i CURRENTJOP1CS. JDDOI EDWAHD Q. LOSING MM a " drift toward centralization" in two opinions recently delivered in (be Supreme Court of the Hailed States. By one the Government may create whatever money It may require to maintain itaelf in power. By tbe other, if the Government unlawfully takei the property of a citizen be ha* no legal mean* for tie recovery. TCI revision of tbe Old Testament, which, it wai hoped, would b out this year, will probably not make its appearance before early in 1885. The eighty -fifth and IM| session of tbe English Keviaion Com- mittee baa been held, but monthi mast intervene before the complete work oan be given t tbe public. Nothing it positively known of any change* made in the old version, the revisers on both (idea of the Atlantic having kept their pledge of secrecy. THE agricultural statistics of Ireland continue to show a steady decrease in the number of separate boldiugs. In 1883 tbe number was 667,725, being 6,182 less than in tbe previous year. Ths number of larger holding* had, en tbe other hand, in- creased as follows : Those above 30 and not exceeding 50 acres, by I'.i.i ; above 50 and not exceeding 100 acres, by 84 ; above 100 and not exceeding *H) acres, by 12, and above 200 and not exceeding "Oi acres by 84. C. D. W. writes to the London Timti con- cerning tbe expression " a rope round the neck.' 1 " Tbe origin of this expression, an well as it* meaning, has lately been variously explained. The practice, accord- ing to Demoetnenes, prevailed in the popu- lar aasemblyof the Greek State of Loon, in Italy. There, according to tbe consti- tution framed, it is said, by Ztlenou*, any citizen who proposed a new law did so with a rope round his neck, and if the proposal failed to obtain a majority of the votes the proposer was at oue strangled. Thi* ; raotioe kept the constitution in i to original purity for 200 yean." A KIW alloy named " delta metal " baa been manufactured i Q England by a Mr. Alexander Dick, and a steam launch con trusted therewith by Yarrow d Co., tbe famous launch and torpedo builders. This metal is said to be equal in strength, durability and tougbuess to mild iteel. Consequently the plates and angle pieoee of this launch were made of tbe same tbtoknees namely, three thirty seconds of an inch. The advantage of this metal over steel or iron is that it does not rust, wbile steel, in warm climates, and especially in Central Africa, unless continually painted, possess** an extraordinary corrosive ten- dency. The metal it also used tor calling* of all kinds. is evidently not disposed to be thrust from its long supremacy without a struggle to fit itMll for modern require- ments. Tbe improved powder employed at Krnpp't factory, with an equal pressure in tbe bore, gives a greater velocity than ordinary powder. Its smoke is said to be leu dense and to clear off more quickly. It it brown, or, rather, chocolate colored the same substance spoken of in tbe recent trial of Lieut. l'iy as ooooa powder. In sundry test* about one-seventh less of it WM needed than of ordinary powder to produce given results. Its merit is that of beginning its combustion moderately and steadily, and then, when tbe projectile has started ttirough the bore, burning with great rapidity. This is exactly tbe added virtue which has been wanted in gunpow der, so that the new ooooa powder, if it fulfils expectation, is likely to find abuii dant use among many nations. TBI Brazilian Government Bill ou slavery, after being submitted to tbe GOOD oil of State, nan been introduced into the Chamber of Deputies, and, if possible, will be passed through both Chambers this session. The Government will eonsult the Council of State upon whethtr to require) the late owners of the freed Mxaganariaus to maintain them or whether to create asylums , whether it is advisable to pass a law to oblige freedmen to work , and M to whether, in view of the abutesin valuations for liberation by the Emancipation Fund, it will not be better to have nxed valua- tions bv elans and age ; whether to allow the owners of slaves to fix their value, under a legal maximum, checking over valuation by levying tbe taxes OD the owner's valuation, and whether, after fixing tbe value, it should not undergo gradual decrease until the slave is emancipated. M. LKVAHBKI-R recently read to the French Academy of Sciences a report upon tb* progress mads in primary education throughout France during tbe last five) years. The annual ordinary expenditure has increased during that period by 37 per cent. Tbe number of primary sobools has increased during tbe five years from 71,547 to 75 635, the increase being chiefly in public and lay schools. The number of pupils in the public and free school* baa ri*en from 4,716.^35 in 1876 1877 to 5311.211 in 188M8H2, aud of this latter total 1, 35!>,>6 were sladeutain the public school*. The progress in public education has been entirely confined to the lay schools, which have gained 584.86M stu dent i sinoe 1H78, while t lie public religions tchool* have lost 20ft. 614. Bat in tbe tree chools the reverse has happened, thi religious ones having increased by 140,837 student*, wbile the lay free school* have lott 1 1 i,i., . The nusabe* of fupil* in tbe intanti schools ban increased during the same period from 682,077 to 644,834. !!.., Inn Ih. FI.IIIO ni 1M. A Fonda, M. Y., despatch says : The '.Mil birthday of Mrs. Anna Molntyre was celebrated at tbe bouae of Martin Molntyre a day or two- ago. There were present ( HOMH, j" grandchildren and 17 great grand children. Mr*. Molntyre retain* her faculties to a remarkable degree, and in tbe afternoon fatored her descendants with " Anld Langlyne " on tbe piano. Florida afpeai* CTbe the " Land of *.r- i.) Home r>nrr<np<>. The .VnfiVna Druggitl says tha, tbe manufacture of per fumes from Florida flowers It becoming an important industry, and that a proem* has been recently devised for extracting the tweet flavor of the cassava plant. THE < HOI I KA Precrutioni Taken Against the Plague by the Ontario Board of Health. REGULATIONS TO BE ENFORCED. At a meeting of tbe Ontario Board of lealth yesterday, regulation* to be adopted n view of tbe danger arising from tt.e wetible introduction of cholera were so i- udered and adopted. Tbe following a e .be regulations in substance suggested fur adoption and to be put in force iu the event of obolera making ite appearance on this continent. Tbe secretary shall at onoe prepare a complete list of the various ciuen, town* and villages iu this Province, ipecifying therein the places which have looal boards of health, medioal iealth oil. Jem and sanitary inspectors, aud the amount ot money which has been voted for health purposes by the Councils. Where no health cffioars have been appointed, t list of medical men in the tii'.ies who might be sligible for these positions shall then be prepared. At won as the danger ban become iinmineut, the Board ikall Mk for an immediate ;rant, to be Ml apart by tbe Government 'or effective organization, thin grant to be based ou the amount necessary to secure an active medioal health and quarantine offiier in every incorporated municipality, namely, to 10 cities, '.1 towns and In vil- lages, making in all 203. Where found sib'e or deairable, snob officer shall be ;ne Medioal Health Officer of the Looal Boari. Tbe luui suggMted for each muni- cipality it IXX). The Medioal Health Of- ficer*, when appointed by thi* Board, and n receipt of Government salaries, are to be Ibe executive offioen of tbe Board, aud will M required, immediately upon appoint- ment, to carry out its instructions. Hnoh oftioera shall immediately prepare a de- tailed statement ot the sanitary condition of hi* municipality, and in addition to bav- UK a bonte-to-nouse inspection made by the Lo lal Board of liealth, at once tee that tne municipality set apart or erect a structure wbieh shall posses* all Ibe sanitary requirement* of an isolation hotpi- ial, and that it be supplied with all struc- tural conveniences, a* beds, bedding, bath, diunfeotanls, etc. When this has been done, a toll and detailed statement shall forwarded to the Board. In default ot any municipality not taking immediate and effective action in carrying out the regula- tions of the Board, Ibe matter shall be at once reported, and the Board will take such steps as will tend to place tbe municipality n a position to effectually combat tbe disease. On tbe approach or presence of the tirst or any case of obolera In a muni- cipality, tbe executive officer shall have the patient removed to the isolation boa- pitaj, aud take every measure for ditin- 'eoliog and, if necessary, destroy all cloth- 'ng, and every conveyance, either on railway, steamboat, sailing vessel, carnage or other vehicle which baa been exposed to the contagion. Importation of articles of food from any infected district it to be prevented, and all such as are decayed or tainted shall be destroyed. All person* who have been exposed to tbe contagion shall be placed in a quaran- tine station to be provided by the local Board of Health, aud shall tupply them with all Lteoesaaries until such time a* the period of moubsktion of the disease shall lave elapsed. If any municipality be s port of entry for vessels oouuiug from in- fected districts, a strict inspection of said vessel shall be made before passengers, luggage or freight are lauded. All personal effects or Otber exposed luggage or freight ifasll bu -thoroughly diiinfeoted before being lauded. When obolera exists in any Pro- vince or Btate adjoining or contiguous to Ontario tbe executive or health oflioen at W points where railways enter thit Pro- vince trom these infected districts shall be given the full power* of quarantine officers, M far as can be exercised under Provincial or municipal laws, and shall inspect every train bearing passengers or snpiiosed to contain any article of food for commerce likely to ooutsun oontagiou. and shall remove suob passengers' baggage and per- sonal c tfectn. aad deal with them as pro- vided above. In case It appears tbat any perton, luggage or freight may have escaped detention or disinfection, tks medical bealth omstr shall immediately telegraph to the executive officers along ths supposed line of travel, who, on the arrival of the train, shall exercise all tbe powers of inarantine officers. Powsr is given the Hecretaxy to proceed at all times, under tbe direction of tbe Board to any point in tbe Province to investigate tbe sanitary oondi tion thereof. These regulations will only jo into force if tbe cholera makes its appear anoe in Canada or tbe t'nited Slates, and after being adopted by tbe Lient.-Ooveruor in Council. A \tlllU.l> IIKIIIf J.lnr.1 IS \ .rflo, I. I. hi. tl.lr.lhid While l.| las] Hl> l>. ,,n.i>. .{ Frederick A. Oowdin, of Cambridge, Mass., over a year ago met and fell violently in love with Miss Gertrude Morey, at that time living in tbe tamtcity. Hit love was returned and engagement of marriage was made, but owing to Mr. Cowdiu's ill health the marriage was from time to time pott poned. In the meantime Miss Morey re moved tc thi* village. By Ibe advice of bin pbysi -iai. If r. Cowdiu came bsrs a month ago, thinking ne would be benefited* by the change. I'ntil Wednesday be had troug hopes of recovery, and the cough which WM slowly wearing him out had improved. Oi tbat niornug, however, he WM very low, and nnable to me. Death WM seen to be near. In compliance with bin earnest request, MiM Morey agreed to marry him, and they were joined in wed look by Ibe Uev. TbomM Bobb. Tbe renpouaoB of tbe dying msn were scarcely audible. lie at onoe began to sink, lost ootiriounnohii and in three bonre was dead. Tbe bride bM since been completely pros trated. Cowdiu wa* 35 yearn old and pot- Be. H<.d some property. I UK HI VfAI.U llt-.KKl . l>. .. r ini.u at . Native Blanliefeasi Fruit. This is pre-eminently a northwestern fruit, although tbe bush i* sometimes found in the eastern Proviuoes on islands in lake*, points of land, or other exposed places uear water. The fruit u seldom lasted by tbe inhabitants of thecjuutry . the little there is of it is UHually devonrea by birds as soon as it begiuH to ripen. In Ibe Northwest the quantity of them* bernes produced in amazing. Tin- buffalo berry was formerly exteniively used iu tbe manufacture of the best quality of pemi- ean, being first dried aud then mixed with the meat, which received a peculiar aud delicious flavor trom the fruit. In tbe Tiger Hill country there are many places where these berries are this season produced in the greatest profuauu. Tbe other day tbe writer pined a party who were about to visit Nature's garden in search of good thing*. For sjme distance .be way led through what had onoe been a 'orest of small oaks. The tire had at one time destroyed many of tbe young trees, and now only a few remained, giving tbe jlaoe tbe appearance of a park. Tbe (round was covered with a dense growth of lerbage wL.cn seemed almost one mass of bloom ; tiger lilies, roses and morning- glories united with the bright purple flow- ers of the wild peat and the vetoh until .here wat a perfect wild suites of ilosDoms of every shade of color, all iright, beautiful and fragrant, while many singing birds scattered music in the Iresh air ot the fine morning. Putiiog through this natural flower garden we soon entered tbe valley of a stream where there were torn* fine t*ee and immense num- oer* of currant bntbM and plum trees Mariuga Urge quantity of green fruit. TbeMtmibes are found at intervals all along tbe Cypress at tbe stream passes through the bills. On approaching a fringe of bushes which occupied the upper portion of tbe valley we found the buffalo berrien iu abundance. Many of the smaller trees were bent down with tbe load of fruit which they carried ; much of it wai still unripe, but further on where the ground wa* more elevated the bushes were shorter, uore scattered and a little less shaded. lleie the berries were quite npe. of a dark purple color and of deuciou* sweetness and iif flavor. There is an attraction about gathering anything found in a wild state which is difficult to account for, and the peculiar excitement is felt not only by the berry - picker, but by the angler, the hunter and ;he gold seeker, even a beautiful wild lower nexpeotedly discovered in a soli- tary place will ttir the miud witb an excitement which no garden product will produce. To procure wild fruit from the store-bouse of Nature is to experience a new pleasure which pens**** a charm beoaiue the riches cast noting, poMesston comes unexpectedly , there is an uncertainly about tbe quality which excites the pros- pector and swells bis imagination. Oar party had been indulging in agreeable wnversation th ladies ahgutly alarmed lest there should be snakes in tbe way lut tbe sight of acres ot land covered by buibes bending to tbe ground with the weight of rich purple clutter* of beautiful and delicious berries, made talking uuiu (cresting and unprofitable and snakes liarmless and of no consequence. Tbe banket* were soon tilled to overflowing, and m pleased were tbe adventurers witb their Rucoes* that a second, a third and even a fourth visit was made to the berry bushes, each time new aud important discoveries ere made, and notwithstanding all the berrie* which have been removed there are still thousands of gallons left for tbe bird*. Tbe buffalo berry being ne* to most of tbe persons of the company tb* fruit aa tried in different ways, aud founc good iu all its varieties. It is excellent preserved, excel- lent iu pie*, excellent as it comes off the bushes, but in a pudding it proved, like Shakspeare's ijuarl of ale, " a dish til for a king," and was pronounced by all who taoted a* the best food they bad over eaten. Without doubt tbe buffUo berry bush would repay cultivation. It i* one of the hardiest Nurub* known, it is highly ornamental when in flower, and more so when laden with its purple fruit ; it is a beautiful bush at any time, and would grow luxuriantly even ou tbe open prairie if a number ot treat were planted together. Pilot Uouml Signal. I Kf-r p There are many rules given, to keetulefjs* ona treah. **rf* one who known. They keep very nioely in cold water, ehangiag tbe water two or three times a week. Wt lately saw it stated tbat if kept in butter- milk they will remain for months perfectly fresh, a* if jail plucked from the tree. We cannot vouch for tbit, bat if one hat free UM of buttermilk it it well worth trying. Mi k. Iu ritV Km., i. LCI ib, M. . II ul. A Ml. Morrii ( Mich.) despatch says : In a little farm bouse tour and one-half miles est of here lives a family of sixteen per- sons, all fading huddled together in apart- mente not large enough for four. Koine time ago a ebild died In the family, and inoe then several members of tbe house- told have been impressed with the belief hat everything around tbe premises was bewitched people, stock, aud the very air and water all being controlled by evil pints. A Mr*. Sumuer, who it, and ha* or some time been, quite ill, wai afflicted with this hallucination to a marked degree, aud, while not pretending to pretence for her mental trouble. Dr. Lnman L. Fuller, >f Clio, has been trying to minister to her ihvmcal ailments. Yesterday he called at tbe house and when le attempted to get into ber room he was net by a Mr>. Livingstone, another mem- ler of the strange family, who had a razor n one hand aud a knife in the other. In ber frenzied efforts to induce him not to nterfere with a case already in the bands if the witches, she attacked and cut him savagely in tbe breast, inflicting a bad wound. She has been arrested, and a roung man named Whitney, a brother of Mrs. Livingston, is alao tu custody. Other members of tbe family may be arrested. Ths neighborhood U fuU of stories ot the utraoge hallucinations of tbe occupants Some things they have done are worthy of the old witchcraft days of Massachusetts. Tbe pigs and caws have had littl* nicks out in their ears t* let tbe devil out. I M. *l IN IIK.II I I ( - !flr>. t .11.1. r blh ll. n . I b.rgr. 4*ln.i II. r llu.b.orf. A New York despatch sayt: Mrs. Van- derbilt Allen, plain tiff in tbe celebrated di voroe case, gave evidence yesterday before the referee. She Mated her husband left her February 25th, !**:. lie left a note stating he bad gone away because be WM offended at some language she had und towards him. Mrs. Allen raid her husband was very intemperate. II* threatened onoe to kick her out of bed. She had an income of 11,400 of ber own, and thought 1200 a mouth would be necessary to enable ber to keep up the styls of living the bad always beet accustomed to. Witness said she resided at Caps May in 18H2, but never bad enough to eat there. She discovered her husband's infidelity by a letter she found in bis pocket addressed to Edith De Belleville. She also found a letter from Walker to Col. Allen congratulating him on his " success witb the ladies of Philadelphia." She made up her miud she would never again live with Allen under any ciroum stances when be failed to prove his inno oenoe. In March, 1H83, she saw on tbe blotter of tbe Tremont bouse the entry " J Andrews and wife " written in her bus band's handwriting. i tt i'i'i> i up. Tbe apple crop of 1H44 throughout the United States and Canada promise* to be one of t tie largest gathered for many years. In eleven Western counties of New York which mske up one iiumeuxe apple orchard, it is estimated that the yield will be over 4,000.000 barrels. Tbe above will not apply to New England, at lem than the average crop will be short this ) sar o^ account of the heavy frosts, etc. Ho lady need be without Mrs, 1'mk ham't Vegetable Compound because she U far distant from drug store*. The pro (irietor* Mnd it pontage paid by mail from Lynn, Mass., in the form of lozenges or o pills ; price, tl. per box, or six tor $." Bend for tbe "Guide to Health" which givM full p trtioulars. A fTIII BKWIKIIKD. I II ill l i I lirl. l .1 ik. It. II. I -qu.dra u t>n>- Mi.uih ll.i. b.., >iU. ml K. . .pil.i. A Portsmouth, N.H., telegram tayi : Tbt Thetis, Bear and Alert, oompriiiug tbe ireely relief iqjadroo, dropped anchor in .he harbor at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Their arrival not being expected till to- morrow, the reception, though hearty, wa* of a rattier impromptu character. A salute wa* fired in honor of the Arctic heroes, Mils were rung, whistles were blown and tbe band played " Home Again." All tbe naval vessel* wsrs handsomely decorated. jreely'e wife arrived at noon witb General Llazen and party, and hi* mother i* alto lere. The meeting between them WM I nils affecting. A ".u.lbl. I I. ra.iM.n llow much better it would have been for a great number of young couples very young oouplee living in Hamilton al tb* present time if they had been treated tbe lame M is told of in the following from the iuelph Mercury : ' A young mac in this city who i noted lor his freaks of eoosntrioity aas recently conceived tbe idea ol joining ihe army of benedicts. Tbe night before last b* aaw a damsel on tbe street who struck his fancy as all that could be desired to make a loving aud charming helpmate lor life. Bat iu hand he approached his Venus. She seemed in no way loath to receive bit advauoee and a matrimonial contract was shortly after settled on. To- day WM to have been tbe happiest epoch in their lives, wben tbe two truttiug hearts were to be united, but fate decreed other- wise. The parson rsfused to perform the ceremony without the consent of tbe > auug swain'* parents. '1 bin consent ha* uol as yel been given, and tbe young couple revel n single bleiseduess to the chagrin of one of them at least, not to mention the waste of the marriage dinuer, which is said to have been prepared for tbe j-iyou* occasion. ' Or. Ltgtrt has communicated to tb* South Carolina Medical Asatw alien his tew simple aud successful rules .u the treat- men I of insomnia, as follows : First, re- tire early to bed, two hours sound before uiirhiifbt being of more benefit the body than double tbat number of boars in tbe day , second, sal little, and always some hour* before going to bed, and COM food only to be taken for supper . third, the cares and hardens of tbe mind must be pat aside noue to be carried to bed sad no reading or studying there; fourth, tbe bed chamber should contain pure, sound air, be roomy and high if possible, and the window* be always kepi open, except in tbe night time ; fifth, when in bed endeavor to lie Lion/ )n tally, with the bead slightly rained, avoding any forced or constrained posture tbat makes ths form an angle, M by thi* msans tbe oirculati u in the stomach U cheeked. In Japan, where earthquake* are very common, a bouts has been invented whtcb shall not be affected by tbe movement of the earth. Tbe building is of wood with plaster walli and oeiliug*, supported upon iron Dales renting in hollow, saucer-like plates, which method of support, it is claimed, prevents momentum in a hori. m tal position from being communicated from the ground to tbe noiue, and there is juit eulhoient friction at tbe points of tup port to destroy tbe slight motion that might otherwise take place. Il might naturally be supposed that people who are alwaye beiug shaken would get used to earthq uake*. but I'rof. Morss, who ha* lived so long is) Japan, aayt tbat far trom this being the ease, upon first going there one thinks lightly of such a visitation, but that terror grows with every recurrence, cutil life be- comes miserable from being in a constant state of dread. M ... it. Irm liii. . n. MI. Any ptrson who ha* used Poison's Nrtri MM . the great pain care, would not be witaont it if It cost t ju dollars a bottle. A Rood fnug is worth its weight in gold, and Nervilioe ie the beet remedy iu Ibe world for all kindt of pain. It caret neuralgia in five minutes; ijttnaobe in one minute lame back at one application ; headache in a few moments ; ud all pains just a* rapidly. Small tsst bottles only cost 10 oeuts. Why not try it to-day? Large bottles 2"' cents, sold by all druggists and country dealers. Use 1'olson's nerve pain cure Nerriline. Germany'* retail beer trade amount* to 1.500.000.00U marks. Krrry tltmm nl W wan Will disagree up in tome pjiuu. It almost impiesible to quite reconcile one'* convictions witb those of another, though, ot oovrse, exceptions occur, and one ol the mott nottble wbieh we oan mention is that on the corn question. For once our pjopleare united; they acknowledge tbat never in the history of the world wtt there as certain, assure, as harmless, M prompt a remedy M Putnam'* 1'aiuless Corn Extractor, and for onoe a united and free pscple have reached a sensible conclusion Beware of tubntitutes. Bouthey records in hi* " Commonplace Book" that a pbyuoiau who has i more than 40,000 case* of small-pox said ht had never met witb tbe disease in i perton witb red or light flaxen hair. Brown Ah, Fogg! Quite a stranger How do you like your new residence? Fin* I landscape, I luppose 7 Fogg Mo, there 1 * | no landscape to tpsak ot ; but tbere's two . On 'toapes. r LYDIA E. PINKHAM * VEGETABLE COMPOUND; . . is A POSITIVE cimr \ .* VjJ For all f law Palatal < P l.lai. a a. \t>afcarami M rmmmom la *ar >* ' . . FK.1IAI..K eon UAT1OV* , ., IT WI1L CVM F-ITimi T TUB w.>anT FOBS] BALS CuSULAln. AIL OtilUAl T"itl . PI AAT|n> AMI I I' BBATI..N. K A I I I - , A -. I I>1 , SMFVT*. Al> TUB <->iI^fBNT SrilAL WAB- srv AN!. n r-AMTirrLAJiLv AUAPTID TOITBB AN,.* 0V I :F * S * * IT WILL uiiani.TB AKD irri TraoBi rn.' TS 1'TBKft IV AN BAB1 T rTABIOT I.KTIU ,>rwriT. TBI TTM < TT-.l A>. ra..l HrB<IHTHIH*li UB' EM BT rtBIIILY B\ IT* I *. a * * A IT nBU'ivn FAI<ITXBM. FI.ATI-LII.T, DSHTBOTB l 1 HA* I*'. F".. - i *rl_A>T- AKUKBLIIVB* W KAB-j r-* or THK M"A- II. IT I 1 RE* !lt.ATINr- II--" )IMHB>I<* AN;. lM'i. 1 HAT rtn . v. .r llBABixa !>" i. < Ari*a PAH, U I .III Ami HA, KA HI. UALWATI I tkAMTLT < msu t n -t . e Ir WILL AT ALL Tlur- AM' 1 M)IH ALL Ti.N.Bt A'T l> HAK<I -M 1TU TUB LA TBAt b'OBRN THI rBAIB -l-Ir * * S **-|T n nr>r i- -' '1.1 IV rXTiir i rotTiBATS IIEAJJNu UP l>l-r ^-K AM. TUX MCI lir t,r TAIN, AJlS TIHT IT i"'r- M.I rrci >i- i .MKor lAi'ir- tl > TBTlri % a * * FOB THS * i UK <>r KII>I i i iri AI>T< i iiriiin n\ . i- v- 1 .. i . ivi'U r i-iMiiuif. iK-.i-T\iii.r . nn.rjrD tj irv^r.,1 . i..i.i, M I lixr-.rta. . u in. I.. :i.i. -i Woodstock College. WOODSTOCK. OST. For ladis* and ntimeu . term* very moder- ate ; faetllUt* oorltaUed. ( illMiaM Court* La<llM' Bccnlai Ooans, l.a,|iM Flu* Art* Coon*, Commercial Conn*. iparatory Coor**. Opent Bepteuibvr 4th. imM. For cataloiiaes eoniainiog lull Uifurtuatloo aJilree* BKV M. WOLVEKTON. B A .. Principal. 30 DAYS' TRIAL ' . An . in . n ' i WK.N nM.Y. ^ ' ' "' ' SUB fmtn N> I*ii TAirrr. WAOTII.I WriN<.t* ii, I nil I" *!!' Ota I'llMo^.l. N.-'Ki. r.-'illlli-' lri.ni M-i l il TMI r.T-t. f,^,l> fll.-f M r-.mi.H-M r.t..rtl-n hi FruTH VI.I..B an-l MH'-' i.i ..~ i> s l M cue* fur nluMnMa rmm'li'-'t fn^. A'l'lr.--* Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall. Mich. 4 l.l M -I I > Ii I I. I II I - TUB VoLTaLio HBI.T Co., of Uanball. ifleh. offer Ui MU I their (wlcliraMd Bl.BCTaoVoLTAi.ic BKLTADJ other KIBITKI. afTUAMCM on- trial for thirty .!), 1 1 men rouai or oUD arBl*tl with Darvoui debility, loea of Titalitr an I man brxxi. n I all kin lrl troublee. Also lor rbea matum, ueora'Kia. paralyi au.l nianr otber Jinan*. Complat* rfxtnralion ui bealth. vlsjor au,l uianli H>! gaaranU*!. Mo n*k U Ineurred u tblrtjr .la* trial in allowa.1 Wnl* tueui at uuee for illailraMd pamphlet free. WESLEYAN LADES' COLLE8E. HAMILTON. CANADA. Will reopen on Beptemhor 9ml. !*. It Ii the nMestan.llanie*tl.a>tle>'Cullci In U.* Dominion !! ov.ir IKI (ra.luAM>. Tn ImiMiuic eosl 11QOU) ami hat over 190 roam*. KaoultT Five ntl-nieo aud twelve I*IIM. Mmlo au 1 Art i|olaltie*. A j.lree* the Prmolpal, A. Bl'HSH D IV, LL.D. I CURE FITS!. i-ACri u.. i. lm~" ' ' ' . . .T~lj uit. .,-.. -. and .-< " f """'lij,. 1 .. <>.'<". N-T.,-1. D EYE. EAR UNO THROAT. B. O. 8. RYER80N.L.R O.P. B. K Locturer no tha Kye Kar and Throat Trinity Mlloal C\'l>, Toronto. Oculist an Aurlut to tbe Toronto l)*nral Roepttal, i- ClinloaJ Amlitani Itoyal Lonjoo Oi'lrthalmle HiHir'.tal MuoreAeM's and Oentral Xjosjessj Throat anil Bar Hospital. SIT Obnreb Street Toronto. Artificial Human Ryes. I.At'K v> en a Hutioat Inaatiua ur Bi<ne*Tlaa fetl auiblr M tb* BPBMOVB ,N BtaiMIM OOIXBU Olraalan tre*