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Flesherton Advance, 11 Dec 1884, p. 8

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Sudden Death On Tuesday last the wife of Mr. John Bennett, of Amaranth, was nursing her youngest child, Mr. Bennett being away from home, when a young man who is employed on the farm, fancying her heard a gurgling sound in the room where she was, entered to find her in a swoon. He immediately ran to a neighbor's house across the road for assistance, but when he returned with help she was found to be dead with the child in her arms. Coroner Norton was notified but an inquest was not deemed necessary. Heart disease is supposed to have been the cause of death. - Shelburne Economist. Artemesia ( Warehouse ! Gleaned from our Canadian Ex- changes and Other Sources. A dill stock uf General Uuodi now on baud, consisting of Dry Cools Hard- ware, Crorkrry, .rM--rU&apos;s Provision!*, &c. fr alo cheap fof OBi try Produce. Our KOMI Ii, i n 1.4-1 1. r. From our own (&apos;<:irr*poit<l**t , it A MII MS. sorts.&apos;&apos; The long, lontr drrutli haa at last been aucceedcd by a few showers of rain, r&apos;ar- mors can u..w do a little lull ploughing, < v Htan&apos;ling at Ijti.llaw s granarv near the and sow late fall wli.-al aud oats. No I ..... now sincu a light fall >if the " beautiful" i\ i;w F vRM TO RENT. RI.-NAWAY. Yetterday morning OK POMftA. : A C..M 10. 1,ot .".H. Ill the Kuriii sitntd oo Tonslii|. of \ttviinraU . i Tin-ream, or alx.ui, GO acrtu i-l.-rd. with ttooJ team of Mr. John McHri.le, >.f Amnranth, (,.,,,,.,,, i, lk . ,,,Vk; about a mouth a|fo. Hard front* some weeks since killed " < &apos;..TV i?r< PI: thing," railway station, took fright and rundown un.Ui>lKno<i. Klhrt.t 0,-t lt)i. 1-*M Main street at a terrific rule, and in turning up OWST? Suitnd street the waggon and continue, with ch.llmg o,.ld weather WM "I**. 1- horse, freeing themselves and running into Black s hotel sheds. oil vim-lit*.. AuiiU to thf &apos;ost-Offloe. w i:Krxn. except for u few faur> in the middle of The waygoD was badly damaged, but the A. II I VIM,!-, wrvi. of $J-rn,in. Cash Paid tor FLUSH Kin UN STATION P.O.. Osi. Ay SAW MILL at Little Falli U iu full operation. Particular atbmiion given to i-t n. work. Customers .-.n. ha Lumber i>r Sliiugkit out oat of their owu stuff for r- turu lend*. All kinds uf .Saw Logs bought. U M. HOGG. HEARD&apos;S ons, Manufactured at Flesfcer- Wagg ton the day when the sun shines. The "Run ny South " altho&apos; rousting hot during the&apos;, **?**** with only t,w ** suiiuiirr, is terribly c<>ld and chilly at times, aay from Dctober to April. Poi- sonous reptile* have DOW " gone into They art trougly Ironed, run* y winter quarters," | > ruiipa in tho barn, table, under etackt of "fodder," (as It it always called here) </r uuder the housu and elsewhere. A scorpion was seen on our window sill awhile ago ; it niay have been in thu house, it- ilu window was raited. Pleasant company (/) A few of the summer birds ivinuiu yet. others have gone further south until spring. (; rejoicing on account of election of a Democratic ProHulcnt. Hope that he will windy rnle and well, and that n more friendly feeling may obtain between tl.e North and South. I lind Southern- A Miiuliir rnnawav took jilace Tuesday, but little or no damage resulted. -NM- burne Ecttnnnlnt. SI-DUET DEATH. On Tuesday last the wife of Mr. John Bennett, &apos; Amaranth, was r.ursing her youngest child, Mr. Bennett U iii uway from home, when a y.iuno, man who i> employ,! on the t.ii-in, ; J. W. BATES, and .re tlir <&apos;>!-->pn>t. u nothing but good wood it used in t iiid well Painted. ("armor* and othem wanting tho ChviHt and Hut Waggon "ill <lo *H to eumine the ma- i era to be just as kind ui&apos;l a|(reeable as a-vi.l .tr. fully. HEAKU 8 Watfljou. *re warrauti tor 3 your.. ml wld at vury low prices. No Northerners- soluewhul Ill-re hot headed Kroigtit to iay. Humiiiut (fear, Box, SprltiK Heat, Neokyoke aud Whifflctreen 75.00 I but tlien tne >&apos; ar uoder * f>ottet *"*&apos; J " tat """ ***> know. Wish they had a better (oil and climate, their increasing industry and w u &apos; d ""*" " gr " ter " Ucuiocrati, Waggou*, Cutters, Slui^lm. I run Harrow*, and Ageut for JOHN H, HEARD, Fleshertcn. F L E S H B B TON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF 3l!irs,j ::,: !..::::::,ii Works, Such as M.IIUII iii&apos;His. Tomb Tables, Headstonns Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble niul Granite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and M.ii lili i/.i-il Slate, Ac., &c. What ha* become of your other foreign cnrrespondeuts, Mr. F. T. Can- and J . M. Webster ? Hope to hear again from N. \V. T. and B C. You t&apos;.i-l not come to help me eat that "fat poasum." However, 1 expect an- other. fancying ho heard a gur-.-liii&apos;.- Hound in tin- room where she was, ^ntored to find her in a swoon. He i in mH lately ran to a neighbor&apos;s bnnse across tho for n>- .... 8itancf, Imt when he retunu-d with lielp / A i V A I &apos;,V, il. ^1 il I sho was fonnd to b dea&apos;l with the child in her arms. Coroner Norton WHK noti- A. <;KIKK. fied, but an inquest was not d<-emed nee- essarv. Heart disease is mpi>ospil to have been the cause of death. - MirUiiirm- Ecunumiat. There and a number of ymitlm in Dur- ham who are in the habit nt iiiMiIting fc malua when walking on tho nirevt oue or t*o especially are " siKitted " nnd if they repeat the dosi, it will be our txpecinl duty to see that the Mayor iiu|M>te!> either a heaTy flue or an equivalent <>f impris- onment. We honestly warn them that it would be just aa well to be decent. Durham Chronicle. Furniture ])<<( I <-i Undertaki-r. KI.BSHRKTON, 0!IT. Money to^Loan. .&apos;\ I&apos;rr Criit. InUi-i*t , fiti.nyht Loan. W ITH IutHr t l&apos;il yrly. W ,,,I,,,,.IMIOII .-liu-god. Ap in i IMoCMtlKY. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN&apos;S WORM POWDERS. An plMsant to take. Contain their 1&apos;argHjT. ! ft *ato, lam, and JAwtuf / wtrm* In Children or Ad A CB y, si; EVIL.-UiiWr. . re ..fu-n Don&apos;t fail to put in an appear- j fretful anil ill when worm*ar>- tin- cauw. l>r. &apos; done gone roastin&apos; in Low&apos;s Worm Syrup salrlj ,x,,.l. all W A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD M TWO LETTIM. FROM THE SON : My laUier r*Uct At Glorvr, \ t. 11* Utu b*Mu a (runt iUTTr r from Scr<-(- uU,and the meluftud kllcr viJ u.l Kl.-ih.-rt.. ii. Aug. JO, 1883. GET YOUR Fall * Winter Clothing MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE Fl$h*rt*ik Tailor. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLO WAY 5 PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS I&apos;urifv Hi" III. KM). roM-iM t all I>i..M. i of the Stomueh, iv Kin&apos; \ - .-iii.i i ;.,N\ ,.|~.. r&apos;i .ro to liealtli D.-LnliUit.-.l &apos; - ii-titutioiiH. aii&apos;l ar<. invalnalik. in all Com tal to Keiualus of all ML..--.. For i .-n an.l tliu n.- 1 they are i>riueleas THE OINTMENT for lla.1 l,..t. l! i.l KheuluatUni I HrMiti<. &apos;iM \VmimK Snrv nn.1 I&apos;lccro. It in fainouB I. i >iiorder< of tin- 1 &apos;hr.-t il lim n v.|iial. r SORB THROAT, I&apos;.HOJVCHJTIS. COUGHS, COLDS i:iihilar Swelll!!!!*, "&apos;! all Skin I)|..MB(. It hiw no rivnl ; an.l for contract.*! and stiff joints it art* liku a .-harm. Eanufacture.1 only t Prof. s.,r HOI.LOW.\V&apos; Ktal>ll>hmeiit, 7H, >>w o \ i,,r.i Street ( late 5JW. Oxford street ). London. iny lie lia.l of all Mndl and are ,\ \ nt 1 ~ f&apos;&apos;>r>-li&apos;i!ur*fluniUilnakt<. ) .I.W, Offunl Nlrcct, . Orl., 4. M . IU . aj.. an.l :Us. ,.a<-&apos;,i II,. v or p,,t, cln Vemli.n tlirovit&apos;liont th.&apos; World. ...i the /V,f ,,n owlim, tliey art Jf tif tiMrfta u not The Advance till Jail. 1st, 1885, for 15 cents. Ayer&apos;s Sarsaparilla IIM )ia<t In bis ease. I think bis bloo.1 mu. &apos;. l:are enntalned tlie bum.* for at leul I- i yoara; but II did not *ho, eirrpt in tu* fon.i rt a ssrofaliio* SOT* on tbe wrtet. uutil abon: fl** year* (o. From a few spot* wbicb ai>- rmred at that time, U fn-lually spread so u to cow bli entlr* body. 1 ure you b* wnj Urriblr and an cb)*ct of pity, when be tagan uaing your medicine. Now, ture ar > few men of In* age wbo enjoy a* goo.1 bealt&apos;t U he has. I could aailly name fifty |r>uuj wbo "uM testify to Ik* fact* In liii eate. Tunra truly. W. FROM THE FATHER: a duty for mo to state to yon Uio beneiH bar* derived from the use of ance soon as it is .It- big wide pan." The "small boy" shewed me a live old one somu 2 nioaths ago, which be had caught, carried her by the tail, head dowuwurdis, while six j young oue* ubout the i/..- of black sqnir- > relr, stuck fast all over her, holding fast with " t&apos; .iii.l nail," tlie bent animal illustrati4in of sticking to mother " I ever ia\v. I might here remark that this ia the " oppossuui " we, you, hcvu seen pictures carrying her young <>n her back, they steadying themselves) bv curling th. ir tails aoouutl hen which is turned forward in a straight line towards her head, say six inches above her back. I 1 . inny tint they, how would you Like to have a tall and tw "eui f " I may add that these animals are of the Marsupial species. The mother oppos- sum having an outride "pocket" or pouch, in which her young find a "house and home&apos;&apos; until able to take cat e of themselves. iiik>..M|v. DAT was duly observed here. College closed protein, liiiNineaa suspended "more or lw," eaprcially while the indispensible " roaRt turkey aud pnmpkiD pie" was on the table. W > . like good loynl citiiens. " followed suit," had the roast, Ac., and the President i.f Rutherford Collfgr and ivifp to help " diacUKg " it. In a future letter I may mention home interesting news concerning thii climate, noil, productions, Ac. , some of them never having appeared in print. WM. PURDY. RTd Col. Burke Co., X. 3., Dec., 1884 Eaitily 4 aught. It in T>ry ey t<> ratch cold, but nut o eay to our.- it unlem you ne Hagyard&apos;s 1&apos;ectorsl Unl-iini, the bWt remedy for sll throst. broncliisl mid hint; trnnblm, coughs, ooldn and coi:mimptiTe trndencie*. I li< K. -i 4&apos;omblnation. &apos; Tho l.i-st ill. iimtion of Mood rleaiinitii.&apos;. r.-^&apos;iiUtiuK. h.-iillli Kiviiift lierl.h. ronU aud liar ki> i-n trr mlo Fin nl.. ok Hlood Itilten a j.uri-iy v;Kul>l that cnrev disras- us ..f the lili.inl. liver and kiduvyn. A Plant of Rare Virtues.. Is the cmi in Hiin wll-kn.iwn Dunlork- Itiione of tin- brut I.I. iorl puriti. r reRillnt- or-i in tbo reKetablu world, and the eoni. |..inn.l known on ltiii.l..<-k III.....] Kit ..... _____ _...-.._. ........ ters POKS, - -s womUHnl power iu dineaac of I Tliin boar wan |>rrhK<j from tirie (.u-faineil llsTI OF "FalMt FOI SAL I am "FutM waWMf ID the DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL THF. Man. fcefcM**M ni.lluni rr < rll-. MI. in- ft ihrm than all utbcr Caa> It hM ]$ckuao nAd.nof tb AnvrilTWFMEKTS ft llll . . &apos; t "Wautd" t &apos; 1 I K ! V MAII..>lt^"i&apos;J I&apos;Cf woril t*> h Inter* M. . ..<. f " TO.I &apos;" &apos;<* "**. of III THK UalL* -I /# mm* m kit/ <t*tl per vuf a *.: h inMruua. , THE MAIL Ttnat*. ( EUGENIA ! f* r \ut Mill l I . \ J 1. 1^1&apos; A &apos; 111 A.f Ayer&apos;s Sarsaparilla. -i&apos;" ::: ! :,: Mill, Blx monthi >(O I was compltlt rnrrrrd wl I U a Urrlblti Immor an. I MrofnloiM >r. . Tin humnr cniiM^t an Inceamnt an.l lnUilrablo Itchlnt, and th skin erackrd so ii to oauta Hi" blnod to flow In many place&apos; whniMTrr 1 luorMl. My lulT.-rinp WIT* Rrrat, Slid iu 7 lif a burden. 1 eonnueuce^ the UM of t . . SAIHAI-MII.I.A In April Imtt, ami bar* naJ it rgul*iiy sluee that time. My oondltion Lrjun to itnpr.&apos;V" at onr. T1i sores l. i II ne*ll. autl I furl perfectly well In orerT &apos;o-i;ot briiip fw uli&apos;.e to do a t""<t dny&apos;s rork.nli&apos;nngU;.) y^a-nof age. .Many !n..ui&apos;i it hMwronf 1 1 &apos;n&apos;li a ear* In mj-c-- ,n 1 I i II I&apos; i. HI I Laic U-u tried I &apos; " , \. .. &apos; i ^i&apos; /TF.I>-J t\r. m -r.t\ cares Ecrof.r r I &apos;l f . ..&apos;uloua CJL.. &apos; -.luti, I : \.i|>- 1 it, l<7"in.% ClD&apos;^rnrin, .:..:!.. fin-., i;oll, Tam-r. an4 Hi u< "<!* nt DID Kkln. It clean tlie h: KX! of all Hirm- r -. , ai.l* (J&apos;-&apos;^t&apos;iti, stlnmlotos tl"- nr&apos;l MI f.. 1 th bowels, and thus mtorc* T.ULi/ uU sj-i.i;:h.jus ibe whole lyitem. I -:KI-A 1:1 li If Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mais. oUIbyall IiruggUU; (1, sis bottle* for as. Just What&apos;s Wanted. Mil. (iK&apos;V SWAVroNS THOK&apos;Iflill II11KD BERKSHIRE Boar will I... r... lorvl . t!,. *in o! IMKI at Ix.t I f7. K T * S R \rt.-ni.-i HavinK mad.&apos; i-xlciwivi ii!i|ir..vfiiuiili> In my Grim Mill, I luncnonil n( I cmi Kiv t -m>.xl nutiiif action. CUOl&apos;I&apos;IM! IHtXK ANY DAY. (io...l I-" iir lw*\> on Imnil. Cnstoin Sawing and Bill* till. . I n tin- li.-!t.--i notir.-. Lnru- her anil Ijith itlwatn linnj. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OA1S. M. AKITT, The Dominion Organ and Piano Ca ;- / tl.c l . liver, ki.lnrys an.) totnarli. .1C. Mn-JI A Hi K..I- Sale Bills Printed mi lioi t notice nt reasonable prices free notice of same in THE ADVAM K. PATENTS MtiNN It CO.. of the Hrnimnr AHSRITAH, eon. Unetoad n" l<"llcltorn for I&apos;n lent a, (<( , Tra.le Mart*. <-..|iriulit. for the IM.U.I stt".. (Smartn, Kmiiand, riunce. Germnny. etc. Hand It&apos;N.ii about I&apos;a&apos;.&apos;n&apos;. a-..t friT Thlrlt.- -rn yfnn" iu r1cnc. Piil. ]<, hnlni.,1 ihr. &apos;ticl. MINNA ci an- nolle. 4 Inthi s< IKTIHO AMHK *v.ih largiri. *nof !no.r rirrulated wli-nl me paper. |a.X)aTrair. Wrk!r ppiMMtld enim -Inpi ana M&apos;rretinir In. formation .>....N.-.I ....... ( h Mriruiia,. Amr&apos;- lrwn.&apos;itt fr.-. > .l-lr. . M I N N A i i &apos; 4 .iL.\imo AJlIUICAK uaie*. IU llr..adwf . Now v&apos;..rt t&apos;anadian aWick-ralvor m. >nton, ami haa a |..lir.&apos;.i extuu.lini,&apos; into the Hrltih. Hrltlrti Ainorlcan an.l I&apos;nUo.l stnt.&apos;v Herd Inxik&apos;. TKKMH, *1.00, at tun.- of mirvi. . CiEO. 8w ANTON. Nov. IS, 1HH1 Kleshvrtou 1&apos; O. Farm (or Sale. Bl.IS.l Lot 94, Con. H, ArteniflKla. C&apos;ounty Oroy. Ont. Thin l a moat Ai^lrHli&apos;<> farm for Tlii.r.inr.. 7" acren clearfd and in aci-im of Fall I&apos;UiiiKMiid done Apply by letter to .IAMKS H. WILSON. Rugonla P.O. or on lir i>Tfmlw. I .Tin- I il.-. A PRIZE.; Rnd ix cen fer po- as*, and recvivv free, a c%ly i.ii\ of good) whlrli will li.-lp you to more nv.ney rinht away than anythtn ele In till, world. All. of kskorMx, ane.p4fronifln.t Ii. .11 r lit.- hr. ,. I road to fortune oiaum. before the workwra, ahM>lut*ly auro. At mice addreM, Tiil&apos;I --&apos;&apos;-, Augusta, Maine. IXMniulon leOsloB. Ufbtit Bcaen iter A*u4*d to in; Kiltr la UN TotU. .Mr.lal and Diploma at ( xntrnnlal. 1HW. Mr.lal an.l IH|.|..iii HI -v.lnrv, Amtlriilla. 1R7T. I...I.I Maoalal 1-mvlnrlal KihlMtl.m. I nronto. IfH. Awardii at InUuitrlal KxlilbltluD. &apos; WE ASK- Unw MA M r \< it r.TNu QUARK AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. nnr tx TUX M.IIKIT. fonrnponrtrn. .- Soil. It.-. I -. ml for ninftrated O*S> aioieu.-. i.iiui.-.i f &apos; . Addraw DOMUilON OHOAX AMI 1MANU COUPAIIT.

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