fund a muu corresponding', to its comparator wiajiucss, the com- bined sums would give iimph; relief in ' tlit ilire<:iion desired, and agniim ] which >H>- ytanuiiahle objection could be raised. The Hoard of Examiners certainly neuron wxlincalion ; the proposed' per capUa rule for xaniinationa is one ' t\s-j in the right ihrcotion. As it ii may use as much time as they please and the County must "pay the piper." Good-natured ; K \amincrs certify for each other and the Treasury is, iu some cases, want- ; only depleted. In this County the cost for each pupil at the High School Entrance Examination is about $1 .2f as charged. Is not this sum at sixht extravagant ? Recollect this has nothing to do with the expenses attend- ing applicants ; it is the sum paid to Examiners, who are the High School Teacher and Inspector. Here is the High School Teacher charging $3 per day say for 20 days to examine material for his own school ; and an Inspector at 85 per day, also receiving a liberal salary. Yet tho people are j mulcted with such extravagant charg- es. It should be the duty of those gentlemen to do such work for a mere nominal charge of say 25 cents per head ; and each applicant should furn- ish In.- 1 or her own stationery. Hut should not every Examiner bo qualified ? Are there not old fossils, whose duties are performed perfunct- orily ; and but for the Teachers, High ' School or Model Examinations would be a farce. The Minister should de- mand that no Inspector, unless fully up, should take part iu any such Ex- amination*. And wLiitit the Minister is con- solidating the School Law, he should insixt that Inspectorates should be sufficiently large lo occupy the full attention of the Inspectors. How is it pusniblf for a mm with a multitude of offices to discharge liis duties to the schools '.' I.rt us have men duly qualified, men of thoroughness, men who have vim to discharge their dutii s. and let thow who have outlived their list fuliii ss In; sii[>rnumiuiU'd. The holiday subject is likewise lip propo. It does not si-em proper, if Teach ITS an' i iiijilnvnl at the beginn- ing ol holidays, that such a Teacher should r< frivr pny for Riich time ; let it ho optional with the Trustees. So we sav. We anxiously await the result of legislation especially as we learn, that it will affect both our own Town- ship and the County. Unless the temper of the County Council change* the School question will be gone into thoroughly a very inmiential com- mittee having been formed to ascertain the propriety of three Inspectors, of whom it ia said SOUM of them arc in- competent to obtain third class Teach- er's certificates and are Inspectors of Schools where Teacher's hold a second or first class t Is it not time such in- competents were removed to their proper and legitimate spheres ? TllK 1'KDI'LK TO ' PAY FOR THK WHISTLE." The School Book affair has been very nicely managed by our local Gov- ernment us may be inferred from the followiiii,' which we clip from the Woodstock Timrt: " The school book monopoly is one of the greatest pieces of jobbery ever prepetruted by a government. Three publishers have been granted the sole right to publish the readers for a period of leu years. The books cost t'.Heis., and are sold to the public at ?1.85. ; forty per cent profit to tLe ring autl twenty-seven j>c-r cent profit to the bookseller. It is said the ring will net half ft million of dollars. The plates cost the Ontario Govern- ment 87,500, and the light of publish- ing from the platen has been given to Mr. Nelson, ot the (ilulr, <la#c A Co., and the Canada Publishing Co. Nel- son has already disposed of his ri^ht tn Copp, Clark &, Co. for a bonus of 825.INX), To show the extent of this injustice, we might mention that one of the lurg.-st publishing linns in To- ion to ottered to publish books fir ICH per out than tho Government rin-,'." THE 8ICNS OK WOIIMK -ire wrll- kiioKu. luit the reniwdr i~ ii"t ilw\ i> wHI tleirrniiurd. Wnriu PWi*OT ili tltitro; them. A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD III TWO UTTERS. :M THE SON: * *''* " Lirntiemtn: My iuiuer rr Wiles at (tlofr, Vt. lie Luu bet- n a gival * uUVrcr from rtTuf- i . i. and U inclosed lotur will loll yuu wlt O lU&TTOlOUf tfoCt Ayer's Sarsapariila 1 11 hail In hit eaae. I tblnk hi* Wool iw . . tro contained tli* liumor for at leaat trn roari ; but It did not show, except In the farm i .' a acrofuliiua lore on the wrlut, ui:til Hi on'. yean ago. From a few apo:a vlili-U a> [rnrwl at that time. It grn.liially inraml ao ;i< to enter hii entire bod y. I aur you 1. , > terribly afflleml. ami an object of pity, IH--I hi* begnn uilug your medicine. Now, the*.* n- 1 few men of Mi age who enjoy as gnml lievt i ai he h ai. I ooukl anally name nfiy \t- >.. t who would tntlfy to the facia la lite our. \ i. untruly, l FROM THE FATHER: n dutT for me to state to you tUo bbro dorlTwS frum the DM of Ayer's Sarsapariila. Sis month* (go I wai completely Mrrmiwllh a t -rrll'le humor and Btrolulou aorrf. Tlid birnnr oan.K.1 aa Inceaunt and Intolorabl* I: rlilng, nml the ikin eraeked ao a* to causa thn blood to Sow In many plarn wbcncrcr I moTed. My (ufferlnft were great, and ray lif a bnnli'ti. 1 eommenced the lue of tha In April latt, and kara n-ij laeo tl. it iim. My ci,*l.'loa u 'joa lo Imnrorn at otioc. Tlte ^rva h ,-4 Ii litnlr J. and 1 ferl prrfoetljr w^ll in rv-7 Jjpc4' binf no* abla to u> a H'xxl <ar a v ,...j-u . . . . :i .1 Lt fe. , in ,u.,-o t . .jfut ru ;> ft"ir In myriM. r-.J I'll :'. ' . v. 1 !iar UoTa H. A i ' ,1 < if, ' . i.u: .:n- r.\. <j ... <r, \u, t-t. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertoii. lu-oairinff, Kar*t rough int*. und in fact every tnn.n in tlit t'likiuvtitt Hill receive . j and careful attcfettettat ri>Ml>ltj price*. "..::- & tare in ";,::.:. nn-l ',:;;,::',:: I:::;:?: Works! Milburn & Gadd, PUOl'lUKTOKH of th above work*. are |'r. pared tu at ti-ml to cvorythlni; in tii< Can iage Making & fclacksmithlDg ! HUM promptly lid well. Repairing in Lot liLni tie It's Promptly attriuliil to. HORSK SHOK1NG A SPECIALTY. A \Vi-t Ci.-., If you bare vainly trii-il many ri'im-Jir* for rln-uniHtiuo' it will In- a win* coucluiiou tn try Hagyaril'i Vi'llnvr Oil. It curtM ll )>infnl wh>n oilier mpdiriiip fnil. / .'i r'.Vir.'"t.tA mm r . -\ r . n'l ." : ..". lo-3 Ooni; iul , f t. i. ::.ic:sa, RinjAvjrm. i. . . :. j, ^ , i:oll% Totjora, MM! LIru, .' ma of l'ie 8:.!iu It clear* the blood, ol til li , >- ' , rvnU d;;it:.TO, itlmuUka tli'-' u o: t'.t bOMto, and thai mrtoras VltlLtj ami F~ jajllietu Uie Thole yiu>m. rarr*arn r Dr.J.C.Ayer4Co.,LoweH,Msai. Sold by all DruggUta; 11. rii bottlo* fnr A. R. R. LAMPS! l.i M -rtiiila. H"'Mi Dakota. Men- taaa, lo^.ij. Waihingtj i and Cregiri I i..m l.ukr '.U| rli.r l> Purt .Suuil.l. HI p'ic rnnnlni cnhflrlrxm ? lo '6 P'r acrt. aaluTe ti.-.r''hat. It"? Is I*-' Best Cum fa' socurlitf Oe4 Heia*< MW ooea to' at:imini :i ; ii ai-rr* 1.1 ClenrerwiMnwt ' ' - .,,. -10. HI :: Ai- l I 4I. J ,yi|.rlMl.h. I ...l.^i-l,..-.. I "(I ,,,,,, -J. .,!... iv, ii>, ...iniii. RoMlaain M.I.. .--. fliUK. ' - ....i..... ' '"' --IH'A*.!. ,n.ii r.N.r. II. L.,m. faul.Mlnn. NEW DEPARTURE Cummonilnu Fohv. Jnrt. 1RM. the fnllowlnR nlltinna o( TllK lUn.T fJuini will l>o tu aalKatiben umMffKral Canaiia. the I'uiteil siiii.-i* aiul (irvut HrtiAln : IMII.V (-I .. UK .Muriiiiiu Ivtliliuu .. 3inoK.Sl.75 moa. $S..V) u nice. ?T TO II.MI.V UI.IIMK ItoVIook " .. " *.no 4.oo lUII.V lii.n - S 1.00 2.00 4.00 DAILY ULOHK Saturday Morning Rdllinn U lii THE WEEKLY GLOBE SPECIAL TRIAL TRIP TWO MONTHS 15 CEHxTTS GET YOUR HARNESS! MADE BY DAVID CLAYTON Shop In W. Clayton's Shoe Store, Flesherton. WM. CLAYTON -Has ou hand a Large assortment of- Wo w.-int In liirroo our pn'wni Innfp IM of milm-rilH-p. by ten tlininvui.l within tha nrsl ! iliiya. mill f'ir llm imninat* innkii the above liU-rnl uml anpneMaoMI olfcr. IH I* Hi, iMi.r llbrral nlfrr Mr mnkr Ihr rollnnliix I ANVOMK HKNUUIO t TicvnlK ami .'muliaiTllwni will receive an xt.m rupl for Iwu inmitlm frri'. ..1.1 an.l l<) Hiili!M-ril>c'ra will revive an rxlrn i-'i^iy fur il\ r months frrr. Li'i iiinl 1 . '.< r:'K-r- will rivi-ive a i-,p) ..f ItniKrniihy of Ilin lnl. iirnr/(> llriiwn. i.mi .n, .1 i -. ill nlnTrt will n-i-i'lvr :i cop] nf TIIK \\ KKKI.Y (iuniK fur- m-)i.r free. M..m uml l Miim. ritm will reivlvo n. ropy of >alinil:i\ < 1 1 in v lii ni'i: "in- vnu- froc. |7 .XI mul <i ...I.-. rilnTi will rrniivn n ropy nf Tnr Dvn.v li,.mn four inoi.'ha free, fivnoaud 100 aabKribon wttl noiriTo copy oj TIIK li.m.v QLOBB ona yo&rMe, -.Hi ... I'., i. anil -. . iin repurtu uf i-nli I'iirll um ni. fr !> I) eenl. "T"LJfr /"* I /**\ D C liivs npw-lal arrnnitiMnrnt^ by \vliii-li It IKK* ^-^ flu- *-lr ri^lit in Call- I lit VJ I vy O L^ ,!,! of pnbllrAtlon of new norrla br moal i.f thp l.-mllnif writrrs of t:.'i n. Blind us miklr <II|M>. Hl llrtiililmi . .IH-II.I tlr in UK . K. I . I nr|ru. onrnh buHrbrf, Mllllam HUrli. Mm. Oll|iliniii. llauli IUIWM. MIII! ..ih. r- A -t..i-> "f i-utlirullniK Inti-nwt. onlltlnl Ml 1.1. *KI>' HIIH. in W|H RraiMoa. In now r\iniiin_- ,i'. 'I in IIMIV uml \\~KKKI.V Ou>BB,and will becnntlnued tQl oiranliited. It will liu aneooenod '<> .1 ^t..i v tlir [m \vt-rfu] iirn of Jl *TI% Vli-r t M 1 1*1, an.l iifirr iln- hint nainril atury Uooinpk'lwl tlivro will follow one mmi . I., r tltJION, tin- fitmoiin nn\i hsl. Mims, Womens & CMWrens BOOTS AND SHOES, ISfHuitablc for the Full nnil \\ini-r tcrar. Call and sec t In in.-^ Quality and Pries Second to None f WM. CLAYTON", - FLESHERTON. In ndilition to thr roitnlnr rontlniiMl story, there lire iilwnyn running in thi' 12 nd 3 o'rlook pilitmiiMif 1 1 MI. v. .mil in TIIK WKKKI.N (ii.i.Hmn.- ..r innru luliiillonnl nnvi'ln l,y mithura uf nurld-w Ule rcpiilc. In thin imuincr n-iulvre Kt ll\ u r six uoiuplutf novels cm li > rur. A* t 1 . 1:1 . I .1 en M M.riri-: TIIK " i n. I I.I.ORK IH I %M HP ASHKW. SPURGEON'S SERMON (Itcvliwl by Spiirgoon'Hiiwn hnmll. (tlvi'n >'vrr> wci-k in Sniunlu) ' HAII.V lii.miK and iiiTiiK WKKKLY (iuniK. unilcr H|K.ciiU nnil oxrlusive arrangcmant f<:r the ftonilnlmi of Cnmula. . The Itrv. ('. 11. Hpntvemi in, Iwjond aaii la ulwnya racy, prncticiU and Instructive. lon, thu iiuxl n-iul III-I-M. In r in (hi- wnrUl, Address, THE GLOBE PRINTING CO. . . _..-.-_ A , , r * -* r ^,-r-, ill 'THE ADVANCE, Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, ; * I - ' '

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