he's t dainty IIUlo in .1,1, n W it ti artistic K' Ik irn. Qvtt* swaro uf bar .Iti.ciloui nd re ksjrsMMI bu i>ra<ls with uttMit(lou All Lsr Var (ilucm ii With ft remnjueeni fUvuriuc if culture tin! of " With SU((S)StlOlll hi tb ISllOD. Him cu scalu ihe miry When the usuicoudemsl fa mules to fay dls- ur.ar dixki, . , Wall a laugu->r rue and queenly hli* cu voyage uiont teie-iely TbriAf L the luijr n.Lniiistiou if Uio mart; sad remote. Bbe can read tbe rooky pifti Of the gfejlugio tee \Vhn I lie uiLibt} uioguberiutu was slMploi. lu ill lair: M Itb fsatu re bright ml .111 1 1 tug MlB Ig ofleu liiUBC tM*;ullli>ff; Wttfe medieval Bairti>es uf kukght and "Itdr* lair." Bb* ii often entertaining When uioe luarnsdly >X|>'slnlim Uowtris |,lilloM>phie .y.l^ iu * measure ell* Stye*. Klin It potted In qu,|rliM Ami tliu tilgber UJUJUIAUO. ABA*. emu -sk you l^r ubu Uu t .or la the Uncials of " Parse." Bbs's en *dutalsd daly, And oonlcl run a fsl uw eruy WMb Hock of li.fjtuatluD KM nuiuaruai to Mi broacbt wy from eolleff* Bueb iiuujeMunom kaowlcdji* Of UM correlated uisuibsrs of Ibt wuiuiuf uai Btl-l. I bop* thli fsntlv tnsldeo, Wlih tuch eruaitloa laden Ailed with ublloeopben to ' Yst roav mantis Io dlsoovsr feVjmstbiog wortny lu a luvsr aUllstsiil nyou the making of s lasrobtstibls FARM AND GARDEN. l ru. iketl < -u t>. utflre) WIU I- r. I ~ i Ik* I- I. r.14 . lOouiplM by a Prutleal AirtcalturUij lor r I llS llr r This ii tbs very time wben egg* are worth th* most, wben ben* want to lay as much or mor* than thay do at any other time, and when they ars not allowed to do so by most poultry keepers. Folk* think there i* a great m>*try about making b*us lay in winter. Tbere is none ; auvbody can do il , tbat is, tb* hems will lay il you let them. Tbey bear a ood deal of cold iu the *oii -bine, and even fr*c their combs and to**, aud yst will not stop laying alto g*lb*r if they sleep warm. Now, do not begin to plan astiinK up a ttcve In tbs ben house, or introdnoing steam pipe* Artificial beat is not poisonou*, perbapi, but very nearly ao to oniokeue. They are warm tbemielvse, and ueei only to be crowded on their rooeu, with the roosts all on on* level. The oeiliug of the roosting room should b* only a fsw feet above ib* fowl's bead*, and pro- vided witb vsnlilstioo from the floor if possible. Oiv* tbem very oloee quarters, wilb no draft* of cold air, and olesn out under tb* roost* every morning, not*xc<p> tng Huodays. Tb* oomb* will then reduoo up, and tgi{* will be plenty on leie feed than usual. Ii must not b* ojru, bo ever, or only a smsll percentage ot it, for Ibis will make them too tal to lay well if they sleep warm. A capital way to arrange a benbous* for winter is to maks a o*iling ot rails about six lest above tbe floor, covering tbe rails with salt bay, or coarse swamp Lay ol any kind. Toe rooeta about 1 bs about ibree feet high above tbe floor, a id movable, so tbal they may kept perfectly olean. For umall flocks ol SO to fX) bi in, u it little trouble to take tbe roosts down svsry morning, wbeu the flojr is cleaned, and n p so* them at uigbl. It remove* from las* fowl* tb* Umptation to ait in idleness on tin roost for halt tbe day araarelF ir < i ibblug li.i.r. Tb* babit of cribbing it oonaidared by ibe best modsrn authorities a symptom of tud'g-siiou or a diseased condition of tbe ttomaob. Horse* addicted to tbls vie* are generally thin in ttMb, but this condition i* probably th* mult of tbe disordered state of tbs digestive organi rather than to ths sot ot grasping and pressing npon th* manger or aom* oilier object with the teeth. A boras in which tbitoabit buloDg ziited can readily be rtognisad by th wore and roonded sppearauoj ot the edits cl his front teeth, also by tbs snlargad appearano* ot the uu-cles wbiob depress ths jw. Tbe habit can be prevented ID several wsy*. but it liable to reiuru again whss the prevention oonditioni art removed. By taking away tb* mangir aud feeding from tb* ground th* aaimal wit have notbiug to net hi* teeth npon, b*no* ID a rule oaonot gratify hi* propensity In this direction, except in iim* vary obtii oat* eases, when they will Mis* ons ot their bun* and use thai for cribbing purpot** By nailing a strip of sheep- ikio about *i|(b tnebss in width Ib* entire lengtb o! the arib, **l*ouog a akin oovered with long areol and ipriokling it f re*ly witb cayenne pepper, renewing II oooasioDslly , the worst ra-iber can b* persuaded to dssiat Irom bis habit. CeitiMfev. lalf of the world, yee.two Ihirdi, or eves ell of it net etigsgtd in bu-bmdry. look upon tb* msjirity ol tbees thing* as loxnrieo. Tbe larmer wbo gruoiblee at snob a lot in ifeoauuot epp-eoiate a good living. How many thousand villagers are there sll over 'Leouutry wbo would gladly exchange with b>m? Farmers, w* admit, ar* often short of monty ; yst tb* ui.jiritv of tbem bav* plenty tbat will bring money, and all bo have ball ibe energy aud thrift ueoes- sry to ABake a living in a, village or city lav* a bom* well supplied wiin comfort* .ml livo on tbs fat o! the laud. Rocky LTtnuitain Htultaiulman. Oe el Nmtmtt'* Barrels. Peter Henderson, in illustrating how itt!e ihe gralt it influenced by tbe stool, ia>s tbat if w* Ua** a graft from tb* louresl erab apple, and iuseit il in a >rauob of ihoiwoet-Bi apple tree we csu lud, tb* shoot which grows from ths crab grail will ever remain a crab, in no wsy affdoted by the sweet apple stook on which il iigrowing. The result will b* th* aame f toe operation is reversed, witb tbe *w*tt apple grafttd ou the sour ; kbemdividuali.y wnl nut be changed. 0;, you may lak* a young seedling appl* Ire*, graft another uto it, aud than another into tbe last growth aud so on with many inooessiv* gratis, rubbing off all Ib* ihoot* that start ftslow, the lasi (raft will bold it* identity unchanged. Or, you may sat a hundred finds of rosee iuto a bah wbiah hat a Hundred branches, ot all different oolore, form* and odors, K tab will bold its owu obsraoier for ojlor, f orm and fragrance, b* ilorimcon, white, p ink or yellow, doabl* or siogl*, or of Mi or other odor. lir Oeorge Bimpaoo, an English dairy- man, eay* be ha* found, to hie eo*t, tbat U>e ordinary practice of drying oootionooa' milker* giving from twelve to lixteeo qaart* daily do** not aiiHWer at all loitead ot atumptlng to dry oo wi (iving large quantities of milk, be now find* it better w torn them in a loom box and feed on oat ttraw. By this m*n* tb* flow of milk ii reduced, and gradually they dry tbmw.lvei off, without any evil etfooU following- The prMtiosofinddaoly oiieok ins the flow of milk of (food milkertbytie rdmary method ban rscnlttd, in biioaes, in three of Li i cow* slipping their olven witbin focty-e>gbl boar* at Mr th*dr>ioK prooee* bad be>tun. It hai been observed that, where it ha* been attempted to dry large mllkar* euddenly, tb* uterut aud breast became ufltmed. Dairymen will fiud it blgbly important to pay particular attention to tbeir oows, e*peoially those of tbe Guernsey and Jureey breeds, wbiob are gceat milkers. I H.UI I,. I iinp|>r<ilKlfH. A farmer u very apt to regard bit bin* of grain, root-bonne storee of vegetables, hi* nice porkers, aud bii ft us fl>ok of obioktua, duok*. geese and turkeys, bis daily gather- ing of sgg*< bis tiioa butmr, milk, riob cream, and other such artioUs sw b* pro- daoss, as tb* necessities ot Uf*. Batons- Mr. W. 1). Kerfoot, man*g" ' th* British Amsneau Kaucb Company, states tnal Ib* sbsep recently brouvbt iu by hi* oimpany, numbering some 8000, have ill don* well *o far. Tb* rtoint cold weather bad epptrsolly no disastrous tffict, tbs only loss being among a f*w ol tb* let* dropped lamb*. Kicepl witb tb* bo*pital cheep, It has Dot been found Bionsary to giv* them any feed beyond wbal tbey bav* rusllsd lor thsmaalvti. Tbsy are corralled every night and save tbi* tbey bav* not required muob attention. Calgary (N. W.T) Country OentLewmn : " We bavs often rouKly objected to planting orobards to large tbat they could uot receive the bent culture and attention. A vast quantity of small and poor fruit is not so p on table as smaller amount ot tbe best quality which will **ll atbigb prices. Mj jr ilrook. ayi tbat one ol hi* u*i||bOors luteod* to cut down half hi* big orchard, and bestjw all the manure he bas to *pare on tbe re- mainder. To enrioh orchard*, h* advite* ploughing uudor oljvsr and rys, and iplviog muck. aab*s, lims, salt, oommsr- oial ler tiliKert aud stable iuuure. ' H*w i I*IUIA< . A eorreepoident of the Country GenUe mas writes : " Prune for a low aud stout Krowth of Ire*. Frail tr*es should b* pruned downward mors than upward Potatoes, cabbage, or low eropi requiring manuring, ar* beet for ao orchard. Uettei still if nothing i-l-e is grown on th* land than tbe tress. Lei tb* land b* ke| t well mulched with tome c tars* litter, aud tbe oil will remain mellow luougb lor the Ire* roots to nod a living. It wers well to plant a Variety ol kind* on th* same land, aud email together, sod keep th* soil wel manured. But spare th* *A and am v*th* Irs*." Kikuliai, al II, . .HI-. Hard work pays larg* dividsnds on tb* farm. Il i* cruelty to clip horse* uses' in slow work. Hone- radish demaodi a deep, mallow and rich soil, made flu* by thorough sue petfeot tillage. Il do** well on bl%ok muck if Ib* latter it well drained aud free from lump*. Tu* globules in Jersey milk are exceed icgly uuifurui, tbne rsuderlog churning a impl* matter. Tbere u economy in hav log cows for a butter dairy tb* fat globul** in whose milk ar* a* nearly a* possible o uniform eiii. Tbe pitch pine. Hootch pine, Norway pin* aud Norway eproo), hemlock, black sprue*, whit* spruce and American larch all make etoellant wind-breaks. Th larch is a eooifsroui trie and a rapid grower, though it i* col ao evergreen. Hew le pseeik. Those wbo hsv* won their spun on the ft >ld ot oratory are often asked to advise youog men anxioni to beooui* publn speakers. John B. Oragb, ous ol the mo*t brilliant xamplea cf th* natural orator, ha* b*en pressed again and again to reveal tb worst of hie all. Hi* reply, w* believe. U usually : " Baoret I Bless yoa ! I hsv* none to reveal. If s man ba* anything to say, why I* I him say it that's tbe only way 1 know to become a ip*ak*)r." Mr. Cough's advice U nol uulike tba given by Jot WalmsUy, a Yorkshire t*m p*ranoe lecturer, noted for hit hum ir an rough eloquence. A young gentleman ambitiona to shine upon tbe platform, once called upon Job, wilb Ibe uiual question. "Tba wants to be a public ipcyksr, doo ths, lad ? " laid Job, looking al ths young ster in aqoiuioal way. "An* tba think awm the ebap to pal tba up Io a wrinkl obonl il ? Tba's right, I am. "Now, harks tbal When tba rise* to m*k thy iptyob, bit taable an' < ppsn th; month. If nowl oomes, tak a top o' watt* an' hit taab!* again, and ojipeu iby mouth wider than afoor. " Then, U nowt comes, tak thyssn off and leave public spsykin' to suoh as me." Tbe oampbor laurel, a native of China and tbs tree from which mi *t ol th* cam pbor of oumiueioa i* obtaiued, setm* to have bssn iutrxluoed suooessfully into Californts, on* trse in Ssoramcnto hsvioi attained a height of thirty fs*t. The wood very part ot whiob smell* itrongly o camphor, is light and durable, nol liable to injury from insects, and muob favored b; cabinet maker*. A weddinf arranged to take plao* in Charleston, Md., a few, day sago, had to be temporarily posi poued, owing to tb* tbef of Ibs marriage lioeuse. Th* iuleiidec groom b d gone to Northeast, tbrs* mile* from bi* home, to gel tbe I cme and ba some wearing apparel. While returning h wae attacked, aud nol only hi* money was stolen, but also his wedding outfit, whij b* wore, and tbe maitiage lioeuss. NINK 10 It 1C VKAHSt ol-B. Wre> .1 " . l.n B A'Uamdlng Plr, Thsl I. IS) Hu.|>. r i I h..l AdA aud Kve '! He Alive mill. Dr. Ltvi K George ws* interviewed th* tber dsy oouoerulug tbe Moq ji ludiaut if naius, whom lie ruoeuliy vmntd. Bald : " 1 will describe the parlio jlar trib of , M quuj iu whioh I diicofersd tb* mosi euiarkable oaiss uf long III*. Tbey ar* a>lledlbu Wako) Lid oou-p'i-' "bmt 150 eupli, males aud females. O thsii Ibtre re only about seveuty ou> dr*j abjui xty middle aged persons, aud tb* re*t uel jle al least nfleeu osnMuariane. They o uoliolsrmioKls wita the roving bands savages, preferring a filed babllalioa ia it if little Village Io tbe valley of tb* Cueu- aka River, one ol the hundred* ot imall treauii tributary to tb* Colorado. Tuey well in stone bouses or hats, tngige lu agricultural pursuits to s limited extent ml eujiy maoy of the art* of oivilnttion. bey are, nevertheless, very secluded iu beir little punch-bowl of a valley. Our viait to Ibe place wan mad* about it weik* ago. The chief proved to be of i obliging disposition and abowad us all bout Ib* village. W* w*n f .llowed by a rowdof youog Wakoyas, and were pr*- aded by ths chief, while around us barked howled a number of dog, with which be village abounded . Alter proceeding a bort distauo* w* paused before tbe door f a low *ton* but, covered with a skin roof, b* cracks in tbe walls being filled with browu adobe. Our leader eu tared without otug through tbe ceremony ot knocking. Muikee ! Miinkee I' w* hoard him about peatsdly from witbiu. Bal Mu*k*e was v deully not at bom*, sod the chut oauje iok with a disappointed look ou bis dark AO*. W* m*l tbe obj Ml of oar tearoo about twenty yard* from bu door, and w*r* presented to him in ludian ashioD. U* appeeured to U'arvel at oar unsiptetsd sppesrano*. bat bi* astonish- meut was uotbiu^ compared to ours as ws s.:dslbls itrauge and onnatural form. IIM shoulder* and limb* were clothed witb loenkin robe*, aud bis face, wbiob seemed o b* bsrreu ol flesh, was covered with dry, wrinkled akiu;bl* tiugsrs wsr* silnmely ong, and bis palms snd wrists were witsersd and shrunken, wbil* bis whole body, whiob was much attenuated, waa mover until hie btok assumed tb* *bap* f a halt o r jle. I bad never Men snob a peoimen O f aged humanity before.' I) d you di.oover bis ig* ? ' inquired be interviewer. Oar Mcqui guide, wbo spake Englwb almoti perfectly, and whose veracity w* lad letted ou previous ooeaeiooe, told as, after making the ueoessary iiqjiry, that he man waa 176 year* old, and 1 hav* nol he slightest doubt, nor would any 011* bsv* alt.T seeiuu tbe aucient Wakoya. bal suoh w a* indeed bu *g*. After look- UK at us for some f*w moment*, dnnug wbiob b* reeled bis obiu beavi y upon tb* oog stsfl wbieb bs clutched with one ol us dned-tp bands, b* mumbled a few wordt in auewer to queotione put by tbe chief and our ml*rpr*ter, aud then, rai* ng bis bead sod trstebicg out bis lioubs, ua sbsmbled ufl towards bis but at a sulsr- ,bly umart pscs for a man 170 years oU. 11 Bui tbe greatest lurprtoe ws* v*t to ooms. We wsr* u . In-red iuto a rudely eon- etrnoted *tone buildiug of greater dimen- lone than tbose before viaited in tbe village. It wse almost dark inside, and tb* room was ill-im*lling *ud olo**, Wbeu our eyes bcosme auu^toned to tbe dim igbt w* saw askia clad fijur* kussliug in ou* ooruer of ihe room ai il eog*gd in ireakiug litlbl sucks of wood iuto small larfgol*. W* w*re told tbsl it was s woman whom the chit! bad brought u* to fee, snd tba; ibe bal not noticed our approach, beiog blind sad deaf. Tie obisl placed bis band oo her shoulder, and sb* slowly turned aroand. I could not ** quite plainly, and wa* atone* "truck wilb a feel- ing of repuleiveussa almost skin to th* Horror ons feels towards visions se*n iu a uighl'iiara wbsn bar hideout fae* and DUi.k, sunkbu eye* met my gaa*. Her lac* was of a greenish -ysllow ojlor, and whsl litllt there was lift ot fleib or skin clung to ber bone* a* though stuck thers by aom* adhesive oompcund. Il bore s paronsd, jewicsled appearance, like the outer flesh of a mummy. The lower jaw, which wa* devu I cf teeth, obtruded on-iderally beyond the aogl* of her sharp, hooked nose. Usrarm* appeared to b* slims; bare of any fleeby tissue, and tb* skin oovsring them was dry ibd h .rd. Bbs is 181 ysars old. This plsos* ber two yeare beyond th* reputed atie tf the pat t urea Isaac at Ibs tiuieof bis death, and tb* matt have first in tbs light in 1704, or seventy four yean before tbe eigniug of tbe Declaration ol Itidtpindenoe." bid you learn bsr nsms ?" Tbs peopl* ol th* village call ber Wat sums. 8b* has only on* living relative, a gresi grandson, wbo is 86 yean of age. ' How baa Ibi record of bsr yiar* been kept?' la tbs immemorial fashion ol this tribe bv punching small round holes in a piece of smoothly ihshed horn si tb* snd ot esob twelve-month. I *xpr****d a deem to s*e th* record of Wateumi'i sgs. Al Orel tba WM very backward about pro duoing il. bal flasJIy directed her yoang atteudau t in * elow, boane speech to go and bring II to her. which wa* don*, and ibeu, without allowing us to take u from bsr bony flngun, sbs held it op for iospso- lion. The 182 boles were counted by our wondering party, and tb* anoicnl relic was replaced in it* position in an inner reoesi io Ibi wall ol the hovel." Sun freiMiseo Chrmiclt. Tbe qoMlton whslher young women bail pursu* tb* same Una ol etndi** a* their brolbere stems to find it t obiel objec- tion lu their different physios,! constitution. Arguments on this subjsol are finely hml don bcla sides; but Ihe pei leal adap tatiou ot Mn. Piukbam'i Vegetable O >m pound to tb* our* ol ailments attending the feiuiuine organism need* no argument ; it* woiki are it* proof. A hotel it to bs built in PilUburg seven tone* high, w^lh tb* kitchen on tbs top fl'Mr, snd elsotno fire-escape in every room. Th* Moap* Is to be operated from the offlie. By tojobing a button tbere Ibe gje.tn are simultaneooely arouied, svery window thrown opan, and a flaxibl* ladder looMued thsl reaches to tba ground. If yen ar* lurTcrtnf freoi poor kwltbaor ' languUbiug OB a brd of ,cs naaa, lake ebesv 'if you ar* siuiplji ailinn, or if yec weak a ,! ,a-| mtad ' wiujou-.eU-srly suuw- ' iu: wby, Hu|> biitsr4 ' will hiirvly cu/s yoa. If you ana minister, sad bsve uV'rtaxwl ) ,u ~ t with TOM l aatoral dotiert, nr a mother, wora out witli , ar aud work, r a uiau of kMiaiuM* or Ubor. wsaksnsd by tbs .tr.iu ,,( yo>jrxvtrydaT iluiUs or a uiau of letters t-mnn ovr your LuulDtgoi wurs. Hop b.tur. will uioet s*rijr "TeiAgtb'O you. If yoa ar* calTering from over-eatiug or drinking, any tndisorstion or dissipation, or ars young and growing too last, a* u olMn tb* " Or If TOO ar* In tbs workshop, oo tb* lario al lb< dsk, auybre; asxl fs*l ' tbal yoor . 7 u in a . 0,11 leaotlag. u- ' 1 ,(, orsuuiul*-, u ( , witboui I ' log if y> u ars old, blu H| itiiu su,l iiup ira palst fsvble, asrvvs uuuMxly, faculu** wainu :, Hop Biturt U wbac you lofiv* yua usw ilfs iiu tu sod vujjr.' If voo ar* eoetlvs, or d speptio or seffsrtns luc from %ay otosi of tu nuirvit ai eas*s of the stomach or DOWS.S. II is voor owe fault If yoo ars ill. It you arn wsstiug af with anv form uf Kldosy Ultea^, >t.,p taiopuun dsatb this utouisut. and luru fur a ure to Hop BlUer*. If you ar* sick witb tbat terrible tick, nsss, Mervou*n*s*, you will find a " Balm in Qilead " in Hop Billsn. If yoa sr* a fretiasnlsr. or a reslJsul ol, a uiiauuiAi s ui.uiet b.rno*.!. , ur sys tern s*;aiost ibv soour* of ail oooulriss MaJaria, Kpiilcuiio. btlloui aud loisr- inilleD. k .vr. by (hs use of Hop Biusrs. If yoa bsvs roagb. pimply, or ssJInw km bad brsAvtb. Hop Hiturni will niw you fA\ir skia, rich blood Ibs twecUMI breath n,i hsal b. ISou wll bs paid for a ease Ujey will uot our* or bsip. A i d . . u I.H "Ob. hew I do witb my skin was as clear sod toft as your*," said a uViy to brr frieod. "Ton oan easily make il to." aiitwervid tbe fiitud " Hum '' ' mquir.d tbs first 'ady. ' by UIIUK Ii p b llcri thai uiakss pore, rich bloou aud bloouilug be&lth. It did il Iur me, as you HTNODs irsoalns wlthoat a bunol of crseo Hops oo the wbiie label. Hhan all tbs vile poiAvuous ntufl wilb "Hup "or Hop*" to lb*ii Childhood doe* sometimes pay a second vieit to man to youth never ; bow respon- sible are we for the use of a period so precious in iisslf, whioo will soon pass away, and usvsr return. Jkfrj. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 * VEGETABLE COMPOUHD."! Per all of tkaav I'nlnful (aspUlDSt asat, Weak* a* oswvsw t. *w bsaw . . l l >i i l.i POPULATION.* . * . / IT wna. era* r TI KCLT THS wtarr roi MALS C.'BrLAIMT*. ALL <H AJUA1 VBOLSLBS, |B- ri-AMHATH* AM.l'lJ'KllAtloM. KUJ-IKS NKM, ABB It rAMTirVUUU.T ADAfTBU I'HAHbs or Lir*. ***>*** IT wiu. Di""i< K urn. TVwoiu rswa rum I Tim iv AN r.iii i *-A,.r,,f ivrinf*MT. T TFMiSM 1 T. I .V r.1:., i -111 nous THCUBCSnSBSAVS) BV rcu>iL 111 ii- ix e * IT HI.r- Kl'"< .<!>.. r ,;.-TIl r Till >r ', II. A, lir.. N> II., - . u. '.THiTHKI. UUIULU. s TUAT pcctiKuor H(AM<<* Down, i AC U tl'.UT ANIi UAI KA> Ua, It ALWAVt 1 , i uxii BT .r i -t a Ir WILL AT AU TlllAtS AITU r.N< Sa AiT IN I1AMH04I WITB TUB LAW* uovssui TBS rca-ALji -I-TSB. c * e s*r ITS Pl'l 1IEAUNW 09 M*I.Aa AMI THS lUKLJir ! -r I TBAT IT 1M>S* ALL IT ILAIMa To IM LAIil*t CAN <,LAUL< TOTiri -%* , S * KoB Till C'l'SI UT KlUkKT t tiirUAU S1TUBU KA Till* HIBKUT IS 1 1 Ml* al I . nn. MM. Pnr IL Hit U4 ' of Pilli or V 'mmlly UU K rn.l L.-fl.rtr,,nn,!<-r UK.: ko-iltf b* llk.nl IV \ I Tl^ cr <>,noin n. fc. D CKI. ft. I L.O., OTtl* k.,.r I ,1, d II m*1 Tb* b**t proof ol th* great power of Poison's NKHVIUSS over every kiod of pain i< obtained by lue us* of a 10 cent bottle Ner\i lue rtquirss uo pnfflug , every billle t. lu its owu story. Ii oauuot fail, for II i* a combination ol tb* oioet powerful pain sntddiug remedie* known to medical science. N*rviltas is iqaally ua*fal in sxlsrusl or ibternal psins. Try tb*gr**t remedy. Teu oeut buitle al any drug store. Large bottle* only i 3 cant*. Tbs ariifieial ic* faotory at Prasooll, Ar sooa. torn* out two tons of 10* par day. l.nila I* tb* w*sk man'* inspiration and tbe bigbset point ever rsaobed by a numerous olas* m Ib* ootumuuity. Without tb* ability or p*rs*v*rane* to work from an independent basis, ibey cling Ilk* barnsols* to ideas euiauatii K from other* aud with perverse bliudusss believe tbem to b* t jeir owd. Now tbal explain* wby tbal widely known and muob appreciated remedy - PCTMAMI PuNLIS* C X EXTXAOT-S bas dcstuor mor* iuiitat>rs. NjiUaviog suffi oisul merit iu themselves noprinnpltd dealers, for a larg* profit, palm lb*m < IT ou un*u*psoling and oounnug cu-tjmere a* ' ju-,1 s* good," sic. Bewar* uf all such aud us* only Putnam'* Corn Kxlraotor. Bur*, safe, harmless. N. 0. Poison dt Oo., Kiugtton propriston. Somebody says th* av*rs*]siii*of Ameri- can lamiliks has decreased one lautb aloe* 1850. BSSUS .1... An exobange say* : " Nine-tenths ot th* ucuappy marriage* result from humau calves being allowed to run al large in society pastures." Nine-tenth* of tb* obrouio or lingering disjaass of today original* io. impur* blood, liver complaint or biliouneas, reaulung in Mtofols 010- om(l o , (woub i* but scrofula o' tbilan^S) *or**. nicsir*, tkm disease aud kindred sffeciions. Dr. Pisree'* " O>ldsa Msdioal I>nc jvery" our** all tb**e. O.' Drngguis. Thsr* ar* 4.000 public librariss in the United Bute*, containing 15000,000 vol. urn**, towards Ib* lupporl of wuiohU 000 000 ii annually paid. NEVER BE WITHOUT COOK'S BEST RIEND SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. 30 DAYS' TRIAL J TU llff, T TALITT. all Till., I MI-) VOLTAIC nnr a i Airi ',> r,. srrt ,'R MEN UM.V Vi-fXU nil "ID. ' ln from Xisv.it InsfUTT IA* WAKTIIO W'AKO-IWUA. aii't all :how ,:t--ir of a >-.UOSAL N.TIBA, r~'iltln l run A,,I% and OTHKS Cr*a. Rr^^lf r^ll^f anl r<nplSe n-l4-rtl,,n Ui PBALTH. \ n*"R an<! MAIIIK> lir.n.^Tri r>. B< 'i,l SI ooc for tllujlraisa 1 Voitaic'Splt Co., Marshall. Mich. At Isasi ihrse m*n on th* sv*rsg* jury ars bound t ) disagree with the rest jul to bow that thsy'v* got miod* ol tbiir own ; but tusre i* no disagreemeol among ths women as to ths merits of Dr. 1'ieros'n " FuvortU I'rtK'iptio*." They ar* sll utaui (LOUS in pronouncing it the beat remedy in tb* world for all thoee chronic di leases, weakness ss and complaint* p.-oul iar to their **x. It tranaform* tbe pal*, baggsrd, dispirilsd woman into on* of sparkling health, and tb* ringing laugh igsao " reigns laprsmi" in tb* happy household. When tb* sun of virtue U set, tb* blush of shame I* tb* t ilijht. Wbeu tbat dies, all i* darknss*. PI.'IC to **orrs a Hattc ts. Bdneanoa or Hpenoerlsn ' n- maustilr al the HFIH'. KK La> UUHINVHH niu ... K Tbs worst pils tumor* cured in ten davs, rupture in ocs tnonlh. Pampblst two ( ) stamps). World'* D upeuaary MssMai A.sooatio, BaffalO. M. T. V is) Main Bt, Hoffalo, N. Y. Young Men oa.l Women IburougblT prvnars-l for b.. -|.,,.- ,| bows. HiK.k ke-i-nm, Hutluess Korios. Penruai - ship, \rltliuixtlo and bnortbaud lauKln by mail, hanil for rlrculars. CONSUMPTION. |h><r > seslilverswMavM us *!' ji~~ :-, m |h><r > seslilverswMavM us at iiMt nn>iA ,,r COM* or iti* w lDjiwd . >,i rwo S V>I.UASI.ttHIATl* J. WINCKLEH FATKNT SELF-VENTING PUMP FAOCET Tb* slmplssi and ben Is lo saarket Prtsstat AJlress. W Ruchaoo eersM south. HaaUsock. R. U. AWARE THAT Lorlllard's Climax Ping r m t ih, lt anu er iMif SB* l lUt U D EYE, EAR HMD THROAl B. 0. B. BTBB80N, L. B. 0. P. Trimly Mlloal Onllni*, Tnroolo. O*slle 1 Aartn 10 tb* Toronto UeoersJ Hospital. 1st* UllntoaJ *e.i.tui it,.fal Uondon Opataalt, Is Hospital. Mooreneld'i and Centre/ Ifod. Tkroal and Mar Hmplsal. SIT Obonh Mratt ArtinolaJ Hamas Rvss unyc STUDY IlUlvlW by mall ID H Tlmruijh an I prxrSV eal Iutruotl<m slvsl Ho.k kreiiloc. HeiluMS Forms Ariihinetic, Hh<<rthsn,|. eto T. nu rea- Hins>>l Hni taiiii'-f'-r I'AMI'HI.KT Io COM KKM'nMir.M i: nl,'8ISB8H80HOOU<BllaalS bt liuffalu, N.Y. ...., ,j .. ltw v*ei^ I on** for HI > ..i M. -ii > 1. 1 i> i in , H VOLTALIO HSLT Co., of Marshall. MM), offer K> su,l thir mlelirate.1 KI K<TI>-VOLTA a HILT anil ether KLBcraio Arri.iAN, s oo sritl fur Unrtyrtsy*. tn msn Ivoaa*; or o|,|| afaieled with urvi,u> debility, loss uf vlialltr an I mas h'l. an.l sll kin, (red troablda Alto fur rbs** mslism, oeara cla. paralrsis snd maoy olBer ,lleasi Cui|iVel* iM|i,rati>io t health, rtgi r and manhood naraule<L No rlt* I* laeai e*S as thirty ,leyi trial it silowed Write WMSU