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Flesherton Advance, 8 May 1884, p. 1

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Flesherton Advance. TRUTH BEFORE FA VOW-" PRINCIPLES, NOT VOL. III., NO. 151. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, MAY 8, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE. A FEW HINTS One of Che In* hn^ Ixieal i: 1 KuinilT S . -i.jj.t-r. m Northern OUIATUI. PobHahed l .HI I 'II I. I . TKKV ?lflO|>er annum in <hsiii-; rl '> if n ! ti.l : th.- em! nt N"" |'i|H-r ili*eoiitiuuu<] i. Dili all arreai'i .-. n|>- lloas takati'for 1. - tnan >.in .h.-n l-i-isl am.- i> art- m*lv ith tin- p ' ADM Kl'IMM. .... -. . Casual ailvi.rti-iiinii.>-.--jM..|"-r 1-t ir tail .< ci-uti* par hi . .jin'iit it: -. TnsjsieDt adveil ' wrh^n orSere.1 adTertteeuteuts without -, tloa* will IK- :n. ru.l till f.iilii.l utnl charged ;ic-or.liui;l> . Liberal In-lureinent* to regular advertl -.. .(i.-.-- am .1 . ^IM. u . nis per line each in-. No advertlm-in-rnt iliscoutinued until nil ar- rearage* are |-;.l .1 Copy for a ii . i ii-. -n ML- si ' o I rejeeB this oBi-e net Ist.T itiiui i ,ou on ';'u.->- is\ tu ensure A. R. FAWCETT, Book & Job Printing ! lur\ !hr art. at raouaMi- ! aud M ' l>y i"'l *i!l receive prompt fteiitii-n I .-tri"-tl\ ru-h Flesherton Jll'Jlf Cash paid for fat Cattle and Shoop. 1 -li Moats constantly mi hand for C'uali. Oril. T- i>rimii>tly tilled. .Y. O. IT. AV. FM-MII inns i . 'i. ni<>..t in tiii-ir Lodge K..IH. Mr >n the 1-t nnil ilnl M.-n li*\ in .. li mouth, at ',:>}< in litp nailing brethren wvlmiiie. M. P Mi MC.II.II M \V W li Phim.. KiM-'r FOR THE USE OF DOSE. -To more tit Une- tlt fnlly, 2 to 4 I 'i tli: , 4 la < J'lili. in II dtndt tlu prcfrr dun in tack nut. For Constipation, or CmeMrrnrx, no ieaney U to .ftectire ai Avin's run. TLfjr insure regular daily action, and r- ture tin- Uiwrli to a lieallby cendluon. For l.lli;,o.. or Dyapvpeia, AVER'S PILLS Air uiTa:oable, anil a lure care. Heart-burn, I > of Appetite, Foul ii. l unit. n. >. Dlulnru, II. ^.i achr. Numbness, NauMra, art; all relieved aud eur.-.l lijr AYt R's PII.L*. li. Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorder*. oiul Jaundice, A , i.u'i PILLJI should be (iran In dose* large cuouga lo eiclte the liter and bowtls. Mid ituiore constipation. Aa cleansing medicine ui iLc Spring, these I'ILLB lire uni'<|itllad. Worm*, rauwtt by a morbid condition of tbc bowels, are cspellvd bjr f.icte PILL*. Eruptlunt, Skla lil~.r. and l-lln. the r-nilt of Jinlif i-ii.>ii or i'iiti|tlon, are cunil by the uwol A\ > K i 1'lLl-i. For (old*, take Avia'i PILU to npn tb pore*, rrmore liiOaiuuiatury Mention*, aifl nllay th frrrr. Fur DUrrhow and Dyarntvry. r*n*v1 by Ud'lfli COldt. iodigMtlUr ld, rU\, Al LU' I'ILI.S are the true remedy. l;l,. .mi 1:1.111. Oout, Neuralfla. and i t..uit fr niilifMtiredtrance- cold*, aud diupiwar i>n ramoTtng the MUM. by tli.- nae nf AvrK' PILL*. . UH...I .. l>r..,,. 1 , K ,1... . CompUInt*, an<l olli*r dtcorilert cauf<-d by debility oc I'Utru r..l t'T AVFB'I PlLLa. >ii|'l>>n. and ralnfal Me n.lrua- lloc, Lar a ia(e aud ready m AVER'S PILLS. Foil direction. In rarioni language*, ao- ptrkage. The YnrM Twt-h- < liil.ln-n. Jaunary. rn and gritv. I.ikf an uld pilgrim on the way, Watchei tin- uiuw. tnd liivi-riuK Mgfce An tin 1 vtil.l curlew' round him tiit'i ; Or. linltl. .1 nil l.'rueatb a Wiorn, Sit r IITHUHK for the liiiKwrin^ mum. bluff and eolil. OVr fnrrowi itridmg aoornt t)ic cold, And with Iu horse* two alireiMt Makes a kreu plough do In i in >t. K.'U^li March comei bluat'riug down the road In bii wratliv haud the oin Kuad ; <)r. with a rough and IUI^TJ baatc. ix-attirs tin 1 k*ud o'er tuc durk wote April, i child, half lean half Trips full ..f little play/ul wiles ; And lautihini;. 'iicath her rainU.w hood, S.x-k* the irild rinlrti in the wood. May. tin' luiglit maiden, iti|,'in(.' Roea, Ti. when- tiie cnowy havtli'.ni hluwa, Wt. -1.111(1 the lambs leap in tin' dell*, Liit'niug the liuiple village belli. I Jun.'. mnili t!i> mower'n carlet fiee, 'More* o'er the cloTer field apace. And taut his crescent H'yth* wep on O'er ajxita fmro whence the, lark nan flown. July, tin- farmer happy follow, l..-ni^h l" :' the corn grow yellow ; Tin- ln<avy t-rain he toaat* np h rum In* right haud ai from a cap. AnmiHt, tin' reaper, clwifi liin wav. jTbriiiiuh K'"l<len waves at br. ak fdar; Or in In- i v ii | 1 1, 1 mth coin. At -utiM-t hoiiiv in proudly I. nu . mbtr. with his Iwyiiiij hund. l^a|> f. nc.' and pale at every bound. And i-itntr nit" thr wind in worn, i All cant aud dangers from hi* horn. Oct.. I, .-re. 'uii'K. a wooiliiiaii old- .1 nli tough Icatl.w from tin cM . li.miul miiix IIIH ntur.lji nv,,and U> ! A Iir brniuli fall* at evcrj blow. N..TI nil. r rn, m befiire tli flame, Hlokr .-r.'in. f..'1-ilting her .<wn naini ' n. tin- blue f iii..e rurliuc rise, And i r... i< n|..'ii old memnries. Dr. J.C.Ayerd Co., Lowell, MIM. Sold by Oil I >r vi'te. DUFPERn, LODGE NO. 186 I. O. O. t. ton- MKI'.TN . , t r\ 1 l>- ln\ I. \,iiiti.' Koom. StraiD's bloek. I "i i't" ' < i I L.M|J.',', l.t 111, ..!> Ill I Al'tl llll.lltll. \U ItlllK lirethn n i-.<r.|ll> Invited. J Hi . KIH I.N. N ;i, A h. VAibi-acx. K.S. J.P. MtltSlltl.L. L.U.* \ \*\- flKU'l \t I r !>.-T.I--try. U will I,, ui Mmk in:, id. i-t nn. i i i Wedoee- <la> [ cni-li li. 'II ti, nil- 1 al I J.'-li.-rt..M IMI t)i<- 1-t suit <nl rborsday in each mootU (or tb pra Fl'herfon MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. . fat and tpj HIM i. Id lu<art wanm. w. elotkod his tides ; \\iiii kind:> . r.l f.T \i'-:'i.' and ofcl. .1 rn t the lirav i culd, I.mifrlnng a w,-lr.iiue, i |H n flings Ui* tluors, and ft* br got* be sing*. Inn, I In \o. 4. T" th, A'.fYfi/r uf thr. Advance. Henry Ward IWclier snys, "An b\p" was a nlorimis guess," but y.-m tiMfiired Intnle! I..IM-- i. Mich inglorious uiicor1aint\ into 1m i ,il. ulatiom,. All -.-uttii'.il. |->\eln .il. l -i n -ntili.-M hoi antlclsm, colitliiry to their Atfllostic, iT riv<-tlnni.i!iu' iiinoiinofJsw>*J| are with M!I- I.IM-I MM-* , _;!..e-d itli 1 '. lia.ii-. 'rilling, il ii"'. - '-ccn-v, lest . ,ilt.> u'cthi i iii...iik|iatibli- T'I thi-i,i.i\it\ ih...e and important iiibjeetn demand. \\ h.-vicr ruht ..r i ; 4 the f.u t of them i .-nit,' subji-i -t-i I. Till* u> ion at nil man H and destiny i! \i-tcnce of a and rank : to a position of cot-duality with I man ; from a state of subordination, ab- jection and slavery Christianity de*/>rvee universal rtcotfiiiUi.n and ailuuratiun. Christianity imnieasarebly distances In- tidelity m everything vital, useful, and utiluue. It it wvro possible, pli-axo coll-.-ct into >nc great hippodrome all the Infidels of tke ages don tv liucenoll and anmself included lliuir wry Ixwt and psaca with them the reauits of their labor* in their chanties, their halls of loanunx. their arte and aciuncee, in important discoveries, which have revolutionized the world such as Printing, the M--iiu;>-CVrg|>ass. Steam, or Electricity, ..r ' -, and Ichabod, in legible char. every - wh.-re written ('uintNUi 'Her d their works with Bacon. N.-wt n, 11 rme, Wil- tierf..ri-e, Mowanl. W. -\ hiart of oth.-ra, and the blessing t. humanity from their discoveries and, and In fidelity in jdaced at an enoruioukdisc-niut Their motives respectively, uuarautee the reiultin- fruit. TI.e Inhdel aims at the root of Ko.xlnea.1 ; ii wa^e* war with ee- and su'ilnne agencies ; it aims to lih Christianity, to hint out the to ignore. (id and Christ, loan mil marnaKes. and t annihilate' every spiritual elenii nt .r ordinancv. The con science is rehuvod of guards and conse- quently courts of justice become farcical, and federal di*ni].tion foil. WH. Tin- m. .tives ..f the Christian ar. ' L f '~l aini t-. do O.KH! ; and what i ^--l to and f..r him->i If. he eagerly endeavors to impart to others The ten millions of adherent* f John Wualuy alone, vindi- thu xrandeur and w-utli ! the man, the supi-riority, sucoesn, and limlly recug f thia < branoh . t the urasrt Chnstiaai heritage, as again* all the Inti- delfc that ever I'.ut why contrast fx tiling so aelf-evi- dent i A viuytnniii.' man th.. a f.- 1 real- izes the hulieritJt "f the "tie .1,1! thi. al-olii- initKlc fruits of the ..tb- i It m t.. It- hoped, that ..iir yount; men, nay. our old ones. t>. .. uiii sf*>ni such liaiiu.-rouj. such daiim ude dxtrines, as an- pr-'pajated, or ggeigswond to In-, by men profeam-d Intidels who. from a men- love of brv .1. ..fti-u spue out sentiiuenta abli.irn-nt anu de\ iluh in . gtjax'U r. i- I 'i -it I ' l-i -.'j M -uMu i. ntly l."n. Tl v man who spoaka di-r.-spttfnlly of Uie Ik'ini v onhtp, nma wide U-ith, al:'i re-let will i.i x.-r I* yours. HeiiieinU-r tin- S.-npture /I h'lth .ik/ 111 Au Anirt, .4 ..M.,1 It, I . l|,l lotkr Editor of the .l./i.iH. By inanv yean uxperiruce I hav.- prm-tJ th* fi.l!oin,' r\-e'i[ t t.. be of jn- t-lmiablo value to H. nvj-ke. j..r> removing stajnn from cloths and w w rk. A pound uf eoinuiun vr.k* and hlf a ponnd of frrsh ur xl IK. 1 and put into tj <j mrtj ,;f |M.I|IIIJ; wtA This l>ein^ allowi-1 in -- t!. th.- dear wa- ter ia then poured t an.l tightly ci.rke<l {urnee. A cupful p.>uretl into a i. ufsoejp udi cliianse* and M.-aches the clothes heaattf^ily, wid gretOy ]Mawathn labor of scrubbing. It n uU> utd for bleaching okeli-ton l.-.i\ e.-. . \Vn. \VKJI.HI ll<i'RTANT I'HAK<.S> TI..TI- are two penvxia in the life f every female when the system undergoes im-at chaogM. Kirn, the change from ehil.lhood t ' manhood; next that of womanhood to old age. These are the critical ch i of life, and the system should l- Dour- isht-d an.l r. julated i v that iuatchlc>s tODio, liurlock Blood Hitten. It U in valuable in all dueases peculiar to te- NATIONAL ril.LK Kir uu<unMd a. a .( mll.l y"t tborouuli |"iri;atlv... ar:... k u|". biliary organs promptl y and IteeMally JiBltm l'ti//l. i s It. nil. . Tbt famous Trottm^ Stallion. "Ji:.. my Puzzler, the pn-i-erty ..f Mr. W. H. i.'anipaiciit 1 ., will make the miason of 1JH4. an f.-ll TutHdiiy. Mn\ ilth, will 1. IM- ln table a. :ii r n, an-1 ] r.-e.-vd : George Thompson * 4th >' : Vrtemesia. A )u-will n-niHin until 11. :KJ o'clock. thencv down tlnrti hn.- >>t.r.y. to till side road. tli. uce t-. IU.L-. i . for one hour, thi net- by Maple Valley to lU-Ji -i, ill.- t'.-r iii^rht. \\ .'Inwsday. 7th will proceed along line Melaui ^l - -n i UM one hour . tii.i. . to Melancthoti Station for no. n :lu in . 1\ wy .-f ''"rlctlou t Dnndalk for m^lit Thursday, he i!l pr ci-ed to bis stal'li IT nuht Knday. he will pr c. . 1 I y Vand- . to Wyhe's, Till Uue, Ku]>hraMa, tb- along aide road to Riu-.bvrly . thrtice liy wav 1 1 Kuwui.i '.is ... stalU where lie will rvmain until tb-- saith, th'Tr it llu TRUTH. OlMf n, x- Pair will taX A \I\V ..t'l 1---I IKDAT Here. !) i von want a new Hoii<' or Ham ' II no I think you will Anil U to your ml\*utat:e to rnl' ii'i.l -<< me An 1 do a larita buiTi><^ 1 inn l"nl i on nill prflt AU eonlrsMU promptly atU'ii- Hii.l w..rk u*narnnic.-l TliftiikiiiR tin- pul>- lie' (or pint iintronn.-.-. mi I ]*\ Uir IUHIII Kliil i: >o I work. 1 IHI|M- t.. i .,-1 it a fi.iitiiiuanco u( tin- ain . Your* renui*ctfullv, I..I1N \\IIITTKN. FROST & FKOST. BAI,I,I--1I Us sol. I. llMl;s i.lNVrVXSi Ks I M', llllll la) tt i i i:-ni mi N I \\ KKHST. I. I,.H. ALFltrP rili. ST. frown Count \ \ttornejr. \V. .)". 15KLLAMV. T\VI, CL UK /.V.sTAMAW: .HiKXT . th. ;inthentic:t\ . f Christ il a fur, candid, and btHiorable critic>m. Tli.- Inti'lel's forte !i--i not in ' !.ti-rn and true: thin 'l.-.-iy ne\.r did and never will stan . :;- :. -I I only tlu lane and nipt, and .i but very ; rly umli : 'i-ir U-M! c:i-, inn .- wheru is til. ni'.st of poison i i diiciii'.' nuiuiiiia th.-i'i- ill K- the most ilisease ; so. likew-*-. !- mo-it iti.-li.'i n then i- .in.l will \<v iiiimralit>. -inl the foul. n.-n\r principles "I Inlideli Th. I. is)Kn ori;;iiii/-itii.u. itlmws i nt little or no pro- STRAIN & LARGE, p* ft/ff/ Confo&ctorti FLESHERTON. \re nreparcrl to alt*'m\ l> Itnrk A Stone Work i nil it* brttni'lu*)! Orders loft nt tin- \KT.MP V (Ti'v will ractfivt- protni't atlctiti ui. * i.n,l work ju Fair I'noM l"ti r.- -1 \l ','' > Intuit I'lli.f IH'eVtlV ']l i i !' I >'.\ ; l ! i I . l 'H l i.i N J. M. Webster, EUOENIA, LICKNSBD Anellononr (or t l - Cmintv o( drey Vonev to land an uxual. at rc&ftuimhlf. rate. Klreand Lit* liinuraiiriv OamraonloaMaM ad- '. ! I . KiiKi>nla P II pnnnpllv atti<n l-.l t.. i iUcrtical. W. S. GRIFFIN, Ms 0. ,u c. /. N., o.vr. . Will In- i:i Kiin.lo-ti.-ii .-very TiipMlajf aud Kriilav ' Ir.ini I-J ! I li in Orricr.. hi Wm Strain's block. Money to Loan. At i;\ l'<i- <'!!/ !,,! a -I :,r Striii-ihl l.-iii. WITH Interest pal.l \enrly. not In advance. No cx>!ninoi"li>ii oluri;.->l X|'rl t" I..I:MI:. TIIOKMtl KV. . ^ -.^ ^ ^-^-^- .^^- ^.^ James Sullivan, Alexander Brown. The Tiusmitb, - Flesherton. Uui'uruiK'. Ks\i-triiii;liiun,anil in fs.-i evwrj- John W. Armstrong. Fl.rSHKRTOX, Co. OllET. DIVISION COI'KI- CI.KHK COMMISSIOVEK in H K. Conveyancer. Ar Ae..nt for j nil. I Huh- of Umi-* .\ppraiM-r forC I. r Coin mi. I V r II. A H. Society Money to I..HIM "n tli. . ' ..-ixoniiblo terum. ISHLKU or M MiKIAiit: L1CKN8K8. SSl'fift \ vnt n 1 *^ 1 Anetton^or for County uf Ury. ! P.O.. Ollt. .-. i:i. -tii-iii,!!. nt. ii.i in fs.-t e llK lit tin- t.llHllit-Kr. mil i. -i .MTU prompt anil i .. ful atti-ntion at reasonable prn-. v ili-<.n liotel. ilAXWELL, - - OST. AGENTS^ .iiM si < -o'iiiii>1tlon: het ir.. U t Htadllnu anil atUnttro Hostler. onlylRoUtl lu the piare Jos. AJU.WOK, FSI-U; u ( wantnl for Tlie I.lveH of all tin 1' of tin. twt iMint Ixiok evur nal.l for l than iu-.i our 1'iue Ths (MMst aejltasl book ID Anartea, Im inonra prtiftts to aRentK. All inti-llii.vt iw|'l>- L. Anv tine temp. .nuy with .loin \A.-h\..i conn ar isoll of the fnuU I- I idieu|..ui> Where ;ire the lYiiiplc.t or Halls of Infidcht\ 'ln- writi i M...WS oi none. Tln-n- Temple in Itostoli it .ne time, if in) iiein-'ry KIT\.< me, !-nt it wna H.KIII shut fcp ; the sheiitf Witt m- ,e I'-it.-nt than that 1. rave, Ixi.uitiii',' sociel\ There in hick - l cohesion, want of for,,., ami in the parts hi-ri- 1.01 n.t n-. lm\- U-en attempt. -.'.. it w i- -.renerilly fi'r tl-- l-.ivwt of pin N the invisiUe liiiU' i of th.- (iodthey iu'tior. toiichts them and .w Babylon fll HO tall all then teiuphv !ii.-e. > ' !u-n- K.-r liwc and Hiuisti l niotm -> the lit;hU )irte like i>n is. Infers, .11 in hand ami to the hnlf-witti .1. they m-em lii{e|<t and smnrt Imt ir is the uitelln,''-!"'! ef ihe parr-'t ' Ry tin- wise they are writ tea off fools, anil Mr !!( alone in their folly. Then thcon i. /uilinu' man com mi m i - in in " i. A mtiomil .-. nclinioti ii, that anytlnnir nmn ' .n ti n auceesR oli- tnini.l. w.nilil In- di-:i'.i'oiiitini;. Until. .w its it with M'. /.;/ for in-lance. as i>- ^^u /'ny"' ' I*ook a' ti.e ii.'.st-t whortAer enro him ivlu-iwur tip- sun shines nil UM r lhe.w*r).l' with ill- '..-- "i t, in;.], s in lilinovt MViry ham), t l.-N.k :> Kindled institutions sprini.' into activity 1'ainf'M ilav : mis*;, l :ii y societies, S:ili hath Kchool niAtitiiti ins multiplied and miiltiplyinu'. Kw the ti ives I'h.-isti nuH ha rsiiscitated or . .rtlu- i-n- li^lit.-iHiiL; ami U-lii t Mini: tlie mil; -l>.s If for nothing more than for tin. vleya- tion ,-f tin fnnai* t" hononUf M.'ii. i;.,r's Jt Parko's t'irlitlit I'eraU- has been t. -it,-.! l.\ \. .j- .1 has I i. I'.. nnd the most c. n\ui>:cnt and f- < ir. -t I. ".I ok upplyjng rarbidic acid. The greatest antici ptic in s.> for t'ul-. linrns aii.i < >l,l S-T. s. lie sure and .-et M,i.r.k,-"rA I'aiki j.i'ir...,:i I'enit s-.M .it -''> cents hy Uichnrdson's, DrugfiatS. Tin. Miirli " WsitiT." T fA. //./. f.-r "f Tl- Ailmt-ff. - of the \otin-,' men of thi* [l v i- v. -i ||< ji i- .1 - i :n ry :n the neiuhborhood "t one "f the tu ;n the Province, ihe ..tin ! he \- II: ti. 'il.iriv atlect. -1 l.v tin- L'rnildeut of the or I'V the -f. I poii lu return to 1 a viil>!> itf. te.l -ti the i-ercl>ellum. which ::|.|y tlie ' . vtreim- I inaliftoN w> nt to the sacre<l li-'lise. Imt norphei Qi "V< it.ikin/ him th. te. he hud to i.; ri i-. t--n- the > lu- \ -I H. liters : fli. i. -;i I' K- IK r. K-lr- t -l Kt ni. In 1 . '" " r ' r '"' , v .11 -i.iv klwajl n-e.J Pr. K. \ . . .1- of .- Lr . iiili.lel l>|-'. If llc r till" t.- a I)-.-.-.;. ^Iy ft iii..i* to I h;.\e l-'. . :-.i:i." n-te.l ' -l i.ik f It II vu -; b. ell eiire.i . I lia\e lia.l for tiv. N i , u <. | tbi -lily rclni'.b- and B, ''all at \V. KM -Int Store i ' . / , . Tii.ii ! tt:.- i - - "i t" 1 r..i< -iv. i- i rol ( the f -u:urt -cull s-i-J'. lll'i Hi. pM'\ i-li .1 In- p.i\ - ' m r 'ie mime . timi, nnd '.-. much uiti i-'-n-.l in tin n in hi- k. In .1 i . fowls) an . ii v M-|.t .11 'Le faun b.- r.iuv, -.),. v . MM -l'>|H-ie.l with, and not L. cause the !.i-;ne! u;-h.t 1" i. .ip iili\ pi.'lil thei Ii- \ thi'ii;. >"ii will find b. ' -in; to mi (-p. cm! Il llmt tl.ev urf a mivi! up -u.-;. I Mi tUv farm- er keeps 1' 1 1 it ' in :i (food |,..-k. .iii.l 1 1 " '.- mi it i-vpect any pi ..tit- UK. I. iws \v. ri-movr all Hull" l '. \^ - ' "I n'.liil. Fluid Li^ firo- Neural^a in one Kin . . .1.35 CUK-I TiKithaolio in .lie mil ui. Khud I.igUuiug cures Fateacliein UilDUle. Fluid Liichiiiiiii; euros Lumbago ir Fluid Ij^htmng rt-lieves llheunia in minute. Fluid l...;liti.niL f otire* any pain or ncli- instantly. '-ents per K.ttl- Huh inli i. Di .. "tore. TRUTHFULNESS ! Courtesy, Hulled J'lalt'. or solil li>rjnst if/ni/ flu-'./ in Modi-nil nnd Fineries* it] (Jnalit'j. Thoe wu wish a nice rartcty to select from at M:s, tltx, to:, lias; ami Ji'ir , ~ .. \ i:\ i r.r *' 'i K of Electro Silver Plate Will :'.M 1 .1 : ) th. .1 u Ivantage to Inspect My Stock I AM> (.T.T ".\ I i He) ore rnrr/i(t*in<r K'xc where, |>Isk(nra !mr.. of 1'ui : . 1'atnuiajx l.lof HUM SI PI 1 VI IM. Aiw-ivn kr|>t. All \N>' li * REPAIREI BY MYSELF'. mul \\'urtaa*i 1 W. A. BROWN. \

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