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Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1884, p. 2

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' MOW TO SUB L,AIarNIC. A V. - Tip* ! Hw I* Url ! .b lion., ol I liii- A London deepktoh aays : My fritod who tells me the following itory it one of the most respected a* well a* ooe of tb moat vim (ruble membem o( the New York Produce Exchange. He bu also a leva ol what is historic and time-honored. " W-il, you mi. hi know," said be, " tbat I didu'i propose to go book to New York and say I lidu't beard Oladstone. I don't olun get a runout ol uiy ifli^e at any rate aa far a* England aud 1 wan bound that I would Bee tbe cue great man they've got here. Bo I started down to tbe House at about ', m J steered moot ol my way by the littbtiiuuse that is pe robed up on top of tbe bigbeiit tower ol the buildups. They ay tbe tower is over 300 feet high, and that tbe light only burna wbeu Parliament m ID teskiou. At any rate it lit up tbe moat magcitiMnt pile of building* in tbe world perhap* not BO grand at first light a* tbe Washington Oapitul, but more finely worked wbeu yon oome up close to it. Tbere are tight acres of grojnd covered by thin atone building, auiit baaooat about $15,000000 However, 1 xue*B they didn't steal auy of it, lor I dou't iee bow they could have done it lor leaa. I entered a great court yard, and a policeman they oall tbem bobbies there toll me I iuut go tbiougb Westmiuiiter Hull and then through St. Stephen's 1UU, and then turn to my left, and tnen ak aome one wbo would poat me. So I tramped aloig through a maguinoeut hall, wbone painted roof was made ol great oak timberwork, pit marble atatuea ot English dim-, up it series of broad atooe iteps into another imposing ball, wbere I aw marble Btatuei of far greater men fox, Burke Pitt and Chatham. Tin- bal waa crowded with EuKliabmeo waitm* their turu to get into tbe Stranger's Gallery. I hurried by aud approached the door of tbe auguit chamber, where I imagined Oladi<toiie holding bin bearera pell bound by biB pertuaiive periods." " y-iite impoat-ible, tir. L)JU'I you aee there are over lifty waiting tbeir turn, fllaud aide, pleaf, *ir.' " -liut 1 have a card from tbe American Minuter, and 'Can't 'elp bit, lir ; quite bimpotuble, air ; moat taut prcoedeuled biLllui of stranger*, tir,' eio. It waa abiiurd to negotiate with a man badgered by a crowd ol buugry applicant*, and to i tier a corruption fund publioly would have been equally futile. I retraced my steps to toe crowded ventibule, where Burke and Fox kept compa-jy with the pautalocued gentry of Picoadi ly. 14 (J 41 tea crowd you bave to-night,' re- marked I genially to a dleeugaged bjbby, wboe duty it wax to nee that the tequeuoe ol oockueys waa 1 y.t.uikt :ly maiutaiued. ' I suppose aome ot ibme people will hardly reach tbe S:rugsrs' Gallery until to mor- row morning? " I anppoae not,' replied the boneet peeler, aa be eyed me olostly. I'm aorry ,' continued I, ' for I hoped to git iu t>-ui*br.' " Tbe peeler looked about with an air ol auaoied indifference. I ojutiuued, looking at tbe alatue ol Burke : " I will give you ball a erown if you will amootb my way to tbe next polioemau, and give him iitlf a orowo, too.' At thin my ttttely oompauion atrode cff. and in a minute returned and ordered me to follow bim. Hi* expreaoion was aevere, ana left tbe imprest lou on those left behind that I waa annj mooed on Htate buaiueaH. Aa we walked together a bait orowu slip- ped into bia band. 1 waa about to pus the avooud ' bobby,' wbo guaidi tbe entrance to the lobby, when tht functionary arrested me witb a gruff ' Keep back, lir ; yon can't here, air." ' But tbia jjolneman ' laid I. " ' Oil, I bt-n paidoa , oome thin way and a second ball crown (about 62 cm>) entered tbe band ot Iler Majeitty'a faitbfui bobby.' I wat piloted through a number ol NXoi- privileged individual! wbo bad got thna far and aeemed unable to git auy farther. 1 bad to (aee tbe aame sergeant at arm* wbo barred my way to ttie pvaker'i gallery only a lew moutba ago. But for some occut reason ibis dragon in black ailk stookiogi and ku*e breeobea temed lest unapproachable than on my former viiit. I trailed a favorable f>| |" r tunny when our oonvereation ahould not be pnb io property. Then inserting a half crown between my tbamb and tbe oard fiom the Amerioaj Legation, and in that position holding tbe combined potential Mies op to him and to him alone I laid : " ' I> >u't you aee, air, that it is impor tank that 1 ahonld go np to the Speaker'! gallery, and that right away?' "Apparently oouvinoed, be laid, 'Stand behiuu me, air, and look abarp when I give tbe word.' " At that moment tbe door leading to tbe Rpeakor'n gtllery opened to let Home one out. My levere friend in ailk i ui'd my o*rd with the aooomptuymg OUI>OD and I burned up into the tbe II >une ol Common*. " But tbe battle wan not yet won. I wan one of a number wbo had to atatd up, and even then ojuld ntt aee o\vr well wanted to get iulo suite good reatHthi-t were barred ( ff by a nilken roi r, which rope wa> guardrd by auotber man iu MiHHlickii KI. Agtin I bultd my timi aud kept my ailver wd)te baudy I jr a timel" hiaertiou. At iMt ibe cord wan removed for tbe exit ol ome one, and appronon- ing the roiie guardian io a beutvjleut mu- ner, I told bim that I a-bould oio*ider my- ell iu bu debt to a iuudit exteiit if k*c would let me have one ol tb privileged eaio faoing the Speaker, wbioh ha wax bound by bin oath to keep toe out of. The ooomHion waa too tnblio for more prtolioal tact 01. but wi'h fi- t --iivr t i<ule in m) rojknt I | anted the barrier and found my- Mil in ill. bent aal lujaxiuabie. " Af ir limning to UiadRione and a lew othem and heariag Lord Kinriolpb Chnrohill aud the Preaideut of the B >ard ot Trade oall each other uarnsn I tnrued to leave for home. ' Lt me khow you downitaim, (ir.'iaid my pniiie ou-todiau. " At aoou aa w were out of tbe putlio eye 1 alipvd a htndlul of amiill ailver into bin praoiuid palm aud walked borne with a liB.vy beart. I am a Sunday tkbool niiern. teudrut, sir, and 1 wae aad at having ruooeiBtully bribed my way into tbe BriUab Uunae of Gommona." II . ,., ...M ! ikl- .r. ! ttr. MI b ! l' luU t.liuu,l''. li.n.ou. lui Ii.. u HI* t>raaUe. A London cablegram aayi : At tbil uuit ytttiiiday Mr. Rukoell naid tuu defendant Mlmltiad bia promiae to marry tbe plaintiff aud tbe breakug iff of tbe promine wnb out ju.t.tiible caLte. Mi>a Furtwicue, bu ooutiLUed, waa educated aa a lady, but iu oouktquLoe f her father'* failure in buai- ue>, adopted ata^e life that khe might aupiort bur mother and Miter. Her lalary at ILL S^voy theatre waa three guinea* a week at nut aud later twice that. Bbe the acquautiuoe of Lard Oarmoyle lu Boniety Ut lu 1882. Tbe acquaiulauoe ripeued rapiuly iulo mutual regard and uliuiaty auaiu July, 1HU3, Ljrd G*rmo>le ujade a propoaal ut uiariiagti. Mirh Forttikcue accepted tbe propoaal and at uuce inturmed her mother. At tbia lady'a reijuett Lord Oarmoyle informed JIH father, Karl Ca:rui, ot the atep be bad taken. The Earl gave exuretaion to a oordial but guarded approval of hia BOU'B oourae, and wrote Miaa i'oiteacue that hia ouly deaire in tbe matter waa for bU eon a bappmeaa. Sue replied to her proepeotive fatber-m-law, aBHuriug him that ber out and ouly wi>h waa to make Ljrd Oarmoyle happy. A little alter tbia Lord Uarmoyle naw bia father, aud tbe utter, while aayiog be would not bimielf lave made ouch oboioe, Rave bin oouaent to the union. Oj July 20ib, 1B83, Lord Gar- oioyle wrote to Hue b'oi ti.cue, alatiug tuat Earl Gairna thought be was doing a aaukible thiug to get mairied. With MM i. .rinoUf'n oouaeut tbe engagement waa auuouLoed, aud Miaa Fjrtekoue became the recipient of kiudly lattera from other uuembera of Lord G.rmoyle'a family. Iu Augnat be told bia betrothed that bia family beld very strong view* regard- ing the theatre and atage lite. They thought an ictor'a prtfeaBion wan uot full of peril, but ungodly and profane. Lord G rui > le aaaured her be did not abare tbea vivwa, but at bia rtqueat Ma* Forteacue abandoned the Htaite and her lister deaiated frum prepara- lioua for i.cb a ii!e. Miaa Fortekoue waa afterward* mvited to Karl Cairu'a houc, where nbe received an affeotiouaie greeting from Lord and Ltdy CairnH. Buddeuly, aud without tbe >1 gbteat p-evioua biut, Lord Garmoyle, ID JaLuary, l^^l wrote a liter to MibB Fjrlekcue breaking ofl the eugagement. 11- till prolened the great ."i love aud admiration for her, but Raid bia frieuda would uot accept her on acojuul if her profeaxiou. Attorney-General Jamta arlmitud tbfa oircumatauceri, but juatiUi-d Lord Gar- mo)le'a aciion. Tbe Utfeuaut waa willing, aabe alwa}8 bad been, to grautao.iu- peuaatiun to tbe lady. At tbe ame time. Lord Uarmoyle wirhed tontkta thaluoi tb "ligbteat imputation rented on Mia F.irtnaoue'a character. She bad through- ott their intercourse conducted bernelt aa a highly modeal aud bigb-miuded Eugiiah lady. I III I II ii I 1 n - Kl lnprlPin nr.ilnn in Nrw \oik III. ! I i .. 11 nun. 1" I.. I ill. II. A iMt (Tbur>da>) Dignt'i New York derpalzb aayx : A lrge Lumber of promi- iii ni II|I>MI i IIB, aauuariaua aud htallh Lffioerk from varioun ataboard oiiien,amouu otbera B jntoti, Buffalo, New Ilavt-u at 'i I'niUiif |. ii. met at tbe itli >c of the Uealtb l>'ird today to oonkult about the ibreaUui^d danger of a cholera rpiJcruic frum abroad aud the beet weauH ot barring it out. Cholera waa ducu>i>ed in all it pbanei, aud plant were formulated upon whiob to keep it out of our oitiea, if it cau- not be kept away from our aborea. A circular to tbe health boarda of all cm muuitiea, preHOribing eaiiential precautioua, will be laaued aa tba Drat fruit of the con- ference. It waa concluded tbat local bealtb boarda oonld beat deal itb the dueaae, and that bi-obloride of mercury waa one ot the beat germ det>troyeta that could be UHed (or tbe purpoae of dieiufeotion. Tbe expiaure of Contaminated articlti to a high aud very dry temperature and tbe boiling ot infected clothing were highly oommeuded meanureii. The meeting adoi ted a aeriei of rearlutiona setting forth tbat vigilant quarantine can privnnt tbe iutroduotion uf cholera into the 1'uit -d Htte8. The co-operation of tbe general Government H needed to rt quire iti representative! at loreigu porta to prevent any infected cargo from being hhippcd to thin country, aud to inform tbe quarantine authoritiea at tbe port ol deati- nalion iu tbe apeedleat poakible manner aa to any ku| iaioun oasea ol mckueai aboard any veaBei. The reprewntativea of the Uovernmeut should alao be ordered to give b IU ol health to all veanel* boaud for tbe I'.it-d 8tte>, which bill ball giva(ull atatemeut of the port of deptr.ure aud tb cm rlitu u of the panaen^er*, crew audrurg". All vem>el khould be compelled to kbow auch bil'H on oomitg here. Tte oonferfiice alao panned reHiiluiiiiu! declaru R tbat N * Yurk qutrau iue ttttiona rh"uid be kept in noud repair, aud tbat tbe L'giitlature be rnji.ntert to place in tbe bandit o( the health < ffioer iu I power fr meetiug the -ix-cihl il tugera of an iuvai >n of oblera. 1 ii roufereuce of the State Board <' Ilealth wi.l be held at Wuuhiugtou on December 10-b. I KI>* Nl-llllll <l Tbe tloivenitv ol ol thirty-nine. Edinburgh ha* a The i ... i .i. ! II. Catharine Briggi widow ol uncertain age wbo OWUB some property aud livea on the iutercwl accumulating from diveikaud uudry mortgngeii. A large nbare of her time (or many >earn aeema t> bave been wanted in luxation. Ou Monday Mra Jeaouettn Tbompnon got a verdict againnt ber for $225 aaaault aud battery damagea in the Superior Conit. During the tri>l (u u y incident occurred. Lawyer Greoe wak making a iipeeoh tor tbe plaintiff, and aoouied Mra. Briggii of uot telling tbe t'Utb. " A wit ray. nentlcmeu, in Lttiu, Jitltvt in una faint in omnibui " liare MTH. Brigit" j^uipfd up aud cried excitedly 1 I 'M a lit- 1 I never rode iu an ouinibua I Detroit Kcwi A Florida aligator waa recently caught with a twenty-five pound turtle in bis jtwa 01am chowder ii getting into hi*h faah inn io London. Mr. Jotau Clayfn if tbe Court Theatre, son- in law cf Mr. Bonci- oaolt, la regarded ai the eraok expert IB it! preparation, aad u to great demand. Tbe t.|Tiion. KHI-. d the Htnlag iu ike U.K., ! f. . - Tbe exact pociuon of tne ipiritoal lorda ia at tbia momeot a very kingular ooe, isyi ProfetBOr Freeman in the FortnigMy. 'I heir aeata iu Parliao-ent bave beeu ut j -oteil to on many aud very diffdreot grouuda. They are oljeoted to, quite reaaouably frutn hia point ol view, by tbe nonooolormiit Beekingtbe diaeitabliahmcut ot tbe rl u eli. They are objected, no leu reaaonably from bia point of view, by the zaaloua oburohman, wboiie idea of tbe bishop's cmoe iu ao bigbohat he regret* to lee tbOBe wbo hold it mixed up with worldly attain at all. But then ii soiue- tbiog to be Raid < n the dtieraide. II there IM t j be any iluuse ot Lorai at all, we oanoot afljul to turn tbe biboi>d out ol it till we have Home other viiible clan of nou- beredidttry Lorda to put io their plaosa. Two or three Lardi of a| peal ia ordinary are not enough. Strange ai it may feem, tbe bubopi are the only cla>m ot men who keep their Mate in Parliament by the old traditionary right of tne KL^I-II freeman to appear in person io the BMemblv of bis people. They have kept wbat others bave loat. In theory we might say the aame of tbe earls ; but the earldoma bave utterly lost their ancient character they bave become bimply Hie* tank ia the beredi tary peerage. The earljgritb hii illustrious Scandinavian title reallyd . ff eri in nothing from tbe French marquis who walka before bim ftud tbe Frencu viaoonnt wbo walka alter him. Bat the biabopii atill bold the aame aeata by the same tenure ae wbeu Anilem braved tbe wrath of Kufui, not for ecoleiiiaiitioal privilege, but tor moral right M when Stephen ii^tgton read out tbe character ol Henry, and wrung ita in' r than reuewal from John aa wbeu Kl muud, meek aud ascetic as Anilem, could withataud king and pope alike iu tbe oauie of Eugliab freedom. If the- butbopa' seatH bad beeu taken away at auy moment up I j tbe preeent, it would bave been limply giv- ug up the muer moat defeucea of the for- treaa t ) Ite aiwailanU. It would bava been setting tbe ti >al xeal to the long euoroaob- meuta ol tbe exolut-ive hereditary doctrine. [n auy more general oju-i I'-rati-m of the whole KutjMt, tbia matter, like otbera, will lave to ba thought over. I III lit t I 1 <>! I If I M.I.. . ..I ih. I nil. H, b, ...oil lu Ih. I.I. Tbe little rebellion now mating in tbe Me of Bkye, saj s tbe New York Cummtiaat Adatrtiier, b%a uot beeu very olearly dthued, an to IH causes, io tbe accounts received by cable ; but it m uot iu tbe least d.flioult to ui'tli rutaud aud account f <r auy conceivable discontent aiuoug tbe poor oroftera of tbat inland. TUB lalaud is iu tbe mam unfit for agri- culture. Tbe lower lying traota are susceptible uf cultivation in potatore ana a lew other products, but tbe climate in uutavorable, the aoil poor, aud tbe reaulta of Ubor very uncertain. '1 lit land eyBtam, uot ouly iu Bkyu bat in other inland* of tbe group, ia about the worat one con- ceivable. Tbe greater part of Hkye belong to one great proprietir, and tbe ourae of great entatev, intended lor tbeaurputo! a double or tripple set ol dependants upon tb* aoil, IB felt throughout the Hebrides, lu maoy oaaea tbe l*i.d i beld of the great proprietor by tacks- uin, aeortol uuiJdlemefi between owuer and cultivator, men wno hclitbeUudby leaks aud kublet ii at hajber rates to others, levying a teooud rent of tbeir own, wbiob w. uld b i a well nub unendurable burdeu to agricultural ludustry even in tbe best conditions, while tb conditions in tbe Uebrides are tbe worat. Tne crofters are Min|ly email rentera mrn wbo bold little QeUs or gardens upon tbe most uuoertam ol tenures tbat ot tenant* at will at ti/b rent*. They live by niblng and kelp hutt- ing, aud by serving summer tourinta ; and their live* an one long battle with absolute destitution, witb the odds terribly against ttiem. Tbat there should be discontent among people ao situated especially when tbe population is so excessive aa it is in thane islands is quite a matter of course, and tbe desperation ol auob discontent is equally t> be presumed. Men who, at beat, are allowed only tbe barest poasibility of inb kistenoe, aud ho are exposed to tbe loss even of tbat small chance, by ordinary circumstances, or by tbe arbitrary will of those who 01 press them, are uot apt to be particular as to legal foime in tbeir effort' to preserve themselves and their children alive. -I I II I I. Ill \I>M. .till i i. .. i .i..i i .11 . .. . Nrw t .MI. MUlr '. I I !. An Albany despatch a>- Tbe State Ctuvas8ern met at noon yusteriay. All preceul. Secretary Wocd innouijoi-d tbe l' ting ot t'ie tabUit ae Io Inwn : Hlghett Uamooratioelert ir, Priekt, - '. !'<",; highest U'|Ublio*n elector, Carson. M'i Oil "i I'm- rahty, I 1 HI. I. ,W.M Dem. oral ia elector, i) t -mliiri. r, tC3 048 ; low<nt H-pnbliain fiictr, HarriN, :iiil',i71. I' , 1 077 IIigbeHt Prohibition el.oner, Miller, 'Z"> I lln . lowest, E Uworih, 21 1I4H Iligbent liutltr elector, o Dnineiil, 17,004; l<iw*st. Camp bell, Ii, 7-'il After tue aunounoemeqt the mi inin'iK of the Board signed tbe tablen aud oertiuoatea. Aa KHII.r'. A BSD Franciro derpatch my": M. II De Young, proprietor < f tbe Chronicle, waa khot tbii tveuii g by Adolp BprtcktU, ion of ClaUH.8prtckle*,tbeIIavaiiauajgr king. The Kbooliug took i Uce in tbe husiueki i Hi 'e uf the Chronicle. Bpreeklt! fired twice ; the first abot took effect in De Yonog'n 1 -ft arm, a little above the elbow, i he second io hi it left sbonkier. Tbe shoot- in ; was the outcome of an article published iu tbs Chronicle last Saturday rep-ctiug the affaire ol tbe Htwaiiao Cimuieioial Sugar Company. Spreoklex wai arrested John B. Prince who rode a mile on a bicycle In 2 39, says tbat tbe wheel's catch ing the trotiiug home i* only a matter of time, and think* that ie reooid will be reduced t j two minutei or less in a year or two. Prof. Tyndall layi iverf public mere- menl IB teated by the ejoettioii, "Does it r nil * > \ i-i -IH*T u>. The oud. r. . . i. M n.i Deuagera Ha... .1 bT * i|.|>rrr. " Take a thotuaud men or make your will" such was tbe cheering advice which Mr. H. M. StauUy gave Mr. Joseph Thorn- Hon, tbe commander ol tbe GeograpL i jal Society's Expedition to the terrible Mmai oouutry, on tbe eve cf bu eaviug England in 1882. At last night's meeting of the society Mr. homBOu had the pleasure of being able to explain bow it was tbat, though hu did not take a thousand men, be has uot bad any reason to regret tbat be did not make bin will. The tale this dariog adventurer told tbe brilliant gathering iu Burlington Bouse waa one which, as Sydney Smiih said of tbe ballad of "Chevy Chase," stirred tbe beart "like a war-trumpet." Tbe Matai country lies between tbe Victoria Nyauzt aud Zaoibar. U ii peopled by fierce aud untamable aavages, wuo*e territory ii a bourne from which, as a rule, no traveller relurnx. Oa tbe road tbitber Mr. Thom- son, il leeiui, passed through more than one veritable Aroidia, but for tbe most part bis route lay through desert aud nwamp and banh mouLtun country, and tbe perils from barbarian! aud beasts of prey were tuob aa might bave daunted the uii st valiaut hearts. Uis small parly of 120 men wai oomr. oned of tbe riff raff of /. ,u/ibar, and bis guides were uoled for ibeir treachery. The only thing in bia favor waa that when be got well into tbe unfriendly land bis people were afraid to d -Hurt leal tbey should be out down, and it is but fair to say, after beio^ under Mr. rnomson'a discipline for a time, tbey improved, and towards tbe end if bu mis- sion performed feats ol travel never equal- led by a caravan ol tbe same size in Africa. The principal points ot popular interest in Mr. Thouieou's narrative last ingbt were bis exploration ol M >unt Knia, tbe Caves ot Elgon aud bis experience! among tbe fleroo Manaii, by whom he was vilely used. M uut Kenia is thirty miles in diaim t r at the bane, wLiob is itself five thotsiud seven hundred leet above the sea livel. It rikei from tbii to a height ol eight- een tbouaaud feet, aod its peak gleams witb great facet! of ice. though iu the depths of it lies tbe beat of buruiug Alrio." Another extraordinary discovery ol Mr. Thomson waa made at Mount Elgon, where he tound the base ol tb mountain pierced by oavee tretcbiag far into utter darkness, snd so vast in extent Hat whole village* with their cattle occupy tutin. These excavations, be infer*, must be tbe remains cf ancient mines, worked by a race whi/ae memory baa faded even from tradition. A for tbe aHai nation, they seem to be a peculiar people, jaalous, rather than zeal >ut,of good work*. '1 h -y are tbe mot noely modelled race of sav ges ever met with their frames being ot the softly -rounded Apollo type, aud not di>u<ured by the rou^h, knottad, brawny muaolea usually keen in stalwart barbarians. Tbe odd thing about tbem is that till tbey marry tbey are anti vegetarians, tbe youug men and women being allowed to teed ou nothing but milk and meat, and even then the meat must not be that ot wild animals N ir do tbey tike tbe milk aud meat together. Tbey live on milk alone for a curtain time. Then they consume qutnti lies of powerful purgaiives, aud go on a purely meat diet wbiob, alter f urtber doaes of purgatives, tbey in turn change for one of milk. But altar maniagr, into which Htkto ttiey enter when tbe prime of life ia over, they are permitted to eat vegetables, chew aud smoke tobacco, and drink iutoxi- oaung liquors. Altogether tbe Gaograpbioal SKI ly way be congratulated on tbe reiulta wLnh bave beeu attained by tbeir expedition and on the i-uooees which has rewarded Mr. Tbomaon's patient enter- prise. London iiau'u Chrvniclt. * Mrv.lld.rtd During the j mruey north, Lord Balii- bury, tbe Conasrvative leader in tbe MOUNT of Lords, changed his costume for a full Highland rig out, ii.tei.ding it as a delicate compliment to the laud ot tbe kilt. But wbeu be looked at himself in the glass, be f uod tbat tbe tail it bad cut bis petticoats, or whatever tbey are called, too short. 80 be made up hii mind t j put on evening dress. He changed bu upper garments and then sat down for a few moment* to read up bis speech. This sent bim to ilsep He only awoke with a start to find himself running into tbs station. Forgetting what thrust on hii bat and appeared at tbe window bowing, and thin was bow be was dreescd : He bad full Highland costume aa far aa hi! waiit, above wan a white sbiit and wallow tailed coat, and tba ei.tire edifice was crowned by a ohiuney-pot bat, upon which be bad sat down without noticing it His lordship's horror wbeo he stepped on tbe platform aud felt tbe keen wind cutting bis bare legs obacged to absolute a^n >y wiicn Lit valet k|i, ean-d i-crambilog out of tbe carriage with a pair trousers iu bis band*, waviug tbem wildly and exclaiming, ' My lord, my lord, you've lorgotteu these I" The lieftret. vottl n \vitni U BBaeary el P.uiion BrlBS] <J|KW|MO I" Ibe I rrrllon. . Tbe following it a summary of tbe con- tents of a petition being circulated and largely tinned in tbe Northweit, fur pre- neutaliou to the Governor -General in Cjuuoil. It ii asked tbat tbe ladiana be more adc qu>tly provided for ; tbat tbe bait breeds ot the Temtoriea bave uot received 240 acres of laud each, aa did the Mani- toba half-breeds ; tbat half breed patent! bave uot beeu isaued ; tbat tue old aatllen ol tbe Northwest Territory bave not received tbe same treatment as tbe old settlers lu Mauitoba ; that tbe claims of settlers on odd numbers, prior t> the kurvey, aud ou reserves, prior to the procla- mation of such reserves, are not recognised ; that contracts for public works aud sO4>- pliei, and poaitioua in the publia servioe.are uot giveu,an far as practicable, to residents of tbeNirlbwett Territories; tbat public buildings are often erected on sites little conducive to tbe economical truusv aotiou of public business ; that ouatomi duties are levied on the ueoetsariti ot life ; that the dii-poeal ol i sown resources ia not left to tbe Nortbwesl itselt, ai ia tbe case witb tbe four original Provii oasof tbe eaat; tbat we are treated by the Federal G jv- eminent neither according to our privilege* as British subjects, nor according to tbe rights ol people; that consequently, as ling as we are kept under tbe aame oiroum- elances, we can neither be happy nor pros- perous. Your bumble petitioners are ol opinion that tbe abortest aud most effectual methods ol remedying these grievance* would be to grant tbe Northwest Tetci- tories responsible government, witb con- trol ol iu own resources, aud just repre- sentation iu the Federal Parliament aud Cabinet. Wberetore your petitioners humbly pray that Your K toe lieu cy in Conuoil would be pleased to oauiie the introduction, at tbe coming semion of Parliament, of a measure providing for tue complete cr^aointioo of tbe District of Saaka'.cbewan as a Pro- vince, aud tbat they be allowed, as iu 1670, to seud delegates to O.ttwa with their bi.l ol rights, whereby au understaudiug may oe arrived at as to tbeir entry into (Jm- fdration, with tbe oouttitution ol a free Proviuor. Ai il your bumble petitioners will not cease to pray. Ill.-l,,. .. !,.,,.. Tbe Ilradftrrrt Mercantile Agency reports thu f lii. wn g failure*: Qjtario Barrie- dalo, John Young, general alore.ansigoed in iru-t Quebec Montreal, Joseph Pleau, tfoueral te, aaaigaed in trust ; II. J. Shaw .1 Co., wholesale and retail furniture, BHri^iied in tru-t.. Nova Sjotia Canard, l. R .v C. F. K*too, ship builders aud lumber, aimigued ; Liverpool, A. L. Weal, general store. A western pper, in describing an accident recently, eayn, with considerable candor : " Dr. was called, and under hi* prompt and kkilful treatment, the young cuan died on WedutH jay night." No one loves to tell a tale ot scandal, but to iim tbat loves to besr it. Learn, then, to rebuke aud tilenoe the detrsoiing tongue by refuting to bear. Never make your ear i he grave of another's good name. Sheri- dun. Stammering, as mary lufftrero bave found, may sometimes be got til of in a timple way. A oirrespondent writes to tba Boston Tranienpl : I cured myself of ao nui yiug habit of Rtammeiiug by iuhaling a dep breath between every few word*, and by never allowing myi-ell to speak unless tbe lungs were fu ly inflated. A little careful attention soon made tbe prac- tice a babit, and now I never itamaier unless much excited. ' Kaa4ar .teal*. It ii an accepted fact in household etbio* that a good parttt Mjuday mut b* sacri- ficed to reooveriug fmm indigestion engen- dered by Suuday'a irregularity. In most households breakfast ou tbe first dsy of the week i au hour later than on other days, and generally a mare elaborate meal. Dinner, on tbe other baud, with apparent iuooDkiatenoy, U several bcun earlier , with tbe third eatiag, tea or lupper, a moat movable least. Aud this derangement of tbe weekly rouliue any chatelaine will tell you it solely to secure the " Sunday out " to the servants. Bald a vivacious bo* teal at a table wbere the question waa reoeLt y diiounned the meal beug dinner at (1 o clock Hnnday evening : " From my earli. ekt reoolUctioa Monday headache was a weekly ailment at borne. When I married aud found myself tbe dictator of a world of my own, my tirst care was to reform Sunday eating so far as my family waa concerned. We breakfast at 8, aa usual, aud lunch at 1 ; at 6 we dine. Tbe joint or fowl ii o IJ, prepared on Saturday. A salad aooouipauiaa it, and a made diab in winter often eaoalloped oysters ; iu rummer vaiiins disbe* ol a similar nature tbat Sarah can prepare before she leaves. Hhe lays tbe tall* and leaves everything in raadiues*. aud then gets out long before ber companions, wbo are clearing away the heavy 2 o'oloak dinner. I arrange tbe din- ner up iu tbe table myielf. () ir dessert ii fruit iu it* season, or a cold pud ling of ki me sort, and our little French ouQe*-pot givea us our eoft noir on tbe table. Beiug a ooe Birvant establishment," she added, laugl.ingly, it is uot at all difficult to u-e nerve callable ceremony, at d on Sundays and Mondays we eujoy the same degree of health vouchsafed the rest ot the week." - Argonaut. ..o~ ih oi ,.., old \ oii.i n. It is not, we believe, generally known tbat Admiral Sir William Dowell, Com- msnder-in-Cbief ot tbe English fleet on tbe China station, ii tbe cflioer wno, as Mid atiipmao Dowell, first planted i he English flag CD the Island ol ilong Kong, lorly- three yean igo. It ii almost impossibls to believe that, in lea* tban fifty yearn, a virtually deiert ialand i-nould have been converted into snob a place a* Hong Kong now i*. The present Governor ot the colony, Sir George Bowen, ia a speech which be made shortly after his arrival io Cbioa, drew attention ti tbe remarkable ftot tbat after London, Liverpool andOlas. g w, the tonnage of t ie ibipp ng wb nb v.Hits Victoria harbor every year is larger than the figures for any other harbor in II -sr Majesty's dominions. We hear a great deal of the wonderful growth of oiiies and the development of resources in ihe Now World, but we doubt whether the record of II. mg K >ng can bj aurpaased anywhere. Japan Mail. . mi. i , i . . Air. Many, indeed, are tbe luxorie* tbat tbe magioiau'a wand of invent "n now brings iuto the ruilnt of our home*. A* au lostauoe, to produce a sea atmophere for tbe sick room, a foreign contemporary sug gHHin t-ieune of a so ution of peroxile of hydrogen (ten volumes Htrengtl ) ooutaining 1 per o nl if cz<nioelber, ioc ije to satura- tion, an 1 2 fiO par cent, of sea iifcK Tbe solution | I mi-ii in a steam or baid spray diffuer can be di-lnbut*d in tbe flaest spray in tbe nek room at the rate ol two fljid ouno-e iu a qiarxr of an hour. It oommuioateit a pleasant sea odor, and in probably tbe bent punfl T of tbe air of the nick room ever used. It ia a powerful die- infiotaut, the aame antbor write*, as well ai deodorizer, acting briskly on > x>irx-d tent solutions and papers. Ii mightbe well to text tbe subject in some ward if one of our hospitals. Recently iu Paris, during tbe cation of be congress of tb freethinker*, one rminei t ihiuker, striking an attitude, pas sionati ly exclaimed : " Gentlemen, I am an athei-t tbauk God " The vineyards aronni Mt A*. Sicily yielded tbia yaar an extraordinary crop ot grape*, the wine from whiob is of a superior aoality.

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