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Flesherton Advance, 9 Oct 1884, p. 8

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HEARD'S Waggons, Manilla hi rl at Flesher- coin;, >\ m:N< T, . 'ii*' .<.] /. Mr iijjiiiio. (Oil, Wb the Cueapeit, as uothltifi but good wcxxlin m>i<d iu thuip. They arc itrongly Ironed, rum i'y iu.l well I'aiiitod. Farmers nurt uthun> wanting the Cliei>cH au.l Kent Watuion will do well to examine the ma- larial carefully. HliAKUS Waggon* are *rrtut<xl for 3 yean, and Hold at very low pricvi. No KreiKUt tu pay. Uiiimiug U4r, Hox, Spring Set, Neckyoko aiui Whirtletruui ........................................ $73.00 for ................ 06.00 Mauufacturur of Itiujgiee. DuuiocraK, Wa^jus, Cuttan. tilvighi, Iruu lUrrowi, and Agent for loas to wliut In draws limn his vivid im- truly, Purrer. JOEN H. HEARD, Fleshertcn. Saw 3Iill & Limber Land For Sale or To Let. In the TuHll>lli|) of .IfteUN'Mil, in the County of Grey, 4 mil. s fr.-iu Fleslu-rtou '. .the Canmlian Pacific Railway. The Mill is nituatcd at Little Falls, in a block of I'l-ul 400 acres Timber Land, with other tuul't-r land surrounding. Tho building u sub- lly l";i!t "ii stone fonntlati.'ii 'Hie nni'Uiicry I* all tpxxl iml Jrivrn with frret li Leffel wheel, nn.ler 3' 1 . feet | : , ad "f water. There arc 1 Large Circular - .; ; 3 Small Circulars for sawing Laths and Brooin Handles ; 1 Guage Lithe f.-r turning Broom Uandle, M.\ \ Sliiti^l' Machine with Jointer and I'ackcr com i: .'. i-l'ower is excellent, tbc otr.'iiiH l.eitu' v. -rv i .-L-nlnr. There are seTeral i Mill Situ on theproperty. Tht> Uu.l in this valley i< considortHl the \#v\. In prietor of tin- FK<h.rt..n H. t.-l. Scoit kit villi ;. ' 7'ii r/e /vol.., a Sll:, Tile >.-.. I n .- i . Ill ning to make .1 . MI of Imtel- kcc|.ct B'|innuand ki, , " nke all initur'." So h-m; a things sei .( to lie i alone nicely in then ;a\m " N. t VI- Of tlilllhli Acni^b their pom ' : But the cMisliini; defeat a<lministered I to the liquor interests in I lalt'.n a short time ago in face of the UHMI. Use wealth and influence nf the l.iiens. .1 Victuallers brought their true natuics to the sur- face, and now commences that ivpnhcii sihle system of Imlldoxino so i haractcr- istic of these tyr \\ need not o>.oiit- side of Klesherton for examples, as I will 1 shortly show l>y an instance which canu under my own jM-nxiiia! observation, and ..f which many of your village subsenWiu may lni cognizant. The facts, as near as I ..u!, I olcau, areas follows : Mr. T. H. Firth, a well known citizen of Flcihcrtoii, has Uen occupying a houae as tenant hcloiioimi to the pro- Mr A. the country. Tiie place would make an excell. i.t Stock Farm vvbeu the timber in taken off 1 m- oil. i -. a :;.ii>J opportunity for s practical, energetic man to ^o into this kind nf -s. a the place will be sold or lot mi KAVoH A |;|,K TI'.KMS. The hush is so cou- t : ill Mill, logs can bctruckcd in -unui. r time, (mmeiliate possrsciou given. Apj'Iy tu the proprietor, \\'>r. IK >c;<.- :i :o V SunOS P.O.. 0*1. FLESHEHTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, Munshau for some month* past. I'p to a recent .late, landlord and tenant had mana/ed t. _-el alone very nicely. A short timeaj;ii, liowe\er, a changu came over the spirit of Mr. Mumihaw's dreams !' siiltme in a decided coolness, <m his |irt, towards his tenant. It seems Firth had been payiir, 1 live dollars -i month Mtinshaw fur the place, and all of a i sudden the latter decided to make t!.' fon ii i pay him < c- .1-fU.iis a month or , ' remove clst here. A short time U-fore Mr. Mtnisliaw jiimpfd at thin coiieliisioii, - Mr. Firth joined and took an active l-ait in theoi-_'am/atioii of al'Mlye of Roy- al Tern plan <-l . MM, ThU was e\nl ntli ^o'tr,- IK yon 1 the I,, nil. 1s tl) suit the tate of such a fastidioiH landlord .: . Mi Mn...'i:. \ (tool roinpt MMUreKtoeji-ctatenalit v howasf. il( '.'.'. ) enough to join a Tempi i., witli- Sncli iisMoiiin. '"" l Mlh "--' I"" '' -d.-inpa., t-. ti... ],!,,- (' .tliiVr an.i 'I'M, 'I'oi s in A, nenran uud : l"' l . v " f " Ul h " Ml l' : Tlk '"'Ut Iiish It.iliriii M:iiiile iiinl (iraiute, iind iimiU' on laiidli>nlism ' On '.I . n'tw>- ALL hl\li OP id Nrai&! Works, ^^.ll bleized A I -in Mantles -.. ill Mill lili- uud Kl,-.hiTt..n. Aitu'. ''(>, I GET YOUR Fall * Winter nothing MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE Flesteton Tailor. a giH>d i|iecitnen iniidu thu village limits ! Hut to return. til e,,ure Mr Kirtli would not pay any uch rent ; indte.!, he atuicrted he wa (aviny too nnii-li for it aji it wa. Accor- dingly last Kat unlay h. ni,,\nl, h.. very furtntmtcly, succi-edeil in nlitaittin^ another house riifoitunati-ly, lion he wan in anvaruu'e, and the wor- HEALTH IX )R ALL HOLWWAYS PILLS&OIMTMENT THE PILLS I'unfv the HliK)d. ronvct all Diwrdun of ill- Livei-, si m:i -h. Ividn'.y*, ana : , y THE OINTMENT I- o InUllihlo rrmorty for M-,,11., n, r.rel B ...... ,,| -,,,,,,,,| rienrs. U U famouii for -I till-l lll-.t :t hHHIIOi SORE TiuioAi, niiuM'inns. COUGHS, COLDS Olimlnlir Hwdlinsn. n.l all Hki.-i Ims nn rival ; anil lor contmotoil iind stiff jointu It itctn liku a clmrni. Kanufcturod ouly t 1'rofiif.Ki.i Hoi.i. .WAT'B Eul.lllmiont, IH, >,-w OxforO Str'H ( lair .V:i, O\fonl Slreel ), l.ou.Ion. - ^ > -, OfJ'irl ,Sd-, !, I. . i 'irr . Jf, h , n . Mrmit The Advance till Jan, 1st, 1885, for 15 cents. thy landlord hp, i-dlly enllfd the service* of the hailitf in;., iv.,111-11.,,11, lu-n, I am told, one ! ail f ihingH wjui left tnndini; nit in the i. mi about two hours, until Mr. Firth arttli .'. tli ,i!!'aii-. Now Sir, I have IHMII nifoniii!il, that Mr. Miinnhaw lias time .mil .i-j.iin i \ ~id In.i indilieiviiie rn to whether the Scoti \. t . -u i ml in tliM County or not, l.ilt I never In-hexed any .-urh rot, and the riivuiiiHtaiiiv to whirli I haM' r. fern-d aiuply lx .im teslm.oiiy to the fact that that inilividiial . -revs with tin in the Udief I have u-t -.-m-u ,-x|,ies Mou to. Tin- idea ,.f i-i. sin- the n nt f-.. dollai-swlii ii ;! tenant :ut lu-timlly |ia\- '"- '"' ""' for it, jiwt shown the kind of lo.-n Temi.i ,-,-iii,-e p,.,,|,l,. |, :l \,. to deal with,lnil it more particularlyhow the kind ..f M. in y,,i i: - niuih boa.-.ted Fli-Nherton hotel keeper <- : in U. wh.-i.: dollars and ceir ,,,,.,! H,. may blunter, and jeer, and swvar iui much aa In- lik. .< whi-n h.< reads this letter, but tho vill.i-ers and general piiblit- know the ^ranpinn natnre of the man too well topny very much attention to his profane vapor- ings. Yours for the riyht. .Ml ....IN, .Vnrkdalr. To the Editor </' the Adrnncr. DK.AR .SlK. Allow me a ahort space in yoiu p,,,,,,, -ton.rrect a few error* from the pen of y,, U r Markdale eorre|.ondent.. They may have IM-OII iiiiinleiition.-il, hut an-, neveitlifhtsa errors. In Rpeakin^r of thow who nttenned the eoneert at llaii nah'a Sohool Hmuie, he gay they "gK.j.- il at Herkel.-y 01, he way." This is to put it mildly uMine, u.s I am truthfully informed only one lm.._.y to|,| 1( .il The stopping would he of little importam-e won- it nut fur the iiiRinuation it contain*. Again, ho makes a personal attack on one of the yoimt; men of the village, who would ncoru the idea of taking n ylass ..f lii|iior, much le KI ask any pers,,,, (! |.se to take it. Lot "Old I'rowler" <l,.vot his pen to the K""d of the people, not to defamation of character. I would also advise him to adhere more closely t" what he gleans from hU proidiiiy, and >larkil.ile li ( /';"(.* ""/ "t<~ ,' t ft. ) One, evelilli',' liit week a ifi|wv, (wlmsu name we have not t'i of kii .w- iiii!) his wife, and t woelnliln-n, dro\e into Markdale. and iimiiediiitely on stopping at one of our hotels, L'"' w ran^lini,' with one John Sunders, living a short distance from lu-re, al>ut drawing hore Afti r fonsideral.le on the ul>j'-et the ilel>.ite wan concluded hy a little " kiioekinn" doiu- hy Sanders. Suit was immediately i nt i Sanders and the next day a iieiuU-r nf young men of the town HIT,- siiiiitm-ned to appear IH-- U-foi-e Win. Jlrown, K-i| . .1. ['., at 7 o'clock p. m. precisely. The trial, In.w- i-\er, did not r.-me olf. an the plaintiff and defendant KOI t!i, ;r lu-ads too, -tin ,- and very wiselV* settled it ameiiu' them- Reives. s},..ii!il ) iniiir]H>r- ated and an innm u>!y laii;e !<,' iij- d to furnish ^iii-li /.</ <-(.iWi men as those referred to a ni^-lit'-. h.iL'in^. The Show, m aid ot the A. I). I'. \\ , will IK- held in Mr KIU-'H new Hall, Markdale, on Saturday evriiiiitf next. \Ve iM-lu-ve. from what we hear, that the play has ejiveli ijeluTal at i.-tfaetii I) wher- liown. Yoiino lueii, take an old man's advice, and . m sei.t heart for the oeiMaioii. "< >ld I'rowler U well up in years now. ..r he would be thinking seriously nl B .ut Hskinv' aume fair \ium to iuvompany him. On Thurdsay hist the pro.specti for a fall hhow hut slmhtly enter! i! lied it lainid :.!i il.i, ; hut the following m.irnini; (Knd.ij i ovttii hopes l>eo;an t.- dawn ni. on n.. Tin I'-n-iioon pn-.-ieiii- ed a nth. r cloudy and f- .^\ a:i].earance, tmt (fradually wore au.,\ . u h, n al>ut 10 o , |. --k tin- -m, ,iine out )>Mi;h(- ly, and our town Im-aine inure thickly jMipnlated. In the aiti 1 in .1 -n H i;ooilly inmili-r was on the '.Totimis. The hall wan well tilled with .'lain, fruit, \> allies, LAtlies work, etc. , i-t.-.. which, on the whole. i a very line .i|.;ear- ance. The l,idi.-n Aid, of the IVesbyter- Chiireli. held their annual dinner and liazar on the show ,'r.iuinls. and ju from the crowd that itoml around their well-tilled l.inl.l ii ft, v.i I. el - il'o ill IMiy- inu' that they must have .l.-n,- n-inarkaMy will. In the evening tho Ladiel' AJ4 of tho aainu rhurch In lil their amiiiul e. n- ci rt in Mr. il.i. | Hall, and was very I.elll.' idled to its Ut- m. nt capacity. The Itev. Mr. \\ ita'n, I'n .l.yteii.-in inini.-tliT. ai-ted a* chuiliuan and (ivrfnrmed liis dutu-s ^ inde. i!. Mr. C'ui ru , i-oo merchant, .i-ok ,i \.:> Mttfl | ii t m the ev. niliujH pro- ei'edin^s. liav.ii,' '_;i\vii Hi.-vi-r.d line | on a violin. id>o a rent.itmn and a aolif;. Mi I. MI i .i\. .1 re. it. it'll which wa well rendered II. .i'i:i. .. n- >. n '> M- - rt. Hron ami Me l-'.itland. Choice were contributed liy. \Ii--es. \\iUon, Da- nmde, Mrs. Tiiinl.leaml Master Mutfatt. The " I-'..' : i' liter ' hy Miss Me- I)n!f toii.-h.-d iho njil i hold and WM raptm-oimly npplamlid. itiiiU, Mrs. T. Hill ami Mix. Wils. -n. OLD 1'KiiWI.KK \ 4 J. W. BATES, Furniturr Itcahr I r nderta,ker, rLESHEKTON, - OSI Money to Loan. .-II <;\ /'.,(',?. y, ,' . . - ,,',,/d XT711 II IMI > ! - u"! n ivlvanca. eommisslou alivilf! \ i JN- V.I.KM .:. THOKMII K\. FLESHERTON FOIi 1. ' ih. Skin.Slmra- in- ii. -i.l I'ltni'li.. Kruptiiiii iiinl skill F. i;-i- 1'iof I.'.w'ii Siiljiliur 8oup. OHSTltLCTIONSiii tin- StnmiM-li. I.ivu mi I I'- |.i-. -iM|illy reiiuivrd liy N- COHDOWS IIAHXKSS SIIOI' FLESHERTON. MONEY TO LO A N ! Prirntc ftml Cm fx Fun,dti. At Lowtlt Hu JAS. LAMON, Jewelery STOKE. J. R. TRIMBLE, MAI .1: IN Watches < locks, Jewelry, /<. i 'i"'ii iVv. No Bogus Discounts ! ur otli, r Clap- Tr / 1 1 ni nee >j/, , </.f,ll',\t ,7 l/ulJ IIS ill/'- f/.V I III' I' CltTi In- /';///, ,: con tistenl iriih /l.Y:-: >y ///. Watch */ .f/ii'i-ifilfi/. .1/1 Guaranteed- lYELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. An plMuut to tnJuv Contain tblr own PBKUv. Ii safe, iuro, wit rttfctafj tfM*mw * warm* iu CUMrcu or AJaW* JDO "5TOTT LISTS OF "FAIMS Fo SALE AND "FARMS Hume DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL Tin Mi- Tin- Urrognlf"! N< ilium for Fan A- trrll-uielll< A , I ,-, i - . ,n I. , , , Illl DA1LI ://. Toronto. EUGENIA Grist Mill, iivini,. mnilp oxteirM. ; ' .-MI. til In niv (iriiit Mill, I ui, poni-l.-nl I i-.m ;;iT r p> i>\r .\.\Y Kl'Hir ulu-ivs .in liHUd. and Billo fillpil nn tin- uln.ri.' o..ti.-.- J, nn; her Rinl I,th nl*-iv. n l, ; ,,,,i WANTED: . Cherry. Uulternut, Uhii- \ I., llUok Ash, Bawwood, rim- :nl Hcinlrc!, Le^R wanle.l M. AKITT, EUGENIA . ; M7 I i

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