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Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1885, p. 8

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Artemesia Warehouse I A full stock of (ieiirral Ooods DOW on hand, consisting c.f Dry 4iOods Kurd- ware. Crockery, Urorrries, Provisions. &c.for sale cheap for Cash or coun- try I'ruJuce. Cash Faia lor of . :.,n. "VVM. HOGGS- STATION P.O., Oxr. My SAW MILL at Little Falls is in fall operatic-it. Particular attention given to i '.1st. 'in work. Customers caii hare Lumber or Shingles out out of their own stuff for re- turu load*. All kinds of Saw Lous bought. \VM. HOGG. HEARD'S Waggons, Manufac'tured at Fleslier- ton, are the Cheapest, as nothing but good wood Is used in them. They are strongly ironed, runs easy nod well I'aintod r'aruiur* and others wanting the Cheapest and Heat Waggon will do wvll to examine tba ma- terial carefully. HKAUO'S \Vagijouo are warranted for 3 yuars, and sold at very low price*. No Freight to pay. Kunuiug Gear, Box, Spring Boat, Neckyoke and Whiffletrooii ........................................ 075.00 for cash .............................. 06.UU Manufacturer of liuggies. Democrats, Waggons, Cutters. Slelghi, Iron Harrows, and Agent for flow.. JOHN H, HEARD, Fleshertcn. "" FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF T::,::, Sin-li us Monuments, Toml) Tables, Hcadstonei) < unit. T and Tublt- Tops in Aiiu.-ric'an and Italian Marble au.l (inniiU, ami made on short notice. Al><> Mantli's in Marble anil M:irblei/.ed Slate, ic., Ac., An,'. 'M, IKK'J. , JJiliousneiS, i, Jiiutuliir, Afftftionatfthe Lie cr and Kidney*, Itlotclics, lifils, Humors, &ilt Jtheum, Scrofula. s, and all i/isfaacs arit>in>j from Impure Lload, Stumach, or irri'ij-tltir wtiun (f t.'n: GET YOUR Fall 4 Winter Clothing MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE Fbshsrton Tailor. HEALTH FOR ALL HO LLOV/AYS PILLS &OINTMENT THE TILLS I'urifv tbo Ulood, correct ull I'iM.'-der. of tl Stomnoli, l from Payt 5. under any monarchy whatever. It is TOK THK COMPLEXION, For Piaplti, K3**A new Organ, t*5 licli tone, fin Blotches. Tan. rod all itebiiiK tumors oJ the fi,,;,,!, s i x f eet ],j, rU( niiestorw.3 svtl ' also a fact that these very men huve giv- en its existence to the great American Republic. Thev worshipped God before whom all men arc equal. A striking ill ustrution here wo rind in the words of the only outspoken infidel officer of any prominence over the hosts of tbe I'nitcd Colonies, Ethan Allen. The influence of Veneration in this republican people. proved iu one instance at least too strung even for him ; for when he demanded tlie surrender uf the British at Ticondoroga, "In the name of the (ireat Jehovah and ' of the American Congress." When the people of Israel, desiring to be in thu fas- hion, asked for a king, the Lordaaid> Samuel, " They have rejectad me that I should not reign over them." Where men have forgotten to worship the Crea- tor, there a kin-,', a pj>e, a priest, the image > t M. Geonie slaying the dragon, or even of the Uerniuu Wer king, (iani- brinus, with the l>ack gate for support, may, become the object of Veneration. Some of the liest men in the United States believe that the greatest danger which threatens tlie American republic is that of high treason against tho King of Kin;,'* in tlie way of materialistic unbe- lief. Abnormal action. As an example of the abnormal manifestation of this feel- ing so noble in its proper action, may be mentioned the case of Diana Waters, who for twenty years, went through the streets of Philadelphia exhorting cvt-ry one to repent and incessantly praying aloud, paying no attention to the mocking of the world. She prophesied continually the second advent of Christ and always within a week. Abnormal is certainly the action of this organ in those who pray the best when under the influence uf strong drink. I knew one who always when on a spree sought some one whom he considered a pioua person to pray for him and kin, use Fret. Low's Magic BuJphur K3*Extra good bargains are offer- cd by C. Trcadgold next door to Chyton's, Flcsherton in superior 1 . Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, for Cash, Wood, Hay, Butter, &c., and for good and cliiiu's repaired and taken as part pay mi in u . Candid and searching inBp-ct- luii invitt'd with n view to purchase to advantage. $100.000 to lend ou faun security at lowest rates of inter- est. Mortgages bought. A kind in- vitation is extended to all to deal f Jfcrfl with (iiaud Organ, Tit Wo and Buss coupla uddixl. A grtjibar- ^j,, offere j by <j. TRKADGOLU, Flosh- er t n. Farm for Sale. .nod Notes. Shuttles, Needles, m:r.N(i i.oi24. cuu.*. .irtumtiiu. ('<Hjntv > i\:i . ,.i,l ill I ^ ,I,.,.T \fo ** Out. This in a uHt dusiraliiv farm fur Oil supplied. Old hewing Ma- stook . M ^ BJU ., M thBre U nevr failing- si.rin- cs repaired and taken as part pay t'reek rum through the centre of DM tarn" Thero are 75 acres i-luarert ami 13 acres of Full rionuhiiiRdoiie. Aw'/ by lottor to .IAMKS H. Kuttenia P O., or on the -..rn.ii-.,. Jin. witli (.'. Fli'sherton. A FEW HINTS IOR THE OU Or Von. - To mart I W tow- rli gtntly. 3 to 4 Pilli; IhOTMghlt/, 4 la t fillt. Ezptnnce <cill dtadt Uu proper I/KM in tack COM. For Constipation, or GostlTcnsu, no rsmedy is so effectlre as Area's I'ILL*. They Insure regular dally action, and r*> store the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, AIKJa'* PILLS are Invaluable, and a sure cur*. II. ... i I, urn, Loss of Appetite, Fool Stomach, Flatulency, Dlnlness, Heevd- acfav, Numbneu, Nausea, aro ail relieved sod cured by A v til's PILLS. ' In Llircr Complaint, Bilious DUxnlrrs, snd Janndloa, Avca's I'M u should be flren In doses large enough to eiciw toe liter and bowels, and remore constipation. Asa cleanilug medicine in the Spring, Lbesw PILLS are unequalled. Worms, caused by a morbid condition ol the bowels, ate expelled by these PILLS. Eruptions, Skin HI sours, and Piles, the result of Indlgrstlon or CoustliwUou, an cared by the use of AVER'S PILLS. For Colds, take Area's PILLS to open the poref, remure Inflammatory Hcretlons, J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, KLKSHKUTO.N. - - ONT. Money to Loan. At f>'ij Per <Vtif. Intfrait 1.11 Stravilit /,<<. ^^^ TTT1TM Interi'Mt pat'l yearly, not in a<lvnncu No, V t.iiiiiiiiKKion charged. Apply t i A. UKIEK. TIIOKMtl RV. I SLAKD Stock Far?n. C rosso lie, Wayno Co., Mich. 6AVAUE Si FAKNUM, sod allay the ferer. with him. These are usually | For D |rrho and Dr^ter,, caused by old inebriates whose previous excesses { , a j.lou colds, Indigestible food, u u-., AVI-B'S have to a great extent destroyed the force j PILLS sr* the true remedy, of the organs in the hase uf the brain. Even thestimulatintfdoes not act on organs so destroyed : it ascends higher in such cases and find* the organ of Veneration still capable of some activity. The Phrenological assertion that the sentiment of Veneration is innate in the human mind, has l>oen much controvert- ed as erroneous. In this the re|x>rts of ti;i\e!lei> ale appealed to, who, ainoliu certain tnl* <. him- nut found or would not find any religious belief. We miuht M'l. nay, that tho combative l>rinriplu in nut innate I reunite there me rini.inU ; that AeijtiiKitivem-Ks (accumula- tion of property) is not innate localise tln-rc arc spendthrifts ; that therein no in- nate feelim: i f BeneTolenM IH-CSUSC tain tribes i a nnl.-iK ; or not innate Idea- lity (sense of 'leal l-eauty) Ixvaiuie many IHTHOIIS, perhiipn, whole iiiitimix. appear to ],.. ;iiitiii; in this faculty. Even the practical lo'jn i.f e..iiim<>n f>trch stands higher in tin- than the theoretical lan- guage of some would-be-philosophers. Doe* not the idea comprehended in the words Ood, piety, devotion, edification, etc., prove that reverence in innate. The proofs are so numerous we must be care- ful lest the trees prevent us seeing the forest. BboumatUm, Gout, Neuralgia, nod Sciatica, of ten result from digestive deranfe- ment, or colds, and disappear on reiuoTinf the cause by too as* of Aru's PILLS. Taiuors, Dropsy, Kidney CompbtlnU, and other disorder* caused by debility or obstruction, are cared by AvxR'l runt. Suppression, and Painful Mrnstrna- Uon, bare a saf* and ready rtmeily In AVER'S PILLS. Poll directions, ID Tarions langnafea, ao- eooipaDy each packsf*. FREPAKED BT Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,MlM. Sold by all Dracftats. Scienfifle American. .- ., . .'* h Wo. 1 a IMPORTED Percheron Horses. All stick elected from th pet of KITS and dnn of esiabtiihc'l rcp'JlaUon *nJ i*,;;:^rc*- iu tat Prune!) tuiJ .' inci.,.m tuJ U ~.ka. ISLAND HC:*1E Is beautifully tliualed at the heat) of (i:T l:t in tbe Detroit Id. IT. ten niilei bctow tho Cfcv. and is acceninle bi nilfo*d ami Mmmhoat. \ milcn D'I faaiilur mill the localir.n mi v rait M rtv office. $j Carouau Ruiidir. ', anil an cscoi t wiU accompanr them Kih? unii. : lofrae, fres by aaC. Ad'lren. SAVA-.I t: KAUN'U:!. I.cln l!_ M..L. YELLOW 01 1 CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. The most popular WKKKI.Y newnpaprrrteTO- ti.<l t.i ". ii-iict' i HIT huh it H.cnuiiiperiiii:. < I !>.<.. V<T IN. invniitioiiK ami pntent^ MT |iiillinhed. K.xerv ininiLer with i-|>l< ndi.l i-iiurav- lut OMBJI SflMeUrs large in the heads ln!. Thlniiiililiciitii.n (urnlahss*tpo*j|Tlbi ;.H.H'iiK of inf.. i million which no ofOberlin, tlie theologian, John Wesley. ,,,, ,, with ,,,, t T|1H ,,,,,(, Jonathan Edwards, Dr. Pussey, l)i -, u MTKI.- AMKHK-AN iasurh tliatiu efrculstion Chalmers, Luther, Mt-lancthon, and the euri-.- ,.,-imit. that -.( nearly all other I-SIUTI. of .. ii'-n i. ii j i Its claas coinuloed. IMce :t20a vear. I'nw-mnt Bmperor WUIUUkV Its small dcvel..|.e ,,, cinta Sol, I i, v all n*wwl..aliT. Ml'NS A- mi-lit may he wen in the flatness and <le- I ro.. l'ul)liBli.-i. No .>i Hn--liy. N. Y prcssion apparent in thu middle of the | tuji head of pinfane and irreverent per- sons that alxiund in crcry community in America. CO I'll P MI'NN * CO. J have nl<i lia-l Ve Thirty Seven -Years pract- ana hi Are pleasant to take. Contain their own I* a sals, sore, and rffrciaml fire-ram* In CbUdnuor A :*W* .00 I ,. In-fiirii tlui 1'ntelit Ollu ,. Hii'l havu pri'parc'l nmrr than One HondredThnQ appUentlnnn for ]>nten> In the t'nlted A WISH COM LI HIOX. If you have vainly Mnte- nn-l forelan conntrleo. I av. t-. Trade ' Marks. ( i>i>vi ilit. \xii:nmul>. anil all oilier tnou many mnodiFx for rlicniuatuiu il will pkperiforMourltiRtoliiventontheli rii(hi In KiiKlnnd, France. lie a wise -- Yellow Oil. It when other nn .lieine fail. I' IIIMICIII to try cures all painful They Inviu irate an-1 ri>-.t<>re to h 'n!lli I), l.ilitate I CoiKtitnti- n nel n,e iiivnliial>ln in all Com- plaiutH iuciJontul i,, Kenml-.> of all .;.< >'.>r ( liiliin-n unil tnu xe-l tluiy me pilcniiisa. Tilt 1 OINTMENT 1< a:i infftllible mmody for Hml I,., lUrt Breast . Ol-l XV.IMI-!--. ^ot,-, ,UP I II, ,T C t''tt Itllil KhlUHIlfttltMl). Koi <U*<H(ii'C. tf till- ( u>' I It ha-, liu rtlim V TH/t()J'J. nii<).\ CH ITJS. COUGHS, COLD* <>lan<liilar Hwulliiixx, and all skin Diseases It lias no rival , ami fur eontracto<l nn.l stiff j.. nits it in-Ill like n einrni diseases A ' MOM- Htory" Tn His K<lilor uf The Ailnmrr. Sir, Mini that is horn of woman are iii sninll [ii't-itocH ; only n few in a hill ! Hut when they >; uniund to the teas-, col- lecting the f.uvs and nelliiit' tickeLs at 1111- mnal prices, -people in our neighlmrliood Uoiiig to tuas, taking throe or four tickets "vnerAlly ifet a reduction <if live cents at least, l>ut this Tjady Hank correxpondrnt wanted noineihini; i,, il<>. I'.ut when n .]..;. ture of thin kind promotes hiniRvlf to tho p'ntfonii to niiike tin; '."iris jf' a d, and it appears in tho shape of n, mourn; and the I'nltfd Stut'jf. <>imilii. . (tnrnlnny nml other for*4|tn ro.intrieM. projiared at fthnrt in .t iee and on niam>nalil terms. .nlorniation n- toobt*Juiiig'patentacb**rMly en without chftrnii. Flanil liook^ <f infnrnia- ni fiee Patent* obtained throneli Mnnn A- To art* noti.-. .1 III Id.. s,-i. ntiri,' Ainei loan freo Tlie ailvantail" "' ""eh notio* V" wvll iliidvrstaod !> all pursuit* w!io th tn Ji.|.oM. of tholr ]>nt- UlltK Addreax MfNN A '() Offlc Rcir.NTmo AM- KiiieAN. :tni Hruailway, Xuw York. Fuiianc the LISTS or "Fum Foi SALE- AND "FAIMS WAWTCD Inlhr DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL THP. M4M. luMbecarar Tke ltvrinli>-<l Medlsust for I iinn Ad- erllrnienl An4 OiejISSAtBMR of them IhM other CaaAIn |pr . >. hicd. ll k > n*en o I Ita nfkt cttm. Am-FRTISHMF.HTS o("Ftm. far Sl" and " ~ I'miiifiu-turud only nt I'rofonsur HOI.I.HWAT'S KKtal>liliin<int. T, Krw Oxfonl Htr'-r ( intc .VW. Oxford Street ). London. n ii arc sold at Is. iyi., !f. Od., 4s. M.. 1|F.,I3<. an<l H:I. i.,-h llox or I'ot. and may bo had of all Mcdi i iii<. \emliii* Uuunghont the World. nriund, upsetting the pews and soe\.it-'-l over a mouse story tlmt tin 1 Indies in jil.n-e of liein-; t,'lud, in:illin;' linn down on hi* knees on tbt platform U""''"* hil " "" !l '"'V 1 W' 1 ' 1 ,""-' , '""t'' tin- poor ere.-itun- looked so furxakcn tliat tlu^ conaix'it.ition did not. know \vhethcr to ifivi 1 him ,'i checrornot, but evt-iitunllv, out of pity, u,ivi> him a little one to sus- tain hix drooping spirits. A STIIANOKK. . n,,lr<l." "Snx*".* "SrtSlc"Ot"Wnte<t~lr' u I I n V MAII..Xi'<-"p<<l<.ck lnci. :* H 'y rrmrr pet word fof 4M tMsrrtt.iiH. uf In THK DAIL^ MAIL M twin* f **tftmi pet fotA Kh InMitlm. A<Unv THE MAIL Tmvttit.Cmfdo. ~ EUGENIA Grist Mill, I Strrfl, /.'iinliiii. thry HIV A Dot in.i: I'fiii'esr. -The popular retneJ.T, ll.iK\ni.| .s Vrllow Ull, is iixcil iutornally and externally, for itclics, pains, colds, croup, rheumtttim, dnsfnesK ftuO distasei cf mi iiitlanimatory UAturr. I:il. riia'iori.-il :in<l folnnlal Ex- EfMOMM. Antwerp in I ttM.1- London in ISH IT Is tin- intontinn to hnvn a Canadian rnjiro- iitioll lit. tlie IVTFIlNATtnNAI. KxlllllITlnv at Antwt-i-i'. riiniiiuinoiiiK ill May, 1HH6. and alao | at tlie CoiA'MAi. and IKIUAN KxmiinioN in! I .-Ml. loll ill IS-*''. Tim (ioveriiinent will dr-frnvthe rnntof freiKht in conveying Onarllfui KxhiliitH to Antwerp, and from Anr \\- 1 1 to London, and uUo-.f n-t uri> ini; tin-in to Ciiniiila la thuuvuiit of thulr not lie-UK Hold. All Exhibit* for Antwri> hlioulil li ready for hipmeiit not. later than tnullrnt wuuk in March next. Tli.-se Ilxlilliltloii". It lii licllf id. will afford favornlilu o|>}>it.i'iiit> for nmkinfc known the > natural cnualulitii-H, au.l inanufaftuiiiii: ajlil , in.liisti iitl uro-grvss of tbo Doininion. i 'ire-ilars and fonns contalnlnK more part ten | lr Infornmtlon may lie nlitaiiind l>y letter l|>ot froo) nddrt-HKud to the Dc-partinunt of A^iienU lire, Ottawa. Ily onlor, JOHN unvi-:. Beoy.. Dout. of . \ilc. Dopartiiuint of AKrloalture, i Ottawa. December lOtli, 1WI. i" Haviug mmle exteiimve nupniTriiipntu In iii.x (ii iL Mill, I am nn-fi.l. nl I run ^iTegoud iat|sfaetion. '/VAV; iHfXK A\}' DAT. (i I l-'-'nir nlwuvH on l.f-n.l. Castom Dills filled |.|l !'|.e -lloll " a 1 l -'"' "*. .M ||. ' " |,I,I>|- Cash Paid for WHEAT & QMS, IW. AKITT, EUGENIA

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