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Flesherton Advance, 22 Jan 1885, p. 1

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V Fleshertoh Advance. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVQM."-" PRINCIPLES, NOT VOL. IV., NO. 188. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, JANUARY 22, 1885. 8ES6LE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. Tit - Bits. An interesting letter has just been received from Mr. Oeo. A. Higginhoth- am, Manitoba, by the Editor. It will be juiMislu-l next week. Mr. Jos. A. Blakelr, representative tif Ward No 3. was elected^ Deputy-Reeve <>f Arteurasia at the Council meeting on M.ind.iy liuL A well written esnay, on the subject rf I'liruuJiHjy, by Dr. Campbell, will l-e published in next week'e iwue of THE ADVANCE. Hills have just been issued asking for spplicatious for the officei of Assess v and Treasurer, respectively, of the Township of Artemeiis for the year 1885. - -We received a very handsome calen- der laat week from Messrs. McColl Bros, it Co., manufacturers of the famous Lar- diue Machine Oil, Toronto. A.yer's Ssrsaparijls, bin(? highly concen- trate.!, require* s smaller dose, snd ii more fTeotive, date for dote, than any other bliMHl iMp.iirine It it the cheapest, be ahe best. Quality ao4 not qnsntity ahuuU I --Kngenia, Kimberly, and Fevenham i- rnaf'HindeiH-t! received too late for this week | per. Msttcr intended for cur- rent issue ihould aluayt reach this office <m Tuesday Mr. Soudin Tuplin, of Osprey, brought a !<ad of prime wheat, thorough If cleaned, to Klesherton market on Monday last, and was paid 80 cents a bushel for it. What do yon say to that, brother Kutlede h T The best got up calender of the sea- auji comes to us from the Duncan Lith- ographing Co. , of Hamilton. Out, nut withstanding the fact that we have been the recipient of calenders got up in som< mneh-boaited and pretentious Yankeu lithographing eatabliahments. Avcr'f I'lIU <-nr. constitution, improve Uie appetite, promote digestion, restore healthy 0inn. and ngnlaU I.VITV fauctiou They are pleasant to take, gentle In their uBerati(iu, yet llxirough. (uarcbiBg, and in subdulnc disease. The Klesherton .Skating Kink is now in full running order, under the efficient MI iiia/ement of Mr. John Field. It was I..-MI ! to the public laat week, with the ioe in the very heat condition. Mr. Field has g'.no to onnsiderahle tn>uble getting the rink ready and desjerves the hearty ptttmnagf of the public. A social will be held at the residence of Mr. Win. Hogg, Fleaherton Station, on Friday (to-morrow) evening, under the auspices of the Ladiea Aid, Presbyterian Church, Flsherton. Teams will be pro- vided for those wishing t- attend from this village. WORMS ofteo n... Mrioas illnew. The rare is Dr. !... Worm Syrap. and n|-J Wonni effeelusUy. It deatroyi 1 In (.4-iii-ral O|>mii>n. Onrfriond, Mr. Thoa. Da'e, writini; under dat>> of Jan. 8th, instant, from hit home in Hurli MliifT, MAiiitoha, nays: " Knclosed |>le*se find one dollar for > li. Ii ins the ADVANCR for Wo receive the |*|>or re^oilarly, snd am .! wiiyn w'lii'l to nee it. " We aru conatant- i\ ruwiviiiK similar lottn from all quar- ters, and ura now svndiiiK 110 mn^le cop- i.- "f TIIK .\i'V(\. v: t" ul>acriliers in M lu <M) |Mpt-ottices in rln' \\i-Htt-ni KtnU>* HII^ Tcrritorim, Maiiitoha and th North- v \ v-t, Manituulin, Ireland, and England. HHH Of I . ni|>. r:iil< ( . The following are the otfioers of Flesh- erton Division, Sons of Temperance, for currvnt qunrter. Mr. J. E. Moore, W. P. Miss Pave, W. A. C. J. Sproule, R. 8. Miss Leitch, A. K. 8. T. Clayton, f. 8. W. A. Milburn, Treas. Dr. Christoe, Chap. J. O. Russell, Con. Miss Christoe, A. Ooo. W. Thompson, I. 8. W. Yokes, O. 8. C. TreadpJd, R. W. P. Fluid Lightning cures Neuralgia in one minute. Fluid Lightning cum Toothache in one minuta, Fluid Lightning cures Faoa aebe in one utinuUi. Fluid Lightning earn Lumbago in onft minute. Fluid Lightning relieves iiheoniatiaui in one minute. Fluid Lightning cnrss any paiu or ache instantlv. Price 25 cents per bottle at Eiohardaon'i Drag Store. Artrmrsla Royal Scarlett Chap- ter Met in the Lodge Koom of L. O. 1. No 229 on the 14th inst and elected the fol- lowing officers Comp. Sir James lirodie, W. C. C. " " Robert CUrk, E. C. " " Jos. A. Blakley, C. " " A. 8. VanDusen, C. S. 41 Wra. Rutlodge, C. T. " " Ephraiui lirodie, 8. H. K. V " " Thoa, A Strain, J. H. " " Win. Wright, O. H. The next meeting of above Chapter will be held in above mentioned Hall on Thursday the 14th of May next. A. 8. C. 8. GOOD TUB YEAH BOUND.-National PilU are a good blnod purifier, liver regulator aud mild purKStive for all our Mu- Kradlnic We are pleased tu feii<r that tual Improvement Society aad lioorn has assumed a definite shape, and, with efficient management, is likely to become an established Institution and a great source of profit and amusement tn nir young people. The placr rvnuid for the Reading Room U that which was used by Mr. II. Hix>pr as a ihow-room for furniture. It has been itted up with reading desks, tables, Ac. The following pa(>en are now on fyle - Toronto daily (Hokt, Toronto daily AfntJ, Toronto daily It'urlii, (trip, f'anatla <'i|i- I. Srientifif, .lrn.rn.iM, Presbyterian H< i, I'hrutun (fwwlian, Montreal H't(- nem, Toronto HVeJUy A'rtns, (Irry Kfrinr, n^arin*, and FLSHHBHTON An- It is intended to add to the above list, as soon as |Msiblo, the /...n / Ornphit, C-imuliaH Illuitnitui AVtrs, WJt, <^umafr .I'-vnvii. a number of our own County papers, and sevoral of the beet literary magazines obtainable. The members of the Mutual Improvement So- ciety will uieet in the Reading Room tho second Monday evening in each month >r the discussion of matters pertaining o tho Society. The membership fee haa >een placed at the rate of f 1 per annum All communications pertaining to the So- ciety and Itradinu Koom should be ad- dressed to Mr. Jas. Kulmer, Secretary, '"leaherton. truntu were readby the oppos'g counsel from the two papers, to the " edification " of the Court, and the -jury were asked to de- cide which had blackguarded the other moat. Jenkins came out triumphant from the ordeal, for the jury gave a ver- dict of $50 in his taw, while it dismissed the counter chum against him. Jss. Maason for plaintiff. H. P. O'Connor for defendant. "v* 8am J f~+~- Hcott l,-T^lietTng. Rev Mr. Patter ion Addresses f Fine Audienoe at Meaford Road. Last week Rev. Mr. Patterson, of Mea- ford, addressed the electors of Artemesia THE B1UN8 OP WORMH ars well known, bnt the remedy is not always an well letormined. Worm Powders will destroy hem. An. tobaccos nee>r>t th ftnoiit Virgini% liave n pungent effect upon the tongue nud will asiart it if the Brooking ii lung con- iinii.l. Some d( lh-m CTSD will blister it, or st leant destroy it* outer skin at the point win re ilie nmok'1 imping IIJK.II it. M' rtle Navy" it frei> from .!, fuel, nhirh, tcet)irr with it* fine TV tlm M i'uv..r makeH it s great favorito with smoker* Bucklon R Arm. -a Salve. The (lent HaH In the wnrM fnrdiU. linn . - ^..i. - I Icsra. Malt KU*utu, Ke.v,.i Nii.m, T*ttoi, r.ismiad Manila. rhllblaiua,Oorna. mi.l .H'iiii|. It ! uuarRiiamMi ui h'lvr lull.-, t mitt* f ft ion. or mount refunded. I'rk* Jttu0utu|>ar i \ For aalu lit W. Rtoliardaou. .Ir nk in- > I i. MM ml. This was tho celebrated case between the Durham editor*, and was decidedly the spiciest case disposed of I y the Court They had benn engaged in " journalistic pleasantries " for a couple of years pant, till last spring the firn'rtc raitin "ill with an " open letter," addressed to Arthur Henry Nuwton Jonkini. editor of the 'TViriTiiV/r, which iilinoHt exhuunted the vocabulary in sbu*ini{ linn ; whereupon .lenkins *ued Tw im-ml of th /.'.!" for lilN-1. When the ruse 1 onme on, tho ile fondant did not attempt to justify In* ,-ir tu le, but put in iv counter claim agninst .lenli nn for libelling him in the (Tinntirlf. | No witnesses were called, but choice .-x at Pncevilla, 4th line Orango Hall, Eu- genia. and the stone school-house, Mea- ford Road, on the Scott Act The meet- ! their New Lodge Flesharton Division, Sons ol Temper- ance, moved into their new lodge room, in Dr. Christoe's block, last wee. The event was signallized on Wednesday evuiiimg by a grand oyster feed in which some forty of the members participated. As may be well imagined, justice was done to the spread. Hot cotfes, biscuit company. Everything was first-claw. Before the " fued," however, the Boos took poasemion of their lodge room which is on the top Hat and opened the Divis- ion in the prescribed form. A more homo-like picture than that presented when the lamps were. lit. A MARVELOUS STORY TOU a no UTTT.M. FROM THE SON :? My fttbr HrtJse a* Glow. rr tmm Scruf- Vt. If ux aa4 mart* a bright fire roaring in the stove, the eosy cretonne curtains let down on the windows, the iiigswure well atunded. We had the : officers seated in their, various plaoea, and pleaure of attending the meeting in the ** 1 *8 number of Sons (and daughters) Meaford Road school-huuae on Friday ev- ' occupying benches arranged in Mou-eircul mug. It was well attended by one of j fo on ch aide of the hall -it would the most intelligent audiences vtr assera- k 6 difflcul t to fi nd Ths) soaoostic pro- bled in the Township at a publto gather- j Prties of the hall are excellent, a* it was ing. At the time appointed the meeting weU ***<! before the evening was over was opened by prayer by Mr. J. W. Arm- strong, of Fleshertnn, and staging after which the lecturer took his pUoe ou the The ladies and gentlemen, who had the ;ement of the " feed," performed their parts well. After refreshments, the platform. A. 1L Fawoettof THI ADVANCE, members sgaiu returned t-> the hall, Dr was unanimously appointed chairman. Chrutoe was elected chairman, and a lit- Aftermakirxafew remarks, heiiitroduced 9n *7 andmusicalpr.rammegonethrough the speaker Mr. Patterson, who was re- **. Miss liella Christ.*, Mise Hop- ceivod with applause, lie went into all . Mia Page. Miss Daria, Mr. C. the details of the subject, showing that 8pr jule, Mr. J. Blackburn*, Mr. Thomp- he was thoroughly pneted. He spoke on and others tok port. The event ..f briefly of the evils of intemperance, but U> evening, however, wai dealt uriuci pally with the dufsrsnt phases the ipeech made by Mr. J. Blackbnrue. suggested in the evsnt of the passage of ' l WM ahort but comprehensive, and was the Scott Act, the diflerenee between it dliwd with ease, grace and dignity, and the Dunkin Act, individual "rlghU," Mr Blackburn* promisee to be a fine uub- the barley ,,uestion, " regulating ths h- lie speaker, s thoee who heard him on juor traffic by Act G. rarliament," com- Wednesday evenlog wiU be prepanid to pensation to hotel-kseprs, Ac., Ac, We ***> Al 11 o'clock one of the most have only liberty to .In what is good and enjoyable eveuiags ever spent in Flesher- right ; just as soon a. we iuterfare with Un WM brought to a oloee by the singing j.. liberty of , TV now men our "* **" fcn " Otnetns; *.Me. " 'liberty " wascurti^l. Bven with out' 1 . ^~ present much-boasted license law one! 4 Bentarknhle I i> o.uld not Uoome drunk and disorderly | Mn U(lrT A ,_,,;],,_ of a , k without being interfered with by the law IV, WM sftti :i 1 fir ru years with Asthma and om|lled to languish in a police cell. " a Bronchitis . during which time the be.t . uLviiciaiis could KU.. no nil. f. Her lilt TUe lecturer illustrated the question of WM dwpiuw a ,^. nnlil in last October ah. "liberty," "individual rights," tt ai, by procured a Ikittl. ..f Dr. King'i New aue ajiiuamg and aptly chosen anecdotes. "T. .' in">l'te r.lief was fell, auJ ... by continuuiK its ue lor a ibsrt lime aha He spoke for two hour* and a half, holding WM crmpletely enrrd, gaiuing in flesh IDS. thecloseattentioQ uf the audience through- in a few mouths, out At the oloee questions were asked '' Fr " Tti ^ D "" lw of thi i all Throat and Luu l>isei by Mr. Th. Kelh, Mr. J. W. Arm- 1 ,<, j )rB> store. Largs r. tt:... 11.00. strong, and Mr. James Hanson, all of ,. , , , winch were ****> ~--d. a^. Extrm ^^ Urpling ^ offer . After the singing of the National Anthem, ^ by c Treadgold next door to a large and influential Committa* was ap- (lUjton'i. Fl. .^lierton in roperior iHiinted for irganisatiun and otler pur- Pino. Or>ruii Sewing Machine*, for poees, with Mr. J. I. (Iraham as Chair* man. The meeting then broke up. We might add that, in reply to a ques- tion, Mr. Patterson said thai Mr. Frost ' chiliee' repaired and taken M part pay had been employed to look over ths pe- i " ncw - Candid and oWM-cliing iinp-ct. 1 1 1 1. .us now on fyle at Owen Sound, and that tin- |MiesibUity wss the election Caib, Wood, Hay, butter, Ac., and | for good Kotos. Shuulec, Needles, land i ill supplied Old Sowing Ma would take place in this County early date probably next mouth. Oar i ;.i.i. . C,ir>*ia.- The last nnm- hers (35 and ,'H>) of this supberb work of Canadian Art are on our table.. In point >f itrtiMic excellence it is equal to preoed- ' ng numbers. The U-tter pruss i fault- ran The reading matter in ths hut 1 lumber | .<irt icularly , is written m that . ohanning nmnuer so {Hvuliar to the dis- linguiahed editor, IVinci)*! (!rant. The : ion invited with a view to to advantage. $100,000 to 'lend farm security al lowest rates of eat. Mortgaged bonght A kind viution H i xtonded to all to with C. TkKAiMiuiji, Floshcrton. on in- deal ienti Samarilla Lu :*o .B kU cess. I IMak hie bloo.1 me t lt unikiMtf UM bjn* for M to** U-i 7*an ; bat II did not abo,wp In U fi n <rfaa<T< fuU.Qs 4uo thorKt. untU : t.s IT* ;**n tsa. TriKi a (tw ipou which K- p*r*d at that Baa*. It fr 4 iJIy sj>ra4r> e toeo*arala*Btt-etodv. I iir joo t UrrtblT afflteto4 ad an abject of p(tf, b Nifu u!f you BMdMaa. Kow. haiara> ftwramcf Us |t* vlo aijor M fr>"-1 *"< at a* DM. 1 *oaM II; Mm* arty !ia wb wmM InMlfr la UM (MM hs kto < YuMstralr. W. M. Fmiujn." It nuxha laasur* .-! Uw kawti I FROM THE FATHER: a latr lor BM le sssls ID 701 aar* asrlwA (roea tkvs an at Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sri D*Mh< t(e I wss ompUlaly aowW wtfc s t<rrlbi kiinor a*4 avconUoee sona. T*> bnr r naiiil ao IUCMBWI and luu>:'im'- beMnc. an 1 IB* sam rratkxl ae as to <- the b*uo4 to low In sua; plaawe -r I Bwvaa, Jiyaoffcriiigir (*at.aii4 luy of* a hmrdam. 1 iouiaiaiail a aw <* t: a. SABaaiait.LA In April bat, ae 1 hits n \ It rafxlarlr atne that Una. My aordti a l~,aji to lia|tiT si oo-a. Tb soeai ha v all b'al*!. not I f*l pr'tftly w". h . *|. WIB( sww *Mt at sto a |od "'! .altaoifhTSTtanef af*. KUI;I ''r i iwrfM aaasr> ta BBT<I<<,I i I trj f-^iu, as 1 a** aaratrtaU VPIII >. ^ ViMinptufu 'f. 1 iiuik.- 1 Jl-r-'i flMlFa^TU evaa *> a .4 all - rofuleua Coui^lri* ta. try* _w :a. 1 ma Kla4rj>. u.. : . *.-. r nla, Turnort. au4 l~r|>(l<iaewf tb kkln. " T*-SJT r- *'-* ~* '" ' : rll'cs, a..l ittfnUon. MlaaUta* WMaclloat t 0M bov<k). and lh T Dr.J C AyerACo . BoM kr aU OnoMa, H. HELP fos* vstaiaaj pespla. So ta pm%as;. and ir J f-Mi rHKK. a royal . -. n fsuta. a r.iyal . \ " v i * bl*.iaui|J box of to..!. *t will pui von ta tb> >> . king more money to a hw <l*ya than y>.> i->>r thouichl iilU al aa; buinaa l4|lll iuli UiiM.ioly.or ail lb* lima. All ol both a.. all aga. icrauJly UOCM|!. M> eeaMto o MM^V Harriett *vrry eywnlu^ Tttat all whow^at w in mar t*t tb buamaaa, ui^kx tbii mar " ' xl nffor To all wliu an not well atifi4tl w. will Mind SI toyey lor thtlroablvot wr.Uaif -J" K' II particular*. duvottow, ttc <! fit* Mpn.w >aj atxilulfly aur* for all who mark oi-ce MsilsMa*. A<iar*M STiMxiN *C.. >v*tlu.l Malaa. Farm for Sale. BKL4O Lot 44. Con. H Art*mla. f u ty (>Tit Tt'ia Is a ni >t tlt^* f' r i ftiiiuei r .( ill* Htoek Kmi.ln^ a* tbnn li a nTr J arr clowwl a>ud Is acraa m f i 'arm t.( IVI 1as)SjUas ooa*. Am.|;t>r ll> to J \.*.< H WTLlON Koc.aU t.b., ol ou IT ; , * Kaav. -Im. A PRIZE.: liUwnrld A!',...f aiibar s*s, t The l.r. .| n^atotortun. ..rk,.r. al,->|uuijjriiira. t I'o , Aur,aia,, VaJue ften.l .iirent> tot] ajr*. and rr*lirat fi. n luat 1 y t i ..f irvud* whteh ul ii. ' r > u ta . rii;ht avty in&n Miytliita> ! ' A vnrld Al',. i,f allbar BBS, aucMed fmui k . Tm ^ I SLAND HOME Stock Farm. Cros> lie, Wavn* Co., Mich. 4AVAUE * FAttM"M._l > JWJTurroa_ Th mi"* popular WKKKI.T ne l."l to . I'-ti. .' 1:1. . I * M 'IL il . . V l'C4T**r- oinipletu work is remarkaUy free frum , im. inn-nti..nn an.i i m.-ni .,\. lllu*>tiati-l itl errors coniidrring tl* iramesue amount t,,V/ Vh'llj.ubllea'i'loii farBtshssa! aatvSoabTs .f labor in connection w,th its pnblioatioBlSfKl^r^.V!,. 1 ".' " 1 ^ 11 . ^- 1 . 1 '' ." ." ' and ia indeed a en-ut to tho entorpris- I iil.IiKliern, Mesart. Helden t Hn>. , Toronto, who, wo understand, are now n pared to bind th. w. rk at the lowest nttfit and in the liest style. Thf Frnfr' A'lv'ttr in the l>cst farm monthly In Cunads, and is now in its 1 I'll | |.u,., . , f thi HriKvnri. \vini, ' nnarlv .-.|iil tlit ..f t>oa,rlv all other |'ii<ern i.f Ms was eseabtBed. 1'ricuS.t JDayrr Di^-funt i.. nui.. >...!. i i.f n aswetoalijn CO I'ul.'.i.ti. t- \. n-,1 |lr.i*.l*a> . N \ P . Tbjrty Stvtn ' |- l.f..l.i tli,. l'at-1' |ir.,|.r.. I more tlian One Hs.*Arsd Them . 4 . i w- api'lieati. n f r | ,t, nt Iq the Tniti.! twentieth volume. Ise January nunihur *tati a: ,,i (,,,.,, . ...nnri,.. caTeau. Traiie . .. , iiicii t _ -* ii * r . .Maraw.l.'i.vii^ht., V* ' ! jti ii'.'ii t* ant al' 111 " rhick full of nluable information ,,,,,.r. f,, t ... "mi* t,. ii,v,,t.t..ri thii riaiiil. in , the fnitiHl Htntn.. Ciinmla. KniiUiul Franni ' j lloiniitn* u. I otlliir f. . .->uii nn ntil.... pi. | ,,,.1 () f at i.hit in t ice ami .in i,*'<> Uinin. loformsMon aatObMajBlni palBlaea*rfall litentn kiatter of interest to rien without enarga. Mnn.i IH k. ,.f ,, for furinurs, and contains, h and k Urge iile, an in amount All , 1. 1 a Krnci> an I k wlectnl n 'in the .-t'. n r-a ind . ne.| rct'tiUikKi and icgietawsd IB tbS) eTt-rylxMly. Each umber |>airrs iif matter, am yet it . dollar to get it tnrt and I ' ISLAND contains iil> costs a Wm. Weld, ,'nt. b< HOME ' ^.

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