Artemesia Warehouse ! A fufl stork of Oeneraliiooda now uu baud, couMntiog of Dry Cioods, lliird- wnr-. C rofliwj. .roo<-ri's Provisions. &-. I- r sale cheap' for Cash or couu- try 1'iuilucf. I In I !-:m-d> ul Sloan's. I 1 > 1 uiu'.ersiaiul. Mr* Sloan, Diiiil thu n:tfistrate, that v."i iiixko a charge ol at'.i in pled iiilaiiticklu against your hut- land r 'Well. n. 't exutly that, replied Mi Sloan. 'You nee, 1-- One minnte | cnnit me to explain,' exclaimed Mr. SI,. an, 'Your honor, the situation u this. We Imve one baby a year anil a half oh!, aud then we also have twins jut two inciitbs oh), Littlo cher- ubs, both of them. Their mother's turnup nose, pe.rhapt*, but my eyes aud my ami able 'Mm iiair, too, your honor,' said Mrs. Sloan, 4ns iiair red!' ArrKii THI-MI-THHKK YI:AIU Scrrtuixo. He*. Wui. Sti.ut. oi Wiaituu, wan eured of scri.fillous ulisiiea* that .^venter. i ilnlm- cotilil not cure. Uiirtloil: Itlou.l bittei.-t win ill.' i.nlr BiKCt'islul iiMiitily. It c uej all i.l tl. vysteui. M:\VADVEIITISEMKNTS. F \RM TQ RENT. Exprr** Oillre. of Vicker's Kxpiess Co.. alow \ . i.ixl r-'unii. Kituati-l i :i in tlio Township "f Ail. uiiu'iii d, u illi ({cod l-.iMtrd at Mr. J. (jordou's harness Flunlkcrton. Parcels carried by the Com- ' puny will be carried to and from Fltwteer- ' i ton Station free of chaiye. Iwet int.-- I on the various lines of railway, and prompt delivery vnsured to tlnwe lining I Vicker's Expicsj Co. in tho transnii.-ision Oil FOB S t i 1*011. Ill, I>t -II, or about, tO SOT** fMK-e*. fpriiiH i.-n-i-k : i-xiulU-iit M n. W-M i *n.y woiked. To bo ol<l ai 01 lu-nrly Imil ItsvallM. 'I luiu uiveii for wokt of |m> tiit-.its ,\\ \*'.\ i.i the i M^ned, r'l4*horti'U 1'obl HCU.- Oct. 14th, 1HM tor \ 11 Iv in.l- WM. < . i HOCJ-C* * STATION P.O.. OXT. My S\\V MILL r.t Little Falls it in full operation. Particular atteution Riven to Custom work. Custoaii-rs cau have Lumber or Shingles cut out of their own stuff for re- turu loadb. AlUiinU of Saw Lous bought. W.M. HO(Ki. HEARD'S tt ai^ous, Uanuladiirrd at Flesher- toD, A HI-MIN liun.MKiKii. Tim mail wiifc rlii aiu.ii I.-M can fuel tho approach of hiul i>mu. llagyard'* 1111, acliea, p..ii - iin.l injuries. arc the Cuvaputt. a* nothing but good wood U uwd in tlium. They are strongly Ironed, runs *) ti-i 1 Hill 1'aiutod. l'arui-.'1-ii and oUwn vatitiuti thu l'huapt aud Bust \ will du wull to uxaminu the um t-Tial rarufull} . HI AHIi S \Va*u|on are warranted for U years, aud Hold at very low uricua. :it t.. |>av. K.iiniini; or. Hox, S|.rini! 8*)*,t, Neckyoke and Wtiifttetrvi 70 OU lU-fore wo worn married, may it ploase of articles. "Special rates on small reiuit- tbo Court,' -aid Sir. Sloan, 'she WHS often I titiices 01 ciirri-ncy and gold coin Advt. i alluding to it as auburn. Ktit Ui. matter. She went yesterday to a wonran-sutlVage ci.iniMtioii, and 1 stayed at home with ' uau ". m e , a " Ie * , ' w, Miner in ii- acbin,; Jo he children -three of the!:,, your boiu,r! ^ v ,, ow n ,, enw rbe , lliut i ,, 1 have only two irms. 1 ineu to carry the odd one pi^-u-back, but it w.-i.i no use, he would slip lo.i u aud bump his uose 011 the Hour, lina^iuu thv situation. It was hard. I wan nearly wild. Only two inn-Mil ; bottluR, aud the tlurd baby ydl nig like a Crow Indian, \iliile thu twins were feedinif.' 'Wouldn't ho suck his tluinili ' .-iski-d the m:i^iiitrate. 'Mr.- Sluaii wrm't let hiu She closed tin ^ale of joy, 10 to Mpeak, against her own i.lT.spriuJl Absolutely prohibited tho child fioiii.-,uekiiu;itsowu tliiiuib ! Nero, in his rt.irst days, never wut that far, 1 imagine. Thu historians forget to. record it if he ditl,' *iiid thu juit.oe. Freciiwly. VVdl, I pr>t lonj? J. W. BATES, (lint furniture Undertake FLKSHKHTOX, Money to Loan. fur catll. Mauufacturur of UeuiootmU, Cuttera, CC.ou Iron Harruwt, uid Ayi'iit (or as well Nolan 1 c-.uld, when :n comes n boy with u | note fr. .m Mrr. Sloan, saying that Mrs. (Sibbs. the vice pn -nli ntottln- JOHN H. HEARD, Fleshertcn- wanted Iu r baby tit of tin- way, while he was eonferriu^ with the select committee on wuvs and mean*, so in CO:IICN the sar- FLESHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, "Thr Book-norm' A unique, handaoniu, ami <lnlit;littiilly little MoKTHLV M u.w.l M , coll- ; taming ft >r the ye:ir over M<fO |.a>.'ei and 1 many line pictures, all for Iii> ceiitx a SIMI , is a recent characteristic iirmluct of Thr \ Jsitrmry IfrnilittUiii. Each nuiulHT con- j tains attractive selections fr..ui some not- j Al ,;j p tr ,,., j Htfreilt 0|1 ,S,,.,,,, /A J el book, -the last iin-sents PrMOOKI fa...... cteuter tl... S,,, ition." V.'lut will intciest ftT uf book -buyers will bo the regular month- ly news of the KeetAntuHt* i>n>uruu, un | nUrpriM that hati wmuijlit wondeiv in ; thu book world. A|>wiu.'ii ci.j.y nf THE I{<HIK \\'.KM will lie lent fiw to any ad- \ drcaii. JOHN H. ALDF.N, Pul>lii>her, ItOI! Pearl Street, Now York. (INT. A. IIIOUMtl K\. To <>im KxtriKHH. H you naffer from fruui heiulache, Jiz/.un'ji*, barkarhe, biiious- nets or humors of thu liKnHl, try Durdock ll| liittrr*. It in a uimrant^d cure for . Kl 1 "' all irregulartlcs of blood, liver and kidneys. ' YIILK. -Ohstiuate skiu di- suases, liuun>rs of the liliM'.l. eruption* and old sorea ar cured by llurdoek lllood Uitterx liK'h p;irify and regulate all the seen - UflM, ALL KIXUS OF ad tes&i&l Such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones | Mr*. .Sloan hiidselit it while the m crelary Counter and Table Tops in American und r " u "!' llcr '"iite, and wouldn't Italian Marble and (rranite, and made on slinrt Mntu-f. Also M.mtlt s in Marble and M.irli!. u.-il SlaUi, iVi-.. iVr. Flusherton, Aug. W, 1S83. with Mrs. Giblm' baby 'ur um to take car.- of. That made four. 5't.iir honor, if Mrs. Gibbs' baby grows up u*id 1 i-c. inn's a iiiisBii.nary, hu can pieoch to the hentlieu in Africu without ,(M\ iiiy home. II. li.ii .1 voice like a i*m hi. rn. Su hu tut in d in -inJ cried, and thu i.tln-i- b:ilues crii"! I.. r Mympathv.' I "I 1 ' v!- <t | r | d ''r''* ld "'* u " 4;i ' J . tr > 14 '' ! - i TORKMOVK DANDlU-rT. > Lm..-.- till- Hard \\ell, I , an accom,u.,daUii , , ^ M . , c s ,,, hllr s man. s., I put one twin m cni.llo and ^ jL ! ll , Utfll | mel lioal*(l M..I, for the toil, t. rooked i: with mv ri^ht font, and I put the in nnotlier cni-lh- rind !*>4tM it with my left foot ; then ! itat (J il.lis' b il.y on one kin f und J-.bnny on the -.tlur, find by a ptviiliur iu-tii.u .>f my legs kept all four In motion at once. Von under- stand ' \Vi I!. *ir. just as caluMir-- !>. ,.m to pr.jv.ul, in tin- M ixcant iit-iiruiM with the secretary a liaby. lie said > 4, , i i-tLtrv of Amerln. ivs tliit while a pajtenjf r fr-m ; .aw \ . . >J^.;> i:uu.)t :ui.ud c ii i:-irii. In i!i i-ar y -lays of umi/iutlt.ii to i '.- , .. . L- > -1 one of the olttcera of tt.- - -I k.J u..rrd oln:Mlf, t ur 1112 ih-- K-J- HACVARDS I " 1* - > v . ' *s * jAJ YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are pleuant to take Contain their < Pnrijative. Is a salu, sare, and / warm* iu CbUdreu or AduM* LELANO, knows as Hcisl Eftsrri GET YOUR Fall ^ Winter Clothing MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PI LLS& OINTMENT THE PILLS Purlfr tlie Hlood, crn>ut all l)i-or,lor ol tlm Livor, >-ii <.in;i . h . Jvicln'yst, I :<.\\ .- 1 - . Tlmjr inviuoraUiaiK] r*t<ire to kcaltli DflilHtatcd CoimltiitimiH, ami aru invalualiln In all Com- l.liuitt* incidoiitul to r'ouialDM of all ;t^. For Children and tin* a^uil Ihoy aru i>riclea. THE OINTMENT II an lufallililu miiuidv for Had Leg*, Had HrcaxU. Old \V..iin.l. Horon and Dloern. It in fanioui for (...MI iui.l Ithtfuinatlsni. Pbr ditortloni of OKI Ciiu<t it ban nu miual. For SOKK THROAT, LROMCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS lii ni.lular tiwolKuga, aud all Hkln Dlneiuieii It ha* no rival; and for contracted and atlff joinu it aatH likt. K cliarui. look alt- r it Inr awhilr '' Wa it asleep '' Well. n". Nov. 1 don't want to cx- ggeraU', ymir Imnor. I am under > atli, ami I Kl.all try t" .-tali 1 tli.i facts mildly. Hut I am adi\ if you cuiil.ln't lil.iw a cliurch organ with the .-UT. t.u \ .- Imby'a left lung ! It whooped and hall- ...ii-l in inch a manner an to alarm me. | Then (i'l.lj-,' baliy j-uiu-d in and they uave < a du>( 1'iftty MO-HI niir thn-r tuiu-d up I for a choriiK anil well, nnppocu n A hole ( orpliaii iiMvliini slii.iil.l have iv IJMIKIII of Uiniach uche, atiA y..u can foria un idea .-I the racket.' ( ' t you i]uiet them by Kiugiug to tl-.-n. 'No, lir ; you couldn't hare hoard a ha drum in tlmt room.' 'I gave thu fiunily Hihle t.i one twin, and put Webster's Unabridged Diction- ary mi the lap of the other, merely to play with. I thought I'd go duwu itaim and gut Hiiini- milk f-.rihu whole crowd. I did. Win it I cam. up, a-. I had two nursiiift Uittle*, I emptied a bottle of hair renovator; which Mm. Sloan use* -' 'I il-.n t !' i-\i-liiiMH'i! Mn. Sloan. 'And a cantor-oil bottle. I ]>nt tin- milk in and in an old paregoric bottle, punched liolen through the corkii and liuiided them round. When I came to the twin-, tlii-v had the Biblu and dictionary lyi:ig ri^ht on their bosouia, and they were blue in the face ; too heavy, yuur h"i:..r ! Si. I i i-l to pick tin-in up and lointi- them a coiipl.- uf limes in thu batti i tub In briii!{ ilium to ; and when 1 .-.. .t back into t In- room with thi-m I foiiud (ill. IIH' baby in upaKiM.H from the taste of the hair restorer und the Recretnry'i bnhy hud nwalloweil the cork, and the ipiln-r clnlil locked us if the castor nil bottle noun how had not agreed with it. A minute later in came MM. Sloan and the ucrelary and Mr*. (Jilili-, and they lunit- Inl mi out. I don't know what liappi-in-d .iltcr iliut, l.nt I believe it wna old (lil.l.-. pni .Mrs Sloun up to charging me with murder.' 'The CIIHC i i!i .m> --t-i, -aid the juitice and tlk' Sloaim withdrew. Mr-i Sloun hai hired a tiur*p. Urn OF aNO FARMS WMTlO Rauufactured only at I'mfcnaor HIU.I.OWAV'M KutaliUnliment, 7H, Xcw Oxford Street ( late .%::.!. Oxford Street >, London. and aru Hold at la. I'd., t*. 9d., tf.M.. lit , *.. and Xta. rcli llnx nr Pot, and may bo had of all Modi eln Vendor* throughout tliu World. experience us the test there can be no (|ii/'stion alx.nt tlio mi|wrior quality ot the "Myrtle Navy" tobacco From th.' year of iu manufacture the ilrin uid f-.r it ho* steadily jjmwn. Kv-n in the years which were marked by o<ir niwiiii SH Hcprossiun, then' wiiit no jiauiin in tlici incre:i<i" of the flair of it. In the dull yearn of l7'i-77 and '"**, tlie sales of it were vanlly greater than in the prosperous year 1872. I'nrrhuiirr* nhmiltl timk t' '/!< 7xiW on ihr 1'nt* mul Bosei. .'!!, Usfiird fitrcet, Lviulun, Uu-if arc If the tiildrrnt it iutt The Advance till Jan. 1st, 1885, for 15 cents. A Walktim Hkelcton. Mr. K. Springer, "f Mnchanioaliurg, I'a., > I wa> afflicUd with bint; f.-vn and abacpKH on lunr", und rt-iluou-l to , AI.KIIO KKKi.r.TOH. Got a free hnttln of llr. Kinu'i Now Di^cojfry for ConaumpuoD, which did me HI. traMi Kod that I Hollar bottle. After UHIUR tliree found myHcIf once rooro a mn, completely r.-sti.ri il t health, with a hearty apputitr, and a if in in flesh of -4H Ibt." Call at W. KiohaidHi.n's liru:- Htore and get a free trial bottle of thu certain cure for all Lung Pi- Large botiles 11.00. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Since Urn Mr. LELAXD ba* reconiinrntlxl AVBB'I SJHS-lPABlLLi in iiiaur ... and bo ha* oetcr yet Lc;ua of iu I...I- re to *Beot a rmdloal cur*. SIIH> ywnnKOOu* of Mr. I.n.AXi.'a fr lu'.-rer. ljruu*U bit lr(. Ulii|; to Uio t4 ttnte of kn tMMHl, mi u^ly ciolui.-iullin| or lump appvari-U ou ili-i injurr-l limn, llor- riblo it.-LuiK v .' Mm (kill, w!Ul liuri.iiif and darling (Mint iliroujli llio luin|>, inada lICo alin.nt Iniali-rablo. 'llio leg brrania rnor- noulvnlir^--.l, an.l riinntng ulcert forme-l, dm.-'.iartln^ Brcat qnntltl of extremely oUeniTn matter. No treatment wan of any arail until III* man, by Mr. I.n aM.'a direr- tun. wiu turipllvd wlHi A vrn'1 SAHOPA- HII.LA. which Kllayed lue pain and Irriuilon. lieale-l tlio anrm, renuiTml tli* iwelllug, ami completely reatornl ilia limb to ue. Mr. Li-LAiD tui pertoiuilly uted Ayer's Sarsaparilla for iMirnmut ! m, wltU entire tHorf** ; and, after car iul ojaervalluD, dcc'.arci tlmt, In L'.i belief, tacro U uo utcuii. uu I i t'u > . . I einal to It for I^OCLI if I.iviT l)laordrr>, Gout, i.i .-..ii- of hlj,-U loins, i- t JUi- um. 8orra, ! i :i;.ti. i. , and all tlio Tfirlnui form* of blooU tiittcaH-i. \Vo U:uo V.t. LCLAMI'S ronii.MlontoliiT'.:) all w'.iu iii.-iy -Icslro /ur;her i iu n ^?; 1 to the extmordinarjr cnr.-...i.j povan uf Avru's SvK.M'Aaii.l.\ to si* lain |nou- n:iy eltlior at bii iiumuiolU t,--f.u Kctt', Long Drunclt.ornt tlio pn;iular I.r '.:.:. d 11. ;t , l.i.i.nlway, 1'Tth and Vtb htrn-tf, Neir York. Mr. LELASD'S extemlre koo\>'.c-d: of tb* good done by ihlj unrqunltrd crndlcatorof blood i<n!*nnn f r.-iblos liim to r;iTu Inruirua much talu^ jij iulorinatlon, r BETA RED BT Dr. J.C. Ay er &. Co., Lowell, Mass. old by all UruggiiU; 91, ' bottle* for 15. Just What's Wanted. Mil (iKO. SWANTIIN'S TH(lltl)f(tH-llllKn BERKSHIRE Boar "ill I..- IT ,. r \i. .- tli>> noaii.n oUnKlnt Ltil l.iT, I. I v .-^ It ArUtun -nm Thin Iwitir was i.iiri'lin^i") fr-nn tin- ftir fain-'.l Canadian f.-Tk-rai-i'rv. .1 ' -Mii'll * Pro . K-l- inonton. and IIKH a pitlu'i - < . vr, n imi.- nil-, thu Pril i-li. Alniriuau anil I uit.-.l litaU-s 11-Tl! lH,.,k^ TKliMS.-Sl.00, attimfiof i.rvi<-.- (ii:o SH- \\rox. Nov. 19, 1W4. Flrnliurtuu P.O. "FARMS FOR SALE' In I h DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL III' MAIL hMtoceow Ikr lUronnlml Mrdlim for tmrm >. tIK. .... ..I- MlMlahltmarr nfth*mfhn kllothc-r 1>tc.l. It IIA* iv^uu. rcuknof tlM rvfai LUM. Am I-KTISFMKNTS of *Fanm IM Sl" Ml4 1X1 r i^Ktr U A.I sc*l lot S V MMl .> fft wr.r.1 f..r 1* fMJrrfi..iu, of in TIIK THE MAIL Timtt. C EUGENIA Grist Mill, m :; :.:; 111. FlavinK indi' *lti-iisivc iiiipritvi-iiin.t* In Il.y Urisl Mill, I am ci." ti. It-nl I uan ^ivn (uu*l CHOl'l'lM; l)0.\K .\.\Y DAY. ( K:-uir always on hau.l. Custom Sawing ami Bill* till.-.! on the slu.rt. st n- :... Lnm I.I I Illl 1 l.-ltll 111 U I, I,. I. I, II !. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT. H ISLAND HOME Stock Farm. Crosso lie, Wayne Co., Mtoti. SAVAGE & FAllNt'M. 1'UCrUIBTOBB. Farm lor Kale. Bl-'.IMI I,i>tlM. Con.H. Artomeila. CoiintyOrey, '> .t Tlii* in a ni'i-t ililrlil farm for nook-BaUiw a th*n If n neTar-falllng Spring <!rnk ruiix thri.u^li lh.- ci.ntri- of tbu farm. ThortiarnTtaorMrlimrorl and IN a<:n<i of Kail Plouahlni don*>. Applj by letter to JAMKstl WILSON. Kuucnln P.O., W "ii the iiremiaoH. TerniH Buy. -". * IMPORTED Percheron Horses. All at K k wlected torn tbe RCI of ir.-s and dana of eatabliihed lenutation and registered In the Krench and American (tud bnokt. ISLAND HOME Is beautifully situated at the head of GROW ! in the Detroit River, ten mile* hrlnw the Cltr, i 11 accessible by railroad in. I steamboat. VMiora ilur A PRIZE.: six oenU for poiit- i!--. aii-l receive freo, a .. s 1 1 y box of goodn hi' Ii will lit. Ip yon tn nun 1- mum./ rlht away tlian anything elan in thl* world. All, of (iilli*r Hex, iiorvwl froui.ttmt Thebrx>*xl road to fort uoopnab*(or*tb* w-.rltcn.. rmolntly nre. At onco aiftlreai, TBIJE 4 Co.. Au(u*t*>, Maine. CttT, a . Vltiu not familiar with the location may cill at city office. <> rampau Tluilding. andan e-wnrt will acooaipanT them to toe term. Send for catalogue, free by mao. Addrea*. SAVACB ft FAIKVH. Detroit, Hick, ^ A Ci.VINU r.Vii. ( ini.ii,.,, are often fretful .iim ill when worm>ar tiiornUM. Dr. liow'a Wurtn .Syruv *aMv'oxp..Uall Wottna.