HEARD'S Carriages and Waggons, arc uia'loof the boat elucta timber, ami all the Latent Iiui'roved Machinery aro employed in niakiuK. Tlu- lloxun aru set by a 1'atuut HuiiiiK Mac-time, and are preMod into the Hub liy a Preas i if i) tons powor, and can ui'vor get looae a> Koxen do wudged In tb old way. HKAKU'b WaKtjouii, ill tUiu(! considered, it tho Cheapest. Strougost, rnot Durable, and the Kaiet Kuuuiug \Vatou IHttJi-. UolK-rt llu.t aay that ho could aot draw hit Horse Power up a vury sU-ep bill without help on a Siwitfbt Waftjon. uJ he nay* becan do it with cue of HEAHU 8 Wawfoin. He knows that JOHN H. III. AKI) link. - ilio liiot Itimnlug Waggon. Coine and se the Carriages and Waggons and Machinery for Making. l)It. LOWS \YOHM SY1UT will ri-movo all kiuii- of \\iniiih (KIIII i inl.iivii ortdum. A LITKKABY man who recently tried tho power of human eye u u ferocious bull, is recovering from his wound und brui*< s, but IIM lost all faith in auch uiegiiu rum. Ayer'a Saruparill.i ban such concen- trated, curative power, that it is by far the beat, cheapest, and surest blood-pur- itter known. Klir.r.M \N s \\.HIM l'ii\VI>i:iS are afe in all i-ii-i-. Th daMro j an. I n-iuovu Worms lu cl.lkli cu or adult*. FLESHERTON "What a lovely little snow drop tlut is!" said a friend to a wag, ;ut a blond beautv. , with flowing treen, passed theru in 1 thu park. " A snuwdrop ? 1 should aay she wa a hair belle,' suii' the WIIL'. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLO WAYS PI LLS& OINTMENT THE TILLS 1 '-irily the Kloocl. correct all Dior>U>n of tuo Liver, Stomacli, lilcln'^H, and THF OIHTMBNT It an infallible remt-ly '" "ail U. Bad Hroaati. Old WotiinlH. Sore and t'lcer. It la (amoui for t nini Ubfiiiiiatioui. KIT diaorilen of thu t'lu'-t it ban uo ut|ual. Fur suliK TUROAI, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Ulaadular Swelliugi, and all Skin Dinwuea It baa no rival ; and for contracted and stiff joints It acta like a charm. Eannfactured only at Profosxor HOLLOWAY'I Katablishmeut. s. w Oxford >i r. . i ( late 533, Oxford Ktrtf t ). London, *ti J arc told at It. lid.. 2s (hi., 4s. M . !!.. 2J.. and :cta. earli Ikix or Pot. and may be bad of all Medi- cine Vendors throughout thu World. - /'.irvAurr tlmnl'1 l'ik tt . Osfvril i tin l',,t.i ,<iut l>.rr*. If tht ad'lr /, l."i"l<ni, tlu-y an- ./<in-iii>. This is not the " Red Hag" yon have read so much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dealing Flag, carried by Mr. Thos. Duncan, Tailor, Flesherton. WILLIAM HOGG," FLESHEBTON STATION. Kexprcttully Announces that he IMS received a Large Supply of \e\v Goods, mitable for tli,- MMOB, all of which have boen purcha^cil to the best advantage, and will be so 1.1 i-hei> for C'avh or ( ..imtry rnnlurr. Tho new arrivals are ivu aud varied in Dry Goods, Winter Clothing', Boots &c., Sec., &c. AUo a full snpr-h ,.f llnrdwarr. (^rorrries Provision!*. Crorkt-ry, Ac. In- spectii.n of tbii Stork inntrj. .!/// I'.niiirli Store at HI'ilRNIA kept jnllii siiniilied wit I i, Goods- l i.lTer l-'OU SALE or TO LET. my SAW MILL at Little Kails ; drives tinder :ir, ft ..id . I wuter ; all in good order, with almtit -Jii u-re*,,f Tnnlii r Lund i.n wlueh the Mill is I. lln-re are also several olhr-r (im.J Mill Sites ou the proi>erty. I.ilierul 'lerinn ou eitln i iMiri'inineor lease to a coniputcut uiau. \y.\i. HtKji, Fl.-h. !t n Vulinii, 1st FLE SHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS or M: ar,i Mmiil Mi, Siu-li us Monument*, Tomb Tables, Hondstouofi Counter and Table Tops in Ann ricaii and Italian Miirblu und (inuii[.r, and nmilo on short notice. Alwi Mantles in Marble and Mai -blrized *51to, Ac., *c. FlesherUm, AK- 30, 18KJ. The Advance till Jan. 1st, 1885, for 00 cents. may be avoided by the use o) HiiHV Ilitir Ki'iiewi-r, which prevents the falling out of tin- luir, and stiiuuhitea it Ui renewed u'ruwth und luxuriance. It nl" restores ladcii iind i;ray hair t<> il original ilark color, and radically cures nearly every disease of the scalp. I'HOFEXXOH ( to class in history) : " Why doo an ludinn uruallv tnaU nj- tils mind more quickly than a white ninu ?" Biitalj boy | near tho ("-H): Ik-cause be has mottly leu mind to make up. A BAD INFIRMITY. The lugs of the sense of hearing is both annoying and dangerous. Those suffering from deaf ntss snoulil try Halyard n Yellow Oil ac-cordiiig to directioun. The invaluablv liiMivlmld remedy curc-d John (.'lark, of Millbridge, Ontario, reitoriug his hearing iu one week. "My caie is just this,'' said a citizi n ' a lawyur : "thu i>lainti!l' will sweur that 1 hit him. 1 ill -\\. .u that 1 did not. Now what can you huvvurs make out of that if we go to trial I" " A hundred dollars, easy,' 1 was tho reply. OivrkKCM i.. Si inio of the most p.'imnil uHerii'i;* tlmt ntthit nii.rt.ii- occnr fniin rlieumatisiii. Kitlier ilu-.tcuto or chronic torm may In- ei-.nlioatt-d frmii the blood liy an early u-e of the i;rand purifying system renovator, Kurilock Blood Bitiart, N, " said a school exniniuer, after hearing tome uf their essays read " riiihlren, ymi should n iver live a |n-e- position to end a sent, in--- witli. In: i'-it/i a [.ri jKwition ?" t-bouted a boy. The examiner made no reply. A RKMABI.B \\ HN>- K X. \\ h .1 rr, ol'Kvrrt ..... s|iea Us highly of Halyard's it'ii -:tl HuN.uii, liaviii<^ Keen its elfects in his own case, a severe intl.inini.i:i..n ul the lungH und diHU-es^n^' coin;!!, wa quickly anil pvrftrtly ciirud, winch ImJ rebisted otln-r tn PATERFAMILIAS : " I rannut conceive, my love, what in the matter with my watch ; I think it must want < -leanin . Oh lm, pajia dear '. I don't think it in. iU uaiiing, bcrause baby and I hud it in the basin for ever to long this morn- ing." A VHTIM Or Mi- -i \.-cn < CSKILKM t. The individual who placeH trust in ninny f the clniins of MWtiwd rcnn- dies is often sadly disappointed, luit the array of facts ru|{urdin); the In. nest vir- tmsiit r.tirdnck l!l ..... I l'.i:t.-i .in- indiii- ]iut;i!i|p. It p,ill\ely cures dlse;i.-s of |||IHH!, liver ninl kidneys. Invt t-ti^ale the proofs and itstinnmialt. : '-Jolin what aro your boots made out of I 1 ' Hoy : "Of leather, air.' 1 Teacher : " where does leather coma from.'" Uy : "From the hide of an ,,v. Teacher: ' \\lmt :.niinal, therefore, m|i- plus you with boots :itul sliws, ami UMM i you meat to eat ?" Hoy: "My K.-ith- Kvi ry good hon.<e\vifo %ill rinane tli.- tntin-liMiMeut \v.u.t ,-very Spring and Fall. Oursyvtenis ofle:. in ed luimvuted al.s. k ami tliere in n ,|l,in.,r hi-tter to make piiro Mood and cV.ii.xf and n-nnlato all the secretions than ISiirdneU l!l,,,,,l |;|i tern, jiri-v, niin- di-,-i e incnh-ntal to the SVMHU' chnff A rot -STKVMAN i[. plied lately to n soli. tor for legal udviix. After lio had ^-iveii the circumstances of his case, the lawyer asked him if he hud stated tho facts tx- actly ai they iiad occnmd. " Oh, ah sir,' 1 rejoined the applicant, " I thought it best to trll yo Iliu Irnth. Ye can put the hen to it yourself. AVER'S PILLS. A liirgt- (.r<>|Nirti'Mi of tin 1 iliw-r-.vs wl.ii'i enuKr liumHit utli*rHij; rt-tili im... ,tr. .1 . - IHMII uf tuo loinacli, bowei*. ami liver. A\ K' C.VTIIAHriC PILL* .-l llinclly up .11 tb-e OI-K:UI, and am wpvciully iU>i;.ii. .1 to curu iliu ilisniaas oaunl i>> t..--'i ilrinntia- Im ul, ilicluillui; Conti|i4lioli, luillic*'*- l.i'ii l>\ -|" i--'- 1 - I!, ul. n In . llyriili-r>, uij-i 11 lnl ul oilier aiimtfiiU, lur all vt uuli-li llu-y ill- a Kifi-, hurt-, i-ri'iii|il, niul l>ljuum roiuoil). Tin xi.-u-.v. uw "f tlieio I'ILI.I by eiiiiin-iit |,h\ ilo in* '< life, ilii.iw miii.i.l.ik.ii.i) tin- rliiii.ilii>n In ul.icli i!,i-y aru brlil by !!. uiudlcal |.i.u,,- iOU. J'lu'v I'll. 1.1 are coniponmlril nf rcftrtaMa fnlt:ini-i-> only, ami nn- nlwolntvljl In - Ii"iu caJonii-1 or Kii'y oilier iiijnri<ius Ingcfiln M. A SunVrrr from u> i.l.u In writes : ' A\ l l; I'll.l . UK- im.iluaM*- ID in--. :iii'l are my i-niist.uii r.>tii|i.iiii -n. I !,:IM- I*-. :, a wreft MIII. n-r f:uni Hnmlm-lic, itn.1 yi.ur 1'ILI.i <in- Iliu only tiling 1 i-miil . m tor ri-ln I. Oiia il<>j Mill -iui*:kl> 11 l/-.-lll lilMl ![ lll> Ill-mi iK'lll | ': . 1 !> V ari- the 11111.1 ultwlivu mill ltl<- riuli-i-t | livil" 1 have rver found. ll ! a iili-.intiii- in m. ti p4ik in their praiac, itnj 1 al.i) Ui> o Vhtru W. I.. PAUK, uf \V. I.. P3f i; Itrn." Franklin M., Uk-liiii<niil.\ .. .lunu 'J. I-"-.'. Jewelery STORK. J. R. TRIMBLE, DEALBB IN "I havo Avm'-. I'M .11 l:i nuinlT- , lm\e IM-VI i kl.'iwn lui-ln In lai. t>> Mi-coiiiiilifU the .l.-iirfl r< cult \\ i i>itt>t^iitly k. . ;. tluni on ham! at i-ur liiiiin-, iti.<l i-ii/. il.i-ni iu a pl<*a!iiit, Mifi*. :iinl rvlinMi- fainlly im iliciue. rule li\sri.rM.V tlu-ynre inlunble. .1. T. IUVKS." Meiia, Ti's i. .lunv IT. l--j. Tlw KKV. FRAM H II. HAIILIIWK, writlnn front jill'titt't. <*<i., ii:i\i. I-'i-i Minn- \.'.uj 1>:|I 1 I. IM- IH ,-i iubjecl t-- OOltfU] i'. ''i. In.iii vt liK-ll. in K,.I| ill the u~> nl lnell- ciii-t of luriollri klniU, I null'-.' Incoiivenleuce, until >mt' ni..,.i!, began takini; A\III'S PIM. 'I'lif. !. eiiliri-ly r.inr.-li'.l Hi" i. :ii..| ban- vanlly hjiprovt.il my tji-iii-i.il health." AYF-lt'H CATIIAUTH PII.I. cnrrt-rt irrrgu- larltlei (if tlio Ixim-li. llimibl the ap|- tite an*l iliy-wtiini. and by their |>T>iiiipt and Uniriiugli U'-II.PII :lr tmiu au<l <lgor to the whule physical eoououiy. 1-1:1 l- il:' n BY Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. s Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, \ 'iolin.t, rfr. No Bogus Discounts ! or other ('Ii>-Tr<ij> I nilace incut* ojj'cn-d. hut xi-ll yo'it, Goail* itxloir (IN tli ell en it he ji^itrcil consist cut icif/t JI MJST T Watch Ke|Kiiring a siii'i-iftlli/. .ill- Work (ii((t r Sold All ex|MT: tin- n bt.Mii-nc.al etft-cU n-'..-rfal nl A Walkiut; Skeleton. Mr. K. Springer, uf MrolmnicsliurK, I'n., writes: "I was afflicted with lunjc fever ni'd al IK-PUS in liin<j, and rednc'-'l in|i i'tl1ci,niNki'lrttiii. (!nt a fr<M- trial Imt- tlu of Dr. Kind's Ni-w Discovery furl 'mi miiii)itiii), whith diil mo so much f,'.ni that I bought a dyllur l-ottle. After UH inx three hnttles, found myself once more a man, completely restored to health, with H hearty aprmtite.and again iu fleh of 48II>H." Call at W. Kiohanlsoa'8 Drug Store and got a free trial bottlo of thU certain cure for all Luni? Diseases. Large bottle 11.00. YOUNG, OLD, AND MIDDLE- AGED. illtlc taint hy iu UM. MoU by all UruggUU, f I, *1> botdui for tS. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I'hll.lnn with Son- I'yi-n. Sore Kara, or any >frofuli>u< or avph- luay be n.*>U- healthy and airnug PATENTS KTTNN A ('<>., "f tho KI lE.vririr AHKRICAX, cin- UllD tuiw t lut t liiMt. in fur HaUnU, l-arcau. Trnde Maran. t'lMLiyrt^'tita. f-T thu I'lillotl Sit<". (nada, Kin:! n !. I- r mi . . ii.-niiny. etc. Hand B<M>k abuut Patents iM-nt frit-. Tlnrt v-*-vpn yitir*' eip-rU'nce. Putfiiisoi.Miii.-.i thmuidi MI'.N.N .v < <> aronuUoed to the BnnrriFlO AHI.UK-AN. tho buvuu, l*-t. and no* wl.lt-ly i-ir. ulatwl o-lenUlc paper. dWa rear. Weakl;. Bulemli.l rniinivlnitu anil Intenwllrut In- formatlna. 8p*eUnioup7 <>f lhHctm(lle icma K-nt fn-. . - VI i \ s A . . . it AMBHICA.V offlcv. -n Hr,j.r. N.-w York. o Itnsinm New Store to Rent ;;;.!',',:;:" :;:;, in I . .t -.-i tj.'ii in I 'i. tinty, Hiii-re aii'Hxl en ' - i-ii.. . i-, .i Addrwa- JWHlil EUGENIA (irist Mill, ui Lath ill. Having niRilerxtei^iM. iin|ii..v.-ine!its In my ' (iiut Mill, I tun (--.ntidi nl I call give I'mi'l katisfuctii.il. CIIOI'I'IM! /JO.\7; -I.Y}' DAY. (ii.iiil I-'!:. Ill' ul'.-..l\ H nil hlllld. Ciislom Sawing, and Itilll lillid nil tli. ylli.rt. -I l|..tiee. l.lllu- I" r mi. I I .nth nlwn.vri mi liai.d. WANTED : Cherry. Itutt.Miiut. \\lute And, ]<|ak Ash, ), I'm.- and ileinl.iek I.. x< wanted. M. AKITT, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS. DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDI6ESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. , W OF THE HE ART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, i THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN. DRY NESS HEADACHE, J OF THE SKIN. And rvery apeelat Of ditr.n* arlalnr from dlaordcrod LIVER, KIDMLYt. STOMACH. BOWELS OR BLOOD, KDOENIA May HI. INKL>. ARD'S t ] vv^ ^ . VJ i /' Man-It, /.v<;. . .rr \ A. Itriirc Hi \i-ion. GO IN G~N O i:TII. .Up 7 W a in.. Dratlk'i-ville " I'lo, Mi I i.-.t " I^WI|>.iu. M in i-tiii " ...111 i MM " 110 " ' i.i " 10 a in 7 * l-J.ni|.in u.uu ..... .. |.i:l " !,>:) G.OUp.iu GOING SOUTH. run ^ mini. . ili-p.. .'..l.'iu in . .-i.-iipm., 7.30 a.m li-r ' a.im .nil lliirriit<in " r.n, " i jn -* Mt Ki<r.t " r, -l 4..VJ " N -J7 7.-JII " 1 :, , ,, i , ir lli'l " '.i.'n - ', in - \v \vimr. D.M, xicoi.i.. (ii:M. Sri-'r. <;I:M. i- vs A.T. Tlt.MNS 1,!: \\ I. FLESHEHTON STATION : Oolni, 1 N'Htli,. at ll:'fl in. ,i-in p.m., \ !i:tir, p in in South, ...at r.:fcl a.m., UMIH.IH.A .'. l-Jpin. 866 n wii-k i\' hum.- f. iintntfrmv 1'nvsi .jiui-h sun ., i iisk. ( |.|t*l n.. i r.- 1'iiiv.l ; , :i,|. ,. if ,,,u u.nt l.,| K inrn lit Which pi-i in. ,.f . ill-,, l(x< v .,, hl . " l lake uivst psy nil tin- tun.- th, v work, with nlm.ilnt.i- 1-1-1 tmnt \ . writ* fur pivrtlcii- laii> to II. llALl.KTr A Co., I'm tluii.l, .Maine. AGENTS; wantuil for Tho Liven of nil t!.t> I'rui-iilnntH of tbo S. Tli,. UrkVrt.lniiiilMini sat Met book Mr*M for 1,-s than twli nr pi in- 1 lii' liu-tint nulling li, M ,k In AniBrlca IT.I in.-i,-.ii|ir..nil iM( U llt All tntulllKi lit people want it Am HUB can bawOM n iiMX-mmfiil nMuut ToruiH r.o. B^bLBTt UWK C .) . IVitlau !, Main' CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S "WORM POWDERS. A rn pi nasant to take. Contain their own . Is a safe, inn, anil rttrrtaml in c lulilreu or 3DO LIITS OF "FAIMS FOR SALE" AMD "FARMS WANTCD IN tli" DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL ^ Hi 1 MAM h*i fwcotne Tbr KATOKMI^<| Mr4llHM for Fara Al- rll*. m ill-. And conMln* vxwr of ihrm than all mh*r L'aruuliati |U(>rr\ l'i-cil. Il ti* jjD,omjreUrrtyf the rttftil tU. Ain'F-RTIKFMFNTS ivf " F*nm fer Sal* ' nd "Fwir- \ itt, il --Si-wk i* '^4 for SJc* or "H Mited ' Inttm J t . ill | | KIY M \ll ,ft**t**n p*t <M<Ie.uH In^n fifv (tin f r word l>-t 4v t*i**tm*rt, <>r In THIi I > \ t All. a (* *tt4 * A*/*// |Mt w*<\ cAih tincfikM. AJ lc..- THR MAIL