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Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1884, p. 4

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Russell's Noted Jewelry Store ! Richardson's Block, FItsforton, For Bargains ! People wonder at the prices, and ask, " How can he sell so cheap ? " The reason is, he BUYS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS FOR CASH, G,nd therefore sells at WHOLESALE PRICES, giving the public the greatest bargains over offered. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Krpiiii'iiki: a Specialty ; Satisfaction tiiiaraiitccd. Sales for Cash only. THE ADVANCE, . 1. R.Fmrcetl. - Kilitnr. FLESIIERTON: TIirilSliAY. MAY 1. 1884. HI -HI1 AM S The Fles'ierton ADVANCE never loses a chance of giving tlie Chrnniclr :i dig. but it surprises us little when wv tind the editor of that pompious s'leet. ohtus^ euou:j!i to call tlie story of " Phyllis " a new one. Why it wont the rounds of the patent out f >ur or five yearn since : this is its "-econd peregrination*. He also says iv is hy one of the most popular r-.uthor* of the day. In his own paper T1IK J:.\l> (>!' THZ" WORLD Itoutr of Black I'rlnce. alliou.l On Saturday, the l'2th ult., the Toronto World suspended publication, and on Saturday. liiith ult., tlmt plucky daily bade its numerous and delighted readers IV cheerful " gO<xl I Muafonl lloaJ to \Varlinu * t'orneri. Van.k-U'ur, morning." Now tliat the newsy, * ^^.''.''f!!'/,,"",'!, "tiu'u'^a'!.' -H tii -"u une'to san" energetic World has, phoenix like, 'uel Wil-yl rtopiilnn nnu hour : tht-m-- acroax arisen from its ashes," we have llo jwii,iTh,,n,t,.,, !,,,!. K,,,,u,ri,.y lornM* Tueitday. Gth. he will proceed aloin the 4th hue doubt but that tlie public will accord ! r.u|ihria. to \Vm . Kaoir*. ix>t in. for noon tin-lieu toUodaon'a Hotel. Uooklyu. for night \\.-.ln, -1\. 7th. lit will proceed by way of Illantrrc to .laiBea Campbell'i Hotel. \\ alt.-rV Fall*, for nnou ; tlieuce !>> way of Atlnm'i r.irn IT * anri Mhit> Millnto Votjan'n Hotel. William- font, fur nitfht. Tbnrailay. Mli. .lie will proceed down thegravel ruail to Mr Allan'ii II it. I Itfrk. !.>. for noon: thi'nrc wi.t across one coin-i-nion. and down the back line liy way nf llarrlu ml MilN to IU-UTV II. t. 1. MnrkUI.'. for night I'rlilav. Wli. he will pr. ..-. . 1 l>y way of Rhep hunt linyc.1 ' to John Mt liirlmxlii. loth lluo. for IKIOII; tlirtuv l>v way of Trmv.t.jn to \Villiani l'at<-r*<>ii . Town In tiri'fii Artemeiia and Tinware, Tinware, Tinware ! EARLE {STRAIN, The i-i-lcl-ratt-d (ii-iin-al l'.ir|w.i- Stall ' Itl.Ai K I'IIIM l.," tin property "( Mr \V. Trimlil... Kl(hertoii. will make the l^t H* followt : Mi'ii.lav. May 5th. he will leave hi* own stable. Ki.'-ii.-rt.i:.. mid proowiup the (,-ravei road to i Is prepared to do all kinds nf Till, Sheet Iron, Copper, and Galvanized Iron Archibald fairn'H Corner*, tlu'iice aloim the ' it a heartv, whole-souled support. 11 \Vork. I make a specialty of Milk Cans, Sap Pails. Kau-tronghing in fact everything in the busim SB will receive prompt and careful attention. It 4>]>:i i riiiix done Neatly and on the Shortest Notice. The Hamilton Wednesday, 23rd PBaPJUH Daily Tinifi of ult., has the fol- lowing remarks anent the Maxwell prophet, Mr. J. Sterling : The latest crank prophet hails from Maxwell, (irey County. His name is John Sterling, and. acconlin^ to the Flfgherton AUVASCK, he predicts that (flrm-li:. for nttilit. t'ie author is given as the " Duchess." Who n slie ? The story is well enoii','h i-nt it is certainly uot new. Durham' " xt , tin* 1'rovince will be over-run by Fenians during the first wrek in June Although we have several times felt rilled upon to refer to certain articles i:> the 1'inliam d rtmistr, we never ;,t outside tlie hounds prescnlk'd by j mrnnlistie etiquette in criticising said : rtk'le*. We have always kept within '.'if legitimate IMqit of journalism, and williver induce us ti) depart niitilf KatunUv. KHli. he will proocwl down Stone'* line to Sin-11 - ruriirr'-. tln-n,.,. to Flaalierton Station. Hannah'* Hotel, sttipirini; one hour He advises Villagers and towns- t i,. , to hi. own .UliU. for noon, where he will people to Keek FecluslOII ill the forests ' remain till the f..ll.,iu M,,n.|y in ,rnin K and rocky fastnesses of ihe rural Hiii route will be coutinni-J throuijUout the ua^on. hi-akh ali'l wt-itli.'t i>erniittin^. .N.I Im-iiii'xK dune on Sun. lay. KUI:I-:M\N -, wuitsi I-.IWDKIW r f.- in all OJHtn. They ituatny aii.l romovu \\ orini iu i or wiiuu all tlie Hrcini; and lulling "ill the ' :ntl.t course. On the other hand.l nlral (listl icts - ' H' should not have , j to |M far. Are there not some very * convenient caves iu the noighborhood Ot' I'*' 1 '*^"* 1 * Vnlla ^ districts. He founds his predictions on something said concern in<; Arma- geddon iu the book of .Jovl, though how Arm:igeddou came to get mixed up with thr rVnians is not ei|iliiined. The rillagcrs and townspeople -..-ill ! Salt Rheum. time, trouble and I Kitlt Rliftim, Pimplci nnd Blotchei can the prophet to do lie thoroughly reiunvud |._r a proper ap- save tin ni-i-hi s money by Tie Cliroiiit'lf has I.IMI nttaeks nn TIIK ADVANCE. '. t one time, indeed, we hnd as clear a of hlii 1 jii; mint that joiiruul as it \ -ihlr t'i have- A. i id yeC, al- raougli \VP proved beyond the shadowj or e i ga , - f a doubt that the Chronicle had nUUttdl tiNeiiooil conccmmg THE '.i\AX(K, the ] nhlisher of that paper, .1. ni. l:i'. in'Vei had thi' 1:1 lllliliess fir IIJ.H nugeiitlrm'uily, It will now he in order for Mr. Sterling to ird himself anil sit down on tlmt audacious Hamilton editor, ns lie is told- hide ill !.')K.i of those caves near Kugeniu Falls. Tiie C'ookstuwn 9 has I'tication nf Mc<>rr?or A Furke'a Cttrbulic d nite ti> the part, nnd a few dtfi of .Mi'tiri'K'ir'.^ SjiePily *'uiv lor iui]<uro Mond. ! Hire anil gel the genuine Pre- pared by Mefiregor * Pn-kf. S..ld at LTi cents at Hifbnrdacn's Drug Store. Buckl en s Aruioa Salvo. Tli* H(ft Hfclrc In lh thi. I'.rtllii^a ore*. I K-IT-. Salt riKiiin. l'i-vi>r Sorrx. Ti-ltn ( lmp|M, I Hand>. ClillUaiii*. Cone mi. I all Skill I ,i nj'f ...11- Hii-l I-OMI,\' U finiv Tiles, or ti'i |>n> faction, IT ni'iiivv n fun. I. -I I'n. . IHH l-'ornl. l.\ \V. lilrliBrilmin, Kli>-lirtiili. , iiiiildisciiurtfous sneers. id, nt published a (Tolilwnto faN"hood, and .lenkins >d it, ami commented on it asr v">II. It iru bad ni'iugli, Hurely, to llow tlir libellous article a place in c n.rivi- : i: wis impertinent to rffa'r to it iditiv.-iiilly at all, s. eiir,- he'.v nbso'iiitely nothing of the : nnd it was r.iulii y tho renrt. wlien he ondorHod the !ioH Kati'iuent of hi.^ e'irrespiu- r'cut, OMd rep'-nt.-'d tho libol iu fonn in a subsequent issue. sn i -ended pulilieation. It was one of the best papers in the County of SllllCOC. In i>|. i i hrs<l of to the item imoud at .-! rrtifl e, we mav in c-vt.iiiily t'.is pniv nerer befoio was ; so ir i ; n ivw story ns fr : i thr fliwMv, that altlion^'ii il set i"-; l MI fnslil\ i-s'ird from t'ie pvrss f OTII tlic original maun- - ,it of the niHioi , TI t it i.< new to t':e majority of the reader of THF. ; . It ; --Midho<l ill it, of c^"."i : . T.\- AI-VN-K i- r-M -n -!. Tho (''.rtttii-tr't*'.]!'*:- nt "pa'eilt Olltsides." - : v us the e-ipirtiviity tn say that t 'nit sheet wiuld lie mne'i more inter- i 'in;' tli:"i i~. i* if thr despised latent p-'dsidi-fl." were used instead i r the ui"t il pliit^i row doing i : t'iRt " entf-rpri^iiif " jonnial. ^^ i-Y, OM'sidi- of tin- To Business lien. New Store to Rent Tii^t received a cur load of the Famous Speight Wagons ! ti"Agricultural Implements always in stock. Plows and Plow Repairs, &c. WM. STRAIN. FLESHERTON. Boots, Boots ! I have on hand a very large stock of Ladies and Misses Balmorals & Fine Button Boots, BUTTON AND TIE SHOES, Fancy Slippers ! in I., -t MO) tr.i-lf IXKII A l.|r.s Phew-w-w ! Tlie following from our I'i.inie iiameRake. tlie Ailanncr, ' Flesh'TtOTl fnirly takes our brcntli away: The Jersey iv>w liar, wbo has figured iu the inw>|>i|- rs for the last two or three ye:irt. liiis s< tiled down in this vicinity, it seems. He finds UK In- ciiiu|>linirnt in u little not.. ;i : fol- lows : n.uing purchased the g Mitle creature and led her lionn- in t ic- evening,! tnrneii her into the ' AT 1 1 i hi ('mint) . whrri. a HO.M! caih au I III ill-Ill- .1 \VHITi: Station Hotel. I ' i ll'iini'ili il S.i'. /'r/<;-il,|-.<. Till, il.iv.. lint. 1 havini: I -.-n tlioroimhly ro- tltti'.l throui;li'iiit. no* nlfopN <-M i-llt-nt ar i ini.Hlatliin tn tin- trim Ilini' imlillo. Tlip liar i- v. II -'i|.|.h.-.|" l.ii|'ion> nnd Cii-r In fai't. inplc oi'oiiiniixliiti.iii nllordwl hi-re I" I .tli mm ami lii-iist l>i i , barn-vard to rest, for she was \\i n\ fiom nnr tr:mip. In tho morning 1 m;i' imleil the J.iliilly nut to admire enr (iri/e. No Jersey was to be soon. IMPORTED JACKASS, Young Dom Pedrj, i ii? i.irrrni-i. n . .1.1 r i a (lamp, greasy spot. The poor beiist had actually turned into milk and butter 'hiring the ni We always thought those l>arrie -i excelled in s]>inniu;r fi)iuidn- yarns; now we are SUIT of it. man takes the cake. The TKUMH. To Insure. M; Sason. *4 ; Kluulr I-'H|I. -.1 UOllT. TOOK. April aiud, l(#i. l'ri>iniutnr. .// Large Variety of Koots, Shoes A Slippers ! A Large Quantity of MENS AND BOYS COARSE LACE BOOTS, FINE GAITERS, AND BALMORAL SLIPPERS AND SHOES. QUALITY & PRICE SEC'KD TO NONE WM. CLAYTON. - FLESIIEKTON. FLESHERTON! MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, A PRIZE. " Tnith's " third article on il'/iti/. in this issue of TIIK An\ \M-K, refers principnlly to Tom Paine. \Ve have nothing to say in defence of Tom. Paine, except tlmt lie wns less blasphemous and more guarded in his stati nients thini I ngt-rsoll. For thai v.-ry reason, however, he wns n much more dangerous man than the blatant s..i. i -ix conts for |Nit- 1 at: f i i .. ,-i\.i fi,.,-, H I C0t. I I.., X <if k ',ji,,l- wtili-li il| |ii.||> \nn to ' morn n. .11. A riulit atray tlmu .ui\ tliim: p|x> in tlii- wi.rl.l All, of I'lilii-r s-x i. , . ,-,i from llr*l h'nir Thi' lirnitil roait to (ortun. .| n- I..-1, i, ti,.- i'ki.r.lH..|iitcl nr. At WIM addrwa, TBOB ' A ( <> . Vii,' i In. .kUih.. TIIE MARKETS PLE8H1BTON. Klouv .<:, 00 to fl 50 Fall \Vlieat S(( 50 to 1 (Mi AM. KIM.S OF Mo&uneBial Ms, Such as Monuments, Tomh Tubh-s, Hendstoue- Counter and Talde Tops in American and Italian Marlile and (ininile. nnd made on nhart notice. Also Mantles in Marble nud M^arblei/cd Slate, &c., ic. iTt.m, Aug. .10, 1K8.'!. ) fiuU ti find with that! American bluspheinrr. I Ins mne!i in it, that in ri;i"ons and npy ; but when \v nvnal o-i j-ia of its ji-npi-r sphere and t ) critic!*- the literary merits or demerits of ot.lior papers, it loses i'sMfiu a wilderness of smmises and < >:ijectures, and gene-ally winds up j-i mi Rtiinnphere of fallacionn and i -jjpirti ueiit p'jilo">pliy. us \\vll as his ntterntices cil the public platfoi-m, contain their owu nntidote us far as inU>llix''iit and miuds are concerned. Spring \ (I 50 Barley II JO O.its II }J!l Peaa n <ir, lint tor 14 s, fresh ]."> i,o\\ ,s M.\IUC SOAP 1 . aqnthlluL atul c nanMne for all wnit>ti\e dinoaxm nf tin- kli, 1 (lifhitul for tolloC IIH. N VTIOVAI. I'll.I.S mil ' v't thoniiirh il * onte , tint upon tlie biliary orgAi proio|>My anil nffuetuallr. Potatoes I) .SO Pork (! 50 Hay. per ton 50 Hides 4 00 Wool 17 Sheepskins 50 Geese 00 Piir-ks, prr brace 00 Chickens, per hraco.... OO 1 (in CO n M (i d" o IH o oo 4(1 7 fiO 7 mi G :,<> 20 1 f0 00 ro 00 TORONTO MARKETS. Fall Wheat, sn !i.'. to 81 Of) Spring Wheat 1 OH 111 Harlcy M (I 70 Oats 40 41 Pens .. 0'75 f) 77 Jlutter 2'2 27 Kggs . .... 15 1C Potatoes . (per birgi . O 7" ft KO Pork 7 75 H (Mi liny (5 00 If) (10 GOLD fur tlif wnrlini: Hs Sctnl K> iit" for |Htni!i<.iinr1 we will inntt >|| l in I. n i. mil. ln>\ of fnlii|ili' t,',r1 tluit will |nit > on in 'tliiiwiiyof innklni; iiinrc incn,.y in n fi-w ,l\. tlmu \..,i,\.,r,;i,t ]., . il.L.'nt any litiviiiMii f|iitl nut rplin..| \\i \vill .|nrt\.,n Von ran work nil thi- til r In imr,. tinu nnK 'I I work I- iinlvfriallt .|n|,ti>l t.. Uitli mm, \o\ir.f nrt iiUI. Von can i>aHv prn from M rrnt tf> *, rvtirv i vi'iiuiu Thllt nil who \vnnt noil, limy ti^l tlin liii'iin. UK innltp thi" iiiii'nrnlli'lli-.l 'offer t..ll who Hi-.- not W..I1 MtMlM we will ...|-'l I Ui |m\ for the fiiiil.l,; r1 vviilnij; n. I'ull ,. B1 tic-ulnr... ilii cctlonn. *tc.. rm\ I rr . Kn'tiMif will l>o n.. 1. 1. l>y tliow \.-ho civi. tli.-ir wliolc time to th work (*rf*at ffnrri.iM al^n?nt,'l\ Mm- !>on'l rtelay Mart now AiMrw KHNMIN * Co . 1'ort- IHII I. Malno. The Advance till Jan. 1st, 1885, for 60 ceiits. I

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