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Flesherton Advance, 10 Jul 1884, p. 3

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i TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY Latest News irom Over the World. All e> * Tbe number of steam vessel* added to the Dominion during 1843 was 101, witb 1,610 horse power. A verdict for S2.000 damages ha* been entered againit Mr. Cumming*, Chief Cou- ntable of St. Catharine*, tor false arrest. On Wednesday at Kingiton, Col. Buel, of Ganancque, showed very valuable speci- men! of gold and platinum pioKed up on the claim in Morrmtown. Rev. J. P. Wilson, of Kingiton, and Rev. W. B. Young, Newbnrg, wer* mads band- some money presents on Wednesday night on changing appointments per order of Conference. The member* of the New York Press Association, witb tbeir wive*, arrived la Montreal yesterday morning, and joined the excursionist* down tbe river, tbe mem- bers of the local pree* and ctfioer* of the Ht. Jean Baptists Society dcing the honor*. According to returns just published, ths number of wreck* and casualties occurring in Canadian waters to British, Canadian and foreign sea going vessel* and to Cana- dian *ea going vessel* in other waters, during tbe year 1883, were 245, occasioning a lot* of 200 livee and II 3*2,153 of property. The visitors who are in Montreal to cele- brate the St. Jean Bapliste Society joined the local member* and w*nt off on au excursion on the St. Lawrence yester- day. Tbe congress held its session, when eloquent addresses were delivered by pro- minent statesmen and others on patriotic subjects. About 10.0UO penon* were aboard tb* fleet of river steamers, and enjoyed tbe trip down tbe river amazingly. Tbe captain and officer* of the steamship Titania, now in port at Montreal, bave received letters of thanks from tbe survivors and their friends of tbe shipwrecked steam ship State of Florida, several of whom tbe Titania landed at tbat port. The surgeon of tbe Florida { Dr. Bteele) addressed a vsry kind letter to Capt. McLean, at also did Mr. lieuuet. of London, Out., whose letter wa* accompanied witb a handsome present of furniture to Capt. McLean and otber officer*. Tb* indication* are that tbe Bordeaux win* crop of 1H>U will be abundant and of excellent quality. Mr. Gladstone say* tb* Government has on the Franchise Bill tried it* beet to avoid a conflict witb the Mouse ol Lords. M. Ferry stated in tbe Chamber of De pntie* yesterday tbat the Patenotre bad been ordered to Pekiu to demand satisfac- tion for tbe Langson sffair. The Dublin police regard Jas. K- id, wbo asked protection at Plymouth from tbe Invincible* as a harmless lunatic. They say bs bad a lunstrok* in America, which affected bi* mind. An infernal machine wa* placed oo tbe treet oar track in Bradford, Eng., yester day. Tbe oar, which wa* filled with people fortunately passed over tbe mac-bine with- out exploding it. Prince Jerome (Plon Plon) bplds tbat Prince Victor ha* brought public odium upon bimielf a* a faithless, disbonorabl breaker of pledges. I 'rime Victor'* reply to Plon Plon'* charge* is expected soon. Tbe Anarchists on trial at Oratv. bave been acxiuitted on tb* charge if attemptini to take tbe life of tb* Emperor of Austria but were sentenced to prison for oouspinui to disturb tb* peace. Dr. Smith, of Bioux City, Iowa, i* to deliver an address before tb* Cobden Club, London, next Saturday evening on tb desirability and necessity ot free trade in developing tbe agricultural resources of tbe Western Stales of America. In the French Chamber of Deputies las svening, M. De la Fosse attacked tbe Anglo French agreement with regard to Kgypt. M. Ferry defended the agreement and sail Franc* would go to the Conference uufet tered witb financial engagements. A vote of ooundeLoe in tbe Government wss pro posed and met witb unanimous favor. A dei-patch via London says tbs form*! Bedouin lieutenant of Hick* Pasha has arrived at Wadabalfa. He report* that K Madhi mads an attack on Khartoum, bu was repulsed witb heavy loss. Tbe date o ths attack and particulars are not given Hostile tribes are niasning in ths vicinity o Dongola. Tbe Nile u rising rapidly. Uuuisn advances in th* far east again attracting much attention in diplomatic circles. It i* believed in land that Russia, being emboldened by tb success of Francs in Tonquin, is deliber ately attempting to pick a quarrel wit China in expectation of adding to Russian territory in Asia. Frequent collision* bav occurred on the Rosso Chinese frontier and there are other indication* of approach of nerioun hostilities. J. Miller Kelly, President ot tbe Hoar of Aldermen, Kocbeiter, ha* been indictee under tb* new code for agreeing to accept bribe of 12.000 from the Baltimore .v Obi Telegraph Company to permit its lines run into Roobeeter. A bench warrant has been issued and the bail fixed at 110,000 Kelly is confined to his house by lioknesH He was appointed tb* new manager of tb Western Houss of Refuge a year ago. Tbe damage from tbe flood in the vioinit ot York. Pa., will aggregate at learttoOO 000. Tbe submsrged district includes beside* numerous private residences, Btore* lumber yard* and some of tbe large fso tories. Eight bridge*, including one of th Pennsylvania Hailroad, have been iwep away. Much live stock ha* perishec Thousands of feet of lumber bave bee washed away, and tbe valuable content* o many building* wholly ruined. Much dis tress will *n*ue. Joseph Rculi, a handsome young black mith living in Gresuville section of Jen City, ye*terday caused Police Justice Bills ing to issue a warrant for the arrest of Mark Bohmidt, a barber in Greenville, on a charge of malicious miaohisf. Up to Satur- day last Joseph was ths possessor of a handsome black moustache. After going to Bobmidt'* place to be ibaved on Satur- day la*t he fell asleep, and whils be slept one of th* barber* removed tb* prized mouitaob*. Bobmidt will be brought before tb* magistrate. George Smith, of New York, Treasurer of tbe Sylvester Grov* Lodge, Freemasons, was accused of embezzlement in Jefferson Market Polioe Court yesterday. Tbe Junior Warden of tbe lodge made an affidavit, tating tbat Smith received from hi* pre- eotBior in office two Tennessee coupon bonds of 11.000 each, and worth tl.oOO, and ons Ball and Asylum bond worth 1,000, and from tbe Seiretary 12 360, all f which be did appropriate to hi* own ut. "mith was paroled uutil July 1 lib. THE TORONTO I 1C ti.l ll . > Uli n. < (.!>. II al the I oriil ..!/.. \ i .1. i .I.|> I h. I'f l.nuri . IM-. hill M . ,1 A Toronto de*patcb says : Chief Justice Cameron held court yeittrday from 10 a.m. ill '.i o'clock last night. The Curr murder save being on, the Court room wa* a* full a* tie countable* would permit. Hatti* effrey. who looks as if her oounuemeut ad done her good, came into Court neatly ttired, and took a seat in tbe prisoner's ook. John Falvey also seems to have raced up since bi* incarceration in Castle jreen. He was allotted a seat beside Mr*. Jeffrey. Detective Reborn, wbo as worked Indefatigably on this case, aahiited Crown Counsel Irving witb tbe i, and Mr. E. F. Galbraith appeared for b* defence. Tbe day was spent in exsm- ming Crown witnesses. Not a tingle new act was elicited. The deaf mate Mont- ornery wa* examined at three hours ecgth With tbe aid of bis son a* interpre- r. He failed to positively identify eilh*r irs. Jtttrey or Falvey M ths persons be 10 saw quarrelling opposite hi* house. He could not identity Falvey'* clothing, although tba latter wore white pants and vest on tbe morning of Curr's murder. Tbe mystery surrounding the ease seems to be as deep as ever. The jury were locked up or tbe night. Our own correspondent telegraphs to-day Tb* Curr myitery i* a mystery (till. The rial ol tba prisoner* Falvey and Battle t fiery wa* continued this morning before Jr. Justice Cameron, but tbe evidence was not of of a new or interesting ature. Tb* deaf and dumb man. George Iroiniii I l.was recalled and confronted with he testimony given by him at tb* inquest. le was very contradictory, and at tbe con elusion of his examination Mr. Galbraitb submitted that tb* evidence wboley insufncieut to establish th* dentity of tbe prisoners witb tb* nurderera, and without calling any witnesses tor tbe defence asked tbat the Crown b* nou -suited. Hi* Lord -hi | concurred, and in addressing the jury old them tbat the main witness, iromtield, was unreliable, and that lis testimony was so disjointed bat no weight should be attached to it. After otber witnesses be did not consider hat th* (tone* connected tb* prisoner! lirectly with tbe crime. He then instructed .bs jury to return a verdict of acquittal uich they did without leaving tbe box. and tbe prisoners were discharged. i 11 HIM- A el Wllr lu Dticrrrd Kr.alu. An Aurori, Ind., despatch lay* : In fourth Btrtttt tenement boue there lit John llortou and sis divorced wit* iu separate apartments and a Mrs. Owsu* For Holm time tbe former Mr*, llortou bad tuspected her late busbaud of inti macy with Mrs. Owen*. Hue became ver; jealous, and to-day, with three wom*u frisuds, went to Mn, Owens' room, shu th* door, gagged her, tor* her garment* from her and poured tar over her writhing body, using a large paint brush to paint b* effectually. It was intended to appl; feathers as well, but tb* woman wbo pro- mised to bring tbe feathers failed to do so When tksir work wa* competed tbe women released tbeir victim, after man thrtats of puniabmenlif ibe should diaolos their name*. She was too mad to keep b* promise, however, aud as quickly a* possibli procured assistance and told wbo he assailant* w*r*. The women will be arrestec to-morrow if Mr*. Owen* succeed* by tba tint* in ridding herself ot enough of tb* tar to enable ber to appear and swear on warrants against them. ATT.*.f HfcU. I'|OI.IIIIM 'I I. .loll llou.r In 111 II. -ci < rf hi T|b. A City of Mexico despatch say* tbe Pro teetant mission at Collooa, on ths Centrt Railway, bas been attacked by a mob an destroyed. Rev. A. W. Greenman an others esosptd to a neighboring bouse Tniy were pursued and fired upon. Re turning tbe fire they killed one an wounded several of fie mob, which dis persed. The mission party was then pro tented by Federal solditr*. Mr. Greenman is now at ths American Legation here Ths Mayor ot Oellooa, having encourage tbe attack and refused protection tbe mi* siouaries. i* responsible for tbe disturbance V . Itimi. r raabUa. Tbe high shouldered sleeves came of wrinkling of tbe sleev* wben tbe ibould* earn wa* too high or too low according as tbe cloth had been out, a crease wbic caused a lump wben th* lady raised he arm. Little by little, what was a blemi became an intentional hump, until now bas to be stuffed aud poked out to be con sidired itylub. It i* not generally known tbat the popn lar " Mother Hubbard " cloak was anotbi accident. Mr. Worth, having some yard of an unsaleable fabric on band, gathered up into a sort of bag, cut slits for sletve aud trimmed tbe bottom witb flounces. 1 IB iioniitf nl if be bimielf knew what h meant to do witb tins " gathered bag." On day a lady saw it. " Ob I What a quee thing I " she cried. "I shall never wear tbat." Tbs next day sbs tried it on, tb third she bought it. Aud in three season time every woman in Paris wore a " Moth* Hubbard.'' A large package of bank bills it report* to bave disappeared from the post-ofb'ci Quebec, while passing between a local ban and one of it* branch**. A meeting of tbe Paris bar has paased resolution which, ot course, has uo lega effect Tbat the receiver of a Utter has tb right to publish it without tb* consent tb* writer or bis beir*. Religion is not s thing of noise an spasm . but of silent islf saeritio* and qui* growth. CURRENT TOPICS. TBX nativs Japanese paper* state tbat ic tree from which tbe lacquer varnish is >taioed i* disappearing, and an outcry i* laking against " tbs extinction of tbe lOquer industry." Like the mulberry ree (silk-worm's food) it was formerly pro- oted by law. Ths upper class families ere obliged to rear 100 trees, the middle las* 70, and the lower o!asn 4n." Tbe law aving fallen into disuse, tbe cultivation of IB lacquer tree has fallen away and tbe rice of lacquer bas boen "enormously noreased." TIII professor* of tbe University of Jena, ho bave been investigating the effect of >baooo upon the human system, report lat moderate quantities of the weed may M used without injurious effects. They say tbat in tb* German army soldiers in active servioe are very properly furnished with smoking tobacco, because smoking en- bles them to endure wvere fatigue upon mailer nutrition aud witb greater alacrity ud eoitidenoe than would otherwise be tie case. IN a voyage from Rio Janeiro to Bor- eaux two French savants carefully in- estigated the quality of sea air. They ouud in all instances tbat over the open sea, at a distance from tbe veeeel, the air was singularly free from the multitude of rganumi which are found m land breezes, t is now believed by these and other in- estigstors tbat none cf the germ* of an pidemic can crow an ocean with tbe wind, ut that all low form* of life contained iu t must toon reach tbe water and die. Hea oy age* are now sometime* recommended n this special ground. A LIVXB engaged in diving operation* on tie coast opposite Gibraltar, under Apei Hill, witb tbe object cf ascertaining the whereabout*) of a recent wreck, ha* dis- covered at the bottom from eighty to one uudred large guns, mostly 24 and 32 wander*, and also two large anchor*, 'bey are supposed to have belot god to aoiue large line of -battle ship which *ank a the old war, possibly after th* battle of 'ratalgar. A* there wa* no apparatus for be purpose none of tbe guns were brought .p. so that it bas not been possible to irtaiu their nationality. periodical numbering* of tb* iple " never fail to be attended by epi- sode* of a curious and ludicrous character ; bat, as mifcht be expected, an Indian oensui taking has its own peculiarities. >uriug the recent (numeration in tb* 1'uu aub. for lustar ce, a native official returned a village pond as au " inhabited bouse," and wbsn called upon for au explanation ustilied bimielf on tb* ground that b* bad ound tbe pond in question occupied by a air wbo announced bi* Intention of re naming in the water till tb unholy rite* of the census were over. Tux sensible housewife " keeps thing* cool " for herself and her family by siting in tb* night air through wide open door* and window*, and keeping the door* loeed and the blind* shut duriug tb* glare of the day. There are many other email ^oint*, tbe observance of wbieb adds to tbe wmfort of hot weather living. By starting five ruinntee earlier for the ear, hurry is Avoided, and nothing beats like hurry, as tbe bls/iug face* and streaming brows of tbe lat* comer* in oar* and on tb* boat* testify. Tbe sensible fasbion of carrying sun umbrellas ha* added much to tb* com- tort ol town -dwelling gentlemen. A* might possibly happen, a man named Morearc had bi* entire face blown off by the bursting of a shell in tbe Franc- Ger- man war. Kyes and everything went, leaving only the top and back of tbs hair- covered bead. And now tbe Paris corres- pondent of tb* London '/'.' write* tbat ike man is not only still living, but that be i* furnished with an artificial face, wblob include* false eyes, a false palate and false teeth, witb several other thing* nearly as false as the correspondent's story. For it further aud coolly narrated tbat by mean* of this completely equipped mssk tbe man can smell, speak in a natural tons and even play on tbs flute. But tbis arti- ficial face, wonderful as it is, M as nothing to the uonsummate cheek ot tbe corres- pondent wbo tells tbe story. i.rti. . i ii .mi Irelnuw. Tb* prrjeotof tbe Artisans' Exhibition in Dublin is aaaumiug shape. Dr. J. 8. Hughes, brother ol tbe late Baron Hughes, died on May 3 1st in Dublin. New potatoes were exhibited in Bantry market on Juns 3rd, grown in open air at Crookbaveti . A farmer named Jams* Curtin, living at Coom, near Castleislaud, wa* abet recently by two dicguised men. Tbe pilgrimage of Lough Derg, approved by tb* Holy Bee, was opened on Juus 2nd, aud will olcwe on Aug. 1 1th. Diunis Molloy, tbe man witb live wive*, wa* tried in Dublin on tbs .'.th. Tb* pris- oner wa* fonnd to be insane, and was ordered to be detained duriug tbe Lord- Lieutenant'* pleasure. On tbe 7th a vote wa* taken iu the General Axaembly of tbe Irish Presby- terian Church on tbe instrumental tuunc question. Tbe instrumentaliit party uioved to tbe itltct that discipline should be exercised agaiuvt congregation s using instruments. An amendment was moved rotting fortb tbat it would be disastrous to tbe Cburch to do so. Th* amendment wa* carried by V>.> - . against 215. Mr. Butler, a young Irish landlord, has married the daughter of tbe herd on bi* state. Tbe union ha* been strongly opposed by tbe gentleman'* friend*, bat tbe recent death of hi* father put bim la po*- seeion of 1 000 a year, witb some i'30.00" bard cash, and he at once arranged for tbe marriage, which greatly rejoiced the tenant*, wbo bave held festivals. Mr. Butler, tbe day befcre marrying hi* bumble bride, alito embraced tbe Itouaau Catholic religion. 10-UAV WITHOUT i .> IIIK K o \\ I hr i.i . b*iM> ol I lit in Ike KM. i. " Society among tb* inmate* of the harem means (imply imoking cigarettes and pipee, and the most trivial amusement*, luatead ol the sparkling oouvernaliou atd pleasant music witb ciprocally entertain Western tor I ...01.-. 1,1.1 Vrmt*. On* of ths quaintest book- racks seen in juite a while has just been numbed by a young woman living in ilarlem. Every one admire* its unique beauty, but perbap* would not be so profuse in their praise* did they know it was mad* cf a soap-box. Tbe Ixx was obtained from a corner grocer, and was of quite nice, smooth wood. The top and bottom were removed, one of the sides placed down three inches from tbe top aud the top edge* were prettily coalloped. The whole was then coated witb oak varnisb and a (trip of cream leather, pinked at tbe edge*, tacked on to each shelf . Tbe shelve* nre kept firmly in plsoe by little iron rivet", and were bung from lb n <e by m> aua if crimson o ird | a s ng ibiougn bulb xuelvv* and iv riHi'K '"' lwo "urewn in tbe wall. A it-w lit la i ! e*" of brio s> b-M were placed on the t"|>-h- 1', bn row if handsome volume* beautified tba !<iw*r oue. The entire oot was tweul) -e-gut cents, New York Journal biob tbe acxee re- each other among esteru people, horrible screaming, the monolououe noise of drums, and tbe clang of tamborinee are her* tbe solace of woman iu her boon ot Mas. Tb* boasted luxury of tbe palace* offers in its isloalion no attraction to a refined nature. This life make* people prematurely old ; a man ot 50 is wrinkled and superannuated, and a woman of 80 ha* passed bar meridian. No en. e works uuUss compelled to it, as tran- quillity ot tnind and person* best please* tbe Oriental taste. They ignore tbe paassgs of time, which never disturbs them witb tbe cry of bukrab (to-morrow) , yet people write of the fascinations of Eastern life. It may be the climate, witb its sunny sky and tb* quickening air of tbe desert, or possibly stagnation of sxuteno* which delude* them. It cannot be the effort of thinking or of feeling that awaken! pleasing impression*, for tber* I* nothing her* that doe* not clash with every senti- ment, habit and custom of intellectual life. Society is tbe isolation of a priaoo. though tbe captives are surrounded by uuiubers of people. Tbe philosopher residing in tbe East is forced to meditate bitterly upon tbe waste ot humanity around him. Only an anchorite who*, religions duly consist* in counting Deads could b* charmed with such monotony and silence Tb* man of energy and thought would think it a cruel punishment to b* forced to uudergo the ordeal of intellectual stagua uoo amid a people whose ignorance and indolence fill their minds with egotim obstinacy and self-importance. It is a common tbing for Egyptians wbc bav* been educated by order of tbe Oovernmtn in the beet colleges in Europe to come back to Kaatern lit* and immediately throw away tbeir books, abandon iuteroouriee with intelligent foreigner*, shut tb*m*elvee in bar urn among ignorant women and there ud tbeir existence. This is probably what they mean wben they as y tbat 'in their education of mind they do' not neglect tbe heart.' Au Eastern man will sit for hours iubaling tbe pertnm* ol a sweet flower an< enjoying tbe mutio ol a fountain (murmur ing at the time a chapter in tbe Koran without (topping to understand It* mean ing) and the beautiful objsot* of nature which Allah bas spread before him. H* enjoy* to-dsy, but never think* of preeerv ing object* which pleas* him in iculptur or painting, however dear to bim, for th sake of th* pleasure they might give in the future. This tkeir writer* call a life rich in sensations."- (Jen. Lonng - " Confederate Soldier in t'.yypt." Latent (i .mi David Reid, for t great number of yiare a well-known chemist and druggist in Aberdeen, i* dead. Mr. Jsme* Arthur, of Banbaw, intends) to build a model lodging bouse in Paisley, aud present it AS a gift to th* town. Tbe translation of tbe Queen'* new book into Gaelic baa been entrusted by Her Majoety to Mr*. Mary Mackellar, tbe Gaelic poeteas. Miss Harris, sister of th* late William Harris, who gave 120 000 to Dundee High School, bas given 200 to provide two gold medals annually to tbe dux boy and girl iu tb* school. Invercauld Forest from Invercauld House past Loch Buligtotbo top of iieuaboard, and along tbe frontier of Mara Forest to Allan more, U to be converted into a cattle grazing. Mr. J. C. Neilson, Superintendent of tbe Airdris Burgh Police, died on tbe lltb. Mr. Ntilson had been in tbe Burgh Polioe Force for thirty years, and was highly respected. Rev. William Holdom, pariah minuter at Qrangemouth, died on tb* H.b, after an illness of four weeks, at au advanced age. He has labored in Grangemontb with much acceptance for over thirty years. In hi* closing address to tbe General embly tbe. Moderator said : \Vimiaa rom our ranks in tlii Assembly one of tbe Dry genii of tbe place the imperionslion F Boollisb goodness, piety, and eolid worth tbs lat* Sheriff Barclay." Markmcb Aull Kirk is about to be euovated externally and internally. Fifty ears ago tbia wa* the only church in tbe ixish , now there are three in tbe village, isides on* at Thornton, another a: Milton and a mission ball at Balourvie. Tbe Gbwgow Water Commissionirs eon - mplate applying to Parliament for ntnonty to exUnd tbeir works at Loon vatrine, 10 a* to permit of an increased up|ily of water for tbe city to tbe extent ot * .000 000 gallon* a day . ' Mr. Thorns* Bontar, banker. Blairgowrie, mysteriously disappeared in Ldiuburgh on be 2 Ird May, and he ha* aot since been eard of. Mr. Boutar, wbo waa a man of xoolleu! character, wa* attending tbs sit- ings of tbe General A**xmbly. Tb* subject of a harbor of refuge for tbe aat coast of Scotland, which bas been nder consideration for a considerable ime. ha* now bee* decided upon. A* we* xpeeted, Peterheed nas been oboeen, or at it tbe South Bay at Peterbead. Tbe works will be constructed by Scotch convict abor. Col. Malczewrki. wbo did lately at bis home in Prussian PuUud. wa-< 100. While serving In tbe Prunainu army hu was taken prisoner, and forthwith entered tbe Freuob army and took part in many of Napoleon's campaign*. After Waterloo be went horn. . but in the rising of 1830 entered tbe Polish army, and, being taken prisoner, passed 47 vear* in Siberia. He wa* only released in 1879. Miss Brown, wbo is no longer young, was chiding Miss Moirs (or her foolixhuesit in oarrjing a paraeol, which Miss Urown sad was uBuless and a piece of affectation. " I never carry ft paraeol," *h* laid. " No,'* replied Miss Moire, " people on tbe sbady side of life have no use for them." Ho I for semi-tropical California. Ho for tbs land flowing with milk and honey the laud where orange* grow and grapes in purple clusters weigh down tbs vins. Fivs inches of hail fell at Pasadsna, Los Angeles County, on tb* 13th of June, 18*4, K !<!( (> mu* U.wn Mmlra. The other day, after dinner in Eatoi Square, London, much to tbe aruszeuieu ot the neighborhood, a young nooleman. full evening drees, rode, for a bet, a race up bi* itepe, into hi* ball, thence to hi dining room and out again. Tbosecxploi used to be oounued to tbe old Castle kiquao der, Sir Toby Haokr*nt, six-bottle, fifteen paces era in Inland. A gentleman then tyled Jerusalem Whale y. rod* one of bi coach horse* up tbe grind itairoase of bis residence in Stephen's Green, Dublin, an into tbe dinner room, wbere bit guests wer assembled. l< niiiDrflBg a Srw Trial. A verdict of murder bad just been trough n. " Tour Honor," said tbe prisoner's conn sel, riHing and addressing tb* Court, demand a new trial." " OL what ground .'" asked the Judge. " Ou tbe ground tbat sorns members o tbe jury are incompetent to render a ju* vrrdii'' . Among them are au undertaker, rop* manufacturer, a tlorisl, and a deal* in mourning gooos." A new trial wan granted. Tbe Iszieet man is on a Western paper He spell* photograph " 4togrspb." Tber have been only three worse than he. On lived out in Kansas, and dated hi* letter ,'llworth," another spelt Tennsi lOeC," aud the othsr wrote Wyaudotte Y4." In one of the leading olube two promi n mt members wsre disoussiDg the pecoa dilloe* of another member. Said one That fellow deservss to be expelled. Hi ban broken every rule of tbe club save one " Which rule i* that ?" asked the otber " That wbieb forbids feeing ib* ser van t- was the answsr I rt u l.r A physician in tbe Chambers Street Ho* iltal, New Yoik, showed a reporter the ther day bow they treat sunstroke* there. wading tbe way to a bath-room in tbe basemeut and pouting to a wan about SO an of age, wbo lay naked in th* bath witb an ice cap on nie bead and a ibeet ver bis leg*, tb* doctor continued : " True * an unknown man from tbe Church Street 'olio* Station, aud the first regular cas* of luustruke we bav* bad this year.' Tbe man ay on Li. back, bres>tlm stentortously. witn the tongu* pulled forward to prevent choking, while au attendant played water all ovsr him with a powerful sprinkler. He fell down at fifteen minute* to 14 hi morning, aud we bad him under treatment iu twenty-two minute*. No two sees of sunstrok* are exactly alike, and) tbe treatment depend* upon tbe symptoms. Speaking generally, I may o that if tbe pulse m full and strong, with ry high temperature, we first bleed tbe patient from the arm. Although tbia man'* temperature wa* !(>> when be wa* brought iu, which indicate* an internal temperature of 110, we did not bleed him. and bs did not ueed it, but applied tbe ioe cap to nx bead and douched him oonlinu oui-lv witb C'roton water. After one and a bait hour'* treatment tbs patient's polo*) tood at 109 . A* soon a* tbe pules le reduced to '.-1 , tbe normal temperature, we lift bim from tb* bath and lay him in a cool place, and if b* IB going to rscover be ill soon begin to do so. Moet of tbe case**-* only from hsal exhaustion, m which east we treat them witb tb* ice cap, and perhaps a lull* bromide of potassium. It is not necessary to bs in tbe sun to get sunstroke- It u really a beat stroke. My experience, though, shows tbat long and bort, (tout and thin, are all liable to get it, but undoubtedly drinking strong drinka increases tbe danger. ' .rl*,,d Mi. 1. 1 i.*.,, a CaBiiMwl**. The Port Onrwill correspondent of tbe St. Thomas Journal writ**: A most heart- rending secident happened here lasltven- lug by which Mr. Tboe. D* Pley, a yoang man of Tileoubur);, loet hi* life while en- deavoring to sav* another from drowning iu Otter Creek. A number of young men had been here during the day ashing, and last iviuiug on* of the party, a young man by the name of Taylor, from Glenmirr. while in a boat on the creek, through some mischance caused tb* boat to careen over, throwing him out. Keing unable to isim, be wa* seen to be iu a drowning condition . when De Dry sprang into another boat which happened to be at band, and gallantly weut to hi*) aasiitanoe, and while endeavoring to pull bim oat of the creek drew hi* owa boat under water, far enough *o tbal it filled. Becoming frightened at this ntage he sprang from tb* boat aud *ud*avored to get aiihore, but. being unable to *wim, sank, and was seeu but onoe afterward for an in- stant until hi* body wa* taken out some three-quarter* of an hour after be surk. Notwithstanding vigorous efforts wire made by willing bands, it was found tbat life was extinct. Young Taylor clung to tbe boat after De Pley jumped aud reaobed the shore in safety, Tbe coroner bas been notified, but has not yet arrived. Tbe village in m a state of excitement over tbe sad affair. I>e Pley was a aingls mac. and leave* a brother, two sisters and a widowed mother. Tnioon is tbe pride of all Arisonians. They even claim it to be tb* oldest city in Anierie*. and declare that its oriiriD antedate* that of Kanta Fo. Before tbe advent of Americans it was a Mexican hamlet, and (till earlier it we* an Indian village. No trams of it* first oeoupanta are to be seen to-day, but tbs adobs hooeea and narrow, winding streets are Mexican

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