Married On the 17th December, by the Rev. D. C. McDowell, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. David Blair to Miss Mary Ellen, daughter of Mr. John H. Heard, all of Flesherton. We take much pleasure in wishing the young couple all happiness. Both are well known and highly esteemed by the people of this locality and therefore have the good wishes of all in their matrimonial venture. 1 Artemesia Warehouse ! On|ir*y from uur oirn Correujwnjtttt, For Ke\e, Thomas (Jumpy and Arch- Mclutyre. Fur Ik-puty Reeve, Kilward Putts and Jiwiah It Sing. For Cnuni-illon, Julin Hudson, John Inksu-i. Thmnaa Juhnaton, James Sin- clair, John Speera, Juavpli Taylor. Ma 1. 1 1 1. u I in Ulnnd. Marrlrd. On the 17th December, by the Rev. D. (.'. McDowell, it the n-*i4ence of tlie hriJr' father, Mr. David Klair to Miss M ;iiy Ellen, daughter of Mr. John H. Heard, nil of Fit slierton. Wr take much pleiwmre in wihin* the vi.nui; couple nil hap|>inos. Itoili are well known and highly esteemed by the IK-I.).!.- of this locality and therefore have the good wisheK of all in their umtri- i monial venture. NEW Al)VKRTISKMim F iRM TO REIST. L'-Hil Farm fllluae<1 on Town*W|i of A-t< r OK Foil SAI-K, Con. 10, Lot at, In tin- Tlirreaii), or ftlMrut. 00 acre* cla rd, w ih fpllC**. r-Ji lllK t'M-rk ; rXCt 11< l.t *< il, VrV *'tMlv worked- 1" l'< -1*1 K( or i frtrJy half it* viJ 1 "i i in i for most of |m\ rniMits. , KluUertuu Oct. I ul, I - 1 Apply to Ui* ec. W. I .K INs A full stock of ( in ial Goods now .11 fcnud, consisting of Dry <ioods Hard- Hare, Oockery, VrorerlrN, Pro* Isions, Vc. for *le cheap for Cash or coun- try Produce. Cash Paid ior Ml Ivnnl- .i \VM. KLKKHKHTON STATION P.O.. OUT. My SAW Mlf.I. at Little FaJls u in full operation. Particular attention Riven to < rutotn work. Customer* our. have Lumber or Shingles cat out of their own staff for re. turu load.. All k iinls of Saw Log* bought WM. HOOO. HBARD'S Manufactured at Fleslier- (on, -<j tlu Cheapest, u nothing bat good wood in used in tbeui. They are itrongly ironed, rum ea> and w-11 1'aiutwl. Kartuer* ami other* wanting tbe Cbea|HMt and ltot Waggon will do well to examine the ma- terial uan-f uli) . HKAHU'S Waggon* are warranted for :i yuan, and aold at very low price*. No Kreigtit to pay. , Ituuuiux Gear. Box, Spring Beat, Neckyoke and Whifflt-treee ............................................ 7.VOO " " forcaah ............................ 6B.UO Manufacturer of Buggi, Democrat!, Waggon*, Gutter*. Sleinli. Iron Harrows, and Agent for PlMM. JOHN H. HEARD, Fleshertcn. FLESHERTON. ~~ MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF Mar.1. 'A f , Sucli as Monuments, Toiub Tables, HeadHtonen Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and (iranite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marlil. i/nl Shite, ,vr., &C. n. Aug. 30, 1883. GET YOUR Fall * Winter nothing MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE Fbsharton Tailor. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLO WAYS PILLS&OINTMENT ' A Norwichite^Jijjerience on The Island of the Great Spirit. I Your readers will dunl>Ut-ag Ue iuterosted in a short sketch <>f the miand of the Great Spirit. Ai most people kuow, it form- erly owued by Imliai,- ; they also know lu . uaiiie.MS3 ivcu it by tin* Jusky inhabitants. For many >eari utithmu was'kuowu of tliia beautiful islnnd. mid uulil about forty yeiirs I ago, it was little I" ttt i tlian a howl LK wild- rnes. The firbt white Rettler of whom anything in known, in till living in OIK- of. the villages known . I. 'tile Curreut, and is still halt and In-arty. As I have elated one of the moat mt.-r etting feature* connected with the xt-ttle- im-nt of the Inland, it will not be out of place to intiotiiHv to u.ur n mli-i* Mr I'lnl- ! lip May, the first white -i uli-i mentiuued ' aboTe. A trip to Muit<.iil.i> this nmiuer \ was ooe of the most nj)oyul>lo ijvnr exix/rieu- ' ivil. Tbe pUce IIM undi iK"iie many rhaiigrK and improved HO rspidly, that tliF tourist can scarcely I* pt-rnuad-d that this in the plai-e supposed bv n<> many tu )> a wild, uncivil!/, ed region, behind the tiint-s an far an ncial stuiiilin^ and n. mlnn Mupruvi-iiii iitu un-i-mi- ci-nii-d, tin- natural l>. uutv nf thil village ' (Little Curreut, we astuiue) has been greatly euhanr-ed by tho eplrudid wharves ana some | fine new building* recently erected, hewn i good 1. MKts ply between Collingwood and I Sault Si. Marie, two nf which make the en- tire trip to 1'iiinili, hut nil calling at ruoHt j of the village* m, the north nidi) of the is- land. Those desiring to vUit this island will rind the route by way of Wiartou the j most Let me give yon an account of a few day I camping on the North Sln>re, at the foot of tin- Lacloche mounUiim. A party of thir- teen of us ragacd Capt. Taylor, of the linn little aailing veal. MAMTOC, and pilot May | tiic first white child In. in on the Mauitou- lin t. convey us to the opposite aide i.f the channel froia Little ('uncut, distance of i about thiitern miles. We made the run In short lime, and after taking dinner, we pro- ceeded armud with pitila, hasketa. tin cu|, fishing tackle, and the Frenchman'* ever needful long handled frying pan on our tour. Wo i-t-rt.'l np the mountain and were not long in fiuding in v amount of blae- herriex, or hucklebrrriei at some call them. Up we went until e had attained an altitude of 1<KM) feet when we halUid, and c^ied trut on nature's grand paimramu stretching from ! beneath our feet almost, to where earth and ; sky appeared to meet. The hay, duttvd with innumerable islands, resemhled a hnge mirror as it rpirkled in the bright rays of the run. The islands serai to range from the M/.- of a TEA PLITK to til.- (treat Mam toiilin itself, which is '.MI miles long and 80 mile* wide. Some idi-a can be formed of the number of islands dotting the hay, when I inform > our readers that tiiere are said to be 00,000 Ix-tween Oillingwood and the MM. After filling our baskets, 4cc. to the brim with berries, ws rtluctautlv deixend the mountain, by the time the botton Is reach- ed, we are nil hungry (or it Is uow MYCU o'clock. After supper, a huge fire Is built and lilaukuti epread in our tent, am) thoro who fe-l too latigued to part iu the songs and jvats around the fire, betake tbemselres to their "downy" coucbea on the "softeat" aide of (he rocks. Two days of ibis pport ended our first picnic mid we ntnrted for home iu high glee, having gathered iu all nearly !HM) quarta of fruit. Two eicurdono to the North Shore, each of two days duration, aatisflin the tourists that if there i* any place under the sun where a good old-fashioned sporting time can be had. it in on the Manitoufin. The crop* on the Island are abundant and iu quality surpaan anything in the 1'rovince. Hoping 1 have nut treepassed too much i.n your apace, I remain, Ac. Mra. W. S. Hambley. Norwich, Ont. TwKNTT-TiaKK YKARS Rev. Wm. of Wiarton, wa) cured of ; Mrnfulous iili-iri'mi that aeveuteeu doctors could not core. Hnrdock lilood Bitter* was the onl.T .fi-es.vfi;l remedy. It cures all imparities ol the Nystem. A Koynl airlstiiMH . i n . Santa Claus uaod to ) tho donor of " good thing! " in tho days nf our balmy youth ; but, the aea-f(oil a|i[>ear8 to have a predilection fi>r aoiiif |Mirtion of the uj>|>tr earth, for, on Cliriatmna t-vvnini; na Mr. and Mn. liens. .n, of tins Town, were dia- cuMing the merit* of a Can of Oystera they liinl just oj enetl. Mr. B. ]iaco\erul a hard Kuh'tAlice in one of the ovater* lie was rat in-/, which uixm . \:niuii m..n lirored to I* n /'mrf of iitru |tmlitv nn<l high value. " It never raina, but it pouni," ia an old adage, and theaucceaflof Mr. Benion's Inisineas retationa is now crowned with a Triterimi einldeni of nt least the value <.f $250 to 9300. Editor- ially we don't envy W. lienson but the thought KtrikrH us tliat we mi^lit linve done n meritorious act by purchaiin^! a Case of Oystera from Unison, mi the ev- . niinir iii queation. Markdale, Dec. 29, 1884. J. W. BATES, Furniture Denier and Undertaker, KI.KiHEKTOX, ONT Mr. E. Springer, of MechauicHburg. IV. writes ; " I wan afflicted with lung fever and abacesK ou lung*, and reduced to A WALKIIO KKILKTOR. Got a free bottle of Dr. King'a N*w Diacovery for Consumption. which did me so much good that I bought a li.ilhir bottle. Alter lining three bottles, found in\m-lf ouce more a man, completely restored to health, with a hearty appetite, (ml a giin iu flesh of 48 IU." Call at W. Itichardaon'i Drug Store and get a free trial luiltlc of tlim certain cure for all Luug I>i seaaea. Large bottles tl .00. Money to Loan. At <:\ /'/ I'ntl. l,,l-,nf i.n Xtnti'i WITH Interest jialil yearly, oat Jn ad v one* S* coniliiiuiou chanted A|i|ily to \.<.i;ili: THOKMIIRV. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM TREEMA1TS WORM PO\7DERS. Are pleasant to take. Contain their Pvfative. la a aafe, sore, and e/ferfaa/ ttmrmtla Chuatenor :DO AN old smoker declare* that he hai been using Myrtle Navy tobacco ever since the see,. in! jer of ill tiiaiiufiictiirr :ind that during thai time he ban never suffered from a bliatorvd tonKiie or naruhed toim or nny other f the unplPaaant effect* which tobaccra will leave behind them. HIH experience, he lay*, is that no other tobacco which he ha ever tried IK quite itK eijnal and thi|t in vnlue foi the money no other cornea anywhere near it A piiNhliiK I ountry JournallHt. We congratulate Mr. W. L. Smith, of the Shelburne c<u>mift, on the hand nine ClmntniHx iiiiinber he presented to his readers |*t week. The Et<mam**t mnn'N enterprise and (man in thit aa in other matters pvrtaiuing to live country journaliMii, cannot b- Uo highly praised, and we tru-i IIIH effort* will meet wi:h tint genuine reward which they richly merit. THE PILLS Purify the Blood. . .imn-t all Uisordera of the Liver, Stomach, Klrtn'yH, and I3o\vel. Tbey invigorate and restore to health Dehlfftated ron*titntion, and are Invaluable In all Com plaint* iiniKloiital to Females of all ne. For Children nnd tin- aiteil they are jiriceleas THE OINTMENT N an infallible remedy for Bad Legs. Bad HreaiU, Old Wound*. Soren anil Tlcein. It li famouH for Hout anil Rheumatlmn. For diiordern of tho Cliet It baa no equal. For SOUK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS (Jlauclular Swelling, and all Hkin Dineasm it hail no rival ; and for contracted aud stiff joint* It act* like a oharui. To OUR Hi U.KHH. If you suff.'r from from headache, dizxinoRS, backache, billout IICM or liumors of the blood, try Burdock Blond Bitter*. It if a Liniruiiteril cure fpr all irregulHrtift of blood, liver and kldneya. Eanufactured only at Profesaor HOLLOWAV'S KntahlUlirnent, 7H, > < Oxford Ktreet < intc &3S, Oxford Ntrrct >, London, and are aold a* la. U<) . Sa. M., '. M.. Us.. 'il.. and ;ci nacli Box or Pot, and may be bad of all Uodl im- \ i-nilnri thronghout tbe World. Purchit"r$ thould loot: ft ihr LaM rm 1hf I'ntf nnd llojn-i. If Hit addrett it not 533, Orford Strett, Lutidon, they are ipuriout. Matter Left Over. The followim- inU-resting reading mat- ter tin:i\Miil;il.|y crowded out of this iaauc, but will ,-i|i|icnr iu our next : Report of Fluahertoii Clieae Factor} 1 ; "An Ar- tenifsiH Hoy ;" Honor Roll* 8 S. No. 8 and :t, Artomusia ; Elootion of officer*, Markdale lodge of Royal Templar* of Temperance; Election of Officer*, Flch- erton L. ( >. I,. No. 42< : und other matter - Iirincii-ally editorial. NATIONAL PFLL8 are the favorite par gatlve iind anti-biliou* medicine ; they are mild and thorough. A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD II TWO UTTIF.S. Hailltmn: 3ly father reaUlea at Olovcr, Vi. lie baa b*ea a |raat snlTrrer from Serof- tU, mi tbe iDcluaed lottvr will tell ; uu wbat a ioar veluns elloct Ayer's Sarsapariila lias liait la III* eaM. I think hi* blnot mn- 1 l.are contained Uie liunwr lor at leut trn -.-r. hatltdUiiitaBbw, eiept Intha fbm i f a scrafuliim sore on tbe wrist, amlll aboi:*. ETC yean ngn. From a few spots wbirh ap- peared at that time. It gradually spread so a* to enver hl entire body. I M'ure 7 on n* was terribly afflicted, aad MB ob)*st ol pitv, whan be began twlugijrottr nwdleln*. Kow, tkeraar* few men of kla age who enjojr a* K. - -.1 he lui. I eould easllf name fifty penuua who would wntity to the facts ! ln case. Yuan truly, W. M. PtULUM. 1 * f- untae tk Lun of "F*MU FN SMI M AMD "FMHS In I he DAILY AND WCCKLV MAIL T H u MAIL kM bcctmt iu fyr tmrm AnvERTisEMENLV ef-FwM lot sdt" aaii nlMi."" Stock o* "lied bS4ir*" f " WMtM^IW . Til* WTCK1.Y |>er 4xdc*.li tMfM f "if "^ itmft Mt word fur 4t mifrrtt*i, ot la TMF DAAA MAIL MM<W IflfamU THK MAIL FROM THE FATHER : ^ a ilutv for me to state to T..U the bsueflt 1 have derived from tbe at* at Ayer's Sarsapariila. MX montlin ago I was eomplfUly covered with a terrible humor and aerofnkxa* sone. Tli hninor cAue*! an IneeMMnt and tntolerab'.a tt<-Uln(, and tbe skin cracked an ai to caoie tli ' blond to flow In man; places whenever I morel. My suffering* were great, a->4 mjr life a burden. 1 eonimenned tbe use of tbe !> MirRii.i.A In April Ust, and have wvl It recvUrljr alue* tliat time. Mv com ion U .- to in. IT ii" at one*. The snree bn o n*! b.Jil, an-l 1 f i-l psrlecUy well la.eTerv < H*t temK now nlile to da a g.H-d UA- 'S >' > I; U ",J y>-auf age. Many n- .a rj t ..._ i.-.i.t ur. i ae.ieln inyc.-,au.l 1 t II i i. aa 1 Lave Lori tried to ttll \ u, -. i 8\itr \: -MI.I.A. C!o<er, M., L... I , i. .i Vviurs cratcf ullr. ItlBAM i ull UI J."' / -.:.' *-'r.La core* Crroruls r t all f i ."iilooa Coiurlnlnta, r.r\ -'.\t- i . i. I zn-% Rln;wonn, I.;,:.:KS, K -. Doll*, Tumors, and Urc:.::oni of the 'n. It clears the Mood of all K ;.u- I ', llj d!^lioD, stimulates U ti-li.m of Ih* loxels, and tbo* rastoraf Tttalit; and *i:cc;ti>en* U> whole system. EUGENIA Grist Mill, SW id In: 11 , Ilavinf; made riteimivr ini|>mvements In mr l trial Mill, I am contdent 1 can give goo4 satis(acti<in. CHOPPING DONE ANY DAY. Good Flour slwsya on hand. ( iislom Saniii2, and Bill- tilled <>n tie slinrteat nntiee. Lniu- tier ami Latli alwnynuu liand. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT. RUGRNIA I Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mm. Sold 1.7 all DrafxUta; 11, six bottles for US. Just What's Wanted. MB. OKO SWVNTnN'H THOBOtrAH-llRED BIBKSHIBE Boar will IN for .rvlce th.- i'aon ol INH4 at Ixit I.IT. K T A S It. Arti.nienia. Thin Imar wa purchancd from tin- far famed Canadian utook ralon. 3. C Hnoll A flni . K.I nionton, a.nd had* (xidlirree itndinii Into tho Hrltlxh. Hrltish American and United Status HIT, I books. TKHMR,--()1.00, at time of nervier. OF.O. SWANTOX. Nov. 10, 1MH. Fleeherton P.O. SLAND HOME Stock Farm. CroBo lie, Wayne Co., Mich. dAVAOE ft KABNUM, PKOI-KIETOBB Farm for Sale. BriNn l,"t J4. 1'cii N. Artemeala, County (trey, Out. This is a inont denlrahle farm for took-Baislae; aa Iberels a B*rei-fantDg Bprlbc Creek runfl thrnupli the centrn of tin- farm There rn 7.1 acre* cl oared and IH Rcrex of Fall Ploughing donn. Apply by letter tn.IAMF.HH w II, SUN. Kugenla P.O., or ou tbe preiuines. Terms Easy. a-IMPORTED-a. Percheron Horses. A PRIZE. Rend *l cento for poRt- agn. and receive free, a costly lni\ of Hoods which wfM help you to more money right away than anything el In till* world. All. of Hthemei. nuo<-ud f rum flnt hour. The hrnexl road to fortnnr opi-ii* before the worker*, almol.itely ure. Atooce addroai, Tni'M ft Co., AucuKta, Malue. All atix:k K) ectrd from the Ret of alrm and < of established reputation and rcjrleUred iu ttae French ami Ameruin Mud books. ISLAND HOME If beaallfullr xltuated it the head of Ganass: Ii n In the l)i-ir nt Kiver, ten miles helow the < y. and usii-r-Miil,. by railroad and Mcunboat. VMtim not familiar with the location msy call at rtty oAoe, 52 ( iiiipmu RuildlnR, and an enrbrt win acnoipnv them to the farm. Srn.1 for catalogue, free by maiL Addresa, SAV/U.K ft KAIUTLM. Detroit. Itka. , A ci:M . EVIL. Children are often fretful nuil nl who* worms are tliecaniu*. Dr. Low'a Worm Syrnp al-ly vxprlaall Wociot.