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Flesherton Advance, 1 Jan 1885, p. 1

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Flesherton Advance. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES. NOT MEJV.' VOL. IV., NO. 185. PLESHERTON, ONTARIO, JANUARY 1, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE, One of the lea'lini,' fx>cal ami Family Xw<iiapei - in No.theru Du'.urio. l'ulilii.hf.1 Tlml Equalization. tlfdtrrtoit, Out. r ii' m i H l'uWi;/ir<x/ Strrtt, TKIIMS OF s rUU par aimniii in advance ; fl.Suif not paM a: th endof one voar. Nu paper dleoootlnued 1,11 til all arica.rai; -*are ptu>1 up : anil no HabHcrl|>- MUMV tikon for let. thin one >ear. except when i"->i,il arraiu!'-iii'"'t fur ihorter |wriodii are made with the publi .he/. ADVKltTIHIva KVTKK. *c. Caftual a'lvartl*e'iiyiita,*''entpr lat Insertion H-i 1 .1 oHiitt pr line each Kbaqiumt lu*ertiou. Trail .leut a4vvrll*euik > *'t* to be paid tor when a --tore I. \ IvertlHelu^ntH witlio'it HjHH'ieJ dlrec- nun* will b<> in<ertod till forbid and chamrd a.-eonflsflr. Ubural lu lu<!me-it to regular advert! <wr*. Notic . .MH'Miu 1 rea.litit! matter. 10 cent* |wr i.uu ch ni-oi i. in No atvertiMKiiipnt discontinued until all ar- rearage* ar M<| up. Copy for a IvaitineiuanU Khould reach thin fli-'- it-it lii' t'lan noou on Tuesday to enmire . i,, rtiou i current luue. A. R. FAWCETT. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &S.. (INT. P11YKK I, IX, SIK4.EOX, &r. FLESH ERTON. Itrtidrvrt, nrj't t<> l>inni/ti Court offite. I > i II I \ < -it . Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCHKK, PRICEVILLE, - ONTARIO. r-f> AH 0,'U* i>r<nn\ttl<i iitteiuitd to. John W, Armstrong. >Lr.HIIKIIl< . OlIKV. :< I'M,**,- Book d Job Printing .' In every atylu of the art. at reasonable price* and ou *hort notice Order* by mall will recelto prompt attention. Term-. trlctlr eaah. i leshcrton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, - I'aopBirToii DIVIHION COl'KT CLKllk. CI1MMISK10SE11 in 11 H., Conveyancer. Ac Agent for purchanu and *ale of laud* Ap]iral>r fnr (' I. c Coin- and F I* li A H . HiM-luty. Money to I/oan on th mo*t reawinable tnu. laarKK or M UiKMt. K Cash paid for fat Cattle and Fro)i Mrata cmiRtantly on hand for Cash. OitltTH promptly filled. FLESH ERTON MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. THK noit Fair will t*k place OH UOXDAY JAN. "ilb UM5 From the time the Valuator* were foisted on the Couuty, iiinuh ha* l.i-eii Haid regarding their work blamed and praiteO according to favoura reculved or otherwise Hut thin fln.t chapter fell into intiiincauoe coutrantod with after events. The Towndilu* of I'mton, Oeprey and llcniinck in ]iartloular felt niot aggrieved at the valuation put on them Other*, too. thought the richer Tuwntblpa had a decided advantage, but the. Towufthip* Arat uawed were all that uc<l their privilege in appeal. Aud at the very tart, a groat error y imported Jud*e Me Pbereou at s prelmil><try nieeling, aa r. i'it ban it. ruled that tlio agveijaUi valuation of the Couuty could uot be ehauged, au 1 that tboee, appealing Townauln* bad not only to >how that their owu valuation > too high, but alao *how where to put auch over-valuation. Kuch ruling aoemed trauge and took all liar- tie* by nurpriae. \Vu*t ' nut change the total. when jiejpable clerical error* appeared in ei leunion or addition f Vet thii ruling prevailed, tor Kni'bratia ami Keupel ihowed eonclualTely ucb error*, and they were handed over to Nor- manby. with all the rest of the change* made- Hut, aubnequeatly. the Council oouip*uaated Noriuauhy, lu a reduction of tome Ml for eucb an unjuiit proceeduru. The term ' Kqualuatlon," a* u*e<l In the stat- ute aud denned hy tin Jodae, teem* to me to be arbitrary and eitretnely limited lu ita applica- tion to thii ease. Iu it* true etymological wnae it 1* quite poaeible to produce an equalisation, vii., that one Townahlp do pay proportionately to the other without ndalnlnf a *uin total, and which iu ilu caa* waafkHtntl to be untrue. What i* iwine at the Court of BevUiou r What itduue in tbe Commit****) of Finance and Aae- ' Or. what We* really the result of the made in thi* particular caae iu regard So tbe TownnUips cnmsurialiuj the K.ll group * Osprey was relieved, kept* I waa relieved. Uid the learned Judge, or tbe aatute Solicitor for tbe County, trouble tbeuuelve* a* to which of the other mot n ben of tbe group nhouUI bear the dif- ference ? Not one word ; the difference tell when It ll*ted. without allotmenton I'rotou for In- tame already groantaul! Equalisation, then- may be aad waa accomplished without the nee eeaity of showing where any over-valuation may be placed, tbe ruling of the Judfe nevertheless. But another aaf>ect might *how, that with the total of Valuator'* repots, a* preerated by them equalisation would be tmpoeelhle. To be fair and )u*t wlthoat a cbajafjs or alteration, a de- duction liecaune of arrura to tbe eitent of aay ajo.000. It waa found that the Towtuhlpe to be benefltted, to <]uare the ine't JT. were Bentinck and (teprey. VThy m4, C en. have amended and truck utf the amount , O.'C effect woulJ have .la* ufaaxti tuontr* aud at Ftssherton OB tbeiet Lj" n rtmllar to that of the group Townahlp. and Irrl Thursday in each month for the practice It waa pure uouaence, therefore, to contend, aa | given, vii.. that there waiao appeal could lie, in deeuietl a* a factor in briugtug about the diffi- culty aud expemw the minority aupDot.iu){ that If the majority had not been thua >treniitheued a aatUfactory wiliition would hare prevailed without litiation He tin- a> it may. the time hae come to unqirlrv into the need of auch an ornament aa County solicitor at a salary of jm' per year, and. upon any aenrioe* becoming nee- eaaary and of Importance to tbe County in mere municipal aenae for none can make it other- wine to luffer aueb extra enormou* ratee al- ready mentioned. The County baa an Kuglneer but no .alary la attached any service* required be doee it and char|e* for It. Doe* H net *ee*n juat to the County, and la It not juat to tbe peo- ple, to dlipenu with all nuch eoatly ofBcee The people would *ay noanlinotialy, ye* (i \Vl.a, will the next Council aay ? Ukewiw yea I The ri.ViL settlement of thbj matter will be Mifflcieut for another article ibortly. ~ STRAIN & LARGE, liu-ilfferit <unl Con tractors, FLESHERTON. I Are prepared to attend to Flrlck A Stone Work 'inall It* branrhe*. order* left at the Amtx r Office will receive prompt attetiliou. Good work at Fair 1'rieee Alexander Brown, ISSI'KU of Mrna;.' Llcen*e*. Utineral Agent .tc Licenced Auctloueer for County of (irey. 1'nn P.O. (Hit W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. rir.HK AUTmriiA. KSTATEA INSURANCE AGENT COL L KCTOK, A UCTIONKKR. ILJTovilV I^Mavneil on Rood twctirilv on the rooiit fiivnrahl* UTIII* and mi mtidcTAt mt4w of bought Offlco ueevrly op- Fl.RHHCIITOX intfn-Ht Miirt^a^r |Mi| Town Hall. F ilcutistnj. J.P. N II.HII U I.. I .!.* DEKTIBT, of hi* )irr>fr,ri Canadian Pacific Railway. OUTARlFMVISION. Change of Time. A. J. ni I.IIIN HANDS & PKRRY, SiieefUHtm in Ijtiiitirr <{ Haurf*. BMLlilMl I.Ks. Mil. 11 i mi. s NOTAHIKB, COSVKYASCF.KH. ,Vc M.mev to loan at l^wuiit Hate* of intereet Office*. Ill King Street Kant. Toronto. ing rffrci 1 oroul . < r< i & linn . ToHoNTO.deiMkrt. 7 JU a iu .................. 4.40p.m ,lo. a ui .......... FROST & FRO>T. DAHHISTKIIS SOI.ICITOIIK. CON VKYASC'RS. D AT. Office Poulett Htreot. Owrv KofKii. anil every Thnraday at FLKKIIKHTCN. J. W. 1 in 1ST I . I li At.FKKD FIOHT. Crown County Attorney. CHKHIT \-.\LLKY 7/r/.s7.V. TonoMTo, depart, 10 a.m .................... 4.10pm " arrive. 4 " ........................ !> " XOTK. Mixed train leave* Parkdala 1 a.m. oXTARIO ( (jrERM' IHVIXWX. 1 10 p.m. Depart Toronto Arrive O.. r >1 a in. 43p.m " ...... Parkdale ...... .4Ap.m. W. WHYTE. D. MrNICOI.1.. OllN'L Sl'P'T. <iKS'l. l'All. ACT. TRAINR I.F.AVK FLESHF.RTON STATION : Oning North, at n .!' 111. HiVip.m.. * 4i'; pin li'.ini; Ho nil, at r..M a.m.. 4:r> p.m., * itt)i 1 1, JiotrK \ Ill-oil II. >!]. MAXWP.M., OXT. Good accomniorlatirtn : bt l>ran<l I.liinor* A CiKr OIMV) Htalillni; and attentive Hontler. Tim only Hotel in tln> place, JIM. AI.MOOV, . PiorniKTon. THE MARKETS. Flesherton Station Hotel. Aitjt. //unti'iA it- .S</H, I'ruftrirtor*. f pHK al>m' Hotel havInK bnen tborongbly ro- I fiit,"i throughout, now afford* eicellunt ac- inioUatioli to the travelllnil public The IHII i- well .iipplied with i-lioii i l,Ti|uom and CICAIM In fiii-t unii'!.' acconiriiodation i* afforded norr to liotli man and heaat. !.'!> FLESHfiBTOX.' riour ................... Fall Wlu-a t .......... Spring Wlieat .......... llarluy ..................... Oats ................... ?0 (I iVns ...................... Jtnttcr .................... EKKS, fresh ............. t'otntoos .................. 1'ork ................... fi ILy.pj!i' ton ............. 7 titan ..................... 5 Wool ...................... SWvpkins ....... ..... Geese .................... Ducks, per braoo ...... Chickens, per brace.... Turkeys .................. 75 to 4 "H to Go 4( !ii; Oil 16 18 '20 2:> 00 50 10 45 (5 40 20 8 (Ml ... diriii timrrti-il iiinU'r thi* knitting at fl:'.iH> '' peruMinm irhni [ttiul in nrfniirr, or ^,7 I'Vuii iinf MI i*i,tl. Thret-qnartrr iiifh. --V. O. U. TV". Pr-illl.K TON;.. No. 142. MI.-, i in their Ix>ilg Koom. stniiti - liliN'k. Toronto kiieet. on the lt and :tnl Monday in each month, at 7 m pin nharp. Vlllln( brethren well >inie M P. Mi'MAin-Rn, M.W. W. ( PU-IKI.L. Itcc'r DUFFERI1T LODGE NO. 186 I. O. O. F. Flruhci ton- MKK I'H evi'i-v yn,l and 4th Tiii-mlav Kveuiiig In i'iii'li nioiith nt H o'clock I.IN|KH Iliviin in Ktraln Mock, Toronto tr't. n, >:, . . I ,.,||'.-. i-t iti"ftliiL- In oach month. VUiting bretlion cor- dially liuiti'l .IliM 1)1.41 KBfBK, N'' A. 8. V < M ! M N It S. Oet voitr Auction Halo hllln printed at ThK ADVASCI ofllco. Flmherton. on 2 houro notice. In the. l>nt fftyle, and for tbe |."*t money. All other klnd*nf l'i intin nhond of mvtMi'H cot tin in Cait Ciro;, ID prloe. material an4 a irkinaiililp WIN more money than at anything ! by taking *u agoncv for the lie- 1 r hook out. Wulnnvrii nc- coed iimn-ll v None fall. Term* free lUi.i.xn Ilooi Co.. Portland, Maine. Important, the retention of original erroneoua total*, to effect au adequate and juat equallaa tion. Who ever heard. In a Court of RevUlon. that the bum taken from A uiuat u> placed on H What I* the difference between an Apiwal Cour of the Count) aud a Kevialon Court of the Town III p. but one degree, both being of aame nature --purely muolcipal. What a fearful reepoaalUllty wa* thrown on the appealing Townahlp* by the ruling referred to a reepouilbillty never anticlpatwl and com pelled them to do that which they felt lea*! in clined. vU . attack their *i*ler TowDeBl|ie. They felt that ample evldeuoe would b* in >bowtug that the value placed on their landa wai* exci Ive. b> eoui|Mrteut judge* and hy aale* actually made They were aetoiinded when tin v were placed iu antagonlam to Uielr nei^ltlMirK et|iia ly aaVinlnhtxl were other* of ttie County to h notified to attend, to lev to the i,,t.r. -!-,'( theli respective Twn*hli>e, and wlio we>r uot, when there, permitted to niter one word, only thro tbe County Solicitor. In whom pome, at leaat had little confidence! It if "aid. In apology, that the total of the Valuator'" Report waa rcer\. . In order to do away with the nrci-wlty and e penae of a m w lu Law I don I know If mrh U true. If no, it U a wretched ronimrnt upon jna tlco and equity an acknowledgement that tin equalliatlon I* ctlll tiajnit Hut -in li of ItMil would have appeared aotnewhat pecnily if the party renderltif! i>ueh advice were equally ten ou* to prevent unneceBsary exp> ' The iii"-t itnrighteou* cliar^ei wero thone o the lawyer*. It la uudii>tooU that a kind (V | "round robin ' wa* agreed ujionand foitydollam I por illin for flrt day and twenty dollar* a day i for *iiccendiug days, were tlumuiu* to be cli*i. , I ).. - 1 I.-, other etcetera*. >uch an ilmwliiini, clr I cular of notification to the Town*hip*. anil ! cwmiiiunlcatioui*. die i* led to aitk aeriouily, to | what rank In law tbUt ourt of Ap|-al or bi> far It wa* removed Imm the oidliinry plane of municipal enquiry UM Mich rnorioouii rhiL'i> were thought of. WA* it a uue*tion of law lu ndvlng iinunal (kill? Hy what authority wan the Heovefl themaelvt* lefuoe'l to defelnl tlieil own TownslilpH In |tmon nfter ln'ing ilnl\ noti fled. In other Court* every one i* |M>Tinittc'l to plead 111* own eae, but, fnrwnoth. in thi* Court -this f^irantic faror -i~pect*bV rejirenenta tlvm are t..l,l to atand back. 1 l M .11 thi* question uf otorliitant charge*. It It moat noticuiil'lf, that of the l oiinty Soliujtor the Co'inril payn thl-i gentlcmnii ?'JtiO IKJT year ni a a.ti.Aiiv, and In the aiinplli ity of many thrt thought a mere empilry like tliro for an c<|imlir nt ion. it came within the pphereof hi* dutie* - liut U Htieiii* not. HUiiutio* it.llnril were lilli- Itorl to qneHtions arlalng In thccnnr*o of .i IIMI. writing by-law*, and inch like. The Cnntv Council tlicmvclve* can jm bje of thn*orvlra ren- dered for the Malary iiaid. SonnitinieH tln> Solic- itor in there, but more Xrex|iientlp ho IN not. Chairmen of Committee* usually prupare tlieir own l>y-lawi, and hiaofiiiiioniofquuatlon* railed are xaldom relied upon- -Indoeil the opinion of | the County Hollcltor ou thi* quc'tion.-aj by him RrilNb ( olumbla An Interesting Letter From Frank Beattie. Mr To the '.iiti of The Adi Dear Sir, Having little epare time, I takf the liU-rty of wnuiiy you a abort acc.nnit of my experience in British Co- lumbia. It may be of interMt tu some of the readers of THE AI>VA*CE. I left the lunintit <( tbe "Rockies" last May, aud tLerv was five feet of snow tlirrt then ; ami irbun I got bero tin- lr*.wbrries wur* "louminf." OoldeD City it situated betw*ta Uu ockv and Selkirk ranges of mountaiBn just where U>*> Kicking Hone nver empties into tbe Columbia. It lias been a 1 1 vt-1 v little town fur Uie> last five months. A frreat deal of pr.>s|^-ctin/ has been going on in tbe ricinity, but it i* gutting too c'-ild for miners tu work now . and I .mi afraid if tin re is nut seme-thing better struck in mining uext summer than there ha* lirrn thin, Uolduu City will die a natural drnlh. Uold bas been found in m jcreat many places in the Selkirk t., a few milea sooth of here, but none yet in paying quantities. More than two hundred claims have beeD registered m ll.c ('ominimioner't office here, aud I think next summer when their claims are all properly tested, there will be sum uf tht< best unui i in British Columbia ; and, if so, (ioM.-n city will he one of the) Ust iowus lietwewu Winnipeg and Port Moody, as it U the only ahip|- iag point smith betwvea OslgiuTy and t'amrooks, TiinLer is plentiful here. The cedar and tir will measure as much as feet across stump. There is Bo fanning done here, but OB the Columbia lakes, one hundred miles south of here, a large quantity of roots wrru raised this **, n. They were brought down tbe riTfr in small boat* and rafts and sold here fur mm- mils }ier pound. If 1 thought vege- tables wiitiM alwKyt sell for nine c.-nti I'IT |Miiind, I lii'lu-vf 1 would try fannuag myiw-lf. Koraweotern town, Golden I'itjr ha* I . ii very free front cnme so far ; but a most cool, deliberate murder took place about ten days ago on the Land Point mil, lilti . n miles south of here. A man I > tlit> name of lieard. who was in the liquor liusiuuw, and two other men whose n.iiiii". 1 do not know, were Rning down the trail on pi>nips. liear<1 was a short diKtance Ix'hit.d .he other two, when the IIIIMI heard a rifle shot. Thoy looked back and saw Hoard fall from hi*, pony, shot dead ! A ninn Ktood brhind a tree with a rifle unit immediately levt-lled it .it MM' uf the other two aud shot him in the li-r;. lie leit|H)(! fn>m the hack ol lu* [H'tiv uiul 1:1.1 into the woods and uRcaped. I'll.- nlluT put Hpura to his pony and also niitdK<Mid his escape. They were hoth .iiini'il with revolvt r*, hut had no rliHiiee ,,t r un-i a mil- Mr ird had $4, 1 00 in his pi iMst'imion, inont nt .vhicb wn in n pack on the pi'nv. mid 'he man wlui psca]N>d on tin- IM'IIV, liMikinl linck nml dmnivcred the iniinli-rrr secnrfiit; the money. The Kritish I'oliittihia (,'ovrrnnii'iif tins nfferrd J K'JO rewnrd for the arrest of the mur- d.'ii-r ! I rsilcK n large smouuthiul-eeiiofl'- cri-,1 by Henrd's rmployers. No urresu hiivr lici'ii BUM J'ut. \\ . arc (muni; tinu wi-iitlu-r liore yet. Muni Iro't at iiifht.-i hut linnlit; siinnj days. N ' KII>'- in tin- \nllev. itlthougli tl r inoiiiitriins on !, nil liiles "f UK hn\, IH-IMI completely < "M-red lor the UK! two inmiths. The C.I Ml. has made r|iii! progress till* Minimi r. It ii non thirty nnlr* est of here, niiil till l.iviiii; tr;u'k. Hoping ynn will find Noin-i' for rtbove I remain, Ac , KHAXK HEATTlE. Oolden City, B. C., Dec. 8th, IHH4 CoMcri.i.Rii TU YHI.II. Obttinatr skin di- aPe. IIUIMOIH o( the l.loisi. ernption* uiul il'l -"r. - ..t, . m, ,i bv lluriltN'k Hitter* Onrh p. 11 in ami regulate nil the m<cr<>- T) lU'.MOVr. DAM.UfFF.- floanne he c:il|i willi Prof, liiiw'f \ltiK\e Sulphur Snap. ili-li^litdil in. .lii'iii, ,1 .,..111 fur the toilet. . (From i . The weather continue* cold and frosty evidently an artic waiTe "from thf North West '.'' Mis*. Nichol ha* just arhred from Onlli*. on a visit to her parents and friend*, Mis* Uattie Armstrong has returned from the Mtll School, And in, we l>e- lieve, engaged a* Teacher in S S. No. 'J, Proton, for th cmuiiu v;*>r We are K las) to */ ta*at our friend, Archibald J'linalon.u bving rrctorrd t health. Mr. Joseph 8 tin son, is, we believe, en- gagej , TeeBr in & 8. No. 4, Arteme- SIB. for thecoaafatf ye*r. We wish Mr. Stinson all ucce*. Our present teacher is leaving. Mr. Teeple, formerly of Dundalfc, ha* just opened a blacksmith shop at this place. The Xmas turkeys are) looking wkit about the head, and the gobbler* are trying to bran: the stem. What in tl,.- cne the recent aold, or clash rf "arm* f Practice continue* livejw for the annti il Tea-MeelinK in eunneetiMi with the M* thoili-t Sabhslh School of this plao*. Mr. E. Williams is slowly rvoov ertnr MAOI>U8. Bocklen's Arnica Salr*. Th Heet Kalre In the werld for Cuts, Bralie Sore*. I'lcer*. Rait Kheum. fwrer Hone, Taetii Chappe.1 llandi. Chilblaini. CB>TB. and all akin Kruptiou*. aud puolti**!; *ur*a Pile*, or 110 pay required. It u aarante<l to fit. perfect aatl* faction, or iiiimay refunded Price Meent *i>r bos. PorealabvW Blehardaoo. Plesherton Are you troubled with Bait Khenm. lIai,,U or l '1.1 Sore* nf any kind that cannot be healed'.' Ereu though it be of years taii.liuK Mnir.jror A Park'i Carbolic Orate will cnre it. Ben U-s tbe uliadow rf a .1. iila it i tbe b*t healing eompouud ever known. Iloil. PssUring, Frost bites, Bann, or any Skin Trooble, are alike cared by it. 8.ld at *S OCDU by KichardsoB'* Druggist . AVER'S PILLS. A larfe. Broportloej el the J lrnin wblek aa** Luiuaa lyBeriag nealt (run >ie t< Brut of Ike atoeoack, boweui, a** 1 *er. A- ' it'* CATIABTIC PiU4 act Itmtly !>* tu.-** r(aw t and an *>|wu>!ly iW k n,^l i . ca.* Ibe dkcaiea ejaiwe.1 bj ti..u n- ri> l.icul. lucllklnu] CB*II|'>II<<K. |i,.li C< a- tl'ia. 1-.|~ .'.I*,. tJeaUactM-, DJ....I. rj. ail a u t at other .ueuU, tor all , 1 v ... -li tu..y are a asfe, >re. pn"i.|<. a. I ' .1 reuivJy. 1 b* t itvaeive ua* ol> I-ILH by n.iiicnt |.by*,r aiie In regu:! | t . -.. yum .i.k^l.:, tbe e>ti. u In . i>u Uio> ai* LeU l>) tlw n>edieal \-i,..* ion. TIM".. ri" are. eorrr>>T- ! tl ,--, uUiancoaunl)i,aMlare*UK.Iiii(l r i . i .ui e.u...i or au; uU*er i^Ju/i jua o ,^ ..... k. L. A *iii r.-rr from Hrit.|4.h<- wrlfra i ".li i K FILL* are Intaliuib:* UP">. i"-1 r-f my eoniuiil eouipai ion. I k* lra a ...-! null. rr froui ll>nU*c*ir. iui.i >.,nr I'n i . re Ilia only tiling I . u .I IwV te t" ..l,.f. lie* eMt) will e,aieal| i,.uir i. , U'.l. nn. I Irw oiy bi<! I. ... | nl.,. 'Iliry i. ii- 111.1*1 elleetive mi.1 Hi. i-i.. -i ||,\ia .-i i- uiul. 1 1 u it i . .-M . i i r to i 'VIA 111 n,. i |n.4i*e, aue 1 a.**)* do aa V.O.J u>.v..|"hl>uVli>. \v. i,. !.>.. r. of w. i. rnr* r- r- r-i:ikl.u si.. Kicbuiowl.Va.. .luir .. i- f i "I ItnTe luert Avrit'i pim In i>nn.t.. 1r in-iiirr> * i.,.i,,i r, .,!.., I, u u . , , )'*< n-.r kiii'li lblii I.. IHII I.. >< ii i >!i 1 i.' .|.-irei| roiill \\ c..i,>< 1 .. . i i -n 1 'I I, >i -I nt "iu liotii*. Mid prur K rtu n a | out. .,| r , and MMaMl f .mih ....... i.ue. IWH 1> M'kl'MA lue) i. >..' .1. "1. IUi.." Mcil.t. Tu, June 17, ItFx. Tlie l:i:\. m!fci P. II \ninwr T-'t|n fr ..... .-<"..M. Go., *>> I ,.| . . ,. ri Pl-l I UKtr Will aaliH-tt t t ..... b'l ..H, I "in rlii-li. in *|>IM el Uir ux- 11 n . |. rii...| \ iillnuii klllUa, 1 tullv: u ' . * . - i-"in.'ni in-*-, until ionic niC'i IK. I "...i i IFH.HI>' .\\ Kli't I'll I . i eiiiicli i'",rfrtnl Ike enetue li . . .u4 ... j V.LIII. iMiyiute4 Hi} 1.1 AVI R' I \TII*BT1 I'lU* r.,|mt . I ilium of the U-rel*. (llmuUte t.e :,, ) tilu IM| <ll|irl,i>ii. MI.) Irtl.rir | roun.l . J i an. mi give Ion* auJ >.. i w Uie au.o |>uyalal auuMMiiy. Dr. J. C. Aycr 4 Co., L.C-.VC:;, :.:sst. Kokl hy all liru.v -:. CLD. AND MIDDLE- AGED. All rp*f'"W tl Itenetlfill, >. 1-. <! Ayer's Sat sar^^'i i:hiHrn with r ti.. ' r * Tar*, -.r anv *cr"fun<u> ' M-*> Illtlr T-iint, In*) Uo aihl Iruwj by lu itee. oM 1.7 eJl DnfftoW ; {I. in bottle* for |*V HELP for workluA peof!' > '" nl " !<'>. "'' "' *' mall voiil-KKK. ri'tal. valim "'*' -""'I' 1 ' 1 '"" "' t "l* that will put lull in I lie way of m* kini! initrt' iii'U'i v in a few rlayn thin >i>n r\r' thought |insilili. at aiit Imriiif.* I n|<itl n. I T. iiuirixl. \oucanhveatliouie anil work in Mpar, time only, or til Uta Use. All i.f, ..*.. I all ai;e. ;i -amllv nooe*fiil. Si ccntu |o ', e.ii. Aaruetl every ev*nin|{. 1 hat All who want * mav lH<t the liuninees, w> make tliin liniiarallr: e.|i-ffr Toall who are not well at|.fle<l wei.l einl 'I to pav fur tlitroiiMei>f wrlllng u*. Full particular*, direction*, etc Nnt free Tiumenc i.av *l'-x'lutely mire tor all who .tart t onr l>out'lela> Aildreee STIMI,,H A CV, 1'urtlaiul Maine

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