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Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1884, p. 5

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i lib Tn) -] 1 ji At tne Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESH ERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a lar^-e assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. Local and Other News. i KrevitU-s. Aycr Cathartic Pills arethe best med- | Dai'JUg ;cine that ran heemploycil to correct irro- ID First of May. -Mr. Swallow, tho Durham barber, ,':tve us a friendly call on Tuesday. -Kle-iln.-rton Monthly Cattlo Fair will be held on Monday next, 5th. May. Get your Watch or Clock repaired at Trimblt's Jewelry Store. Kleshcrtiin. Next Sahliath the Quarterly meet ing will ( he held in the Methodist Church, Klesherton. Mr .1. Tuwnsend. of the Cnj /.'- rl'ir, gave us a pleasant call on Tuesday wcnin^ laat. Honor Roll Public School No. 3. Artemesia, received to<i late for this issue ; will appear in our next. A first-class new Ringer Sewing Machine for sale cheap. Apply at THE Ai.VAXi'K Office, Klesherton. Mr. Til. is. Oamey, Rwve of Osprey Townshijt, gave us a pleasant call hut Friday. Rev. Mr. McGregor, Baptist min- ister, will preach on the ' l-*-triiv <( JX'ftuiH." in the Town Hall, Fleiheit..n, n Sabbath next, May 4th. 'One of our village youths asked us ie day List week who lived in the little building on the lot opposite the Town Mall' The little building referred to i. Dr. Chriitoe's drying kiln ! Arcby Mell.y had three of the fingers of one ef his hands Indly cut while il^in-,' shingles at Dnmude & Wilkerson's factory, Klesherton, ..n Wednesday morn- KeiiiemWr Mr. Thus. Duncau's auction sale of Huiim-hold Kurmturc nn Monday next, iith May, Cattle Fair Day, in Flesht-rton. tiiMid cluuice for those I'eMiini,' luiruaiiis in Kuniiture. - Mr. Smiter. proprietor of the M.-a ford, propones to establish an <-mp!o\ mi-lit bureau in connection with his present busin.-Hs, applicants licini! charged a fee of ,f> cents for registration ami advertising. It is a good idea. -MissG. A. N. Page has just returned from Owen Sound with all the latent shapes in Hat*, and is pivpaiv.1 to make up and do, tiver Straw, Felt, and Leghorn ll.ti in all the latt-st styles, at Buhner's I'hoto- L'Hiph (iallery, Flesherton. Fa \rceit sticks his nose in every- thing," said one o} the youths of this vil- I -. after reading our l-ditorial niu-nt 'Rowdyism in Church," hist week. The cap must have Wen a pretty good tit, <onny, or you wouldn't hare got it on so easily ! Mr. M. Richardson's spring circulars have just b.-eii issued from this olll. .-. 'i'!n- ].blic will always find that Mr. M. iiU does nothing by halves. HIM of Spring ti.Hi.lH is simply mag- nificent; and his prices for everything in his i II-IM.'-I. are low. The revival Hirelings in the Metho- dist Church In-re. which had jVcn r.-^u- larly hUl every tiivht, Saturday cxeeptcd, for over two months prcvi.nixK vt.-re brought to a close last Thursday cvcnini'. There vvt-iv quite a large niiniU i . f eliiiversions. llr.KF. is a fair sample of a small boy's <liary, as given by an e\chaii,'.il : "(Jot up mid washed me- had break fast slid <!..i hill had a Ii -hi with Williu Smith ,- won't speak any more worn a hole in t V- t of my now boot steering my .slo.l cat suppor pa spanked me alnnit the b nt -wont to bed bully good day.'' That splendid roadster stallion. " Y.'iing St. James," will make the Hea.ii in <.f 18*4 in tho neii;hl'"iho. .1 of Fleshor- ton. Ho was sired by the famous Cl.-ar (irit, jr., stallion, the winner of the Silver Medal at the Torontu Kxhibition < f l(*St. See route in our next issue; nnd for full particular* as to pedigree, Vc,, see |x>sters and cards. W. H. Johnston, proprietor. A Bin CASB Or STARVATION To starve the 1 .ii|- by a lack nf vital food coutained In pure air. If th lungs sr obstructed by rnli], ri.pmvr the aoenmulatH phlegm with t ith that safe and plesant throat and lon>- rein. 1y Hafyards Pectoral H*Uni of tho stomach an 1 botv.-ls. (ientle, yet thorough, in their action, tin y cure constipation, stimulate the digestive organs aud the appetite, and cleanse, buill up, and strengthen tho system. 1 1. -in M .... Station Hotel. The proprietors of the above Hotel, Messrs. Alex. Hannah \ Son, have thor- oughly refitted it from top to bottom, so i that it now adonis the most ample accom- modation to the travelling public. i;...,.l stabling. Everything, in fact, usually found in connection with a tint-class country hotel, will U- found in Flesherton Station hotel. See card advt. II. I .nl. in. I > sior. I nli i . ,| |>y TIlifti'H on Sight. Township of Artemisia! Some time en Sunday night laat the .,.. ..fM, . :i . M,wi. nJ .., -Abstract Treasurers Acet. lor i<l by burglars, hi* office vault door bunt pen. and cash to tin- amount of some *_':>. 00 stolen. Mr. M. K.i i lain 1 was in tho office on c , ... Sunday night in-twvon the hours cightsMsl nun- o'clock, niiil it is supjxisod that one or more of the thieves had been secreted near to tho back entrance and had.puictly slipped in while Mr. McKarland wan in the office and secreted themselves till after lie loft. When the book-keeper, W 1883 DR. Tobal. from 1883 Jno. Higginhothjuu, roll 12 87.40 J. B. 81.,an, roll 1882 2KK(":! do. " 1883 1400.00 J. Haraard, " 1882 70.70 do. " 1883 2OM.OO 8. J. Coleman, roll I** 1 ' 25.00 do " 1H83 1378.!Ht Fines 11.00 Miscellaneous 3657. 32 By paid County Treas. School Ki|llivalcllt ....... < > The " rnnl<inilii fir.-./-W feeling BO Mr. Biggar, entered the office .>u Monday often experienced in the roiult of impov- morning, he found the vault dour open ri-heil blood, and Consequent enfeebled and the cash drawers on the floor. lie- vitality. \yer' Sarsnparilla feeds and side these were found a blacksmiths ham- enrichos (lie bl !. increases the appetite. mer, a brace and bit, a screw-driver, and and promote* digestion of the food, and !>lu- Tho door of the vault hail a hole Ward No. 1 Ward No. 2 Ward No. 3 Ward No. 4 School Sections D.U'iitures k i'. -up. i j Council Sessions 141 I 1 Salaries 4t'.:i M .-llanoous 2!'l .:.' Balance Cash on hand. I:.'.'" 1.' 141V" If-' * lift". li:.7" !:. > 47'M ' f iron; (" W>, the Auditors of the Township of Artomesia, for the year 18H4, hereby c-r tify. That we have examined the Treasurer's books for the year 1X83 ; aUo th- the assimilation of iu strengthening quaT hored through it just above the key-hole, rd<rf Receipt, and Disbursements, compared them with the Voucher, then-fur, and itiei. Tho sy.tein being thus invigorated, about three-quarters of an inch in dianie- the feelin,- rapidly changes to a grateful some of strength and onergv. Or.lll-r .Illilil. Editor of the Ant' it- 'in A'liii'iiHiiritt for some thirty years, but unconnected with its hiisiiu-iM niaiia^i-ment for a year or two past, has lately retired from it* c.lit.'rial department and located in the West. Hi- desires to gather a complete " l'4t'il-<'<iril Allntm " of his old Headers and Friend*, and requests them all to send him now a Postal i-itim; tin ir pre- sent location .iii'l address, naming; alxo, when coiivunicnt, the years in which tin \ were his siihscrihers. Mr. Judd'saddreaa is Chicago, Illinois. ter; and from this the lock had been de- stroyed by a liaiiiin.-r aii.l punch, and the do. ir thus opened. The tools had U-<-n obtained in a black- smith shop ill the Milan. . but no further clue haa yet liven obtained to the jicrpe- tr.itoni of the In.ld theft. Some of the citizens contend that this is another evidence of their advanced civ- ilisation, and that now. U-ni.les all the other advantages of Markdalc, they can boast of having had one of tho aunt clever scientific burglaries ever performed in tho Count r of (Jr.-y Hut we understand Mr. W. J. McF. does not share in this feeling find them correct. Dated at Fleaherton this 4th day of April, 1884. r <". JANfES, 1 . ... HENKYMELDRrM, ) A>ultturl NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. !",:.:: /.:',:: -";;;:! Milburn & Gadd, Puoriill- Ti'KS of tho alivo work. ire pr- |.ri'.l to alU'll.l to i-vcrytlllllR ill the Making & A Lawyer's Opinion of Interest to all. J. A. TKWIH y, 1'.- | . a l.-siling attorney o | Winona, Minn., writes : Afu-r using it for, more than three years, I tk great pleasure in ptatiui: that I rcpir.l Dr. King's New Dis- ' i-.iv.'iy for CuiiHuniption, in the best remedy in tho world for Con/h- ami C'olds. It hsH never failed to cure tin- iui>t severe cnl.l I I Imve liHil, ilium illy relirvrs the pain in the cbel." Trial Dt>ttlt-s of this snr cure (or all Throat and I. mi).' l>i*. ni mny lie liu-1 free at W. Rirliariimm's Pniff Store. Ijirp* size, $1.00. _ |inoi prom ,, tly , nd wel , ._ j Repairing in both Branch 's Promptly ath.l to. HOUSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. \i Ii in. -i.i A^- Mr .I'.hn Whitby has just finished his I nssussnient of the Township of Arteinosia. The follow inu is the result:--- \. I i < aWessi cl .................... IW. 111!' Value of Keal Property ....... gl.OTii.^i Peisonal Pr..|-rty. . .' ......... ?iiJ.N.'i<l Po|illl:ltio|l, ..... ............... .'i.T'i" Cuttle, .......................... -I.LV.O Sheeji .................. ...... .4.L".I4 - Horses 1.171 \ nod .V..MII \. rtl <wamp, marsh, or wet land ..hi. OL' \.-i.s Fall !>40 \ : - . i lrchai.1 and (lanleii, L"7 Births IK) l)eatlis .'HI'l '< lif NOMINATION*. Methodist (ratepayers) .'HW lYc.ibxti nan . .( " ) 2:i" Ch. .f KnglainK " ) 74 II. .m. Catholic, ( Baptist, ( " ( :t A HAXHT SfHi.Ko*. As a dressing for al manner of lb-h woiunts there i- no thin,' Utter than IInKvnr.l's Yellow Oil. H I'l.-ansrH, alUv* |<ftin, ful'dnrs inflammation snd h'-aN without a scar or stillness of the parts injnrod. It is rqunlly vnluab'e as a pain renicJy for inteinal nw. The fnllowing isfrom J. W"., of \Viii)ii|>eg.forincrlyKrainbiiyer for Win Oillesby, of Hamilton and (irimsby: " I was for many years much afflicted with Costiveness, HilioiisocM, and ultim- ately I>ysprpnia. I siillorod very much anil tried many different medicines, which gave me only temporary relief nnd tboi. I was as had as ever again. I wax recommended by a friend, who had been re store. I to health bv it, to try Mo(ir- Vandalism in 1 1. On-rum. One nii:ht last week the tup piece of the handsome Munshaw monument in Flesherton cemetery, was lifted out of its I la.-e and thri'Wii on the ground with such evident violence as to damage it considerably. That the wind did not blow it over is certain, from the fact that the part "f the stone in question was securely lilted into the base of the monument, anil also from the fact that there wo. no unusual wind Bturm mi the /'.-//'A'/.' JMNGfjYG AND night when the rascally deed was p. n c / v \ / /..S7), ]/ /. \ 7. \ '(f A trated. It must have ln-en lifted l~><iily ,S' /'/'.'('/. 7 //7'i ' mi its place and thrown to the ground. . This is the . pmii.n of . . marble man, Orders left at UMMWtlf0s1 Mr. C. Yanzant. Who the perpetrator or iiTpctrators of such ruthless vanda- lism in or are, it would l>o difficult to /^1 OOD CHESTER WHITE HOAK KHU SM.i: \l i r , .). A| .|ily to SN II C AMl'AK.liK. l.lttli- T. II. FIRTH, I'fiintcr, (Hazier, Sign Writer, Paper ] I anger and h'tilsntniner- Flefherton, icilfbe promptly filled . all other such outs, was .lonei ilarkm-Hs. It is tin- i :irncst wish of all good citi/.eiiM, howcvir. that the guilty lir ''' 1 party or |uti.s may be speedily a]ipri- helide.l and btonght to justice. '< S]K cies of row.lyisiu nni"t U- (it-riiiitted to tarnish the fan immu : this village and neiithlMirhooil. Stock For Sale. The Thorough Urc.d DURHAM BULL Will tn t fnr Cow* tin- M-*OII ..f 1*1. at Let 192. Srd lUne Wwt. Art.-ni.'i. near Klli>-n SUtlon TKkHl. 61 |>. T i to |rt..- I iw urer four cow> a! ill ) iu*.U- Cows not rstarasd rafsdarlr to tlu. hull charKd a*a>on oowt wlu-tlu-r in ,!( n " .. I t'U.l fur on or before January ut. UH. DON A I 1> MM N/IK GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESIIKUTUN. Stram Flour Mill A T FLESIIL'RTOX STA T10X. For Sale! -i.i;i.lin_. " I thought 1 would t I'M- a rn-i up and sec if you didn't want to buy a Will, si i.i. (in:\r on KACIIAM.K rnu li-Mhl .IriviT. one imir \i.*r!int; l . A,,,,U M \\ \\ I1.IMI1I.K Tin- 1 Iinrou$h-I>red AYRSHIRE BULL, " Colonel Ross," WII.I. tan.l fur Cimi si-aunn of 1*4 tt Ix)t 10. : C,,]!n. t -v> I M . Vlllili,-.- ( Kle-lirrti'ii l> KM-.. .-1 I" i ' "t- .-!' . "r if not |mi.l ' ..I MM vi. .-. inp.-r .-.-lit wtll Iw 'M.I. !>>' .ir l..-fi.rv lanuary l-t. lr*<'i. < * lit r.-turni-.l ' n^-nUrU ill Ii.- cli ni'"l f.'r wlii-tlu-r in .-lf or PartlM brlnflllf I "r nvi-r n r." In. -tion will i..- nm.le <iin.ini!- fiM Inc. 11'-. 1.1 l;i-i" "t ->-r- * ' -i n.lowu li*:Hiir<< illi tli| ir ' ' i|i|,-n|... itli inti-n- i t tin- rt- ' i i-.'lit IKT minuin on urii-ai I i in. H'l. t)r 1O lir.s I . 1 \M TKKMh. 2.-F ARMS !-2. TO RENT OR SELL. H,. til w,-ll watered. All In the Tuwn>hi|i ArtfineAi*.. machine," said tlie iipent to III lilies. " I dont know as I do, "replied the far- mer. " Ive got nmstvf my rpring sowing done. " But won't you secu it for sewing in the summer. " Look hurr, youiu; fcl.i-r, we don't HOW in the "iiinnier. We cuts, nil' gath- ers, an' binds." " Ob, well, this machine gathers n.nd binds." " Mcbbc yon'll be telling "'' nexl that your machine will haul in the crap an' put it in tho tarn. IVn't come around here with any of your lug stories." " Don't U- rufHVd, my dear sir ; 1 think you do not unilemtAnd me. I mean a machine to sow c!oth, not grain " | " Ahem ! jou tl, d(^ you t Then you'd better go talk U> tho wiinmin. I'.'s a .good j thnigsy. u didn't mean the other kind, forj fanner v "" April ntli. 1*1 \V \S TKIMIII.r. DURHAM BULLS ! I With Cood IUciti-rtHl ' FOI; s.i/.r. One 2 v*r< oUl. for HO: and one 1 ?. > ' For fin tli. -r |.rti.-iilr *p|>ly to ROGEHi I.EVER. ,. ,v, / .' J. W. BATES, Furniture Dcn/rr and KI.RSHF.KTON, .... ONT. LIMB' FOll SALE! In IC n iron in. UUS. LOUISA DUCKF.TT BI'TCIIEB S1I01 1 ! IN FLESHERrOK. Ivor's Speedy Cure. 1 did so, and it was not long Wore 1 felt like s nw man, and Won d rful machine for plantin' an' I have enjoyed excelleit health ever sin- ce. 1 first commenced taking it February 7ili, 1879. Sold by Richardson's. _ if you'd kept on telling me about yonr '' wonderful machine for plantin' an' P a pin', you'd got me rlppin' and learin' 'til , ]j. c . n I'd basted you." TVjtw Siflmyt. t w. ek f nlutvly sure No rink, l pitI net r.- I mi- I Ii. .!.. i If you WMlt lni"iiir HI wlili-h i'. r-*' 'ii-. of .M tn.-r MX, young th t.iti. t .- . ii iir.t i-> t the tune tlict work, with tlHolitb. certainty, writ* fur pe.rticu ' * aU rrt al the Ian to H. Htiajrrr A lo . Portland. aUlu*. nl^nnce to til* pao|4 of FT%Hl-rt< t: uul vicinity. tbt h liu o|>enil out k Hufcl Sli..|Mii the *Uml f.irtiu.rly Mrnpifsl by J W H*,t a* SM-nitur* *U<r*. W^MTC b will pr |.rl to OU 11 onlw* fur / R USJl MKAT V FISH: pronif*jly an<1 at f*,lr prlrci. I OGU i

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