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Flesherton Advance, 12 Feb 1885, p. 3

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II.. II.,,. >,<hl. W IHT have you been ? " uiil bar *llr<, " \Vuer have yon beeu so long? " Only down by tb* river To lier tl)e blaekl I a's son< . Only down by tLe river. and round by in* cmtle wall. Tu MM i lie daylight ta.iuiu Am the efeuiug ihadowt fall." "Hut why ' your obrek." eei 1 b*r el.ien. Ho very nd to see?" Tru- apoed wltb wlii.-h I haMuel The uoly cauae can be. 1 alkrd loo far by tbo river. A n J i lie uinht cm down at last Before I thoufiht of Ida dlelanoe; Bo I burned bouiewara fait." . Where have you be ? - aald ba " Where hire you been eoieteT Only down by tbe river, A ud t .1 the eaatl* (at* ; Duly dowu by tbe river, To watch the moonlight change Tbe ibinf* wa doe in (auilllar Into v L.IOOS weird aad strange." " - aald bar tlstwc eoieteT" hat wbT do you Bo vary pal* a I am cold. wa ou look." aald bar listen. and 111 ' " . her only aniwer. " For the nlgbt It tharp auJ chill. 1 hve atayad loo loon by th* rif r. Trmu h u iii,l nolattra >o long. fri tha aky WM bright au.l the river Baeta brubt with ici starrj thxjag Waere oan aba be." aald her lUMn. " Bo vary long and late ? TtM merle ba O*>M I bia ainfiBf. And Heap* b aid* hi. mala; aa tha ekv li dark and the rlftt Mb dark and drear to ae* . Tb wind blew* hard ami the rain omatdown Wbere oan your inter U> ' U aln tbay watch. J aad waited, IB wouder au.l la pain . ID *aln they auught by iha rlrar, By tba outle walU In Tain . For tbe maiden we* Ron* with bar lover Away from tba blaetblrd'tung. Aad away from tbe walk by the rive*. Bs* bad knuwa and lo Ted to long. Ottilia r/inriilK Xa0<utm. A It. l.fd K dlll.u. Mary. Mary. l"it eontrarr. How does y >ur garden KTOW f Do re I roe* >n,l nweel mUnuaetta alaka quita a luuiujer abow f Twice .MVBU Jyluui we have out, But It secmi yaara ago Mary. Mrv. .ocoutraiy, Why do I lor. yuu ae I Mary, Mary. In your airy BuiU'iivr KOWU 01 snow, Foliiing fragrant Hut- n fair, Through your buuae you go , Pull"! eelf and full of tan Will yuu heed uiy wue* Mary, Marv. auoou rary, Why do 1 lor* you *ul Mary. Mary, In the dairy, Bettlug pan, in r >w. Jiu IIIK kty.aii.l ailTar belle, UarcUiug to and fro ; Leamvd m all your bou'ebold *pell ( Wiae you are, we tr>iwi. T.-11 we. alary, itlll com wy. Why do 1 iute yom au I All I my Marr. eomae a fairy. Wbl.per* aoft and l'iw, All tbe nweet au.l euildan Iralb Heart tu heart in u .t o we . b.. it j or belt ruth. Only lull I know T.t uerauM yuu ara> ouitrary That I lure ru ao I FARM AND GARDEN. I* doll" Thai I h. rr la III W I. I rrl rr...|. Hluru >..!. I , i. in. i. > m ir .. Thoss cans were at first furnished by tb* reamery, but now tbey are b mubt by tbe armer. The creamery owner at first agreed to give M muob for an inch of creaoi a* tbe tores in ths t >wu wsrs paying for a pound f buttsr, bat b ( ire hug be found that be oould buy cream at 'JJ oeute per inoh aud Mil hie butter for it otute per pound, and s began Riving two oeut* m irs for au inch f oream than a pound of butter bought in b* market. At first tbe farmers were a III* thy about selling their cream, but tome of Ibsm began an experiment, and bey found tbat tbey got more money by telling their oream than by making butler, nd tbe obnrniog was saved. " In a short lui* tb* creamery man bad bii routes all vsr the country and did his churning by team. H tell* me tbat by fssding Ibs utter milk to pigi be gete enough out of it to pay Ibe man wbo ha* charge of Ibe reamery, aud now while homo dairy butter i dull in Cleveland at 16 cent*, he gelt cents sasily. By making a butiasss of utter making svsry opsration is per- ormsd al tbe rigul time, and by mixing the cream ot all tbe cows a uniform rads of bnttsr n mads, and all partis*) ars beuetttted." .. UIIMT r . II.- loi 1'rot. Milli. of ibe AKrioultural Oollegw. Kara ao iuMreitlDK addreae at tbe farmer.' niMlfng la .be ooaoty . I Haroo OD tbe adf utai<ea and diaava>o|aga of lammer fallowian. He Mid: "Hammer fftlowlDR VM ooe of tbe oldiet meam of oleauiu* and preprloK the oil. efpjoially for fall whrat. H inifj wriMn Mid HOIIIP practioal far men bad urgid aeveral itroog objNUooe >aiuit it, but tbcre were the follow/tog trooK poioU ta lie t*or: 1. 1U dtittuo- tioo of tbiml a. t. Tb ItoproTemtDt in ibe meobanioal tenure of Ibe toil. 8 The dorniaot mineral plant food U made avail- able by t ipaeure to tbe air. 4. By tbe ex- poenre of tbe eoil M tbe air tbe burnua, or vegetable matter, li ooo*ttttd ioto nurio aoid.eo that thevilanta may uaeit 6. Tbe aoil bring frtq-ienUy orpea oTtr.abeorbimjr* ammonia than in ny otbif prjoee. Upon of tbeee poiote Mr. Man dwelt io a oably praotloal maon.r. The obj-c to lummer lallowiof were ohiedy two ; fint, tbe loai ot the year 1 , crop, and, ceooiid, tbe IOM of tbe uitratea by draioana. lie oautiuued tbe farmri ajaiod oomlug to a ooDOlneioo apoo one tingle experiment. What wai wanted WM a continued uperi- inent tbat would lati.fy. He gaT* tbe reeull of an experimenl on tbe Auriuultural Farm, near London, Bog., wbere the aami Quantity of laud WM tested by a o jutmued ( nir yaara' towing, and tbe prodoollOD waa 'ii buibeU, and by an alternate mmmr tolioiring and the produotiou WM 79 buebeln. In ppeakiog ot greeo manoiluf tbe follnwiug four advaotagM ware pointed oat : Pint, eunobea: tbe toil by Mb eon htitueuia from enbaoil ; aeoond, add* to cot tbe bnmae from tbe atmosphere ; third oolleete soluble uitratea from aoil aad re tarni U in an ineoluble state ; and, fourth Kreally improves tbe meobaoioal tenure of the soil." r-rl-Hlllrn Vawla. Canadian Po*ltrv Revleo : Whan tbe oomb and wattlee get froien tbe frost aboald be removed M qawkly pouible Take inow and with the band apply i < tbe fro* in pails, rubbing gently nutll all tbe froit I* removed. Then anoint witb lilToerine in wblob few drops of oarbolio boid have been mixed. Continue tbuappli OAUOU ualil tbe parti aesacae their natural noior or nearly so, nd hatp the birds in a warm place, as after being ones froitn tbat winter they will be rery eaaily from sgaio. Oars mail be taken tbat all tbe front U removed, If not, tbe parts art apt to fetter and wither, and tlie points) dlsip^ear Hew rrniorri Jrr w. Oanadiaos may gather a few praotloaJ timti frem the following itory related by the KnM Oily Liv* Stock Journal. It describee ibe growth of wbat is now a ful grown creamery : " Oos of our grooer* ojnoluded to try aowamery in connection witb bla bailoeai, and arranged bit cellar for the pjrpose. In tbs cellar ts anptiug of clear, cool water iu wbieb be lets his railkoaLB A barrel ohurn wiib a capacity for 8J gallons and a butter-worker was pro cored. Tbe otun be unci Me of luoh BIZ that cue Inch of crnam in tbe |fun will make one pauud o( batter. Tnen is great difference in milk, bu oream 11 so uear.y alik* iu iti pro duoiion of batter that a liven amoout o talwayigiv.* tbe same weigUt ol buuer TW* Fa.UI.laY WwfliBN, Whe lf>->k Tl Mend. The Cleveland Herald recommends tbat her* it it intended to try and bring up tbe poor field, inttiad ot waiting until it U loughsd.tbs farmer should Up-dress wbso he ground is f roun, aad 1*1 tbs grass bavs as benefit ot tbe manure for ooe year. 'he in oksning up of tbs sward and multi- ilioation ot roots in tbs soil will often fur- jith more plant fool than ths mannrs would htvs doc- and Ibs mechanical con- ition of the soil will bs grsatly improved, and tbs farmer tbeu gels Ibs natural rsno- ating tBjottof tbs graes-roots to givs tbs toil a start, wbiob is nature 1 * p'.an. With a ood sod, tbs fertility of a nul is assured. 1-K.m. ! ^h. . K II u.fcdrr Tbs Biyd Bros., flvs milM south of Meuekeo, bave (40 bead ot sheep, mostly leriuos. Tnss* geollsmsn cams from Ohio, tbt grsat wool Stats, two ysars ago, nd they state that sheep husbandry will be fully at profitable iu ibis region ai in Obio. Toeir fl >ok bas wintsrsd well both winter*, ths perctntsgs of IOM being leas ban io Onio because of. the drynett of the a'.miMpbere. Comfortable tbsdt bave been irovided, and Mr. Boyd says bs fsd bit beep a less number ot day* io tbie country uriug wiotir than iu Ouio. Iu that State feeding usually begins about tbs middle of November, while her* b* be* an be 16th of December aud quit ths i'J.h >f March. Ths tbssp named rapidly from tbs lim* tbsy bsgso fssding in tbe sprintf, wbiob it not always tbs o.a East, b j) d'. beep sheared oo an svsrags nins pound* of wool to tb* betd. which uslted 16 eente wrpjnnd. To* percentage ot increase u also above thai io tbs EMI, which is sldom over 75 per cent. Biyd bas 147 stubs from 116 SWM. Certainly moosy auiol bs mad* fastsr in any country than a Dakota by tbcss wbo go into stock siting on a modtrats seals. It will pay 00 psr cent, more than grain, and il Is only a quMtioo of tiius wbsn ths farmer* will see this. Bumartk Tribunt. MM* The Liv< Stock Journal of Cbioig) says . 1 Tbsrs 1* a grsat deal of cheap talk about ntilatmg cow bou*M and stock barns, but hi great trouble with such buildings is an xotes of vsntilstion. Il i* only making a lad matter wons to pul a ventilator oo a larn ia which svsry guet of wind is fsll in bs statist, and mannrs (rente fasl to Ibs loor. If attablt ism fact mads to light bat its occupants cannot gsl air snough to ireathe, more air sbonld, by all msaos, bs admitted in front of Ibsm, so that tbsy oan ireatbe it while fresh and pure, and not 1st I in behind them by opening a window in heir rear, as it most frequently dons, to become loaded with tbe effluvia from their Iroppings before il can rsaoh thsir nostrils. A stable In which air circulates to freely as o keep tbe temperature down it already too muob vsntnated. Il It a good plan, io these dsys of cold and high winds, t ) look cart tally round th* stabls to sss bow tbs automatic vsntilstion is earrlsd on, witb a view to applying a remedy witb more boards and balMOt. Loss Is inevitable when slock Buffers witb cold. Il pays to ksrp il warm al any cost. Tbsrs it nothing more economical tban comfort, Mpsoially 'ur milch co we." Other STanaj del**. Doors have been so far Improved by a reoeut invention tbat tbsy may bs bung so M to opsn either way aud from either snd witb equal facility. Tbs Obio Agricultural Experiment Station oalle attention to tbs fsct tbat in its experiments potatoes raised from large whole sssds ripsnsd bios days earlier than these from eed cut to single eyes. Tbe grsal seers! in raiting small fruits consists in keeping Ibe ground free from weeds and grass. Thsir roots are more vigoroui tban those) of VIUM and buenee, and tbsy appropriats tbs moistnrs required t j form fruit. Carrots ars recommended M feed for farm horse*, as tbsy savs corn and givs a fius gloss to tbs tkin, besides prcinjting a aUnful condition of ths tytm. From 14 to 91 pounds i* a liberal allo*aoca, any thing over thai being apt to afl.oi tbe kid my*. A reiHenl of Australia stalss tbat tbs meprity ot tht bories there are vioijn* ana givtn to the trick of buck jumping tbst u, to a snoosesun of jumps from all [our ti til four legs. This is chiefly dns to defeetiv* breaking, whiob, practiced year alter )sar, has created and cultivated hereditary vice. Travel y Lake <* silver. Tbs directors of tfas Biobslisu A Ontario Navigation Cjmpany ars prsparing tbsir annual ttatemenl and report to be pre- sented to tbe shareholders on Ibs IV.hprox. It is stated that tbe statement will sbow a balance of some 1401 000 carried forward and a Isrgsr number ot paassngert carried tban for a grsal number ot ysars. By ths opening ot navigation all tbe steamers will bavs been thoroughly repaired and over- hauled, and tbe eiaterooios refnruinntu] and placed iu tbe same style as on tbs lludsou Rivsr steamers. Tbe boat will be fur tiiibed witb electric lights and will be turned out in flrst-o'sss order. r. lui I hrlr0.. ""I t.'atsae !! h, d. (Coo'.ij'. ( Norwich. Couu i Weekly.) " If tbsre wsre any gentleman in thie car," exolaimed a natty little woman with black eye* and of lady-like appearance, in a itreel oar ibe other day, tbey would not alljw tbie bruts of a drunkard to annoy me. I'd like to bi bis wife for half au bonr, I'd drsus him down 1 " Oowsd by hsr juiltfiabU angsr, tbs gen- teel, well-dieased debauchee went out upon tbe platform. Toe little lady quickly sprang to the d x>r, braced herself againel it, and cried out, '-Now come in if you oau I " Aud be did not come in. Tbe habit of independence tbould be cul- tivated whenever poeeible, and exercised whenever necessary for tbs mtiatsnanos of personal rights. It require* a deal of pluck {or a woman lo do this, but il pays every lime. We were forcibly impressed with this fact by a conversation bad last week with Mrs. B. A. Olark, of KM! Oranby, Coon. Many a woman, punned by a revengeful foe, will appreciate what shs says. For ovsr ten year*, on svsry pouible occasion, aud obiefly wbsn ehs was ISMI oo bsr guard, a myatsrions sosmy mads covert Msaulie upon bar. An opsn fos, she says, sbs could meet ; but ao ambushed enemy wai horribly BXM- perating. Bbe called to her -aid the w.tost and moel diiorsel friends sbs bad. Bbs Bxpended all tbs money ens could tpars to detect and disarm him. Bui sbs could not succeed aud WM worried to distraction. A d .lighter residing io Iowa WM ssnl for to ojmfart bsr in her anxiety. When she learned what her mjtberhad suffered, i.h true Wester u pluck, shs told bsr that the must take oourags, do as she tjld her, aud he would triumph ovsr bsr fos. For Uu long year* ebe had been annoyed, and at lait backache, bsadaobe, irritability, tpiual wsaknsss, hot bsad, cold bands and feel told her that the efljcl was getting fatal. Her health and spirits flually broke down under the strain, and in 1475 sbs suffered unutterable torturer. for several months from iLilitu mation of the bl wider. In 1678. renal taemorrbags and gravel, with frtquent attack* <>f chills and fever, overcame her. Her Bufferings, shs says, surpussd detorip lion, i'.ually her stomach re.'u.ed all solid food, aud for a mouta ab* lived on a teaoup- ful of milk three times a day. Nervou* prottratun et-1-ied. Bleep wa* impossible. Walking WM out o'. the question, and in Itspatr ol rslief, tbe look tu her bsdsxpeot ng to die. Bne tried every reputable aonool ot pbyi.oisnt, who agreed that *b* lad a ooxiblualiou of desperate diseases common to women in middle life. While treating one tbe otben grew worse. BIX weeks from the tims she look her laughter's advioe and dismissed bsr expen- aive and ueelees professional attendants, ibs renamed her place al the table, and rou that day to this bas been io Duod aud satiafMtory beallb, which sbs atlrl- bntee entirely to tbe u*e of Warner's safe oun. All btr ailmtnt* wsn oauaed by naetion of tbe kidneys and a poitoned tats of the blood produced by that inaction. This WM her secret enemy. " II I were riob,' sbe exolaimed to tbe eporter, " I would give that preparation to svery suffering wornae, for I am otrtain rom my own bitter expsrisnos thai nnal lisordsn and poisoned blood ars Ibs source of tbe many couetitutional complaints to wbiob womsn ars eubj ot " Mrs. Clark it a vsry Mlimabls lady, woo to be congratulated on having so effectually routed an sosmy whiob for so many yean implacably and p.tilsssly pur- sued her. If otaer ladiee would lake the same course tbey would not be snbjaol to hue atorel foes. Biiake-ekius are now extensively used in the IT-, i j I.,M of purse*., diary-o >vers, and tbo like. Album* aud sorap-boik* are al*o made of snake-ikiu.and sometimes slipper* and eveu suoe*. M.r io aejaiarw u. Tbs ftrsl and only augsr ever manu 'aolured thai will bore a squart bols Uuow u Ibs shops of tbs Cleveland Maobins Company. This aogsr b >ree a two-mob tquars bolt, the siss nasd in ordinary frame buildings aud barne. but tbsy can b* mad* on tbs sams principle to bore iquare hols* of any me. Its application u ordinary and works on tbs same priooipls as round- hols aogsrt. Its snd,ioBt*ad of bavlogaeersw or bit, bit a cam motion, wbiob oeoillaue a cutter mounted oo a steel rocking-knifs which outs on both sidss. In order to prevent tbs splintering ot ths wood the snds ol tb* cutter ar* provided witb tmall temi circular shaped saws, which help lo cutting out perfectly tqnare corners. Il n estimated thai ibis nsw prooese will save ths labor ol three men who work with chisels, M one man can ooovsuisntly out i iwo-uoh mortice in the same length ol lime be can bore a round hi I i. Tbe inven tioo is the work ot a Wooeter man, who ha givsn tbs subject years of pAtisnl thought Cltviland Herald. sal . CUAJTII I. " 1 was taken il'k a year ago With bill ui ferer." " My doctor pronounced m* eursd, but I ot sick aga o, with terrible piius in my ' Aok and side*, and I got so b*>l I Could not movs I I shrunk I From -'.!> Ibi. to 120 1 I bad been doc- ouug for iny liver, but il did me oo good. did not expect to live more than three lontbs. I began tJ nee Bop Bitter* Erectly my appetite returned, my paint eft me, my entire system seemed renewed s it by msgia, aud after using several jttlee. I am not only as sound M a sovereign, but weigh more than I did be- ore. To Hop Bitten I owe my life." B. FITZTATBIOX. Dublin, Jum 6, '91. OBATTUU. sftld.0. tfaas FSD 1 IdKX Oeotlemeo- I eoffend with alUMks c f nak besdaabe." Neuralgia, f*mals troubls. for yean In b* moet terrible and exirncitting mannsr. No msdioins or doctor could give m* relief or eun, until I used Hop Bitters, " Tbs ft nl boltls " Nearly cured me . " Tbe seoood made me as wsll and strong as whsn a child, " And I have been so to toil day." My bus band WAS an invalid for twenty earn with a Mrions " Kidney, liver and urinary ooipUinl, " Pronounced by Bitton't best pbyai- aiaos " Incurable " Seven bottlct of your Bitten cored him aud I know of ths " LIVM of sigbl persons " In my neighborhood that have been saved iy your bitten, And many more are using them with rest bent fit. " Tbey almost DJ miracle* 7" Jin. A'. U. SUuk. How TO DKT BK-E -Kipuw voaraelf day anJ ujui, el luu much withuut *>*rcl>*. work too iar\l without rest . doctor all theilnj*. tat* all tie Vila uueuuiu. SAlvvr.taol, aud tbeu yuu will waul to kuow Juiw (o gtt iftll which U answered i three word* Take Hop Miters I usr None gsnuiue without a buneb of green lops ou tbe white label, r-bnn all tb* vile, MUouout atuff with -Uup"or "Hope" la then II. nr Ir. ,!,..,. Wa iy hundred rscomm*ndatioos timilar in ebaraeter to tbs ons given beloir hsvs been received, and give proof of the grea value ot Poison's M Barium as a pain remedy. Try it. ATBOL, Feb. 80 b. We hereby certify that we bave used Nervilme mowr families and have found il a moat relubl* reined for cramps in ths stomach, also for bsad ache, and externally for rbsnmatie pains No houM should be without this invaluabl rsmedy. LckS Cci.i, KLIHIU Coui, J. P. Pbilogrspby U ths science ot detrctio character by a stuly of tbs hair. Here i tbs formula: Thick hair indicates temper ooarss, obstinsoy ; fins, fligbtlnsss; curly brilliant, but suptrfleial nature; brittlini a bard heart. No lady need be without Mrs. Pink ham's Vegetable C>mpiuud beeauee the is far distant from drug stores. Tbe propri* tors send it postage paid by mail (rom Lynn, Mts*., la ths form of loseuges or pills ; piio), II per box, or six for 16 Bend for tbs " Ojids to Health," wbiob gIVtS full particulars Hew I* Orl "> ' Mamma-Johnny, will you pleass brio in a bod ot coal T Johnny In a minute. Mamma Come, Johnny, dear, I'm in I hurry to gt i spa's U| p ,r. Johnny Iu a minute. , The Old Mao John I / Tbe coal is there in ttven seconds. Repetition ie sometimes tbt only way to mpres* a truth upon ths mind. Aciord uidy take notice that Dr. Pierce'* Pleasant Purgative Pellets," ( ibs original .ml* Liver Pill-) con tune tube wonder nlly effective in oases of sick and tisrvoui leadaobe, constipation, iudigMtion, rueb of blood to tbe head, cold extremities, and of all ailment! ariaiug from ots-.ruoti ju of lo* odily functions. Tn*ir action it tborongb *t gentle, and tbe ingredient* Owing en irely vegetable, they can bs taken with mpunity into tbs most dslicstt stomieb. ill druggisti. In Madagascar oo ons could read sixty ears ago, but now there are nearly 800,000 >n tbs island wbo bavs som* part ot tb* Bible aod read It, A I r rial. It. n r r < .ra. Thil Is tbs universal testimony and sx iresusd by sveryons wbo bas used PUT MAM i u EXTSACTOB Thousand* In Canada lavs used u witb gratifying molts and il ou will take ths trouble to ask any drag- list bs will givs yon tbs name* of many isrsoni of your acquaintance wbo bsvf teen radically cured of the wont kind ol oorne. Sold everywhere. Baft, tnre. pain- sss, and vegetable in composition. Try it. It ns vsr fails. Take no substitute). Many if them ars positively dangerous, U*s :'utntm t Corn Extractor. Ths Nova Scotia Legislators is sum moued to meal on February U.b. OM Intrlt nirlt i.rr* of ths urethra, speedily and permanently cured by our improved methods. Pamphlet references and term*, two three orm stampt World'* Dupsoaery Medical Assnnitimn 668 Main street. Buffalo, N. T. Tbs Msw York Timu 1s reepontibl* for tbi* "imarl boy:" A minieter forgot tc Lake bis sermon with him to church, and bis wife, dlteovsring Ibs mistake, seal il to aim in charge d a tmall boy, wbo WM to receive ten cents for tb* job Presently be returned for ths money. " Too delivers th* urmon, did you? ' sbs Mked. "No mum, 1 be replied. " I jest guv II to him bs's a dslivsrio' ot It himself." Wbsn everything tlss failt, Dr. Sace'i Catarrh Ktmtdy ouret. . A rather venerable lady, wbo, however claimed to be a countess, married a man ho did not belong lo tbe nobility. " How did tbt corns to marry him T Shs has a tills aod bs hM none,' remarked ons gentleman to another. " I don't know for certain, bat I eipeo tbt preferred to bsvt a husband without a ntle, tban to bavs a titls without a hut band." A osw* it now being made which it in two parts, tbs upper dengue to remain permanently D P>n tbe tool wbere it will IM! for an indt Dulls time, M no wear comes upon it . tbs otbsr, tha which contains the corks, and which I joined 1 1 ths upper In an ingtnions manner Tbs lower halves of tbs ihjce are inter changeable sharp corks for ley wsstb* aod dull one* for heavy draught boras*, o tbsy may b* removed entirely at eight t prevent injury to tbe animal while in tb stall. Tbs following givM tbe attendant al th leading colleges in ths But**: Harvard 1668*; Columbia, 1,468; Obsrlio, 1 4.vs Miohinio. 1,271; Yal-, 1.080; Teebnology 679; Cornell, 639; Prino-tou, 80S ; D.rt mouth, 401 1 Vermont, 316 ; Aoib*r*t, BS4 Lehigb, 807 ; John Hopkins, 373 ; Wtl liame, 233 ; Brown. 148. Long ecru glovet tre aa fttbionablt M ever. They are worn wi'.li while, blaokaii' oolort. I B.T i |..-iil> rui.i'.lj ' r the al*, ,. ..<. bt Ms t>i.u <-f (>- o? l', <>r*t hi'i-l f t>fi, T. A, ki.Uv.UAt. IU l-Miial.. New T i-YDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOU5D .-. -ISA POSITIVE CURF. * . F* all r ia**w l-.laiul i o-,.|.loi. s W*sraen ae *>>* i. r kaw* e * * * i r >n i i l-ul-i l.A I l.i>. , ,' IT WILL i i-aa zurnuTLT TWV. WOWIT row* er ALB OowrLAiMT*. AU. OVABLAM TWUC AMI ATloM AMD I'U-VmATtnM. PALJ-LMa AJTSJ LAcBjmrn, AMD TUI ouNvcyrTOT HFINAJ. VJ BBS, AMD r* rerri. i L.AIU i AUATTIB ve .'SAVel OF LXFB. ****** IT WILL DIMOLVS AMD SinL Tl'BOBS 1 JL* BAU T *TA*K or I>BTSLrIirr VT<'AVirH>l Ul'MOk* TUBJLIU IHT (TSKIIILV BT IT* IBS. e * W * IT BIBOVE* r'AixTiBea, PUATTLITH- T. u riuii>,. r- :TIILAVT*. AMOUA-IJITE* W l*or Til>r,,A, a IT t-faia Hi A, III. NlKVur* 1'lt' -TaATI'iM. iiEMIBAL 1'BBJ UiruAAioM AXU l*uuiurio e * s TitATrmEUNonr IUIAKIXU I)OWM, ramow) WII..HT AMU llAi S.A, III. I* AL Wii'.sr AMU UAI-KAIIII, u AIWAI. ruui AjiunstT I UBMBT IT* r>S ****S*s1 IT WILL AT AU. Tina* AMU I'M I. la All IIBI IBS OTAMll* ACT IIAI10' M Wmi TUB LAW* SS VOVBJU TUB rtSALA >T*TI e * e * e*In rfkriMi i MiLELT roBTnLsun i isu ur IHKA-*E AND Tin RJCUILF ur rAts, JBBT THAT IT HUB* ALL IT CLAIM* TU I"'. TUUtMIAJLM *S> _AMII IA OI-AHLV tt-Tiri -fc e * e * Kus TMI in-ms ur KIUMKT CounAum at Ll IIIUI *BX TUI* BJHIUT U I MIlHrAaaBO. I.YI'IA K. I-IMHAM1 VEilCTAJUt OiMrVTSl) aj al Lraa. Haw. hTw (0. Ms bulUc. fur fa, r^iwuta. SrMbriaau.i.^^r.tMJ.Iaforai of Illli ur U a.e oa rarrlpt o( prle> a. alxn. ttr*. l-mkliAin'. --<,ull lo 8**Kk >> will b. awilxl fret te eat/ .^.. ramt-T dwild b. mlih.M I.TT'IA r riVmHAM lAr.H I II.IA Th.y rr < -.luiiiai- n BUIOMava* *aw) Kriidnr ol *> Ur *},-.,.-. i- r I- . . , i. 1. 1,. T J NEVER BE WITHOUT COOK'S BEST FRIEND SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. J. WINCKLER I'ATENT SELF-VENTING PCMF FAUCET TbeilmpleetaadbevtlDlbemtrk**. PrteeaM Addreea Bacbton etreet eooth nsssllBSsi 30 DAYS 9 TRIAL I'LTj-TIU) VOLTAIC BW.T an.1 ' " I At-n !>> arr *rnl uB ' l>ry*' Til MKN ONLY, TOt'SO OR >I I 1 . l -^ ar* mffpw ln fn>m trsBVon Iwaimt. L-T VrraLrn. WAHTIW WrAn.mia. and all ibo* ,!Hnief a )> AL N.iram, rvaultlii*- iruin Ant-wa anal c>mn Cti-awA. rly r' n ' f r '' j'n'P'' 1 * r.-*ti,rafl,,n u> P*M.TM V<H,a an.l .M>- ui-NT<rr. Bind ml vuo* fur UluireM* Voltaio Belt Co., Marshall. Mich. 'S SEEDS an THE BEST Illu-irtnti I ti il.'.ti. fur FIELD, OABDEN A FLOWER SEEDS j EYE, EAR AUD THWA1. DB. O. B. BTBRSON.L.B.O.P. B. LSSIBJSI on th* Rye. Bar and Thrr at Trinity Madleal Onllaca, Torcoto. OesIlM and Anntl to th* Torootii (leueral Boepltal, le,M Ollnleal Aaalrianl Hoval Lontlon Opbtbalb Ie Boaplkal. Mooreflald'i aod Centrml Lorxi. n Taroal and Har Hoepital. IIT Uboroh Irsret a. Toronto, arllneial Hnruaa Ive* R. U. AWARE THAT Lortllard'a Climar Ping brarlni Rrr.ltlt I v <l loflllwSM N i\ I I lap ! Hi. tnt MI>. !.* K to eaoi-r a |.u.-i- SB uaaatiua or Hi^neeiian ' n msuablr * u>* HfHMi KH IAN POBIHVHs) CUlXki "*ro Miet] Wreolar. tree

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