Flesherton Advance. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, NOT MEX. VOL. IV., NO. 169. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, SEPT. 11, 1884. SUGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE. Oue of thv leading ! .,'cal and Fainllv Newi|xini In Sorthen) Untario. Publiihed Every r'aox ! QPFICB, l .Sf net, - - Pltikrrtvn, Out. TEBUB OF tl.00 per atiunm in advance. '1.90 U not paid t th end of one year. Xo paiwr lificuntinueil until all arrraKt are paid up ; acni no ml iwrip tion* taken for Uraa than one year, eioev* whoa special arrAngetuente for shorter period* ant made with the publisher. ADVERTISING H.\TB8. *c. Caaual adrarMe<MnMtt,flcent|ier 1st inatrwon 4i>l t eenu |>er line aaoh >ut<iuut inxiruen. Transient adrnbuiuj<-uU to be |id fur when ordered. Adfortinemeoti without ipecial 4iree- tlon* will be inserted till forbi.i and charged wwordincly. Liberal mJucemeute to reRular aJvertUen. Notice* among reading matter, 10 cvuti per '.ineeach Insertion. No adverutument diccuUnuod until all ar- rearage* tut |aid up. Copy for adrvitiMiueiit* i>houlJ reach thl> iJTlc-ii not later than noon on Tueedajr to unbare neertlon in currant luue. A. B. FAWCETT, Editor nitJ PuhluJirr. Book & Job Printing /; In every style of the art. at reanonable price* I and on abort notice Order* by mall m ill rwotvv piuiuM tu-iitioii Teruu. utriftlv caah. Dentistry. J.F. AK*HALL,L.I.8 DE.NTIBT, flKADUATK of Toronto School of Dentiitry. win be at Mirkdal. t* 1-t and Ird Wedn*. day of ech uioutu. and at fc'ieiOjerton on thr lt and tr.l Tlmnday in each month for the practice of hn iirofosalon. A. D. PBBBT. 1. BALJ>WHI BA2CM. HANDS & PERRY. ,"f'i.r. .r< to Li'l'l-i .( Hindi, BAHKISTKKK. 8OI.1CITUK8. NOTARIRS. I'OXVBYAHOKHH, do Money to IjOan at lyeVBnt Halo* of luUjrtut Offloea. 16 King Htreet Eait, T. ii . mi" "FROST & FROST. BJVRK1HTKKH. tWIJCITOKS. CONVKYANCHS. *c. Ufltce I'oulutt htrwt. Own BOCMD, and r.urj TlmiMiay at KLI'.Mlll 1: I I'N J. W. FKl )HT. I..L.H. ALFRED FKOflT, Crown County Attorney. Meat Market. .SEPT. GOOD, A.lli8on Hotel, MAXWELL. .... OUT. Oood accommodation ; bett brand* I.iiition A Clean. Oood ^tabling and attentive ttoetler. The only Hotel In th plaoe. Jos. AI.I.IMIK, Paorurroit. Flesherton Station Hotel Airs. //'iiinaA d- Sim, Proprirtitrt. fTIRF. above Hotel having lxn thoroughly rr 1 J fitted throughout, now afford* exreTl^nt ae- coiuuiudatlon t<> the travt*llinK public. The bar i well (uppliod with choice l.ii|uor and Ciuan In fact, ample accommodation it afforded here to iKith man and beaut. I i > Cash paid for fat Cattle and I>r. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and Fresh Meats constantly on hand for ACCOUCHER, Cash. Orders promptly filled. PRICEV1LLE, - ONTARIO. AU eoUt jiromptiy atttndtd to. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. W. S. QIIFFIN, M. 0. HK nn*t Fair will take plaoe on MONDAY. OCT i (u i4 . O. U. W. M. C. P. 8., OAT. Will be in PlMherton every Tueeday and Friday from 19 to 4 p. m. Omen. In Wui strain I lock FLEBHF.KTOS Lodge No. til. meet In their rKlf Kooni. Strain'* block. Toronto rtreet. ou the Ul nd Urd Monday in fch month, at 7-30 p.m. han. VUitlaf brethren welcome. U. P. M.-M KI nt. M.W. W. 0. Piaaux, Bec'r ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE. IT WILL PAY YOU. DTJFFERIN LODGE NO. IBS i. o. o. r. Flesherton- MKKTH I'vi'ry Tutmlay Evening at H o'clock. U>di< Kouni, Mralii'* block. Toronto lr.t't Uvgrex Ixxbiv. lot Tuowlay in each mouth. >it- itiug brethren cordially Invited. Jo. BLAcmrm, N.O. A. S. Vun>rawi. B.B. Cards. Look Here. Do you want a new Bnuno or llarn ? If o I think yon will find It to your adva Canadian Pacifle Railway. ONTARiOmsioir. Change of Time. 11, antage to call I can build ami *ee me. A* I do a law i.n .mall iiranta. All contract* promptly attun- .leil to and work tiuarantoed. Tlinkiun the pul>- lic fur iiMt natrontce, and by fair price* anil c,>od work, I hoiw to merit a contiiiuaiiou of the r STRAIN & LARGE. Builders and Contractors, FLBSHERTON Are nreinred to attanil to Itrick Stone Work in all it briincliee. Ordam left t tin- AnViSrR Office \v ! ll rmwt*e prompt atteaMea (loodwork nt Fair Price*. Toronto. rey t Bmee DivUloa. , depa do. arrive, 1JO p.m ..................... lOp.ro Coaneeta with C 1' K KteamaDlp* a* Owen Hound. Hunt only TueaiUyi. Thuraday* and Halurday*. NoTK.-MUed train leavoo ParkoeJo K.1S a.m. CREDIT r ALLEY DIVISION. TOBOKTO, depart, 7.10am ....... ............. 4JOp.rn. arriy*. B.ao " ........................ T.OO " Nont -Mixed train leavr* Partdale 1 a in ONTARIO d QUEKKC DIVISION. 4.90piu,Do|iart... Toronto. ..... Arrive 10.45 a.m. nm a in " I'arkdalu ------ " TJOpm. J. . liVebstei*, BUCJKN1A, LlOF.NsF.il Auctioar.T for the Oonnty of Gray. Money to Inud M uiual, at roawniahle raUn. Kir* mi 1 Llf* Iniurancu Communication* * I Irmnrd to Kmcnla P.O. promptly attondwl to. W. WHYTF.. U. Ui'NICOI.1.. UBN'L BcT. OBN'L PA AOT. TltAlNfl I.F.AV FLESHERTON STATION" OolnqNiirth, it 4:05 p.m, 1:13 p.m.. A ftrtl pro Ol UK South, at in-3Ha.ui . vfAam.. *Y BilBp.m John W. Armstrong, FutaiiKiiTui, Oo. UI.K\ . DtVIHlOM COURT CLKHK. <X>MMIHMONBK , Inl'i n.. Conveyancer. *c. Ai>nt for |"ireliwi u<l **)o ol liui.li. A|>|irai .'i fm C. I. ' ''"in ,<nd F. T. X. * H. flnrlrtjr. Mnnov I" Loan .-n tht- inotr.iaaonalilet*rni. Iimtr.a or MAilHUiitC Alexander Brown, arr.i: of >farria|ie LinenKea.lirnaral \cent Ac. II|UIIMK| Auctiuniwr for Cunnt> of Urey. liK -i.\ :i.l .!: P-O .Out W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. ri.fcHK KS TA TK <f I MS UK A NCR AGENT COLLECTOR, AUCTIONEER. MONKT Loaned on go 1 ^ aerorltr on tho mo*t f n vorahln terni* *nd at moderate rato*of intnrext. MortRafe* h-msht Offloe nearly op- jioaite Towu Hall, PMHHKnTo*. THE MARKETS. FLKSHKUTON. Flonr 6 00 to 6 50 Fall Wheat $0 70 to m) SpriiiK Wheat 70 H 00 Imrloy 30 flO Oats SO II 84 Peas GO f>6 I'.uutr 16 00 Egs, fresh Ifl 00 Potatoes 080 035 Pork 7 00 7 50 Hny, per tou 7 60 8 00 Hides 4 00 f, 50 Wool 15 20 Hheopekins 60 50 (ieesc <M) 00 Diirl.ri, per bmcc 00 00 Chickens, per brace.... 00 00 Wool 15 18 TO 8. H. BLAKE Tunnito World. Ye wicked, hoartlee*, headatrang callant. Hoo danred re cheek a knight a gallant? An' him *ae braw an rich a hielant, A new-made " s, i ; " Tae gar HIM (tand avout the hallant, Wi- He a birr. Rio Impldeoee ta* keep nH waltln' I While ye wi common folk w. . >*', A knlcnt, wi coat o'ariu* on*' fuailcel Oh ftbame ! oh fle t For breaafait *urely ye'd bew.i jtta' i pie. To think that be. a new-mad* kalefat. Should be lubjwtvd tae lie li<-h. It iurel v uiaan be far frae rieht, D'ye no kia. H' no an onllnar' common wleht Like telegraph men 1 Flesherton v, Markdale. The last Ba* Ball Match of the Season for the Fleoberton Ti THE HOME TEAM WIN*. A frivadly game of flayed in this village las* noon between Markdale and F B. B. C?., with Mr. T. W. acting as umpire. The day being floe, there was a Urge number of ipectaton on the ground. We noticed with pleas- ure that there was quite a sprinkling of the fair sex, which thowa that they are not altogether uninterested in athletic tports. Goodness graeMui ! why If a oouaelence ! man, my very hair Stood nti on end to tee the glare, The oanlil nnninrhin'. rtaoy itare. That met hi**'*; Word* fail uie quite. Ill teak my lair, Laoiloou, ao'deel In KA TILLS, thouldn t the ladies (<iod blest em ) take an interest in all manly ports ; the prudish, abiard notion* of oar great grandmothers to the contrary uotwith- Trur Liberty. T<> tke RiHur of Tht A,lm,t. DEAR AI>VA< ,-4>n the finrt page of itmling. your latt iuue "Cephas," evidently a I The bat was not taken until about Divine, attempts to reply t< my former **" o'closk, the Feherton team lead- article, under this heading. I have ' n K "* ltol T nTe ">> touched raw flesh, elae hit childish vim P>*y*>- would not have appeared in the fcm-to* WUl of Lanu) ilttn Laying .Su-tfy. Pray (,.,1 1 may never be inflicted with listening to ' The result at the end of the was as follows : Fl'ikrrtoH. M. Sad. 3rd. one of hi* Lima Mrtrr Bemiont, which Jaiuee li'iluwr (*to K'i may abound in word* yrt myt nottang. \ f u. \s p - ._ ir,^,. , will Claik foor Knar. i HMT ^ In your third page appear* an article, WiU "'""rt^'i A Ku.t. H J R*unah Una* Toalruu. wiuiferaf* well meant, no doubt ; but when the bul- wark* of the British Constitation are at- tacked, Britain's tuns mwt be on the ili'fi-naire. The doctrine referred to ha* the chine of Chartism and Monocracy ; and that wairk ri inter* it more danger- ous is the fact of iu being placed More J " Tw "*" d m the public under the spewoux gaite of a Tho* moraliccr. Mankind natu Jly sympa ' thiie with morality, atpd tar-i^U > influence are unthinkingly WI to tuK- teribe to acts which their more mature reason would revolt against. The Dnnkin Act, for uutance. I became a permaneat resident of tin? County in 1867, and from that time till 1877, there was a gradual upward Temperance tendency un tike lav of Moral Suasion ; but, the operation of the Dunlin Act trm ballooned the drinking utages of our t'.mnty one hundred per cent, higher than I had ever before eoea them. The tighter you pull the eorat, the more violent the victim will straggle. The prom, .ten. of Morality are preparm* a othtr lim l >ire public butter which will raise a boil that only Statesmen can curr. Quacks, and their remesie*, produce ills that scientific men are tailed upon t<> Total run*. 18. . HOTM. There can be no doubt but thai umpire Benson gave his deciaious, un the van,.u to the very bet* of his dispute a* to whether Frank McDowell wat oat on to eoutiderablo .Ii Considering theunevenneatt/ the gronad, and tae difficulty of exactly locating th* base from the plaoe OB which the smpire stood, w* are safe in concluding that Mr. Bn*on gave hit decision at many an ht have done. Frank McDowell, a* usual, made tome brilliant playing. Had he played with the team at the last match between Flotherton and Dnndalk (and Toronto there would have cure : the Scott Act will produce a public uleer that the trv/y moral tkul of the d "-"nt tale to tell, we eonndetly be. neit fifteen year* will hardly etface. To '*"' close, I will not fan into flame the dying Harrv Bull tbe namh*ru>n catcher. embers of a vile democracy : the ignor- '. handled tbe b 11 wlth hi " uin * 1 *** ant, prowling brood of Afflict end I A profewonal base bailer assorted, that HpenoM, and the shriekin ]Ublirai of Harrv blld fow "I" 1 " Ont " " Sutsanah Evan, and her female cuntii.. "^ ur ^^ *? Q''* "" gent, of questionable murality, w bo eanle fr " m * dUUBce * kow HarrY came to dictate nu.rnl duty to the honor "manipulated '' the bal!. able wives ami mothers of the Couuty of Harr >' w '"'f c "^t " d D. C. Plew**, 01 the Markdale team, did tome very neat ,. work at pitcher and catcher rot{>etiv*lv John Hill cleared every base by a "No cats" for opponents, be your guide. Your*, ever, L M. L S Beaford l{. >..<!. ( Front (mr oven Corrt*fuiuient. ) Mr. David iTohattonloitanthlsteMoB't piiwi-rftil trike on the fourth inning. Tbe hall was driven clear out of theleld. Will Clark made t run of all the bates on a powerful strike tituilar to that made l,y Hill. . M. Watt well deserved the appel- ation given him by one f our cititent on hay by the fire, winch ho iind aet nut in u former oooftt ion, vii., "little lightning. " an old Rluili, runniuK acroulho dry s'l.L- \Vattisaprinterbytrade, hut left the bio to tlit sl.iok in which he had stored . business s rue three yean a^o. IU> it. Hw InM is heavy, there havini; tieer. leanied the trade in the Mouut Vorutt about trn tons dcRtroyrd. Kfiminrr office, which hai turned out Mr. \\m llurlianan, ji . IN l.nJ up smne of the lst typot in tho Province, with an nttaek of rheamntiim. Oeo. liall, Capt. Kulrnor, A. Kutton, The Hev. Dr. Strotii<iuan, of Eugcni.i, Will Rutherford and R. J, Hannah, all occu|iml tho puljut of Wstley Cli irch did good work. lii.tt Sablmlh aftemonB. Hi* (lui"ur"i' *>nt> iif tho Markdaln buys caught a was from Hebrews 2iul rhapU-r and part 'red-hot "fly, at the oultnt of thegarup, of the Oth versi 'What IK nmn that in brilliant style, and wit loudly j>- thou art mindfal i<f him.'' A collection plaudt'l by '.lie ipeclatort. waa taken up in ai<l <f the Educational , Thos. Vogan made several very htary fund. .ttrikct. The rain on Monday morning has Jat, Twt*il am' Silaa Hill made the mode quite an improvemcut in the highest toon-a in the Mnrlclal* team , pasture fields whioli had become very and Frank McDowell, A. Huston, and bar* owing to the continued <lry weather. Gto. Bull, Die highest number in Flefher- ton team the former teonng three run* each, and the latter five runs each. AftiT the Karae, the usual cheers wer fiven, when both clul* adjourned to th* Munahaw hotel for suji|ir, where they sat down to an exosUeat tpread. Shortly aftsrtupper the M^J,M.U tuMB ^. ft f r " Wt're all Jolly g,d fellow*," ia which tke bone team joined with hearty goml will Tho ben of feeling >iiu between the two club*. The MarkdaJe boya are a credit to I heir village. 'All Ihuiidrr and a fetor* Of Hi n,l Journal. To Uv editor uf TV .{.itnnce. Dear Sir, I notice that the DuntbUk did not have on word to tay about the fiendish outrage perpetrated nu the half-wittd girl Campbell, or Cararr or, by DuntUlk and Shelburne rwugh* a week or two ago. He mutt have kn.iwn all tbnut the brutal affair at it has beeti the talk of the village and Msghborhn,*!, and therefore cannot plead ignorance >.f the facts iii extenuation of his ni;l<-<-t The "plucky little man. as he is absurdly called by one of your contemporaries, is ready to hurl c< luiuna of sotiselw twaddle at TIE AIIV.VI K. than h* it t look after the moral well-being ,f th. community in which he iwidsa. Week after week he has >--.-n diagaatiikg int. ' igeat reader* with l.-ngthy screeds of n.> interest to any hmmaii Wing bat his own little telf. And yet he daren't lift hit little finger to dermunou the t.lack/tianN who perpetrated one .>f the foulent and blackest en me* on the calendar within a few rods of his office door ! 'Very plucky little man, ' mde. -1 ! I chary* hirir withculiuiMc nvtflect in n.it expotuur thia *<toedin tae ml tXT oTUat relighm and morality ..f which he protends to be an ei|xnu.>nt. ' hit upon iu, S " plucky little " ewnrdt, and long life to those jounialx wh.i |wtwst .utti.-i.-i' maiilineas and moral courage U> nail thnr color* ti the masthead f pnnciplu. and use their u linnet endeavor* in ttju.-!, 'ui u - out rampant rufflaniim. "All thumlrr and a su.riii nf wind journaliani i* n. t compatible with nineteenth century rm! isakon. for Morality, UlliilM rlr, /Vom our CorrttponJent. Harvesting o|ration in thil vicinity almost compleifil. Spring wheat ia somewhat rutted. Other crop* (rood. A niiicli needed and refrcshuii; rrri fell last night. Considerable tail wheat was tuwn arouii.I her latt week. The builder* of the Melhoditt < 'hur ' have conimvneed oper Uiont. Mr C. Knott ha* Iniilt a very nice frame hou*e which he in t emit v-ue-nu k '. Mr. J. Plewet it putting a new nin . f lionet <ii'l lome other repair* in his mill. Mr. I'U-wt < uviilrntly luU-ndt imt t.i be outdone in the flonrim: line An altercation, which it likely to pn.l in a law tuit, took place thin moruuiK wn-ii H. llnrlbnrt and W '' n-lv hotel-keeper. It appoars that a Hurl burl was ilrivint; Cindy i cir.v- whioli hiul been in hit ,M-ain -to pnumt, f'oiid^ interfered anil su>, ',!! m ,' cow away. Word*, which wer<> ax>t very frilndly, but which savored rathi-r t tho "pugililtic," pawed betwt.-ii tli, m. each guiiiK broad hints of what h<- npht of the ..th.-r < charact> r. An<l now, Hurlburt, in Inn wrath, . ULIIH; l<> take Cuiidy bef'irt- a niaxittratt' to him answer for his misdeed*. The ini-iiibers of R. T. O. T. int.nd baring n picnic <>n thu afti-rn<>ii ' \Vr.lncnlitT, thf l*th init. It M :il- . intetiiUd tn hull! a Scott Act meeting m the evening if speaker* can be obtamr.l Kimberley, St-pt. 8th, 1<W4. A SAD IN'KOLKCT. Neglect i (.-.-nili] jt~.| condition nf the boweli i* tor* t> hrinf ill health and K"tat luffering. Hai . ! Bitter* n-KtilaU- the Ikiwal* in a in.' ural rnnu nf, purifring tlie bluod and pr..u.itr a tiDtlthy action of the itomash, llrcr, kiJurv* and :