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Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1884, p. 8

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News Items About sixty guests assisted Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Anderson to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of their wedding on Tuesday evening. The couple were recipients of innumberable congratulations, and many other tokens of esteem, including a beautiful dish in silver and crystal, presented on behalf of the company by Mr. John Nettleton, who took occasion in his remarks to refer to the many trials through which Mr. and Mrs. Anderson had passed, an to the well deserved popularity and respect they enjoy'd. - Collingwood Enterprise. Gleaued from our Canadian Ex changes anU Other Sources. Tin- Salvation Ariuv mv about to BEARDS&apos; Waggons, Manufactured at Flesher- ton, are tbo Cheapest, as nothing but good wood Is nwd iu them. Tb sr utroiigly Ironed, runs oas> au.1 well 1&apos;imit. I Firman aud others wanting thuC&apos;livapt-Ht and Bout Wufgoii mUl <*> mill to exaiaina the ma- tonal carefully. HEAHU&apos;S Waggou a warranted for i >. and sold at vur> low |*k-. No I .-ij:it to |>ay. lUiinlnij lldir. Box, Spring, Heat. Kvckyoke aud WlattlvlrMs.. *7-VOO forcaah O.UO ] Uduufocturur of lluggie, Duniocrat*. Waggon*. CutJurn. Sloiglm, Iron Harrow*, aud Ageiit for cnndidate for Councillor r;u*j. ItMllK. Hod- 1 ;nli-l Ja<*knttK>s T<> (Ii- KMnr t.i Th, .Idtunee. Sir, Talking about lunatic*, r mi&apos; nl l)uvy .Mailill&apos;B polite&apos;fetter i:i your ! H &apos; n liuil week&apos;s pai-r. NBW ADVERTISEMENTS F iRM TO RENT. OK rul! SM.I A K I Kami. Mtuate.l <u If Davy runt a tool r..n LO, Lol&sMu ill.- i.u 1,1.. , i vit.ui.-ia. fire K.icklyn, Enphra.ia. Plenty of , u , next ,,-, to Mng OIK , Vlz ., B ,,,. T. ; - ..d.^ui, . . It is .sv him tu *iu I tell &apos;"&apos;- - d &apos;I&apos;-- 1&apos; told at or nearly hall Its valq*. 4 lii.u-uiv.-n ,.., N... -i ,,t i-,,,!,.,: I- A|,|.!y to U.O lies, but it is quite another tiling for liiin unui-rsinii.-.l. KI.-IU-UI.H I&apos;-.M.H.II. .- material to work upon. The Mirror says Reeve Thompson of Meaford is in his dotage." The former I to prom it. Give us the proofs, Davy. O et. utii. 11-1. \V. KKIN8. JOHN H, HEARD. Flesherton- Saw Mill & Timber Land For Sale or To Let, lathe- Town >ll i| of ArtrilN-sijt, m tl County of Grey, 4 miles from FlesiierUm Station, the C.\ua.h in 1&apos;acitic Railway. The Mill is eituate.1 ut Little Falls, iu a block uf ubout I&apos;ln acres Timber Laud, with other timber laud surrounding. The building in sub- -ti-.i-.uilly buiit on stoae foaudation. The machinery is nil goi .1 ..u.l driven with great |. .-*er by *>:! inch I.effel wheel, under :w f-t head of waU". There are 1 Large CircuUr j through which Mr. and Mrs. Andersen S iw for culling Iocs ; &apos;.&apos; Small Circular* for sawin;; Laths and broom Hamllen ; 1 tluafc&apos;e had passed. and to the well desprred )>o- Li lh o foi tiirniug Uroom Handles, Ac.; 1 Shin K k- Machine witb Joiuter and 1&apos;acker com- pnlaritynndroaiM-ct they cujojr&apos;d ( W/i- &apos; t00 &apos; tbe Oovtrmnent (jiving tin in tl,e judges others by itself. The Township of Enphrasia has not a single medical man within its limits. W. .1. Shpppordaon, Enphrasia, is a 1886. \Viu. i Fawcett will a;;*in make a "dash " for] the Depntv-lleeveship. Abont sixty guests assisted Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Anderson to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of their wedding on Tuesday evening. The couple wore re- I eipients ol iniiuinerable congratulation), [ and many t.ther tokens of esteem, incluil- \ ing a beautiful dish in silver and crystal, presented on behalf of the company by Mr. .I.ihn Nettleton. who took occasion in his remarks t refer to the many tn&apos;ds and noiio of your foul-mouthed, dirty, vulgar, beastly, nu-tv i >NK WHO KNOWS. III KrllirllllMT. A Sin, n in TIMK nave* nine. Serious resiitls i ft follnw a neglect of cimsti|.>.ti-.l bowels and bud lilootl* llurdoek HI. ...I Hit t. r nrnlnti&apos; slid purifv tin- stomsi-li. !... els. liver, kiJn.-vs ami tin- blood. Take it in time. J. W. BATES, and slow Would it Mork in ton. tturulmnj Stfiiulunl. A number of farmers in Srdeiihnni b&apos;-iiit; liinatislied with the maiiai;eiiii&apos;iit of the chartered banks in Owen Sound, de- termmed t.. start a tarmer&apos; hank in that A> <:\ I&apos;.i (&apos;. , t t. !> ,, s( , >/,-.,,/,/ /^x,^. Furniture DC a In Undertaker! i i I:-.IM:HTOX, ONT. Money to Loan. " They did so by yivinx the (iov. seciinly on their lurins for 18. ITII Int.-ivk ptHsi i.JKil.i:. TT7I y ( -,irl\. mil. in, !o ahaijijsA -\i&apos;|il> to TIIOK.\KIUV, plate. The \V.iter-l&apos;o*er i exeelleut. the stn-iuu WinK rer>&apos; regular. There are feveral .111 -i u-io.l Mill Sites ou the property. The land in this valley is considered the bei-t in tht cauntrv. Tin- piace would utaku an eirelleut Stock l-&apos;arni when the timl.i r is taken off | IJsis oDors a good opportunity for a pracboal, energetic man to t;" into this kind of j bosiue**, an the place will be sold w let ou PAVORAHI.K TKUMS. The bub is so oon- t-u.i-ut t j UK .M:ll, logs can bv trucked iu summer time. Immediate possession given. Apply to the proprietor, 1 i.t ^iii M..V SIA i ION P.O.. ONT. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, The Sahation Army crops here to In- setting down to constant work, they hold meetings nightly in the old M. E. Church, and draw larue crowds. Sunday evenings ]>artiriilarly they get paekeil houses. Thiiligh some of their actions aaem somewhat untoward, still we have observi d even greater extravagancies at the old time eamp-niei tin:,&apos; thirty years ago. \Ve notice sonic- very respectable orderly people have joined the Salvation- ists here. Mtiit&apos;uril M"uit<tr. Miss Fanny K. Di-wnes the editor or the T-ironto d->^ japer. is to have a libel , and re<iuiriii(; at their lui-n!- :i .|U.irteri> Matt iiient of the atandin^ ai&apos;J lnisineKS done at the bank. They guve the money :it 4 per cent from (hi- (iov- .-i-Mti.-ui. Tlie hunk is doing a i;oo<l bus- uiew Wiiy ciiiinot a scheme of this sort h* KO up in TliornlMu v. NATIONAL 1&apos;Il.l.S are the f..nt.! ptir- IIB.I anti-bilious medicine ; they are mild and thorough. China I&apos;. .11. .n. I Boar. Mr. Wm. T. IVdlar of Eugenia, has a well-brad China 1&apos;oland limtr. whieli will be for iw-rvk-e this season at very nii>derat terma. 2 W p. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN&apos;S WORM POWDERS. Am pleasant to take. Contain their owi PurKitivo. li a lafu. aarc, ami cftrcttuU worm* iu Children or suit with the (Jnelpl. .Vemirw, nn,-m her W "" MS "&apos;&apos;"" &apos;\^&apos;^ &apos; l &apos; il<1 "&apos;- &apos;"" Fr- Ulan <i \\orui fowler V M:irkilale ALL KIM&apos;S 111- , Sii&apos;-li :i-; Moniuiifiits, Toinb Tables. I[i ailstonos ide. \\"e are not particul- arly in her mode of c.inv.-jiiii({ now, but w.iuld appreciate Fanny a little more ! highly if she would iwnd along )i<<r|>ai>r. ; Durham I ! them fn.m the t\ - \V, MI.,, uud TheCospel Army opened tire agaiu-t ; Satan&apos;s ram pin-in in Hanover liutt night. &apos;-i :i-; oniifis, on aes. i aiso , _, ., , , r - ,,, . , They have thrown up breast work" Counter and rube Topsin ABMMM and Miiililu and (iranitc, ami niaili <>n Also Mantles in Marble and Slate, ic., Ac. GET YOUR Full * Winter f/lothiiig MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE Flcstcrton TaiUr. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY^ PILLS2.0INTMENT around the ohl church of iho 1&apos;niteil Brethren llnin-rrr /&apos;.</. A number of Motto&apos;s melancholy swains brought their cares into town <,n Wednesday, and nniileroiuly ]>rucced>-d to drown them in coiiipanv with what little sense thry pocsens, in the wave; ut&apos; the a the day A few patent medicine vendem with cures f. .r ilv|-pi:i would cooler an everlasting hem-lit on thir town by vi^it ing a few of the melancholy sections of Mono. Oranytillf Ailrerturr. KING&apos;S EVIL TTs t!ic n:ime fonner&apos;y p&apos;.vea to bcau>o bf a SUJM.T-I:, .1 thiit 1: t -.. .1 bo i-un.l by a kingN touch. TLo <...- it now, and kuo^ -. i._i scuoruLA rsn only he rnrt-d by s thoroi^li ptirlflcv HOD of till- bliMill. II tlli^ i. lir-!. i !. (I. the ill-&apos; .1-1 | n . IL:i!r- II- ll. II- I&apos; ftrtipratlon :irt.-r ^riuruiloii. AUK-UK in (rller >yiM|i|i>inu!i. <t.- m m- i.i :i..i I /. 1.11, U! .11,1 ..I. . I I llpll. M-. &apos;I II- inorK, Hull*. * urbiiiirli-w, Bryalpell*, 1&apos;iir. ilmi I&apos;lcrrs. Nervonn nii<l i&apos;li; - leal < olipe, en-. 1&apos; ml. \M. I . . .- A riniit nl ICiii-r Virtur*. IH the ooininon amt wrll-kn.m-n Iliir.|<.ck- It is one of the bcht |I|O.H| piirifier rirnlat- ..r- in tin- vefftiilil.- worlil, and the com ponn.l known as llunli.rk I! Bit- tri* 1 -.nil^rfiil iiowcr in disuse of the MiMid. liver, kidnryu and stomacli. A CHYIXG KVir.. -ChilJreii arc often fretful HII. I ill when worninar tlieoHin-e. |>r. Low&apos;s \V.riu Svni). Mifrly expels all Wi.niis A HanoM i- Snisnt ion. THE IMLLS I&apos;urifx tli.. 1.1 ..... 1. ..... . r nil;i,.|4 ,,f the irnl j ilivuuntualid r.-store tnlii-cltli Ili-l.ilitnt.-il Con- titlltioim. The liveliest cli.uu seen in l!am>\er nince tin- butcher rhaned the IIK with a fdiotgm ..... the Btivet was witnei&apos;ed on Friday evening lawt. It was known in school that the nriiter had Conceived n iiddf-n aflV-ction f..r one of the buys and In- asked him in remain after school was dismissed, as he dearly wished to see him, but the dear little innocent boy, when sehool wn I, t ,,nt, wiinteil I.. yi , home. Ho knew his nmtlier Wits waiting for him, so I.,, skipped out. Tin- ninstc r di.ln&apos;t put mi Ins hat but aki|.)ied ,.i.t afler the boy hnn- hemleil. Tin- boy ran down the liiil, vi did tlio master. ]!,, v n neck ahead at tin- liridgn, uinater a uruk l-.-hind. The cliildreii from school 10 " rlowioK iK.wP* A a ccni>e<|uunce I liinie. Kiieuiinitisn.. >><-io.iil--i-, i - lively flirht relieved tlie nioimtonv of&apos; X? r , r &apos; &apos;*&apos;&apos;&apos;"<&apos;> ***** I &apos;!*** . . . ... Tul-ienl:ir < oiisuni|>lioli, niiu an- OU-. oilier daiii^ervUj ur le.a:, U9 produced by it. Ayer&apos;s Sarsapr.riUa II the nnl&apos;i pntrgrfiil and all&apos;-&apos;"-* rrlin&apos;i&apos;a blood-J)nriijiint:,iltciiie. Jti-M.iOc t- us) an iiltenitivn that It er.,n. -. , in 1 : i the nnu-iii Ili-reilitary Srr.ifuln, ami the klnUli&apos;il PUIMIIM of i-onlail..|| <li -I-H-I-H sml mercury. At ll.- :.IIH- nil.-- it - n- rk-bes and \ilMlize-i tin- r. - iiiu bvulthful Hi-lion to tin- \n:.l uiiraim nd rejuveujlx;; llic entire t-\ii in. i bis great Panenerativo frlsdicina Ii compo&apos;cj of the penuli&apos;f- /fnii./r<; AmMMrfBa. with Teller !> <-i. .S&apos;d7- tiHf/ui. tin- Imlit&apos;i.i <&apos;f J M-yji/m slid Iron, and nthir hurr*u(nt of i.-rst po- tency, cai- Vi."-- mi.) " &apos;i ni&apos;lii-iily com- pouiii&apos;ii-d. lt lornini:! I- ^eiM-rniv known to the IIH-I|, -ill |.ioli-kpii.ii. mi.l the b-t phyii bn-4 eouMantly |.i ....o AYEK&apos;J LISTS or "FARMS Fo SALE- AKH "Tuna DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL in. MAIL hMbco*c Tkr Bcrocnlinl WrUluni Pmm TcrtlM-MraU Ad uvralM war* of then tluw All other CftnMlun n PM* cU r* of t It hj> 3 I IISFMF NTS of "Ftmt he S>lc" ud - . ScM rSl, - 1 M V MAIL..Xw<nU>pr xxlMtt *Kn*m-mi r fi mttrttjvt. or In Till-: DA.II.Y MAIL M /M W ^ **i/ tttji per w.r<l r( h laicruao. A<Ur<m- THE HAIL Tmnlt. C***t, ^ I-: ..:i.. inciduntal t . . i I, il. n, -n 1.1 THE OINTMENT . and aru Invaluahle in all Com I choired the sprinterK. Bets were fn-i-lv id tliu .l they aro iniceless. . .1. T .. , , | BMW. IV,, sticks of gwn to ail ii|>i.|e l<an iiif::. :,;- r..iu.-.i. f..r l , i. i-.i .IM l RsMunaBan Absolnto Cure For all ilfucinr < cnucd hytlir vitiation of the bloc J. It li eo:n-( nf . .1*1 J to the hl:;u- et prii-tli-abio Jr-vrc. f:.r beyond any other pr;rar:i&apos;&apos;j-.i for vi!,&apos;i!i like efcctJ re cljimrj. u:ul h I&apos;-T &apos;&apos;> Ibe elicpct, M w.&apos;M as the bol L&apos;.ooJ juil.&apos;. xjmc^- cine, b tlio \\ ,.!&apos;.. A, -^ r&apos;-.~r--. ---- :% *\J-. ~J \_ . o t. ^ -. ...J pni:r.vnrr> nr Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., LcasU. &apos; ::. (Analytical Chemists.] fioM by a!l I)ruir^lt : frieo 01 i ix botl.cs (or >J. Just What&apos;s Wanted, Mil i;i;.> RWANTOim El:GKNIA (irist Mill, Having mi.le ncti-nsirp luiprovenientit In m lirist Mill. I inn font&apos; il.nt I run ){ivu|{iMHt ^itifai-lii 11. rixi; DOXK ANY DAY (n.oil F&apos; always on haml. and Billn lilli"! "ii t&apos;n- -li..rt. st iK.ii.-i-. Lni- lii-r -ni.i I .nth .i!..\. . n l.m ,1. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT, Kl GF.M.\ The D3n;r.: j &apos; Urgan and Piano Ca core was bet .>n the boy. Tliu chiMien .I I&apos;.i. .<t n] 1 \VniiiiiN. s.m^an.1 I loom. F..I .l^.mi.-rH i.t tin- c u .*t it lia nomin ITU no. I &apos;I, BROMCHITI8. COUGHS, COLDS .. Jiwolliugi, and all Skin Iii-.-.t ..., it lias no rival; aud for contracted and stiff ji.ints it act* like a charm. THOKOfdll BKKKSHIhE Boar viilll.. I .ror 1 i .- th, .-I ,-<n| lit 1...1 I.i7. I .. I&apos;. A S It Artelne-iil. l.lriuii &apos; &apos;" &apos;&apos;&apos;&apos; \\iis IIMI. IIH&apos;-.&apos;.I finni the firfai.t.&apos;.l "Canadian st... k ral-.-r-. .1 r . Sm-ll A- Mr.. . K.I It ii famous lt,t &apos;"canio IXtltM anil tit.ike<l their hw< ni"ii.toii,aii.l liaaapsdlgrw . \t.&apos;ii.lin into th.- liiiti-h. Hlitlab Ain.-i lean and I&apos;niU-l -< II.T-I i k^. TKHMS. *1.0fl, attimo of nnrvicc. (ill. >w VNTf)N. Nov. 19. IfMl. Kl.-shurton P.O. ailoyn, skate stra;.-, bin-keN anil nhl jack Eanufaoturod onljr at I&apos;rr>f,-or HOI.I.I.WAVH K-.tiil.!isliniont, 7H, Xrw Oxford Slr--t ( i.n, r,:i:{, Oxford Mtrrrt), London, a.J arc >ld at Is. Jfl, is. *L. 4.. r.l. ll... at... ,,! :O^ oacl, H,, , !.., and may bo bad of all Modi . . .. .. cine throughout the World. I&apos;ttrdi&apos;irrt fhotill loolc t,. i.lif I.<,M <! fott <in,t U,,j-e*. 53,1, Offt>n I Mri&apos;--t, l.&apos;ni&apos;li,:,, tlirii <ire If the addreti it not The Advance till 1st, 1885, for 15 cents. raee. Huy flow ,, ve r the bridge . nia-ii i How and blown! ,,ver it too. Hoy stopped at the Profi.^,,,-^ tll get a nliave ; master collared the urchin anil man-In il l,in, baek to cln.ol I&apos;.,,,, boy iln.n&apos;t ._,-! slaved. Tlie mailer piti- e.l liiin an,l ve him an extra lessen in (or Sale. and kindled hranclies. &apos;nier.-ar- 7&apos;. a. r, i-li nn- 1 ai Boyt, never atop to shave in llio of a race. T>i:iN(l I^.f jM.Cnn.K. Arti-iiu-sin. r.ninfv (irev. " Out. .Thin i nioHt .li-irit&apos;ili- farm fur Moak-BalalBiasthmis a nwrnr-f ailing Bprlna _ . <..-:( rniiH tlin.iiKli th.- .,-,(,.. ,,f the farm Has Mie lonfest ,uul in.. A Double rtir;oM pounUr renieily, lltyai.l^ Yello Oil, in u. .| IfvtU internally uud externally, Our 1M acrei of Fall to -1AMKS H. I factory to the Dominion IMlxl.VS. Bljb:i&apos;. E:i3ri irtr Avsrici to inj Hiitr &apos;.a tto Tcrll iii.vis. Kn^jiiia p. o.. or on tho pramlaM. j Mttal and DMsMM at OSBtsaasiL Ml anaSMsty. <bil. I Mc.lnl mill Illplmna ut r,|ii.-v. AiiairalM. 1HT7. . bold Mi-dal at I-ruvlnrlal LznlbltloD. Turuoto HlKl"-i &apos; &apos; APEIZE. Send alx cent* for pont- -. and receive free, a i-"ll v Lot of Koods which will help you to i.i..i..,,iont.yrii(l,J away than anything eNt in thl. world All.c.f stthsvsn. UOUWH! from Bri-t o .... r i... HE K -s.";;.-, b -,;-;i; SK&apos;-iA-^^SiSsSias.&apos;.!: IWi I i .i< ; ( i i i ;1 luiinat&apos;iry unt:ir -. 1 workr, nl|r..lnt..!y auro. ..t ouce iddre.n, Tm A&apos;warUs ut :H.IUKUI..I bxiiitiitionl&apos;i&apos;oraoto. Wi Am KOW MAM rAiTl-Rivo QUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. Km IN TIIS MAiikpr. GorreapoDdrnr f.nllcltcrl. s.-nrt f..r ninitratcd Ca> alotrili-, iimll.-d fn r. A.lilrrM mil. \ S AND PIAKO COMFAJIT, DqwMAITILU, Onk . . ;

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