t i 5 i .. Flesherton Advance. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-*- " PRINCIPLES, JYOT MEN.' VOL. IV., NO. 189. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, JANUARY 29, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. Tit - Bits. Osprey Council minute*, a poem by Mr*. \Vimilbuni, of Eugenia, and other matter reserved fur next week's issue. --Mr. Stephen Html, of Thornbury, W. Croesley's tins are visiting at Mr. week. A letter from an Osprey contributor ia not inserted in this iskue bvcaune the writer foiyot to yive us his name. Quarterly meeting services in Flesh- rt'.n Met In .Jut Church next Sunday, Kel,. 1st. Mr. .liis. E. Sloan, of Eti'.'enia, re- present* the famous Norwich 1'nion In auranee Co., of Kn^land. See card advt. Mr. Munroc's MH^III^ school in Royal Templars hall, Thursday evening is Onr subscribers will confer a great fav- ur upon us by sanding in their dollsrs before next Thursday, aa we have a note maturing then, which ni'i.-t tie met. Kindly assist us to meet it punctually. Those in arrears for last years subsvnp- tions will please also come forward and lend us a helping hand. Remember trr on t/<"> i'i thi$ m>ittrr. Axe. Store. If you want a cheap Saw or go to Richardson's Hardware Flusherbn), every rell attended. In the absence of Dr. Strungman, of Eugenia, Mr. !'. T. Carr supplied his pulpit with much acceptance to a congregation. Subject :" Power with On Monday night last a "gentleman" vraa iiu|>ecting Mr. C. Treadjrold's clothes lui" in this village. Ho wag seen by several prranns, Probably lie wants em- ployini'iit breaking stnex in the gaol. -Wo had, a, call from Mr. Tlios. ( iamcy Reeve of Oiprey, last week. < fcprey made a wise choice in selecting a man so highly respected by our County Councillors as Mr. < Jainey is and always has been. Ayer's Sarsaparilla wonderfully iuproTes the couplection, and brings to old aud yoniif the bloem of health. As a purifier of the lil< ".I it has o equal. If there were a coupln of hundred men such as Mr. John Clinton, of Osprey the circulation >f THE AHTAMCI would now ! considerably over l,4iHV At the l>etfiiiiiim; of the new year he handed us (I for subscription for self anil three oth- em four subscriptions through one man ! Stop that eongh. by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral- the konwn for all ills t<>st spccilo of tbo throst and It will sooth* the rough fueling in your throat, ^ive the vocal organs flexilility aud Tiulity. aiiJ enable you to breath* and (>eak clearly. Attention ii directed to the new ixn- ii'. mi. MII m of our entvrprising watch- m.'ikrr and jeweller. Mr. Jan. (i. Kimsell, in :ili..ili.T folunin. Mr. Kusxell keeps a very tine and well assorted stink in his various lines of business. In repairing he is giviuK gook satisfaction. Try him. The Surgeons of the < IntariuSanitar- iiini, Toronto, the largest Mcdieal Assoc- iation in Canada, will ! at th. Klesht-r- ton Hotel, Kleshertnn, Friday, Feb. 13, where they may In- eonsultcd. FhKK of CHABIIK, in reference Ui all diseases of a a Im.'ri HILT character which have hafHed the skill <>f local physician*. It should lie Untie in mind that tlu- Suiveona of rln- Ssntarimii an- all lYai.lfiits of Toron- to and liave no ruiinectinnii with any Yankee Institution Some tobacco Hpurt up in the pip* whilr smoking, witli little crackling fi|'lnM-i, - T|IM .- mused by the addition of f.n. i' n matier to asftint the romliusli >n. When the pnritv <>f tin' tobacco is not tampered with and it has born properly taken rsre of, thin ouuil'ii-til'le ffivii mailer in wholly un nm*i'!>si>rv. For iu that OSM it Lurnn at a lower trmprrafnre ilisn almost anythiiir Nothing of ibis kind is nci'ii in snicking the "Myrtle NBTV." ll born* with slesd.v eoui ht;*ti"ii throughout. Mr. Tin*. IW brother of Mr. \ndre\v KOI- of this Township callfil on in yesterday. He lives on the line of the C. I'. I!. Ix'tween Hrandoii and Calg.irry, find in the course of a pleasant and in- teresting conversation, gave it as his .ipinioii after reiiiding nearly three yearn in that country tluit there is no com- I MI .si .ii at all Ix-tween Manitoba and Ontario. He >uid vu would have jonr ('.inn as well cleared in two years mil there .is \ "ii would have in thirty in ' In- tario, and with inKnituly leas hard lalxir. Hi- expect* to return homo some time in Murch. RHIAIIKAHI.K Hr.HToHATioi.--Mr>. Adelaide O'Brien, of liaffalo, N. Y., was ciniu up to ih. |.\ li.-r phyKicians. a inr.urnbl* with Con- -nin|)li.>u. it proved I.ivrr Complaint, and was rured with Uurdock Ulood bittern. The Sfott Art. On the 15th inst. , the Scott Act was carried in four counties in Ontario, viz., Kent, Lanark, Lennox and lirome. The first named place gave a majority of over I .. (.. A. S. At the annual meeting of East Urey Agricultural Society, held in Hesherton Uuadiii:; H.iin--by kind conaent of the Mutual Improvement .Society, as tho Di. vision Court was IHJIIII; held in the Town Hall at same time week, JlM, the were elected office Th..x. Kells, I', John Abbott. 1 \ HO Pre*. D. R. Ellis, "no v ,ce Prea. l>ifflitrt. WIP iiewgill, Cullingwond ; Geo. Richanlnon .md C. I)niii!las, Eu- phraaia ; S. Dainuu.-. K. Oliver, and W. 1'ickell, Artvmusia ; <i.-i. Glazier, < > prey ; S. Stokes, t'rotmi : \\ in. Morton, Holland. Auditors, J. I. (trahain aud J. Brod- 2,000 in favor of tho Act, and is, therefore At a subsequent meeting of the Hoard, entitk-d to the position of banner Boott ., .. , Mr s. Ihimude waa re-elecU-U Secretary- Act county. The act wag. earned in the city of Ouelph last week by a majority of 9 the first city iu Ontario to give a majority in its favor. |0rKnglish Stoneware Sets for $1.45 at Richardson's. Treas. The Auditors' ami Directors' Reports were read and adopted. The R*- shu port of the Auditors show, Received f i:B7.!Ti ; Paid, SIWMHJ. The S.n;ie- Chamber ty has paid all due liabilities and is in g<x>d rinancial standing. The Se.'n-tary was instructed to o .11- fer with IV.f. liniwn of the Kx|ivrinii.|ir- J Farm, (iuelph, in view of h.'ldiiiK a Oranirr Solrrr. A "rand Orange Soiree will he held in the >rane Hall. K!..d,ert..n Station, on Fanner's Institute in Flesherton at Tuesday, Feb 10th, under the auspices t(M .iy j, of L. O. L N Parker, Rev. HS3. Rev. Andrew J. D. C. McDowell, Dr. Tho meeting passed off verv pleasantly, and the discussion on various subjects in- Christoe and others are ex|ctd to de- terertu,.' t., the fanners *er,. ably hand- liver addresses. Vocal and instrumental K,a, showing the marked .-.bihty of tho music will be provided. Doors ..pen at m . l)v fumt . n pn-w , lt . The Fall : 30, tea served at 7, and programme at ,., Wll , ^. ,.,,, .. ,,,,, t^,, M1 j 8 oVWk p. in. Admission 25 cents, gee dav . of s,.,,,,.,,,),,.,. ,. U1 ' U - \\ > nii^ht add that the kindness of our - Ilicliardson is selling Table and R*li{ '> Sm-i.-ty waa reciprocated 'ocket Cutlery very cheap. '" t ' uit substantial manner so chara.-t.-n* tic ..f the Kaat Gr.y Agricultural Hocie- ty. ouri. ,* Ttu- .1'lmnct. In. lion Kalrx. Farm Stock, Implements, A.-At Lot 31, Con 10, Artemesia, conunencii.- A l ' n ' ' H*crw.-l only attained bj at 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday, Feb. !">' '-'o-.a and gI health. These acquire- 2nd, without reserve. 12 months credit me " u K ' Te th * r m sums over *f..OO. Win. Wilson, sr, n ' * '*"' cl ** r proprietor , \V. H. Camptugne, auctioneer. See bills. Farm Stock, -At Lot 1", Con. 11, Ar- temesia, rommencinir at 1 o'clock p. m. n Tuesday, Feb. 10th, without reserve. i ! i. rt , and tbe rosy bloom of health, Burdock l!l.<o<l p.itt.T- purify llm 1 1 1 HuJtonu tbe enure syatrm toahealtliy r.ctl n. Manitoba. IohiiMc(iee,pn]irietor, \V. H.CampAjgne, See lullv. .... There la a splendid lock C'rockery at Richardson's. . of llynamilc. Tlio daily papers of Monday contained decrees We havo had a lovely suinmor and fall, ami I he v inter, so far, has been very ni'-e with the exii-piioii "f slKiiit three weeks, during which time it was pretty odd the thermometer tiexer rising al>v thirty ero, and sometimes down ..in. I lingers hen in >uld ec in Ontario in the startling news, that "an alarming to f,,rty six ; but that i n.-thin^ here. It explosion had oocured in the House of hasn't I wen cold enough y.-t to keep me Parlianie.it, " in Lo ml. m, Knul.in. 1. There m the house for a day ; but I have seen wero several terrific explosions in rapid more f roxett IIOSM, succession, find the lives of thousands of one day than you people endangered. The White Tower ton years The crops here were and Westminister Hall were wrecked, splendid. Last sonson we had over IW and many persons seriously injunttl. The biudiels of nplendi.l Wheat to tho acre. I glass roof of the House of Com mons was am i!-ttinu' ulni{ very in. . ly. Farming '.ni|i|etely shattered. The clock in the H 'loin- on a far different >tr,le here to House stopped at precisely 2 : i: p. m what it i in t'lit.in.. not half the labor A heavy beam which formed one of the here that you have there. WhetU is sell- suppoi-U to the gallery was projected into'""* from 39 to 4H cents, and oaU tmm 25 the S|>akcr's chair, seriously injuring it. t : cents, and Potatoes from 75 to 80 (ilatlstone's seat was toni to pieces, excitement prevails. | n . cents per bti.-li. 1 TIUIHS here am not so very dull at all. U is a fine ! country. You should tako a trip up in H until rl' \ . t)^ suinnier kiul n-e it for yourself (From trtir tnrn ( 'orretptmHrn t. ) l'i-o|de in Ontario think things in Mani- The members of the L. O. L. here gave tb are very dear, but I never lx .ught the annual soiree on tbe evening of the 1C, rhraper there than here. 1 was down to inst, which, as far as attendance was con- Brandon yeat.-r.l:iv They are selling 15 cerned was a success. and 1(> Ihs. of excellent sugar for one do). Several ministers, who were expected to l ar and other things in proportion. Hran- attond as speakers, failed t.. appear. Mr. J. ' Jon is a very nice little city and a pl, n Hurlhurt till.-.! tlio olmir in bis nsiul ulile (lul l, u . ulel-l ,,],.,, fliero has manner. Able Beeches were delivered ? bo cn n new ,) evs ,,, r built ,t our station. Messrs, (lilray. MeCnlruan. Love, Hsll & \\ u C4H , ^^ tf .,. .,!,,, ,-,,,, ( , ur .,!,, others. Mrs. li.n-hanan ppuled at the - Tljilllp ivillg long nipitllv. Hnr . ree, were the up 'akmtt. order and a fight at "" *"' "' ______ tbe u rl ""u- , l>r " 0< 7 lH ftb< : Ul "', SEHIO,-,, r ILL. \ per..n u(Ter,n K with Mr. \\ilson, shoemaker, who has bcrn hnardingat tl Mmision House " has left P> and heM ov. r the Mmill of tho buck, it for nioie eniigi'iiial (|imrte!s. with a wealr wcsry feelhiK and (reijueiit The ,1 lily mail is a welcome chaugo in our headaches, is Kcri. nslr 111 and should U.k " ut f " r mail i.fuluti 11- Mr. Heiuan Hurlhurt has rented liiifurm in Jauii'sMaKeejr..who it N report. .1 i s.Kin ' >ttrs reclate the to joiu llu noble army of the " Henedi -Is." liver, as well s the - I!urlix-k Blood ki.lniyi. hloml nnd and bowvU. WORMS often muse nerions illnefw. The (OOD Till M.AU Klil'SH. -Natinnsl DOLL Vs. McFAULAND. Kleshnrton, Jan. 9I.1W8. The first case call. I wa- tlist of W. W. Doll vs. W I McFsrUn.1 to recover S5 beliif 91.90 for J >n hoanlst Toronto- from June 1st to June Wh, Dl- while waitlne for M. rlan'l : S*l.ftL . fare from Toronto to Ni w York, pro- Uerarlaad. Total WG. '.t. . frost, of Ow*n Hound, for ptff.; Mr. , otOwwiK' and. fi.r .1. ft. Mr Doll wa* sworn and made the fnll. wing it*tm*nt:- In May, I* I. 1 arramjed to go to Sw York and Switzerland to bny goods. Intend, ing to viiit KiiMlan.i, franc*, Ac for I'leasurv. Mr. Mt KsiUn I hi-ar I I wa goim* and wut lu* word that bi> woul.l lika to HO with ui. an 1 for ill* to call on him when in Markdal* so that we C.M.I 1 arrange to no together I ealll on him and tnfonuwl hiiu that I w .ul I sail from New York on Uufei.l Ji.i.. - 11. prouiaed to m*et me In New York on the 1st of Jun*. I left Flesh- erton on the .'1st of May for Port Perry to * some friuds before starting for New York. Left Tort Perry on tbe morning of the 9Nh for Tor- onto to buy my tickit On niy arrival in Toronto I raelv*d s tulasjrari from McK. sUtinii that he had written UM and not to bay my ticket. The owing letter was tn*n produced and r**d by the Judge: Mark Ul... JMh May. 1AM My itear Doll, I wired you Uvntybt that I wa* offered aftnrt-class cabin |*a*sa^(v from Torottto . . rj..Kl an.l n-t'irh for *'X 'O. vtHuu 1 to aall M. utrral, 1 don't kni.w l ir)i If yon eeulil possil.ly am tO BO thrll It '.- lu-ll I-. t I liavf to atten^l to a a* . . 1st I 1 hav*ki n\ .;'., y pay oat of cotiM r. f MI' l.y . oould rm *s*Uy cure ii I>r. Low's Worm Syrnp. and expels Worms effretnally. It destroys 1'iil* arc a go*) l.l... ! fiiriher, liver : , aud null) pur|sii\ c fur all seasons. you may b* put to . my own pocket, a* I *:>> *> nn 1 want nr ' uipany S.-W ^ork a* -tMof In Liven.".'! ' i i r II n IK 'M. i-..tt ru nnt class and safe audua**a*TC 1s n.a.l> in lo .lays faitlif.'.lly, W. 1 UcKAki kvn Will pay your estre esrusrs I purchased ni> tirset t Montreal to Liver- |KX-l ati'l return. Mt-K K'-t his at Toronto and r*turn hu takiuit train *u<l I k'intl by lioat U> met at MoutrmU. Hailed from Qu*b*e on the lltri Tl. steamer, of Uotulnlon line, waa In no wav wjist McKarlan.l saitl. binr anythtni.' bat lt rlaas, th*ra being b*w**a WU and M0b*ad of rtc*MU on board (rath* European maik.t TH bnrrlbU emtill tram MM MabUa*- o*o u.anv cattle waa mor* than alrkmlnii. Mac sal. I lie thoticlit he cnnl.i hav* Mood tht ara-sickniM*. but tho imell of th- rattle was loo much He was sick in r>. ' !l ili.' w MIW was very woak an<1 ---- waik whnn we arrived at f.lwrpnnl, hav iKy .n tlu- . aa wo were. af. ly tun l.-l at . I k >'ir t i i.-turn ti. kt (.> chang.. th.. in for i by way ol N*w York asprar<" r I spont ev- i-ral iLnir" '. f th. Til. I I'tli.i ion Hi]., was Iu -IK t <l.>fs\.ir that 1 could "i without lolnu e9Dnn each in >> t I r.t'.rm-.i t.> () I t> I an. I niformed %! of my c*|>- ni'iicti \VatalkiHlltover for a lonn tiini-, wh.'ii he propoad wo shouM return the same way wo cauie, h* promising to pay my fre fn.in Toronto to NVw York when. I ha.1 l.iia iutnt*.>t .u \|..-iu 'O. Aa In this it will. I ! a aavinif D( i to him. and It woul.l be all the Mine to BM Mac assured me that tit* boat would not smell on -ur n tutu as no oattl* were -srrn-1 (>.. qatlnn*d.) Q. rid yon l<r<rrnwsny iMnti. fr. in Mac? A. Y**, I bor- rowndsnm* nioni.y and i(otacconinio<laUon from Mae lnKiiglari.1. f..r ln. I, I |.ai.| him H percent lntret: h- n-k.il II |w>r rent, all of which was paid hint f"tf itinnths after my return, Q ^ . Ill nKhl a ur.'ftt tie*.) <f McK at Ui. tun.' . ! trvelMt<n;..ther ' A --No, sir: I never th nnirh nf Mac a* a man at sny time. A RO<>.| di'al of time wii- spent over an offset of Ml.AO which MoK. put In It wa* thrown ..nt Mr McKarlan.l waa swnru He Mlinitt. -I wn- tlnii tlm letter. Bai.l he wa* in Toronto on the Mli of Jano ready tOKn bnt wu obliged to wit for l>< .11 an.l to attend to .<ini> biisineas for linn He further statral that Doll was so well pleaoed with the Dnnilnlon line nf wteamer* that h* was anxjou* In r.-f.iirn l,\ that line He did not pro- inlo to pay Doll's fare from Toronto to New York The rawi noenpled ahnnt an I mir and a half an.l was il.-n.li~l In favor of 1. f. n lain. - . I < > . r-li.iin WM. (frm unr num I't-rrni'irmlrnt.) fTollowInc left over from lut w*k, and have bean obllitMl to cowtona* II - l.i. Oiir Mtooined frieotl. Mr Tbo*. Henderson' i. after -PWU.IH. . a few days h.-rn frieniU, ha* ret i.< ! to \lliKton. sir T h Kennedy, the p viilar station at;>'nt. l-ak-rav.-. N ,V N W U K.I vKitlli^ the t.'Vin an.l i' th* irneot nf A \l.-(.n . Ks,!. Wnsresorrv t.i leejru that Mrs. Ii. Mn.ni ,- ill Hti|N< ulii* will soon be convalescent. About :sl coilpl tri|)|>ml till' llMllt fanta^tir t. to ,.n.ii..iit noi-i.. i,v Messrs lilakeh All of Mllw. II. at the reslitvnee of Mr. Alrl Colir,.n on Prldav evening C4oo.l time. Messrs 1'nnl llr.. iii,, IH.I-II nhllnml to li.rv aaotbcr hlaekstnlth on account of rush of ..rt Kev P \u-.-nt vry ably fillet th.- pui|.it ..( It.".- Vr Clnli..|i-i .. Hut,, It. iii.iriiim; laitt Mrs P.Mile. of llfth lirm. lian pun-hase.1 the |.r Hona*:*. nnil will move ilown in tlm Hprin^ Father < rnf..nl oil) aUo movf inn. tonn NKI> From our own C>jrrrtponde*t, [Following roceivwi too late for last Issue. . are, therefore, nblignd to oondt i Last Thunda) evening luv J Patunon. ..; Mi-afor.l, 'ectorod on the Scott Act and Temper auie. The lecturer handled his subject with eneriiy, euUinsUsu: and ability pointing out the lupoiiur | roriiions and advantSKM iteott Act over previoes Temperance or ProhiL. tory sets. He nbtiowl prominently the trU> Ideation, also th cry of " libfrty." giving graphic ^u.\ huiuoron. llUitrtio!i by speech and (as. lure. Ttwrc was a fair audience who irreeted with r aose the hard hits and esTec live cnnonade. A vot of thanks was given In the lecturer. The meeting was largely in fav..i of the Act No opposition. A W^Hvuia, I.ct all the peopl* Iw 01. t guard and not si/n a ivtiti. >n that the Liquor party are circulating, praying the rarliain- change the BeoM Act, but let Teuiperauc. pl be ready to sign the pections u> leavi- it It Is. We obserre la perns: og the notice of t h. - tea meeting, that the hev I)r Htrongmaa is >i.l to have givwn some good advice to the youun men against the nac of li.juor and tobecco N tlistN pnttniK It i .Id.f.ir we kli w if the I" sounde-l that Oospvl trumpet it gave forth no uncertain sounds. " Sew Y-ars 7o the Kditnr of th* Adtxincf. bir, I noticed a letter in your pap r . fe* weeks so under the anuve headier which purported to be a burles.pi.. on a ' hop ' at tie reaideuce uf one uf ililmaii la's most esteemed residents. No namo Wfre mentioned, but tbe "kits" wrr. palpable that no one bat a b ind nun or s foul would be deceived ss to the rral of the writer, who, it is needless to NOT a mejnber nf tbe fair six. No ls.lv wuul.l write such sl'sord stu?. I'r. ULly the r*a soo tbe writer spuke of the affair i.. manner he did was because he was not a! lowed tbe. pleasure of sbsrin^ tbe [ ru rod ' with the piper. Tbe patent-in*. business would suit his moral and m< r ul allbn much better than att< niplit^ t, leeqne footal gat hernias : ly following a-'profeeaioB" liemight amellorat' n hn .n . I mankind: but. l.y a.1. ptln-- ' rule of erilie or mentor bo only I'.lu- 1 (. r-il ]f the truthfulness nf the . ',! 1 U rush in where angeU fe.\r t . ti. a.1 Y irs truly. ON \Vi . w . I Ricliardsoii nf (it nt i.il |iKixliil WARREN LEUND, knovs M it- r of THK 8IUNS OK W(IRMK-sre well known, but tho remoflr is n,.' always so well ib'terminfd. We. m Pw4*n will destroy thum. Largest Holsl Enterprises of A m^rlca. sar that while a fm**tvf Nw York on I. Mini A shlpculim armiial >'| II. .rn. in liif < r y .lays ot *migTsU.m -. h I. in.. .1 that one ot la* oOcerw uf tb* v.vl ktti cured hmisi .(, ..u Sf*, of an obstinate disease sy Hi* UM al Ayer's Sarsaparilla. HIM* then Ur. LELAXD has recomt- Arm's SAKvr*it.Li la mi -. - eases, and h* has awVOT yet beanl ul Iu I . r.- to effect s radical eare. Seme yi-ars SRO one of Mr T.ruxn's fi-m laborers bruised his leg>. n>h to the had State of kta blo.l, an ugly scrofui..ii<fw*llui| or lump appeared on Die Injured limb rible Itching of tbe skin, with t>un darting pains through the lamn. m sbuost Intolsraltle, Th* leg r'V"- tnouslr enl .rf.tl. an.l running ml--^. i- dlscliargliig great f.uant ii.s of f offensive matter. No Ir^stmenf of niv vail until t', man, by Mr. I i i c . tion, was sapplled with Avrifs >-.i kn.LA, wkleh allayl the pain and imtatton, healed th* *nre*. removed the swelling, *fA coraplMely restored th* llnih In use. Mi. LiLjLM) has ptrsonally used Ayer's Sarsaparilla for TthoansUlam. w lli an' si: r cn il t ' M h ! ' . c I t . -i.e of Liver I . Iho eL'.-cts ..f hlzh 1M Rhruni, Sor** t 1 . . i. ' varl. ,11. 'nrnia of btnixl d.'ccss <. We hat.' ,r. Lt i v -!>'s pcrinj.t all whoutsyO. (I.e (u. tLcr ev:.' i -.- in to th* fitr.-r i. .1 y curst. vo po Avri:< MiuSArARILL V to >c* 1. 111 Slly citk'-r st hi* l:::r.niiotU ' Long Cram-'. .oral Ui-> f -.u'.ir ! llroatiway. 5:th and 2Ui btreu, ' . > .Mr. I.I.L.IM.'* axtcwlv* l.nv I ;e of the good done t.y till* neqnalled rn , , blooil pnlsnn* ensMes him to macn Vft.uakle lufortnatlon. rn-AKrr> BT Dr. J.C. Ayeri Co., Lowell, r.:a:s. BoldbyallDruBiltu, |1,U bottles for IV