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Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1884, p. 6

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" (tern* If '. IH. M u . < uiiilau What ouderful words are tbeae tbat wti hear '' Iu echoes rviwaiiUK ^ loud aud BJ clear Kroni tlm wt lo tUf rat, we liauu au>m, TJ the uer wild wur ul uraufe rctram ; i >i 1 > uu he^r It " Why tbere iu a wwaiur a town, All ti.e it> ul tbe > to u came >lo D. Aud that a " oliK'tlou, ' wliu in each liiau iu hl> |MI-:.-. \ fri e iuai] waika by a (reeiuAU't, kitlc. Now aj] '.beaa men ha>l huuje ut*at and cleau. AD any il::'s wife IT Uioth>-r. 1 WLM-JI iV'uM MJur ur we*i> ailh l< >>i l<ruoiu All tue oobwebu auu .lu-: from , very roouu Hut one aud thl4 tlu-y callod ID- |> IU. Where i lie U]u who preat-lle*. an 1 tue uian wbp voila All night ut tbe rnvel, walk iu bide by n !. aeh with vou- a (revuiau > pride; but t!:t- , >!Uwa no |'Uc* t <i' br^iiil or brush Vwfcrr,- ouly mu oatne au.l that iu a n. -u. WiUi bvUud l>uauaud wh.-krv riff . No ! Ibe vull* wan iu> place for a v .'ter wife Hy tuine itraugv chance a law h t.l i , That womeu uiitEbt ixnir to ihu ilvu at la*t u. 1 h, !] ch>i>c ouh tht -.I'lu'i-i trUMleea - Aud be 0:1 oouauj tie tuti. if Uiey plrase Wiivn baik: KUI wui, Ivriui wordi do e bear" ID ecLom nxouudiuf >o lima and clear, I roui the wat to the rat. we luten th, ;r butuuuuK, " Scrub up ! bcrub up ' the wouieu are cammg '" And thf newtpaper tor y went on to aay, Whet] the drr wi'tueii cniijeuu elrciiaii dav That tbe f.or bad ht>u aarabbed with a right Kor ttnav luea were |'i.i-aj of their houeekerpiue kill , And th now-flke of vm,. A fluttered in air, AA pure at the potje a* it aa auywheie. ave ' there acrubbiog to do In iuoral> and acboolt Tbar* i bri^btaDinc up of old golden rule* " aa ye wouKI that uicu nhuuld do uuui you, ' 80 *vu to tbeui Ab, laterpralen lew Are fuuiid iu our litre* for all ooroera of law ire cohwutbeU aud diulr, b.dlUK virtue and flaw : It u time tnj were wrubbed. aud where K the man. Like tbfM, cot afraid of the liou.-cltiaiu !>Uu Who'll not thiuk ot n it till tbe victory 11 won, Hut wt .< 11 tcrub witfi >h< wuuieu Ull acrubbiug udoue. PHYLLIS. I'T TBK Airy Auv,..r ul Molly bawu. "Tbe Baby.' Kairy Li.ia:., etc . tie. BarTM VII. Friday bringa Mr. Carriu^ton. who i> aptciall) art>eable, and devotee tiiuieelf a i(ood deal to Uoiaud. Thtre u a cjuaidera- ble amount of talk about ahooiiug. huutiun and ao fcrtb, aud we oau all aee that lijly U favorably impreaaed. Dora'a benavior i perfect ber modeaty and tiriuoua baabful- uea* apparent. Our \iiitor ralber afleau ber eooiety tbau otbrrwiar but beyond uatouiLg to ber admiriugly wbeu ahe apeak*, tbowa no marked attentun. In Ibe country a u indeed a-.miatiou and aeveral hour* rlapae before be take* hie departure. Once tluliug myaelf alone with bioa in the cwiaervatory, 1 beatow npoti him my promt ted picture, wbiob be receive* witb opea gratitude and cjuaigna to brn pocket a* he beafa fooutepa approaoblug Uoiaud presence baa inapired us all wilb tuuob additional obeerfulueaa. We bave never appeared eo gay, ao free from reatraiut, aa ou tbu afteruoon. and Mr CarriLglou fiuda it bard lo tear himeelf aw*y. 1 myaeif am iu wild apui.ii, aud qai oaubiae myeelt every now aud then ; and Billy bo la not at any tnni afHioted witbabyueaa, tbiuka it a aafe opportunity to a.k our friend before be letvea if be will aome day take ua out for a drive in bu dog oar t. "Of course I will," aaya Mr. Carnngton. " Bow unpardonable of me never to bave thought of it before ! But perhapa," apeak ing to Billy, but looking at Dora aud me. " pajrbapn you would prefer four boraea aud the eoaob? It will be a charity to give it a obauoe to eaoape from the moth*." Ob, I aay," aaya Billy, are yon in aroeat." aud. being raaanired on tbia point, fairly overtlowa with delight. Dora aud I an acaroely leaa delighted, and Roland ia graoioualy plaaaed to aay it will be rather fun, when ha tiuda th* two Haatiugii girl* are alto coming. Somehow uobody tbiuk* of a chaperon, which height- eo* the rujiy meat and provea what a reput- able peraou Mr. Carnngtoo moat be. When the day arrivea. and our landlord, clad in a thick light overcoat, drive* hi* four bright baya up to our door, our eutbu- Hiaam reaobe* it* liual pitch. Imagination can no farther go ; our dream ia fulfilled. Mr. Carriogtou help* Dora carefully to the box atat, and theu apringa up beaije ber. Billy and I ait very clone to each other. Roland takea hi place anywhere. witb a view of changing it on the arrival of Miaa Leuab Ha*niuga. Tbe whip cracRlee, tba bay* throw up their beada we are ofi I kiaa my mamma and , wbo bave all oome out to tba door-atepi to M u* Mart ; while Brewater at tbe corner of tbe boiwe atanoa a^ap* witb excited *urpne. At Kyleton we taka up tbe tiaatioga, aod their brother, a fat bat well -meaning young man, wbo plant* himeelf on my other aide, and m*kei< elephantine attempt* at playful- ue**. I do DOI mind him in tbe leaat ; I nad loan pour out my superfluous apirit* .,>on him quite a* well a* upon a more > !tp*iiiou*bla peraon, perbapa better , for itb bun at leavat 1 bave all the oonvana- >u to myMlf. I have BUO.Teeded in oaptivating bia faney, f *l*a it in bia naaal mod* to devote him- -If fur tbe eutir* day to whoever may lirat <iappeu to fall into hi* olntobe* ; aa, when we di ijc-nd to Carlton Woed to partake of tbe luuch our boat ha* provided for ua, he till din** to me, and outwardly at leaat ia almoit 1 jverlike. Alaa tbat Oatober daya abould be *o fleet! A lay mod a* tbiona might bave bad forty boura without briagiog ennui to any ot u; but at length evening cloae* in, tbe time ia oom* when w* muni take our departure. Rrgretfully wa collect our ab*wln u,1 mov* toward* the drag. Mr. UaaliugB, atill adoring, forambl** on by ID;, Hide, panting and puffing witb the weight of tbe too *olid fleeh nature ha* h towd upon him aod the wrap* he la oom celled tn carry. Mr. Oarriugton, Dora, and MIHH Ilaaliog* are close behind ; Billy tragloe aomewbere in the diatanoe ; Kolvidaud pretty Leuab follow more to too left. Ju.t a we reach the read Mr. Carring- Ion Hpeak*, and eorora a littla M he doN no. " HIM Phvllu, I thiok I once beard you way you bad never *at on tb* front of a dratfi will you tak* it now? Mia* Verrjon *reea with me it ia a good ibaiioe for you to M* If you wood Ilia* u." How good of him to remember tbat fo*l- ih peeoh of mine, when I know he ia loug- lug for l>jra eooiaty ! "Ob! thank you," 1 Bey, ttuahfeg; 'it la very kiud of you to tbink at lav but Dora like* it loo, aud I oau ao*ure you I wa* quite happ> 1 eiujuyed myaalf iiu- meDiiely whvu ouming." "Oh! in that caae ' return* Mr. Own Jgtou. coldly, half turning away. Not but tbat I would like it," I go on, encouraged by a buiiln from Dora, wbo can uow afford to be tuaguauiuiou*. having boeu made tuuob of aod mogled out by the puten- tate during the whole day, "if you are nure (to Mr. Carriugtou) you wub it. ' "Come," aava be with a pleaaed nmile, aud x>u 1 nud myajflf in tbe ooveUxl IKI .tiuu, our landlord u exoulleut te'iiper beside me. The hor*f n tired of Btanding. *bow a good deal of friHKint ra at the nel-off, and claitu tbcir driver * undivided alteuuon, no lUat we bave covered at leaat bait a mile of tbe road before he iipeaka to me. Then atoop lug to tuck tbe rug more cliaely rouud me (the evening* have grown very obilly) be wbiapera wub a Hiuile : " Are you /uifi mire ibat you would rather be here with me tbau at tbe back witn tb*t ' fat boy.'" Quite poaitive,' I auswer, with an em- phatic nod. " I wa* ouly afraid yon would bave preferred you would regret you would have hkrd 10 return a* you came, 1 wind up, desperately. Ue atarea at me curiously for a moment almoat witb euepioioo. aa it aeema to me, in the gatheriQ^ twiligbt. " At tbii moment, believe me. I bave no regret*, uo trouble*," he aay* at leuittb, .mittly. "Cau you Bay th* *ame? Did liactiug'a eloquence make uo impreaaiou ? 1 oouldu't bear wbat particular liua be wa* taking, but he looked unutterable thing*. Ooce or twice I thought be waa goiug to weep. Tbe melting mood would juat auit a pernon of bia admirable dimect- oua." " He waa very kind," I return coldly, "aud I dou't wmh to btar him apokeu of in a aligbliug manner, lie in ao attentive aud good-natured; be carried all those rap without a murmur, though I'm iture he aidn't like it, beoautte hi* faoa got o red aud be be loat bia breath no dreadfully aa we came along. None of tbe other* over burdened tbeuiaelvea, aud you, I particu- larly noticed, ramed nothing. ' I'm a aelub beaut, I know," aaid Mr. Carriugtou, oompoaedly, " aod bave alway* had a rooted objection to carry ing any tbtug, e\oepl perbap*, a guo, and tbere ii uo get Uug out of that. 1 here are ao uiauy dma greeable burden* in tbit life tbat "iu,t he bjrue, tbat it aeem* to me waak-tumded voluutanly to add to them. Dou't oold mo any more, 1'uv Ilia ; I want to be happy while 1 can." Thvu don't abuae poor Mr. Hat-ting*." " Surely it imi't abune to nay a man i* fat when he weigh* tweuty toue. " ItU uupoaiibl* be can weigh more than fourieen." I tuUim todiguautly. bad coma ID your place I would not then bave known you, and if ha had been aa kiud yea, I suppose I would bave liked him juat a* well." 1 conclude, quickly. Uf oourae I have aaid the wrong thing. Tbe moment my speech i* finished I know this. Mr. CarringtoL'i eyea leave mine; he mutters something between hi* teeth, and brtuga tbu whip dowu sharply on tbe far leader. " These brute* grow laaier every day," be save with an unmistakable frown. Five MX uiiuutea paae, and be doea not address me. 1 ft el annoyed with myaelf, yel innccinl ot having intentionally offended. Presently stealing a glance at my cjiiH'ttuiou, I E<a.v , ooulntely Have I vexed you, Mr. Carringtou " " No, no," he answer*, hastily, tne ttuile oouilug home to his lip*. Dou't think so Surely truihfuluecs, being ao rare a virtue, rbould be precioua. 1 am an irritable fellow at time*, aud you are finding out all luv fault* toi>i<ut," be aaya, rather sadly laying hia hand fcr an iuatant ou uiiue, as it lie* bre and small aud brown upon tbe rug. "You bave proved me both ill tem- pered aud selfish. YJU will eay I am full of defects." " Indeed I will not," I return, earnestly. touched oy his manner; "I do tot efeu fee the faults you mention ; and at all event* uo one waa ever before so kind to tue a* you bave been." 1 would be kioder if I dared," he say, jmwbat unsteadily. V Into I ponder ou what these word* may meau, while the first dim foreboding sus pioiou what you will entera my ti.ii.J. we aee Htliiou. and pull up to give tbe Uaatiugatime t > alight and bid their adieui Theu we go on agalu, alwaya in the elrainr ailenoe tbat baa fallen upon us, aud pro rntl v find cur-elves at home. Mr. Carringtou ia on tb* ground ia a moment, and comes rouud lo ruy side to help meco*n. I holdout u>ybaidaodpre parn for a K od spring line la delightful to oiear jump at any ir) . but be dinap- poiuta my hopt> by taking me in bm arms aud i>laciug me ou the gravel , afttr wbiob begoea instantly to D ira. Wbeu we are all safely lauded, papa, to our unmitigated aatouiabmeut, ootuea for- ward, aud uot .>t.i>- akn but preoke* Mr. Carriugton to xtay aud dine. Perbap*, oouaideriLii be has four horse* and two grooiua in ou train, our father guesses he will refute the tuvitation. At all event* be doe* ao very graci<july, and. railing !.; bat, drives < t! . loaviug us free to surround so '.'" with mild reproof, what baa be meant by coming here day after day. and aituug for boura iu ibedraw- inu-rootu, aod briugiug flower* aud same, uulees h* bad some in tenuous in regard to me? Uuly thai you are so dull, Phy 111*, you would not n i lire me to aay all tbiat." " It certainly look* vary strange." 1 acknowledge. Bui perbap*, after all, Dora, you are mu>judg;iLg him. Perbap* it wa* hia suter'a Lady Hancock'* hair he wa* kissing." NonaeBwe '" lay* Dora, sharply ; - don't be absurd, l>id you ever hear of any brother wanting ao uiuob ffeotun upon ulster? )j >ou soppoee Billy or K would keep your faoe or hair in a looaet lo hiss aud euioraoe iu private '.'" I oertaiuly oanuot dalter u>yaelf that tbey would, so give Up tills ilue of argu Perbap* tbe person, whoever she ia. ia dead." 1 Mijtgeat, more brilliautly. "No. He smiled at it quite brightly, a* 01 e would uever imile at a dead facs. He "luilrd at it a* if be adored it,'' murmure D ua, bopeUasl) and tb* bftietb drop i-1'Ki-urn luto her lap. " 1 shall tell psp*," b* gjea on presently, " I bave no idea of lelliug bun be imaginiug thiugs whan tbere ie> no truth iu tbetn. I wish we bad never **en Mr. Carringtou ! I wish with all my heart something would occur to take bun out of Ihia place ! I feel aa though 1 bat<>d him," aaya Dora with unusual and a ralber vioioue compieaaioo of tbe lip*; "aud, at all events, I hope be never will marry tbat woman iu tbe locket." Aud 1 answer, "Bo do 1" with rather BUB picious Laaie, as iu duty bound. nd relate to day. mother all the glonea of the i llAlTIB Mil. a provoking air. Suddenly be " Well, even tbat i* substantial, return* he, with laughs. "Doo'tletua quarrel about Hatting*." be aays, look log down al me . I will make suy oouoeasious you like, ralber tbau tbat. I will aay he ia elirn, reti jed, a very skele- ton, if yon wiab U, ouly take tbat little pucker ill jour forehead, it was never in-aui to wear a trowu. Now Ull me if you have enjoyed your day. ' On, so muob! " I nay with a aigh for the dt light* tbat are dead aud goue. You are we bave never been aooustouied to anything but but " 1 cannot bring myaelf to mention tbe disreputable that lie* iu tbe co Mb house at borne, ao substitute tbe word* ' one horse ' ; aud now, to find one'a aelf behind four, with belwoeu one'* aelf aud uob a good height tbe ground, ia aim- ply bliaa. I would like to drive like this forevr." " Mty I take that ae a compliment .'" " A compliment '.'" My stupidity slightly ducamnu my oom pauioa. " I ouly hoped you meant you yoi would have no objection lo engage me a c in your never ending drive," be aay*, slowly. My abominable MlflahneM again, you aee I oauuot manage to forget Mamiaduke Carrington." Theu, abruptly. " You aball have tb* foor-in-baod uy day youwiab. Pbyllie, M it pleaaea you ao much ; remember tbat. Jnat name tbe day whenever you cuooea, and I shall only be too happy to drive you." What a brother-in-law h* will make ? banda a hundred time* to Martha and Jane, tbe cook, tbe heart throbs with then, ia to be on* of a i desire to get near Billy, delight. Tbia day, i. I feel a wile . o give him a in the exuberance of my j >y, but in default of him can only look my gratitude by smiling rapturously luto Mr. Carring ton's dark blue eye*. " It i* awfully good of yon," I *ay warmly ; " you don't know bow muob w* enjoy it. W* have alwaya been ao atupid ao tied down, any unexpected amusement like tbia aeema almoat too good to be true But" with hesitation and a blunh " wa bad better not go (oo often. You M*, papa i* a little odd at time*, and b* might forbid it altogether if we appeared too anxious for it Perbap*. in a fortnight, if yon would take ui again will you ? Or would that be too oon ? " "Phylli*. can't you understand bow much I wiab to b* wi tb you ?" Hi* tone ia almoat impatient, aud h* apeaka with un- neoeeaary haste. I conclude he ia referring to pretty Dora, who i* aittioe behind, and is making mild running with Mr. Hastings Do you know, I aay confidentially, I am *o glad you have oome to live down here. Before, we had literally nothing to think about, now, you r alwaya turning up, and even tbat ia something. Actually it aeem* to us, papa appears more lively since your arrival ; he don'l look ao gloomy or prowl about after UHSO much. And then this drive we would uever have bad the onance^of aucb settling but for you. It U you are going I look at The following Monday, a* I aat reeding in tbe uiall parlor wa dare to call our owo, I am startled by Ujra'a abrupt entrance. Her outdoor garment* are ou her ; ber whole appearance is full of woe ; auapioious circle* currouud bar eye* I riaa fear fully and hasten toward* ber. Surely if anything worthy of condemnation baa occurred it u impoaaibl* but I muat have a prominent part in it. Ua* the irreproaob- able Dora commuted a crime .' Ia bhe in disgrace witb our dome-tic tyrant "Dors, what baa happened?" I ask breathlessly. "On. n >tbing, " returns Dara, recklvaa miatry in ber tone; " nothing to aiguif, . ouly Billy wa* right I am quite positive b* uevor for me baa i.oi the alight- ost intention of proposing tome." What ' wuo ' ' I demand, ia my charm- ing definite way. " Wuo .'" with impatient reproach. " U LU is tbere iu this miserable forgotten put to propone to auy ooe, except Mr. Car- riugtou '.'" ' What have y >u beard, Dora ? ' I ask. light breaking iu upou my obscurity. le it in tbe evening of the same day, and We are wated iu our aooiutoiued place* at table. Papa ait* down in a mapping faabioo ai il cjmui4ijce8 tbe helping proci in xileuoe. Maiuuia never nu at tbe bead of ber table ezoepl ou tboae rare mod nnplda*- i. t nooaBinoa wueu tbe utiKbbom are anked to diue. Not a word in iipoken ; deadly quiet rtigu*, and all in goiog oo atuotbly -uoU||b. uutil Billy, unhappily raiaiug bin Dead, >eea Dora'norimnou lid*. " \Vby, Dora," be ezolaima, ioatantly, iu a loud aud jovial tone. "What on eartb la tbe matter with you .' Your eyea are an red an fire." 1 > <wn goo* Dora'a apooo. op oomea Dora'a haudkarouief to ber face, and a etidad nob Why, " Wiluam" imitating pp*'a voice to a uioetjr 1 have not yet aoue witb you. What, air, aid you meau by ei^xMiog your HcLBitive aiater to tbe oriliomm* of a crowded table ' If your owu ^eutlemaiily luatiool* are uut nuffioieuil) developed to enable you to undernlud bow uupardon- abla are penwual rtiuiarka, lat tbm oaatiga- tion, tbat a aei] of duty oompei*nato bestow, be tbe meaun of teaching >on." Billy K r >o. aud for tbe third nine com- meuoe* bin diuuitr while Kolaud leana tgaioai tbe wiudow-abutter and ooutem- 1 laieii him witn lazy ourioaity. "Billy," be aaK>. preaeutly, "lamuttou wbou the fat ! growing wbit aud tbe gravy u u in > lump* a good tbiug?" " No u at*.'.. returuH B.lly, grumpily, and with ralber uuoce tllau bu Usual vul- garuy. "I aak merely for iuforuiatioa, ' ay Italy. It ovriaiuly /ouA:< odd." U' ' . d-t/y . ' nay Billy. If tbe gover- nor goeit iu lur aaiy more of tbia kind of thing 1 U cut aLd run ; tbat'a what I'll do." Why didu't you nave Home aumpliog?" Kolaud gjea on ouioothly. " The whipped orealu with It waa casual ' 1 ' ju.| uLt ' ' ">" Billy, regarding uie Ineflly ; Juujj liun ' l't>)ii.v iro< tbeia Kug ' ' " Tbere wa-," I reply. " And wn, ; . a urvam ! ' " V." 1 auawer, faintly. 1 ou, I'D)'"" ' ' kaya Bnly in tbe liveliest tone of taproacu. 1 lie Dicker of au atutued mile about* auiuaa Holabd'a face. " Pbyllu, wtiy did you uot bring him erne ' ' he a*k. iu a tone tbat reddOU Hilly V How oi, . i 1 " ' I exclaim, indignantly. 1 could LIU 3*rry more tuau oue plate, aud eveu aa u wa 1 waa afraid every muiute 1 would be caught. Betid** Miae l'u>iu<. Minn l'u\lln," oomea a nepulchral wblrper at the door accjuipa- uied bya faiui kuock. In the wLi.per 1 reoogui/.j Jauiea. lla>iug taken a preoau tiOLary peep tbrougb the key bole, 1 opeu the door, aud OL tbe lurevhold diaoover our faitblul frieud, a large plate of apple* f au immense comfort to kuo to may here altogether." " Ia it ? Pbyllia. lookr at me. him. Now tell me tbi* ; if any other fellow, aa well off M I m, bad oome to Btrangemore, and had taken yon for dri * tbau her usual grace arm-chair tbat adorn* Heard? Notliug. I would uot have believed il, if I bad beard il. I aaw it wub my own eye*. An hour ag] I put oo uiy Ibiug* and went oul for a walk, inteudiug to g > down by the river , but just aa I oaiue to toe abrubberies, aud while 1 wa* yel hidil.-o from view. I saw Mr. Carringtoo aud thai horrid dog of hi* aland lug on tbe bank jut! below me. I hesitated for a moment about going forward. I didn't quite like," aaya Dora, modwlly, " to force myself upon bim for what would look ao like a tele-a uu , aod while I waited, unable to make up my mind, he"* BOO" look out of hia waiitroal B large gold locket and opened it, aud" a aeoood heavy aob" aud after gazing at for a long time, a* though be were gmug to eat il" a Dual aob, aud an inclination towards choking "be itooped and kiaaad it. And, oh ! of course it wa* some odious woman'* hair or picture or something," eriea Dora, breaking down altogether, and kinking with rather leaa into tbe withered that corner of our room. A terrible map-ion, followed by a* awfnl * ceo** of conviction, ipringa lo lit* within me. The word ' picture" has struck an icy chill lo my heart. Can il by any pom bihty be my photograph h< ha* been 10 idiotically and publicly embracing? Am I tbe fell betrayer of my *t*t*r'a happineaa? A moment later 1 almoat amil* at my own fear*. I* il likely any man, more espoially one wbo hae seen ao muob of the world aa Mr. Carnugton, would find any- thing worth kimtig in my io>ininoant countenance ? I find uulimiied consolation in thi* rtneotiot, tbat al another time would bave oanaet' me serioua uneaaioen. Meantime Dora is still giving aigni of poignant anguiab, and I look at ber appre benuvely, while pondering on what will be tbe moil aympathttio thing to eay or do uuder tbe oironmiianoe*. Her no** i* gro i, g faintly pink, largi tear* are itauding in her eyes, her bead nolinea a little -a very little to one aide. Now, when I cry I do it witb all my heart. Oaai I ham wept my fill, however, I Hoover almoat iuHtu.ntaueouly, feeling aa resb aa young grata after a abower. Not BO with Dors. When ah* it afflicted be tears n )tne III.H by ooe, alowly, d.oo conveys the remainder i* tbe last atraw. " William ! ' cries my fath-r in a voice of thunder. go to your room." Aud William do** aa he I* bid. Tb* sileuoe in btc Jtuiug positively awfnl. when papa uddeuly rames hi* head from tbe contemplation of hia nail, aud Kolaud utters a languid sign, and aaya. mildly . Shall w* aay graoe '.'" " Wbat i* tbe meaning of tbia delay ?" demand* papa, exploding for tbe second time. " Are wa going to ait here all night .' Tell cook if this oconra again ahe can leave. Three-quarters of an hour between soup aud fish ii more tban I will put up wilb. If them ii no more dinner, lal ber aay ao." Perbap* Mr*. Tully la l no i posed, aaya Holy, politely, addraaaiug James. " If *x>, w* ought to make allowance* for her." Mrs. Tully'a admiration for Did Tom" being a well known fact to every ooe iu tbe bouse except papa. ' B sihiut. Kjlaud ; I will bave DO inter- ference where my servant* are concerned," deolarea papa; and exil Jamea with hi* band to hi* mouth, to return presently witb a very red faoe and the roaat mutton. " Where tb* luh ? ' asks papa, 10 a ter- rilio icoe. " II didn't arrive in time, ur " " Wbo haa tba ordering of dinner ia thia house ?" it,.) jirei papa, addreaaing ua all geuerally, a though ignorant of tbe fact of mother'* having done BO without a break for the last twenty -six yan. " .V,.- li,>,ly, I presume, by tb* manner in which it i* served. Now, remember, James, I give strict orderi tbat no more fiab la ever taken bear? ' Yes, ir. " And some roaat muttou. Il a**m* to m* tbat dinner will never oome lo an end , and yet, to watch uie, I feel aura no stranger would ever guee* at my impatience. Al length, however, tbe welonm* word ia poken, and wa lue from the table. Once outaida tbe door, I fly to tbe cook, and, having obtained auob delioaoiee a* ar* pro- curable, ruab up stairs and enter Billy'* room, to nod him aealed at tbe farthest end. tb* deepeal look of dejection upou hia features Aa our eye* meet tbii gloom vanish**, Riving place to an expression of iutence relief. "Ob!" he nays. "I thought you were Dora." " No. I could net coma aooner, aa papa fought over every course. But I have brought yon your dinner now, Billy. Yon must be atarviog." aud oream in his baud, aud coueiderableair of mystery aoout him. " Miaa Pbyllu," he savs, in a uae under toue, oook sent tbia hare to Master Billy , and the uiiitres.* say* you are to OJlue dowo at ouoet, a the master ha* bueu *ak- lug where you ail are." " I am coining," I returo ; " and tell cook we are awfully obliged to her." Where- of ber feeling*. It upou, baviug de( "sited the daiutiea before Hnly , 1 charge down stair* into Ibe library . aud, having sei/.jd hold of tbe l.rnt book 1 can see, 1 cotleot ui) self, aud uuter Ibe drawing rouu. wuh a aedale air. " Where have you been?" demau&a papa, twiatiug hia head rouud uulil 1 wuuder neck doeau'l crack. " lu the hb.ary , obooaiug a book." ' Wbat book?" 1 glance al tbe volume 1 carry, and to tny uumitigauid borrur. hud it a treatiBe ou aurgery . " It i* by Dr. Bally," I mnrmur vaguely. "Come here wid let me aee it." Treiu bliug. 1 advance abd surrender my book. " I* (Ai< a | r. per book for a young woman lo atudy ' ' exuiaiuia my papa, iu high di gust, when be ban read tbrougb tbe bead iug> of tbe cuapu-ra, " Wnat au abomioa- ble K>(l }ou are' Oo over there and ait dowu, aud keep yourself out of mischief for tbe reuiaiudet ol to* evening, if you cow." Il, 'Ml X. Th* next day Dora i* atill low vary low iuo>rj and sign* heaviiy at intervals. We might, however in apite of tbi*, have man- aged to knock Huuie euj iv meut out of our lives, but, unfortunately, whatever column nioaliou she bad made to papa on the sub jeot of Mr. Carriuglou'a treachery ha* bad ilia effect of rendering bim almost unbaar- aole. 1 think Holaud rather ei . >ya tbe inur kinee* of tbe atmosphere tbau otherwise, aud takea a small but evident pleasure ID wiukiug at me a* b* presses tbe vinegar and pepper ou our already highly aeaaoued father. The latter knowing my nomadic tendau oief. i* auoaeeaful iu briugiug to light during tbe day a dozen unbemmed cambric handkercaiefr, and before going to bi* ou* tomary af term-on rid* leave* atriol injono- tiona behind bim tbat by my tiugera tbey are to b* begun and e*ded before bia return. About 4 u clock, therefore, behold me sill lug iu date in th* drawing-room, in company with mamma and Dora, hard at work at my enforced leak. Tb* conversation i* limited ; dwindle*. indeed, until it get* ao sparse that at length w* are aabiuitd ot it and r*lapa* into ulenoe. Huddeoly tbere come* a rattle ot her***' hoof* upou the gravel outside. A little later, aud Mr. Carrington i voice sinking on our ear* aet* speculation at reat . Mamma glanoe* furtively at Dora, and Dora breathe* a faint tigfa and bluabe* pale pink, while Buffering an aggrieved expreaaion to char from that habuiouger. Do you al length w* all get " I had it long ago," aaya Billy, drawing a potato from hia pock*! and a plate from under the dreanr.g table on which mutton i* dim noil y viaibla. 1 feel rather disap pointed. " Wbo brought it to you ?" I aak ; but before I can receive a reply a heavy atep upon the Btaira sink** terror to our heart*. Inalantly Billy's dinner goe* under th* taole again, and the dtjeoled depression returns to hia faoe. But I, what am I to do? Under tbe bed I dive, plate and all, tbrualing the plate on before me, and am almoat aafe, when I Up over a bit of rolled oarpet and plunge forward, bringing both h and* luto the gravy. In thi* interesting position I remain, trembling, and afraid to atir or breathe, with my eye* directed tbrougb a email bole in the valance. Tbe door opena noiiily, aud enter Roly witb a cne in hi* band and a ferocious Kleitro iu hi* eyea. aoieri/.f her faoe. A horrible thought come* into my bead "On, Roly!' I scrambling out of EMS* r ,e SH"5 *=? uB* . /"* Mawwu uoru M giaa lo know him ? Would yon have liked him aa wsTtlll *>> mat 9'' wait* politely until th* previou* ooe ha* If-tn (i off the prtDnxe* before presuming to follow in it* channel In apite ot tba q lalina of ooneriinoe that are (till faintly nd that, wooM you bavi been a* glad to prinking me. ae I MI mutely ve liked bim as .... earnestly; hia "P *' "lightly comprised. Evileutly be well as me ? r?:l' .',?!?!?'' * "7 "">..'7: *> xpeota me to s 11, y Homtbiog : bat aU^ I , - . don't kt,ow. I urer thought abcn) , I mnrmnr, tomewdal troubled. 1 U inch ao odd It qoeauoD. YOB **, if b* my tin IT .ring i*ter, I fli .1 myatlt rtckoningaach salt drop aa it roll* ilowly down her obeek Just aa Igelto the forty uiolb, Dora *peaks again - If be really U in lo* with aomebody H*e aud I can hardly d mbl U after what I bave Men I think be haa behaved *ary dmh iin.rably to me," *he Mjra in a quaver- ing tone." How SOT" I atammer, baldly knowing what to lay. Us I We were > ure i; waa papa." " Where on earth have you oome from 7" aiked Roly, ginog with uuditguiaed amnBoment al tbe figure I preeenl. Aud dou't oome aay nearer' paw* off, I'om- pay '-what it the matter wilb your banda?" ' 'i in, 1 bad joat brought up Billy aom* dicuer, and wben I heard you I ran under tbe ted and tripped over the carpet and fell aplaeh into th* gravy. But' it ia noth. ing." I wind np, airily. " N t lung t I wi*h il wa* lea*. Uo w ash yoursdf, yon dirty child." Then returning th* larooloDi upeet, aod with uplifted can*, b* MivaaoM on BUIj. Huppoee of count it is impose i Die but tupfote Mr. Carringtou were to oom* in uow, and io th* oourae of conversation mention my photograph ; what will n mother and Dora think ? What i* to pre- vent their drawing a conclusion about what happened yesterday ? Although. I do not in the leaat believe it tcai my picture Mr. Carringtou waa *een embracing, (till the very idea tbat it might be, and tbat be might at any time speak of il tarna me cold. Something must be done, and that quickly. Without further besilati >u I riae from my Mat, put down my work, and make for tba door. No one attempt* to detain me, and in an instant I am in tb* ball, faoe lo faoe witb our visitor. I lay my band upon tbe trout of hi* ooat, and whisper hurriedly: " Do not aav a word about my picture, not a word. Do you understand '.' ' I have raised my faoe to bia in my anxiety, and shake him slightly toeropbaaizo my word*. I do " be replies placing bia band over mine aa it lie i almoat uuoousciously upon bia breast. " U( ojurae I will not. Bat- why " " Nothing," I *ay " at leant only a fancy. Oo now, I will tell you *cu* other time." " Pbyllia, will jon meet me at tba oak- tree to morrow evening al five al/ow>" b* asks, eagerly detaining m* a* I seek to etcipe, ana I My, "Y*e," ith impatient haste, aod, teaiiog my hand out ef hi* I turn my back upon him aud gladly diaap pear. (To be eontinaad Jeff anon Davia will celebrate birthday on June 8rd,

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