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Flesherton Advance, 19 Jun 1884, p. 8

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HEARTHS Carriages and Waggons, are uiad of th beat wlooted UmtMr, and all the Latest Improved Machinery are employed in making Thu Boios are set by a Patent Hosing Machine, aud are presod Into the Hub by a Preen <>! i"i tuu> power, and can nttvar get loose ai Hoze> do wedged iu tlia old way. HK Aid) S Waggo 11 tuiufs considered, la the Cbuapuet. Strongest, mutt Durable, aud the Kiuiost llunnlng Watyj made. ttulHTt Hunt uyi that he could not draw hit Horto Power up a very ateep hill without help on a Speight VYagKon. and he nay! be can do it with ou of HEAKU b Waggwiu. He kuow that JOHN H HKAHU luaka* the Eawert Huuuiim Come and se the Carriages and Waggons and Machinery for Making. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PILLS &OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify the lllood, correct all Disorders of tbe Liver, Stomach, Kldn'y*, and .Bowels. Tbev invlKorate and reetore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are Invaluable In all Com plaint* incidental to females of all ages. Kor Children aud the a#ed they arc priceless. THE OINTMENT U an infallible remedy for Had Legs, Bad Hreaau, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers. It is famous for Gout and Rheumatism. For disorders of th. Chett It has no equal. for SORE THROA1, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS Ulandular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases It baa no rival ; aud for oontractud and atifl joints it aetn like a charm. Kanufactnred only at Professor HOLLOWIY'S Establishment, 78, New Oxford Street < late 533, Oxford Street ), London. and are sqld at la ltd., 8s. M.. s. 6d., lls., 9Bs., and J3. each Uos or Pot, aud may be had ol all Modi cine Vendors throughout the World. # .PwreAosers sAouM luuk tc (A<- Lobfl <m tkt Pt* mi 533, Offitnl tftrett, Loiuiim, tlieij t ire If the uMrtst it not This is not the " Ked Flag M you have read so much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dealing Flag, carried by IHr. Tlios. Duncan. Tailor. Flesherton. WILLIAM HOGG; FLESHBRTON STATION. Respectfully announces that be has received a Large Supply of New Goods, EitensiTe and Taried in - ui e an Tare n Dry Goods, "Winter Clothing, Boots &c., &c., &c. My Branch Store at EUGENIA kept fully supplied with Goods- Flesherton Station, 1st NOT., 1883. F L E S HER T O N. ~ MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS or M&rUe Such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstones Counter and Table Tops-in American and Italian Marble and Oranite. and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbleized Slate, *c., Ac. Flesherton, Aug. 30, 1883. The Advance tilOan, 1st, 1885, for 50 cents. klmlH rlry From our vu>* (. "orrttpondent, llarn raisings are nuw all the go. Fall wheat which U an average crop is heading nut. Sprint; crop* considering the preatsiit dry weatlier, showing U|> well. Kimberley u> to have a juweller'i estab- lishment soon. A Council of the Royal Templars of Temporance was urbanized on Thunday last. A serious accident occurred at the raising of Mr. lUttrii-ks barn nn the llth mst. Mr. Th<. M.m. . while helping to raise the juirliiir bent, fainted from orer- lifting, and fell to the ground a distance "t some 22 fuut. He was picked up al- most dead, but it was found on hu re- covering consciousness that he had SUB taiiied no mure serious injuries than a severe bruising. Although very mrch shaken up, hu is around again, but how he escaped so well seem* almost miracu- lous. Mr. Thompson of this place, while re- turning from preaching on Sunday last, was run into at Eugenia by a party ol drunken roughi. The wheels of their buggy ]>assed up over the aile of Ins, pitching them to the ground. Happily Mr. Thorn pal it i was not injured, and the roughs picking tlu-aiaelves up, left the scene as <juickly as possible without either grumbling or apologizing. The ad sight of a young man trying to get away from the tavern, a drunken father, has lately been witnessed in Kmilx-rlcy. A farmer not many miles from here, failing to get tick for drink, and not being very flush of cash, is reported to have tried taking uway from his home a bag of flour to pawn or sell, in order to procure means of satisfying his thirst. He was hindered in his attempt by his family. These arc some of the many benenci&l results of a drinking place in our midst. Mr. Buchanan returned to the North West some two week* ago. A celebration of the glorious 12th is reported for Kimbcrluv. for constitutional or scrofulous catarrh, and for consumption induced by the scrof- ulous taint, Ayer'i Sanaparilla is the true remedy. It ha* cured numberlesF csse*. It will stop the nauwons catarruol dischargee, and remove the sickening odor of the breath, which are indications of scrofulous origin. A Startling Discovery. Mr. Win Johnston, of Huron, Pak., wrlten that his wife had !wcn troubled with acute llroncliitis for many years, and that all re lirs tried )/Hvr no permanent relief, until be procured a tattle of DR. KIM. s New I)i coery for consumption. Coughs, ami Colds, IIP h liad a magictl effect, aud prodneed a TIIIUMI nt cure. It U (rnaranteed to cure all Dixcases of Tbrost, Lungs, and Bronchial Tubes. Trial Bottles Free at W- Uiclurd- son's Drug Store. Large size, 91.00. Fluid Lightning. Fluid Lightning is the only cure for Tooth- ache, Headache, Earache, and Neuralgia. It doe* not take a day or an hour to cure it, but in less than on. minute all pain is gone. Thousands bavs tested its merits within the last year. Fluid l.ii/htniug is also t positive sure for Rlitmmstitro. The wont possible rasoi bsTp !, ii permanently cured in one week. Price 25 cents at Kicbardaon's Drnit Store. To the Ladies. McGregor andParke's Carbolic Cerate will ii n- any case of Pimples on the face or K m^-li Skin on either hands or face and leavs them soft as silk It will !*,. heal any sore when all other prrparatious fail. Thousands have U-sted it. Ask yonr druggist for McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate, and do not be persuaded to tske anything else churned to ' as good. It Is but 'J.Vrnts per box at Richardson's Drag Store. UBKMOWM To R. i. , r That prsparation is undiscovered which can snrpass Or. Fow- lerii's Extract of Wild Hlrawberry as a eare [or Cbolrra Morbas, Dysentery and Summer Complaints. Dow* In Dixir. The wits of Mr. Kunnexly, dealer in dragt in Dixi*. was cured of a chronic cough bv Uagyards rectors! BalRam. The best throat and lung healer known. DB. LOWS WOUM 8YKUP will remove all kluds of Wormn froui children or adnlts. Rucklen's Arnica Salve. Tbe Bert Sain In the world for Cats, Rrnlaei Bore*, floers. Salt Rtimim, Fever Bores, Tetter, ^hsppod Hands. Chilblains, Coma, and all Bkln Eruptions, and posltlvuly cures Piles, or no pay required. It ls guaranteed to give perfect satis 'action, or money rnfnnded. Price X cents per box. For aale by W Hlcbardson. Kleeherton. FRKHMAN-SWOHM POWDRRH are safe In all ,TMes. Thm- destroy and remove Worms In chiMrmi oradulti. A PRIZE.; Bend sU cents for pont- age, and receive fr,'<v a costly ' ' ol Roods which will help you to mor money rtaht away than auythmx Hs i. this wrl<l. All, of either MI, succeed from Brut hour. Th broad roH to fortune npenibefora the worker*. abaolaUlv .ur. At *ncn address Tiu k A Co., Aiujnuta, Maine. I a wak at home). W outfit frea. Par ao- o | l r "ur .No risk. Capital not re- qulrsd. Reader, If voo want bnslnes at which peraoni of either e>. youn ^i-_nf 5 n k "-' I '* Pr all the Urae they w.irk. with arwolnt certainty, write for partlcu- ars to H HAI.LBTT ft C!o., Portland, Maine. or old. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. Xo other complaint* are so inaidiouitn their attack as those affecting the throat aud lungs: none so trifled with bjr th majority uf suffer- en. The ordinary coufb or cold, resulting jwrhaps from a trifling or uucunsciuus HJL- posure, 1s often but the beginning uf a fatal sickness. AVER'S CllEBBY PECTORAL has well proven Its cfncarr In a forty years' fight nil tbroat and lung illseasr*, aud should l<e takvu ill all cues wltuuul delay. A Terrible Couch Cured. "In 1087 1 took anetereoolfl, whlrunnYrted my lungs. 1 had a terrible cough. HIM! {MiMc-d nigbt after night without lw|i. The dovtArs ICMve me up. I tried AVKK'H CIIEKHV I'KI- TOHAL, which relieved my lungi, imlurnl sleep, and Hffonled me the rent uocuMMry fur tbe recovery of my rtreuglh. lly the ei'llliliueil U*' if the I'F.tTOK.\L A IMTIOU unit cure " :.- M...-U.I. I nni now C! years olit. hale ftiKl hearty, HIM! am sulilfletl your CHKKHV l-KiruMAi. saved m. H -IIM K FAIHUBOTUCH." Kocklnghsni, \ t., July 15, 16*2. Croup. A Mothrr'a Tribute. " \vinlr In Ihe country lust winter my ritll boy.thret! yeara old, u taken III with 'croup; it Deemed a* If he would die from imngu- latioii. Oueof the family Miggesttil ta* USH of AVKH'S I'm IIKV I'M rou M., a bultlu of which was sl*aya kept In the IIODMI. Tliis was tried in mall anl frequent dnsrs. and to our delight In 1<>M than half HII hour Ihe little patten! was breathing eaally. Tbe ilix-- tor said tliM the. 1'HEitHr I'KITORAL had ssrrd my darling's life. Can you vunder at our gratitude'.' Slnrtrcly ynuni, MM, EMMA OrnxFV." 1M West 138th St., New York, May Hi, ttfl. "I bare nseil AVER'S CiiEBBY I'KCTOBAL In my family fur seven) year*, and >4n not hecflate to pronounce it the molt rl!e Inal rnnrdy fur cuught aud colila w hsTe erer tried. A. . I. CRAKE," Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13, ItW. " I suffered for eight yosr* from Bronchitis, and afu-rtrytni; mum mmc<li<->> Mitli no >uc- css, 1 was cured by the UM* of A ^ KR'J* CliLa- MV I'l < loKtl.. .loHKI-ll V. U HI N." Byhalla, Miss., April 5, l<mz. "I cannot say enough In praise of AYFR'S CIIKRKV PEITORAI., DflluTing us I do that but for Its use I should long diicn hum died from lung troubles I . HRAUUUM." Palestine, Texas, April '.".', 18IKI. No case of an affection uf the throat or lungs extsU which cannot be greatly i. li.-n d hy the ass of ATEB'S CHEMKY PiiTuBJkL, and It will a/rays nm when the disease is not already beyond the control of mediciue. PREPARED BY DP. J.C. Ay er 4 Co., Lowell, Mass. Sulil by all Druggists. Wm. Lucas & Co., Markdale and Dundalk. Tranwt a General Ilankiug llusinnas Dr^ft. iul |>ava))le at any office of the MKKCHANTS'or MOLHON 8 Baik. Kottt Ditcounted and Money to Loan nt Jie<i$onable lintti. Interest Allowed on Deposits WM. LUCAS * 00. EUGENIA Grist Mill, 111 ui Ii;: E. Haying msde extensive unproTcments In my Qrisl Mill, I am confident I can give good satisfaction. CHOPPING DONS AXY DAY. Good Flour always on hand. Custom Sawing, and Bills filled on the nhnrtest notice. Lum- ber and Lath alwajrs on hand. WANTED : Cherry, Butternut, White Ash, Black A ih, Bass wood, rine said Hemlock Logo wanted. M. AKITT, EUGENIA Canadian Pacilie Railway. ONTARlFmVISION. Change of Time. <><tmmtnc\ng May 19, Twronto. rr y & Bruce DiTlM.n. TOUONTO, depart 7.a.m. 6p.m. do. arrlrei 10.45" 10 " NOTK. Mlied train leaves Parkdale 7.40a.m. <'KEl>IT y ALLEY DIVISION. 1 .0(1 p.m., 4.aOp.m. S.4B " 100 " NOTE. Mlieit train leaver Parkdale 1 am ToHoirro, depart. 7.10 a.m., arrive, 9JO r.An additional trail tion with tbe ill be run In connec- Canadian Parijir fitfunulap Lint, 1 avin ( : Toronto, ll:Ma.m. W. WHYTE. D. MrNICOLL, OWt Snp'T. OBK'I, PASS. AOT. TRAINS LRATE FLE9HBRTON STATION: fining Jlorth, .si*, Mp.m, A SMS pin nins; Month, .a&aoi, 9O6 A m . Stoamnhlp r xpresi, going North, 21 p.m " South 12.12 p.m. FLESHBRTON Jewelery STORE. J. R. TRIMBLE, DEALEB IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, ftc. No Bogus Discounts! or other Clap-Trap Induce ments offered, but sell you Goods as low as they en n. be figured consistent with H NEST T ADE- Watch Repairing a specialty. All Work Guaranteed- YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM? POWDERS. An pleasant to take. Contain their ow PuiatiTe Is a sate, sore, and Hctmml W warmt In r bd Jren Ot AdMS> PATENTS CO., nt the OrtBunnc AjrsmicAir, con- Unaetoaet HJ* ft>r Pateats. Oaveata. Trade Marti. Oiurr1ihu. f,.r U>e I'nUM BUS. riandi. skuiltnil. rraoes. Uermanjr. etc. Band Book aboit PatenU seat free. Thin y-eeren rears' uverlenoe. hunts obtained thn.iuh MCNN A CO. art nntlc*d tBVbsaniKTinr AHEiurAM, tbe Jaiiset. best. aad ost wtovlr ctrculaud -iiiiinc paver. Siu year. Weekly. Kplemlui enrmTinn ana lntrpUn la. lornaiMM. Bpedinen of The Bc)lele Aer. lesiaHBtfrwi. AiMrwa MUNN A CO , IcIBIfTUSO Anntct* Oflee, Br,dway, New York, SULPHUR IRON BITTERS Health & Happiness for all. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Biliousness, Headache, Dys- pepsia., Indigestion, Dizziness, Jaundice, Dropsy, Fluttering of the Heart, Ami every species of ilisetM arising from Impure Biood, Ac. &c. - PSSTASSn ST 1H Climax Chemical Company. MONTREAL. DO "5TOTT lim If "f*HM FM 1*11 " IM "FUM WawTO- OAILV AND WEEKLY MAIL THE MAIL hMbtoMM Tke rrs)Qlsiisl MtoSUasa rr w*rm i- Aad tonuiix more ol ikon tku u <h*t CwdkM MI"" MSML ltl,i]Auooie*kilorih rtfklcb~. ADVFRTISBMENT* of "F * Selt" M >,-- Wriirtl." ' ' St'H k 'IT " 8d fc Sak " or WMMM]" (verted w Till' *H?KLY MAli.yrw,p^,1^i?, "AL; X ' t p*r onl fu *w SUMMU. i. r In Till- I>AII.t MAIL M AM * lui/ ,,*u ytlmnt Mrk ifocRi.n. A.IJ,,,- ?-// AT^/Z. r*risto, C i

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