AMD "SPILL THEY Another lot of beautiful Goods just received at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. Consisting of Watches, Charms, Rings, Gold Plated and Silver Chains, Cuff Buttons, Lockets, Bracelets, Ear-Kings, Brooches, &c., which are being sold at prices that cannot be beaten. Every article warranted as represented. No trouble to show goods. Watch, Clock, & Jewelry Repairing" personally attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. THE ADVANCE A. R Faircrtf. Edit<,i: FLESHERTON: TIHTSI'AY, (H'T. 0. ISM. Tt:MPL'i{A.\''f: r. AY n:.i// /:/. As we. t-\pn--~ i our views .\, in n former editorial i:i reply to " Ti inpirau , . M do not know that we are j'tsiiti,-,! i:i porsaing the t nny lur'ner until (-'ir friend infui ins us -as l.e I. as pntmis, d to do in wLat manner the drunkard :d be dealt \\ith. We l.i-wi ver refer to mu or two i-med in ! In tlie first .1 -era nee " elainied, that we i - - ; '. 1 1 \ din-ct re- f i, nee to the v\in, mad, by our Sav- ionr at tin m:- rii i .ma. This is wan-, i. , .. et. but us 'I'l-m Artomesia Show! Out of tlit most successful full exhibition* ever In-Ill l>y theTowuhip of AruiaiMu Agricultural Society, calm- oil iii tlu' village of 1'riceville ou Tue.-vlay last, thi' 7tli inst. The weatl nr \\ari nil that could have 1" 1 11 ilesiri J. In tliis respect our Town- ship 1ms !>, ii wry fortunate fur a iniiulit r nl y. trs in stieci.^i m. Tin itteiiil;i! oa Wi ail the ex- hibits numc-rous uml tfuod ; thus show m;,' tliat the interest in our lias nut aii.ili'J oue jot, but mu,'ht r.ith*. r sieins incliiiid to increase as each year rolls ;tn>:;n>l. The fai'i that noiir lint >-, ;its of the Town- ship are :illi)\vi'il t-) , xlnbit whatever tin y ', . must be ' owu product or manuf.ieture has had the -ffect to rcnili r tin- competition in the -vaii'-a- ili |i;tilnu -ul.-i niiii'li keener (haii it otherwise vvinild have been. The prizi:) given by this Society, too, ninj_'i- lii-.;lar tluui tli<--i '.;iveii at tin majority <>f Township fairs in tl,i- Count)-. Tin 'Ii i>!ny <'f sheep was unusually I i nine.- niisi>lai', d the i-njiy >( Tun ;laiy n.Ja . A.UVANI-K containiii',' tin- -lit -.riul in ' Stewart, and ( u-,.. Stewart ben u-ply to liin let:.-r. v f, ly put princiiul exhibitors. The show of it down as an <>\, i.-i-ht. Temper- cattlT \v,: v, i\ fair. In swine, the elaims t 1 ...ii, ,\ M -! bir until it ha- be, n f, !-:-i, tit.,!. \V, d i in,' t be- ' ' . -r nf -ort is so limited that we do not n^h v\ine from whiskey, or 1 a.-.-r \ r fmni ..'in. Wine is made, vv, are ti.'d, f'.im tiiu Sw.iiiton exhibiting two fl rv lii, ; .: from the fa: n stock ruNi P-, M : n. -I. ('. Siuii \ f 111 lutv. - till i \hlblt ii. lit. '.he :<ii,ulin_; iii tii. IIIIL; fi, rilling a '- . , y uf iho show. ' 1:: |-,.il:i-y ll,, display vnrii. nt. All the out- v\im .i by our Saviour. \\ from ir,,t.-r. The ..;. , ffl , ;;.,- , I1 . UM ,l i .uuld cha:: - " 'lid ,,-,, S ] 1UWM on ,l, lllakl ' r I'i vbicli I hat inar- rstewi . any rfru/i/.-. /i nil n at ' .iVht also iviirirl;. iln,.- Mine is real!.- fr<>ni tin | the -til. n'.al | \\ he-Jn r win- dnnl : : 'n Id ly tin- Scrip: .f tin- greatest deal willi in this niiu te.-ntli century. We I iin !'ii . evi ryuhere. \\e cini p.iii,; it. llitfeiit iM n \\\n> use it day cf tlnir 1m - - in. n \vl-i I uh in the <stimalio;> .,!' il.eir f.-ll.iw men ; but they an', and al\v\s have i and possilly ulv.ay.! will be, :.i>,,l, >;,t, drinkers lint then look nt Otbr side of [1., I'ii-tnie, and what want, misery ami \\;-i te!n ,iii ictcd fArir / How will v., d, al with ! lt* cla-v-. . N m, then. " T, m- I ( r.mre," we ai. "i\i,,us to In ar voiir \i, ws on this i . \\ .it.-!'li \ in-W In n u (.1. w. re . '. i u . i . i . niarkahly tin. uriit. Tin- ro-i' \\. '-I- t , . I !y up to the ;-;,nidaiil of firiinr jean in f.nind i|,:iti- an at- * Sal- of Valuable Farm in Arlcnu >;.i. At Miiiixh.iWB lintel, Klesln rl, ii, mi . . ' 'el. -I : .' clock p. 111., liy \ S. \aiuluseii, Auctioneer, "lie of thu inut \aliiiililu lift) . -i r, :'.-niiisin Arti-m- --ia. Toniw rc.i^.na] ;, . (',,,. fmllur n.f .iriiiiitiiin sm- |M '-.: V.'ifi- \VliHt tin- matter new, ,!.)!;n ' llusl,ninl < I],, tint I., iiiaiyi.-i and i , liiache in-ill- kills inc. i-iii, \vhili- I! ntid man "Id I - al if not BU- porior to ; n iinty fair. Tl u- vi ry lim .-ami ' ' anil \\iii-iit siiuwii. Tin- i(is|il;iy of fruit 'iHxi. In ti.isdi pailnii lit .Mr. It. 11. I'ial-i' . i i K . lia. s!m\\. d sunn Ii- iiitil'id and lnsei HIS pltrus. Tii. i-f, i I, liiiiti r ami honey ,-.-,, il. Thi Indies' work depart- ment \va^ ^o well npresi nted, that to nipt tii enmiieri'i tin- IMilllV tine aiticlis shown wculJ take ii]i nnu-li more space- than i-< nt our disposal this Week. Next We. k We will pillilisll the prize list, which \v are unnblc to JD tlii> \\, - k to llu ci-,iu.l,,l state of our columns. In tin- inean- tini- We : ; i . (]., i,|,;iiu-tuiiiiy of eoii^nitnlatiii.' the dircctorR ou tlio success which has alteinlid tiu-ir well- i eil'orts. Spinal mention of .-irtirh s exhibit- ed, &c., will l>e found in the following Nr' 1 The ilireetoi-*, jinl,_'es mid friends had dinner at the well kejit Atk.i lii't'l. T';, spi-iail re'leeleil ^rciit c,'-ilit iipmi tlie cuiinary uhilitii -s m tin- host, Mr. (ii-o. Swantoii exhihiii-il ;i v, ;-v thie of sliee|>. fi,r which he S|leel:i 1 KluiJ LiKhtninK / Von k,,,,vvii,-:n-esii|] i-u.-li tilings an Ti-iitliaeh. , Nnii nl^hi, ''''>'' ' ' ' leeville. Mr. hwftiiton also II' .nl. 11 lie. Liiml, .!-,<. Karui-iii!. S.,i i- ix'nbiteil two vei y line pedigreed it, etc. It (,-i\,-.. in-i.-iui i I',- i Inline (i.^'s, to which we have al- re.ily !', I, rreil. Hi- d, s, rv. -s v-u-at en-, lit i'.ii the e\pi and trouble lie lias lireii at in iiitrndiu-iii^ thoroiixh- bl'eil Stoek Illli) Hie TWll>llip. Mr. John McL, an i \hibited a yoke of well-in:'!i-!n -d ov n wliiell Itttraeted lillleh l"itiee. '1'ii, -. \\ i re OHM owned by nnr citi/.eii, Mr. IVi r llolman. Mi'I-'.irl.uie, of Durham, shn\\,,l lOBU v, rv line b:-, _-!,. and ileinocrats. Mr. J. H. Heard, ot Fhshenon, was to tbc fore with his well >,'ot up, well painted lumbi r wa::/iin; while hit. son, .Mr. J. A. Heard, had a exhibit of bund made borsi -shoos. There were no less than four ncwspiper iin n on the grounds duinu' thediiy,, vi'/... 'I'ownsi-iid. (if tin <ir,y /^ tii a-; Jenkins, of the Chronicli ; Untie, IL;. , nt' the Stiiml'ird ; and l-'awe, ii, of TIIK AnvAxeK. The famous old ex-journalist, Mr. 8. L. M. I, nke, was abo pr, -- nl. Mr. \V. II. Johnston's line youn^' Clear (irit stallii-n. " V--un:' ht. -lanus," atiraiu-d much notitc. Tin sp,,<lin_' in the liors riii^,' by \ tin lady dri\i - an int. re>tini,' ai:.l -oinewhat i M itiliL; t'i atme as well. ic llliieh carric-d ofT the first jirize, alli.iiiiL'li the yoinii,' woman whodi-iive Mr. U. H. Cook's spanking yoiuii; liur-i , made things ipiitc lively Ii for Inr sueei ssful rival. Mr. John Hi-nth am .- \\,ll miiteln d >-l, -; w, re u warded first pii/.'in the class in which they w. u shown. Mr. 1>. 11. L'lantt. Eugenia, was a siii-i-i ssfiil e\lul)Hiir. carrying off no 1, ss tl. .11. .-i\ til t |'.i. The luin. '.MI by Mr. .1. ' .n. Hi burton, would iiave done CTi-ilii illlt. Mr. -I. ! .v- d an unu.sually \aiii ly of bi an , which were the wonder of all who saw them. In potaicH . ii ; in beans, h. e.iin.d off i'm. .. AiiVAN- . il (iriztis loi In i a . , led oil' by Mis. I'.r, nl Jliirrow and Mr- 1 . Hi -iry Matthew-, in 1 1 -]', etivi ly. Tl.e latti r laih n.iuh a Jin tilt of the bread tfhowii by her to . I!" 111 \, AliVAM K. .1 i \ei Iii nt dis- play of hand mad, h,n - . Mr. Mel.uin, blacksuutb, frioeville, ear- rii il - . : i . I. ...',., -I tin . nd Mr. J. A. Hi aid of l-'li ibi tors, Mr. liVilly :l.'.n;;lit lie didn't If :'la\, am! talki d ol'ehal!, i. his Slleee--ta| rival lo ill,' till tn : coinpi tition, with Toronto Mr. 'I . A. ' .-.bowed MTWftl very ti.n- | ..... Tin -iimpli- Ii avi -- i., ally wn. :;.;'.( intn tl., 1'iji- ol'iuie uf tiii paii.-, \M re \ in- fiii ^, - eii,.i i . . in, i I'livm-iilile eoiiin.- Bl . II, took twn !'i Mr. -I - , . iihuhly the must 1 i xhilntor at the show. In ijrain lie made si M u entries and e;,,TH d oil f. .. :hree (if I heiu bi ii a;, two for oats' anil one- I'm- pi a ;. In sheep he mil nl)' three first and two I I l/es. He ill-u W.i> a Will-lied pri/e for the lim- ; ( ai.i f shown l)v him. Tin- mals, ,Ve., m nn;, ,1 lierlin w i'n work, i;.. I liv Mis. (,, 9. ,' iM'i ul attiaetion in ill. The netting in e.u i,m exhibited by ;, t'nrrie wu | i ,|i:,-.i in ,n,\- shown in the same depiirtnn lit at our einii::y show. .Mi.-s Carrie's *Ork was \n-\ eieililaule iiulced. I' was generally OODeedfld tint Mr. K. H. C'ook should have ln-i-n awar.l, il lirst pri/e for single ilriviv. it s lor stvle and .-.peed he eXeelli i| all his eonijH-titoi-s. He \Mi.iiwjinled second on the ground that his hors,- was laekin-,' in one point, vi/.., breed. We were not 11 wan, however, that the '""/of tlie holies was lo he takili lulu ton I'l'-i-alioii. Our noted jewelry man, Mr. .la-. (,. Kussell, had a very line display uf jewelry, w.ite.hes, ,Ve., m tin- ibop iifhr the poNl-oflice. He was well p.uioni/ed, many of those making inircbases of jewelry expressing their siii-pn.-,e ;it the quality and cheapness of till L,'o,nls offered for .iii . A l.iru'e number of watehes wore left with him for r, -. 1'ri/i- list m\t week. The gruwiug popularity of tlie Scott Act i.- to In attiil' partly tn t\if I'l-ii'-ral iu- i-i.a-i: m tiuiiierauco smtiniiiil, e-iujt-iiilly of that ml vi,ti-ii,-,l tciu|K-riiuv;,' s, utiiu, nt tliat r,i-o b iii,,,s II.,' f,,||y ami wr.'ii^fiilin-i-K of lici' an e\il, ],.irtly t,> a Iwtter kuow- I, 1 of the Ait in.,1 a couiipijueut :ip|iri-cia- tiell of l!ll s illll'lll, OH uf its I'lllirll'li s 811,1 ' tlie excellericc of its |irovisi.Mis ; but it is to n eve* gnati'i- rxti-ut due to the si that has alt. n-1. ,1 the wurkmg uf tin- Act. Cauiuliiui are an euiinonlly practical peo- ple, ami tlio satUfactory t-iperieuc, MI i mjilintic venlict of com tii s n.e Hulton <ill go further te\v;ir,U prmliiciug conviction that so fur jvrry repcul aitsti,'ii IKU beeir a failure, n'n, 1 that ninre tin- S.-,>tt Act wag ilerlareil ronititutioiiiil l,j the liritiiih 1'rivy ('..nin-il it has u, t In ci! .1, (,at*d i: i. [Canada Citizen. ear T- t;, 7V,. .|,/, , I think lli- \ -.vim 1 -on _nvi;iiti-e\i ; in'i,,fS\ ilt-iiliaiu anil |i..:!ia.n Sti,--t. -'as' - l.y with tliein-.rMi- ], -ti .-ui'l til thy silvan. ,-,i juiiv, iuij,'lit 1 eni[,|,,_\, ,'. \fter :i i- liili- )n-.i[il, nil es| l.idivii ui'l IK- i-i-li-nl lo Uike tile 1111(1,11.) i if llu- -,': ,' t,, :i\iinl tlu- iiuisanco. I iiiiili-rstand tliia e.-nu-r lias for M-ine JTM1 -, 1-.-. n M, , n nii-,1 , u I I.I-.I.H,.- \i . Ii,. I'.m not thu nuisance U- iil.nteil m , -me man Her ' I'll f-N, V. A STIIOMI KH...I -i , tin- M.illeal K:i - : I i . i i-n-l.-mr 1. : tin. lust hM.1, l?i |.i..n tn . p'liifvili); r.l,...MI. ' I, I' 'III III, l:>l Ax F.x-Ai v -I 'I I ' - In II i -|V VrlliiH Oil for 11.111 It CUM-,; l.iiu iift-r al! : Farmers and Thrashers ask your Merchants for McCOLL lUtOTIIEKS LARDINE Machine Oil, sold by E. TEIMBLE Flesherton. Burdock BITTERS f'uy, ,//._/, ,./.,., t' A/i/,.-tit,; I - lCWj Djftptptf*, Jiiumlii-e, Affections of i ' - L< / <//,./ A huyt, I'nn,,!.-*. lll,t, /!/.,, /;. V.i, llumnrg, fri't H/, ',//,,, Ery*i/*, <md all di&ascs arisn . , W. Dcriiuji d St',;niii'h, <r <i, , m ,t,ts. WM. CLAYTON Hfcs on hand a Large us Mns, Women* &. C BOOTS AND SHOES, J-=' Suitable for the Full nnd Winter ir., :l . ( Quality and Pries Second to None ! WM. CLAYTON, FLMSIIERTOJS. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY AT STRAIN'S, New Harass Shop! Tii.- uliMnl-i i ,i,.<in-riti> nliimniiri- that In, li.-e, /t.irt,,l ii, n., H.rn,... M.kln ll-...|i.-r-i.Kncloiy, FLESHERTON, MVi-r, /- ,r;:i ! ,,r, 7 ,, lr ,,/ f,, , /,,,,(/,,,, , ;,;, | tf> , ,, HM !';; ;-,,i.i,/i.i,',/, prtOM, All I vim! it A Fair Trial to Convincs the if that I /-'in <l<> nil I w. \ I -