Flesherton Advance. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES, JYOT /, i \-r* s. -i " '" 1 -*. . ' ' I y . i ! , -.1 VOL. IV., NO. 162. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, JULY 24, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANC Ouu of tlu- li-a. li UK I/ocal and Family Sew in .Virtliurn Ontario. PublUln- ! W"!"" 11 Every r KKII THK Omem, - Fletlurtm,<hit. TEKMS OK SrnBTHnTIOS : #1.80 persnnii.u iu advance: SI JO if uot paid at the end of one year. Ko paper <liscnntinuej til all siri-araKesan paidnp; ami no ul>sori|v tiun* t*Ki-u for U-si taari one year, except when 1-eeial srraiiu.-ini.nts for shorter pi-riods are made willi tin- |.uli)i-ii< r VUVRRTUINO RATES. Ac. Ca*ual .a rrtisenii'uta, Hcenlspev 1st insertion au.i y eeut. , < r lim* eswb mibseuneai insertion. Transient .iilvertiMimrutH to m. |.slil for when i loro.1 i.ivertisements without i>w-isl direc- tion* will l.e Inserted till forbid and charged Liberal inducement!! to regular advertiser*. Notiees among reading matter, 10 cent* per line each hi-.-rtion No edvertiHeinenl di*contiuued until all ar- rearages no- paid up. Copy for a<lvertisements should rescb this offiro not later than nonn on Tuesday to ennure insertiou ill current isaue. A. B. FAWCETT, Book d Job Printing ! In every style of the art. at reasonable priuws and on hon uotlcu Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Terms, strktlv cash. AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss aud Iruslme** of youlli. faded cr gray Ualr to a natural, rick brown color, or deep bUck, a* may be desired. By lie use light or red bair may be darkened, thin li:nr tlilekeued. and baldoeai often, though not always, rured. It checks falling of the hair, aud stlais- latet a weak and sickly growth to vigor. 11 prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peeaHar to the scalp. A* a Ladle* 1 Hair Utnttmg, the Vioou Is uiirqualleil ; It contains neither oil nor dye, rentiers the hair soft, glossy, and silken In appearaure, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and laMiug perfume. M H i ' P. Hun imt write* from A" ire*. U JH/JT 3, IJ : " ljuit fall my hair commenced falling i>ui, aiwl In a snort time 1 became nearly bahl. I uswl part of a bottle of AVER'S Htm VIOOH. wbtah su>ppd the r*M Ing of Uie ha;r, and started a new growth. I have now a full head of bair growing vigor- ously and am convinced that but fur the uae of your preparation I thvuM have Uren entirely bald." Flesherton Meat Market. SKl'T. OOOH, - PaurRUTO* J. W. Bowex, proprietor at tbe \Ok*:< Kiu/utrrr .says : AVEB's HAIH VIOOH I* a must eicelieni prvparalion for Ilie hair. 1 speak uf It fruui my own experience. Its use promotes tbe growth of new hair, aiwl makes u gloeey and soft. Tbe VIOOK Is aleu a sure . ur- for dandruff. Hoi witUm my kii.ml.-lic- has tbe a>r*|>araslB*> ever failed I* give entire satisfaction." Mii ANOU* KIRI- \'x, leader of la* eelrlirated " Falrliairn Family" of Hn.tusli V.M-sli.u, w rite from AosliM, Jtf<is., Ar6. t, !* Kvrr since my hair began ui give sil- very eridence uf Ilia change wlaeb W.-viing time priH-ureth, I nave used Avut's lUia VKI..H, ami so have neen able to malDtaiu an appraranre uf y..utlifaln*es a Diatu-r of eonil.leral.le wonsequenee tu ministers, era- 'Cash paid for fat Cattle aud Kresh Meat* constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. FleshertoB MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. TUB next Fair will take piaa* OB MONDAY. At'i II tli, IBM. tors, ru.r. and In fiu-t every one who lit* In the eyes uf tbe public." MM- <> A. PRKSI-OTT, writing from ID '< St. iktrtrii-Hr*. VIMS , Apnl 14. IHIU. says : Two years ago ahnut two-thirds uf my hair eauie off . It thinnwl very rapidly, and I wa* fast growlug >>itld. on iwlng AYKH'S HMU V i',"K the falling itopped and a Mew growth ooiuinenced, and In nlN>ut a month ui> bead was completely rovi'n ,1 wltk short hair. It has ouitUimed to gri>w. and is now as goud as before iffcll. I regularly used but one buttle of the \ KXIH, bat now nee It occasional I) a* a dressing." W have hundreds of similar tf-atlroonlals to ths efneaey of Avn'f HAIB VIOOR, It needs but a trial to convince th* most skepti- cal of It* value. PBIPABJED IT Df.J.C.Ayeri Co., Lowell, Mill. ttald by all Uruewicu. . O. U. roiKKIKKTON U*<l* No. 11 ran't in. their I l/oihru It.... m. Strain's block Tnroiitoenrest, on ths let an ! .<rd Monday in each month, st T A) p.ia sharp. Visiting brethrwi weloome. M. P. McMASTm, M.W. W. (>. ricxJttJ., Bee r DUFFERIN LODGE NO. 186 I. o O. F. _ Fleshci ton'- \ MKKTK every Tuusday Kvruinv t H nVlork. Ludtit' Humn, Htraiu s block, Turonto tri*t .1.1' >l \ ItMH I I I 1 , DKNTI8T, QaCAMJATI of Toronto Rchool of I>mtistry. " will IM! at Markilal,. the 1st and :rd Wixliiee- dayof each month. sn<1 at Klestinrtou on* the 1st and 3rd Thurwlay In each uioutii for tile practice of Inn prufessuiii. , , Degree Ixxlge. 1st Tuueday In each mouth. Vu itlug bretlireii c'>nlially luvlted. JOS, HJ.41-KIIIM.N. S.ti. \ S. ViSDfBTX RH. $ (tatdfi. Here. Do yon want a n.-w House or turn If so I tliinkyou will flml it to yo*r s/lvsnUiiju to call Hii.l net; mo. V I f1'> a liir^n unsiiieMtf 1 i in t'tnl-l ..ii small proftt*. All rontract" pniiiiptlj ttuu- ileil to itinl work (oarantesd. Thanking tin pn*> lie for past jiatronaue. and b# fair prices and 4^o.id work. I nope to merit a rontliiuancu of Uie ''\HITTK1I. A. U. I Hi IH I HALDWIM SJJJI1M. HANDS & PERRY, H*'VAT.I fo IjMtiler tl' 7/iirufj, AHU1HTKHH. MIMflTDHH, NdTVKIKR, ( (IN\ KV VSCKIIS. Ac. tlouey to Ixiaii at lent Hat. of Intc'reet. ICast, TuKiut" Offlc.-.. sy to L I', Kiru, B STRAIN & LARGE. a ml Contractors, FLESHERTON. FROST & FROST. :ARHlHTKKIaJH>L.irrTOR8, < MN\ KV VM Us A,- inii.-e Ponli-tt Stri-.-l. lii> s N..IVH. an.l y Thiir.l*yst KI.KSHKKTCN . J. W. FKOST. I, L.ll AI.FUKD FROST. Crown (.'ounty Attnruey. r i-timj*.**^ * * w*- i i' iirouarvdtoMtonitto Hriok *-SU.u Work '\tj. T\y|.;| I I It. nranrli^.. Order, left at the A*v?a*a* ' l ' L " \ I !i-< .11 I i .1 <!, Ar in all ... Offlce will rncelvu prompt attention at r'sii 1 'rices. J. IVI. EUGENIA, LICF.NSKD Auctioneer for the County of (trey. M , v to lend as ii.iuM.at reasonable <>XT. Ooedworh! Ooodaci omiinvlation: Iwst brands I.luuors * Cigars i,. i.i.i MnlilniK and attvutivu _^^_^, Tim mil \ Hotel in tile place. .luuors Hostle Klre suit l.lle Insurance fonirannlcatlons a.1 dressed to Kmiinia I'd promptly att.-n .1. 1 to. John W. Armstrong. Flesherton Station Hotel. Al-s. H'inii'ih <( N", /V;/riftor*. 1HE ftbov.- If. 1. 1 li-ivinu- UI-TI Th'-nniKhlr re- AtttMl tnr <iik(lioiit now ntl <itt I* IMUM.Iraf I !. <' t I ' t in well *tii|>|ili>' I witn clii'Ii j III f*U't. MIU|>1*' rlL'OOlllfliCHl I tu tith man nn- -. ll.-nt *'- The I .r >lt < l.ii|tjiir IMI| Cftfani .III Hull U ttl.iHl"! lint- Co. i! i.\ . | i DiviBioN rornr CT.KHK. COMMIBSIONKII, In H U . Convtiyanper. s>c Agrnt for |>urchar anil sale ul luda .A|ipre,i>'r (rirC I. (' Com- aud K. 1'. H. * H. S.K i, tv M.'iiey to Loan on the ni.wt 1,-aoonsble terui. Iwt K op MABBIAOB Alexandsp Brown, TSS 1 . I'HirKvii.j.r. P.O., Out UKR of Marrla<i bic.-nsss. (truoral Auent *o. Weenseil Aiintlouc-r (or County of (lre>y. Mi Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCHER. PRirEVTM.F, ; ONTAHIO. mill I'l'llilj till llltrifili'il I'l. W. J. BELLAMY. W. 3. GRIFFIN, M. 0. ItCaB. Mr. W. J. Ber.soii is engaged inawell- k*pt grocery and provision store in the stand formerly occupied by Mr. Mclntyre. once more. Hay U general!/ Young Benson i* as popular a* ever. cri >p in this locality. I.IUrniit. (From our own Cvrrapundntt. ) Th*j field* are alive with haymaker* He-art Brain. from tite Xrv^ifiri. Dr. N. B. Richard*..ii. of Lead.n, light oted phyrioian, tavi he was recently able tn convey a considerable amount uf Great improveinenU, involving a co*t Loads uf happy berry-iii.-ker* flitting nf nearly $C,000, are being made in the about these dayg. splendid flour mill of Hlewes & Son. A* HI ILI.IX.. the Plewus's have been in the milling Mr*. Wni. Hopper ha* erected a fine business for many yean, and are thor- new *tone house ; Mr. John Williams oughly practical ..iiwst, Markdale will B<Min raised a new frame bsvra lately ; Mr have one of the i*ry be*t mills in Grey. Alex. Smith, a bank barn . Mr. H. Mel- Mr. W. J. M> t"*riand still takes the drum, a larg* frame stable aud ihed; R lead as the most 'nterprising ami pushing I). Akitt, a bug* frame barn ; Mr. Wm. general store man in Markdale. Go into Herron, an addition to his bam , Mr. Mac's store when you will and you will Jame* Sloan, a neat Gothic cottage ; and find it thronged with customers. Mr. J. B. Sloan commence* to brick-lad Mr. R. M. Clark, formerly of Flesher- hu bouse next week, too, i* busily engaged in uan M> i>t>'"iiu oraia ITEM*. work on Mr. Use'* new block, next to Mr*. Policy and family, of Goderioh, Hill Bros. ; are visiting at th* Eugenia Hooao. Mr. W. A. Brown, JeweHer, has a tine The new Mothodtst minister. Rev. Dr. stuck of watches, clocks and jewelry in Strongman, and fas.il y, have arrived, his store. Mr. Brown do* n--t protend The Rev. gentleman ha* preached at all to sell anything at viwlaale prices, but the appointment on th* circuit, and ha* he doe* *eD goods u l.w as any made a very favorable impression on hi* retailercan without iuurepnj*uiitation. 'hearer*. He hold* certificate* of B. A., The Rev. TW <iran.lv u now real- M. A., and Dr. Ph , all faithfully arm**! dent of Markda!*, to which place he re- by competent scholarship, moved but week. We had the pleasure of met' tint; him in Mr. Brcwn's jewelry tore last Saturday. Mr. Wm. Lor n, of the popular banking Church, Eugeuia, next Sabbath evening, firm of Wm. Luoa* & Co., looks as frvsh -Til. it., at t> o'clock. A* Dr. Strong- Mid hearty as ear. 'tuii i* a keen, incisive speaker, and M Our old fn*n. ,. Mr. John Montyomery, the Temperance <|U*stiou i* a burning till lstads tbe van in tho bread buai- on* at tbe present time, there will no nus*. The veteran journalist, Mr. S L. M. Luke, denounced socialism from the side- walk in front of Mr. Me Far land's store on Saturday. Mr. CK*ar, Us* popular station agent, crop* on the Salibath day, can I dnv* ha* the management of the Markdale ex- them to the pound and compel the pound press office now ' keeper to take them in th* same day f Job work ha* b*en brisk at tho Htan- Srm-uuE. I :> Dr. St r. , n ,Tnaa will deliver a ser- mon on Temj in the Methodist doubt be a Urge attendance. i e> i iMpoundlng < uiilr. To titt JUrfur uf TV .4<Y*uure. SIR, - If I find cattle destroying my ni i.ftice recently. O*v good loo*ung friend, Mr. Jackraan, i* foreman of the >ffloe. This K-IIR leap year- we rather Uu*. jr 'i. A horn '. [ We think the ponndkavper is obttgad to impound caltle, pig*, sfe. on any day well, ye*, in tb*> week, aot even excepting Sunday. W* wou'd likt to bear what others have T-III|M rniirr . Own S..I>K( A TKri:K4>- i MRCTIXO was held in thr Itfp'tist Churrb last evroing to organixe fnr tbe Scott Aet campaign in the district i" aay on tho si.kject which i* ing one at the present time. ID. Ai>- U**B*V] Frm our uirn C'>rrnpon<le*(, THE IlLOHIOl-X TWELFTH allotted to Owe*) Soand -brin.- Simwak, The celebration '.f ;he "glorious Kep.1, Derby, Sullivan, Holland, Syden- twelfth" of July in K, vt-mham wa* a and Owan Sound. A Chairman grii ,,d in cce**. Four stand* of color* and Secretary tleiug appointed, th*mect ,.,.. repren-nt-.l. Imn. -r was got up by ig proceeded to organiae. \| !; r M.-Cirr in a most creditable The volunteer canvaa*rs for Owen nniner. Aft. rdiniiTtlie various l.xlges, Sound at? : Hay Ward W. A. Stephen* am .,i beating of drums and blowing of and W. P. TtlleTtl ; for Centra Ward- tif.-s, formed in pMces.i.jn and marched A. H. Krnoh and C. A. Fleming ; for Riv erWard-J. Tolt.m. conviction to ao intelligent scholar by a simple experiment. Tbe soholor WAS singing the praise* of ths " ruddy bunp er," and Baying h* could not g*t through, a day without it, when Dr. Richardson aid to him : " Will yon be good vnoogk to f**l my pula* a* I itand . Hedidao. IMS*!, "Coual it carefully what due* it say f" " Your pulse *ayti u-veuty-four. " I then sat down in a chair and asked him to count it again. He did so. and said, " Your puls* has gone down to sev- enty. " I then Isy down 0*1 th* lounge, and Mid: " Will you tal.- it again T' He replied'" Why, it is only sixty-four, what at. extraordinry thing ?' I then said, When you he dow* at night, that i* the way nature give* vour heart r*t. Tou know nothing altout it. bnt that tinting '>rg n is renting to tht extent; and if you reckon it op it i* a great deal of rest, because in lying down tho beart is dmiig too g<n>ke las* a nuiiuu*. iltiply that by tX) and it i* MO; muiti ply it by 8 hour*, and within a fraetiua it i* fi.OOOstrvkiM different ; and as the> beart is throwing tt ounot* of blood at very stroke, it makes a diffi of 30 MX) ouucei of lifting during the niglit. ' When I lie down at night with, .t any alcohol, that is the rest my btarC (eta. lint . take your wine or grofC yon do not allow that rest. or the iafluencv of alo.hol si to in ireanu the number ..f strokes, aad iuste^.l of getting this rest you put on sumethinf ike 16, (XW extra stroke*, and the result i* you rise up very seedy and unfit for tbe Mil day'* work till you have taken a .ittle more of the ru My bampar,' which you aay is toe soul of man below. " Salt Khcam. Salt Rbsam. P<mplrs. or Blolrkee e* b<- iioroughly removed by proper applirati MeOregur A Parkes Carb. lie t'.-ral* in mrt, and s few J< .'s .if MeQrrgor's Hp. 'ur* for impnr* blood. B sure au J get tL. genuine. Prepared by McGregor A Parkr. Sold st 15 cents l Bicbardson's Druf Store. * s\ Lawyer Opinion of Inter- . to ;U1. , ; , rov*. where .-KV ll-nt .K-lnm J by R.-VS. S!, > ,! Klinl; A Centra' Committo \va ;v. .iuted. *!,, stirring one by our own little consisting of Messrs A. H. Kmcli.ii Meir, Mr Anson Lee. Three cheers were T. C. Robinson, W. P. Tolford W. A tin MKIVII f..' tlio (,>\n -u, |vkers, *jid Stephen*. Bvd*, .1. Somerville and J. OiMnct Master, resp. tiv, ly, after which E. HowelL Tho Chairman and Secret I n,,, . lu |,| y 4,,,,.,^. " Kverything ary of ConsTMttoe in each township, and 1>RML .J ,,JT , t ,,i e tly M d ..rderly. We hsd a good uliower . the CIvrgyBion, to be uf the Committee. uieinbers A Commit** of two wan appmntpd for imil u potato** ' Friday evening which 'will hrlp to spoil" the each townthip U. organize committee* aud si-cure canvassers : For Sarawak MuKsro. A. IU11 aud W. (/ Brown ; Der- by Rev. Ur. Mullen and .Uin.-.-i Flem- ing i Sydeaham Kov Dr. Fraser mid Mr. Fluid Lightning. Fluid T ifc'MniiiK will not r nly cure Tooth- .iriii instantly, but aluo N. urnl/ta, Headache, Rhentnatiam. I.nruhMgo snd Sci* Palu of any kind cannot remain one M. CaUuM ; Keppel --(North,) Jno. tninnte where it is ap|>li> ! Clark, (OwniUn) U. Atkey, (South) Jam en Cruiksbhuk, (Centre) Arclid Krown ; Holland M.*rs. J. Biroholl and W. nJos Uunninc- 1 en Jon bear of Fluid Lightning you beax nf on* of tbe KTaU*t marvel* ever known in tbe way of in- li.-ini' a* it never .'alls to cure, and not in a week or a day, bnt tbe iuntant it Is applied Twr. rl.KBK AHTF.XRIIU. EXTATK* IKSURANVK AGKXT COLLECTOR, A UVTIONEKR. H.rttv on HIP moet V f. /'. ft., "AT. Will be in Plosherton every Tiifoilay anil Friday from lito I OrncE, In Wm. Strain ID. i I. lock MONr'.Y Ix..|..| on gwdd fftvorsl.il) ti-rnn sml ntret Mi.rttfaffen >. iilc Tuwu Uall, r l t ,ri, I rMe % 'r.,,. 1 .of l AnVF.i:TFSr. IN THF. ADVANCE. ciake newly 01. , JT WILL pAY YOU. Howie ; F tllivau Ml t<ni and /. UcOil. Mr. A. IL -Finch wa* appointed provis- ional durfitnau, and Mr. J. Toltuo prov- 8*. rotary. Rev. Wra. K ecfer of Hamilton, gave an exceedingly instructive address mi the working of tho Scott Aot in Halton, and Drag Store. WORMS ..(ten eans* m^rinus illneem. The enre i Pr. Ixiw's Wcnu Svr'ip. It is* trots and eipuls Worms xffect An Answer Wanted. Can any one hrinp n> a raae of Kidney cr Liver r.imi.lainl thitt Kl,-. trie Hitters will not spfwlily rnre ? W.- nay thoy eaa Bnt, M will also deliver a Ucture on rumperancu thousand* " of rawn lr.*dy permasienlly in tho To1*li H.ill, <>u Tuesday evening, cnrexl and who are daily r. nomrusodin*; Kl- .M,, i :_ metric HitUrs, will prove. Hriffht'* Dtswase. , -. . ^ ,,. Piabet*-. Weak biM-k. or any nrinary eom The m4nUi of tho Central I omimtleo p |ai n t .jniekly eur*d. Tb.-v ( mrify UM hi... I and Tow**hi)> (..iiiniittpf to meet io tho resuUt. tb* tioweU. mi.l act directly t<n the Y. M. C.VL Hall, Hw.-n Souud, at .'. Ul., onT4Hlay, Ul'ud. After a rote) ul Kt-ff.-r, the meet p. ili..- I parti. Kvory I. ..t'l.. guaranteed. For sai. at AOc. a tiottle l.y W. Rlehardson. hntiks to tho Rev. Mr. ' OOOD THE YKAR "OUNI>. Mational - Pills are it i;iHid blixnl pnriflnr, liver reijula- , ,- , lose..- j ^ Mj milj purj j, tiTa f nr ,m J. T. Tawney, Kq.. a leading attorney I Winotis, Minn , write* : " After using it ! more than tliree yar. I take t:re*l |>U<*u in Itatuig that I n-^aid I'r Kin.; s N- > rovery (or Consuroption, s* the best run. . in tbe eji.rld for and Cold*. It ha never (ailed ti. rare the moct sever* eul'l- . have luid, and invarial.ly relieve* the paiu u. tb* chest." Trial llottirs if Ibis surv >-.: (or all Throat and I. unit IHseaur* msj (w bad Free st W. Kicbardiou's Drug Store, l.s- size, ll.iHi- Bucklen'a Amioa Salve. Th* Best Halve In (hu world for Cots. " r^,ri>r. >sll ' fi-T.-r 11 MI i . 1 Cbapue-1 Hands ClnlhlainS, Corns aj . - Kru^Uous, anl |MWitively rare* 1'iles, r n-. |. |ulreil It Is tnisrantml to rlvej perfn t ti.'u. ur nini-> r. fuii'lM. r*rioti V,,. rt t. i . box Pur sain In Ktrliardaon. rieshvrfoi, GORDON'S HAUNKSS 8110! FLESHERTON. Money to Lean. At ty Per < 'nit. l,*rr*t <m Xftniu/Af /^ H | , WITH Int. tt |i.| yearly. n..| hi aJvan. . R eouiniisMlou charged. Apply lo A. CHER. IIIOKMIIK> far Th S ' ' . . Tfc tamest, hand., , M best book ever said for lee. than ti. . price Tb fsvtest selling booh la Aui.irica uiensi-pronts to s.-uU. All uitvlllgru! |-.-. i wantit tn> tun. ran become a snoesaaful aatell Ternii free HiLi trr Uuoi Co , Por!anl, Uam