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Flesherton Advance, 16 Oct 1884, p. 7

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I. If*. Wear*. There u lev Vtllrrm or WM lately (1871) a PoHeh lady, the OoUDtessof K - , liviug to Paris She wears a very siugnlar brooch. ll to noircled by twenty precious tones, on a ground of drk blue enamel, covered io the centre by glass. And what doiH this brooch e >utaiu ? A portrait or a luck of hair 7 NJ, only (our eommon fiat, bent together 10 the f irm of * star ! Aud she wears tbii in memory of ber hunbaud, a Polish nobleman, who WM put into prison became be wai thought to be a eeoret nemy to tbe O >v*rnmeot. It ws a dark, dep dnngeon lr down tuder the ground. WAV* or < oi>k4 I M I I OATS. ep d Ho had He had no on* to speak to, for no cue waa allowed to ee him but the keeper of the priaon, and be of ooura* WM not peituitted to converse with bi* prisoner. Day*, weeks, months p**ed oo, aod be WM aull It) ft in bi* dungeon. He WM moat miserable and feared that he should lone bi* sense*. far bi* reaaou twined to be giving way. Ob I if be bad ot>ly eome hope some on* thing to relieve bu misery. Feeliug all over hi* ooat one day b* found four pin*, and be actually wept for j iy ; yet what c iuld four plna be to him ? He took them from bis ooat aod threw them down on tb* fljor of bis dun gjeon, and then be waot down oo bis bauds and KLaew and felt all over tae fljor till be found tbem agaio. Wne^ska had succeeded in this be acattered ^^B again on tb* AMI, aod e<>uld yon ^K Rone into bis dungeon you would bavefound him groping oo bu band* and knee* for bia four pine. Whtu at ear ux year*' imprisonment, b* wa* Bit free, they null found him groping in tb* dai k for hi* four pio*. ll wa* all bi* work. N'jr would b* leave kis priaou without taking bu pint wit a him. Tb*y were hit bent friend*, beoauae they bad given him something to do in hi* solitude and confinement, and hi* countess bad them made iuto a brooch wbiob ah* valued more tban gold. Tney hal preserved her husband's reason. Tb* following i* on* of tb* moat aflVoting record* in existence. ll i* . from Count Oonfalooiarrs account of bi* impriaoo- man! in the fortree* of Spielberg, above tbe town of Bruno, io Moravia, for a pi litioal offence io thereigp of ibe Emperor Francis ot Auttcia, wbo died io 1H35. Be wa* ao Italian, aod bad c inspired to dispossess tb* Anstriao* al Milsu : " I am an old man now, but by fifteen year* my *oul is younger tban my body ! Fit leeo yean 1 exulted (for 1 did not live, it wa* not Uf*) in tb* nlf-Msm* dungeon, ten fell square. Daring six years I bad a companion ; dur- ing oioB I WM aloo* I I o*ver rightly dis tiugui-lu J tbe face of him wbo shared my captivity in tbe eternal tonight cf our otli. Toe first year w* uiked ine*seaj.tly together. We related our p Ml live*, our joyi forever gone, over and over again. Tb* next year we oommnnioated to eaob other oar though u and id*M on all subject*. Tb* tbird year w* bad 00 idea* to communicate) we were beginning to lose tb* power of rtfleoliou. The tnortta, at the interval of a montb or ao, w* would open our lip* to ask each other it it were indeed pweible tbat the world vent oo M gay aoo buttling a* wbeu w* formed a portion of mankind. Tbe fifth, w* were silent. Tbe aixtb, be WM away I never knew where to , to liberty but I wa* glad he wa* eone ; sven solitude were better tban tbat dim, vacant face. At IH that I WM aloo*. O jly one event broke io upon my uiue years' misery. One day It muelbave beeo a year or two after my companion 1*1 1 me tb* dungeon door wai opened and a voice, from whom proceeding I koow not, uttered these words, By ordsr ot Hn> Imperial Majesty, I Ittime-e to yon tbat jour wits died a year ago.' Thru tbe dox>r >but aud 1 heard no more. They but flung this great agony in up in me and left me aloue with it " Tb* companion for lit year* witb Count Goufalonieri wa* a Frenchman, Oouut Audryane. wbo ha* HUM published Bom* memoir* t f bi* own life (" Memoire* d'un Prisonuirr d E'at, par Conite Alexander Aodryan*.") lie mention* that Count O Jofalooieri was liberated at the Emperor's death to 1835, aod nent to tb* United St . t ", from wbenoe be returned to Auttria Tbere, broken down by Borrow and Buffer- ing, b* wandered about for a few year*, and died al Uriao, pied d* Bl. Ooibard, l>. cent ber. 1846. He wrote to hi* friend, Ooont Aodryane, from New York : " Qu'tl etait oomm* I'ombre d'un tre. pisie, en ai.t nr la tirr* tt ranger BOX jolea, aux Bflita tiooi, et presque a t >ul Its u. terete de oette vi*." Count Aodryan* adds the touching iooideot tbat for a time Count Uoofaloui*ri wa* allowed Io receive letter* from hi* wife, and when ah* WM dying tbe wrote several letter*, dating taem al different future period*, tbat he might, when delivered, tbink she WM itiil alive. Tbi* tender, loviog-kiodnen wa*, however, cruelly frustrated by the midden information of her death, ao brutally conveyed by order of tbe Emperor. Poor man I be WM pared no single pan(. It p eased Ojd to "Vex him witb all His storms." Ntw York Satur- day Krening Telegram. ti tar *r*>u< r 1 What is it about?" Mked the managing He. Twe Wtoe n.m^r. <..arrd I vsbrrta*. Tbe Connecticut oat 1* fertile in expe- dient*. I.I Parkboret'i oat, at Norwiob { Town, finding that ah* ooold not live peaceably WHU tbe doge, boyi aud other eat*, took ber kitteni io ber teeth, one at a time, scratched ber way up tbe bark of a big elm in tbe front yard, and i towed them IB a hule io tbe tree, eighteen feet from tbe ground, tbat WM two feel detp, with an opening jal larg en >ugh for bar to orawl tbrougb. Taere ibe enj iyed life with ber family. Wnen eh* WM tff calling at night ebe kuew that tbe kitten* werr ate She was in tbe bole from early ID Augtut uoiil a heavy rain ttorm came on a few day* ago aud the tree leaked. In tbe beiut of the tt jroi ibe orawled out with a kit .eu in bur mouth aud transferred it to Ibe boiue cellar. With great dimjully abe carried all tae kitteni to tb* cellar. Joho O Cooley's ost, at North Franklin, disliked the oonttuemeut incurred in watch- lug four kitten* all day, aud *be placed them ucder a motherly ben, which wa> tHOwiMftu conam- * DeacrlculM el aa* Jlesuaa el Kelicvtaw WeU-kaewa .< A eorrecpondent of tbe Youth't Companion write* : " Will you not give your readera an article on whooping cough, stating what it U, and whether there it any known remedy ? ' Tbe diaeae* i* a peculiar foiui of bronchitis, attended io ite flnt stage with aome fever, aod io tbe eeoond with spMms of the glottic, tbe vooal cords in the upper part of tuo larynx. It i* highly mleotiou*. and since few children escape, aud it generally destroys ooe'i sueotp.i bility to a seojud altck, it is largely con- fined to childbood. At tbe ooruoaeuoameut it resembles a hard cold, but the act* of oougbiug are more violent aud laat longer. At lengtb it may be in two or three day*, or lu a* many week* the ipaema of the glottic are developed and tbe well known whoop eeltlea it* real character. Tbe whoop U due to the fact that it in impossible to breath during tbe rapid coughing, aud hence, on iti oeaniog, tbere IB a long and labored inrush of air. Moreover, M tbe trying to baton a porcelain egg in a DM! two feet away, oo the same hay-mow. The hen clucked, lifted ber wing* aod w. I corned tbe litter. Toe cat went oo to while away tbe day, returned at night, and trak back ber offapring. Eaob morning there- after tae kitten* were put oO on in* ben, tbe oat urolled awsy, aud the ben enter- tained th<tm by clucking to tbem until toe oat oatne back al nigtat. Tbey answered to both tbe clucking ot the hen and the speci- fic materual call. Tbe ben Ml oo the kit- ten* for about two week*, and tben tbey rao away, leaving ber disooosolata. Tbere wa* a void io hersfieouone tOata porcelain egg wa* i"oompttjut to fill. After brooding her DM! for t*o day*, abe gave up the attempt to batch tbe egg and began to lay eggs again. Hr. Cooley believes t aat a litter of kilteua i* the only tbiug. except death, that will " break up" a anting beo. L tat wioter an xtraordioary distemper a|p.'ar*d among the cam of east am Oon- oeouout that eel tbem meeting aod kept tbem al ii until tbeir vitality WM ex ban .ltd and they died. Tbey moped about to* road* witb swelled heal*. *o**ziog eon- tioually, and when tbeu auxiou* mistresses approached, scowled wickedly al tbem. Many valuable oat*, *om* uf them worlb 110 to tbeir ownsn, p*risbed io tbe town* aud village* of Wiodham aod Mew Loud in Oouutis*. Iu some case* tae tick oats were onased dowo and subject id to medical treatmeot, and il WM discovered tbat the patient died at an earlier stage of the oni- piaint tban if permitted to die unaided. 1'uis fall a new and still more deadly die- temper is approaching from Danbury, in tbe western part of the Slate. Il bM already reacued the Connecticut Biver Valley, and owner* of favorite oat* in the Tnamee, Bbeluckil aod Qdionebang River va,he>s are to afluller ot expectation aud dread. Tbe diseaa* works very rap dly. Il come* on without any piemouitory sympt jm*. tb* hair come* tff, aod tbe oat wells to such a sits thai ueoanuot climb or utter a sound, aod, after a day or two, be die* of melancholy and disappointment. Pnyaiciaoa are unable to successfully disgoose tbe disease, which doe* not yield to to* old aebool p-aotice or to caluip. Norwich Cor. Ne fort Hun. Alt*} AT B>OI||*<I*>N I I 1 . _^. The Bear* a Nertaweel sTai*i .*i Mr. Ran, of Uimiaiao C tv. while eat lug hi* diuuer oo Huuday, 21 it, beard bu Oaltl* dowo 10 the woods toward* tbe river, and by Ih* sound of tb* ball con- cluded tbat they meditated a visit to tb* city. He rao down to head them off, and bii* forcing hi* way through the thick scrub, beard a uois* behind him. Fancying il wa* one of the cattle tbat h* bad passed, be waited while tbe animal made directly for him. When il g it almost to him, b* reached forward M it were over the later veniug scrub to BM what manner of beast WM coming. Imagine bi* feel ing* when a huge bear sud deuly rose up, prepared to bug and be sociable, withio two pace*. Mr. Uiea etatee that tbe brute we* ao olos* be could bave touched him wit a hi* band. Having not even M much M a pen knife with him to defend hiuuself , he had no other resource but to yell, aod yell be did, so forcibly aod so suoceasfully, tbat, il is supposed, the bear came to tbe conclusion thai the man as nothing but yell, and that berries and blood cannot freely enter tbe lung* during | grub* would Bit eaiir on hi* tomeob than tb* paroxyim, tbe impeded blood oau>e< iha vein* of tbe neck to swell out, give* to tbe face a livid look, and sometimes occa- sion* various hemorrhage* of tbe no**, atomaeb aud lung*. But there is oo dan- ger of tbe patient'* dying of |ufl .oatiuu, M u ao often feared. The diBtaae may be mild, cr very severe. OooMioually me person get* well in a few days, without any medical aid. Bat generally tbe dueane laat* ux week*. Sometime*, when neg- lected, it run* oo tuany month*. A* a rule, tbe paroxysms gradually beoon IBM Mvere aod frequent and then oeaae ; though for a Mm* ao ordinary cold will b* attended with a whoop Tbe mo*t that medicine can do i* to palli- ate the iyni| t >ui* aod shorten the duration of tbe disease. Alum acts well on tbe uflamed broocbial tube ; belladoooa on tb* irritated nerves that oauae tb* ipMmi of the glottis. A doctor must be consulted tor tbe more daugeroui but efficacious remedii*. No COB medicine meets eaob case, nor any oaa* in all il* *)mptcm* aud alagea. Tb* only wise oourae is t j employ an intelligent physician woo can study its peculiarities and watch it* tendencies. Tnis 1* the mire iospirtant line* tbere u alway* danger of grave complication* acute brouohllii, pneumonia, pleurisy and other lung difficulties. It i* tone, indi- reotlv, ofieo fatal. I' ales* wbere there U sen )us complications, it is best to bav* tbe obild a* much M poasibl* oat of door*. Tb* diet ihould be nutritious. Tui should b* looked after more carefully if tb* child vomit* much. Food should be given olten, and a* early M possible, before an expected paroxyiam. a ooise like tbat, *o h* turned and fled. This bear business i* getting serious. Ii is reporttd that not 1 >ug ago another of our citicr nssaw t o large iproimen* just across tb* railroad bridge. Tbe citizen*, M I measure ot aat*ly, ought to organise a bear bunt, and try ao<* g*t rid et some of those fellows. Mr. liuiiaell is tbe only success fdl party a* ytt, having ihot on* io hi* back kilobeu. Winnipeg free Prett. K I . .Urn .... The testimonials w* publish may he vsnii -d by aoy person who may doubt their tmtbfoloee*. ' Eixjis, Dee. 18. We, the undersigned, bave uaed NIBVILIXX In our familial a* prepared by N. C. Poison .V Co., of King* loo, Oat., and certify tbat it never fail* to give relief io cold*, cough* and rheumatic pains, and w* bave oo beailation in recom mending it to the piblie. W. PEHH. en 1'. atuiMter, Elgin ; Hl.NlT W. \> AI.K. s ELUA POWUX, E'gio ; CIIHAIJ BBOWM B-.UIU Croaby. Ten cent trial bottle* may be purchased at any drug *tor*. Poleoo'* Nerv.liu*, the never-faillug paio cure. Try it now. reached for a club. 'Ice editor an b* cream ?" "No, air." " BOM plumber* or baseball ?" "No,* " "Pienio twing*, Orarg* Washington's he, book agent*, oyitt r (tew*, overco at* in pawn, hair bang*, imall boy*, lit. Mary Walker oat with III" " It* about a oaabier going toOana " Tbere WM a dull, sickening thud, aud then tbe managing editor wa* beard calling to tbe c.flije boy: "Here, pin 'Canada Cashier ' oo tbe corpse of this ' humorist ; it'll ln-'p the coroner." I'ttttbvrg Chronicle- Bvr rail res. If housekeepers only would be willing to do just what they can do witbool getting so completely dmdged out, there woul 1 be fewer lick wjiueu aod happier homes Btudy oonveDisDO* in every household arraugemetti, and pdrform every duty witb a* few itep* aiid a* litll* labor an possible, and do welt Wa flud good women every day wbo run from cellar to garret, aod back attain before tbey can get logetbsr tbe necessary It gradient, tine, etc., I-} make a few bi>ouit, or a dib of plain cake. Not two week* mi.ce I found a farmer'* wife (sod on* of tb* best women I ever knew, aud witb poor bealtt ) who went out doors to tb* cans for cream, io tbe ben house for rggs, dowo cellar for butler, In tbe pantry foi apioe, tbeo into another loom for flour, aod carried tbtm all to tbe kitcbeu to make a oke, to *ay nothing of calling together the di-h, eg beater, spoon and baking VMM. Nu man would do it (and I honor their Moa* io thai), aud certainly DO woman, and especially an invalid, can afford to do BO. I Mkad this friend if she would let me alone in tbe kitchen for one hour after dinner, and with p^rmiaiioo to do what I pleased. I bunted tbe hammer and oail*, aom* newspeper* and bit* of board*. I pulled tbe kitoueu table away from tb* wall, and tacked my paper* back of aod above it, then drove up two row* of nails, on which I bung up rg< beater, *kim- mer, large tpooui aud aoup dipper, rolliug pin, potato washer, cake paus, gem paus and email dippsr. I pjt back tbe table, aud on tbe top of it, aet in a row, a jar with eookicg aall ( it WM a cracked jar but held Bait all right), next to it good one, a gallon jar with grabam dour and another one with while tl >ur, for tbexe ar uoles were used ao man) times a day. Then I put neat little board covers over them al I. Tb* spioee, soda and baking powder boxee in a row next gave tbe dub pan a home in tb* ooroer near At tbe right band of tbe t .bis I Ml a wooden soap box bottom lid* up. with a piece of oilcloth tacked over it. I'hi* held tb* water pail. I bung ibe dipper above it. I could not build tbe boua* over and make aeink.eloeet* atd all tbeoouvecientibelves aud peg* i f a model kitchen, but I could gather tbose article* that were uaed BO many time* a day, eomewbere near each other, and save itep* for a poor, weak woman. When ibe oame out to see sh ,ui tbe supper, abe looked really pleased w"ieu be said , " Ian t this nice to stand right still in one spot and get sui pr all ready ? " " Rotalia " in The llmuckrrper. Newspaper I dn.i i.l. in I It will be interesting, no doubt, to tb* people of u ib a free country a* America to read the extract translation of tbe language tae newspapers bav* to use in Turkey, DO matter what nail Duality t iey may be. Ao American college in lurkey WM tcttlly ruined by or* tbrougb some Blafaommedan lueeudiarie*, aud, though tOe case WM quite clear to the oourte, yet oeoauae of meir betug Mahoiumedau* tbe Armenian* will find stiii i difficulty in securing tbeir conviction. Tu* following Mao ex*ot translation of ao editorial of tie leading Armeuiau newapp>r, called Arrtrlk, pub- limbed iu Coustautiuople, giviug an aooaunt of this tire, aud inviting toe attention of authoriUM to pnutan the parties who can ed Ibe tire : " We agaiu publish a minute discretion w* bav* received of tbe burning ul the Armenian College iu tbe City of 1'ivrig, brgglug at tbe aame time tbe pny and sympathy of hi* august m>j>sty uf our Oitoiuau f.tair.y sovereign over this sad rum of tbe collage, which WM bui t with BO muub expeuM aud bard labor, aud WM reduced lu aabea in a moment. Toe good aod virtuoux will of our august sovereign riuliau Uamid, wbiob i* a* clear a* toe sun, aud wujse sovereignly s motto has always been to give pwttoular care aud attention to tbe great work of education diaoipline, according to the rtquire- ment* of to* century, undoubtedly aaaure* us thai this ruined condition of the oollrge will invite tbe august Sultan to be well pleased to wash away, with bi* fatherly, moat pitiful and merciful grace-beetowiug drops of favor, tbe tear* of bi* many bun drede of obedient aod grateful children wbo are in ao great need of education." K ii or. of American paper* would not et j iy b. ing forced to writ* to tbat strain. flt Lrtltr. The LIDS; Island postmaster wbo I short I1.40U in bu aooouut* says hi* wit wauled diamond* and a family carriage so bad that he couldn't bear to diaappoio ber. She wear* tb* diamonds when sh vuits him iu jail. K... a. .1 . , N. V^ (' )n tributes it* quota of praise as to tb ueouio* merit of Putnam's Palclee* Por K i tractor Henry Hsib. >ji. 23rd, Itf3 writes: "Bend a dtzeo for distrioutio among my frieoda, for it is a* claimed sure, safe aod paiolee*. Bend .iiiokly. Bawar* of pjisooum subititutes and ge ooly tbe genuine. Putnam's Cjrn Extrao (or, made by Poison A Cj., druggists Kingston. A California farmer ha* bad to pay a fin of 110 for knocking bis bired man daw witb a bunoh of grapes weighing ta pounds, ll WM cheaper than bontirt around for a rook. PBTwwV MAII ne> *> H wawrrews PrrcfctBi * Btkvaieel K..* lew iwe n--i. a u. A jolly faoed man darted out from tarter'* box al tie eily hall elevated *sal esu-rday and heaped some *w.-t bread ruinbs OB tb* top ot B ooe! box at IB* end t the station. Tbeu b* poured *jm* fresh water into a large tin oup near the and hurried back to bis box. Half a tl' i iu pigtoos thai had walohiog him from ibe roof of a pposite the station fljw one alter another a tbe bread orumba. ate what they wanted. took a drtuk of tbe water, and sailed away again. A doten aparrow* tbat bad been ueasily fluttering about tb* t-ilegrapb wire* dew to tbe crumb box iu a fijck tb* omeui tbe pigeons departed and quickly etoured what wa* left of tb* bread. Tbere," said tb* starter, yuo. bav* seen somelhia*; thai goes oo ben every ay a* regular a* clockwork. Tu* pigeon* orne iu tb* morning and about tnia iim* n the afternoon every day aod *bj >y tbsir meal. Tb* pigeon* alway* eat tue.r *bar* ne at a time, a* yon bav* *eeu. They had a regular battle last montb to Mill* wbiob hould be tb* leader al tbe meal, aod tae iiggest and bandeomeel male of tb* lot won, aod bM ever aiLoe been first at table. Tb* sparrows feed last of all. All tbe bird* are pets of the trainmen. Tbey send down oUof bread and cake to be fed to tae fl JOB, aod tbe bird* are seemingly getting to know tbem." Sparrow* build nests io a great many of toe (tattoo roof* oo all the elevated line*, aod are fed by tb* porters. Iu on* dowo- ijwo ttaiiio there u a pit mouse thai ha* Men fed till U ha* got so fal II can hardly run. Several lioktt ageuta have filled up cage* in tbeir station*, and oaoarie* ting IB tb*m. New York Bum. Mrs. Tom Thumb i* beginning, in a mall way, to show ber age. a lomtlariel district* lay that Lydia E Piukbam'* Vagetabl* Com- pound i* a* much tbi itaodsrd remedy for female weakoeeMs M quinine u for tbe prevailing chill* and tvr. e> Tin Bureit way of governing, b >th in a private family and a kingdom, U for a busbaod aod a prince sometimes to drop t isir prerogative. A oew kiod of entertainment bM just prung up in New York society, wbiob promise! to aft jrd considerable amusement and pleasure M tboae who take part in it. It ie phrenology. Bxne people I know of. says a writer, intend the oomiog winter to give " phrenological " parties ; thai is, to bav* a pbrenologi*! aome to their house* and amuse tbeir friends by feeling the protuberances oo tbe crauiums of tbo*a who will submit t) it. A .rrl rr.kl. m Takt all the Kidney aod Liver LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND.* . . IS A POSJTIVE CURr ' . . *A I Far all ef ikwav I'.lalul fessplalata aa4 \Vrsaarsera ss> cessvs>a Ie ear Beet *J . . i i M \ I i i-iiri i . riuN . , * , IT * n i. M us r iTiREi.T Trim 1 woBPT Fosji or 1 All I' 'Sl-i AINTV AIL OVAEOAI TIVU'Sl.ES, l.AAT|." All" I'D (IUTI*. KAH.II i. AXT1 II rAT' II. t A'AI-IKS II^..I . r*. e * * * . IT WILL M""i vr AX. i urn Ti miis raoa- TV*' TERI - IV AX EARI T T. "F l.tvri ..rE>T. TB FM.rv > T..fx. *'! II i OHSTHEMI1' EUKUsV *ar srxEOiLV ET rrttm e * * * e *< IT amuTr.s KABTEIUI. FLATIT EX, T. pesiaut* All. I HAV IN>. r U-IIK- L<T. AM'RllltTU WsaB-l t lir M-..HAI II IT i t Kr III "ITI1J. llEABM . ii r. \i i^"i |'B.TTI..N. ( ,r ML.L DESIIJTT, iri-ur--i. > AM> l\i.:..rTi x ***** 1 THAT PEEI IHU nr HEJRIKU Down, cAtn-ro PAD*, AMI llA aAA ft, U) Al W H . rEHSANESTLt I IIEU ST IT! I -E a * S * S , 1 IT WILL AT ALL TIHEI A>D I MIES ALL nSTTSV 1A, r.- T l> li.M M WITH TUS LAWS THAT OTERN THE rrAI r IISTEH. e * * * * f\r* l-l Bi- -E I- -"LKLY roKTHEIBUITUUTB ii IN., or M->AS AMI THE KEiur . r run, AS a THAT IT IM.til Al.l. IT I LAIN* T.I IM>. Ta'>ftAH9S el* -ADIES CAX ULAIH.T- TaSTLTT *%* e * e * K..H T cvai IT Km\rr ('..lirLAinTi r* EITHEa >EX Till! Kin IT In I Nil RTAMED. I.TIHA r. I-INKHAIII \v:..rrm K cmiiMuirD I al l.?nn, mmm Prlo *L sii UrtUM for fa .f I11U nr 1. limn -n n IBJI .( ark* a. ahnv*. >*. llnkhani'* "<hrt.fc- k> R*allk n will to swlkd fratlsseB' I Mank*, tXtori r.. a n.tnnisilir aa.*rsd7> Mi. faintlT >ko.iM b vttsoe.1 l.YMA K IT<KIIAir* Thrr nr> .-..natli.ll n ^f II- Was kiln -i in -I. Enter aopiraot for reporter i *l honor* and emolument* : Managing Editor What can you do? Applicant Everything, sir. Msnsing Editor Can yon tell tbe truth? Applicant I can, sir; bat I never do. Mauagmf EUtor Cunaider yourself engigad. fituburg Chronicle Telegraph. The Mew York World celebrated its increase in circulation to over 100 000 oopie* by firing a BalnM in ths tb* Olty Uall Park. Vbrlr I ho. ,i... Arabella" Here he U juit wbere be'i been for weeks why doesn t be (peak out. I'm sure I enooartge him enounh " Oeorge " Here she is, u u-ul wearing a costume which ooat more money than 1 can make in six months. How can I ak ber to marry me, as it woul I be impomible for me to aupport ber in the txiravagaul Hi) la in which tb* DOW live*." Nothing but (rat k iotcrconrve witb inde- pendent minds, OLtniug but dicousHon on equal term*, will krtp a tbluker intel leotoally humble aud conscious of falli- bility. II... I" - !'. Tbe Oovtrameot property at tbii bi* linosl spot i* to be sold t) tbe highest bidder on the list prox., by order of do- grees, notwitbstaodiug tie fact t jat t ie Oovernmcut ba* owned it fjrUU yean. It wae mad* famous by Old Jjhu Brown's blow tor freedom io liv.i. aud it* inbae- queut oplure* aud reo. p ures during tbe war of the rebellion. It derive* it* name from a Robert Harper, a native of Oxford. iu Euglaod. He WM born abont the \ear 17U3, and at tbe age of 90 he emigrated to Canada, wbere he prosecuted the business of arobiteoture aud millwrigbtiof. Io 1747 be wa* engaged by some members of tos Society of Fiieode to erect acburobfor tbat denomination oo the Osaequou river, near tb* preeeut town uf Winchester. Wnile on bis way through the tben almoal nnbiokeu forest*, be lodged one night witb a Oerman in a lonely inn oo the lite of tbe present city of Frederiok, Md. Thi* German's uams wa* II lliuan, wbo informed him tbat hi* beet route WM by tbe way of tbe " Hole," wbere be would see aome wonderful eonery. Harper adopted tbe luggeitioo, arrived at tbe ' Hole," fell in love with toe place, fouud B man living ttiere named Peter Bteven*. bought out Bteven* with 60 BrilUb guineM and at t tied tbere. Tbe realty of tbe place WM in Lord Faixfax, aud by perseverance heott uned from tbat nobleman a deed or patent. Harper settled dowo and established a ferry ; hence tbe name the " Hole " oeMed, aud " Harper'* ferry " loomed into pirpttaal proojiuenoe. Harper died io 17-*'J uu wa* interred on bis own properly. Hi* moe-oovered grave i* to be *aeo iu tbe romaotio graveyard tbat overlook* the town. Take all tbe Klood paiiflsr*. Take all tbe Kheumatu run .1 e*, Take all ta* Uyipfftia aud indigeition cur a, Take all the Ague, ' k F*v*r and bilious ipecifici, Tak* all th* /(rain and Nerve lore* Directly tbe idea ti durability fadee from tbe mind of the workmai , not ooly dues hi* work begin t j sufler, but alo his manhood. Take all tb* Urfat health restorers. In thort. take all Ib* betlqualilie* ot all these, aod t is <Jsi<id of all tb* h*t medieio** in the world, aod you will nud thai Hop nutrrt bave the beet curative q laliiiei and power* of all concentrated Io tbem, aod tbat they will euro when any or all of tbeee. nogly or combined Fail. A thorough trial will giv* pj*i- tive proof of thi*. fjarelrard Liver. Five year* ago I broke d >wn with kid- ney and liver complaint and rheu-n tis m fiiooe tben I bave been unable to be about at all My liver beeam* hard like wood ; my limb* wer* puffd up and tilled with water. All tbe beet phyiioiao* agreed thai noth ing could cure me. I resolved to try Hop Bitter* ; I bave need seven bottles ; tbe hardnesn bM all gooe from my liver, tbe swelling from my limb*, aod it bM vorkec a miraelf in my case : olberwiae I would bave been now to rnv grave. J. W. MORBT Buffalo, Oct. 111. 1881. Pevnlr ""' HsidrriaB. " I WM dragged dowo with deit, poverty and suffering for yeara, ctueed by a lick family and large bill* for doctoring I a as completely dinooursged, until on< ye tr ago. by tbe sdv ee of my pMtor ' u in oeuoed umt II jp Bitter*, aud IL one mouth we were all well, and none of u have been sick a day since ; aud I wBLt to say to all poor meo, you can kr. p your familie* well a year with U' p Bitten for IBB* tbao ODB dnetnr'e visit will oo*l. know it." A WotimotiAH. UTKoD* nenums wilbOQt a bunori ot (TMB HODS en tb* wbite label. Hnua all ih. Vila 1-oiMi.uoufl atuS wuh " slop" er "HoAje" IB B famllT I IVKH I'lr.lJI I *' r vomta prr - 30 DAYS' TRIAL I^ l M'T.TAIC 1 y "-rjjr __ Aifl.i><i. ' v, N M ', \ i N , nK . ! l>. >. srj- iuBrr Inir from NEB"is DrsilJT> U ST \ITAIITT. WAHTIW WrAE^roEB. anil all IBasB d*ra*e*f* !. MI. NiTTas, rwiilllnn irom Am-ucs *a .n u> HEALTH Vi.i. a an-l Mi*xa llrANTrn. B.n^ si ones lor UlulfasaS- Voltaic Belt Co.. Maryh^ll. Mirh. I QURE FITS WhenT t . r i oo .1 m**" "' ' > "T i <i I >i. M i > !-t*BAD i u I - Tnr VOI.TH.IC HEI.T Co., of Marshall Ml** onVr to MIL I lhlr eolsbrateil *I.ITTI*VVOLTAL*O HILT and uther Ki.n TKU APPI.IANI ss oe aria for thirty .isjrs t" nisn ivaug nr ol ii alBlsSed with Derv..u debility, low of Tllalltv sn.l man !. and all kln.lred trooblea Also for rassi msttsni, csoialgia, paralysis an.l maor oeaar .!!> Cnni| rnv .ration to beaJih ri*;ur anil uianbrvl nuaranteeil. No rink Is Invaired as thirty ilsvi tnal is sllowed. Writ* thsm ones for IHnntrattNl pamphlMtres. EYE, EAR AND THROAT. DR. 0. B. RYER8ON, L. R. O.P. 8. ft . Lecturer on the Rye, Kar ami Tbraal Trinity Uaxlieal Oollags. Tixeulu. OculMtB Aansl to tlis Torotito (ieusral Bmi'ilal, 11 Clinical An-l"tani K<>y*l Ixin.lnn Opbthslml R.|iltal, UoorefleM's and Csakral Laixto - Har Tea Tamal and PttaJ l^v. .7 Otiureri Qeera *.* a H> ,oi"% a Mu-.u.* K.lnoaiioa or Biwneertan Psa Dianshlp al Ih* IAN PDBUIV Otrealan tte* : \

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