Saw Mill & Timber Land For Sale or To Let. lu the TtlWIIHSilp *>f ArU>ssrriiU in the Count.* of Orey, 4 miles from Fleslierton Ctatiou, the C'.iujidian Pacific Railway. The Mill in situated at I.illle Falls, in s block of sbout 400 acres Timber Land, with other timber laud surrounding. The building is sub- Untioll.v built oa stwuo foundation. The maohinery Is all good ind drivru with great power by a SS Inch Leflel wheel, under 86 feet bead of water. Tbre are 1 Large Circular Ssw for cutting logs ; 2 Small Circular* for sawing Lath* and Bruom Handles . 1 Ciuage Lsthe for turning Broom Uandlos, Ac.; 1 Shingle Machine with Jointer and Packer com- plete. Tin; Water-Power is excellent, the stream being verr regular. There are several other good Mill Sites on the property. The land in this valley is considered the beet in the country. The place would make an eioelleot Stock Farm when the timber is taken off Tbis offers a good opportunity for a practical, energetic man to go into this kind of business, ss the place will be sold or let oa FAVORABLE TERMS. The bush is so con- venient to tin- Mill, logs can b* trucked in summer time. Immediate possession given. Applv to the proprietor, HOOG5-, KLKKHERTOX STATION P.O.. OST. HEARD'S Carriages and Waggons, at the bast selected timber, tad all the Latest Improved Machinery are employed In making. The Boxes are set by a Patent Boxing Machine, and are (ireued into tbe Hub by a Preae of i> tout poorer, and can never eel loose an Hoiea de wadged in the old way. HEAKD'H Waggon*. til thing* eoiKidored, is the Cheapest. Strongest, raoot Durable, and tbe Kasiett Kuuniug Wabgoui made. Rob4t Btt says that be could not s>a>w bis Horse Power up a very iteep bill without hoip on a Speight Waggon, and be eay be can do It with one of HKAKU'S Waggon*. He knows that JOHN H HKAHU makea tbe Eaoieet Honning Wa^Kon. Come and se the Carriages and Waggons and Machinery for Making. (From our otrii CurretfHnuitHt. ) DEAR SIK. H\ INK noticed account* of the " big things " some of your contri- butor* riHrt which sheep, swine, cows, turkrjs, Ac., hare U--n doing recently, IHTIIIII * | in i -14-in Southerner '" furnish an item or two of the wonderful 8.SAKKB, EOO.H, AMD I-OTATOBB in one hill. A woman who live* about ten minute* walk froiu here, wa* "grap- pling" for early potatoes. and pulled out a live Mi.-iki- which had crowleu into the hill to lay it* egg*. This woman it an old resident of the South, and told the I circumstance to "my qood woman," to 1 [ you *ee it* "no far off Snake story. " I enquired of another old resident whether micli thing did occur? he answered me that it i* a fact, and farther st;it oil that he "came across a rattle make which began to ring, and opened it* mouth when, THIRTY TOVKO gNAKEB ran down it* throat for safety." I hare been told several times that some of these snake* do ting almont musically when sur- prised or madtfoned, but strange to say, it U exceedingly difficult to ascertain in which diroction the serpent i*. There u one ipecie* of snakes here which will run up a tree and catch a squirrel a* " quick | oft lightning. " The "small boy " *ays he ha* broken open a snukus egg when nearly ready to hatch, and the young " bearb " would run at him. I understand there are about half-a-dozen venomous serpent* in the South, some of them four or five inches through and measuring fifteen feet in length, now Canada come to the front if you eon with AYER'S FLESHERTON Hair Vigor FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS Of M&rtik &B. y,::::s:::; 'ftriss, Snch as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstone* Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on nhort notice. Alo Mantles in Marble and Marbleized Slate, &c., Ac. Fleshert-ui, Aug. 30, 1883. A remark r two concerning that "wishing sound " and "remarkable scream" which these target practicers hoard, " my opinion " is, it wa* produced by an CM, for they can make that "wuhing " noi*e and utter an "onearth- ly yU" enough to "raise the hair on the head " of one " born in the wiMid*, >it to be *cared t<> death by an Owl." I have no doubt but they heard just such sounds M mentioned. THBESUrMU MACII INK* AND THE BCOLB, r the musical call. It is customary here to curry a bugle, or horn, with the ma- chine which resounds melodintuly through the neighborhood summoning hand* to the work. It may be heard at earliest l.i-n awakening the sloeper, al*o at | >nterrals as the machine i* moving from j.lace to place, and finally indicating the exact locality where throahiug i* to be l-.rit-. Much more pleasant and agree- able are the "notes of the bugle horn," than "yelling like wild Indians" a* some are fond of doing in *'int parts of the world. "At dawn Aurora tally bracks In all lunrauil attire. IMUcUiHt over tr.'m and lak. lU.iiU-uii.nt luuKl An. Th Ti,H-^e.i with tlicd. v beclu. To wu 4,e nirilow horn." This is not the " Red Flag " you have read so much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality. & square dealing Flag, carried by Mr. Tlio.s. Duncan. Tailor, Flesherton. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY5 PILLS&OIMTMENT THE PILLS Purify thu Hkxxl, correct all Dlaortcri of tbe I^iver, Stomach, lv I<IH\N - and I. an ,f. THE OINTMENT i. fa.nou. for /''or HOICK TllltOAl, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS (Haulular8welliUK\au(laJI 8ln nie* It baa no rival; and for contracted aud stiff Joiuta itSMts like a cliari.i Kanrfactured only at Profeuor HOLLOWAI H Katslilibinent. <H, Sew Oxfurrt j*tr'-t ( hn. 5. Oxford Sln-'l ). London. an I are -olJ at U. Vf\., k. 9,1.. 4.. U. .11. . aft. , and :,. eari. B.., ,, r r,,t. and may l l,o,l of all Mod clc \ emlor* tbronehont tin W.irld. * / '.'', t, // fs,M H,. l:,t ,, yj UJ . M . j f tll . Xtr'-rt. jGoNoW, tiny,!,; <i,i,, riwlorei. with tbe yluM ami Ireiliuesa ut v.iulli, r.k-il or gray lutlr to a natural, rlclt brown color, or !< i> bUck, a* nuiv to li MI L Hy lu ue light or red hair may bo <Uik.-nt.-J, thin hair thickened, and baUtiiu often, though not alway*, cured. It fhrcks falling of the hair, and Mium- later a weak aiul tickly growth to rigor. It (rcvi-iiu anil cures scurf ami duiulruN, aud lic.ils Hourly <rery ilineaM peculiar t.i tli4 scalp. At a I ; .' Hair l>r. .-i.. K . tlir ViooR l uiW4|uall4xl . It rouulns nrlther oil uor dye, render* tbe Lair soft, |{I"M>. ! ilki-n in apiK-araiice, ami Inpartt a dulical*, agri-cable, and lasting perfume. MR. (,'. P. Hun HER write* from A"ir*j. (>.. .'. I. 1-' : " l^ut full lu> lialr conmi. -ucnl falling out, nuil In it short time I liecaiii* nearly bald. I u*4>d part of n bntti* of AVKH'* II vi K VIOOH, wblcli ilnppnl the fall- ing ur U- liMir. .ind itartwl a now iravik. I have now a full Itexl uf hair gnur.i.g vigor- otuly, aud am c>flvinced that l>ui i- r tho u.e uf your r-"artioii 1 should Lave bwu iilirnly bM." .1. W. li.iwrx. propriotor of lb<- Mf.lrlkur (O*ia) Knq*irrr. u : A\m' MIH \ I(K>K l> a IIKKI vxctlleut (>raparaliu*r<< I lie Itair. 1 |>eak of it from my own x|K > ri'ticf . lu \av pnimoUMl IL |fr,.wtli of new tixir, ami inaktw it gluwy aim soft. 'Ih VK. >n i* abx> a sur cur* fur dandruff. Not wiilnn nty knowledge haa the prvpantiuii vur tailed t give ttiitlre iatiafaciion. Mil Avi.rn K tlllliAIIIXi leader i.f tU eelebratvd " Fairbairn Family " i>( Beottlsk Vocalbu, writ** from H><tl*, ./!.. ?!... IM-" . " Kver iluec uiy hair began I yive Mi- very evidnc uf the change l i>- Hft-ifug tini<i prucurelh, I have iwnl A\i" - II AIM VIUOH, and to hare be*n able t>> nittlntaiu an aitiwuraiice of youthfulnmu -a ninttrrof c'iii(lrabl i-oiiaequeitoe to nnm r, urs- ton. itctun, and In fart every une \> bu lives In the eyes of the public." Mn. o. A. rni.i orr. writing fnim 18 Kim St . < k>irtritH-ii, Mtut , ,l//n/ 14. 1^-.. aay : Two yean ago about l.-iMr.l- ni n,v lutu came uff. It ILmned very rapidly, and I wat fitak gruwlna bald. On vaiiig A\MI'H HAIK VIOOH tbe Tailing (topped aud a lien growth cninmenrttd. ami 111 abuut a wAitti rny head waa couiplt*tly covered with short liair. Jt ha* conUnued Ui grow, and I* now u g! aa bofurc if fell. I regularly u*ed but <>u bottle of the \ Hi- IK, but now use II ocoaiionally as adrewlug." >V have hnndreds of similar tettlmonlali to the efflcary of AVEB'S HAIR Viooi. It nerds but a trial to convince the most skepti- cal of iu value. rlEPABID BY Dr. J.C.AyersV Co., Lowell, Sold by all UroggUts. Jewelery STORE. J. R. TRIMBLE, DEALEU IS THK SfOTT ACT. Yes, adopt it by all mean* until soroe- hing better presents itself. I am pleased k loam from Canadian papers of the pro- gress which tin- 1 1 nr . raiuv cause ix making in Canada, also pleased with the soundness of your views on this irupor- aut question, but it ft saddening 1 1 know there are a few Ministers of the Gospel advocating the free and unrestricted use if spirituous liquors have thus earnestly bored for the continuance of this well- own to them, body and soul destroying x-verage, Bunting scripture and using >rery pouiblo opposition and argument o frustrate the effort* of those who are Tying to save tlu-ir full.iw being* from a drunkards gran, and a drunkards hell. )ne Hev. in Toronto indulges in a quota- tion frmii Macauley in order to "osJl his brother a fool " Iwcausu hu " drinks none at all." This piteous wluuc about the ne- cessity of, and health giving properties of fermented liquors is generally because omeliler it O^mtel^, but have not the courage to drink alone, therefore fight to keep alcohol the KIND or U.L VILLAHIM on his throne, but his doom is sealed, and it is only a qneation of tune e'er the druggist*' Mhclf will h.,ld under the most rigorous laws, out- of the mojt powerful and subtle agents which the devil hs long and successfully employed in ruining body, mind and souls ,,f | ium . It may not. be improper for me to in- form through the AIIVANCB the friends and relations of Mr. D. K. Stewart, of Everton, Canada, now in N. C., that hi* laughter Jessie was taken with Typhoid fover a few weeks ago, and now lies buried (the cla i jnenicnt) in a Southern aravu to await '.IIB resurrection morn. Letters of condol< nee from their Canadian friends, no doubt would be thankfully received and help the sorrowing family to bear up in this time of trouble. Her parent* and broth. -r a lonely three, have the sympathy of ilumi; kind people, while it may be saidof J.-snie: " Happy Spirit gone before. ...'"" " l(u on Canaan's ibora. \\ itli th.. b;. -<! ) 10 t above. Triumph.-, m redeeming lore." WM. Pi'Riiv, Rutherford College, P. <)., N. C. Canadian Pacific Railway. MojTi Change of Time. Commeitring Hit urifViy, Jitlu 1'.', 7.*>'.s'j. Toronto, Crey * Bmcr UivUlita. TORONTO, depej-t.,...*ll.aOa m , I.Wp in. do. arrive, 10.4ft am M JO r -' '" p.m. Connecta with C.P.R.>lM|i at Owen Hound Kuna only Tuesdays, Tlmradajs and Saturday*. NOTE -Mixed train leave* Parkdalu 7 17 a.m. CREDIT VALLEY DiriXlox. TOIKIXTO, depart. 7. 10 a.m. 1.U6 j> in , 4 V> p in arrive. JM " 3.4ft 7 00 Norx.-Mlxed train leave* I'ark-lulr 1 am. ONTARIO ,t QUEBEC D1VIAIOS. Toronto ...... Art iv I0.4A am. Parkdale ...... - 7.90p.m. Norwood ' 13M " - t*H> p in. Depart ".in u in " . BJM a.m. i ..; W.WHYTE, D. MrMCOLL. OKM'I. S( |. r OFN'L PAS. AOT. TRAIN! LEAVF. FLESHERTON STATION: GoiiiD North, at 11:M a.m. 3:44 p.m . A- H:4H p m < i.. inn South, at H4H a.m. HO a.m. A S:iM|im TJie Advance till Jan. 1st, 1885, for 30 cents. An Editors Tribute. Therou P. K. t -. Kililor of Ft. Wayne, Iinl., (" rites: "For tbe past liv.i yi-irn hnv.- H]W:, V S nw-.! Dr. Kings New DiseoTiry, for mMghs ol mimt svro cb*r- aotar, M well a* for tteM ! a milder .ypo. Itiievcr mils l<> nfl. , ; t a speedy cure. My fii.n.N I,, wliMiu I l, a ve reco'iunifiided it -I" '!> "' if in --aim ;.!(.]) icrnis. HaviuK been run I l.y it ..Icvriv r., k 'li I lnv bad for ftvi' li. irs. I cuiuid. : it tlie only n-linl.l.. ana ure(iir^ f,. r COII^B.. (r,,l,l., oto.' 1 ClliU\V. Wohsrdson>ni1 y.i a VMLL Trial IMtle. fl.OO. THE FLESHERTON. Flour S5 Fall Wheat $0 Spring Wheat Barley Oats "0 Peas Butter Egga, frosh Potatoes Pork 7 Hay, per ton Hides 4 Wool Sheepskins Geese Duuks, per brace Chickens, per brace... . Wool 00 to f)0 to 50 50 3,- 00 16 15 40 00 CO 00 15 50 00 00 00 15 5 50 1 III) 1 i.n 00 88 ii i '. 00 00 50 50 mi 1 7 li 50 18 1 00 00 00 00 ra Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, $c. No Bogus Discounts ! ur other Clap-Trap Induce nients offered, In t sell you Goods as loic ax they can be figured consistent with HONEST TRADE. Watch Repairing a specialty. Alt Guaranteed- HAG YARDS '-.-l~*-*+-1SAs'J. >J YELLOW OIL CURFS RHEUMATISM FREHMAN'S WORM POWDERS. An pleasant to take. Contain theti o JncUv Is a sate, sore, ui.l e i In CaUdrao or A** DO Lurra n "turn Fit S*ii" uo "FMM* Wajmi- DAILY AND WCCKLY MAIL THF MAIL bxibtceM I In SfSTtlll>*1 TI.-.HHI.. r,,r I urm t.- Til-.. III. III. Akd toititan man of U*iu than aD oVr CanadUn *pari ( tiMtl. It aa 390,000 rc*fcn of lfa r%kt cl*a* AIA'EKTISKMENTS WFMH k. Sate" and "Fir.- w%i u.l Stork" o> "SMd fcrSllc'M W.oMd- Inxnrd to THK wi-HJI.V MAII..y""i"P o>d<-<li lna.iv- . >. ti*tt p, r word for 4iw t*ifM*j, or In THK DAILY THE MAIL Wm. Lucas & Co., Flankers. Markdale and Dundalk. Traniact a General Banking llunine**. . Ilraftn liie<1 lutyaliln at KIIV ollicu ol the MK1M HAXTH- or MOI.SON s llutik Nottt Diti.iaitnii utid Moit'y to Loan ut iiKifMiil'l' Jfitln. Interest Allowed 011 Depoiits May 'JD Snip WM. M'CAH It CO EUGENIA Grist Mill, :;: lath li. eiiHiy* iiii|iriivi-iiii>iits to say Urisl Mill, Iain confltlpiit I can MV, good sntisfscti.iu. Cures Cholera,Cholera Morb^s. Dy- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sicn- ness and Summer Complaint ; also Cholera Infanium, and a' I Com- plaints peculiar to childn.t teeth- ing, and will be jcunJ equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T. MiLBURN & CO., Proprietors, Toronto 1 CHOPPING DOtfK A XV DAY. Good 1'! nir slwsvn 0:1 baud. Custom SHU ing, and Bills filled on the short, st notice. Lum- ber and I, ulli on WANTED : Cherry, Dntterunt, Whiin AI.II, liUk Ash, Biuswood, Pinu And Ilumloek kujj. wanted! M. AKITT, BCOXXU