* " This norm I will weave my web.' thsield, As she stood by the looui in tbe roay lif-bt, la J her younif /. Hopefully (lad anil clear, Pelleweil afar the twallow't flixkt. As soon > the .lay . tirt >ast are dot*, Wbiln yet 1 am freib ami strong." aaiil the, "I will ha.t-n to weave the beaunfu! we.b WkwM pattern U kuowu to nuue but IB*. I will weave It flne. I will weave It fair, Ami nil : bow tbe colon will glow," b tall ; Bo fadelett mad ttrong will I weave wj wb That perbau* It will live after I an dead." But me morn i UK bourn sued on apace. Tba air urew ewet with the breath of June, Aad young love, bid by Ibe waiting loom. TanxieU tbe threads a> he bummed a IUUB. Ah I life it to rlcb and fall I " the erled. "Aud morn it to short, though ilio Jay* are long I This noon I will weave my beautiful web 1 will weave it carefully, One aud strong." But the tun roue bigh in tbe cloudlet! iky . The burden and heat of tbe day she bore ; And bitber aod thither the c&uie and weut, Wniu> tLo loom ttood ttill at it stuod before. Ah I life In too buty at DOOD," (be Mid; " Mv web wuit w ,it till tbe even u ie. fTlll tbe c minion work of tbe day in done. Auil my heart Krowt oalui lu tbe vileuce wide!" o one by one the boun passed oa Till tbe '-rt'jiiu(( sbatluwt had lungrr grown ; nil the house wan ttill and Ibe breeiss tlept, And her tiuijiug bir>ls to their ueeu bad flown. And now I will weave my web." tbe uld, AH Hbe turutwi to her loom ere let tbe tun, And laid her baudt on tbe shining thread* To set ilium in order, uue by out*. But band was tired and bean wait weak. " I aiu not MI Strom a- I wai."sujbs.l she. But tbe patteru it blurred, aud t.iw coljre rare Axe not o bright or so fair to see I " I must wait, I think, till another uara , I must go to my rest wltb uiy work uudone ; U I* growing too dark to weave," she cried, As lower aud lower t-ank tbe BUH. Bbe dropix-d Ibe shuttle, tbe loom ttood still ; Ttie weaver slept lu tbe twilight gray. Bear heart ! Will the weave her beautiful web lu the gulden li*ut of a luuger day * A BIE-IHK or tt i nott. e>sme Writes* tVsMec WHIT StetsMUIaUews ASBSM* ihe Header. What doll reading are tbe work* of an author who oauuol comprehend e joke, ay tbe London Standard. There are writori like Sir Thorn** Browne, wboee witty fancy enliven* the dtieal subject*, aud there are others who " bold a peu of lead " in treating of tbe moel interesting matten. The elder biitoriaoi mostly pos- sessed a keen MOM of humor ; tbe pages of Froisaart aud De Commas are most amusing reading. How dryly doee tba lat- ter remark upou a peouliarity in tbe want of England, wbiob reoeat eveote seem to show in uofortnnately not obeelete in these day*. " The Eugliab are the bravest uation iu the world lu tbe field, but in matte of policy their enemies eaeily outwit them, aua what they gam iu a ballltt they loot) at the Council. * * * Tbua King Kdward bubbled and outwitted." llow quaint, too, U hii deeoription of tbe soli- tary Parliament Lima XI. summoned dur- ing hli rti^n, when he called it together to pleaae tbe people, but took cro only to Hummon uucu persona ae would net O( p e hi* designs. What a contract ie presented by the pages of Bnruet, who tui|{bt aU itand a* tbe type of a man devoid of tbe power of appreciating tbe humorous aide of anything. Tnoee readers of tbe good biebop's ponderoua " history" who pofcMeas an edition with Swift's "notes" added may, however, dad uiuoh aaiusemeut in their peruaal of the work. Tbe wicked wil of the Tory dean playa around the prosy text ol tbe Whig writer, and ie aa cruel as Mr. BurobeU'a muttered " Fudge" iu dt b troy lug t'je effect of tbe lolemu uarratiou. Wbeu, for example, in hia preface Baruet Twe> i-i . u. i - he preacher stood In tbe pulpit, Aud sp ike with large discourse Of reason and revelation, Nature and coeuiiu lores. He talked of tbe reign of order. Of scientific skill And knowledge of tbe old key To UuU tbe heavenly will. and I wondered at tbe doctrine. It aeeuie 1 so utrauge aud col.l. And I thought ol taiutt that I bad known, Weary aud poor aud old. For they nothing knew of science, I'rtymg .in bvuded knee, And from aucieut tupertiilioaa Wira uot alu>K*ther free. Wbllm lost In tbe maze nf wisdom. About tbe falne and true. There cauie to uiy ev a vision. Near a> ttie nearest pew. T'was a vielon dear and tender, Tbe sweet Ucu <>f a >:lnl<l, At weary with all the talking, He lay aaleep aud siuiled. Netblng be caro 1 for tbe preacher V* ho spoke of law abovu , But in hia face wa< niunueuce Aud words of truthful love. 1 thought of a certain teacher The wise, the undented Wbo saw ti.e kiUKoui .1 bt<aven Within the heart uf a child. Tit food to be strong and learned Good to be wise aud bold, But the beet if ever > tbiun that is, The preacher left uutold. AT i ii i i i i u I Ibr tb.iiK'm, n,( llnrdtklp. *>l Ibe ! i , i i ... Tie. Oenerally tpgaking, say* tbe London Society, marriages j> tea off very amooibly, and loqjeutlv witn very pretty tf}oia. The bridee are credited with a oareful tudy aud peruaal of the servioa for many daya beforehand. Sjmetimea there baa been a rebearaal. .1 have known bride*, wben tbe grooms have failed to make tbe proper responses, prompt them imm*di- ately and with the greatest facility. Tbe most common mistake of the bride is to take i if only one of ber gloves, whereas both hands are brought into requisition iu tbe service. Aa for the men, tuey commit all kinds of blunders aud buuglicga. 1 have kuowu a man, at that very uervoue and trying moment, follow a clergyman within the communion rails and prepare to take a p'aoe opposite him. 1 have known a man, wben a minister t-tretobed out bie baud to unite those of tbe oouple, take it vigorously in hi* own aud give it a hearty ahake. Sometimes more aerioue difh'oul- tie* occur. Bom* ladies have bad ao almost Ubojnquerable reluctance to use tbe word " obey ;" one or two, if their own state- ment* are to be accepted, have ingeniously constructed tbe word " nobey." Tbe word, however, baa still to be formally admitted into tbe language. There waa one girl, who waa being married by a very kindly old clergyman, who absolutely raluied t > utter tbe word obey." Tbe minittor auggesud tbat, if she were uuwil i ig to utter the word aloud, abe abould whisper it to him , but tbe youog lady refuaed to accept even tbia kind of compromise. Further, bow- ever, than this the clergyman refuaed to accommodate ber ; but when be waa forced to diamia* them all without proceeding auy Umber, the recalcitrant young parson con- sented )3 " obey." v*lrailr Jsedar*s. When you rise in the morning determine that you will make aome person happy dur- ing tbe day, Bays Kidney Smith. It ie easily done. A left-off garment to aome ose wbo badly needs it ; a kind word t > the sorrowful ; au encouraging expression to tba dtjdCted trides in themselves aa light as air will do at least for tbe twenty- four hour*. If yon are yui. g it will tell when yon are old ; aud if you are old it will btlp to amootb the road down to the bottom of tbe hill. By tbe moat simple arithmetical calculation look at tbe result. Suppose you live forty yeara alter you commence thin course of medicine, aod you make one person a little happier than tboy would have been every day, tbat is 365 days in tbe vear, which, multiplied by 40, amounts to 14 1100 persons wbiob you have made bap.'y at all events for a time. Natural gat is now being ued in brick- kiln* near Pitlaburg. A m< re eves, tcm- persture, it ia aaid.i* seound, than when coal is used, and tbe brioka are baked to a uniform barduesn, even those iu tbe arches which are generally vatrified by coal burn- ing.- The death of FieM Marabal Von Bitten- Beld, at the age of 88, leaves the) Emperor William ae tbe oldest < ffloer of tbe Ovrrnan army. He was one of tba few surviving Our man veterans wbo earned tbair brut lamrels at Waterloo and Laipai*. indulges iu a long perorauou about tbe aacred duty of an historian to tall tbe trutb, and, in aii exoeee of ouovoioUHueee, bide bit reader, take even bis own careful!) prepared hiatory with "a graiu of allowance,' Swift notes, " I will take bin warning." Again, wben ilarnet u describing tbe extreme lentil of the aer vice of the Sootcu Cuureb, I remember on this faet day aix aermona were preached without intermiaaiou. I was there myeelf , and waa a little weary of no tedious a atrvioe." Bwilt bae the cruelty to add, ' Burnel at tbis time was t) years old ! " But atill more like Mr. Buronel! ia tbe curt ' Bad traob," ' Dark uouaeuee," wbiob 8 wift appends to sotue of tbe m<t olemn jaoralidug* of the historian. Yel witty aa wae the great deau biuiaelf, hit aeuae of the ridiculous waa of a different description to the genial humor of Cuauoer or Btaka^eare. They laughed at the abiurditiea of their fellow* ; but their laughter waa of tbe kindly, good-naturtd deecription, in which even ite object him- *elf might have jjiued. Tbe biu.T, eatirioal wil of Pope aud Bwift ia of a widely different character from tbe genial mirlb which divert* wituout wounding, ll ia tbe orowuiog quality of many of our greatest bumonata that tbey are bumorou" without beiug malicious, that their wit ia thoroughly free from ill nature, that tbey acknowledge all the good in humanity while laughing at ita little weakneeaes. That aome of tbeir works are tinged with tue coarseness of their age it ia impoeeible to deny ; it waa tbe tachion of tbeir era to be more outepoken than iu tbese day* . aud ysl, OOUM lerniif *orue of our modem literature, it is difh ul c to sea that tbe older writer* are worse i lleuders than many Of our modern brethren, who have uot tbe name genius to redeem their pages. The eose of humor I* a *,>'' which cannot be acqjired ; it muat be innate. There alill txial persona who will feebly ask to have Hume good joke " eiplaiued to them." Tbese unfortunate* are olind in a mental aenae, aud can only be reniKued to tbeir luttriuiiy. The aeuae of humor ia lacking in tbrm, ai the ear for mu-n: or tbe eye to a| predate a |noture is lacking in oilier < To try 1 1 cultivate tbi* niltnii t\ power IH a* hopeless as were the ff nt< of tbe Oermau baron (mentioned by Wabab, or one of bis o >rreapoudeut>) to cultivate apiUbtliuewt. This wealthy Teuton, bjiug refused by au Eugliab lady on tbe ground that be waa " not lively vuough," auuo>t-d bis ueigbborii in tbe rooms below by apeudi' g bour* leap- ing solemnly over bu table. U a beiug ack d the reason for bie atranite conduct he gravely rephad, " J apprtn.U d tier v>f " (" I am learning to be lively.' ) It I* a |>iti*ble aigbt to behold a parson actually devoid of a sense of bumor gropog dimly after tbe point of a joke. It ia tbe old story of tbe Bojtcb judge, who, hearing a joke oue day iu court, " simmered " tbe subject in bis uiiud till tbe morrow. when tbe pciut of the jeetaudienly broke upon him, aud be cried, " I hae ye noo." Bime persous never attain to even tbia tardy euhgbtmant, and will freeze a good atory. teller by solemnly asklDg. " Waa that a joke?" Equally devoid of a true aecae of bumor are tbe persona who perp.trate fooliab hoaxea and utter poor j >ke. Practical jokes, so faebionabla tome generations back, are tbe most idiotic o( all jdet*. What wil there io being a greater falsehood teller than your neighbors supposed you to be ? rBMSV'e Ur B raided P. .III. a 111 Ik. Kir. .1 Ike !..%.. Are o*te property ? Eugliab law sayi po, but an English woman, not natiitisd with what lordihipa and worships may have to say about it, parpoeea to teal the queation. Her puss haid strayed, aai oati all over the world will stray, into a neighbor's yard, and returned with a piece ol meat wbiob tbe treacherous neighbor bad given ber. Before mistress or maid could take it from her, poor paaa had eaten it aud given up one probably tb* last of ber nine lives. Whereupon tbe woman appealed to tbe law. Sue declared to the oouit that this was tbe second oat abe had lost io the same way, and that many of ber friend* bad loat oatB, wbiob were believed to be poisoued by tbe same man. Tne Magistrate oould give her uoaatiaf action, but suggested that she might find a remedy in a higher court. This peremptory dismissal of the case hae been criticised on the ground of the Magistrate's disregard of a law or statue wbiuh impose* a penalty oa any parson wbo lays poisoned grain or meat uu any and exoept in enclosed places ao fenced that uo dog can got io ; and further (pacts that punishment may be inflicted on " who- soever shall unlawfully and malicioualy kill, mum or wound any dog, bird, beatt or other animal, not beiug ca'.t.e, but beiug either the subject of larceny at oommou law, or being ordinarily kepiioounflosrneut or for auy domestic purpose." An offiauU Jinei-t is quoted to show that oats are iueluded iu a hat of animala " not tbe sub- ject ol laroeuy at oommou law," but wbicb are alao named aa creatures tbe unlawful laeeestion ot wbicb, or of their skins, subjects tbe bolder to penal- A < . rr. , rreMraa. Talu all tbe Kidney and Liver tltduiiut, Take all tbe Blood purifiers, Take all tbe Rkiumatte remedies, Take all the Dytftptut aud indigestion ewre*, Take all tbe Ague, .Fever and bilious 41 liea. Tbe list ia aa folio wa: Beavrs, foxee, monkaya, polecats, otn, ferrate, tbrutbee, ainging bird* iu geueral. parrots aud rquirrel*. and alao badgera, bawks, beroue. falooua, goats au4 rooks, liut shall it be said that tbe keeping of the harinlesii, ueoessary oat, as a check on the too rapid increase of rodents, is au unlawful poasea- 1-1 in ? Or that tbe poeweawou of a puriiug tabby by some one's dear, unmarried suut, w a oouipauion of ber aolilule, i* frau;tit with danger to the Slate? Tbe dog acquires uuder tbe law a dignity which i* almost peraoual. Tray, Blanche and Sweet- heart mtul each have reoogni^id existence on the book* of a town clerk, mu*t pay a tax, and mo>t, throogh tbe owner, be re|uaible tor all or auy dkOiagea which be or abe may lutliot upon man, other beaa'.a (except cat*) or pro- perty. That pute aud tabby may have a market value, io spite ol law, ia ahown by tbe intercut taken iu ct tbowe, the ciatly and handsome prut u wbiob ar awarded for phyaioal and moral exeelleuoa, and tbe big priotH wbiob are | aid for oate of rare breed. In r.i daya a oat waa worth to tbe minerain the Califoraia diitgin'e all cf her weight iu dmt. Uecaune in n>ma oue's household she and ber litter may be only [>la>thiug* for tba ebildrau, must tbey be oouuted as valusltsi? Oa the am< onud ball tbe dog* kept in cities abould Take all tbe Aram and Nerve force rerittn, Take all the Great health restorers. I* than, take all the baetqualities of all these, and tae Hut Qualitui of all tbe best medicines in the world, and yon will find that Hop Hitteri have tbe best ourstive qualities and powers of all eoncrntrattd In them, and that tbey will cure wben any or all of tbese, singly or eombiiuJ Fail. A thorough trial will give posi- tive proof of this. If ardraed l.l.er. Five yeara ago I brake down with kid- ney and liver complaint and rheumatism Since than I have been unable to be about at all. My liver became bard like wood ; my limbs were pufifad up and tilled with water. All tbe beat phyaiciana agreed tbat noth- ing oould cure ine. I reaoived to try Uop Bitters ; I have used seven bottles , tbe hardness baa all gone from my liver, tba welling from my limbs, and it baa vorktd a miracle in my case ; otherwise I would nve been now in my grave. J. W. Moan, uffalo, Oal. 1st, 1881. Pevrrtv sisMl un, rln I wae dragged down with debt, poverty nd Buffering for years, caused by a siok mil) aud large bills for doctoring. I as completely discouraged, until one ear ago, by tbe advice of my pastor, iu-ueijoed tuiLg II jp Bitters, aud IL. one mouth we were all well, aud none of ui sve been tick a day since , aud I want to ay to all poor men, you oau keep your amilies well a year with Hi Bitters for ess than one doctor's visit will cost. I now it.' A A moose that weighed 7~>0 pounds waa uu down aud killed by a Canadian Pacific rain near Mattawa tbe otner day. Be had vidently become bewildered at tbe sight t tha approaching engine in the moruiuK ist, aud was powerless to move from the rack. DC rated s. worthless. Ititm Traiucript. Tar t m. n. .n l . ,.. oi it. ,.ui. Tb* most perfectly fascinating oreatun which tbe Auglo-Saxou race ever produoec was the ty| loal belle ol Bait more, tb< representative of tbe whole Boutb. In ber grane, ber tact aud fascination one<|ii> forgot tbat she would have been .(Jito tbe auie ttiiug if tbe bad beau uuatle to read Perbap* sue never did read, uot tiven i uovsl. Even whan chi iiad a little cultur it ran all to " aoojmplitfcmenl," at-d its real uae wae only to cbarui the men a lull more. Tuis type of girl, ttill oouiiu "> i. AtueriCA, aud till of late oonimou iu I'. land, I* di<a| |'-aring w.tb incredible rapidity. It is guiug witb the long hai wbiob waa onoe the orowumg glory o woman, and with U is going much tba wa* ouoe held to b* essential to guard lit aud society from utter ruiu. I have dvrel uu tbia because it u b-oou.iug s< common here tbat not to comment on I would be to Ignore ttae IUOHI reiuarkabl phenomenon of Kuglinb life ae it at preneL exiata. As girls reali/i Ibat it is Deo .rum more difficult to marry ilh a certainty o being able to live aa well ae tbey did a home, aa there ia a growing unwillingness 1 1 raise large families aud be led an poo widowa to support them, as, in fact, all tb old idaale disappear, aud new ouas ot bete able to make a living aud be " ludu pendent " and " bird-free " are develo^ec tbey are becoming careless as to beauty indifferent as to being charmers. A |o young man in Kuglaud wbo ia iu no ws distiuguiiihed eilber bv family or wcrks is indeed to be pitied. Women, old tr young speak of him as a Dunauoe. Tbe oul interest wbieb be excites is a wonder wb he eumberttb tbe ground. Now as a men oau uot be rich enough to marry px> girl*, let them work never so induttrioual] tin is manifest!) bard for them. So the emigrate or go to tbe bad, aud ao tbe dano goes on. Ch-u. <i. Likud i London Lette n Chicago Trtb une. K.llr.nd kellltr ll.lli \ ,,,i.. I A natural hiatory book relatea an anec- dote of the horned toad of Siulh America, which, " wben placed ou tbe metal*, beneath an advancing train, exploded with a loud report like tba firing of a gun," aa)* the London (llnbr. Tbat ii wonderful enough ; but another batraobian iu Canada baa achieved a itreater feat. A fain ou the Urand Trunk Kailway waa thrown off tha line and twelve perona Injured, " owing to a broken frog." If Airs, into Hunter had but known of Buoh a cane, what a grand pietic jji-tioe she would have introduced into tue fate of " tbe expiring frog on a log," which upset a traiu aud injured a round dozen of humanity. Florida expects, to raiwe three million boxes of orauge* i m seaxou. WHY TIII SOUTH FILL. Tbe Binth did not Nil crushed by tb mere wei/lit of tba North ; but It w* nibbled away alallsid>s aud end* because ita executive bead nt-v -r gtthered aod wielded ita grett Rtreugih under the ready advatt tgea that greatly reduced or neutralized ita adversary'* naked physical auperiority. It ia but another of tbe many proof* that timid direction may readily go with pbyaiaal courage, and tbat tbe ptanive defeuidve policy may make a long agony, but on never win a war. Oca, Btarefar4, in (A ll - I* Narr .Tlosirt, and we might alao say, time and pain aa well, iu our advice to good bouarkaepei aud ladies generally. Ttae great ueoeiwit en-ting always to have a perfectly aa remedy couviuient fur tbe rein f ai prompt cure ot tbe tilmeiite |*'uliar t woman functional irregularity, o metan pains, aud all the symptoms atteudau upon uterine diner lri luouoea lie to rroomuiend strougK aud um| laliuedly Dr. Pieroe'e " Favorite Preeoriptiou" woman's best friend. It will sate money . f H ail loi l.arai* OaiaMii *>l . u Ireiaa- I.SVSM A Hu.l, t ipr, i,.! | a ,n. Tbe steamer Barbara Boaoowitx arnved from the north yesterday afternoon at I o'clock. The news from tbe minee is mow! enciuraging. Mr. B. W. Waahburn, who arrived by tb* Boaoowit^, says thai himself and a parly of four took from tbeir olaias IS 000 worth of gold in one month. Six ot seven claim* have been thoroughly worked, and all are doing well, from f S 000 to 17,000 being taken out of each claim during tbe paal month. Mr. Waahburn exhibited some nuggets to tbe value of I',i50 last evening at Frank Campbell'* corner, whick were coarse pure gold, abowing that Larn* Creek ia not aa worthies* aa some people predicted it would be. Those claims thai have not as yet been properly worked are not doing so well, but still the output u anything but dicooursgiug. Ibe Indiana are still in a troubles). ma stale, but the miners fear no barm from them, ae they (tbe miuerm are well armed aud prepared to maintain their rights. Mr. Waabboru hold* tb* opinion that Lome Creek abounds in mineral wealth, and tbat a great future ia in store for the country thereabouts. A big ruab to tbe minee is expected wben tha spring opens. \\ctarut ' li.C. Colonut. A large male hog, weighing 350 pounds, belonging t) Mr. B. B Jetton, near Dawaon, Tex., escaped recently from bia pen, and made a raid upon a bunch if bis mule* and horses running in bis pasture. The bog succeeded in killing a tine mare and cutting the let** of another so tbat shs may prova wortbleea, aod ran hia tu-ka into the atomaob of a mule Io the hollow, and it ll uot exfeoted to live. rNone genuine without a buncl of green on* ou tbe WUIM label. Hhun all the vile ouououa tull with "Hop "or Hops" iu then I i. . ,..,. ler i i,. m.. ... PICTOS, Feb. 17. This is to certify that have u*ed 1'ilsou's NKHVILISC for beutbaiitm, aod have found it a valuable amedy for all internal pain, aud would ireatly recommend it to the public. M. T. UNO-LEY. L r.i-1 Cotviv. Jan. ' -We are not in bebabil of pLtliag patent medicine*, but we cannot wituold our testimony as to t je ;reat value of Nerviliue aa a remedy for lain. Wa have pleasure u recommending t as a never failing remedy. Bxv U. J. ILLKN. BIN;. DILL is aud many others. P. A. Caurobill state* : There aeema to ie no end to tbe eucceas of Nerviliue. I send you a few testimonials, aud oau send LYDIA VEGETABLE COMPOUND,; . . * IS A POSITIVE CURr ' . '-.A ^ ^^^^^^ * lor all of Iboaw I'ulnful ( cssplalala aa4 you l len'.y more if nf everywhere. to >jo. Sold . , I I >i u I POPULATION. IT wn i. rvm rnrinrt T TB woarr fi nr F> . 1. I'.UUiH TH'itSLBS, ri^ssATiox ANU t'ti in*Ti'>i. I - P! 41 IrNT, "!' Tlir AIU.T AUATTIU T> Tl Ii :' TUB. US* kID California started in fruit canning four- teen years ago. Last >>-ar the bus uses reached au avureiiate of 1 1 '2'-0 000 cans, of which 10170000 were fruit* ot various kinds, iiiOlu>H:ig jam< aud (ellie*. and tbe balance vegetable*, of which tb* bulk, 'JOO cans, waa tomatoes. I iiiii'lnm mm wr .Tlar About our lot iu life, we ouiuot deny tbat auy are exempt by tbur positi m from tbe oututuou lot of pain and lutlenug. Tbe iiKbeit aa well a* tbe most humble must M ever uu tbe alert to take advantage of iuoh means as will relieve, wueu pain make* a relief a necessity to our ocin'ori lu a letter from Government House. O.tawa, " askiuu for a supply of" Putnam'* Paiule*s C >ru Kxtraetor," we are remiuded of two tblugs tbe first, that corns are universal, aud atcmdly, tbat 1'uti am'a 1'aiules* Corn Kxtraetor 1* reoogtiztd bt all classes as tba most certain, painless and uou poisonous remedy for corns Beware f tbe article just a* good, aud use ouly 1'aluam's Paiulesa Coru Kiiractor. A new English e> u'ob built in Moscow at au expeuse of il'i U.K) awaits oousecra- tion, because uo linliou has yet expreneed a willingness to make a jjuruey to Russia. I.eet ..i I i.. i, i, ,1.1 Mii.iittib. with poor a| \i itile, and perhaps alight cough in moruiug, or on first lyiug dowu at uiKtt. abould be looked to in time. IVreon* slllioted wi.b ooniumption are proverbially uuoousciou* of their real slate. Mo*t case* commeuoe with disordered liver, leading to bad diKeation aud imperfect assimilatiju of food benoe tb* emaciation, or waatiuK of tbe linn. It is a form ot scrofulous di4eae. and ia Durable by tha uaa of that greatest of all blood oleauniu*, auli bilious and invigorating oompouudu, known aa Dr. I'leroe'a " Golden Medical Diaoovery." U ik pillar* are better support for a buildlUK iu case ot tire tbau tuose of iron. 1'be latter are liable to warp from th* etlect of heat. IT v . . iiniLt t irt ti * * e 2t IT r " K>iNT\r. Ki.iTri.tTi, T. DE-TIHTS r -*a-J IN. I. HliOH ' \rRAL DESIUTTY * e e - . r i . * : N.I r&na, il . . I i .. v,ITt.t . I- e i It WILL AT Mlta ALL CIIBTS> -'N K- * I IN IIM.H.NI u I ll TUB LAWS TliAff *m\i K M-TBH. e * e * e jf I r - - 'i ' ' : VATS .1., :-. THAT IT I- e- Ml '< AMMCV i TSsTiri *%a * e * I OH TUB i i ur ur KIIBT I'nvrLAitm m .KMEI'V l . VD II V 7 T .rf 1h*> I I*, r It. I *. I. IJ 30 DAYS' TRIAL t DK - mnre ' for Illuslrawd ' -as. -' \ lu Bi l.i iK'NT-m. af.W.I at > I -- Voltaic B.-lt Co, Mirglnll. Mirh. n nnil- MI ll..i. Palaxki tell* a good atory of au American who liven near tbe Arode Trionp ie. Tbe other evenug be oarried borne seme Ii ie i: ist. U.ver uystern an 1 Wfint out iuto the kitobeu to i IMU them. 11 arnu a gotd deal of noise the man's lumber iu-law called out to know what be was opening them with. " W.th an oyster-opener, you fool; did you suppose I waa dumii it with a toothpick?" was bin reply. "No, Orrtainly u< t," quietly remarked tbe old lady ; " but judgiug from tbe language used 1 gueetwd you were trying toopeu theoi wilb prayer." Farit Horning St$. Tbe medical profession are alow (cd rightly a) to endorse every new luedioiue tbat iadv.rtised aud sold ; but houest merit oouviuoee tbe fir miuded altT a rea*ou*0le time. I'uyaicisn* in good standi ig often pre*cribe Urn. 1'iuk- naui's Veg t tble Coiu^uuJ for the care of female weaknesses. _ " Bwampoodle " and " O tndertown " are tbe names of PiiiUielubia'a tluiu, wherr, northward from t ie city, tbe dregs of tuu city's population make tbeir home*. A armer in Waaboeo >uuty, Nev . elaima to have tb* champion old borsea. He baa on* 35 years old, auotbsr 34 and a third 11 years old. Tkey are all lu perfect health aud.able to do regular work. I CURE FITS! U .i> /va Ttrk. \|.I M. M I \ Id tl> IIIIM. UK Vni ru i<- Hn T Co.. of Marhall Uleb. offer t<i iwn I tliKircwloiiraie.1 li.riTa< VOLTALIO MKI ra'il'ither KLIt<Tn \rn.i>. K on tria fi.r thirty <lay t* ineu y Mitia or i.Ji atflloteU wltb uorv .an l<.l t'ltv ! >- "f vllalitv an I man n <!. an I all kiii-lrvl tnmblea \:> fur rboej matisui n**ara nia. f*ara'vHi4 an I ma'iv itnar h-n- i-t ration M baavltb vino I K>i*ra>iti* I Si ri'k it incurred a< tlnrty lav trial 11 a .lwl. Write tbaui once for iihi*trt^.l p^in|>hi<-t free EYE. EAR AND THROAT. DR. O. B. RYER80N, L. R. 0. P. 8. R.. lecturer on Ibe Kye, Kar an.) Throat Trinity Me-lical Oolleue, T..r..nt<. IK-H itlti Ailr "t In Ui* Tonml" iiensial If Many imitator*, but uo Sages Catarrh K.uiedy. e-jaal, baa Dr. The Spanish Ministry ia no highly iooao- sad at S-nir Ctatelar'* Pronuoi.l cam- paign iu Bueay that it has actually for- bidden tbe police to permit any public demoaatralioua or serenade*, aud people have been arrested for shouting " L jug life to Castelar." Tur.iat an.l < ar H.*i-ltal T iriMitn \rtinoial Human Um.lo 117 Cnurob Bttvel P KRrN''0\|KM'K ,. ' -- . HillTalo, N Y V.nit.j Men au.1 \V 'Illei. . |i-'-,'ritl f -r liu-. ho'"* I^Mik-atM<}iititf, Hutmtte Konua. 1,1)1 r 'li'ii"".!' au I SboribauJ Uu(UI by la for virculart. M'loealiuo or oianabli' al tht '*> BUBUf MMU Orealart Ire* ' a bui iiwnevrtan re