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Flesherton Advance, 18 Sep 1884, p. 8

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HEARD'S Waggons, Manufactured at I olonto (Fruin our t'Uii Having now spent some weeks in the capital of our great province, 1 thought perhaps some jottings of what 1 have ton, are the Cueaiieit, u nothing but good wood ii ui-ed in them. Tl>y arc iitroiigly frauiod, rum easy aud Wfll 1'aiuled. Farmers ami other* wanting th Cheapest and He-lit Watiijou will do well to examine the ma- terial carofully. IIDAlili M Wa^ous are warranted for 3 yearn, and olJ at very low price*. No Freight to pay. lluuulutf Ooar, Hoi, Spring Seat, Neckjroke aud Whlffletrees *I5'95 forcaab oij.ou Manufacturer of buggies, Democrat*, Wagcon*. Cutter*, Sleiglin, Iron Hariom, aud A(jout for Plows. JOHN H, HEARD, Flesherton. Saw Mill & Timber Land For Sale or To Let. In thr Township of ArtrmVNta, in the County of Grey, 4 miles fruiu Flvtherton Station, tin' Canadian 1'acilu- Railway. The Mill U situated ut Little i'ullii, in a block of about loo acres Timber Land, with other timber laud Burronnding. The building is sub- *t mtiulh built i.n stone foundation. The uiaohiuery i* all good .MiJ driven with gtvut power by a S3 inch Lffol wheel, under SO feet head of water. Thiire are 1 Large Circular Saw for cutting lug* ; 2 Small Circulars for sawing Laths and Uroom Handles ; 1 Uuage Laths for turning IJrooin Handles, <fcc.; 1 Shingle Machine with Jointer anil Tucker coin - plete. Tbe Water-Power 18 eicelleut, the stream being Tery regular. There are several other good Mill Sites on the property. The land in this valley is considered the best in ] llg ru aily, the country. The place would make an eicelleut Stock l-'arm when the timber is taken off Osprcy Coanrll. A Beintrkable Escape M'. Mary * PauVy, of Tunkhanock, Pa., wax aHieted for six ymrs with Atlnna and Bronchitie. kuriiig whirl) tmie the i"-t phy- njcnins cnuld give no relifcf. HIT life wi* .1. -p ihtvl of, until iu tat October tliu pro- oured a bottle ol l>r. King't Now 1'incovery wln'ii hniuudiitte i.-n ) w d it and i<v con- passage on a mixed train, circumstances causing iU selection ; and oh ! the pleasures of a mixed train ! We left Flesherton Station about 10.20 a. in., and arrived in 1'arkdale about 8 o'clock p. m. What with shunting, loading cattle, and what not well there is some- thing to IHI said in favor of mixed trains : you are not hurried ! While passing down the line we ob- served that the crops in general were i!' ">d and promised a bountiful return ; and yet we found the people grumbling about the prospect* of prices, and the thought occurred to us could man be satistied with anything in thU world ? and echo aimwered, n ! Arriving in Toronto, I found all hurry and bustle as usual, and H m got inter- ested iu what wan I;KIHL; on in every direction, Improu'inent is the order of the day. Buildings, large and small, according t" the location, are rapidly ' erected and occupied almost as soon Railway extensions and im- The Council met at Foveriham on tin- I'.'tli Aug. Memlii nt all proxen:. i omiii'iM' 1 itiun- from A. H. Fnwcett, bill $48. !4, printed .\lnmt.-s, 100 li vl Lists slid advertising Court of ' C. W. rUitled^e, accownl $30.05 printm;; tiullill( , iu u:le for a slim I lim, ),i- waa coin, BIH! a4fM11fitlff, VotWl Usl and 100 no- ,,| bt) .| T cured, K *iuiuK in llrsli Sn 11*. in > ThU offers good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of i. i-iu,/^, as th will b sold r let on FAVORABLE TERMS. The bush is so con- venient to the Mill, logs can be trucked iu summer time. Immediate possession gireu. Apply to the proprietor, HOGfrGt FLEHUI'.KTON SIMMS P.O. .ONI. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL MMiS OF MA isi Jlsiisenli! Vforks, Such as Monuments, Tomb Table*, HeadstonnB Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on abort notice. Also Mantles iu Marble and Marblcizcd Slate, Ac., Ac. herton, Aug. :!0, 1883. This is not the "Red Flag" yon have read so much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dealing Flag, carried by Mr. Tlios. Duncan, Tailor, Flesherton. I i 'Mineuts, atrt-L't |iiivt-nit nts, Ac., give eii)i<lyiiient to an iiniih-nsv number of men. Fruin 5 to 7 <>'clix:k in the ni'iniiii',', thuusandg of men and boy* may be seen hurrying tlimuyh the streeU with their lunch pail, basket, satchel, or |rcel, while the street can leading towards the busic-r parts of the city, are loaded to their fullest capacity. In the evening the tide, flows HI the oppugito direction, and day lifter day it still goes mi. Judging fruui present appearances Toronto is destined tu be a mighty city. While strolling through the various parts of the city, I have been forcibly otruck with the strange contrasts of city life. "Fis only in a large city that life cuu be viewed in its various phases. There alone we sec wealth and Rtyle alongside of jBiverty and squalor. Per- at Home future, time (if acceptable) tices und uppointmelit to office. D. C. McFarhuie, account $5, postage stuini s for Clerk. T. Freethy, account $3.50, mending scraper, -"v A. liftiineriidui, account 91. CO, plank for pathm.ister. Q. Moore and 23 others petition n- deviation road on Con. 14. James Elliott, applica- tion tor collectonbip, County Clerk rates for 1884. Estimates and requiniiions for T. kS. Moneys from trustees and sec- tions 2, 3, 4, 0,"7, 8, 9, and 10. Orders were issued to pay the above accounts. Taylor. Mclntyre, That the Clerk be instructed to notify the C>ui:cil of Col- liugwood Tp. tint this council intends expending 10 on the tuwnliue east of Sykes caw mill, provided that tlw-y graut iu> equivalent. Carried. Kpeere, Mclntyre, That D. Bnie Ret 98 in full till January 1885 being an indigent. Carried. Speers, Mclutyre, That by-law 227 to assess andlevy rates for county, town- ship and ioliLK.1 purposes for th year 1884, be introduced and read the first time. Carried. This by-law was carried through the several stages and pa&sed. Johnston, Mclutvre, That George .Scutt receive $17. uO for work done on 60th i-ide road 2 north, aud that the Heeve issue his order for the same, and that said amount W retained out of the appropriation for division 1 and 5 next year. Carried. Johukton, Taylor, That Robert Mor- rison be paid 8!>. John Winter $8, W. Uavidson 88. John Speers $13, A. Mcln- tyre 813.50, W. Milne, s.'ii 75 and Thos. liamey 35, being expenses re appeal to county judge against the equalization and valuation of the Municipality by the Comity Council. Carried. Johnston, That the Clerk communicate with the Council of Colling- wood concerning a hill on the townliue opposite Lot 1, Con. 9 Collingwood and Lot 13, Con. 14, Osprey. Carried. Bpecrs, Taylor, That this Council ad- journ to meet on the 15th October at Xlc- ntyre. Carried. W. MIL.NK, Clerk. plt>tll lew moutbs. Free Triul llottlf* .1! this cer- tain cure of all Throat aim Luug !>< iisen W. Kiclwrdsou'M brutf Su>ie. $1.00. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLO WAYS PILLS&OINTMENT Liv THE PILLS I'urtf Y the Blood, Correct all Dhorden of the Stomach, Kicln'y**, and They Invigorate anil reitore to baaltb Dubllltatod CountitutiouB, and are Invaluable in all Com- plaint* incidental to KorualM of all agu. For Children MI. I the agod they *re prlcoleis. THE OINTMENT I s an infallible remody (or Had Loga, Uad BreaxU. OM Wound*. Son's and Uloeri. ( and llhuumatltm. For disorden of the Chun It baa no oqiia It is Itmous for 1 may enter more minutely into the sub- ject. Suffice a few words and a few points which seem to be agitating the public mind here just now. As the great Semi. Ceiitenniiil Exhibition is upon us, this and all its belongings are naturally up pennoMt in the minds of the citizens. I have jus: returned from a meeting in the 'lYiuprriiii u Hal! under the auspices "f the Toronto Electoral Temperance Union, called to expretn their indignation at the conduct of the Dominion License Commissioner* in Kruntiiig u transfer of tavern license* to the Industrial fair grounds during the Exhibition, in thoface of a Special Act of the Provincial Legis- lature, passed at iu last sesnon, declaring that no such liconio should be granted, thu* over-riding all law in the cane, and although such license was also protested airainst by the Temperance men of the city ; also at the conduct of the Pro- vincial Commissioners for granting a re- newal of a certain tavern license, which ! was first refused on reasonable grounds ; and refusing an audience to a deputation having a ]>etition against its issue. After a lengthy and c&meitt discussion by many f the old veteran* of the cause of Tem- perance in Toronto, ably supported by in ui\ nol>le young men, and ably handled by the celebrated Mm Yeomans, it was unanimously resolved, that in the f;ico of the facts above stated, and seeing that license lawn are, have been, and always will l>e a grand humbug, the time lias arrived in the city of Toronto, as well an elsewhere, to strike for freodmn by taking steps at once to bring about the submission of the Scot t Act in the city, and the matter was placed in the hands of the Temperance Electoral Union to proceed to agitate thu question at once. The ruMilt of the vote in H niton is looked for with intense inturust here, and at a meeting of one of the divisions of 8. of T. last week, I found thnt they were not only extending their sympathy to their Hulton brethren, but nlso liberally as sisting in a financial point. The battle Fluid Lightning. Fluid Lightning is the oflly cure for Toothsche, Headache, aud Nesralgia. It Jos not ink,- a Jay or an hour to cure it, hut in lest than a miimt* all pmn is rone. Tlioiiksuds hsT tested its merit \tithiu the last vear. Fluid Lightning i* also a poaitivo curt {or Kheumatiaui. Tbo worst powible oases have been permaiieutly cured in cue week. 1'ricu 15 cents at Bichardxiu's l>rug Store. Fall Shows. East Orey, at Flesherton, TuwUy and Wednesday, Sept. 23rd and 24th. Arteiuvaia, at Price ville, Tuesday, Oc- tober 7th. Osprvv. at Mclntyre, on Thursday .Oc- tober '.'th Proton, at Dundalk, on Tuesday, and Wednetiday October 7th and 8th. Melancthon, at Shelburne, October 7th and Htli Glenelg, at Mark dale, October 2nd and 3rd. South Grey, at Durham, Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st. Collingwood Township, at Clarksburg, September 25th and 26. Normanby, at Ayton, Sept. 24th. These are Solid Fact*. Thu kest bloml purifier un-1 sysum !tttf>r ever placcnl witliiu tin 1 rt-ucli uf ulT--i- ing liiinwnity. truly in F.lM-trie liittvrs. Ill- aetirily of the I.iver. UiUinUKUt-hS, Jaiuidict, Coubtipation, \\V:k K.iuilcy. ur iuiy disease ol the urinary organs, or ln>i\fr tequireft an appetizer, toaic or mild atiiuiilent, v.ill always act surelj and quickly, cv.rv bvttlo aranteed to give entire atisfiu.-tii xi i>r in-y Sold a; tif'.y units a Lot tie l^v W. l(ic>riilsi>n. FLESHBRTON Jewelery STORE. J. B. TRIMBLE, DEALEll IN Watches, Clocks., Jewelry, S/tcr/rrr/cx, } 'iofftift- <f"('. No Bogus Discounts ! urotlifr Clap-'I'r ji JmJim- iiicnts offered, hit I .\c(l you, Goofl-n u.s loir ax ///'// fit H figured cnnMNlKHt trith- TRADE- ' Watch Repairing a specialhj- Alt Work For SOUK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Swelling*, and all Skin DlaeaiM It 1ms no rival ; and for contracted anil utirr joint* it act* like a cuarm. Eannfaotured ooly at rrofeuor HOLLOWAY'S F.stalillshmeiit, 7H, > Oxford tttrcet ( late 53, Oxford Street ). Lf*iidon, and an void at U. Hd-, M., i<. M., Us.. 9fc., and S>. eac)i Box or Vot, and may b bad ot nil Me<H eln* Vendor* throuRtiaut the World. :*& Purch'tten ilvmld look U Ike LaM on the Pt* and Hi,, If thf oddrtu w not 1*33, Oxford Street, Ltmrlim, they The Advance till Jan, 1st, 1885, for 20 cents. waxes hotter as it proceeds, and surely it is storming the strongholds when Toronto is taking it up, but the recent action of the several boards of com- misRiouers for the city seems to have added the last straw to tho already heavy load, and they have determined to assert their rights. Hoping you will pardon me for tres- passing MI far upon your time und space at present, T shall in a future issue, re- sume the subject of this beautiful city. Q. K. Cruelly Murdered. In tin 1 I'lrvnice of Ontario every year thou>audii am being slowly murdered by taking uiiouitablf, untried uostruuis for suob complaints as Contiveuess, ludigostion, Livsr i ,.ui|iiaii,t. Kidney Troubles, etc., who uiigbt eoaily ruiu lout utreugth and eoergv by lining Mclirrgor's Spdy Care. To con- viuce ih.iiu tliat mieli la tue cant we will give them a free ti'ial bottle t Ulchard8ou' Drug Hlore. 1'rice uUo. aud 91. Bee trsti- 1 1 ..ui uersom iu your owu towu. To the Ladies. Melirt (,-or A Pitrke's Carbolic C. riiU- will cure any cae of Pimples ou the face m Kougli Skin mi cither hands or face kud leave them s.>fl an Hilk. It will aluo ln-l uny sura when all other preparation* fail. Thou- tutnd huv Umtml it. Auk your druggiat (or McCiiegor & I'.u k>- * Carbolic Curate and do uot l.i- pemuaded to take auy tiling else i-l.iiin- ed to bo ax g'Mxl. It in but 'lb cent* per box at Uii'lmi dsou'k Drug Slom. HAG YARD- S YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM TREZMAJT8 WORM POWDERS. Ara pleataat to take. Contain ttwii own a. Is a anfe, inra. and tttfctmml tt mm* in Chll<lno or Adta* F iai i itar the Lun or "Fns Foi sii mm "rum Wsjmn DAILY AND VMCCKLY MAIL TMK MAIL tatkc^oine Tin Itr<-cnl'-l tli rtluni for Farm A*V A Cam FOB CHOI.KHA Mnnnrm. A ponltive care fur this dvngeronr complaint, and for .11 iu ut aud Chronic forms of Bowel Cora- Jilaiut incident to Sn.nmeT and Fall, is found iu IM . Fowler's Kitraei of Wild Strawberry; to \ic procured from any druggist, Cures Cholera.Cholera Norbus, Dy- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea 5/t<> ness and Summer Complaint ; also Cholera Infantum, and a' I Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS. T. MILBURN & CO., Proprietor!, Toronto. And coml man ill her ikti ol tlie pp OJU. ADVERTISIMENTS of "lunnt (or Sle" and "P W.nlc^ ' "Siocll-of "t< Sle " o "Wiiired" hwefl TIIK WI-hKLV MAH..X"'"' o^ii. ,.. o,l. Til If ttmts ,"'r word * h THE MAri- T**9**. C, EUGENIA Grist Mill, SO ui in: 11. Having nmilc 'vti'i <r. " nuprovemeuts In m OrisV Mill, I am eimti.lcul I enn giv t , good sutiHlactiou. DONE AXY DAY. OoodKlnnr alwiys on liiiurl. Custom Sawing, and Bills tilli .1 mi the linrt<>Ht notice. Lum- ber snd Lath alwuv on li.-imi. WANTED : Cherry, liuttvrniit, \TUite A>li, ItlaHi Ash. Bsuwood, Tine and Ilrmlook Log* wantc). M. AKITT, BUOEK1A - \

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