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Flesherton Advance, 8 May 1884, p. 4

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Russell's Noted Jewelry Store ! Btoek, Ffesbrten, For Bargains I People wonder at the prices, and ask, " How can he sell so cheap ?" The reason is, he BUYS DIRECT PROM THE MANUFACTURERS FOR CASH, and therefore sells at WHOLESALE PRICES, giving the public the greatest bargains ever offered. CALL- AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Repairing a Specialty ; Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sales Tor Cash only. THE ADVANCE, A. R- Fawcett. Editor. FLESHERTON THU11SDAY. MAY 8, 1884. n > ( -iHiRexr* >\j>.\T." A well written letter concerning certain matrimonial questions, and signed " Corretpondcnt ," has been duly received by- us. The author of the letter will confer a favor by send HP,' us his name and address, not ;. i ssarily for publication, but as a oiiurantec of good faith. We shall tin u be pleased to give his entertain- ui ' letter a place in our columns. Otherwise it will be consigned to the .w;i:>te. basket, much as wo may regret it. The recent attempt (?) to blow up the parliament buildings at Toronto, Lits been tho subject for considerable discussion. Some have attempted to bo witty concerning the matter ; but where the humor couies in when p-iblie property, and the lives of Iminan beings arc at stake, sane, i. .i-oniii},' mortals, arc at a loss to determine. The matter demands earn- searching investigation ; and the person, who put the dan- KCiour, dynamite shells in the parlia- Ir.-.ildiiigs. bo a crank, a fenian, <n- a lunatic, he should fcn looked aft. r .^..dily brought fo jastico. In tin iiitime the so-called "wits" on our big dailies will do well to confine attention to the all-absorbing i >pic of " The Mule." and other kind snbjects, which have for many ruoous" formed the chief tlume of i .r " discourse." I;:; 1 Tastes The semi-annual meeting of the South Grey Teachers' Association will be held in Flesherton, on Thursday and Friday, 29th and 30th May, 1884. The following is the PROGRAMME : 1. Bnaideot'n Aildree*. 2. Win Fer'nun, Ea<|., I.P.8., " Cau* tending to ahuru .ghU-dnuA* ill Hchool " S. John Tait, E*| . fol. lnt OolUn/wood.-'Com position " v*.'' Uraliilnar." 4. H. Di'l..'Mtt.-r. Km) . u.S H School, 'lieadlnK' S. Will. tii.rlinr. "VMui.ter of Kducatum VI. t'liief MpeftntSOdHrt," also ' Tht- Teacut-rt. 1'oaltion." 6. J. Tait. Kaii.. Col. Iut . Colllnawood. " Ail van- tage* A Diaadvautage* uf Written Exam- ination*." 7. Gilbert S*'Kachrn. ''Co-ojieration:" 8. Jalilen Hltiuie. " Kliermraijeiiifliti* and Dit- oouratgemeut* of Teacher*." 9. H D.'l.i-Matti'i. Kni . os H.bcuoul, "Teachers T..UIH.. ofOAoe.' 10. Gueittum Drawt-r ojwned. 1L J. Tall, EMI., ful. In**,. Colliugwood. "Gram- matical Difficult I .' I;, n'hiit,- of Hi i... it-. Communications, &c. U. T. C. Simtli. -Mental Arithmetic' U. John Tait, Kw| . Cul. ln*t . Colllngwood, " afenuratiii -tiuii uf Officer*. Qut-tion for ' yneHtmif Drawer" to he aelit an cat ly an iHMiiible to M 1*. McMutvr Flesuurton, or Win Ourt.liiif. Hurlmiu A ttuitablu I'litortainiuc-ut will be provided for Tlmrxla> i-vi MINK N IV All teacher* in the ln*|wctorato are ex- pected tn contribute toward* the fund* of the " All Manter* and Teat-lien ihall regularly at tend tin- Teauhen' lintitut, . at >'ii-'i tune> and under tuch rcijiilatioiu ax the lnn]KH.'tor ahall direct. Kitract from School Law. \\ M. <.II-I IM ( hull-man Com. M. P. McMASTKK,, FU'.hertou. CHAI. KAMACIK. I'll' : Irllt. " i . Lara.s & C0. Removal of their Fleaberton Branch. The Late Manager, Mr. MacPherson. Thin popular linn of private lianki-ni, who have, during thu past three years or R", liooti (I'nii;; business in Morkdale, Flesliertoii, and Dundalk, have to I'luae the Fleslu'rton branch. \\ regret thii rvry much, aa tiio liruich hu I'l'i'ii n t;ri'iit conveiiiuncu to our huniii(.*u men, a well lu to tho farining coin- iiiuiuty generally. IU remnval from MI--IH rt.i" u a decided lou to the In the last issue of our uprightly I ;.umporary, the Hanover Pott, Mr 'i ('-. Kctchum bids farewell to I..- ii'iuli-rs he having sold his plant t M,-. \V. H. Ashl.y. late of the \Yin- t'cr.r. Prut. It is just one year since Mr. Ketch- u:.i made his bow to tho readers of the Tost, and Imii-'tliat slicrt time the 1 : has doubled i:-, subscription list ukra a tr.i:i: rank ainun^s: the -|i:i])crs of Northern Ontario. I; UM beta c in iiK-:..l with rare ability t. !.! tin- .l.iy i.n which Krtchum made 1..- tir-t bow 1 is r. ;nl.Ts until the I -""'- tUX . A .1 parHxraphUt, he i iirillianUnd witiy ; a> an editor ).< wisdom and discretion iwmld do Hi) discredit to the i.o.< . \i . ., need country journalist. \Vo \vi-sa him all possible success in : ' ir- 1 ; an, I at the same time \vc i-l to his MMMMT, Mr. Ashley, a I it irty welcome tj the ranks of jour- Vjry Ramirkablo Reeovery. Mr. ( ;.... V. Willing ,,f Mmchester, Mh'ii , writes: "My wife lias I.een almost Leli-li-* I.T tivn yi;im, so helplpjs that she c.);il.l not turn ovir in 1 i 4 nlom>. She u-o 1 Un BotllfA of JCloctrio ISitti-rs, and : t s.i miicli improved, that toe is able no* to do her own work." EJlectrio fiit- '.'is wi 1 <lj all that M clahned^or them. Hundred.) f toKtiiuuuiHls tVst their <i i it , ur.iiivr. ]..i .vr. Only titty ceu_4 ^>Qttiet W. F l ' Mr. A. MacPhenon, lato niaStigcr of Fluahertoii r r.iiu-li. hit ^.MK,! the Mtaeui of the pulilic generally, by hi courteoun nml gentlemanly )n'arnr, r towards all claues of thu community. HM many fricmls in thin locality will regret hi* departure, as well a that of his amiable* wife. Fleahertoii loaet a goo<l citizen and an iipriuht )>uainem man ny tho removal of Mr. Mai'l'lit'i-ton. whom we wiili continued pn.|n-nty in whatever sphere hi* lot may bu cant in the future. Last week thu Reform Ansodation of \i'..i;.' i I'ri'sniti'il Mr. Macl'liernon with u hand.tomu solid silver-heailed raiir, richly i'haicil, and IH-.U-III^ the following bMoriptton : .!. ' at' -I to .. , !': hi< li>l"im /-'IK in/* "f .1 1 1- in. -i'i . V'l;/, /XX.j. Tin 1 emu- wan i>ot up by Mr. JM. O. .li'Wrlii, Fleshertnii, ami IT- fleets i>reat credit on hi* taste. The ;! - ntatimi of the cane, was accompanied l>y thu foH . M Ml' I'll' I -nil, A'.J , Dr.\r. Sut -As you nro nl>out to lec tlii-i ullft'.;r. \ve cnnnot let tins oppor- tunity pass witln.ut expressing our rt-i;rt that tin- Township of Artuinesia is lsini{ a resident so highly rstrvmed either as n business man, a kindly neighbor, or a liberal citizen, and we believe wo are only exprjKxiii!,' the sentiments t.f the business men generally, of all clauses of the community, as nil have always found you courteous and obliging in your busi- neM transactions, while exercising due you will be- ai hiu'hlv respected and esteemed in your ne 8|>here of business, and that you will i-ver retain the un- blemished character you now have. We therefore on behalf of the Reform Association of the Township of Artemesim, take this opportunity to present to you this Walking Cane, us a slight memento of your pleasant .association with u* in tliis village. Signed on behslf of the Association, J. < JOKIMIN. I'resident, W. G. I'K'KELL, 8ee.,-Treas. Plesherton, May 2nd, 1884. rir< MI Euphrasbi. On Tiiemlay inoniiiig LMt about fe o\l ,ok a in., tke buildings of Mr. Hugh AKrcrombie, of Lot 11, Con. 1, Eu- phr.uia, together with Ail hU stock, cofiprising 7 horses, J f.evl of cattle, 20 sheep, abofct 5< bushels of grain, and all his agricultural iuipk-iiiunts waatotnU} destmyed by fire. No clew as to ho t! r tire originated hits ln-eii obtained, but supposed to 1m the work of incendiary. Mi Al>ercrombi's loss is estimated at ?2,.VK) as there waa no insurant-- , save $400 on the buildings, in Koynl Insurance Company. Thu scene .f the ruins the following morning is said to be terrible, some of the horses a|>p<-ai to have broken from the stall and got into thu middle of the fire, the sheep wen- huddled into one corner of there compartment, and a valu- able bull broke Imwu and u't to the door where he fell in the flames. This has been one of the severest IOMM of any of our agriculturists in the County for years. Standard. KRK.I:M\N * \\OKM I-OWKKKH ar* m II < luiliojr and remove Worms In cblldrau oradulU. Bucklen s Annoa Salve. The llet Sal v- In tbo wui Id for i nt. lirulx-i ore. I'lceT*. RH ntli"n, l,v.r S .1, . 1, it,, (happeil Hainl. Chllhlain*. Cornn. and all Skin Krit|>tii>n*. ami |Kltlvt<ljrenm I'llo.. , n . [.% ri-.|uir.l. It U KuarantMd to ulTa parfect utla. faction, or money rofundod. Price KWDU par box. For sale by W. Uicbardion, FlMhertoD. To KitsiRcss llvii. New Store to Rent l,i i traili' t-rti"n in < Miinty. 'sM ! iloiio. In HKATII . n i- nrnt-clam iitand. IIITO a good eaih and J. WHITE. Fleshsrton Station Hotel I ' r. ll'iiitinh <( Xi,ii. I'mjirietort. niHK iilnivi' Hull-] liavini; li'ii tliorouahly re- i throoKhout, now KfTnrrtu xewlenl couiniudatlon to U lr*elllllt |nil>Ilr Tlic liar i i'll 4ii|i|i|ii..| with rhtc l.iqurni anil Ti^am ta fart, ample aroiniinxlAtiun ii aftordiil IUTV to lx>tli man an I l' t \:i> I > Will (tand for niaroa tlio *i.K.niiKHiiPN STATIOX. TKHMS. I *.l. i ;\i-i' in thu discharge of tho same. \Vliile we do feel sincere regret that you have decided to remove from Fleshcr- ton, yet, at the same timo you have our best wishes and kindest regards for your (future welfare and success in business in the town tu which you are about to re j Ducks, pfcr brace more, and We have tfery confidence that j Chicke'na/per " IMPORTED JACKASS, Young Dom Pedr:, 'llin ) vaton of 1NBI at To ItiKiiro, M; S. own, *4: Sinule April 'nd. 18HI. Hour COOK. 1'rvprittor. A PRIZE. i cent* for po*t- aite. niil rcrt'ivn free, a fotl. bo* of good* Wlllt'll n..j|i y,,|| to inora moner rtehl > than ..lutliim; ( <Ue in (DU world. All. of either *i. MSSMd from Ant Sour. Tin' lirun.l rn.i tofortun. .|..-n^ I,, f,. r ,. i h.' workan. abaolntol; inra. AI.IN . ,i,i,i, ( . s ., rin i: THE MARKETS FLESIIEBTON. Flour $;, 00 to f> Fall Wheat $<) 5Q to Spring Wheat Jlarley OutH 1'l'ilS Hntter F.j, f gs, fresh sb II 45 il 80 ii i;.-, ii 15 n 14 80 00 Potatoes Pork Hay.perton C 60 Hides 4 00 Wool..., 15 r, 7* 1 00 1 00 60 32 70 18 15 85 7 50 7 00 G CO 20 Sheepskins 60 1 00 Geese 00 00 00 00 Oil, 00 Tinware, Tinware, Tinware f EARLB STRAIN, Is prepared to do all kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, and Galvanized Iron Work. I make a specialty of Milk Cans, Sap Pails, Eavetroiighing in fact everything in the business will receive prompt and careful attention. 1< '|>ii ifin t^ done Neatly and on the Shortest Notice. Just received a car load of the Famous Speiglit Wagons! IS"Agricultural Implcruents-always iu stock. Plows and Plow Repairs, Ac. WM. STRAIN. - - fLESHERTON. Boots, Boots ! I have on hand a very large stock of Ladies and Misses Balmorals & Fine Button Boots, BUTTON AND TIE SHOES, -AIM Fancy Slippers A Large Variety of < hildmis Boots, Shoes & Slippers ! A Large Quantity of MENS AND BOYS COARSE LACE BOOTS, FINE GAITERS, AND BALMORAL SLIPPERS AND SHOES. QUALITY & PRICE SEC'ND TO NONE WM. CLAYTON, - FLESHERTON. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF Marble i:,i l.:rr,:! Verb, Such M Monnraents, Tomb Tables, Hcad8tonf>< Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marblcized Slate, Ac., Ac. Flosherton, Aug. 30, 1883. TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Whoat $0 05 to $1 05 Spring Wheat 1 08 1 11 Parley 58 70 Oats 40 41 Peas 75 77 Hnttcr 22 27 Eggs 15 16 Potatoes . (per bag) . 75 80 Pork.... 7 75 8 00 Hay 00 18 00 /| |\T 1\ ' the working clax. Knl IT) 14-11 I II <"'" '<>r I'l-timi). and we will mail IJ VrJjjJ >"" F1 "-''. " loyal, valuable box ol ^ ^ niuni'lii t.MxlB that will put ><.n ii tliuwayof uiakiiiK morn money In a few day* than you cvur tlii.iiKht iwlMe at any liniineaa ( ajiltal not rminlrod. Wo will utart jnn. \o,i can work all ll, time or in upare tlnin onlr Tl^i work in univenially n.l) l.-.l to liotli HOIM. vonnu anil old. You can eaully earn from BO eontu to > . eonu o > iivory ivoninR Tlial all win. want work may teM tho r.iiKlm., we makp thin nniiarallelleil nffrr to all who are not well Mtuncil we will uriul l ci we w to |>ny for the trouble of writing UK. Full i>ar Uculr,illr(,-li,,nii. .1,' ,'Mtfr,.,, Kurtiuii,.. will Ixi ni<ln by thono who live their wuole time to the work. Oroat siico-in aliaolutoly mire. DOB't delay trt now. Addreai STI.NM.N A Co., Tort land. Mamo. The Advance till Jan. 1885, for 60 cents..

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