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Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1884, p. 8

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Beard's Improv'd Fro,n - Liver e thai Electric bitUm will uot FLESHBRTON MR. JOHN H. HEARD. Arhmnia, June IGth, 1883. Dear Sir, I take pleasure in testifying that the set of ten-bulled Harrows I purchased from jou last April has given me entire satisfaction. It Mug ;ibiiut tin " ce sheriff at the Sound Ivor-looking all onr j.iuit Uci>.- , Uetiiriiiin; officers in the division, and 'sending eliu from Mnndalk (nine miles lawny) to IK) Deputy Ketimnni.' otticer at'evilli' who I. nt n lie M'.iid'cton ' The loiiir-lo'ikcd fcr law suit, ariaini! fnnii a i|iiarrel OH election (ia\, I.etween twn parties living m :u I, . did not come otf. All !! n vr. Vunke thj jidn of cases already permanently cured and who are daily recommending Electric llittirs, will pro\e. Bright's Disease, Dia- lietes. Weak Hack, of auy urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the hluod, regu- late the [.owfla, and act dirtctly on the ill- M-a.-i'd parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at :.0c. a bottle at W. Iticbardsun'B. ti-r liail to take 1'IK (-hare of dis^raco fur alt:'ekiiiu' an oul muti. M=T=SWi-y-.a^^ fault with it, but I failed to see any. It is no heavier on my team than my I ^ ^ |( & -ix-bull wooden harrow. I am yours truly. JOHN \\ HITBY. M> HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMEMT THE PILLS Purify tho Ulood, corroot all Disorders of tho Liver, Stomach, KlUn'yn, and Bowels*. ^atts.rtc^ THE OINTMENT - u infallible remedy for Bad Le", Had Breast*. Old Wounds. Soros ami fleers. It Is fatuous for Gout and Rheumatism. For disorders of the it ha 110 tsJMa, For SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Swellings and all Skin Disease* it has no rival ; auJ for contracted and stiff joints it acts like a charm. Huniiiu: - i!' . -t iluiing tiuii lioin-s >, IID Leap year is doin : it 1' here. Se\ .-nil' m;iiTia<;, - iat.l ' 1 le-t 1 VIIIIIIL; m> 11 heie. A- - "i ,e nunia^e i | knot is 'ii'il. they slip home with then parents i'..r a few days, ' con- sider aiioiit the I. iU8i U' \Ve 1, -'Ve till,' ' .' '." I i .-\pect a _ 1 s].riii'_r. ^1:11111. i-r ' t. It is much nei'ileil t" luaku ' ' ear's failure m ci..p> HM Si.. .\>i . h . !! Iron with pain.-. r>:ikie. and n ling in .i ' !. l>ck, with thick hi^hc.. then you have aliriuii and should resort, to Mr, I. Hit- ters, the grand kiiln. \ . . jnd Eanufactured only at Professor HOLLOWAY'S Eitabllshuieut. 38, Now Oxford Street (late 533. Oxford Ntreel ), London. aud arc sold at Is. 14d., 2s. Od., IB. 61., 11*., ffis ., and :te. oach H<ix or Tot, aud may be hail of all Medi- cine Vendors throughout thu \\ url.l. Fun-hater* thould lk '< Hif LnM on tht Putt and fcM, Offvnl Street, Lomlux, thi-ij urr . // the (tilttrrst in nut This is not the " Red Flag M you have read so much aboul ; (his is a ffcrer From dur Ou Friday lit*! i MI .^ctir- i-d to tin- t' Mr <.'' T,ni.|i. The fornier was ein;ii(;eil in " rnllin^," with a' span ol t.v.i yi ar "M ."!t one of j tiie hrcivh - ' '! in the j tug. He went " : of the rolK r to unf.i i, n ' iivnii Htsrt- | ed off at lull in-, he III Hiaji .1 t' ' of the lines. I him uiiiier th. u gitah. He is .- Kcrr was e W'Hiinl. \\itli inuii will i>< Farini"'!* in tin- .t' the tile' lowing, The nit. , a lively Im.siii' .. n fruit. M I . -t hotm. w. bontd4owa mi \\eihie.sdavia-r It .. i., n-i-npieil l>y Mr \\ :!li.iui I'olicrts who i UOIK.II^ the farm on shares. The tiiv oc.i'Ul'rc.1 at almiit II d'clock "i the forenoon. All the I'li'ecu v.eiu a\e'l by the timely aid "f i the nei^lil Agricultural iinplrnieiit agents are' plertifu! 'ill tr\iii^ In ''gnll(l) the makiu . lery lUj'lled. . - ui-d up ! '".I treiitinelit vor. i. inity art- ii.nkim.' the :lier, ami uro l.n-\ Dr. the the ^ood.) honest price, %ood qiiali(} 9 & Mjuare dealing !'!. carried by Mr. Thos. Uuncan 9 Tailor, Fleslierloii. F L, ISSUE RT SASH A\D DUOIt FACTOBV PLA\1\G MILL Lightiuug. Kliliii l.::;l'l?:'.ti ; not ,,nlv cnri-.-t Tooth- achc inst.iiitiy. In!' iU" Ni-i.i-iil^iii, Hcinl- iirlli', Kiri.'il.' l! : :i'Hlli:i!iMH, l,illiih;i^.. inn! Siiutii.i. I'.iin nf any kiinl e.-uiiint ri'iiiiim nut- miLiiti ulnirii I.H .ipplii-il. \\iiiii jon In . 'ir ul Fluid Lightning you llfiir ol one lit' the greatest ln:ir%i-ls ( -v i kiiuivii iu the war of it medicine, as it ne- ver fails in cure. .'1111) not in a week or a d. iv, lint tin- instant it i.s applied to the alTi-cted jiarl. Sold at Itichanlsim's. Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWEK was the flret preparation perfectly adapted to cur.- ,i.-, i!..'!, of the MH)]<, anil llie Ural eue- cewful restorer of faded or gray liair to Iu color, growth, anil youthful beauty. It II.IK li.vl many imitator*, but uuuuliave so fully met all the requirement* needful for tli.' [.roiier treatment of the balr aiul scalp. HALL'S II Mil UKNEWEII Ua steadily grown In favor, and spread iu fame uud ui*l uluess i.i every quarter of the globe. lt unparal- leled success can be ultributol to but ou cause: the attire J'tljilmt til o/ Ui i/nmaei. The proprietors have often Urn surprised at tbe receipt of order* from reroute coun- tries, win -re they liad never uiatleau effort fur in introduction. I li.- UK' tut a short time of HALL'S II MU l:i M:\VKII wonderfully Improves tbe per- sonal appearance. It demise* the scalp from all impurities, cures all bunion, feter, ud dryness, and Uius prevents Uddiieu. It stimulates the weakened glands, anil enables tliL-iu to push forward a n^tr and vigorous growth. Tliu effects of Ibis article are not transient, like those of alcoholic prepara- tions, but remain a long lime, which ntakt* lu u*e a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rou TUB WHISKERS Will change tin- In ard U> n, natuml brown, or black, :isdirrd. It produces n|i.rni:iiieiit c"'.ipr Unit will not wash awnr. ( 'niisimingi'f n single prtparalion, It i apil,t>i .ilii>ut trouble. PREPARED BY R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. II, Sold by all Dealer* In Mediclmi. TOE ALL THS FORMS Serofiiliiu. Merrnrlnl, an. I Illooil Iii-niil. i-. .' . i,,.^t reni'-'h. l'riui' t tlm .t Harehloa and Uioromlf Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Druggists ; (1, six buttles, 95. Jewelery STORE. J. R. TRIMBLE, DEALKU IX batches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, <Vr. No Bogus Discounts ! or other Clap-Trap Induce men fa offered, but sell you Goods as loir ax tlii'ij cntt be //'>'// rrtl ffOJUilttnt ifith HOA'EST TKADE- Watch Repairin a specialty- Mi Work Guaranteed- PATENTS MUNN & CO., of the 8riNTinr AsrrairAH, oon- tliiu.'luvl ill S.> for I'nlenl*, Carrau Trd Marti, (ViprrUibu, fur the fnlie.1 Statv*. lunnda. Knitlnnd, Fnun-i'. lirrmany. <c. Hanil B->,'k about I'ntrnti M'fit fr,-,'. Thirl y-ni'vpn year*' experlenoA. PaUcrrsoMalnsd thrnssm If 17NN A Co ar* noticed IntlMSrtE.vriric AMERICAN. thi> lanp.*!. lt.nd ni'.fl widely . inulnUil wlenllBc paper. H.Aia >ir. W-<'klT, Hpli'n.ll.l pngnfcvtnm anil Internr-tliiK Hi- formation. Kuvciuirnaopjr "I the l*cl>ult> As Iran -nt free. AiMn->* MfNS A CO . Sell AMERICAN ufflce. M Bruadwar, New York. EUGENIA ist Mill, m ::: Lath il. Having maile rxti'ii~i\i- iniproviments In my Grist Mill, I am li.l. nt 1 can ,-n , good rv i > CARHIAGE V70HKS, WILSON & McKECHHIE. - - Prourietors. Oar factory is now complete with nil the hitesi, IK st, ainl most improved' iiKichinory necessary for tuniiiiL,' mr ,-\ rythiiix' in onr various linen of busi- ness, mid i:. will bo in tlinrmiLrli niuninur onler in a few days. Contract i for buikliii^s in town or ivnmtry taken :tt the most reasonable raies. Work will be "iunmteeil lir<t-flass in very pariicnhtr. tlii^; dciiart- 01 in : uii'lvi 1 the iinini'ili;ite ii]iervision of IJ. ^i. McKe^hnic. Susli and ii M -i inn!.' t.) order on short notice. Scroll sawing will receive prompt and care nil a'^.-ntinii. IManiii;,' ;i s|iecialty. In C.::n i^'e making mir repatotion fur Ant-olMI work is too well known to '. eil any turtlier comment, here. A htru'e and excellent stock of carriiiL'es, ' -.ile. Call at otii- show room-; and inspect them. Orders for any tiling r.. thi.i lin will receive prompt attention and the fact that it i.s directly un- der t!i iitp.-ni-iiKii nf T. \V. Wilson, is a .-mtlicient guarantee, that tho work ::i:tierial u-vd will be lirst-cln-is. Fir- lit Tarn. t >n Tu.-sility liirei. "-n oitr village hail a n.-niow CHi-ape innn annihiliati..n l.y tire. The roof MI' the Imil ioir '..vnpied hy Mr. .1. Macartney, iic.\; .; ".rtotlie (Jneei- ti 1. eaiuiht tire from a defectivi' chimney ; but, Wits t'.ii t jlia.ely iletivted 111 time t" lie extinguished by prompt action on tlu pait of ii few of i. ur citi/.i u.-s, and the applica- tion of several paiN "t water. Five min- utes longer ami it w-iiilil liave lieon im- pimsihli- t'i stay the spread of the Ham, -, anil a.-i a stilt breeze was Mowing from the smith at thu time, if the tire had yot lie- yi.nd control In the building in which it originated, TlM Would have been alm.'.st ciinipletely swopt, mi: ol txUtunce. Mr. (iuo. (Hover i:s the. o.vnefof the hnildinv'. anil as ho has ivpeat'-lly deelined to re- pair the chimney, it is time for the law (if it covers the case ) to he put in for. ". HO iu to compel him ' make thu Imihlin^ s:ife. We hope our reeve anil councillors will treat the matter with their usual en- ergy. Tarn Lui'l' i . xa DO XK AXY DAY. ' 1 1". 'iir ulwayn ou hnud. ( 1 ns(oin Sawing ml liiii'i lilli-'l on tin bhorti -t notiee. Lulu- her und Lath ulwn.x > en hand. WANTED: < herry, Butternut. Whitn Asli, Itlaok Ah, U.l-xw.ioil, I'me Ullil Hemloek I.i'tJs \vuntril. M. AKITT, ECGKNU Muy 1st, 1882. WILLIAM HOGG, PLBSHBETON STATION. nniii'iiuct'H that be lifts received a Large Supply of Xew Gocds,, suitahle for the PCMOU. nil of wliich have hfen purchnicd to the best advantage, and will I * << 1 1 i'hr.i;i for Cash or Country 1'rodtlce. The new arrirals are Kxtciikive and vari?il in Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots &c. &c. Also n full suppl.Tof llardwiirr, Groceries, Provision*, Crockery, iVc. in- l>(>ction nt the Ktoelt invitej. .I/// lin inch Siore at EUGENIA kept fully supplied rt'iffi Good*- 1 offer Ff)Il SALE or TO LET. ? HAW MILL at Littlo Falla ; drie tinder 3fi ft 1ic:nl if wuter ; all in K.m.1 order. witU :iU.i VjHacremtl Tinili,-i Lnnd <;U whicb tbe Millii *it intrd. Tbcri" are ul.o gerornl other Omul MtU Sites ou tbo property. Liberal Term* on rifnrr v lir.'ha.- ' or lease tn a conipettsyt Biau, \VM. HOUG. Raise Your <'ow*. The new England Kinwrgays : Wo h.ivu tried both tmyiiig aiul nusiny; cows, and find the advanlimi's are greatly in favor if the latter method of replenishing stock. A calf that is raised on the farm, if kind- ly ti'e.ited. li'els very niucii us though she iKilinigod to the farm, if not to thu fam- ily. It will bo a very poor feuco or a very ahort pasture that will tempt bur to leave her own homo surrounding*. She knows her own pasture and her own home, and becomes vary much attached to holln while the purcliuged .num.. I n almost suru to bo ! niesoiiie and huiue-siclc when In st put in witii a herd uf stran ^e, and vicious atiimalK. Almost every fresh in truductiuii uf a strango atiimnl i.. followed by a general flglit fur mastery. WILL CURE OR BELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, t DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. i f*- OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, fr THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYHESS HEADACHE, ' * OF THE SKIN., And every peclt Of disas arising front disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH BOWELS OR DLOOD, Toronto, Vrcy V Itrucc Di > . - on. O O 1 N O N O R T H . Toronto, ilep... T.flla.m 4.5(1 p.m.... HlOain. Oranijevllle " . 1 .> " T-'i"> " U..xi|i.m. Mt. Korest " ., I'J.JI p.m. '.ni " Miiiil^toli " 1J.V) " ren Bound "'... 1 JO " 'c.ouii.ui. GOING SOUTH. on Sound,.. .dap.... a.m.,. 'I .:>|i in .. 7.:K> a.m. HarriKtoii " fi.U'i " 4.31 " Mt. Knrwt " n.:l " 4.SO " Oraiiinivllla " 8.87 " 7.*) " l..Vi| Toronto arr.... ll'.OO " a..Vi " :>.m " \\ WHVTK. P. McNICOI.I.. (ii:s'i. Sei-'r. (ii:v i. I'ASH. AT. THAINS I.I:AVI; FLF.SHERTON STATION: >in^ Nil) Ih.ftt II :."() A.m. M:10ii.m., iV'.'ii,]M!i o;u S..utli,. ftt r>:U d.iii , !O:lHain,JC: :>I_'|M,I. TIIE FAMILY WELCOME, Thin IM one of th lfti-(jii*-t an.l br^t ; t"i- s I'spers publitiboil in Aniei u a. It is full of Mlory anil llmiiuiK-e, Hit anil Iliunur. : UUll l(l>eillni . In fact, tin-re will not o.' n niiik'l llii of ilu I i.'ii'liii ; in It. 1'iilili-lii-il the Ut anil l.Hli ..f .>. v iin.iitli Terms: Ouoilollnr per ninn.i.i in til- vanca. \nnt- wAiitwl i'v i\whri, Sainiiles 1. 1'. A 1 lu'ah - ' I':. j family \Vulcouic." Ixinili n, Oat. i ; lui. HAG YARD'S YELLOW OIL 'CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are ploss.nt to take. Contain thrir . .wit PorRative. Is a lafa, lure, ami rttrrtu*! worm* in Children or IDO LUTJ OF "FSMS F0 SAlt ' AND " FAHIJ DAILY AND WctKLY MAIL THR MAtl. hubtcimic The ::. M. ii.inii fur Fansi t ! V III- Illrnl . An.l ^oiit.ims more r<r Itiem lh.m nil ..-I., r Cln.i.1 *n Mprnt ton 1.,.., ,1. Il In* 3*.. *) [ t ftl.e lii.,.t il*s. AnVFHTISFMFNTS of "I STOH for Sale" nd "Fm" \,,,, , , . ,r ->o<l (.sio or "W.W.I' ii-'-iKd i i III "ITrUY M Ml. .yl'iv.".. !' o"li.l> . "."" .ii Ktti't nf-'J i" r wi.i I . r n:r ,,-.. ' t, wr til Till 1 . UAIL.T '. MAIL To ^k

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