, ! J , Tl fl L U LxJi f! At tne Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing- in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames ^ a larg-e assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. . r ' -' - r ' I Gunlon st'lls tirst class Harness, Trunks, H-.i-w l>lankti, Halting and lacv Hfavy Mr. A. C. McKae, >! (inn- Ifciy, we no- tice, has secunul a verdict afraintt Turn Mrtl and " Tist*.-,- ' Uud," A*. you cefloY, uiilJ have an appetite, fleeh, i^th, and u^.<r, take Ayer's !JMia|HTill, which will coufvr them U|MUI you in rapid successiuii. leather. Call and at-e for yunelvea. / er of Hamilton fur JID.CIOO damages. The Saw Mill and " Limber " Land " inj C** 8 w * for laalicioua arrest, and appears Mr Win. HIII;^'* advertiaemett in last, * n * v naen from the following circuai- A i . . A.V K should have read " Baw j ataoues. Turner is a wholeaale grocer in Hmnilton, and sold g"ods to McKae, a storekeeper at fiore Hay, who furnished him with a statement of his affairs. Bhortly after this Me Rao failed in buai- I IK-US, and Turner had him arrested for Mr. Sept. ti-i-'.l, tin- Flesherton but- obtaining, aa he alleged, gnxla under false cher, will now l>u found by his custom pretences. (>wm &mnd Adverfarr. ers m his c.'iimi.'.li' m new shop in Dr. Christoe'a nuw block. Our young friend 'if the Flesherton post-office, Mr. D. (i. Meldrum, went ott smith on ,-i holiday trip laat week. A pleaaunt time, I'nvy. Harncsn Oil and drusniug, Horse Cloth- ing, inti-i fi-rini' HKit So itch Collars a i Klusherton hanu-> .iinl-. The (ireii Itemrtr has changed hands, and in future the eu.'orial chair will be rilled by \fr 1!. F. Townsend, hrother of the late proprietor. In an acquaintance extending <iver a period of nearly four yean, we have always found .\fr. Joe. Townaeiid a thoroughly honorable and upright man, and he carries with him our best wishes for his future lucceas. We believe that the timrv will loeenone i if its chitrartcnittic enterprise and specialty attiun hop. Duriu;,' tin- days of the Walkerton -exhibition, a daily edition of the Uniee t raightforw unlnesa of purpoeie under the M-r.-UwjuUim-d. Itwma well patron- "* management. izvd with uuvcrtisonieiita, and amply re- , "Jinny Puzzler" ( the Forr, paid the publisher for lua enterprize. Campaign's famous troUer, Jimmy Why ii" about with that aching head! [ puitlrr, won the three minute trotting Try Ay- H l',ll. Thty will relieve the i ^ |rf {M ncet l>n Mon(U (lf t'lniax'h. n-M.Tf thu digestive organs to healthy action, rfinov tlie obstructioni and euro that depress ncrvea and bi your headache permanently. laat week, Lu three atraight heats. Five horses i-oni|-ti il, but the raoo was almost a " walk over" for little I''iIrr -Mr. Hand.. <-f thc popular legal firm I J* 9 understand that Pusler also came . ., \S , off with rlynik' color* at tho Walkerton .f Han.U & Porry, Toronto, called racet , Mt J w ^ Thu jt what i Hands on us laat Saturday. Mr member of the firm nf Lauder & when our latu lamented M. P. P. was alive. Now is the time to repair and Oil up your harness before Winter also to aettle your outstanding accounta. Call and see Gordon. Tho Cami'liaii Dairynuin, published in Montreal, should INS in the hands of .all mtvn MUI! in dairy produce. It is an ably edited, wo 1 1 conducted paper, and contains a bn;o amount of interesting mutter. It is published monthly at thu low rate of $1.<)U pcranumn. O^ir old friend, Mr. C. W. Morey, call- ed up us liwt Friday. He ia oow teaching ID tho town of Oi'llingwod, but the structure in which hu tau^t having re- cently been ilnat n '>vd by tire, he took the occasion to pay our eateemed citiaen, Mr. Win. Noil a brief visit until the erec- tion of aiv ither nchool-houae. WM * calls a " common home;" but we but a Handi cent that he would change hia mind if In rude behind him for about nve minute*. - . < ' lor A new II ' IIIOII and 1 1 < i iirr. Rev. Alfred Andrews, the Sunday Scho il Agent of the Quelph Conference of the Methodist Church, will (D. V) visit Klexhfr on on Hunday, Oct. 10, and Monday, 2Oth, and deliver a sermon on Sunday i-NrniiiL'. and a Sunday School lecture on Monday evening in the Mi the diat Church, lie will also ^iveadescrip tnii of the Tabernacle of Moses, illus- trating the same by charts and diagrams. Full ''pjHirtuinty will be given for ijues a dilajidated conditiii . Wh.-it are our A RAHK I'ujrr. The Wild Htrawterry police trustee* doing teat they are not Hunt possesKei rare virtue aa a clcaniii^. making a mow to havt thorn i-..|.ain.-il ( cooling atrid|>fnt, unUseiitic, and beuliug ill T\ piiiivvi vu - medicine, and when combiued with other V 1 ' hK - valuable Vf^tal.lp pitracts, aa in l)r. fow. " ' ler Kitraot of Wild Strawberry, it is an Buskin and Vi'rte'* Matrmril. FHrthrr'nnlailinu remedy in all Bowel eomplaiuts. KEnrrcT AOE Age shouU alwavs com- mand respect, in the ease of l>r. Fowler's To t*e LiUtor of thf Adcancf. Extract of Wild Strawberry it certainly 8ir,--()n the evening of .July 31st ,.' do,., for -.'.I yearn that has been the stan- uf the Directors, and an, tliur man -.- lUr ' 1 "*"'** wllh lh - e P*^ 1 "- pa- ,. ,. . < r holer Durrhoea ' C " M>d tr. -,, of the cheese Factor). t.n.L ch^gef our cow , tuilk until they were sati.ti.,1. At a Directors meeting a written re|irt A S AO N.OLICT. Neglect a eonstipated waa presented and explanation given, condition of the bowels is sure to bring ill We learned that the Directors did not ac- health and great Kiifftriiiir. Hurdock Hlood cept it or deal with it in any way. After Bitters regulate th i:..w. N in a natural a few days I heard that the milk in the mann*r. T'ur^fyinK the bl4 and prom >!. a healthy action of tho stomach, liver aid- FINE WATCHES GOOD CLOCKS. Largest Stork in this r'cin- it- testing ghvsa hail varied greatly. I went to Mr. Oarrett and told him that if thu milk came to the factory one day g'xxl, inn 't her day middling, and anotiittr day lutd, it was likely to continue that way ; we could not make any itii|ir"Vuuiuiit un- leea nature changi-d it. Would he Uk<- it and give us no further tnnlilu I If ii"t, we ahould be oMi^cd to k.-.'|. the milk at home. He gave me no decided an- swer. Lately I reoeived a copy of that rr|Mirt ; A I UUADRUPLE PLATED SILVERWARE. Casters, Butter Dishes, $o- neT n<1 Bowels. FU.I, 1 K- all acut.' aii'l < liri'in- f'Tiim nf ll.w.l Com- plaint Incident t.. mimnwr and Fall, ii f.mnd in Dr. Fowler's Extract "f Wild Strawberry ; to !* procured Ircm any drug- WEDDING RINGS ALLD TKST. tions t" bt put on any topic reiatiii^ to Sunday Bchnols. A free-will otferiog will be taken |> to austain the 8unda) SdiiMil ai{ency fund. Mr. Andrews wif b prepared to supply copied of hia ad- mirable cfiartof Bible Chronology " and rdially "Case's Hibles." \ it I'd to attend. All are co in llrnift. (fnrm Machine will be I" 1-oniaing your valuable j^per of tho .'tii nut 1 ii.ith-,-i| a coniniunicatum MM for the above anumnt, or exchange un ,, Br thc ^ m ^ "Markdale," and lor a good Milk Cow. Apply to Ta An- VAjffE office, FleahtTtnn. farm to Kent. Lot 29, Cou. 6, Township of Artemeiia 20 acres cleared. day of November. Fletherti m. I'osseaaion given lit above tho siioiaturo "Flunky." Now, Mr. Editor, I fet'l iuatiticd in rotting my us|>icioii <>u aciTAin individual who hai boon among ui hut a very short period, and our I dunk who haa not a* yet ( Tiui'il yuair acquaintance. tVrhapa it would he aa well, before going further, t< ahuw liflil at : 'ri-i villo last week, and , wa very sucrcMful at he usually is in carrying <iffjirize. Apply to P. Holman, I c '">re Mr. "Plunky " for a broach of etiquetU-. Why did he not make your acquaintance More boring the columns of ynur ]':i].,-r|*itli sruch nonaensical trash an article that ainiply contains in it tuithiti'i ' \\mild thiBijriitU mum, in taking his frk'tuin |mrt, be ao basa aa to deny hu the bar-mom and one of thc A Successful Exhibit*!-. Mr. Unlit. <1 liver exhibited some fine , 1'ikjs, and rattle at Artemcsia fall Our i- i ui Hale MUtr. Farm Sin-It and Implement By |>rivate drinking rooms of a certain hotel in town, if so, "(>1<1 rWler" will only be too willing to withdrew and devote his pen t<i some one more deserving. " < (Id I'l'iwW ' U not iutli'.'|i when moving around in hit usual wondering attitude, hut speak a authnritivoly and not without public auctM.n, on Lot 3, Con 12, Town- < fu " knowledge of what he is wring. H ship ,,f ihprey, on Friday, Oct. 24th, 1' 7*?"'"" "# .,f the main*..* and otic who IB not uamly discouraged by an 1884, commencing at one oclock p. m. article, MR h a. appeared in last iasuo harp. Without reserve. 14 month' i of the ADVANCK, and would therefore ad- credit. Jon. Henderson, proprietor;! vi "" Mr "1'lunky" to aim his vild John Spo,.r, auctioneer. See poators for , ~ tif > * '> target. Mr. K. H. Baud Comedy < other particular*. '.rslorrd Jo Life. ly Co., played in liaf'fl Hall laat .Saturday evening, under tho auj'icfH of tho A. O. U. \V., and wan largely attended. Judging fmm We notice with pleasure, that tho Or- ! **" .' re 1"e"t ontt-unts of laughter, the audience, on the whole, were highly pleased with the entertainment. \\v which has not been ii- . bespeak for Mr. Ueid and Ilia troup, auc- angevillo ued for the paat eleven weeks. bade its, --- r _. ............ ------------- F , .. reader* a cheery "good morning," and' ce **'" the tour they are now taking Aw time it has evidently come to stay. I * y 1 ^ " r ne '8 hborin 8 *<""> "'l Kr,imth,.iMUMl,orof,hort,racypara g ra P hs| V T^Revere Hotel wa. re-opened last contained in it, we feel convinced that week ; and is now under the urnprietor- our clever ynuiig friend, Mr. Seneca (J. | ahip nf Mr. John Colwell, late of Ualt. Ketchum has "a finger in the pie" Wa.,0 right in and win, old hoy ! You can do it ever)' time. ahip 6 hui ha<1 sever * 1 Our atfewalks, in some plyes, nr.j in Wifi- What's th<- matter now, John t Husband 'h. that neuralgia and aco >rding to the factory teatmg glass the toothache near kill* me. factory U-sting glass thc milk changed Wife Why don't you go to Richard from 3 till nearly 7 per cent, in tivr suo- nn' Drug Store and get a bottle of oeaaive days. Now, thest nu-ii were sat- Fluid Lightning / V-i know it cures all utii-il without a doubt in thcirou n niiiida, ui h thingH as Tootliach.-, Neuralgia, that we were not to blame Stilll there Headache, Lumbago, Earache, Sore are thoee who have pernistiiicly w.-nt on Throat, etc. It givus instant relief. t " hang" us for siuethuu> OVIT which we had no on.tr.,1 : i.-, Hlll! , | N . V ., v.u l _ A u S T B T'o E " >1 '"V' T -~ Th f . CI< S!' do n,,t know the day that trouble may the Medic.! Facult. ***** ^ . ,, ' pic all eodnrw Burdock Blood Bitters a* the oow MBexpectodjy at your own doora. L.t ,y.u,m minv.ti,^ bl-xd narifyiiw We have already received a copy of a ,,; k J 04)Wn , ta work be r , OIlt ,[, beet motion iiasaed at a meeting of the Direc- , reeomnfiKl. / tors on th. L'.'tnl <>f July last, which ruada as follows :- FUli It. 'u-lj .MI, i.t.ons nf the Skin. Sham "Moved by W. Hill, ser<>ndo<l by W. I poiing the he*.l Ptiiiclc*. Kruption and skin Huchanan, that lie-.. Huskin be paid only diseases, use Prof Low s Sulphur 8<iap. 60 per cent, for what uulk he haa sent up 1. 1 the 16 July, and that he be served A Startling Diacowy. with a c>py of this motion. Carried! Mr. Wiu. Johnston, of HiiMn, I>k., unanimoualy. " vrites that his wife had been troubled They do not tell u why they rvUin with acuU- KMnchitii for many years, the 60 per cent, but go hack K. the hmt and that all remedies tried gave DO per day the factory was opened. May 2:trd. nianeot relief, until he procured a bottle It was June 23rd, to our surprise, wh, !. of Ih Kii,.i't New Discovery for e<maiiiiip- we heard our milk waa Iwlow thi- avvrage. tion, Oough*. il CoM*, which had a In thu we think they have made a mis- magical efleot, and produced a pennan- 1 Gross Spec*. Lazarus 4 JUorrix. Bosf.and other nuikea J'n-. to $J. Large Linae ID Chains, Seals, Rings, Jets, A Jewelry. Mc&l My work- i.s jny best and only lit rointui' ndation. Nothing mi*repr+- ac nt e<l Fine Kepniriijg- Done by BTMlf n.1 fully nurll. FA1B I'lUCBsV W. A. BROWN. Markdale. OORDOIV'S HARNESS SHOP take by taking the law into their mil hands, knowing that several patn>ns;il"iig ent cur.v It is guaranteed t.i cure Di- pf Threat, Lungs, or Brourhial this route have 'had there milk returned Tulw. Tnal bottles Free at W Rich- mi avveral occasions this summer. W.- nrdson's Dnig Store. Lary- *'e 11.00. are at a loss to know how it wa thry nrt tr f>nct nturneil fir null. '"/' >( into chte*c, mid tht chtett, and topi tl numfy! tpr twelve d'dlan wall th.' money we received for milk thm smuttier. Seeing the trouble was liluily to C"ii- tinue, and not desiring to have mueh PR. LOWS PLEASANT WORM 8YBUP An Kr. -nl'lH. safe and effectual remedy to remove all sln.U of wnrms. unpleasantne milk at hina. we concluded to keep tho TIRO. A HAN. HI-SKIN. AYER'S PILLS. Privatr Kalr. The following articles of Household Furniture which are all new will be sold at the very lowest cash price* : 1 Dining Table, 1 Sideboard, J I '"/fii < 'onini' n Chairs, 1'erforatod Hocking Chair, 1 Kedstcad, 1 Cooking Stove, with utensils, Quantity of Stove Pipes. For |iarticulars, apply at TH ADVANCE Office, Flesherton. An End to Bone Scraping. Edward Shepherd, of Hamsburg, 111., saye : " Having received mucb ben<'- lit from KU'Ctnc ISittrrs, I feel it my duty to let aufi'ring liuuuuiity know it Have had a running noro on my Kg for eight years , my doctor* t"li me I would have to hav (lie hone scraped or leg amputated. I used, instead, three bottle* of Electric Hitters and seven box en Uuck- len'n Arnica Salve, an-l my lev' is now sound and well." Electric Hitlors are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and Hncklen'a Arnica Salve at liik:. per box by W. Kich- ardson. STRAYED. 'ame Into th* i>rrnil of th< lubtcrlber, I/nt IW, T. * X i ol. ArluiiirKia. a Kait.>w I'u OKIHT o*n have taiui by provtoc pronsrt i iiil haying , ArU.iuMla, Oct. 10th. 1HK4. ' H,.aburt.m"p O. j TEACHER WANTED. Toachor wanted fur Hchool Hn'Mon No n. Art,-- i inualft. hulililiK Swnii.l nr Tlni.l I b. x rtillrate Dutioa toconimetico on tho tad ta> of January, 1HHA. Apply, Htatlliv salary, to JOHN HABAKP. Doted Oct. 1 1 tii. 1884. Trm.Ua. Hc.-Traa. F*RM TO RENT. OR FOR HALE. A good Farm, iltuated on I Con. 10, Lot 3ft, In tlie Twulii|< of Vrtfiiin-m Tliorcan, or about. W) aorea clea-*il. with good ieu.-<', i|irluK orok ; eaeeileat ectl, \nrv oanliy worked. To be tolil a* or nearly ball MsvmJue. Time gtv*n for in.-t ,-f pnvun'iiU Aj^'lytotli* nAenlffDod, Klb*rttjfi Pott-Qffie*. ' W KJIISS. Qt Utb s 4. |ir..|..rtir,n o( th* dlsssts whltk biuiiut luflrnim rwult from ttcrmngo- BMDt of UM iloinmch, buweU, tii liiur. Ana's CAIHAKII. PILLS set tUraetljr apoa UI.-M 'irgiBS, sod are espwlallr tel(Drd to eur* the tli-nes cau*>d by tlitit df rrg- nFiit, lnclii.liig C<. n. lip. Hon. |u,H K re- li..n. |i>-'- -i-i. II .1-1 4.1. .. !>>, iilrry, an I a b -.1 of uiber aiiiurnu, I.ir all of Wl. II th y am a ifr. f-jrf, prolli)'!, Kb I I Ir. 11i,< ixtrui ;u OMoI lime fi^i.i bjr . ( : iu rrgu >r i,t.>o- tko, i. >. . tlii csluiuii ii la wLich they ut lit .4 Ij lUo mixlkal tnufcs- t i sre eonpoundKt of Tfertitil uUuu..dS only, itml nr ntvlii! ealumcl uf an) ulbar lujurluiu LH(U-JIL|. A Mnn>n>r from llrwl.i. h- writre I "A\iH!- I'ILIJI era InTn'uml-;.' tum". n 1 ar<- my f- .rnt <-..ii'| m - n. I hc \f-n a * - t' 'in H- ait.-n-ti^, aii.l your PILUI re tl..- - ,\ i 1 , K 1 . i.. ! ', . I (. KM' d.iut will .|i.l.-kly nT tnf 1 .t . I lr.->- uiy hi-A.I tr MI I-H.M. 'Ih.-y er l.irt in ME i-ilpci.vt* mul i:. ..... .|--i | li>*io ' It IS I m to < >!. r |ii.e, sod 1 lj;i do so wu<-.i :.-i. I'AOX.O* W. !. Pngi-* Ilro." Franklin M., lltcUuii'uil.Va., Jui.e j. IM<2. "I lii tmM AVKH'I Pn.i.a In nun N-r- lf li;-l.in...-. m re.-i-uru.-i - : }\ .1. nj have IH-V. . ku--i. tii, in i . i. ui i . i t llmt nsolt VtrroiirUnll) k<-.|. ill. -in OU linn. I 1 our hmi.-. ., I |.ii/r |l.. MI U a 'il, Hill,-, a'i.1 j.'lnl- . T. in. la ' .l.cilie* tt&l'KPaiA tlii-v ar uiritleable. J. T. luvcs." MU, Tesai, Jnoe II, 1K2. Thc Krv. KKANCIS It. HAitixiwii. wrlttnd from Atlmla. tla., n.iyi: " Kor tou.e ywrs ll I liiv*. lh*eii iubjwt t-i r .h !.[.ii(.n, from win, Ii. in splto vl th* ur , t CUM of varK'U* kin.U, I sv.tleml < rrnu.Dff laflOUTiiliie, unnl SUIIM nicnilm a^ T bm.-tii lokiuy AYKB'S PILL*. n,. Cave tirrl-. ! tb c<ti>.- i hat* *Mtl) improved oij goueral LealtU." Av H> CATHABTIC PILLS eorrtct Irregn- larltlfi of th* bowels, nlmuUt* Uio a|.|- tll* anil dl||tlun, and by Uinlr |.tmu|,t auj th-iriurfli aottoii giro ton* acwi vlgur W Uie wbulo i<L) tical ecniHiia j. rnr.rAB.iD nr Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,lv1it. old by all li pli-M.1 ruu YOUNQ, A " etiwrlMifei thi Tomterfal OLD AND *"! ! of MIDDLE- Ayer ' 8 Sarsaparilla. CliUi'ron i"i Snr* Etn. Sore utU. Tan, r any KrofufcxH of sji*- nitlo Mint, may bn niolc hnlui> ttt w 114 ;. FLESHERTON. MONEY TO LOAN ! Private nn<l ('<>niiiany'x Funds- .-// Ao/rr.v/ Rut an. JAS. LAMON LOST SHEEP. Htraved from niv iTruil** 1 * about the Ifth - -f July, a Ew* an.l Laiut.. u.*rk..| K L on (be 1,-ft aid* b*h)n I th. -liMiMrr Any cue (tvtni; information that will 1. a.l t ilic ncwtry ol tl.- above will b rowar.lol uo(ii:i; LKVEB. Steam I lonr A T FLKS ///.'A' 7V/.Y \ T.\ T10X, For Sale! Prlee MJpn . <4iilowii : balanrp In eByar Inelefiinnli vtth tin- |irivile "t (ovtnc sooner If ilMirablvi; with ini.ir.t at the raia ft 8 PT niii prlaetpa). Or TO 2.-F ARMS 1-2. TO RENT OR SELL. Artemeeia. watvW All In tho Township o for hnthur viertkulars apply M ROOBR LBVBR, P.O., \ \