Obituary Death of Mrs. H. Buchanan, of Hamilton Less than six months ago it was our sorrowful duty to chronicle the death of Mr. Henry Buchanan, father of the wife of the Editor of THE ADVANCE. This week the equally sorrowful duty has to be performed in announcing the death of Mrs. Buchanan, relict of the first mentioned. The deceased passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on Wednesday evening of last week about half-past eight o'clock. About 7 o'clock in the evening she remarked to her daughter, who was alone in the house with her, that her feet were getting cold, and she then lay down on the sofa. She rapidly grew worse, and in half an hour after the first attack, signified to her daughter that she desired to go to bed. She was fully conscious that the end was near, and while being assisted to her bed-room, mentioned the names of each member of her family and requested her daughter to tell them all "to meet her in Heaven." The sting of death had no terrors for her, as she had long enjoyed the felicity of those whose trust is firmly fixed in God. Almost immediately after getting into bed, the spark of life died out only to shine with greater glory in that beautiful city whose builder is God. So sudden was her death that her two sons - Messrs. C. H. and J. G. Buchanan, of the times - were not permitted the melancholy satisfaction of seeing her breathe her last. Deceased was born in Ireland and was married to the late Mr. Buchanan in Montreal in the year 1825. Both lived to a good old age, and let upright, Christian lives. The deceased was particularly kind in disposition, had winning, motherly ways, and was remarkably bright and intelligent. From remarks let fall by her during the last few months of her life, to which no particular significance was attached at the times they were uttered, she evidently tried to convey, as gently as possible, to her son and daughter who lived with her - and who have been most assiduous in their attentions; anticipating her every wish, as they did that of the late Mr. Buchanan - that she would soon follow her husband. Over 57 years of happy married life made a strong bond between the aged couple; and it was scarcely severed on this side of eternity when it was re-united on the other. The funeral took place from the late residence of the deceased, Elgin street, on Saturday, at 3:30 o'clock p.m., and was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Carson, of the Centenary Methodist church, gave an impressive address at the house, in which he spoke of the many Christian virtues of the departed, an of the many pleasant conversations he had had with them. The gentlemen who acted as pall-bearers, performed a similar office at the funeral of the late Henry Buchanan. "Nothing is here for tears, nothing to wail Or knock the breast, no weakn's, no contempt, Dispraise of blame, nothing but well and fair, And what may quiet us in a death so noble." Feversham News Our quiet village was thrown into a deep gloom on Thursday last, by the sudden and unexpected death of the wife of Michaal Curtis, Esq., merchant of thsi palce. About two weeks ago she was taken ill with inflammation of the lungs, and at 9 o'clock on Thursday night she passed away to the eternal reward. Deceased was known to nearly every resident of Osprey Township, and to very many firm friends in other parts of the country. She was a lady of excellent Christian habits, being a member of the Presbyterian Church. Possessed of estimable social and domestic qualities, she was loved and esteemed by all who knew her. Her decease is learned with deepest sorrow and universal sympathy is expressed for the husband and sorrowing family and relatives. She was buried on Saturday at 3 o'clock, after which a touching and impressive sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Chisholm. The funeral was attended by the largest concourse of friends ever witnessed in this village. . .' . , .V) I n - , ' ,. ;; - ' W > 1 . . i ) - Flcsherton Adyancc. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, JVOT JII&Y." VOL. IV., NO. 130. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, NOVEMBER 27, 1884. SINGLE COPIES. 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE. One of thf ...iin,: I . **! an 1 Family Newspaper* in v I'ul.uibtxl Kvery 11 THI: Out. Tl'I'.MS ol SCIIst-KII'TK*: 1.00 IH.T m. mn:i in advance; l.DUII not paid . .' N" i" pur uutfl all arr.ara^c*e.r.- pin! up , nu>l no ut>*K)rip- tiim.t. !. i ",m \. ar, icpt whu eix-eU 1 ;..,-iii !; t- (.>r thortvr |wri<xla an luadevtltli t!i. I'nlili-li. r Al A I.I.I l.-l << KATES. AC. Caaual adverti*.- UtlnMirtlon and ac.mti p.-r li lu.-Milim.-rtinii. Tran-ii-n' ailvn- on paid fur when ordered. A ,t without peetaJ direo- tlotn will lie iu.orteJ till forbid aud charged aceoM; Liberal IndooaiMBrel '> regular advertlaar*. Notii-.--' Minn: ruuUn m&ttur, 1U cnU per line *-it*-li in~ iii'di. No a Iv.Tti-. mi-lit dlwontlaued until all a- 1 .. 1 u] DR. CARTER, M.C.I'. iS.,t)sT. riiVSK 1 1\, Si KC.EOM, FLESH EKTON. lir*ulri:<r, H'jl lu LHcaiui, (oui-f ! >i-. IJixon. Physician, Surgeon, ACCOUCHE K, l'RICK\ ll.l.K, - ONTARIO. tu. .. . Copy for h-.-rtirtni',iti ehouM reach thll ofnc not later tluut nouu on Tuufclayto mure ineerti->ii i.i u < A. R. FAWCETT, Book & Job Printing ! lu evur> -t . :.- -' tin. art at realisable prtoea { aii'l i.n -nit n.iti-'n OI.U-IH b) mail will rix-i'.n- pr. nipt attention. Tenua, , Mv caah. Mesherton Heat Market. John W. Armstrong. Fi.tHHEhioN, (.'". GKKT. DIVISION C<H HT (I.KKK. COMMISHIOSKU iu H. U., ( on v.-> na.-.-r. Ac \jcnt for (Mlrclinne an. I aalu uf land* Appraltor forC L C fom- an-1 r' 1' II A S S< -iety. Mimy tu lx>an on th moat reannuablu teruu. laauKB ur M AKKIAdK I.H-KN-I - STRAIN & LARGE, s and Contractors, FLESHERTON. Are prepared to attend to Brick A Stone Work in all it. braurhM Onion left at the AI.YAM a OrrU- will receive prompt attention. Good wurk I at Fair Prime. BEPT.dOOD, Alexander Brown, rsrHK nf Marriaut- Lioeneea. General Ai{.-nt Ac. I.iconwo-1 Auctioneer fur Couuty of Grey PmicKn.LK P.O.. Ont fat" IdU Fresh Mi'ats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. FLKSHKKTON MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. THR neit Fair will tako plaotoo MONDAY UP.C. mh. 1HH| W. J. BELLAMY. TWr. CI.KRK ABTEMESU. I ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENT COLLECTOR, AUCTIONEER. H/f">'ET IxMtnvd on Rood security on tbe moet m ( tvnrar ,| e torml n at mmlerate rat*, of inti<rwt Murtuaiie* l.Tm;ljt. Office nearly op- pnito Town Hall. Fu Jcntijitry. J.I'. MABNHALL. DKNTI8T. OKADl'ATE of Toronto School of P.mwMry will he at Mark lal.- the lt and Krd w,.h,, , day oleacti uiootb, aud at Kloabrrtou on tl < lt and ;cM Thttrvday in each month for tb praotlco of bin prnUaalnn Canadian Pacific Railway. omRiFpivisioy. Change of Time. C'OI., . . Toronto, .-:/. *..', iW*-4. i, I Brice DirUloa. A. D. ntBHT. J. BALOWIK BAX1> HANDS & PERRY, Sueeetton to Lander it Handt, BAHHIHTKKM, HOLICITOH8, NUTAH1EH. CONVEYANCERS, Ac. Moucr to Loan at Lewett Hate* of luteput. Offloea, 1C Klag Ktreet Kait.Toranto. ro.dppart.7nam l.elpjsk, do. arrive. U U ajs> J6p.m. Connect! witli CPU. Kteaiaihlpn a Owi-n Hoand llun only Tumulayi, Tbundajn and S*turlaji. NoTB.-Miied train Itavve FarkdaJe TJOa.m CREIHT VALLEY DIVISION. TOBONTO, .l.ipart. 7 main. _ 4 JO p m. arrive. 9 " T.OO " Norit. Mlied train Iravita I'arkdale lam. ONTARIO <l (jUKBJiC'part .in a in " flJST " wlwHVTE. GBN'L, 8u'T. T1UINS I,EAVE PIiESHERTON STATION: ilolnc North, at ll .i 1 . p.m. KUp.ui.. * 4.15 p.m. Uoloii r- ,uili, C.I4 . I .is p.m.. A 10 in. FROST & FROST. BAKKIHTKHS SOMriTOHB. CONVKTXNC'RH. *c OIHt.-i.riMil.-tt Boi'Mi, and every Tbunday at KLKSHKUTCN. J. W FROST. L I. . AI.FBEI) FROST. Crown County Attorney. Toronto ...... Arrive 10.4Aa.rn I'arkdald ...... " TJOp.ui. v,,., " D McNICOLL. OIN'L PASS. Aor. \lll-c.l. I I..1 ,-1, MAXWELL, .... ONT. Good accommodation : beat Imnifa Li. mom A Cigar* (iood HUM. UK and attentive Hottler. Thu unljr Uotol in Uio place. Jog., - - PaomiBToii. Flesherton Station Hotel. mi Mntl oitfhljr . now afford M exeoTUmt *c- IHMII tboroi UK ,,i.. fitt.-, i riiniiiiodAtion to the trav I- well aupplle.1 with choir.- Liquor* and c'lu-ai In fart, ample accoinino-latioo ia afforded lie to both iniin au-1 tnj.v<t. apabllc nuur< a 'I in- bar THE MABKETS. FLESriEllTON. Flonr M 00 to 4 2O Full \VI,.'iit |0 COtoO 65 Spring Wheat 060 062 Barley 45 00 Oats' 026 OOJ Pesn 60 030, Butter 17 17 EKKI. fresh 18 (X) Potutoe* 020 OO 1 Pork... 5 25 5 65 Hay. per ton 700 8 Ki Hi(ic 5 60 (i M Wool 18 20 Sheepskins 45 60 Oors. 06 (17 Muck*, pi-r IHIMX) 40 Jit) Chickens, p r brace.... -J."> 35 Our Table. The .-IrnertAiii A'jricHltnrut fur Decem- ber tnvits of luch a variety or (subjects that we cannot atttfnpt to enumerate them. Suffice it to s.-\y the number U-fn- ui contains a quantity, quality and variety "i matter nut found i any other agricul- tural |p<-r in thu world' We thought last month's Am- 1 >'< -4frdrwcu< wai an a j<iurnal ^ ttuilli bil to our incut, thu Drci-niU-r Munber eclipae* all the |irece<liiii; iiuinlioni wr havu had tln- |ili-:iiui<' to review. Mubacriptioiu receiv- ed .it this office, wb-rp aHin] lo copy can be seen. The Unfit! C'liuulia* for November is an excellent number. " Improvement " OBITI ARV. Death of Mrs. H. Buchanan, of Hamilton. Leaa than six months ago it wai our sorrowful duty to chronicle the death of Mr. Henry Buckiuan, father of the wif of thu Editor ei THE ADTAJCO*. T) week th Dually sorrowful doty has to b j'trf.inntxl of amiuuiicing the dsalli Mrs. Buchanan, relict of the first men HMsli Hit 1 ducvaied j asse<l away su< I, nly and unexpecteUiy on Wednuatia \t-ning uf laat wnek about half figh About 7 "'clock in tho erit shf ruinarkfd to her daughter, who was il -in- in the house mth her, that herfew WIT.' i;t!ttuiK cild, and ahe then lay dow i>, he theiiKitoof Uio pul.lishcr. "" h s "f- K he rapidly (rruw wone Mr. C. Klackett Robins-n, ..f T, ;1 "' '" hslf a " hour after tLo firet attack The matter bc-are wridence of careful " l -"' tit ' <l '" ''- aau^hU-T that she d,-s ire preiiaration, and a knowledge of the r<- .iuir,.inents ..f th. Ctnadian farmer. VS\- , tll - lt thut-nd wai near, and while l*in are glad to know that Canadian enter- prise is not lacking in this direction, and feel assured that vrcater iinpr'vemenU am in store for real" <sn uf thu Rural i Vi- naduin, than even that which has already characterized it a go ahead fanner's paper. Sulncriptions rice* id at this office, where sample copy may 1> aotn. Our sprightly onT'M cartoon paper, Grip, presented its read ra last week with a well executed . art-j n of the leader of the Op|x*itn>u in Ontario, Mr. \V. Meredith. The iinwt itrikuiK irtouii in thii uumbr is that on the eiy' th pai{e, repreaeiitiiiK 1L " uUMl Ul hcr mentmied th nanioa of each member o/ her family an request**! her daughter to tell them a "to meet her in Heaven." The sting t death had no terrors for her, aa she ha I'll.; enjoyed the felicity of those whose triut is tinuly fixed in Qod. Almost im mediately after getting into hed, th spark of life died nut only to slum- wit greater glory in that beautifnl city wh<* builder is Ood. So sudden wai her dual that her two ions-- Meairs. 0. H. and J U. .Buchanan, if ih Times were no permittfil tlu im-l,-i/n-Ji,.ly satisfaction with sore spot on Mr*. <>nt<in", ann ( T<u Kfi-i/'tf mi, in conference with her medical adviser, Hon. O. Mowat. Mri Ontario is r.-i-n-sciited as saying I want tl. cured at (taoe ! No nrr avetng her hareatliu her last Deceased -vrai horn In Ireland and wai married to the lato Mr. Buchanan it Montreal <n iho year 1H25. Both lired to a good vlt! wge, aud led upright, Chris- moru UsVing it int- -^ur serious eon* der- ation '." Grtf) potevHsas the happy faculty of " hitting tin' ii. 1 >:i the head" Mililus I'nrtlt intrrM tiwirr thu hfinliiui nt fj.n/i ;xr<innMm inA<t piiiii in iidtki tu-r, itr f,1 tuitxi fxiiil. Thrrr-ipiartrr inch. .V. O. I.J. \\~. P.I -.liriiTiiN I.O.IRO No 111. meet In tin ir l.o It,'.- KIWMII, Strain's M-tck, Toront-i utr.-.-t. in, tlu. INI a, nl :lnl Monday In uacli luiinth, at 7:30 p. ui. uliarp Vliltlng brethren wulcmne. M. r XtrMAn-KU. M.W. W. (1 IlcKn.i., Koc'r DUFFmtLODGE ; great pu^c queatiotm, and con- tains a large ainouvl .' xniuaing and in- structive reading iratttr. $3 pw annum. Subscriptions rfi\%J at this offloa, Grip Printing A H'.il'ehinj Co., publish era, Toronto. The Inland Prinitf for Knvemhor is i mod*! of iieatiiea* tjrpoKraphicaliji. Tin mattor is of iiit'-rvat to prirrten and publiihen and affiliated tradei. 91. 60 per annum. The Inland i'nnUir Co., publishers, Chicago. Tho .lrcu</-- GuiJ. and Rrt-nni ia a neat little painphiet just iasued by C. Rlarkett Rolnniori, Toronto, and contains a lar>;e amount of iafomiitiiin relative t the magnitioent lew Toronto Arcade building!. The Scientific America* still maintains its well-eanied iurmary aa the leading acientiflc journal lu the world. 93 20 p. annum. York. Menu Si Co., publishers, New " Why ! What's tbe matter f" Lady (With fa i u lop. d in roll of hot X, eloUmj "Oh ! I'tti orazy with that ral^ia that ooiiliaa^ly truublrs m." Well, liow (oluii : Why ,lon't you go to 's f)rug Sturo anil gut a bot- tle of KJui'l I.iKhtakiK J It cured me In l than OB minute. I always keep a bottle iu thu hone It onlyfeosts 2 ci-nU." Mi. 1. 1 .-, < n I... .!.- II. ieeiiay Krenlnc at 8 o olock. - itrain 1.1, n:k. Toronto utri-ft. I .< ~lRe. 1st TaMday la each month. Vl- itiiik' lir.-thr.-n --or.lially iuvlted. Jim. Ili.AfKiirKN. N.O. A. H. Vaxm-miN. K.H. ADVERTIBK IX THK ADVANCE. JT WHJ, 1'AY YOU. 366 a w.*k at liome. 5o,itflt freo Payao- lut.-ly km,. N.I link. Capital uot ro- inlrsd, Huadur. if \ou want |.iilii.wi< ftt wlilrll |H-r *.>!, of .-ftli.-r ->'\ % <-i.n^ or,, |, | , ;; . <rtH , t |, RV all tllp limp Iti-v work, with abeolota o-'rtaiiity. write fur partiuu- Ian to H. HAULKTT ,t Co., I'jitlan.l, Maine. Inl.l.lli- (HI, r,. We have not yt omUooosnpletOMTunce iiu'tit^ in regard UFlul>bingTHE AHVANCI with I'tl.t-r paper* ftt ri-iliict-cl prices, as it il rather rurly .'itbaMaioD. Atprev-nt WP s prepared i make the following offer* : Any fiTe |-ro*s Bonding us in llic-ir BanMW and 99.ii> |n oaih for eaoh- in all 111. 15 will efthb turnmhed with THK AnrANi'i unil <r'r. for onw year. THR AI.VAXITI mid Fumily Il'.7,-,.i,.. from n, i* mil;! Jsn l-t. IHHil. f lir >l ,,n. The Family MWoi/i/ IH tbo Lent literary l*|Ksr in C.inmla. THK Am XN.JI anil tho T"rm\t<< l>',i!>i 'rl.l far one ynr for f.'I.OO. The 'iirlil in ft firnt-otaM paper, ami this n our best clubbing offer nnf;<r fm- l^H.") Toronto Werklg .Y'inaiidTiiK Ai>\ IN. i 1 year for 91.44. Tin- AVir u niiu ot th.- spiciest wt-ekly aapen in C.-unula, and contains n !;ir<o ainoiint of inl,-i--^!ni, matter. 'nr\*t, the princu and TUB Am \\- i: ,.i..- .ir piii-e of the ' This ia un u- tian lives. The ducva kind in tupuaitioD, ha' ' was particularly winning, mother Tin- .li.i- n<-n f Fann .I.iin <"">""!. * 1 > cellont offer ly way, and was retna,' mbly l-n-.-ht ant intelligent. From remarks let fall by har during the laat few morris* of her life, to which no reirricttlar eigiiiAeaiic*. waa attached at the times they were uttered sue evidently tried to convey, as gentl; aa poesible, to her ion and daughter wh lired with her aud who har* e er been ,t.v sssiduous in their attentions ; antic i|>atini( her erery wiah, as they did tha of the late Mr. Buchanan -that she woulc <><>i) follow herde]Nartud husband. Ore 57 years of happy married life had mad, a atnmg bond between the aged couple and it wai acarcely aevered on this side o eternity wheu it wai re-united on the >thar. The funeral look place from the late residence of the deceawd, Elgin gtreet, on Saturday, at 3:90 o'clock p. m., and wai largely attended. Rv. Mr. Canon, ol the Centenary Methodist church, gave an miprcive addreaa at th houne, in which he spoke cif the many Christian virtues of the departed, and of the many pleasant conversation! he had had with them. The guiitlcmeu who acted u pall-L<-:irt-ni, per l< Tilled a aimilar office at the funeral o the late Henry Buchanan. Ni.lhiitK la here for tear*, nothing t wall Orkn.x-k the hrt. no wt-akn . n. . ont-iupt Dteprate* or Wain.-. ncthuiK I- it wall ami fair An. I what may quirt ua In a <k-<tth ko uoble. ' A IVRrrcr BAi-TT.--rfrfwt l.canly ii inly attained by pure blood and f ,! hrnlih Trim- Ri'i|iiinniontl jfivn the (' -wsaiT l plemant rxprcnii-n. a fair clear .kin and the rosy bloom of health. Hiir.I.x k I" ,,-! Hit tern purify the 1.1, ...1 and toi. t-iu lo * healthy action. i < ciiilraillrlion. T- III'' H-llturnf Th.- A,lni,,,: 1>EK SIR, Will you |... kuill l-ll.iui{h ti inf.inii " MM \\ ,. .. K v - ' that I, ti'll.i point blank lien. Kit-t In >,v thill irirnou livr^ in 'i.llin^ t..wnhip, tlici, ho nnj-s Mr. IticlWiU. n .u..' 1 had n ili4|nite. Mr Kii-hanU.'ii .< n..' n juilifc nt r1i>hr>rtcn. I had n.. dilute with any "I tlu- Judaea except,.' <'ruiok- HlunU. "One Who KII-IUH is an un- initii;Htcil anil notorious li.'i .,,,.1 km.v.-. h iil>"Ut iln- a itaii- ,k< a akunk . r hob-tailed Jackaaa, Y"iir* truly, I'vx II' >I MULL. "i'.srnicTioxa..f i:, si.,, Ml 1 Iti.Wl'lH, (I. pfuOlpllv i i.-iul Tilla. f > I -ll.l III >. H (Fmm intr men Corrmfandei'. ) The storm on Sunday evening made .' vy diaagreealilu for the people gf.imj home from the Army smutinji. Then- wai a heavy fall of suow ,m .M iidny. One of our boy* was trying to make a little fan for the reat uf UM lads in barracka on Sunday rrMnng. CJtptsvn Ned gaT him a few word* of g<ir>d adric* and udd him if he wished to mete his nan: flouriih in all the local pai^rs in th- County, he tniyht continue t.. int.:. the meetings. Uewam, Jai-k ' y..u k Ned is as good an his word. Our quiet village was thrown inb> t deep gl<.in on Tliundaj last, by the lu-i den and unexptrtetl death of the wisp uf Michael CurU, Eaq., merchant of t!i. place. Alniut twu weeks a^o ahe wai ta- ken ill with inflammation ,,f the lun^-. and at 9 o'clock on Thursday ni^ht passed away t-. the eternal reward. 1 ' ceased was known to nearly every rvn dent of Osprey Township, and to very many firm friendi in other parts of th'- country. 8hf waa a lady <-.f rrell-nt Christian habits, being a nu-inU-r "f the Presbyterian Church. Pusaeaaod uf e*ti- mable social and domestic qualitioa, -.V was l-.ved and esteemed by all win. kn. -. her. Her dt*ceaa is leamod w;th deep. - sorrow and uniremal lympathy is ei| i . aed for the husband and sorrowiug fam- ily and rclativea. She wai buned m, > > urday at 3 o'cWk, after which a touchir-z and impressive seniinn was preached I y Rev. Mr. Chiaholm. The funeral waa at- tended by the lanrest concoura* of fneiuU ever witntrued in this village). Mr. J. McAloarand wife, uf MarkdaJe, and formerly of this place, was ia town m Saturdav attending the funeral NtD FOR THF. COMn.IX10N.-Vor rllotcswa.Tin.aadallttifciBaThn^.r akin, a I'ruf. Low l Ma^jic Supbur Suap. AYER'S ^ Cherry Pectoral. No other eonplalnMar* to Inaldiou ! the'j attack a.tbo. affeettaf UM throat and lu.(i: DOM M trifled with by MM majority nrfer. art. The ordinary ooofli or oi.ld, r'iu:tln| perhap* froni a trtfllnf or UUCUUKK.U* n- poran, | often bat the twciunuif of a laMt. icknew. AVER'S CRULCT PciiuBAt hat wtll prortn lu afflcary In forty jran' BgU with throat and luu( dlx. <, anU iL^uU It taken in all cam wltUuut dc.*jr. A Terrlbl* Cea(ti I r.|. . . . . ny langa. I kad a terribWtKMigh aud alflii aftr night vtthtwt ,:*-|>. TU JW (a<> mr up. I tried Aviu'a Curk ToAL, Uicli i> lunp. . Mfk an I ffui,l4 BM ll.c re>t . . . e for the r-1-orery <.l mj llrriiftk. fy euntuiuisl uw uf th* Pr. u-ail , c.-nt rum Km ctrctKl. I .111 v j y old. hal. ami hearty, an.) an. aat.tCu.1 ) Cimaai 1 tt roaiu MT,. ,,.,. ll i ra:t , \ t., July r <>opp - A M..ih. r . Trlbate. "Whlli. in th country !! 'i IT n boy. tlirn- yran oW. wat taken ill will. ui It Motned if he would Jlo It. ... .;ri .. lall'ju. <lur,f the family tu( k MUl . . - Of AK'. ClII-KBV Pi'i''Bl . ' f whlob wai a;av kepi In il.e L. ,.. l^'.i waa trlvl in mull and I . ., i to ..ur delight MI Irw It an l.a'f . I i.r lU little |>ati. nt w.i. brratl t . U>r eald Ibal Ike l i : U I eafed my .Urling'a III*. Ca you !,.. r t| our gratitu>: 8ii.,. .. .MI- I - ..... MWeMUMbM., Ki ^ "I hare iiil Arm CIIKHV Pi. mi. In my famllj |i r .. at heettatu t-- |I-M.. .uitro r. ti .. r.-iitevl) for ,> uU. aud ,. , tried. \ LakeCrviu!. Mlw., Harcii 1 "laiiffniM fi rrigl.l j. .r I - . ami afirrtr<in it \ i. i . er*t, I w cuinl by tbr \.-. V I'M I. .11.1. BybaU. MUa., April r "I oann. t >av n-oilb p | mi M . t .< t t CMIKKV j-i t, m, , t tut fnr lu " I b. uU long lii l fr..m hag ir .ui. lee l . l N . ci. f-f n aJtott'in nf ll. ,; r Ninf rinti which cam ..( t-- jr-..t.i> T a bv th- uv rf Am'n On!IRT I'l . Ill, and it will n'irwjrt fwrr whrn t! , net already brrond ibe , .,. Dr.J.C.Ayep&Co ., Lowell, Man. ScMfcyall Krug, -i. The "Ad ce" - '