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Flesherton Advance, 11 Dec 1884, p. 6

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. NOU'%* I vi NOTES. Baaaa ! lull r. .1 1 1 am Ibr f.r flu The weather ia mild. Tbe track in uow laid wilbio bait ft mile cf tnt 1 ii.' ( n t-HiK f tit (Mun.bia. Gold* n Oujn in bocoiicg along at ft great imte. \\hukiy u 17 per bottle and 60centa drink. A comnuy re sinking ft tbaft at Orowfoot, aid report baa it that they La\e ethtoovered a coa i-tsm ooal. II m repotted that Cory's tunnel will nave to be abandoned mo U>e track t ronnd fey tbfl rivtr. Bt m 760.000 feet ul tatubur have btin alrtad) una t u tki* tuMtl, aud ftt irtMut ckbcibea are OLabl* to paw Wider it. Tbe track, we*t (rim tbe summit, ii in nt-olass condition, considering tbe short tune it La* bteu laid It is aald u wiil be waned dntitiK the winter tueuthi, and Uiat nry an oceanic ual traiu will be tun from OaJgary to Lfgkau. Ihe mails will be con - veyid by dig irau*. Writs for criminal litel have been istued in tbe run of Attorney -Genets! Miller against T. B. 1'ni-ti.n, 0. W Ususcorube aud BOD. 8. C Bug*, of tbe Winnipeg .Sun. Tbe article ccnplsintd ot U Vbat tbe Attorney G nersl, wLile Judge of tbe Ho. fenor Cturt, aidtd a oiituual to Wcaje jejBtiut, which was CLtiue and onfcundtd iafaet. A gentlrman went in bathing io tbe twual BiinmiLK ilaoe yesteiday, tbe 13ib day of Nc\tn.btr. Tie air wan like sum ler, at. d i be water *aa no colder tbau it m lelcw Quote IL tbe Diddle of cummer This IB ti u i d itt ILI for tLe 14tb November. Jiuj Giant and "Tex 1 caught 77 tioui IBM wttk to Willow Crack in au fccur i d K quarter. nd tot through ft bole in tbe ioe tithtr. fvrt Mmeliod Qattiu. The n tu. i advtrtist mente for horses by tbe ccu-tuai-der at Fort Maoltod waa froductivb of a giod decree ol oompetitiOD ADICI g rsuilituei, hid houedtalers. In October twtn.ty horses were purobaited at w> average if 9180 tsch. Ou the l'2.h mat. thirty more eie (uicbsstd Tbe average price waa I13. Tbua, 96,746 bak been expended aun/ug the ranchmen for cornea during the laat mouth. Sunday lact wan tbe lirat cold day we kad tbia rurntb, tbe thermometer tbat day registered 15 above zero, and tbe air itaelf waa fall ol threatening o( snow and frost. All l*t wetk waa full of balmy and delight- ful eon. mi r weather. In the eaat this sud- den sp|>tarsnce i/f frost would be taken ae evidence tbat winter bkd firly set in, bat happily we have no nuch feara here, where tbe first west wind tbat blew on Monday wae sufficient to biing oa back our summer bourn ae it tbry bkd Lever flown. The wind god n tbe cbief one here, aud we have, moli fee easteru people, independently if the on, rammer or winter joai aa be lute. Uirald. MB I NJ<. \ i i> HIM \* \i 1 /I ~ II. " t I. . . i 1 ! I hi. I Kofch. .1 II I. i' (Mr* in Hi. Ui.. Con plain Is were made by tbe young Iftdiae who attended the ball of the Paul B. Jooes Akaoeiatioo, at Kutberlord Ball, lu Slanton street, on Monday night, tbat they were robbed of tbeir purses. An inves tlgatioo wai made by the membera of tbe lub, and tbeir suspicious fell upon an eivtfautly united young man, who gave bis mame an John II. Hood, a jewellery olerk. xMding lu Brooklyn. Be waa unknown to them, and when questioned said tbat be was preMLt ou tue luviuttion of Kobert. D. Oanoy, tbe Preaident of the olub. Caiey duolaimed any acqukiutmneei with tbe young man, aid kLkrp waicb waa kept upon him. Ball an buur after tbe stranger waaneeu wall zing with Selena Oernier, tbe daonbUir of Orooer J**ph Oernier, of No 112 Willett atteet Oue of tbe members aw hi ui preee tbe young, lady to bis breast ore oloeely tban is tbe ooatom, and imokt nu.uhnutoui'ly bia right band wae neon to dumppear m ber dress pookdt. Afterwards be) wan ceeu to preaa ber baud, and she soon discovered thai one of ber rings had dmapceared. Finishing tbe waltz, tbe young man said Ibat be bad an important tngaxement, and waa making bis departure when n was made a pnnoner. He became very indignant at what be termed an outrage, and threatened to make it hot for tbone who detained bim. MII-H Oernier," said Robert D. Casey, " where is your pome ? " " Why ia my pooket, of oonrae." tbe ftDiwered Uugningly, an she pot ber hand in her pooket, but it on me oat empty "No it isn't," she added in a frigbtined tone, " it's gone. I knew I had it when I danced with that man," pointing to Bood He waa marched, and the purse, which con- tained IC5, waa found in bia poaaeasion, aa were alao tbree other purees, wbiob were olaimed by tbeir owner?. Mine Otrnier claimed that she bad Uo been robbed of ft ring, which ai not found. Tbe prisoner waa arraigned at tbe Tombs yetterday, and Jontioe Krintli held bim for ezaminfttion. Jfew York World. A IfHtHvm'* ei *l it*-. 1 dare .-sy yon may reuiember ft atorf which got oat Iftat jaar ftboal ft pr.ouol oke that waa played at Cowea during tbe yachting week on a lady named Mrs. Cui, boae bonae at that lime every yea* U a svorite resort of the Pruiee of Walea and bin followers. It ret u,n tbai M Cuai w . told that tbe French Oabtoet MiuiAer, M. Waddiftgtou, waa lu Cuwev, aud tbePrioce rtqaestad ' liat be be invitee) to dinner b) aer to meet Bis Ko>al Bigbneaa. TLe in- hiion was, ot ounrse, i.u< u, and tbe din- ner took plftoe. After du.ur the gentle- men oame into the drawing room, and there, in Mm. Cuat'a ireeenor, an altercation aoon fttoee between M. Wkddiugton and Lord C'barleK Bereaford. Tbe rodeat, most r r-ultu K epitbeta were applied to tbe French people in general, and M. Wadding ton in (articular, tbe war of wurds ending in M. Wsddington being buHtled oat. of the room into tbe garden and thrown over the wall mag tbe road. Shortly after be presented bimtelf attain, oovertd with out, when, at tbe earnewt solicitation of Mra. Cusi, who waa ioiu in a faint, a peace was palob*d up Anctber row Boon began, ending as before. Tbe Frinee throughout the proceedings waa ^-nUi J wiab laogbtor. Bomebow tbe .ir reached tbe ears of tbe French Arubswador in London, aud be wrote to Lord Orauville ab> nt it. Tbeu the tratb bad to come out. Ii waan't M. Wadding ton at all, tut Bull Run " KJ n U, who lid dresssed up to represent him ; tbe whole thing being oouototed by Lord Jbarles Betei-ford for tbe muutemeni of tbe Prinee of Wa'ee. Such wao last year's fuii, and btre IB what bap|ebed thin year. After dinner, when, an b. f 're, all the Kueeta were ftnvembltd in tbe drawing- room, an old woman, dretetd lu a Fretob costume with very abort tkirts, suddenly made ber tppearauee, and, one of the com- pany btmg requeated to play aume lively >pera bouffe kira on the pianoforte, bhe irooeeded to danoe the oao cu. She lanotd with much spirit and vivacity, not altogether, perbapa, ae a modest old woman should, and, ae usual, the Priooe of Wales waa in nhoota of laughter. At laat she aat down amid a round of pplanae, and then a quadrille was formed, ;Q* old woman r*queung tbe PriLoe to be bet partner. Although not exactly tbe proper thing, be couldn't refuae. Alter tbe quadrille, she aa suddenly duappesred, and i.crj lu were wocderlng who tibe was, when ibe door WH thrown open aud iu walked Sir Barry K^ppel. It needed bui a gknoe to see tbat be it wan who bad been masquerading aa tbe aucient French danuxl, aud great waa the merriment thereat. Ou the whole, when one rtfloctii, it waa not a very elevating uht. Sir Harry Keppel is a man of 75. and. ootwiib standing bis age, is one of the Prince's most ootiBtaoi companions and followers. There am people wbo aoouse him of being a (treat toady, and, if uae may judge by ibe exploit just mentioned, tbe charge is not very untrue. Fancy a man ol his age, and au Admiral of tbe Fleet, oannenting t > unob au exhibition of want of dignity on his tun merely for tbe aake of amoting tbe Prince of Wale* I London Cor. 8an fYawcueo Argonaut. -IIIM.I IM. AM t I I II. t I IIIC A i' im Arks nil t. n I ICl.l. I KUIIII ! a I rr..r The monster alligator which basibbabited tbe swamp* near Tucker's Lake, Jefferson county, Ark., for many yeam, ruled supreme for a radius of several miles. Miss Dottle L. Bteck, of Bellwood, Pa., wbo in visiting relatives in tbat county, on bearing the alligator story, determined to capture tbe alligt >r Being aoons'omed to adventures in the Allegbauies, she laughed at tbe idea of serious results, and with two young ladies and several gtotle- men, aet out. to accomplish ber purpase. Tbe party soon struck the trail and tracked the alligator to bis den. A bole iu tbe sandy bank indicated tbe locatu n, aud a few minutes' digging revealed tbe obj ot of the search. Escape from tbe den to tb lake having been oat off, tbe alligator ru-hed up and down its bed utteriug wicked growls, lashing tbe mod, and scattering tbe water in all directions. Pieces of timber and fenoe rails were pushed into ita mouth only to be crushed and snapped iff by its ponderous jaws. A rope and obam, made iotoalaeso, wae thrown over tbe alligator's bead. Then be waa drawn to the bank. With gun in band, tbe young lady stood within a few feet of tbe alligator, wbiob was Krowliog, struggling and alaehing ile tail. Wnen tbe opportunity presented itself she fired both barrels in rapid snooeeeion. Tbe alligator gave aeveral tremendous lurches, and then expired. Both sbota had entered one ol tbe tew penetrable places at the base of the jaw. Tbe alligator measured a fraction over ten feet m length. Tbe bide ia in posseeeion of Mies Bleck. I b. TrnifcU >i-r- ' " ' la \ . .1 Vbllajla I raur... . . W. JJ. Jouee, ol biladefeohi, tbe largest odivitiu.l Iftfid-owarr in the uiouutaiuouH regiou u( Huatbweat Virginia and eastern Kentucky and Teuutee. wbo bas just re tamed from ft vim i to bis property , maken some interesting ktntementa about tbe mysterious naalkdy wbioh baa oaured such *lity auuDg tbe people there. Tbe eouuery, lio "), i 'H> unlike auvthiug ie hfts ever keen or L> rd of iu the United UateH, and, iu his opiuon, ita physical aud [eolcgical peooliaritieM are reiipouiiible for be trundle Tbe waief ot five good-siiuid rivere, wbioh bave tbeir rise within a very narrow radio*, u very largely mineral, and Ibe Mile are full of iron ami oorper ore aud eual, lying, in some in- stanaes, close together. During tbe summer aud autumn, for a period ot three moutbs or more, a great drought prevailed, and nearly all the streams > f ied up. so that not only tbe people, but ai iinaia nuffered from be want ot water. All aorta of experi- ments were resorted tu Most of tbe water secured waa from OkVerns aud cm nil lakes. ["be little water tbht ri mained fa the most aotive spriaga became no tborougbly aatn- rated with tbe various mineral bubetauoee bat it waa aJmm.t tore death to drink it in any q*niity. Even the best of thiidau- ;eious stuff bkd to Be bnuled five or aiz mine. Mr. Junes says tht, in all, about deaths bave occurred from tne miner > I loiMiniig, aud there are about 800 wrsoni utill kick Iu kll oaeea tbe pur KJUS have oomplaiuird tor ft day or wo, and have tbeu been seized witb violent hemorrhages and nausea, dying iu a abort time. The doctors all agree tbat t ia mineral poibouiog, aud bave treated it aucb in mauy ck*ee saooeasfully Children ard women mtT> r tbe most, while men of utrong ooni>titution tt> nerally manage to get over tbe ttlnck. There hkV beu many sad and dis'rehmug oaoes, and Boat- tered through the i- unties of Letober, ludkon and Prrry, iu Kentucky aud Ler, Jtokinson and Wive, iu Virginia, are farm- louaea utterly deserted, entire families wing swept away. It baa affected all Ikxaes, though tbe poorer have Buffered tbe moet. Judge Day, of Letober county, a iromioent crizeu, loht bis wife and several f bis obilareu. Mr. Joues' attorney alo ost *everal membem of hi* family. The inly onteide relief tbat !m been tendered ibe ftftliciad looality ia si.'JWJ from the cattle convention iu aession at Bt. Loois. nub n <lil..r . . Vt rnpoii ol War. A deRpaiah fr..m Bridgeport, Conn, ftys : Professor E. F Ritobel has invented a poiHononii air bomb whiob he claims will {evnlotiontz* all modern warfare. The befure beiog iolrodooed into the compressed and which make viog creatures pluded tbe gaa lib one of thorn n iuoloeure yester- bombs will be burled : tar. Ihrowu into aa army, tbe r thus deRonbeit the effects of what hi* hufunoe system of warfare : Vbe bomn <>xpl( den and the air wi:bin ft radius of 100 feet bfoomen charged with aileut deatta. Y u oaunot fight it, you can- exit dmtrny this silent life aestroyiog oemy. Wbt IB t IB renalf/ Why, tbe men can stay aud aapbtxiate, bat you will Ind that they wou't. Tn>y will run away in a beaten and demoralized condition, and thin is one of the best points about tbe elevioe." Be is in correspondence with Admiral June*, ot the British navy, with reference to tbe introduction ot hi* inven lion there, " It ia a beautiful thing lo see a husband and wife of one mlnrl," remarked Mrs. >'jdg. " Yen," replied Fogg, " bat It makee good deal ot difference wbo carries tbe Ir .lHri.l...i. . Ulll ol long,.... Dr. Bridge, ot Westminster Abbey, whose setting of the grand old aong of St. Francis of Asm*! was so well received at ibe Wor cester Festiv*!, has just finished tbe oom position of a work of similar character, a R-tiing of Mr. Gladstone's kdmiaftrle L*tin translation of Toplady's famous hymn ' lluok ot Ages." The work, which was undertaken witb tbe permisaion of tbe distinguished author, is arranged for a baritone colo, with chorus and orchestra. Mr. Gladstone marie this trannlation, " Jesas, pro me perforatu," in 184R, and it was published in 1861 in ft small volume of translations which bad been acoom plished at variooa ptriode by him and bis brother IB- law, the late Lord Lyttleton. Thin little book is one of the most striking proofs of tbs Prime Minister's vematility aud of the extraordinary extent of bis knowledge, for it contains bin translations, 1, from Greek, of II >mer and >-Koliy IUN ; 2 from Latin, of Catullus and Horace ; 3 from Italian, ot Dante and Manzmi, and 4 fro. n German, of Bobiller ; ai writ aa from English to Latin, of Milton, Beber and Toplady. Labouchrre'i TYutA. In none of tbe decided improvement oorrpleted in tbe upper story ot the capito at Richmond, within the paat few months ia there one of more interest t > the publii than tbe placing if tbe historic portraits in the rotunda where everybody can nee them. Paople seem never tire of gazing a tbe oanvass images of tbe splendid ftrra; of Virginia worthies to be aeen there. Kti. POlwONING. i HI i i i it > i i< i i- IIK A >' " "<"" ! frrmrtrr tar Allrac- ilvus Absm Ike Valla. The Liokport Journal says : A meeting raa recently belu at C i' ton for considering tbe International Park kObeme, at wbioh Sir Alexander Campbell, Miuister of Ju-tice of the Dominion G <f ernmei.t. waa prevent, and a aebeme dircuastd which seems fvaaible. It wa assumed ibal neither the Guvernmeut of the 1) niiiui.iu bor that of Ontario would at present undertake th establishment of an international park, aud tbe uexl best .bing would be to renew a scheme advanced about a year ago. Ou the Canadian side ot tbe liver the G-vnimsnt owns atrip ot land along tbe rivar bank sufficient for a good road, which must always be kei t open. Tbe project of a year ago waa the ibe >rporatiou o' a private company under tbe protection and oontrol of tbe )ntari" Goven.meut. To this company tbe Jovernmeut wae to iiive tbe land around tbe Fall", and under Government oontrol it should be empowered to procure addi- tional land for a park, tbat the company should keep ibis park and tbe view of tbe 'alls alwaya free to tbe public, but that hey ahould bave tbe right to improve u with tramways, plsce hotels and other attractions in it, subject t) the right of i Government to regulate the charges to M made therefer. It ia also undent *d hat tbe park should b >-ubj c . to a tax for manioipal purposes. Sir Altx. Campbell, Sir Alex. Gait, Sir Win B iwlaud, the lion Win. MoMatter, Ibe H .n. George W. Allan, Walter Sbanly, Dr. Ferguson aud other eadtng men of Canada, have consented a act as provisional directors of ihs pro- ,0-tad park oompanv. Tbe oompai y las been formed with Sir Alexander Campbell as President, and the application [or ft charter from tbe Province ot Ontario tiae been filed. A i IIHK i i >i x. i r r i I K BxllC "I. Hi I.I. In.ltiU. - In l lit! WHKAT E.ONK . \ (. a ln llrn.d >SMI Maw I wrnlT. ! . r. AM* Wbll- IB L.biud.r. A Pniladelpbisu wbo has read tbe pub- lished aeouubiH of the re discovery of the great Lk' Mi-'astiui writes : I spent ihe summer ot 1869 u|xn ibe ooart of Labra- dor. I we* nlwhys akkiug the native Esquimaux ard ibe i'ld-r rebidenta about in- oouutr) whiob lu H to tbe weatward, fteliLg a grest i isonal de*ire to penetrate it, M> as tu M tlf i-ctiie disputed poibts tro.i. K tbe Ktography of tbat utterly ti( I- red and uuknuwn region. No one could give me auy information, but all kgreed tbat it was entirely impracticable to penetrate the country any further than the explorer could be sustained by tbe pro- visions 1'ihCtioable to be carried tn route by bia party. At tbe rot ms of the Jersey kUikgCompauy, at Furtean Bay, bow- ever, I Okme acrots au Euglisbman who bad been iu tbe etniloy of tbe Hudson's Bay Company st Muoe Factory, at tbe southern extremity ol Hudsou's Bay, and in ihf edge if Rupert's Laud. Be fre- quently declared to me tbkt to tbe eastward ot Hudrou's By , toward L>brador, there wait a Iske Ikigir ibau Ontario and Erie dmbined, surrtuuded by arable land, and ell umbered for ro high a latitude. Be did nut preieud to bavu aten the lake, bnt derived bis information from Indians not E quimanx -wbo brought tbeir fun to 'KMI Factory t> trade for food aud olothii g. TLU was tweut) -five j ears ago. On my way south upt.ii ibe Canadian steamer wbioh bi ui i*i ly * n-it - lower Labrador witb ai d ri.| , a - for IM liitbtbouteB in those -kWky sea*, I d lumuniouled what I had berd to a geutltmku whose uame I bave forgotten, but wbo was in the suite of the G veruor Gi-i.eral of Canad*. whose party we pioketl Lp s>t Mu nan. ou tbe lower Gulf ooakt. Wbiie I would award all praise to tbe Lif t"('liu'sl Stoiety of Quebec for tbe exact n.f rm >tii>n which appears to have been derived Iroiu tbs rxploratiooe of their utk aa regards tbia great inland aea, ibey can bardly 1 > olaioi to any original i,y ot discovery, since tbe extsteuoa of snob a lake waa kuovtn to tbe men about Mix*e Fx:t>ry a,t least thirty years ago. It may be nid that tbe E-quimaux bardly ever leave tbe ovast. They depeud upon the aea f >r tbeir food aud clothing They are si^ularly lacking iu enterprise They look upuu tne umX|l>red lauds belweeu tbem and Rupert's Lud ae a region mven up to devil- and evil things aud could not on auy acoouot be induoud to join any exploring p*i ty to |<enetrale thoe wilds. Tbe tkilast s wbiob w are taught to believe Kive au kouurti9 liecoriptioo of the oouu- trieH they give picturen of mark " Esqui- maux" upou tu >. i at regioo lying between 60 aud bO denreen uonb latitude aud 3 aud 7 degrees eat loUkllU'le (liorn Wahhinif'oi | But it would b euiirely safe to iffer a thousand Ji'llar* a brad f< r any E quimaux found iu Rupert's Land, or, indeed, fifty oilleo fioui tile coast ol Labrador. in 'i \ MIC HIM lie itii.i ! i.. i- in where Uc II o ,. 'I rt llaraa. Near Springflrld, Ouio, on Wedneeday, Dr J ui. Mxwell, alter sending bia wife to town, admiuie ered to bis four children, aged 4 to 13, a OJtubina ion of aconite aud otiloruforru Re tbeu [laoed a cloth an rated witb chloroform over their fsoee, placed tbem ou a bed, administered a similar doee to ni naeif, aud lay down to die with them. Wbeu Mrs. Maxwell returned all f. ur of tbe children were unconscious. Dunug tue nigbl two of Ibe children died. M*xell rtvived and waa jailed. Be r.fu-,-1 to talk. Be left letter saying be wan tired of life and wanted bia children to go with him to avoid suffer- ing. Bs had recently been indicted for libel uf another physician, and with bus! ness rinbtrraH-iiifuis It ia BUI paced icoiled the fearful aoi. Later news says tbe i Ideet buy died ti-nigiii, making tbree deaths Tbe oldest, Kirl will recover. Ii IB feared Mrs. Maxwell vkili die from tbe shook. Maxwell feigns insanity. Tbe District Attorney of Boffalo bas been formally notified via tbe Executive Department at Waahiuiiton and tbe Exeoo tive Department al Albany, that a well known citizen of Buffalo bad been gaiUy of ft serious misdemeauor. The accusation is based upon the following letter, wbiob is self -explaining : "Buffalo, NT., Nov. 10, 1884 To the Bon. Theodore Frelioghny sen, Secretary of 8iat, Washington, D.O. Recall James Rumell Lowell, Uui ted States Minister to the Court of St. James, Eng- land, or be will be blown up with dyuamite. (Signed.) Exile J. J McUmi.K. ' Ii ie claimed that the i ffauce is mdio .able uuder th following section of the code : " Bee. 659. Written threat A peraon, wbo, knowing the content* thereof, aends, de- livers, or in auy manuer causes to be sent or received any letter or other writing threatening to do auy unlawful injury to the person or property of another, is guilty ot misdemeauor." The geueral penalty for misdemeanor is une year's imprisonment in tbe penitmtiary or a flue of not more tban 9500, or both. Steps will be takin to indioi the irrepressible John. S/ourel ninl I B.I. Havilaud 4 Co., whose handsome china is seen in tbe bent obiua t ires, after mauy trials aonouuoed tbat tbey had redis- oovered the lost art of fltmbe, or tbs flame colored clouding of porcelain. They suo oeeded iu making two perfeol vaees wbiob were seut to Paris for exhibition. But tb art teems to have been loet again as speedily a* it was discovered. Several hundred vanes Lave been subjected to tbe same treatment tbat was successful with the two, but failure baa marked every oase. Tbe coloring is derived from fumes of opper. ___ A. Jeffrey, ot Ballville, III., has a beg whiob be claims to weuh 1,400 pounds, the largest ever raised. It will be shown at Chioago. A Wursa [a'Bj alrrrpllasi. Eleven years aga James Keboe and Kate Welch were married in Albany, N. Y. Three years after Kehoe was called to Ireland to settle up au estate in which he waa luterrsU'i. Be left hie wife aud two children, Mrs. Koboe saying that she pro f rrrd not to make tbe journey soruas tbe Atlantic. Tbia was eight years ago. On Tuuradsy last Kehoe, wbo bad reuulariy corresponded witb Lie wife during bis absence, returned to Albany. Be wae rec iguizod by Luke Dunn, one of bis former frieude, wbo made to bim tbe staitiiug announcement that soon after bis d>partuie bis wife bad married Peter Smith, an old aitmrerof hers'before she became Mrs. K' boe. The astonished butbaud derided to call on bis wife, but as soon as he preseuted himaelf abe se zd a kettle filled wita b ilnm water and burled the ouutents a him. He retreated hastily aud returned to his friend's, wbere be is at present H.| lUrninn, undroidid exactly what course to i ursue. Tbe Melboarue Sptctitor has a lengthy account of an lutervnw witb Rev. John Wakt neld, formerly of tbe First Metho- disi Cnuuli in ibis city, who is %imtiug tbe autintides for the beunflt of his health. The Metbodiste of Australia are discussing tbe Uuiou quration, and iu the interview witb Mr. W -kriitld, irquiry wag made ab at tbe metbuds by wu oatbe Uuiou was affected here, its nature and prospects. Although Mr. WakenVId spoke from memory be gavu a Very clear and corupre bensive outliue ul the wholeqaeation, much to tl'e gratifloaiio.i of bia interviewar. Be has bflt-D Huffarin|( somewhat with weak eyeB Btnoe b reaohtd Australia, but bis pbysiciau fipeaks vny hopefully of bis recovery. B.s nuroeruuafiieuds in Canada will be tiled to ku<>w f hie safe arrival, and tbat be is enj >ymg bi> tour. TUB Thai for Wairfc /Ufa .%. ii,,..i, ie ll...l Their 11... London Tisvt: Since 1MO4 when tbt Lx-giuu of Honor wan luctitu. ' I ere by its founder (Napoleon I ) ibi .-ewaid hfte, in spite of |iolitioal -, i... it ued to be the reward for dintiLtui-i:. .1 or civil or military services. It is soiu< t int s said by unuerii tbat tbe ob^vai . rs are far too mauy, their numbers btiu* u. united, but !oreiguera do uot always u dviniaii4 tbe mauuer iu wbiob tbe croak if ( rute4. II baa beeu cuttomary at n o cKe of the juiumu maiu3jvree every year fir the Uinister of War to admit act-rum number of cfBoera to the order aud to un>k promo- tious in it. There is tow a tendency tow ard more sparing auto m u di tnoation. At tbe close of a o un|. 1^1, noujinationa are, M a rale, grautud 10 Itio-a |>riv*tee> of regirneut* wtoae personal valur would, in in the English army, Lave bet-u rewarded Dy tbe Victoria Croae. A: llie close of the Crimean war a uumber ot K ,; i-u t ffioera ere admitted iuu> the order, and in like manner H. r Majeaty created a oertaiu i uuibtr of French general* ftud > tti . m honor- ary koujhte aud RI.I.I, anioua ot tue Order of tbe Bath. AJI, iatiuenta to tbe Legion of Uouor t ui intervals gazetted to tbe Journal Oficift, ai d on tbe 14. hoi July au exoeptiu^ai nuinix-r in pro- claimed. Iu timea uf piaUb i r- v. lutlun, when female heroism bas often been oon- spinnoua, lady kingbts uf tbo laxion have been created. NjiwiibnlkudiLg ibe perse- cution to bioh ibe Freuoli r. .1.1 .u bodies bave beeu Hubjrot i f Isle, tbe mind of the Minister ot War is quile unbiased, and thm summer be li nicda two poiuliueuts of women fruui tliu^e sister- buods which bave taord tlio ravagea ol cholera in tbe south of K.. co At the preeenl time there nnt lena man teventeen lady kuigbta, and of tbu uauuber nioe are superior* ur sisieia of oniern wbiob attend in hospitals. Tue senior ladies of the Legioo of Honor are Mil .. Rfgia de Ciemeoy, wbo oame to tbe froi tiu r.-nistiug the revolution of 184'J, aud Mine. Abioot, wbo took upon beraeif to del eud tbe uuaine ol a village against an artuud turoa curing her husband's mayoralty. Iu reooguiuoo of ber exertions ou behalf ot tliu woauded iu tbe Franco-German war. Ltdy Pigott was prevented by M. Tt.i^rn with the ribbon iu 18T1. Tbe Fcei'ob language is dying out in Louisiana. Leo Xllt in tbe 2<h Pope. Tbe Pope that rpigued for tbe I iiKest time waa Plan IX., who filled the chair of Peter for 89 years. A piece of Rponga cake made by a Vamiar girl bte been prevented to President-elect Cleveland It in said tbat Mr. Cleveland priz. R it higbly, aud will as* it aa a paper weight when he gues to tbe White House. HI. John iMiiml rk|h. In oanverxation with so ol J uiau who bat knowu ex Governor Kt Jobu since be was a boy an Krniny Star ri- ( . ,rter remarked tbat the Prohibition leader narrowly escaped personal violeuob at bis bonae in Olaihe. " Don't you brlieve il," said tbe old man, wbo rank < a .i oldest iubabit- aut " aud who is onuwquently snuietbing of liar. " Tbe men wbo knew Ht John were least likely to offer him viuUuoe. Why. there is not a more dannerouk man in Ktuaas than Ht. Jjhu wbeu be it thoroughly arouteJ." " Doca be arm himself ?" " Oh, no, tbat ia uot oeoeHhary. He baa tbe strength of a giautat-d ho oan fight like a Turk when occasion rt quires. When be wa4 a young man be w>a fauiuua for bia strength, aud in later yan he ha* retained a greftt deal of it. ibere are not six men in tbis town who could handle him unarmed. Let bim alone to take care of himself. When be was about 30 he travelled with old Jobu RgDiuiiou't circus as a bareback rider and heavy lifter. I have teen Bt. John in tbe sawdust ring dretsjd in gaudy tights rolling a hollow oanuon tall down hia arm aud lugging with a massive painted wooden ilumb bull eup- posed to weiitb a ton or two. He drifted from tbe circuit baamans oat West, where be Boon beoame one of tbe tougbast ot tfae tough. He fought ludiaua aud followed tbe life of a soout and trappwr for several years. During thin time he bad some experience tbat would bave ornamented tbe page* between tbe yt'llow back* of ft dime novel Ou one oooanion he was abased by Indiana for tbree day* and killed ft dozen of tbam, but tbe villains still pur- sued bim. Be next bobbed m> as a blooming politician, wbere Ins experieuoe lighting lodiabs proved valuable to him. But don't yea worry about Bi. Jubn'a aafeiy, for be is used to defending himself against just snob savagfB as tbeae uiad Republican*." Kaniai City Star. A Poor I i, u.. it, n, , i i,, ,M >on. . " Tbis ia a nice time for you to oom home," said the wife of a well-known citi- zen to bim aa be entered bia boose ftt 6 o'clock ytH'.erday morning. " It waa not my fault because I stayed out no late," answered tbe trembling boa- band. " I don't know whose fault it oould bave been but yours," retorted tbe vexed wife. " I. t me explain," boated the husband. " No explanation ia wanted by me. I tell you for the last time tbat I wili not tolerate your late hours any longer." The buabaud Bat motionluas in bis chair, wbile bis wife, iu aledge-hamraer style, laid down the law of the huunehvld to him, and when he got a chance to git a word in edge- wise be aaid : " Wife, yon know I alwaya tell you the truth and I bave no reason to tell a lie to you now. Vuu see I wan pi i some money last uiglic aud on acoouul uf tbe Uiupa not being lit I was afraid to venture tbe home- ward trip aa I was soared cf bciug robbed." Tbe wife foigtve bim on tbe spot. (The husband attended a " poker party.") PrOSB nolhi I lilll.l|.<.llll. " Htmbaud," said Mri. Smith tbe other night, fixing her eyes (iirnitioantly upon the 7 > ear-old pride of tbs family, I am afraid you will bave to correct Johnny ; be h" been a bad boy tbifc aftprnoon." Basbacd, glanoing overbii paper" What has he been doir g ?" . " Be took his BhawiDPck rooster over to Mrs. Jones', and Tom Jonea tot oat bit Black Spanish, and they let tbe poor creatures fight for more tban an hour." Husbaud, straightening up" Whiob whiiped ?" A carriage lighted by incandescent lamps and drawn by a br/ree, on tbe bead of wbiob an electric spray appeaia.ia the late causa- tion io Paria. " Ab, Mr. Hebbeltob, I Hear tbat yon have been called to the ministry." ' Well, I oan hardly term it sonll. They only offer me five hundred a 3 ear. Sort of ft whisper, you understand."

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