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Flesherton Advance, 8 May 1884, p. 2

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TELEGRAPHIC SUHMARY "^ nt Ne-w* Irom AD Over the World. It is rumored that Mr. Williams, of Clute A Williams, of Belle\ille, will be appointee County Attorney of Hasting*. Tbe Imperial Hotel. Windsor, was broken open ou Saturday Bight by burglars, and i gold watch aud 910 secured a* booty. TL perpetrators escaped. Judgment was delivered in tbe Snprem Court at Halifax on Saturday ooonrmin, tbe sentence recently paued on the tw dynamiters Holmes and Bracken. On Saturday morning a serious aooiden happened to Mr. Hill, aaw miller, o Wroieter. While oiling some of the shaft ing be fell, and a sharp pieoe of iron pene rated one of bis lungs. Hi* recovery is considered doubtful. John Forbes, a winohman employed on the Government steamer Newtteld, a Halifax, was so severely injured on Thurs day by an accident to the snip's hoisting gear while working at the buoys at tbe mouth of the harbor tbat be died from tbe affects yesterday morning in tbe hospital. Diphtheria is reported to be on the in crease in Montreal. Two families one o eight children and tbe other of live have lately sustained the loss of three and two members rntipeotively. beveral other f ami lies are afflicted, and the prevalence of the oonrge is attributed to bad drainage and laugh teriug by butchers. A ship carpenter named James Perry, an old resident of Port Dalbousie, jnmpec off the Welland train as it wa* nsaring tbe station at Port Dalbousie yesterday after- noon, and was thrown under tbe oars, which passed over him, cutting off his right arm and badly orushiug bin leg near the tbigb. His injuries will prove fatal Another man narrowly escaped tbe same late from the same cause, being thrown quite a distance. On Saturday afternoon a book-binder named Payne, while going the round* ol tbe London East hotels, fell in with Angus Everet, aud tbe pair went off together. Some time afterwards. Payne feeling sleepy lay down under a tree, accompanied by Kveret ; but when be awoke, bis companion and his money .amounting,** lie nays, to 930, were gone. Everet was arrested at the Grand Trunk depot in tbe act of buying a ticket for the West. Lord R. Churchill will visit tbe State*. Ruskio calls Mr. Gladstone "an old windbag." A Paris despatch says th* French Gov rnmeut is preparing to reduce tbe French squadron in Cbioeae waters. Princess Elizabeth, of Saxe-Alteaburg, was married yesterday at St. Petersburg to the Grand Duke Constantino. Tbe cere mony wa* performed at tbe Winter Palace witt great pomp. A Berlin despatch says two anarchist* have made a confession giving tbe detail* of the plot to blow up the statue of Germania at Niederwald. They say tbat a quantity of dynamite was placed in a drain pipe underneath tbe monument, and tbe mom- tors alone prevented tbe explosion. By the breaking ot a bridge 'near Cnidad- real, Spain, yesterday morning a train of passenger oars was precipitated into tne river. Several persons are reported killed. Twenty received aevere injuries. One of the supports of tbe bridge waa afterwards found to have been cut through. It i* be- lieved the disaster was tbe result of mali- oious work. A Paris despatch says the Voltaire says that the Government has directed General Mi Hot, oommander of tbe French forces in Tonquin, to report what further operations would be neoessary to secure tbe conquest* in Tonquin. He ha* replied that it will be quite sufficient to strengthen ths positions already gained. France ha* established a naval coal depot at Okook, which will be very useful in tbe event of a war with China. A sensation has been oausedlin Berlin by the statemant made by llerr Riobter to the committee ot the Reichstag having in charge tbe resolution relating to tbe ami. Socialist* law, tbat anarchist* had placed sixteen pounds of dynamit* under tbe tatue of German ia at Niederwald shortly before tbe unveiling of the monument, and tbat a terrible catastrophe was only pre- vented by tb* fortunate circumstance tbat rain had rendered tbe explosive harmless for tbe time. The dynamite failed in it* mission, and wa* discovered after the immense assemblage had departed. Tbe fact bad been kept secret until this time. Viscount Torrington died on Sunday- The Spanish Minister at Washington says Spain will never part with Cuba. Tbe Pope has accepted the resignation by Cardinal Ledoohowski ot the Archbishopric of Gresen Posen. Ths steamer Assyrian, for Madai;a*oar with provisions for the French forces, ha* been wrecked at Providence Island, in the Indian Ocean. A Madrid despatch says tb* election* in forty-six districts for members of the Chamber ot Deputies resulted in the selec- tion of Ministerialist*. Advice* from Berber state that Hussein Pasha ha* proclaimed tbe evacuation of the town. The inhabitants have fled, and the troop* have marched to join the rebels. Tbe Russian Minister of Finance attri- butes the gloomy condition of finance and trade in Russia to competition with tbe United States, Canada and India as export- ers of wheat. Advice* from Cape Town mention a trike and serious disorders in tbs diamond fields. The cause of tbe difficulty is tbe men being searched on the conclusion of the day's work. Msjor Fielden writes to the London Standard protesting against tbat journal's giving currency to the rumor that the Greely party bad mutinied and had mur- dered their oommander. Tbe Cologne (iairttr says M. Ferry will demand binding pledges of England to renounce tbe idea of annexing or establish- ing a protectorate over Egypt, and that if Kngland refuses to give pledge* France will abstain from tbe Egyptian conference. The acting agent of tbe new party, which aim* to unite all patriotic Irisbmsn, *aj the party baa already eooiiderable luuc with which to begin the campaign wit aruiter* provided with torpedoes. Kevol' ing guns will protect tbe crews if attack, i Thane vessels will be employed agains Bri Ueb men-of-war in various harbors, Aa a freight train on tbs Flint A Per Marquette road was crossing a oovere bridge over Css River, six miles east o East Baginaw, on Saturday aveuing, th bridge gave way, carrying twelve oars iotc tbe river fifteen feet b.low. Tus looomo tive and tender crossed in safety. Xh loss is heavy, as tbe oars were loaded. N one was injured. Frank Erdman, who committed a fata. ault on John Eager at East Buffalo on Saturday, is a Canadian and former resi dent of London, Out , where it i* believed be has Had to avoid arrest. Tbrse yew sgo be was arrested in Erie for a similar assault, but a* bis vieiim recovered be wi let off with a short term m tbe peuiten tisry. Wilbslmina Gotlieb Nadolny, living a No. 147 Central avenue, Buffalo, gave birtl to a female child on Thursday iiigbt an< strangled it to death HOOD after its birth She made a full confession of her crime Th* woman is married, but her busbam las not lived with her for three years. Th lather of the child U unknown. At the assembly of the Jewish Alliance in Vienna yesterday tbe President nounoed that tbe emigration to America o tbe victims of Russian persecution ba< resulted in great success. Some moue was voted to be f jrwarded to tbe Monteflore Agricultural and Aid Society of New York n aid of Jewish colonies in America. A Cairo despatch sa>s the recent report of tbe surrender of Berber was premature The British agent there telegraphed to-day bat tbe position of the town was desperate >ut be did not mention its surrender Subsequently, however, he announced thai all tbe troops were leaving tbe town, and tbat tbe rebels were entering houses in tbe outskirts. The agent has Itfc Berber for loroako. Before ibsning the recent encyclical on he Freemasons, tbe Pope bad elaborate sport* furnished him by Cardinal Ssoooni Jean of tbe Sacred College, and by tbe renegade Mason. Tbe Pups stated, in the presence of several cardinals : " I have rea- son to believe that the Freemasons, and arious societies which are affiliated to or result from them, are strong numerically among Catholics in both hemiipheres." Am.rl.mi. Cattle are perishing by wholesale in Western Texas from drought and famine. The daughter of Rear.Admiral Nichols has been robbed cf 11,000 worth of jewel- ery in the Ebbett Uouae, Washington. Tbe United States House of Ref rssenta ivea ha* passed the Bill for tbe relief of he American merchant marine. Recently convicted prisoners in Ciucin- ati have been sentenced to abnormally eavy terms of imprisonment. The agitation in New York against tbe rade in dressed beef from Chicago is meet- ng with considerable success, and a move lent is in progress to boycott all butchers who persist in dealing in it. Dr. Newman, of New York, has been irved with an injunction restraining him rom fulfilling bis pastoral functions until lay 1st, when tbe motion will be heard >efore tbe court. A terrible oyolone struck Jamestown, U., esierday afternoon. Two-thirds of the own were completely ruinsd, six persons illed and many wounded, whilst hundreds f people are rendered homeless. M. 8. Robinson, a grain commission erobant of Chicago, was arrested on aturday charged with selling 40,000 nsbels of flax seed bought for a firm in ogansport, for which they bold his ware- ouse receipts. Charts* Dull, a miner, was found on the oadaide near Bradford, 1'a., yesterday morning, unconscious, hi* skull crushed, ud by his tide a baseball bat covered with lood. He was Isst seen with a party of miner*, and it U supposed in a drunken uarrel be received the fatal wound* Tbe Thetis will sail on Thursday and tbe lert on May 10th. During March 38,600 immigrant* arrived n tbe United States. Jack Cole, on* of the Bailors of the lott earner Jeaunette, died at an insane asylum n Washington yesterday morning. His in- sanity was tbe result of hardship* and ex- tement of tbe retrest to ths Siberian it after tbe loss of the vessel. Tbe sensational despatch received from arm regarding Tynan, the mysterious No. 1 " of the Invincible*, is stated from Buffalo source to be entirely without eundation, the real Simon Pur* beinu till in tbe United State*. Simon Moore, aged 25 years, a mute, of lublin, Out, was struck by a Chicago & .rand Trunk engine while walking *n the rack at Ohebo>gan, Mich., on Sunday, and nstantly killed. After ths inquest tbe emains will be taken to Canada. Philip Hildebreoht, a bartender at Tren- tu, N. 3., became insane on Sunday night. He was sleeping with Lewis Pfleger a eweller, and attacked him, inflicting a rightful wound in hi* head. Pfleger tngglsd for life, and finally threw the maniac and escaped. Hildebreoht WHS ooked in. The officers found him blseding rom terrible wounds on bis neck and rms. inflicted with broken pieces of toilet rtioles. His recovery is doubtful. Tne newsboys and bootblacks of Chicago jaraded last night with torches, drums and mottoes signifying their approval of a roposition before the City Council to ring them under police regulation, by eqmring them to pay a small license fee nd wear badges. One or two newspapers bjeot to the move, and tbe boys threaten o boycott them. A traveller who had just read on the uide-post -, Dublin, two miles," thought to make gsme of a passing Irisbmsn by asking " If it H two mil** to < Dublin, Pat, ow long will it take to get there?" Faith," returned Pat, " and if yer heels be as Blow a* yer wit* ye'll get there about brismta*." A lover writing to hi* sweetheart says : Delectable dear! Yon are so sweet, jat honey would blush in your presence and treacle stand appalled." Till. SOUDAN. fCBBcll ol XV... Ite. .o.rri,lli,.l Hr tmmf ! M.ii.1 Anulhi r e i| dlllun 'orr..|ioiiUrut Airt.l.<l -llih. A Saturday night's London cablegram ay* : A council was held at the War Otlio this morning. It is reported that tbe Duk of Cambridge, Lord Wolseley, tbe Marqui, of llartiuglou anil other* advise against th expedition to Berber, or any advance what ftver until a full force M equipped to reliev Khartoum in tbe autumn. The Egyptian 1'cemier is pressing the Government come to an immediate decision. Tb Egyptian troops at Assouan and othe stations in Upper Egypt declare their in tention of joining El Mahdi. Numbers ar deserting. Tne King of Abyssinia has agreed to Admiral Hewett's proposals to invade th Soudan for tbe relief of the Egyptian gar risons, and assist them to withdraw through Abyssinia. The Dublin Eiprtu says James O'Kelly M.P., who went to tbe Soudan as oorres pondent of tbs London Kevt, has been arrested by tbe Egyptian autboiities. Bus pioious documents were found in his po* tesaion, among tbem letters from French men to the Mabdi. A Cairo despatch says troops from 9htndy have arrived at Korosko. They losi 55 men on the journey. The troops at Berber ha-e fraternizec with tfae rebels. Tbe condition of affairs excites tbe deepest concern. Tbe inbabi tauu ar* fleeing from tbe place, and it wil 9e deserted in a few days. A despatch 'rom Berber reports that four brigade* o Han In Bazouks aud 500 soldiers have joint c tbe rebels. The Government's refusal to send an expedition to relieve Berber causes grea excitement iu political clubs. A non-party coalition is being formed for tbe purpose o: attacking tbe Government's policy. It is stated that at tbe Egyptian conference 'ranee will urge tbe revival of the dna control, and that Earl Granvill* will make counter-proposition to place Egyptian finances under tbe control of tbe European lowers generally. I hlin-lwo I),... I ml. . a *no-vll>l, . A Highland, Col., despatch says Joring the terrible storm of Monday darch 10th, a monster enow-slide destroyed and buried under twenty feet of snow tbe cabin in which Joeph and Sam Steel Geo. Morris, J. F. Tborne and J. T. Tate were living. The site of the cabin is six miles above this place, up Conundrum iulcb. The bodies of tbe five unfortunate miners were taken out the following 'riday, after much bard work, as the snow rss packed so solid that it had to be out ut iu blocks with an axe. Ons of the men ran found with bis pipe it* bis mouth and lis pocket knife olaspod iu his band, and tbe tbers in poutioos Knowing conclusively hat they were all instantly killed. Tborne isd a doi< tbat be prized very highly, tbat always made bis quarters under the bunk where the men slept, and of course every lody supposed tbe dog was killed. On pnl 14th Mr. Bevere and Cbas. Johnson, ' Aspen, were tunnelling in tbe slide ookmg for a trunk containing valuable apers, when they beard tbe dog whine, nd finally dug him out from under -the uuk alive and well, but thin after his iitriy -two aayt'tniprisonnjent with nothing to sat but snow. Tbe slide struck tbe oabin on tbe side where the bunk was, but I -ft tbrse rounds f logs standing, which protected the bunk nd saved it from being crushed by tbe mass of snow, leaving a spaoe of 3G feet for be dog. m i It, M. on. tt hi Bread l> Dear. Bread-baking appears to be one of the ines of business in which over competition ncreases .he price of tbe commodity, 'here are more master bakers than there is msiness for, moro ovens than batches to take, more horses and carts and drivsis nan would cover a city three times tbe ize, and more bad debts than in any other usiness. As long as this continues to be be cane beker's bread must be dear and ight, and thrifty housekeepers will bake or themselves. A lady in tbe northern art of the city, who has a large family, >ys she just save* $4 a month by baking er own bread. Now 94 a month is just 4H a year, the tenth part of many a man's Jary. Toronto World. He tbat would not whan he might sha ot whsn he would. At .a recent ball in New Orleans, in the iost conspicuous box, the centre of all yes, sat Jefferson Dtvis, ths daughters of ten. Lee, and tbe wife of Stonewall Jack- on. He who sedulously attends, pointedly MIS, oalmly speaks, coolly answers, and eases when be has no more to say, is in xMsession of some of the best requisite* f man. Lavater. Housewife : " But, Eliz, you never ave your housework dons I" French ervant " No ; madam need not wonder t that. If madam is always scolding me, must listen, and so I lone so much time." Leaving borne this morning for the office e kissed our little 4-year-old good-bye, laying to him, " Be a good boy to-day." He somewhat surprised us by saying, " I will. Be a good man, papa." Sure euougb, e thought, we need the exhortation more isn bt. Ha yard (loiea) Newt. Chin Chen, Secretary of the Chinese Legation at Washington, plumes himself pon speaking good Knglish, and when flked whether he would have sugar or earn in his tes at Mr*. Frelingbnysen's eoeption tbe other evening answered tbus : Me pass oream ; me no taken sugar, me akee tea hot and strong a* dsbbul, please.'' Walt not for your difficulties to cease ; here it no soldier's glory to be won on eaoefnl fields, no sailor'* daring to be town on sunny seas, no trust or friendship o be pro\ed when all goes well. Faith, alienee, heroic love, devout courage, gon- eness, are not to be formed when there re no doubts, no irritations, no difficulties Tbe oar was brimful, but it stopped to ake on a lady. She had scarcely squeezed r way in when a man squeezed his way ut, and as be reached tbe platform h* rowled : " Here's a fair sample ot tbe iKKisbnesii of tbe men of Detroit I" How '.'" Why tbe selfish wrstobes sat ler* and made me give up my seat to my wn wife !" Detroit Free Preu. HONMTBK. M I'.U.n tW I M, I npirnl U I. J Hrululll). A New York despatch says: George Jeffrey and bis wife, indicted for murder iu the first degree of an illegiti mat* child at Suiithtown, L. I., came up for trial to-day at River Head. Jeffrey withdrew bis former plea of not guilty, ai>c pleaded guilty to murder in the seoonc degree. He was sentenced to State Prison at Sing Sing for life. His wife was dis charged on th* ground of coercion. Tbe murder of tbe child was preoedec by a long list of brntalitie* and wa* most deliberate. It was born out cf wed look, its mother being Dolly Pollard colored, and its father a white man residing iu Brooklyn. Jeffrey married Dolly Pol lard and made her work to support him Tbe child was an obstruction. It wa* lefl alone iu tbe house in tbe morning, and not seen again until nigbt, bread and watei being left for it on tbe floor. Jeffrey would lift tbe child by tbe hair from the floor and 9mg it at bis wife's head when be was ill Humored. It appearing to Jeffrey that systematic torture would not kill the child, resorted to a harsher method. The child's mother saw the dreadful act com- mitted, end did all she could to help Jet 'rey oonoeal tbe crime. He held the child's x>dy between his legs like a block in a vice, and twisted its head until its neck was )roken. II K IK Kin TO >j< i.i MI o.i HI o. I b. I Hi rliM*t Thai haa I nil. lo ri.ll,,li lfhl,i t- l < r V . u.lor A Philadelphia despatch ssys : For rears there has stood at the corner of Twelfth aud Chestnut streets an old woman bo sold fljwsrs. This morning it was discovered tbat she is one of the heirs of he vast estate left by John Nicholas Kmerick, who died without a will about 135 years ago. When he died bis eetate was valued at 15,000 000. Now it i* worth ully 120,000.000, part of which is in Eng- and, the rest being in Germany and New York. She says bur husband was a grand- son of Nicholas Emeriok Several heirs to this estate have api eared in the pant, but hey failed to produce the requisite proof of identity. Mrs. Emerick has placed a >uudle of paperi in ths hands of her coun- sel, which she says will fully establish her claim Biuoe her husband's death she bad a bard struggle to secure a living. I IUl IIUMIII.K % l.ll Ul. A last (Bnudaj) night's Midland despatch says : To-day several yachts with pleasure ties left Midland for various points. .he boat which went to Victoria Harbor ooutained ten persons. On returning they 'ere upset about half a mile from Victoria iarbor. but they were all rescued. Another >arty of twelve which left here for Present stand when reiurniug were upset about midway between Flat Point and " Wait a Bit" Point. Tbey were in tbe water about an hour aud a half before assistance reached hem. W. H. Davis and Joe Stewart were etnrning from Musbkosh and bsard cries or assistance, aud immediately put to the -u. Before this, nowever, Richard Imith went out with a skiff and rescued G. A. Griffith and Wm. Haotiogs. About fif- teen minutes before Davis and Stewart reached tbem Charlie Hastiags bad died, ud was lying on tbe boat about four feet inder water. Smith returned with his kill, and, with Davis, conveyed tbe re- mainder of tbe party to Davis' yacht, rbere Wm. Caun, agent for tbe Great lorthwesieru Telegraph Company here, nd a commercial traveller named Frank 'ease, of E. Pease A Son, Toronto, died, he remainder of tbe party are doing well, be weather was tqnslly. lll II III llonilnlll.. Whether in ancient times better roads nd pavements were built than at prevent, r whether ouly tne best ones remsio, is noertsin ; but it is certain tbat some of tbe emains of men structure* found in Rome, or instance, evince engineering skill and erfeotion of work in a high degree. These were laid out carefully, excavated to solid round, or in swampy places made solid by ties. Then the lowest o jnrae was of small- ized broken stones, none less than three or our inches in diameter ; over these was a lonrse nine inches thick, of rubble or broken tone* cemented with lime, welt rammed ; ver this a course > ix inches thick of broken >ricks and pottery, also cemented with lime ; pon this waa laid tbe pa* imrntum. or pave- ment, com posed of Blab* of the hardest tone, joined and fitted together a* closely possible. This wa* ooetly the Appian Cay, about 180 miles in length, having lmot exhausted tbe Roman treasury but it waa as enduring as Nature'* own work. Wairr omhlii H Hjrmp. Sir Joseph Fayrer, President of the ledioal Society, and the first authority in is world about snake poison, has corns orward iu a new capacity, with an infallible eoipe for soothing fretful children to sleep, n nearly every Himalayan village tbe ative baby is plaoed in a trough into which isre trickles a constant stream of water, 'bis falling upon thn vsrtix of the cranium oduoes sleep. Children lie in their roughs- for hours ssleep while their mothers go about their work. We fear Sir osepb's plan would be only too cuoocHsful n this country. After a day or two'* ex- osure in tbe water trough the child would robably sleep tbe sleep tbat knows no wak- K The system may work iu India, but it umol be guaranteed as safe for home ap- lioation. Pall Hall Oatetti. W* cannot right every wrong, but we kii indeed, wrong every right. Mr. John McGregor, Washington and isKalb avenues, Brooklyn, has in bis pos- ission a sword which be believes to Imvs. twlonged to Rob Roy's father, who, he states, as " Colonel Douald McGregor of Argyll." l is a straight bladed, double edged, two- anded claymore, with an iron basket hilt. The treasury of tbe German Empire has nst undergone it* annual inspection. Evory ear three important financial official* visit nd verily the imperial funds kept in tbe nlins Tower at Bpandan, and divided into our sections that intended for the ex penses of fortifications, tbe share for pen- on* and invalids, that *et apart for nilding the Parliament House, and the ar portion, which now amount* to 10,000,000. RELIEF FOB GORDON. Difficulty of Aiding th* Gallant Commander Now Beii.'ged in Khartoum. A CBJTICAL HTATE OF AFFAIRS. Tbe state of tbe Soudan and the dan- gerons position > I tbe grtmsou of Khar- toum naturally attract attention at the present momeut The probai.ility of tend- ing relief across the dereri become* a matter of imi>oribiioe, aud some account of tbe region will bo of interest while move- ments on the part of tbe Egyptian* or General Gordon are expected. The dis- tance from Masnowau to Knartoum in a straight line is near to lour hundred miles, while from Buakiui to Ber- ber is only about two hundred. Berber, again, is two hundred mile* north of Khartoum, but along tbat line there is tbe Nile, which would supply waUr for troops and might be used f> r boat* to carry troops and stores to Kiiartoum for it* relief, or to aid tbe iiarrinou iu the other direction if an evacuation should be deter- mined upon. The route from Massowab, although tbe loudest, has Home Advantages. It crosses the uoitberu spum of the Abys- linian Mountains alobg a g MM! part of it* length, and water is plentiful, aud even river* may be found ou thin line, such a* tbe Baroa, tbe Gwb or Mareb, and tbe Atbara. Tbe 8u*kiui-Berbtr mute, on the contrary, is through the great Nubian desert, where wel;s are few and the water n tbem is of the most doubtful kind. IU Ming the shorter of the two i-. its great merit if a sudden move has to be made. ATTACK Or THE AlUli-t. A large force o( the eueiu) , 3,000 or 4,000 n number, horsex and loot, asneiu bled near [ibartoum last mouth, aud was on the evening of tbe 13ib ult. drawn up under arms, with banners waving, u the right lank of tbe Nile, oppoxite to the palace. At 3 a. m. tbe ntxt niuruing tbo 7'imcj cor- respondent waa awakened by u heavy rifle ire. He could see tbe flixhi'" from the roof ot the palao. Tbe n r L em tinned till daybreak, wueu about 000 rebel* returned from the direction i,f the river and drew up in four rauku, each i. early two miles long. LaU r iu tbe day they com- menced making huts aud putting up tent*, ile subsequently discovered that tbe cause of tbe firing was an aiutuk ou a party of tOOsoldleis who had bern sent down the river for firewood. Tbe fallowing are Gen- eral Gordon's words ou th" .'j ct: "My arrangements of last uifchi hate unfortu- nately been put a -'.-;. in by the ollowing oircuniitaucc : It i i * rs tbat by some unaccountable ueglitieucu 300 of the ilaok troops bad been loft ou the Nile below. These were cut off by the advance of the Arabs, and they attempted to ti.<r to Khar- toum at uigbt by uieaus of hint:*. When lasting Halfiyeu, tbry were Hern by th* ebels, who opened fire oil tbem, killing 100. n consequence of some further disgraceful ueghgenoe, the su-aoier* ihit -nould have to their rescue ilid u,-mt uuder weign or six hour* after tin eu-nt. This sad with tbe iL,t. luu> . ;- jgbt to me ater, tbat some Cusg^iax who had been llockaded al Hailiyeu bad gone over to the ebels, combined with tbe vast accumala- ion ot these latter uu the other bank of tbe iile, have decided me to restrict myself to be defence of KUartuuru and nut to risk any outside expedition further than may be lecessary to keep the environs clear." BKroBX TBK n\ r M., . On the 13tu the correspondent bad an in erview with General Gordon, woo a* lounoed his intention of attacking th* ebels on tbe following day. The reason* le gave for this course were as follow* : " I lavs 800 men, to wbom 1 have given arm*, and who have remained (aitulul to Dae, hut up at Haiti) eb, some miles to the north of Khartoum. Tuu presence of tbe nemy round Ualfiyeh blocks our line of oommunioaiioUK by steamer. For instance, he steamer Bourdaiu yesterday attempted o pass aud the rebel- opened fire, wound- ng three soldiers. Tbe rebels cannot be more tban 4,000, aud 1 will make my at- aok on three rides one from tbat of Chartoum, oue from tuatufthc beleaguered arrison aud oue from armed steamers, .'he rebels have, cntreucbed themselves long tbe river bank, being thus enabled to .re with impunity ou r-asHing steamer*, and I must dialod^e them.' T hi- assemblage f rebels ha* cot apparently interfered with the forwarding .{ supplies to tbe town market. Oue hundred aiueln. carry- ng food, arrived lieru tc-Ky. This i* ,bovs th* usual daily number, aud tbs fact bows tbat tli. i (ople would not rise unleas bey were eiMbd on by some malcontent*, 'hey would bt> ,(i.i-t i.' t.'.oy believed the Government bad any backbone. Provided bat no influence be brought to bear from without, the lofnofttu R UGH will not in- olve immediate danger to Kiiartoum. The nly justification for amumiug tbe offensive against lhe>-e , oor unfortunate peasants i* e-ivoJ from the law of Hell defence, and tbe duty of th ir. nation of the men beleaguered in IU! vnh. But for this, it is questionable whether we ought to shoot down those wtio*e ro:.-ou for rebellion U fidelity to the only person whom they can see as their coming Ko v ornor in the imme- diate future, with tfae wmb to preserve tkeir powessions, the security of which cannot be guaranteed by the preseut provisional gov- * ernmeot." The ueopi-Hity of rescuing the garrison at HalHyeh led to tbo postponement of the attack ou tbs euemy until the 16th. The result of tbe action is known. General Gordon wa* forced to retire, aud has since then been still more closely besieged, with less and less hope of relief. A \ iir M sir i . ,,,| ! Borne people arn proud of one thing, some of another. " Dan Soott " is evidently proud of his wife, as appears from tbe fol- lowing announcement from tb* Glasgow llerald: " SCOTT. At 7 Burnside street, on the 29th ult., tbo wife of Dan Soott waa safely delivered of triplets, two boys and one girl all doing well this making seven of a family in four yearn and seven month*, having Riven birth twice to twins August 39th, 187'J, twins; October 31st, 1881, twins ; March 9!Hb 1884, triplet*. Other papers please copy." George Auiinitus Sala te Us about a sacred Spanish whit* jackals for which a special attendant wa* hired to play the guitar when it was sad. In this country it is not tbe person who play tbe guitar. N. r. Otaphic.

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