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Flesherton Advance, 17 Jul 1884, p. 4

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r AND "STILL THEY COME!" Another lot of beautiful Goods just received at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. Consisting of Watches, Charms, Rings, Gold Plated and Silver Chains, Cuff Buttons, Lockets, Bracelets, Ear-Ringrs, Brooches, &c., which are being sold at prices that cannot be beaten. Every article warranted as represented. No trouble to show goods. Watch, Clock, & Jewelry Repairing personally attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. THE ADVANCE, A. K Fawcett. Editor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. .Hl.Y 17, l^i. OUR f UTURE COURSE. When fighting with sweeps one is very oflon obliged to use sweeps wea- pons ; and &8 the weapons used arc frequently degrading in their tendency it is our intention in future to speak of any public mutter that may be brought under our notice, solely on its own merits. We shall, us in the pant, five our opinions fearlessly and im- partially ; but nothing will ever again induce us to descend to tin' depths in order to meet an ungcntleinauljr oppo- nent on his own footing. <!KKy DIVISION G RAMIE NO. 2 A\D THE AT07T ACT. The Committee on Temperance, of THAT 1'OLL TAX. The Flesherton pathmasters were very diligent this year in collecting the poll tax. All men twenty-one years j of age and over arc obliged by law to I contribute in this manner to the village I finances once a year. The fnuds tlms collected are used, in keeping the roads within the limits of the place in repair, constructing new sidewalks, repairing dilapidated ones, Ac. In short the money is or should be expended to the best possible advantage. Now, while no one will question the right of path- masters to collect the tax mentioned, objection lias been raised on the grounds that several of our citizens have not yet paid their last year's poll tax, although much more able to do so than the majority of those who have promptly discharged the same. The pica put forth in their defence is a weak one, viz., that they would them selves expend their poll tax money to tli<: best advantage possible in their own good time. There should be no such unjust discrimination. The path- masters should collect from evrrylioily liable to pay the tax, and not allow Tom Jon. , to build a sidewalk around his premises, or Dick Smith to make a gravel walk in his back yard at the (iivy Division Orange No, 2 brought in the following report at a no nt meeting, a copy of which has been kindly furnished us for publication by the Secretary, Mr. John \\Yber : Jndsonville, July 3rd. 1--I To the Worthy M<ut>r, OJKrrn nn,'l MttulicTt of Grey Diiiunn ti'mnye .V. '2. We, yoor Committee on Temperance, ,>eej leave to report, that in view of tin Scott Act being about to ! *ut>mitted to the Electors of this County I (trey \ iiud frnin our opinion of the working of tin* said Act in the Counties in v.liich it lias been paused, your com- mittee would recommend that this Division pledge their support in favor ofgnld Act. and that the Secretary lequcsted to furnish the leading (tapers in the County with a copy of this report. Adopted. J. I. GRAHAM, expense of the public. It might be asked : what has been done with the funds col lee ted? \Sln.t have our pathmasters to show for the money miueezod out of our citizens, at a time of the year when the "needful" is a mighty scarce article ? As the above represents the sentim- ent of a large and important clas-, of the agricnltur'sts of drey, tho Bignifi- e.tnoo of such a report at this juncture 14 apparent to the most obtuse mind. \Ve congratulate our Grange friends on the manly stand they havo taken 0:1 the all-absorbing question of the hour. OWKX XOI'M) H1XTRIC1. The following ministers w< re sta- tioned on the various circuits, named, in tin- Owen Sound District, at the 1 1 rent t'nited Methodist conference : Oitvn N>/inii( .l.-u-iili K. lliiwvll, MA.; .Li-. Sctt. \V. I'. Itniiiril. Su|ici:iiiliu:it i .1 ; S. I,. Kerr, Sii].'y. ltr,,ltl,.,h,i- Hol.t. (JtKlfrey. IIW/.ni-Alex. Tltlnikftii. Walter * Full* .Inn. IVpper, B. A.; David A. Smith. Chattii-orth Diivul Perry. \\'illt.ini-f"i'l Kt'itum John Hurt. AfurJt./'i/' \\eiley CoKHnil. Fl.lurt,,,i David 0. McDowell. A'n/>/ii-"i'i Tlnm. Ontidy (Mnrkdali-). I Full* -Win. A. Strongman, I'll. D. 't- Thi". J. Knowdan, Kd. A. THE TWKLFTII. Although the weather was anything ii!t promising in the forenoon of the ' glorious twelfth " of July, yet the . ' i n loon turned out tine. Fi vo lodges i <f Orangemen, with banners \v!.Ting in the air, and drums beating, board- ed the train at Fleaherton Suttion rn unite for Shelhinne. One lodge got on the train at Markdaie, and another itt Proton station. Thns.uiv lil;;e in Artemesia cclebnitcd the nnmver iry of the JJoyne, at Siielburne It has been eitimated that there wert fully five thousand p. ople in that vil- i)ii tlic ooasion nnineil. No less limn twenty-five l'V' ' !>' "'1' d by the <'iiiy.(>ns' Own Hand nl 'Owen Sound, paraded the iln < !s :il'u,-r dinner. The utmost cnthiMinsm prevailed. < ' p pn -\ , '. iieniusia, and AU'lnnathon Town- -hipH were largely rjQiTtMntod. WORMti often CIIIM' s>-rioii illnr^x. Tim . 'ire in lr. Jxiw'a Worm Svrnp. It destroy* .yii| ex pell Wortps A', HI/,/. H'i.iri. Andruw J. I'.-irkur. l Root. Johnston. Jim. S. Corcoran. ,l..-..|.|l It. (illii.m. Sol. C. KclmumU, 1J.D. dV/my'ii liny - Henry A. Nuwcomlip. Isyim'f Hi-ill- -Holiurt ('arann. Tuhrrnt'irni .lames Walker. Capt (VwdtVr Adnm 'ilnr.iur. DAVID C. Mc'DowiLL, /', In. I .S,//,l. J. E. HOWKI.L, M.A., Sec. gaged in a very fool-hardy trick of selling their weekly adi'.ions for less than cost, no doubt with the intention of driving the weeklies published in towns and the country down stream. Tin- nmntiic gitiue has resulted in so financially crippling them both that they now hnd it necessary to replenish their straightened positions at the ex- pense of the compositors. The Globe and Mail had better stiffen their backs and return to the old system of con- ducting their business on business principles. The country weeklies can't be injured ; they were called into exis- tence by the public to fill a public necessity, and as snrh will live. Pnr jrwc-Fn I'roput. -Minyptopleare prejud- iced agaiuit patent uii'ilii-inri but all who try l!iird,.ck lllood Bitten are compelled to acknowledge It worthy a patent a* a valuable JUeoTery, The f"lli. win" iii from J. W. Ptolemy, of Winnipeg, fornily grain tnyr for William (iillmliy. of Hamilton anil (irimiby : " I wa f jr many yoar much afflicted with Contivp- ni'K, liilliouMieai, and altinmtely DyiiprpRia, I jiufli P <1 very inucli and tneil many different meilieinrs, which tf'ive em only temporary r. lief ami then I wax as Lud a* ey ( r afrain. I wax n-romniendpd by u friend, who ha* I.eeii reitore.l tdlieiilth liy it, to try McOreg- or' Speedy Cure. I ili.l ->, and it wan not long I., for. I felt like a new man, and I bare t'Ujuyi d excellent lieultli ever aince. I flrit coniinence.l titling it Kehruarv 7th, 1879. Bold by KicharJaon'i druggi<t. ROAD NOTICE! OF Artemesia & Euphrasia III I lie 4 ollllf \ of .!-r. NOTICK i. lieruliy ulvvn. that tlic Munlci|>* e.niiiefl. nf tl.e ToKiiiililpc of Artomusia ami Kii|ihranift, ri-iM'Uv.]\. will, utter four w.-.-k- froni tin- nmt pul.lir iTien in the newiipa 1 |.r eallvil til" PUaiBBTO* AllVANI I 111.' rlt" >' wlni li rtr-l |iillilic*ti<ill III tliv llltll lUy of .Inly, A. II. iwtl.i |ir..riMy| tii|iiu.H li\ lw fort ho rlninii: mid M'lliliu' or ntluTwm.. *1i-|.. ^uik' of thr iinder- iiK-ntioiiuil Kiwil l>i viatiiui" iinl OrlftatlBMd nllnwHiicf. i.. HI^ witiitti tin Hi. I 1 rv. h-hi| and ioi.| IIKII nf the Ixiuiidary lin.< lietwci n UM MU Townnliii> Int.- An ninl niiiifiilitr that roiul drviuiinn mir- the . veyixl In 'I' II i.nlil ..i.. i;-. ed K<|itr In width, thfl centre line of which In de- ami of )ne)i one rilK I'UIXTEKS STRIKE. The following remarks, clipped from hint week's Owen Sound Advrrtiiu-, ancnt the printer's strike in Toronto, are to the |><>int. and render comment unnecessary : The coni|"isitor's in nearly all tho printing officeH struck last, Saturday owing to a proposed reduction in v, notices of which wen post- d up in the olhi:e Saturday morning. The em pnsiiiirs deiintiided that the noliei s \ taken down. an. I tho non-coin[>liii:n'> his ovler rcsultini; in a pretty i ill strike thoroughoiit thn city.; The (>l'>li' ihiiius tiiiit it has won the, buttle, but tin; Mail looks very ililap- 1 idated, and i^ (ippnrontly suffering both in point nf popularity ami pocket. Tin i< QI . ic.ii sympiithy e\[) I'd for eitln r the tilolir. i-r M-iil by tho public. These two -papm haTS been trying for sum;- time b.ick to cut each others tlirnut by reductions in adver- tising rates. They have been aUocn l In U ilnted K<|itriulxir '27th, lim foliu ronuiii'licini,' at jMitnt nn the e^Btvrly lioiiDd- arv of n deviation of load iii.vv tia\ell'<) through l^.t NinnlxT Twi.nt\ Seven 1:1 th- Kunrti-i ntli -I'm of the rownahlp nf ArteiiH*nia, at <1i'tf\iH-e of flve ehithiK and thirty four link* ni(re or !- 1i. >n the eeiitie of II . lioiiniUlv line ! I.M n the siii'l Twimhl|il. Tlienee norll- Twen t\-Thr d*Rntmi ftftorn miiniti>. eaut. pevcn rliallm more or Inn. Tie nee north Koitv Si\ dixri'e* i-t. one i l.uln mM , lulitv linl< Tln-nce Hniitli f.iit; live <let:i ,.^ tlnrt >. minute., pant, onr ehaill ami twenty i-ijht link, more nr lem tn thr northeilv lH,innUr\ of tho Mini hoiniilary line I i tv.een the nnl Towii*ht|M nf Aitamwla and Rophrada. jn.l Ml mid iiur'iliir that jiortlon of the or innl nllimrnnr. of the honmini \ line lM'ti-<.|i tin aiil Townahlni of Art.un. -i^ .unl Kuiihranla tho null. I ....... Iwbleh ina> I" more pnrtienlntly dnrril<.-d as f(illnt\, nnd ti. in;; nnn chain III uidtli Coimieneini; at a point hi the' centre of aald lintiliditr.v line hetwern the Kaiil 1 ciwnlll|i- c.|i |iosite tiiu pouth-wr* Uirly anKlo of Lot Number One III tllo Fourth Coin emiiiin of the Tnwnslii|i of Buphrwta. Tbenen oiiKterly aloiiK th orluln- al niKtinetlc miinu> of >nid honnrlary line four chaiiiH and twulve and otm-half link* All per-onn intilte'te'l an- hrreliy rxjulred to take notice nnd cove in tliem-, Ives accordingly. W. I. 11KI, I.AMY. Tup ( lerk. ArteniMia. ("gd.l KOIIKltT lirM.iil'. Twi-. ci..|t : , l-uvhrasla. Dated July KMh, IHM. Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus. Cy- sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sicr- ness and Summer Complaint ; alsa Ciio/era Infantum, and o.V Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY AIL DRUGGISTS T. MILBURN & CO., Proprietors, Toronto. JAMES G. CARSON, -GENERAL AGENT OF THE- Xorlli American Mamifaduring Co. (Limited) For the Counfit-M of GREY, SIMCOE, & DUFFERIN, TVameH of 1MPL.1SM KIVTS. North A^ieiican Harvester and Twine-Binder, C ft. cut. "5 ft. cut. Imperial Harvester, improved. L)i[>luum Harvester and Iteaper. Improved Model Mower. J. 1". Miimiey Mower, I X L Reaper and Mower, Combined, " Single Reaper, " Single Mower, liny Rnke, F. F. Grain Drill, North Arnerionii Seeder, Improved Hill Plow, Improved No. 13 Plow, Corn Cultivator and Scuffler, Large C. Box for Horse Power, Little Boss Horse Power, Horse-Power Jack. Alao John Deeroi celebrated American Plow.. Hon*-Powera. Separator*. V. (.-> n fw.i?. ngUMi and Hoilur*: Coiiil>ine<l 1'ortable Kniinwi and Separator* and Hone 1'owen * S-i>ac<.i- Haw Mill Maehiner>.,\e . Ac. \ <r ni s Wanted in \.\n\ Township ! FOE FIRST-CLASS Cistern Pumps, and Sinks! Earle Strain's Tinware Emporium! WM. CLAYTON -Has on hand a Large assortment of- Mcns, BOOTS AND SHOES. Kf 'Suitable for tl.e Summer. Call and sec Quality and Price Second to None ! WM.jJLAYTON. - FLESHERTON. Tho Tlinrniiuli.lircd Hiirliam K;ill Tin- TlioroiiKli-brrd Itiirli.nn Bull " DUFFEEI1T," "PRINCE ARTHUR," | will utand lor the nrrvlcr of conn tin- M'aron of 1*4 at l,ot 14(1. lat Katl, 1'. A M. Koad, ArtotnMla. I near Fleshnrton. I I DK.IU.K Tho iiedikT'" 1 of Dufferui runs through tho Ilritl'h Aninrlcan, Anifi lemi. ninl Knlih Herd KookK. nnd ii flratclaiii In every particular. Knirerin na?< t;ot liy llodei iek ln>|i i 1---J1 II. A. II. K . dam Nornh, l>y U ike ef Oinatfli :i7:i , ( I77M It \ H It i ; K ilmn BntMrenp. iiv Untterrt v lincl. 1111; ilKft A. H. II i :jnl dam Valentine l.v Honent Tom I l:i. 040 K. II. It i For halanco of (M-dlu'i ee n-i' Keereturv'i* enti ie-. TI'.ltMS -J per trade i-i.w; ieeil arrll|lo- nient" with |>art.if< DrlnglnBtboronghbMd cttl payablu Jan. 1st INKV AKCII. l'All:\s rropiietov. Ill Pttnil for tli liil. lit l-ot I(W, 1 uprvlce of C(iw tho ncanoii ol A- S Koart. Artcmmla. . , . . TKll Jls 7 ..... MH per cow. to lie paid Jan. lit 1W4-, . K rooiiii< fen 10 cent, to IK> paiil at time nf M i \ iee. 1'ixllKrw to he ien at the pro)irletor' renlilence. \\M.CARKr.\KKKH, I'roprlctor STRAYED. From the premise* of thu \indrFi(;ne<l. Lot : K Mb Con. AltamOTla, a two-jraai eld stei r. i/r^lit redndor. Any p-raon Rivlnt' Infornmtlon lea.i itiK to the racovory of the ahovu will be itiltahl> ruwnrded. WM II HF.Ml'HILL. Artc-nmla. Jnnn l^t. 1*4. BITTERS Cur. ; I)i;:im:is, Loss c : f Apjx'titt; /'/- /..</.,, , Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affcctionso) th<: Ln-,r and K, ./'/ ;/-, Pimples, Blotches, noils, Humors, Kilt Rhruni, Scrofula. Erysipelas, and all diteases arisinj from Impure Blood, Dcninjfl Stomach, or irrryular action of (he Dowels. t i i

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