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Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1885, p. 5

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. 11 At the Lowest Possible Prices at the 3) to i - IIM FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a large assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. . i CORRESPONDENCE. [ Tkr K'iitur liaft nut necruarily r upinioiu tjrfirrutti by enr 1 * 1 1 I 1 I > 1 . _; \ . By Dr. D. H. Campbell. For Tht said, and we may justly add, man must worship. The truth that a Qod is, is herein indelibly and irrefutably written i. n the tablets uf the brain even of him who of the true (iod knows nothingwhnt- ever. But, like the mysterious hand- j j writing on rtelshaz/ju-'s wall, it brings ' j the inevitable judgement on the head of| I the proud who will neither understand ALL WHO NEED WA TCHES, LOOK HERE! 15-Jewelled Swiss Lever Watches THE ADVANCE. Ouo of tin- leading l-i-al unl Kanul in Northern Ontario. l-ub nor follow the counsel uf the humble- with Silver limiting Cases, 1 year minded who in .spirit and in truth wor- warrant, for $9.50 Cash. ship Jehovah. 3 oz . Coin Silver Cases, Elgin move- The antagonist of Divine Truth, in his mcl(t cut j^] 7 j t . wo | Si $12.00 Cash, sens, le-ss attacks at the Christian's belief, 4 Qz |u M 5 QZ $ , 7 oft Good Tl|n( , affords the latter an opportunity to view the desocration of the temple of the unbc- lu-ver's mind. This temple Wan. the In the endeavor to produce a series of articles on Phrenology that may interest your readers, I deem it expedient to i gin not with a tedious dissertation on the prineipless of thu sciuce, but rather with the illustration of a few important phren- ological facts ; believing that in this way the attention may be drawn the more r-eadily to this interesting Let us commence with the innate prin- ciple of Veneration, reverence for tilings vt.Tcd, devotion, respect. The organ of this feeling is situated exactly in the middle of tho coronal region - the top head - under the ureat fontanelle. The. suture or .earn in the skull ruiuiiii-j accmss directly forward of this oruan forms, sometimes, a somewhat prominent swelling or ridge which, cause the organ to appear more sunken and smaller thau it really is. The organ of Veneration, then, lies in th>- middle points of the top head, as it were, the crown of all the organs. It is regarded us the noblest of all tho organs of mind. In its normal condition, when predominantly developed, thecry, " ll'i.r- >/u/i (.'./," i. iu natural language. Its function i. difficult to describe. Dr. <;.-ill named it the organ of Theiwophu- (wisdom or knowledge concerning (iixl) and in a sense he was rurht Hut Dr. Swiir/.hcim, who studied the subject with analytical penetration, denied that a man by hi* natural wisdom could know the God he should adore, and inuintaiiie.l that this faculty is only a blind feeling. II.' named it accordingly Veneration. In this Spundioim also was right. The '>' K'"'K wiJ contending again.t each iiiii-nli'.'hUiiod savage feels the blind im- NVwi>apn Every Tlmr*cla.y, FROM THK Orrn K. Cullinyiruml .Sfr? ff, - - flnhriimt, "uf". TK.KMS OK STUM 1UI-TION U per auuuui iu advance , tl.3n If uot j.aul at tlie anil uf uua yuar. N'.. pa|wr dtaciintlntinl until all arrMTmgM an |<al,l up . and no ulrip- ti'.iw taken for !" than one ymjr, : DR. CARTER, M.C.I'. ,tS.,tiM PIIVSKItV sim.KOV AT. FLKSHKKToN r, ntjrt l<> I r. t ,< i '....*.- I>i*. Ilixon. .. ., Hi'rpers. rullv warranted. WaUliam d Mi.v,- ADVKKTISINil KATES. Ac. Cuual *.lfr1i'i.'im'iHii.xeiitK|>r Utinwirtion an .1 .1 i-unu (Hir hoe each uba<iuv Iv.-rtu.-m. nt MlM'pai.l f..rwhen fVAU uuU I'KH'EVILLE. stock in regular linen of Clocks, etc. Fine Rcfxiirinij carefully attended to by iu\self. MR FATHOM! will be gratefully n -. i\. .1. W. A. BROWN. WATCH REPAIRER, &C., umuistukeahle marks of the Divine Ar- nients kept constantly in stock to se- clntect. Them are the courts, the sane- lect from. In the finer grades CI..SK tuary. and the holy of holies. It is the CASH PRICKS will be quoted to those temple of (iod. Hut ill the courts, the who desire them. clamor of the traders, the bleating and lowing of the sheep and oxen, the jing- ling siul din of thu money changers ; the sanctuary fumes with the frankincense of scientific theories, and in the holy of hulic. stand* tho "abomination of deso- lation," the spint that ever denies. And ever as we leave the " beautiful gate " we hear riugingthr,, ugh the mysterious spaces the undying words : " My house shall be be called a house of prayer but ye h;uc- madu :' a dun of thieve.. ' This state of mind is the result when the selfish pr-> pcnsitio.s predominate, call the |H-reeptivo faculties into their service, enslave the reason, and dethrone the moral senti- ments. This is the " carnal mind,' ..r, in. <te lit. -r.illy translated, the. luiiif i/ iiiin./, which ia "enmity against (iod." The man lives only in the animal part of hi* I nature, in the gratification of his passions, the organs of which are placet) in the in ferior regions of his brain. The proper manifestation of the moral and reHgious principle* is thwarted- the man is at war J |_ A I i N I'^S IS I K ) I ' >tlnii himself, the |>assiiis are f Triui-li-nt _ or.u-r.- 1 AdrsrtlSMDMita without special -in.-.- ti-.n- will IK- iM-cn.-l till f.irl.i'l and cliamod i a<? -..r.liuiilv l,ilx-rl imliicuuielitH to regular alverti-r N,itlf> annum mailing matter. Ill ,.-nt< |-.-r Mil.- i-a<-h ilio-rtloli No alvurti.iuoiit Jiicontiuued until all ar- ar>- pal. I up f-ir ailrartixiuunU il.uuld rtwcli this >t later than n--n on Tuewlay to ensure 'U in current i*">u.- A. R FAWCETT, UUi - OSTAIM'i ,11. .!.,: In Ilcntistry. J.P. MARSHALL. L.U.s IMINTIST. OKAIirATK of Toronto K4-li will Iu. t Mnrk.l*!.' tli>. l.t Book & Job Printing In .-very stylnuf tlif art. at rva*mial.l<- pr|.- an- 1 on ..hnrt n. ill.-.. Hi. 1. i- l.\ mail will rvcaivo prtbiupt attxntlou. Terms, gtrlctlv c**li. l ..f n.-ntlitr M. I It. I U. i day of acli inotitb. anti a( r'i- -li.-n..i. -r, ii.t ir-l rin:i-u> Ln each nxmtb fui ..f hi* Mesherton Meat Mark* I. SEPT.(iOOP, - l'i; i :.n i"i. A D I'EKHT ) Hl.|.w > IUM-, HANDS* PERRY, BAHKl^ll Rg Mil Ii'ITi'll- N.>I \i I'ONVEYANVRRH. Ac - Loan a; > La-WMt Kat*H. of m threat ' l'i.r..u|.. KROST & KltO- BVK1USTKUS SOl.ldT'iK-v < . iS\ I. V VM U- *c. INHrx r..iil>.tt Slrm-t. liHfx S..i\ . . rary Thona*> t H. I. sill Hi. . i \\ Hi", r 1. 1. ; FllDST. OiiWDf.uinty Atk.r!, John W. Armstrong, GORDON'S Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. i Moats constantly on hand for jyusii.N mruT CI.KKK. Cash. Orders promptly filled. K.( .m..yan.r.*c <',>. OKKV. pulse to warship, but his unenlii(litiil v,.|,rati..ii d.. not give him the know- led K e of the true (iod. ttM it applied to the LHscM-l,., of Chr,.t, who Jmvmu' their mind, enlight- *-iKHjl,ytli will of (Sod r.'VLah.d, and having thi. sentiment in.pircd by th, , fluence. of thi- Holy Spirit. se,-k after a higher wnctiticstion. Dr. view, however, i. the correct one in the "th-r fnr the the u "" d FLESIIKRTO MONEY TO LOAN! f't-irnt'- innl the harmony of . confusion and even fear hold sway. The temple is dusecrat- Dr (iaH'aviuwia IM '' t '"' l '' vn "' fy'irit dwells not therein, ami that man knows nothing of thu Iran ijuil |xu-f that come, of the true and nor- mal exercise of Veneration. \Vh. n this organ is stn.hgly developi-d i and normal, an overwhelming seusu of ' awu and reverence fm OIK! iscxi<erit-nced | his word is regarded as espeeially s:u -r.-il. ami the subject of this sentiment delight purely scientific sense.nnd is c..nhrinc.l by , ^.^ , lml . ,,l OMuro i,, n-lMjioiiseier- tho history of mankind. The glorious ci.ies and strives under all circumstances sculpture of the ancient On-eks, tho *'. In- truly serious and pious. I'm,. greater monuments of the yet an-, >-;l<s h- d.HM,not, 1,,,. 1,,- ,. , . ' peHcil U> speak frt'elv from his heart in cient Egyptians, th. rough imageof W,K! /, . w ,, n , 8 ,,, ( ;, H , ln M {fMf MlJ or stone before which the benighted den- distrosscd situations his first thought is] iwn of the African wsntes, as well as the '<" prayer to auk for Divine amis- i wordly-wiso Asiatic ; liumbly bends lliu taiu-e ; and his religious sentiment, this knee, all prove that whether in the ten,- '^, "\'" tl STJS* J, **** pie ].mna.-led to heaven <.r under the .trenvlheneil in a strong and jn-aceful ' shad.- of tin- Kinnt iik, the human heart hnniility which only th<o truly huniMc Ii. th.j iin.lei whi.e, black, yellow, ,,r al " 1 d.-v.-nt can ever know, red skin beau,,g-ia pr,tr.t attitude ; ,, f , ^^ womhii.nt'ie Menial. And this is not | .,,. Th- ...mnnind to "rise up In-fore the mere openition of maii'ii intelligent-.. ; tin- u'ed and uncover tho hcail " imposes instead, he is impelled tin-ret. > by in in- ' "" ' mr< ' *"'' w 'h-re V.'nt-mfion is well dwelling innate, active pinciple or feel- ! ''p''' 1 ',' 1 .",.'' , ',' 1H . tl " '"'-rvative prinri- pie win. -li lemls the ren|.eet for long es- II.-.' which, in 1 l.rem.logy language, we tabli.lie.I ,-usloms. eeretnoiiie,. forms, and i','.; 1 ^.:,.,^: 1 ,,:. 1 ,", 1 iCl\ t \n,""l uiv'oni rail \ eiiuration. j institutii.ns, ami combined with Ac<|iiinit- luformalior iimt ili U.H.I u. t:m n,.iury of the j . , , . iv. -ness, places a high value on an heir- li"v will IMI ruwarded. " "' 1 " IV " 1 " lo ", i "" i ' Ttll> ' r 1 ora,,,u,c,ent c-in. Men who are \UH\V.\l LKYKU deeperiMtothe^.,.,! ,e,,,,,leof the l,u- ] taisi ly won over to new ideas have, as a mnu mind. Mysterious and deep are the- rule, a weak cU-velopement of this organ. .-- workings of thin feeling. S .-thin" man !> ^''In-ve, tin- irivat ( I'lirei:. lo must worship. If he tintl* M..I tlie ', ""* " rillllt wh f |in ^ "inji "'"V i ' cmiscs revenge for kin?*, and anthnritrl ions to enable him tosoar to the s.ihhne , )H . r ,. u , ;U ,i, ,\ ri , Hil ,. r ,.,|. )lllt |,,. t ,.,.\ liei-ht wlier.. Israel's, .n (;,.,! dwells on so fur .H to n.ld. " Keptibln -s for this AT FLE&ttERTOlt STATION, his throne, then h,. bows to thu image re.-vmn prosper but seldom and only under, fonm-d l.v man's hand, an.l ilr.-aios him- i" v " liil , rlv favorable cilciini.Ul.ce., IK- OMMO this organ makes men liy nature Prieo M-IM -i..n . l.slan- nit., tin- ,l,lu,.in. IhM Miind the, IIM ,, 1Rr< .| lisU . U-t us *. 1,.,- tins is. iM-uim....^ ^.M, ,1.,- ,, MI,,. , r ,.>,.., .\I.i>t.-i work of art theiv rests an incom man must preli.-n-il.le. eternal Hoinething in the Imve said. V.-n.-i-ntion, when normal. FLESHERTON MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. Till: u.-xt Fair will take |>lac.' .01 MONOVY JAV .1th. 1MC> Canadian Parille Kaihvay. ONTARIO 'DIVISION. Change of Time. - '-/ ;. v,,,-. :',fh, t~ I it II o. ..-. A ISi II i Iliviololl. n. i K r n * s -.Mial'l.' coMUiRHioxn: Vhlent f-.r )*urchs> I f..r I I. I i i*r ti IJ.MUI IK ! MAHI. Jas. K. Sloan, r/MAr/-; A*;K.\T. /;/ *;/;>/ i li- I'r.-.riitiMi; that -.'It.l .-11 Kir. I'i-;;lnr-- fn , tltr N-nuH I'M"*, of Norwich. Kn^lati'l Inur*uci e IT re It (I on M>MIIH<>. oiithn i l.lin^ at ].'* raton. Iii-*uif K^u Alexander Brown. PS! Kll ..r Mania*;,, -n^'. .<:,..,., -ii \ A.' l.i,-un<M.I AurtlxuiMr f..r C'oiint\ ..( i. I'ui.ivn.i.ic fO. Out W. J. BELLAMY. COL I. M't'TIi >\t:t: Ml> 0.) - . IU -S a i.i - - 1 I l/././.V IU >\}'\ I . IH..1 ' II I ..... i fvrii1il'< t.-rn.-i mvl t ...."I. "ttc rut - ' tntaro-t \li !> u.ii^jit :!.. i.,mi. 1' .!> 1 .. I II ... Ill ~.u 11! V I ->p>. llf|Nllt. * I" > III am.. " s-.ri .\li\--l U .n. li'uvv. falk-la'..' of manifest*- n-verunre f..r JAS. LAMON, l>r\i, [i. <I.\TM:I i nip " i>. ,-.,-. Framing and House -Joiniug. Tli . -. I ..I. I . alii in" iiii'ii-r*i|fii<Mi it |>r.*|'arv4l so OTHWtu a.l onlvrn >'i>tr>u.tail to linn fur 111.. . re, ti, n of Ihnlliii'i* :in'l \\ \\II\IT. D.McNICOUL. x AI.T . Ml, ,,i in , t ^, ., .x., i'iii|.loyi>i|. riii'Hti-f>;li..M my w 'k .K ji Hi.- | LOST SHEEP. StrBM"! frolll III.', pn-lll ' .' (iM.llt till' I'Jtll of Sll k 2IBII I I<IIIB* 11 1 1' HHmlill IVPII1 .Idlll ...... O* 1 t - O ..' . > I' If' i : with inti-r.-r-t nt lh. r.l.' of fi ] .-lit | n itiiiiiini on iinpali 'HKNTon K \s\ I I KM--. reverence, we e.-nt )>t*r nniiiitn on uni>alil pnii.i-,,] 01 li) tlutt .in worship of which his tmul.led mind may HowWT, ll* to do alrnvn all with r-v,-i .. . . ' ' Biiec for t In. f'reator. The faet is tlui tin.l comfort and peace. It is the exorcise .,,, |. rntnll ,, ,,, ,. Ml \ Tm ,,f ,. of this imi.uNe inis.drei-t.-,! throiitrh Uk inon.m-hiHts, as stronirlv nianifeste,! this of tin- giiiilaiife of an enlightened intel- fi-fling as we ever lind it IH-VOIU! the sea, let t that leads to idulitry. It la Ycner- Cnittinitcil 011 lait l'<up- jtion which leatls some men to do hunt- .>.... ivy t,. a Shakespeare, a Sehill.-r. a Whnt To Itn. Krucu, or a Washington, while other., If Ir..it1>)^d ilh sn unhrnlthr. slow-honl ]. ,|, W( ,n W atoro,l. ,. I ., , ., ins aor* n n Mt-(trf|'or A 1'arki-s' CurlK.iie Artcmaila. under the prompting f the^snmc in- ,.,,, y , iu wj| , Hn ,, lt illvaluahl , (or Date feulin-j;, udore the Sou of (iud, and healing, o>aii*inir and coiu|)l(t||y rrnmving- Korfurtlior uartl, nlnrs i,,ih to choose Him for their example. "Man your trouble. If the liUiod is out of order, -unr-^Tj TWTTC-O . , ,. . -.'.II *akp ith it a few Jut.?, of MoCtrei/or'. KUCjlSR LEVER, n |U ,t believe, hop*, love, it l:n Wn HpctJy Cr fronv Kicl.^^-. Dm,, Store. ^wfi /ML. Onl 2.-F ARMS 1-2. TO RENT OR SELL All tin- 'I n>ln|. O <.r\ i. -MI- T TltMNM I.r. \ FLESHK.KTON ! i. .nik V'Mtli. at II H li. .11.11 South, at 0:44 a in . 1 ' THE MA 11'i M: STATION V. 1> 111 . A 1 I"! '- |. in . A ftmi J\ET, OK. :i 7:. t,, i sn 7.") :<i n n To II IS 1) n _'; o (I Hi IS ) (I -JO 1) > tit) '.) id 45 on ;,<> 2( n M'l'iy to unrantcD tor tn tuiwre. V M. I.KiiP Kl - iiotcb. SFlcsherton Station Hotel. 1 Atrr. H'llllUlll i< fivu, I'fJ'li THK aUiTt. H..'<-1 lialiliil N- 'ii tl tllt.-.l tl.r,. Mahout. ii>. w alt."'n t - tlie ti\. Unit. I'd i, w .11 > i|.|.!i. i| \th . ti -h > I.i. |u ..- HI. 1 I m, In ' .- t i i.i-..lrtti"! t' > U.tU u.aii and Lua^l. Full Wli.-at Sprir - \\' li< 'it " ^ocictiro. Oftti PMI i 7 ' 18 l*r ilinitnn mi'li 1 tfi'i /j, -.../.., ; .,- ll'ltl II JIHI'I : I'lltllto, S rork llav. [K r ton ")" 1 'I.CSMKIITO 01. 1 !-' on tl.H 1 .t n-l (III 7 Up in -li ir|> ( ; M 1- M. 1 . "" DUFPEB "' ^P^^HM N lrfU-,' \.. 1 ii Strain l.|.N-k r,...-ut M.| MI->, li iti."itli a*. \ l-it:n^ l.ri-llin n w,<!i-,tni i. M \v w <; l-i. K i ,I1T LODGE NO. 186 IPlPfr 1. 0. 0. . ^^ l''/('.\-hr foj>. Hides \V,i..l Sin rpskins Du"!*" 1 )', r 'iiriu-i 1 (,'liickeiix. in r linin 1 TuvkeVM - ^^^^^^^P MKKPS ev..ri n.l allrt Ith T,|.--,|H\ VIM- .'ell ln-.1lt!l Rt * ll'l-lnelt Out V"U! Vili-li.-ii Sal.- l-illr- |irint*l nt ff^r^",n n 5,v ;.- -e:;:;,: 1 ;:,"; 1 .^;^ 1 ^ B-wiffirfiaj^^g.ppar 1 KasKirty In prlcus. iuatrlal ajul IT irkiusu-iup. '"" '" -tkir u.N.O. r>grw. I.rt,'u,. t.t VWSJsjf IrvWwu *.r W 8. Ctw-4U>K B.5. ,

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