is "SPILL THEY COME!" Another lot of beautiful Goods just received at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. Consisting of Watches, Charms, Rings, Gold Plated and Silver Chains, Cuff Buttons, Lockets, Bracelets, Ear-Rmers, Brooches, &c., which are being sold at prices that cannot be beaten. Every article warranted as represented. No trouble to show goods. Watch, Clock, & Jewelry Repairing personally attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. THE ADVANCE, A. R- Fawcett. Editor. FLESHERTON : THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 1884. MR. HUSKIN AND FLESHER TON CHEESE FACTORY. A groat deal of unpleasantness has resulted through a difficulty between Mr. Cico. Kuskin of this township an-1 tlio Directors of Fleshertou Cheese Factory during the past season. It seems Mr. liuskin is a patron of our cheose factory. Early this season it waa ili.-i- 1\ i i I that the niilk from that gentleman's cowi would not stand the test. This fact gave rise to consider- able discussion at the various meet- ings of the board of Directors held the THE " SCOTT ACT WITH A VENGEANCE" LETTER. Our esteemed correspondent, " Val- entine Muggins," is usually very cor- rect in his statements, but we are in- clined to think that he drew some- what largely on his imagination in the article in last week's ADVANCE, under the heading, " Scott Act with a Ven- geance." We do not believe that Mr. Firth's Temperance proclivities had anything to do with the course Mr. Munshaw saw fit to pursue in the mailer, whatever else the cause might have been. A careful enquiry into the ftictt of the case, lead us to this conclusion, which we firmly believe to be correct. RECIPROCITY. In last week's Markdale paper there is a very good description of Mr. M. Richardson's handsome new store in this village ; there are, also, iu the same article some very appropriate references to Dr. Christoc's new block, ; and although ~the fth * Preilb >' tcriau churcb ' aud 8omc milking of Mr. Uuskin's cows was """^plated jmprovements. superintended by outsiders, the milk our cotem. been a httle more sull did not stand th,- tr.t At a )n8la B' l>wever, tLe mating of the Directors it was moved, , ln 1 uc8tlon would Uvo seconded and curried uiMn>monWy, " " that Geo. Buskin be paid only 60 " per cent, for what milk he has sent " np to tljc 15th July, and that he be " served with a copy of this motion." Had enter- This was on the 23rd July last. Now, if Mr. Dnskin'H milk did not stand the but, of coorte, consid- ering our editorial friend's lack of or- iginality, we do not wonder that he did not publish his " description " sooner. THE ADVANCE usually sup- plies the Standard with ' ideas " for descriptive articles of this sort. It is test, why was it manufactured into jqu'tc welcome to them even if it does cheese along with the milk that rf ,- d J ^rgct to gi re us the credit which is stand the test, and yet considered i our duo ' THE AOTAKCB has a large wortl. only h.ilfn much as the latter? ' circulatiou m Ea8t Grc y and tho Uu ' ited States, and therefore doesn't feel a bit jealous of its little Markdale Perish the thought t is now sweeping over the land. In view of all these facts, the Tem- perance people should " thank God and take courhge." JOTTfffGS. Sir John Macdonald has gone to England on a visit, for the benefit of his health. The Valley Road will soon be a rea- lity, if we are to judge from the recent j determined and wise action of Euphra- sia Council. So mote it be. The Grey Fall Assizes will be held in Owen Sound early in November. The libel suit between the Durham Chronicle aud Grey Rtcitie editors, as well as the one between the Thornbury Standard and Venture editors will be among the main features. The famous Cook Teet poisoning case will also come up for trial. GET YOUR HARNESS! MADE BY , DAVID CLAYTON, Shop In W, Clayton's Shoe Store, Flesherton. WM. CLAYTON - Has on hand a Large assortment of - Municipal elections are once more " looming " up, but we have not yet heard that any opposition will be of- fered to the present members of Ar- temcsia Council. In Osprey the pro- bability is that there will be another lively contest for the Reeveship between Messrs. Andrew McGirr and Thomas' Gamey. There is likely, also, to he a i contest for the Reeveship of Proton. In Euphrasia municipal matters are quiet. , Wonwns BOOTS AND SHOES, I3"8uitable for tliC Fidl and Winter wear. Call and see them.-^i Quality and Price Second to Hone ! WM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTON OBSTRUCTIONS of the Stomach, Liver nd BoweU, an promptly rumored by Na- tional Pillf. to Why was not tlio milk returned Mi. Hulin in tlie usual way ? Tin i. is something really myitcri- j l)rot " tr - ous uuyut this allair, which has now assumed rather a grave aspect. It seems no one can discover the cause of the milk not standing the tost. There ii 110 doubt but that the Buskin family are as much in the dark as the Cheese Factory men, the Directors, or the general public. If the Direct- ors are " waiting for something to turn np." alripht ; hut in the mean- time we conci iv, it is their duty to put the matter in a clear light before the public and remove the stigma which ha* been attached to a respect- able family through this unfortunate milk dilliculty. This would be simply l<erformintf an act of common justice, in our humble opinion. PRICE OF WHEAT IN DAKOTA. A friend writing to 8. L. M. Luko from Dakota, and who lives on the line of the Northern Pacific Railway, A DESriCAHLE TRICK. The Scott Act vote in Northum- horlhnd and Durham will not take place soon enough to prevent the bo- tel-keepon in those counties from taking out licenses for another year. The reason of this is to be found iu the following paragraph which we clip from last week's Owen Sound Time* : Somebody made short' work of the Scott Act contest in Northumberland and Durham by stealing shoots of the petition containing a thousand names while it was deposited in the Sheriff's o!nce. The trick will probably pre- vent a vote taking place soon enough to brinj,' the Scott Act into force next May, if carried ; but it will bo sure to create a feeling which will help the Act when tlio vote does take place. Aw TMID IT. Ei-AMennan Taylor of Toronto, tried Hagvard's Ttlluw Ool for Rheumatism It cured him ftt all Uxc pfiuiSen hnd (ailed. says that he can oulv get 45 cents per bushel for wheat 1 and good wheat at that. What would many of our Cana- dian farmers say if our grain buyers offered them such a " frosty grain " price as that ? And yet many of them grumble because they are offered 25 cents per bushel more than they could get in any of Uncle Sam's western territories. True, wheat is cheaper in Canada than it has probably been for the last twenty years ; but to coun- terbalance this, we have just reaped a most bountiful harvest. It must, also, be gratifying to know, that a much higher price is paid for wheat in Canada than ou the other side of the boundary line. SIMCOE. On Thursday last the Scott Act was carried in the County of Simcoe and several Townships in the Parry Sound and Mnskoka districts by an overwhelming majority of nearly twelve hundred. On the same day the Act was carried in Btanstead, Quebec, by a majority of nearly throe hundred. Of the number of large and important towns and villages in Sim- coe, only one Collingwood gave a majority against the Act. The results in these places, follow- ing so closely tho great and decisive victory in Halton, haa paralyzed the Ami Scott Act men, so much so that they have virtually given up the fight. They find it impossible to stem the tremendous Temperance wav which JUDICIAL SALE BLACK vs, WHITE. PUIWr ANT to the Judgment marto In thlf Action HII-I boariiiK ilittv tin- I'.itli day o Srpti'inlH'r. A 1). IHM. nil t tlio diroctloun of tha Master of tlieHuproini- Court at Owrn Snmul KI vn on the llth rlav of ( >.-! .Iwr. 1NH4. t lien will |M> *ol<l with Hi.' approbation uf tliu Mill Mantur by AIIKAU S. YANIJCHKN. auctioneer, AtOu- Flr.-J,,-H<m lloM, in II,. rainy,- of FlnJtrrt'in, on tin- J.'illi ili/ uf .Y.'ivwt- brr, A.l>. IXH4, at thf hour ufoiie u'eluft: in the nftrrnmm, tha following laude aud promisee. in two eeper- at I'uri-i'lH vll., I. Th. Snitli Kant part uf Lot ITS In the 2nd C'on. North Kant of tho Toronto and Hv.l.'iihaln road, i-niitaiiiini; .Vlacroe more or le, anil the flrt |)rt of >aid Lot ITS, containing 4:t arn.s more ur lean. In thuTownnliipof Ai-tctnc,ia. ami II. Uot (V4 in tho :;rrl ConciuMiioD North of the Durhnni lii. a I in tliu Ti>Mii-lii|i of Art. ni|.U, containing rjiacron more or leea. ( living gore lot coininoiilv calliwl I-.'U m and M.) AlMHit i"i acr of tliu iai.| Kant part of Ix>t 17.1 1 rlcarod aud foucod and free from itouo and stiiinj'-' Th.> W.'.t part of Mid Lot 175 in all buh of iniii"! VI. it flu ,<TOK of laid Lot 01 arc clonred. and pretty .!! (toned, and only niliMilng ,,|| ranoed 'I Ms lot lianon It fo<>J fiainu barn i IK barn anil ttablo, n I an orcliar two acrt'K. orchard of aiiout TF.UMS, Two nnr cont of tlin puri-ha* money at the timoof M!K, to I>H paid to the Vunrtor'e Kolici ton, anil tin balance In olio month thorcuftvr tli" 1 ! 1 Th.i ..tln-r tnrnis and coo- liitu of al<< will be the ntandini; c'lmUtiuni of mill' ..f thin l Kor fnrtlii-r |'.M ticular- am! romlitloua of ! anplv t" Mllsslls CKi:\s,,|: ,v MdlMtlSON < 'III . xsi ill * l-i . ATT, or 8. J LAN*, O.<:., Itarru' tem, Owen Hound. Dati"! tin' lltl ilayiif October, 11*4. <-Kr.ASou,vMOKKIsi>N,Y,. m iorBollcltor J. M ASSON. Maater at Owon Hound 1-nri.uant to a indiiment of the Chancnry I'm '.n of thu Hlifli Court of Justice. mad<' in a -an of Bebeoea Itarnret Itlnck aitalimt Jane Whin- ami othcra, the creilltoni anil , haying claim* ai;alnt thu mtat of David \\lnt.'. . I... ...(, in 1,1* lIMime of the Town- Khlp nf ArtiMiiKsia. In th<> County of Grey, farm- or, who ill.., I on or alxillt tlio 17th ijay of Annum wt. uri' .MI or before the nth rlayof Norember IMHI, to s.'n.l. pout-paid, to Moarn. CHKAKOH* MOBIIIBOV of Owen Sound, the I'laintlfT'ri Hollcl- torn, tin 'ir Christian an. I SnniaiiM*, addrenea and ili'K.-rl|ition, thn full partlnnlara of their clalma. a Ktatuinunt of thi-ir account*, ami the nature of their accurltlm (if any) held by them win default thereof they will be peremptorllr *cliul"(l from the Iwnent of the aald jii'lKcinont and all partioa having |Kxlnc or Kunurl liens or iDOUnbraooei upon lx>t> 175 In the aid Con North Kat of tho Toronto Hydcnham Road and (VI In the. SrdOonfloatlon North of the Dur- ham Hoad in the al.l Townnhip of Arti'in.,m or upon any part or unrtivi led aharu thoruof , am loin-.i i|iii'<> tho namn Iwiforn rue, together with full particulars thereof, and aatmfactory cvi 'l.'iii'i' of the amount* due thoroon, at my ohani- h'r in the Town of Owen Hound, on the IHth day of Novembor, 1H84, at 10 o'clock, town time in tin' forimoon. ltlne the time appointed for adjudication on the claim*. Dated 14th October, 18H4 CHEAHOR A MOKKIHON. PtfTi Bclloltora. J. MARHCN. Ma.tjr at Owen Round, Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, LARDINE Machine Oil, sold by R. TRIMBLE Flesherton. Bin-dock Cures Dizztness, Loss ofAppftib; Indigestion, BiUonsneu, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affectionsof the Liver and Kidnryt, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Jluiaors, Suit Itheum, Scrofula, Erysipi'las, and all duscastt arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Slomack, or irrryuiir ac.tiun, of the Bowels, James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Kotmlring, Knvf-trmigh.nK, ami in fact every- thing in the buaineM will receive my proinfit And careful attention at ruaaonable prices. to i in Ski I Milburn & Gadd, PROPRIETOR8 of the above work*, are pre- ' pared to nt tf -ml to everything In the Ganiage Making & Blacksmithing t line* promptly and wall. Repairing in both Branch's Promptly attended to. HOUSE SHOEING. A SPECIALTY. Cures Cholera, Cholera Mortus, Ly- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea 6Vt.-- ness and Summer Complaint ; also Cholera Infantum, and a' I Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T. MILBURN & CO., _ Proprietor*. Toronto.. I . T Farmers and Thrashers ask your Merchants for McCOLL BROTHERS i v