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Flesherton Advance, 8 May 1884, p. 5

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Married. -Bowerman-Crowe.-By Rev. Thos. Grandy, on the 23rd inst., at the residence of the bride's father, John B. Bowerman of Eugenia, to Margaret Crowe, of the same place. Woodhouse-Sherwood.-By the Rev. Thomas Grandy, on the 30th April, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John Sherwood, Eugenia. Walter Woodhouse, of Euphrasia, to Margaret Ann Sherwood, of Eugenia. Birth. -Ward. -In Hastings, on Wednesday, April 30th, the wife of J. B. Ward, Esq. of a son. I i; IrO -J j&apos; u j, m At tne Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a large assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. Local and Other News, BrrvitlvK. A first-class new Singer Sewing M.iclmie for sale cheap. Apply at THE ADVANCE Office, Klesherton. The Shelburne Free I&apos;rett u nine years uld, having recently entered iu tenth volume. Quite a little snow-storm in this lo- cality last Friday, May 2nd. The snow melted as quickly as it fell, however. This Meek \V. J. McFarlnnd, Markdale, is show- ing ran* valuu in /;&apos;.).-/. ."&apos;,//.. i &apos;ir/.. r. nn<l Lace Curtain*. Direct Importations. Bonrd of Health. Tlie f"ll\vini_&apos; i;t&apos;iitlfcmen, appointed un- , der the Health Act of 1M4, constitute Ihe local Hoard of Health for the Town- J ship of Artenieaia for die present year -. |W. 8. Christoe, M.D., W. J. Bellamy, C. C. James, Win. Ttrown, and J. B. Sloan. Sow, gentlemen, if you don&apos;t ro- -Mr. Jaa. Ca&apos;rUrry, one of the&apos; best l Wove ""ZZ*~* *" ** T "&apos; hi P. farmers iu the Township of Chiuguacouchy was visiting at ye~ditor&apos;s last>vveek. Messrs. Strain <fc Large have secured the contract fur plastering Richardson&apos;s new brick block. -The Cattle Fair last Moi Floshei ton, was fairly attended by buyei and sellers. Not many cattlu exchanged hands. --Mr. W. Kay has bought out the *ou aru not the men we take you for. Sprrial Xotlre. lU-.-iutifiil. fine (Wi m. !.<. in .Vury /<(., MARRIED Bowmaif A-CnowB. By Her. Thot ( on { the 23rd ion., at tlio mi.ivix . I tho l,n-l, fatli-r. John H llowi-rman uf Kuijvma. to Mar gari-l A Cr.iw, , of thi&apos; sauir pli-. < Wuonaouut SHKiiWouu.-Hy tho lu-v Thoinat Qraudy, on the 3uth April, at the nsirtfnrenf lh bridr father, Mr John Hhrwo<l. Kin* hit Walter \YcKHlhuUM-, of Ku|4n i\4i. lu M*rMrvl Ann Sherwood, of Kofiinla. BIRTH. WAKH 4n HaxtliUt-K. on Wwin-ttdsy. April 30th, ] the if., of I It Ward. BM . o a aoa . *NE\V ADVERTISEMENTS.": Chatham Wagons. Township of -> Abstract Treasurer&apos;s Acct. for 1883 Mr. M. j Bronze, (trrnute, liroirm, &apos;iiut &apos;r&apos;.i*-..n, 3C i inches wide, only 25 cenU, worth double, , mdsy, in tt \V. J. McKarland&apos;s, Mnrkdale. The Beit, CbaiHt, auil lla-n-it Running \Van> rnadr Call and iiupi-ct U-furi- pun-hat JOHNSOX LITTLE, To bal. from 1883, $3068.00 By paid County Tress. School .In.. Higginbtttham, roll 18*2 87.40 do. " 1883 31 It: L&apos;l J. B. Sloan, mil 1882 2x t : do. " 1883 1400.00 J. Hazzard, " 1882 70.70 (In ** 1MH3 &apos;&apos;i.l&apos;i 00 S. J. C.tlenuui, atttt -J5.OO do. " 1883 137K.ini Fines 11. IN) Miscellaneous .V,:.: : ,-j A Qn Tho Etlitor and Mr. Sept. <io.-.l erected a w-x-il shed a year or so ago. FARM FDR SALE HD768.08 IlKlU.&apos;.&apos;llU Ward No. 1 .......... Wan! No. 2 ......... Ward No. 3 .......... Ward N... 4 ........ St-lii..! Set-lions ...... l>.-U-iitun-s \ (,V.up..ns Council St-Mions ...... Salaries) .............. Miscellaneous ........ Balance Cash on hand . J? :." 14 i &apos; 1"&apos; - 11:"" II . 7 &apos;> 47^&apos;4 7- l&apos;.M: .&apos;.* 141.1" 4t;:tii &apos;."-.I -- 4-T.-1- l.-&apos;T&apos; Chesley Enkrprue, which has a&apos;ready Mr *- >0 " 1 furnished the luniW and the under the new paii I tho carpenti-r for hmldiiiK the shed. Recently the building was taken to pieces. Only tho lumber r<- tteeii much improved uiAiiagement. We have to thank Mrs. Davis, lives near Klesherton, for a Usketff hen ""> Wll t I&apos; art of *" >d w-Hlshed cjjgs among them was tho largest heu belongs to tho Editor, and what to Mr. egg wo ever saw.; That&apos;s the question which has Business men wanting to rent a store liwtl disturbing our sleep so much of Lit. , in a first-class agricultural district where " J we wil1 *** laij uuder ll v ) ltebt a large business is done, will do well to of gratitude to the i*rw>n who will send make a nou> of White&apos;s adv&apos;t "To Busi- us in a rational solution to the problem. ness Men " in another column. Parties desiring to consolidate their liabilitios, purchase .1 farm, or have an advance on a second mortgage, will con- sult their interest by applying to James Strurk by Liuliliiliiic. During the progress of the thunder stona a week w last Sunday, the black- smith shop of Mr. Johnston Little, Max- non, Solicit4tr, Dundalk. wel1 - WM "truck l.y liohtniiij-. Tlio -Those desiring to purchase extra good i lgtiiiii|{ i-nt t, d the roof and rau down 1&apos;ianos, Organs, Sewinn Machines, Need- ono of thc rafters, shattering it to pieces. Ics. Shuttles, Oil, &c., are kindly invited \ II thun ra &apos;&apos;"*" " lru l r . ro"8" thu flo<ir, anil into tin- ground, which i-vi&apos;li-ntly Mved the building from being buni.-il. tin.- uf the fre*kn of the li^ht- ning wasito w!d two liars of imn tog.-Mier a enVctuallv as if it kad ben done liy Mr. Little himself. the to apply for the same to C. Trasdgold, Klesherton. 3w. Mr. Thos. Addison, of Itarrie, and fwnuerly of FU-aherton, called on us last KrisHy. He is still in tho ini|ilouient lisuincss, having been apjMtinteit travell- ing agent of one <>f our larg" leading < &apos; lunnufactoric*. Tho (Quarterly Meeting in Methodist Church, Klisln-H&apos;-n, on I t:tth l:t-<t, was largely attended, over two hundred taking the sacrament. l<< v Mr. McDowell delivered a short and im- prossivu sermon. MissO. A. N. Page has just returned from t >wcrlfe"und with all (he latest shapes in i lilts, and is prepnrl to make up and do over Straw, Knit, ami Leghorn Hats in all tho latest styles, at Mulnu-r&apos;i 1&apos;hot..- i>Mph Callt-ry, Flesherton. The antics of a tamo Itear, led by two lazy citizens 6f "sunny Franco" through tlio streets of Kleahcrton lajit ThumUy, created a stir atnono; tho small hoys of the village. The benr&apos;i coui- |. ;..i!. .in seemod to bo obligiii", tort wf fellows. Honor Boll. The Honor Koll of I&apos;ul.lio SdJuml, X... :i, Artemeaia, for tin- i|iiartcr, ending March :ilst, is* 1. is as f..Uows : S. -111,11- Fourth, tobn.1 mark.i ..btftiimMr, ll(X); Holn-rt Wright. Tl.t; \\in. (irnliam 740; Annie Kkiim, 70&apos;.t ;, I.. ni Wn.-d. Junior Fourth, total marks obtainable lOtW.- Newton Large, 545 ; Margaret Irwin, 550. Senior Third, total marks i.l.ium tl>l. 760. U .-.,1,-y Buakin, :is ; Lena large, IJiKi. ^i-nic.r Third, total marks obtainabro 54M) ; Minnie Koo, 2H8. Only the names of those pupils who obtained 50 degrees of the total miml>.T if marks obtainable in their reujtective an inserted. Many ladies admire gray hair on some ..tin r person. But few care to try ita rltVi-t on their own charmo. Nor need they, since Ayer&apos;s Hair Vigor prevents the hnir from turning gray, and rustoren ray hair to iU original color. It clean es the scalp, prevents the formation of dandruff, and wonderfully timulat the growth of the hair. PBOF. LOWfl MAOIC si l.rili II BOAP Hcallne. oothlnn.nd oJnilng for all Mruptlvv 41*caM uf the ssAf> Dtflaktnil f at toll* us*. This Is Our Own. Wo have, until .|uito recently, Iteen under the impression &apos;that it was utterly ini|M)siblu to get real ^,&apos;ond tea under lifty or anty cenU per Ib. Ill this we wero iiiintiiken. On M.-nday last our great tea merchant, Mr. M. Itii-hanlsoii, handed us a sample of his now famous &apos;M cunt tea. We have given tho tea a fair trial, and n-.w take vjMat pleasure in stating that it tJ-ctlt m<at </ Ihe jiffy <:-i,f tm we have been accustoim.l t" us* in tho pant. How Mr. Richard*. >n can plan- in the market such a line ipiality of tea at such a remarkable low pru-e as 30 cents, is what surprise* us, as well as others who have used it. I 111; < 111:1 rM Mill.. Mr. M. Akitt&apos;s grist mill nt Kugenia was rocentry thoroughly overhauled by th.- millwrights, and is now in tint-class running order. A pjrilier has Urn ad- ded to tile plant, and general repairs for merchant work have Ix-en maile. \ iii.-ivliant Ixilt li:is been put ill. It is now ani;.).><l acustom tlotiruik&apos; null as thin. M in (Irvy. It will be in full this week. TEAKSAITIOMS. There are many fraii&apos;ls perpetrated in medieine, and many advertised remedies worse than iiMfcm. Not so with Hagyard&apos;s Vi-llow Oil. It remaius as ever tho l..^t nt. and external medicine for all pain, soreness and injuries with which human ll--)i is alllic-te 1. Tim (>r WHISKKV. Tho effects f whiskey are always evil, and those who feud upon alci&apos;liollp stimulants, v.nn ly endeavuring to cure eoii^lii* and con- sumption, Itul nnrxe a viper. Uagyard&apos;* Pectoral llalsaui is a remedy thftt is al- ways reliabln for all (hroat bronchial itnd lung truubles, and never does harm tiny one. CURB FOR Diur.xian. As numerous testimonials will .-how, there is HO more reliable cure for deafiMM than Hagyard&apos;s Yellow Oil. It is also the l>est remedy for ear ache, sera throat, croup, rbeuma- i.wu v mid for pains and lamoneai gener- ally. Tied e\U&apos;nial&apos;.y-ud \V,., the Auditors of tho Township of Artemosia, for the year 1H84, lu-n-l-y err Jj Ta"n^ N l.ti&apos; A< "&apos;&apos;- NS ""^&apos;&apos; "&apos; M &apos;&apos;&apos; r &apos;- &apos; &apos;"&apos; N " fy &apos; That we have examined the Treasurers U-iks for the year 1KKJ ; also the rec- \\ r *l&apos;i"\Vat -r"i V&apos;i&apos;l&apos;Ki.&apos;unil&apos; i *? m "i&apos;"^ H*V tate ur *^ "&apos; &apos;^ eoe &apos;P t * *"&apos; Disbursements, compart-d them with the Vouchers therefor, and of cultivation f c,r full i*rtn -I&apos;.io-. i>|.pi> to find them correct. ROBERT, Uaiwoll P.O. Will t> >oM ou KASY TKltM- vim m SUB : Dateil at Klesherton this 4th day of April, 1884. r V HKNHY My 1.1 &apos;IU C C .JAMF.S, \ . . ( M. i &apos; A lari;- quantity of Caltl>a<<-. l&apos;lry. Tomato 1-laiiU, alo (ODMKIow. r IMauU fur i iuo<k<raU>. ./.I.V/.-N RKECROFT. Mi/burn & Gadd, MONEY TO LOAN! &apos; ami ( &apos;tinifxtri r/&apos;s Funds- jit Lowest Rates. JAS. LAMON, PKOl-KIK roHS of the K.\.- -rk . are |>re- l-ari-l tu attcnit tu t-vi-r)llniiK in tl." Caniage Making & Blacksmithing ! line* promptly and well Repairing in both Branch&apos;s I&apos;muti-tlv attt-ndod to. HORSE SHOEING A Sl&apos;KCIALTY. \JT Cheap Mill>. . IKVMl VOR BAI.K saiplyto W.H. OMTAIOKC. Uttla T. H. FIRTH, HAKE A NOTE OF IT. ,,,.,,,, < ;/ti:/rt , - E - Writer, I&apos;uper Hunger a ml Oi]titi4o & QK&tt\ PAPER RA # QI # Q A # D -AND- .s7-/-:c7.7//rr. MICHIGAN CENTR\L. Onlerx /,-// nt liii&apos;hiinlsnnft Now run a tbroiiKh tin* nf J) r U<J iS/OTfi PALACE SLEi:i&apos;l> t IKS mil he pwtnpfli, ji I lr<l . HK.TWr.l A Tlir Tf DURHAM IICLL * Will utan.l f..r Cowl thc Muuuu of lw4. IM.3rd iiantfu Went. Atu-in, -i ,,-&apos; ><Utii-li I&apos;KIU. #1 |mr.-.-w; t-. |.ttl. - hi 11 4. over four cow* a ri-lm tit-n will U< ( - not rrtuntiHl rt-tiuUrlv t" thu I ill v cbar|(d M S6oa cowi whether in rlf 01 To to paid fur on or U-f.-n. January Int. 1>*O. IXINAI.ll M. Kl I&apos;n-i - GORDOIM&apos;S 11 AllS ESS SHOP Toronto & Chicago Blood Stock For Sale. FLESIIEKTOX. strain Hour )lil! ATFLESI/KKTOXSTA Tl".\ Tov Sale! /.v nor n W \\ TKlMlU.r:. 1 1.. i AI-I.U t.i The &apos;J/inrnngh- AYRSHIRE BULL. " Colondl Ross," LcarlnR Tornnt.i lUMr (Si.&apos;lyi i-io-ptod) at IJD p.m.. and Chloafo, Mlljr, iStunli\-, . I I i Tlii&apos;olll> l.H" I- . -I&apos;ll thi- two ritii". |-ro|..r. n-.f ii&apos;ftfru r> ir \-i/vir r \Kf &apos; &apos;&apos; v &apos;"&apos; 1 ( " r &apos; "&apos;" "<&apos;ajM>n of IHK4 at Lot 10. WM.WBITS, v, McNICOLL, W ( ,, ., .\iiia:....(ii.-ii.-,t..,, i,.nlSii|>t ..,-nir-s VK.-nt TtliM-. -"1 ..r if n.n |.i.|Bl i if ,! \U-i-. I" |-.-r i-.-nt .will t.<- a.Mi-ti. |nii;-&apos; or )>-for Jiniiary Int. l^v~> t . \.^ not ti&apos;tuin.-.! nviiUil> oilln ucharsi&apos;l for h- in .-ajf or n. .t. 1&apos;nrti. -. l.iin.-iiik&apos; < or ov,-r a ri lurlioii will I..- iua<l.-. (Im.iiii fuva IU i-i&apos;iiti si tun- ol isrlM&apos;V. w - w THIMHI.r:, ^ April* I For Toacliei-s" CortiflcA.ns. A i i.i. UK in.i.u- At il" Town of OVM-II Sound, AH K01.LO\\ r> Tim lsTr.Kxi:iiu 1 1 anJ THIHD Cijun Non I&apos;m anlunnl Kxaiuinatu-ii-, on MttSIiAV ;t!i J 1 I.) Unit, at &apos;.I a in . an I lor M -. ! I i \- N. -u | i fMiloual aumlBaUons. on UV1>M&apos;>I>\> t 1 - ..ith .11 I.Y n. At. at ll.oft am U 11 Isdilpanalbll thill .-inn 11 Uti-Mliotifv mi- N >l I.Alt.ll ItlA.N rilf IT .IrM MM of ill. ir iMt.-utiiin to pn th.-in^.-lvtM for t&apos;\*iiiiiiatioit l-&apos;otniNof tin- no t:.-,- I.. I... i.n.-n, .-an ho Im.l ou ,i|>|ili,-Htinti to any fount. In.]-, t..r l!n ii a^<|)lluatlull liillht isnpMUM III 11) tliv r|i!iri-<l f<- "t ONI II-.I.I.AH, from oa*;h candiilatu, ur Two D-.i.i \ . *. if tht- cKiiill- ilat*- ajii&apos;li.-s f..r >, -ron 1 (In -, ,01 wull an Third OlaH namlnsMoo. 1^1 ll> a t. ^liinoiilal of tli -"I moral ehar- ftcteran.l -Im-iK aol.or Iml -t Ui.&apos; n|.|>ln-nnl. SBJBsd by a olarffymaB, Witi i.. uionth \>f tho ilt*i of -u.-li mi|.hration ; AH &apos; Ml "y a ci.rtilli-at.&apos; fniin I &apos;... toai&apos;llor of th<- a|>- lihcanl or othur C&apos;ilil|teinl IKTMUM, to tin. " Hi.- i-an.ti&apos;tat.- in rea.4uiiul>ly wull \>t, lot mich examination. .V.> ii/i/t/ii-.iik&apos;H run bf entertain*!, trhich il&apos;.< iu&apos;t rnwh in.- &apos;.;/ Mr *n./ lit of June. r.Moliliin of t&apos;la-i III ortincO<, who ilvilr* a ttiiiHwal of inch o*rtiAcati-M. iu-- re<iuirtd to {trenoDt theuiMlvva at laid Jnljr.KxiiulnAtionii n 1HH4. Inainiucli aa " RiMDnioiii" am DO &apos; .. =i .. 1 Ill-tlllTll.-lltH Itv ,&apos; if .1. -:i Hl-1. unit int - l i alllrini "II 1.1- N I OU 1 \-^ 5.-F ARMS !-2. TO RENT OR SELL. li.ith --!! atere-l. All in thp T&apos; \lt :n. -l. T\V<> TllniH>r<;il-HKK!> DURHAM BULLS ! \\ith i.. ..I I Ti... Ruoiiinatloas for " Finrr CLAIM," will eonuneuoe at the Normal HuhiMila, Tntvuto, airf Ottawa, on Tuaaday, the IHth Juhr, atlp u>. W. FEK(UN, I i ISV&apos;K &apos; AII, J. W. BATES, Furniture />t&apos;tiler uiul Undertaker, rLKHflKllTUN, ONT. LIMB FOR SALE ! In 1 !M u &apos;:- i &apos; : rot furthor parrietilnt* applv t.x ROOK&apos;: LKVP.!:. ri.- I 1 ". liUTCHEB SHOP! IN K &apos; &apos; Apply to VKS. IX)VI8A DUCKETT 866 or old, can work, wit Ian toH. ftthomo tftautfll fr* Pftyai) *ur No nik. Capital not re t ..|i-r, tf. \IMI want huilnM I Hei* to *niii>uiu&apos;i> t*tli- i ami vicinity, that b-*Jk< uivin**! i wt * Mt.tcltrr f*hi|i in the t*!nl t^niiwily i<o>%i<<l bv J. W IUU-H i\ furnltun V<TA whurv *&apos; will l&apos;ri* I to f\ll J1 orden ft t, / work, with aks>.lutSi<rtaJn;srwilt fo panlc-u- i <. 1 ||.ii&apos;1, VSMV * Q 17 \f-l? &apos;J&apos; l&apos;. A&apos;/v&apos;/T &apos; "- > &apos; // M JSitSOL O ** J > / 1 . . <* >JI !&apos;- w< Ibe TtMc. (iEO.

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