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Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1884, p. 3

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I t ruuruv. II.. V u...... Lxxi't ulk to me of Olympu* niii.l*. " Divinely t.ll aud fair - of Cleoiialra'i imperial form, Or Juuo'sitalely air. Tbeae uiutbty laim-B with redoubled nauiaa. May emt Imvii held thrir nwy . Tin uiflittlr woman bleu bar heart ' - Wbu rules tLe workl With her wilful, winaouie wav -v Her artful, aitleaa in:lr. Her air if HI .* u.l bur lai r / fat- - Her wtatluiu. im and wile*, Sb* mock* tun pride aud abe iw*y tho atruinilb, bbe beu, I* tho will ni mau. Ain y *ocb a ile*polic elf A lltUu wolnau can. Tbouxb her pathway way lead tbroutfb tbe.Urk tut way*. Bbe alwayl flu 1* a light . ber > be <iair.led by fortuoa'l raya, H cure to nee ariitbl ; bvr wiiiloui uo uf no Bpeetal school, Hi r lo.i, jut txtuaUMl." The nr-t bu siiltM a kiodom'i fate. AcU Uiv iaat ban made 1U law*. Tiitbc little woman that Roet ahead * tii-u ineii would lajj bebiad , Tbe little wuuiau wlui beea ber obaaoti. Ami a. way* know* tmr mini! Wbu can iilyly aunie a-ue takeithe osUi To bouor. love. obey. Ainl mentally ailil (be Having clauae I u a little woman'* way ! Would tin- diamond aeem lurh a perfect gem If it ujeaaured oue fmit round " Would tberuau-leaf yield such a tweet perfume If it c.iv. r,i > uf gmutid ? Would tbc iiw-iiro|i aeeun no clear and pure If dew liaeraio abouM fail ' or tbe little woman be balf ao (real If abe wre<ix fuel tall " 'Tn tbe band a* aiif t ao tbe nestling bird That 1:1 ir- the grip uf fir. , , Tin the v,. ico a low a< tbe innmer wind Tbal rule* without a|>|>eal, And tbe warrior, aobolar. tbe aaiut and nago, May fU;utud| lau au.l pray. Tbe worn! will waft to tbe end of time in the little wuluau'l way. TO MM < tl i.fcu A VKAVD. llniuum . I-. ,,>.i. HI. nrBlo* t l> paaol. i .<!. T. Bon.) A strong oJor of ammonia p*rm*ated a little room iu tbe northwest corner of the fiiadnon Square Garden last evening. It was the iuoebse from a ceremony of sauoli- lioatiou. C'uder a bright eleclrio lighl tood Tip, a 4.000 pound elephant. He looked as though he had fallen into au ash-barrel ; but be hadn't. Four men, with bared arms and sponge*, were rub- bing a water colored li.juid over bis body, with the objiot if making him a sacred white elephant. Uiga 1'riest Tody Hamil- ton omoiated, a-uiin.ud by Mouaieur Paul de Spoil*, in vet tor of the oouae- orating liquid, tbe oompoaitiou of which 1* uot explained. Tip did not seem to be aware of the cbaLge iu his epidermis, or tbe notoriety that it promise* to give him. He contentedly curled tbe end of bi* aahen trunk around wisp of bay aud ate tbem with apprecia- tive regularity. The four meu witb bared arms aud spouges rubbed him euergetiually. At o'clock High Priest Hamilton and Monsieur De Hpott* ordered the rubber* to | the weary yet eiouiug years of tbe war , lop rubbiug. While the consecrating d aid evaporated from Tip's ouliole Monsieur De Spoite said : " Tne elephant is uot harmed by ihe liquid. It simply removes tbe color- ing matter from hi* akin, as it would from tbe skin of a negro or an Indian. Tbere I* nothing to prevent all race* from becoming whit* uow." Tip was ot a light drab color at 9 15 o'clock. " By Monday," said High Priest Hamilton, b* will b* as white as the driven snow. Wben be take* part iu Baroum's parade in 1'uiladuli Jia bu will wear this sigu : I-HI -ll.l > I I I I it.Mlllt . in .r<-ilB( fmrtm eawrniava; tar 1 1 11 >, I. Maud f l.. .1 10 ike I ln> I feirculltr. Visitor* who, from enrueity or business, have oalled at tbe White House, ii.uit bave been impressed by tbe courteous yet systematic manner with which they were received and escorted tbrou^u tbe manuoo. Tbe gentlemen whose dulv it is to receive all persons oomiug to tbe Wiiite House are Cjluuel t. ti. Deuuiore, Mr. Jobo T. Kick- ard and Mr. T. F. I'uudel. and they bave occupied tbeir prwaat povitiouii tbruu^b tbe various Admiuutratuoa muoe and even duriug tbe war. Mr. l'unli-1 wai 1'reoi- dent 1. nooln B body guard ; Haw bun to bu oarruge tbe fatal night on wbiob be Halted Kurd'* theatre, aud be bow bae lu bi poaHcimiuj tbe blood- -imod coal wtaiob Mr. Liuouln wore on that memorable oooaaiou There m uot a public man ij America to-day wbo doe* uot kuuw, and wbo u uot kuo*n by, tbeee MBU- tlnoueu, aud tbe remiuuoeuoe* of public abd Hooial life wbioh tbey cu recount would nil a oungreaniooal ilume. I h. l.l||kl llrart. My killer an' sold I bae had to line. Au lout are tun iauJ. that auoe were mlu . Tbe stranger kits down m my fatber'a ba'- Kor wbu ye begin, 'tin easy to f> If my brart werua liubt, I tbiuk 1 wa t dee; Xut wlirn I poorent it a>e Kant tu me . "Tbere'i vour wark . bag 'ii ill He w. rtb RiiM can win II , 1 Viniy'n always puny limber . A guile prtUHy brings au <l i<*r " Sae ratbrr iban cry, A an au la.-k ' I (uduiuK in> U-t tu win a* tbiugt back Many guitl frien 1* 1 bad anoe OD a day. Hut tbey weul 'i Hi. aider an' laud away Wbeu 1 needed tiae belp, 1 h.i plftity t j profler Whuo 1 in LsleJ beli> maut, 1 hvlua an offer. If my beazt wsrna d^iit. I tblnk I'd been dead; but aye wban I frette.1 u cheerily aaiil : Tbre'< your wark 1 | Krieudiibi|i! v>ti uiUNt wlo iL If nrat to youniel you'll b true. True frieuiia yuu'll find niair tban eneu'. Kor frteud>bi|> gie friendabiu uutai-lerao K u ld " An' Tin tbankfu' 1 di.l jut wbtt I wa* told. Sometime* tbe day* are eerie an' dreary; houetliue* niy wark i* looeeouie an' weary ; I mind >' tb faavtinK. dancinu an' ilafODR. yfie rouelc an' love. tb aunatiD* au' laughing . An' I tbink if uiy bearl weroaliitat I waj nrvet, hut aye it iiiak* au*wer. aaeouttiiii* an' iweet . "Bay it ..lark above ye. Hay Ibere i uane to love y ; rit-ii t y o' f ,1k are |lad an' dfar, I'lruty G'lo.k bae Kold an' (ear. ll'tioeau fnryourael tobealwtya replnmn. Kor uiuewbere on eartb tbe aan I* aye ahiuiog ' Sae I wuina be eorrT for a* tbal in gaoe. Murky or *UDUV. I'll oever complain A UUK a* inv Ii art 1* aa* canty a i linhl. Nae ma* ti-r wbat cowea, a' i* lure to be riffbt. If laabe.1 for inyael. tben for llhen I'llaay. On B ifn'lH>.ly' buad there U luuabine to-day. Hu-> tbe lee limn day, DiuKing the boar* away . Never was I aae bappy before ; Never for gold <ir aider tn ttore Wad I Rle up tbe rheeifo' !] friend at my '.!. Kor badiia inv In-art been aa* Itgbt 1 bad died. TIIK WH1TX Mill/I.. : An exaet eopy ..I tbe utber wbitewaabed elrpbaut uow iMiing itnpoaad upon tr**> public aa a geuuiue oue A bitter job by be.ter- " Oa Saturday we invite Prof. D jremui and other act juutij gentlemen to eee Tip. We will ohalleoge tbem to tell u* bow be w%* wbitened." Four Iriabmen with ctilioua oomptoiioui, and wearing tur am i n 1 long robe*., will attend tbe new acred animal through the) itreete of hiltielphia. Tar -'.. el .b, work***. ILK tbe wmi; of tbe wockert, tbe nien of the lirawuy arm, \VnoBiveUiourilailybread. aud keep ui from riunder'H harm ; Wbo lab>r if-r In the forert, who leaven the nMi witb toil, Wbo take uo hee<l of the nunabiue. and uiiuU uot sweat or toil. 1 aiug the eoog of U.e worker*, wbo harreet tbe gulaeu grain. And b.ud it, abd tbranh It and ii/t it. Dor care for tbe Bliug an 1 *tain . Wbo Inail u in creaking wutgoue. and Moutly tbetr nun dr.v*. And bid tbeui u MK| bye at tkey go. Ilk* Uie bue* flyiug bome to tb* blv*. 1 aing the aonf of tbe worker*, Uie man who truagle aud *trin, Wbo Rive ui their muaole and nerve, u tbey guard the loaded train . Wbo give u< tbeir cuew and bralo, a* Uiey watch tbe pn*oned uteani, Aud run tbarlak of tbeir live*, a* they pa** Lh perilous mil-Kin 1 liny tb* >ong of tb* worker*, tb* men who labor and atrlve, Wbo lian.lle for n* tb* boney that couiei to the Xiuiuau blve ; Tbe patient and tirelew worker*, with moid** a* tough ai *t4*l, Who carry the heavient burden*, and lift, and tiuu.lle, and wbeol. I *lnf| tbe tone of tbe worker*, demanding for every one, Hit Ju-. aud ligbtful du* for all tbe work b* bat a.m.' ; Ho all thewotk of tb* workan, no mailer whom or where, To eacb from tbe grand retail hi* bonwt, pro- portionate abare. n I aaw her flrat a day In prlujL Hv Ui. lid* of a itnam. a*Tn*bed aloag, Aud loitvre I tu bear tb roblnn ilrui. And Kue*Md at tb* aeoiet they to.d ID aoug. Tb* apple bloawm*. w whit* and red. Were mirrored beneath la the itreaulef* a w. And the kvw*blu*far overhead. And far In tbe depth* of tb* broufc below I lay balf bid bv a moaty ctons. And looked In the wxter for flower ami iky , 1 heal d a *tep I w* not alote And the vinon of loreiine** met mj ere. I aaw brr eome to tbe other tide. Aud tbe apple blouomii wr* not more fair , bhi> *to< ped to gase In tbe UDltyhl tide, Aiui bej eye* met mine lu the water tbore Bb* etoppod In t mid and mate inrptlM, And tbal louk might bav* laauxl till now, Hal, modei'tly dropping ber ilove-llkeeyee, Hlio turned ber away to tbe meadow grveo, I *tood In wonder *nd riptur* lo*t At ber ileudar form and ilep ao free, At her taveii liKiki by the I n-eien tonMil, A* abe kicked up bar beeli IB tbe air for glee. Th apple hlouom* ire withered DOW, But tbe iky, and tbe meaoow. au.l stream* are tber*;. Ai,.t wbeecver I wan.lor llial way I *ow Tbt a.iiu* day I'll buy in* tbat IllU* blaok mare. Or. doll *|l I'rlui,|e>lw. Perhaps because they see so much kind- e*a around them, Invalid children Lav* euerally sweet temper*, aud Priuoe eopold wa* no exception to thu rule. Wben be was ooufknod to hi i room be liked o bear muio and poetry, to bave dogs aud ird* around him, and to watch game* in which he oould notjjin. Wben bo was ibis to move about his gayety wa* often in ber ant and fouud vent in school joy rrauka. The story gjee that at ths line of tbe Priuoe ot Wales' wedding be ot into aad diagrac* for shearing off Ibe ail* of tb* military coatee worn by bis tile nephew, theCrown I'nuosof Prussia'* eon. That small royal highue** took tbe ok* in bad part, for il was his firat bnifortu taiob be ws g Jiug to sport at tbe weddiug, ml when tbe damage had beeu repaired with a aeeile and thread, hi* contrite uncle BpalogiEid wilh such good grso* for tbe uuiachief tbat forgiveness wa* graciously xlended. Il wa* about this lime tbal 'riuoe Leopold, being out walking oue day near Windsor wa* accosted by a beggar 'omao. lie bad no money with him, aud o gave ber tb* valuable brooch which astaned bis plaid. His attendants objected and wanted to ransom th* brooch for half a orown, but this tb* Piiuo* would not allow. Tb*Qje*u shall buy il back," he said , she will kuow what ought to be given, and she will say I did lightly." London tbrougb the more peaceful tuuen of Uram a admiuiitratlou , while Hayea held the rein* if goverument, aud Wbeu UarQeld wa* uot, it wa* these man wbo stood in tbe exeojlive manm ju, weloommg tbe adveut of eacb uew aduiiumtrauou, uowiu)' at iia departure, aud reoeiviug both uiartyr* I'e.lHie -too %rare ! The following law and law oaae are taken roni tb* reojrde ol tb* New Haven ooljuy u It.')'.! Tb* etastuM aay*: " Whoeoever ball inveigle or draw the kffeotion* of ny maide or maide aervant, either to him eelf or others, without first gaining tbe oon- eeDt of ber parente, ihall pay to the planta Uou (or tbe nrat offeno* 40 abilling* ; tbe eoond, LI , for the third be shall be mpruM>nedoroorp*oa*ly punished." Under tbu law, at a court held in May, 1669. Jacobelh Murtine and Sarah Tuttie were .iroefouted " for setting down on a cbentle kogether, bis arms around ber waist*, and Her arms upon hi* shoulder or about hi* neck, aud continuing IB tbat sinful poature lor about balf an boor, in wbiob time b* tysted h*r and ebe kyssed him, or they ky*e4 one another, M ye witueeee* testtflcd." it* portalH. Duriug that loug. hot and never-to-be forgotteu summer when I'reaideul Oartield lay between " two worlds, ' tbe nation be came aware of the deadly malarial influ- ence wbiob bung about Uie White llou*. But all tbrougu tnast period tbee three men never deaerted tbeir poets for a single day. alibougQ each one wa* sutldriug lu teuauiy. lu oouveraa-tion with the w.iter, Colouel Douamore aasid . " It i* lUQpoaaibl* to describe the tortures I bave undergone. To bd compelled to mile aud treat tbe thouaaud* ol visitor* wbo oouie here daily wi.ii courtesy wbeu oue i* lu the grete*t agony requires tremeudou* eJjrt. Ail luat summer had terrible headajues, heart- buru nd a stifling *eusatiou tbat ometiuiee took away my breath. ly appetite wa* uuoortaiu and 1 felt severe aiu* m the small of my back. 1 wa* uuder doctor 'a care with strict instructions uot go out ot tb* nous*, tu: I remaiuod ou uty nevertheless. You would bu surprised o know the amount of uuiuue I took . ou some days it wa* a* rnuon as sixteen rains." Aud was Mr.Kiokard badh of), too 1 should tbiuk lie wan. Vt ny, time and again we have picked him up and laid him u tbe rnautel, ber* lu the vestibule, be was o UHed up." Ye*, ' t.x olaiuied Mr. Uickard. " 1 wa* so weak I could uot rise after lying down without help, and I oould ouly walk with be aid of two can**), and then in a eloopiug jeuiou. Oa, we have beau lu a pretty bad joudiliou here, all of us. Aud yet you are all tbe embodiment of eallb.' said the writer, a* be looked at tie throe bright and vigorous meu before im. Ub, yen." said Mr. I'.ickard. " we bave ot known whatcioknese wa* for more than year." Have you eom* secret way ot ovsreom- lug malaria aud Its attendant horror* ? " I think w* have) a meat oertam way," rcpliod Coloutl Deosmore, " but it u uo secret, You see. abjut two ) ears avo my wit* trigs ~ to grow blind, and I wa* larmed at her oonditiou. Bb* finally MOaui* ao rue oould uot tell whether a were whit* or black at a dietano* of teu feet. Uueof her lady friends advised ber to try a certain treatment tbat bad don* 'onders for ber, and to make a long itory bort, abe did HJ aud wa* ootuplettly cured. uiiiudaoed tiieto try tbeiame means fur ly own restoration aud a* soon M I fouud u a* doing m* g tod 1 reoomm*uded II to my associate* aud w* bav* all beeu cured right here in tbe stronghold of malaria and kspt u perle jt beaJlb ever *iuoe> by means of W'aruer'e Bate Car*. Now I am uol a never in medicine* in general, but I do not Dentate to say tbal I am aaliifled 1 hould bave died of Briglu's dieeaee of the iidueys before this bad n not beeu for*lni roudeiful remedy. ludeed, I us* it M a household medioia* aud give it to my children wbensvar tbey have any ailment*. Yes," exclaimed Mr. 1'endel ' " I us* it n my family all tb* while and bavs tound HI -i i > i . i ,,...-- M -- A -....lip.. IHnlrai on i hr fan. A last (Sunday) night'* Loudou deal atoh ays : Ou tb* arrival of tbe evening train ! . on tb* Lake Huron A Buffalo K.ilway |. * coming to Lmdon ast C.luton a uiau was * fouud there wbo said be was an emigrant. ' * His face waa wrapped up, and when asked , * . wbat was th* matter he said ha tbougbt be bad the smallpox and wa* goiug to Loudou i . to tbe boapiia! Conductor Bailey would ' * not take him, however, juit then, and * delayed tbe train fifteen minute* while a ' . doctor was ituuimoued, wbo examined the . mau aud said : It's all luht ; be has no . * it'* chicken pox " <)j reaohiug * Ihe conductor telegraphed to Mr. I Uawscn. buperiuteudent cere, to have Dr. * , C. B. M >ore at tbe depot ou the arrival of the train. Tbe doctor was there, aud be ' made the mau taki tbe rags off bis face, I blob wan found covered witb pimple* tilled wilh matter, aud the doctor pro- nounced u a bad case of imallpox. Tbs man was brougbt from Clinton, locked up iu one part of the baggage-oar, aud ou arrival here, after be bad beeu lurptcted, tbe door wax relocked aud tbe car khuuted < tf to Ibe Loudou Kail yard. Il was at first decided to seud ihe man, win nave his name as Little, lately out from England, back iu tbs same or, but in toe interesu of humanity the city authorities ordered hi* removal to the smallpox hospital, where he at present remains. Little slates thai he bad oeen living I've uiilea from (ijdv- nob, bad been sick twelve days, scd wa* attended by three doctor*, one c,f whom drove biui wuuiu oue hundred vard* of Gjdenoh station ibis morning, aud. iciviug him a sum of money, left him Io abifl for The I i..n.l . I o. Jeeirwcy. Ro*ntly a foxhound was missed from H. H. Banks' Colonial market, Halifax, Va. He bad only been brougbt from Annapolis a nbort time before on the train, shut in a box -oar, having been there three yearn, all his lit* in fact. Hs did not appear to be resUewa while in the city, says the Halifax Htcorder. but no trao* of him oould be found until recently, when word wa* received that b* had arrived bome at Brooklyn, Annapolis, 106 mil**, reaching there two day* after he disappeared from her*. This it a most remarkable instance of tbe otnin* initmct, as the dog wa*brooghtby rail (rcm Annapolis here, and muet have retraced tb* distanos on foot at tbe rate o( about fifty mile* a day. with probably au incidental fox bant m rcmtt, a* b* is a flu* for that purpose. If yon have been insulted by a man wbo sigh* deoidedly more than you do, there ar* i.w i tiling* for you to do, and two only Y.moao bear it with Christian fortitude, or you can Lire a Itill heavier man to show niiii tb* error ot hi* way*. Father A-jdrledy, tb* proposed new Otueral i.f ttae Jeiuus, ii now at Komr lodged in tb* palace in 1'iau t Maranu iin-h belong* to tbs Order. Tb* number ot living U >mao Catholic Cardinals i-. fitly Ix so tb*t f mrteen bat* ar* still vaoiiit It Istaid ttiat tbs* will auio soon be sup plied. A lady asked a learned pro'eenor If b understood Chinese. H* did " Wei wbat la 'mouth* In ObtuaneT' " M-iul U k'ro." A wek later the lady Buddenl askfd tbe prof***or : "What is kifohe It In k'*n." " V*r Several college* at Oxford hav i Kflerti greaily by the ajjiimllural depreuion Wadham'* reveouw are dimloi^hed by dwrm OUiue** 7 boat f.O per cent. Thlute are no bad with remarkable. A week agi yoa **U ' moutb Ht, Joha'/that th* Prmideut ha* rafused It k'*a " " Qait* ," an*r*red th o accept hm stipend for tt r*e years ^a*t, prof*aor. " wuatcver o&*u and shuts l and Lincoln U also snflnluc *.v.,r. U ' ' Ii.. 1C. ... . n. m. i. ttlairr. Meteorological reports from the liritiah Island* how tbat the comparatively frost- less character of the last winter wa* main- tained to its close. Tbe mean teinp-rature of tbe whole winter iu portions ol England, as given by the Met<urotogic<il Mat/at 'nt for March, was tbs highest obs*rved for several years. February was generally free from the excessive rainfalls wbioh are so inju- rious to crop*, and consequently in some localities vegetation was unusually forward. Taking all Ihe data teg-ilber. they indi- cate tbal tbe eutire winter was exception- ally mill and fine over bv far tbe larger portion of tbe l'-iiled Kingdom, aud tbe winter there is an index of the season in western Kurope. K.. ports from England as late a* tbe third week io March *bo tnat th* pricg opened favorably for farmer*. Notwithstanding tbe propitious winter, it doee not follow that the liritiah harvests of 18H I will turn out as well as tbey now promise. Tb* Brinh wuter of 1*41 Mil was exoeption ally mild, aud a botanical j >urnal printed a list ol no lent than one hundred and thirty plant* wbiob wereaen iu U jwer during January and February. Toe ensuing ipriug was not at all notable for il* severity, but tbe summer of HrtJ considerably iligbted Ibe previous tiue crop prospect* fhe uopropiuous summer ot Ibal yesr. lowtvur. was due to an unusual south wsrd movement of Arctic ice dje*. Tb* Hpiu irgeu 10* fields descended in immeune [uantitie* to Iceland and it* adjacent sas, lansiug exceptionally gi 1 1 weather in tbe Imian lalaud*. aa ths floating ice maaae* u tb* Atlantic in IWj, according to Uer man records, produced " a noticeable cool ug of Ibe weather i j June over Kurop*.' I'bu abnormal io* drift may sgain occur his year. But if il doe* not recur, aud ber*i now no clear evidence that il will, be coming harvest* i Or*at Dritiau aud rVeteru Kurope will t robably be above tbe average yield. Plenty of money will not of itself insure culture and gentility, yet next to Cumtiau graces and robust health nothing is so de- sirabls a* refinement, aud [leasing, self- poeatssed manner*. Very ii .. i in.i. . .1 There are so many things that appear un- necessary, and which for tbe lif j of u* we neither purpose nor end. It may M corn* ar* jusi one of those thorns io the flesh tbe why and tbs wherefore ol wbiob we cannot see. Nevertheless tbey are of Ihe kind that are easily removed. I'M! nan i Painltu Com t.ztractar make* short it and see how nio ly lie* none other than remedy we bav* jver of very many public il to-day aud tbey ail t Ibe most efficient mployad. 1 know uen who are) using speak well of it." I wtigh 160 pound* to-day," said Mr Riekard, " and when my physician told me over a year ago I oonld uot hope to recover eighed iw pounds. I'uder such iuflu noes you oaunol wonder tbal 1 oouuder bu tb* beet medicine before the Aiuetuau Tne above statement* from these gentle meu need no eommeuie. They are voluu tary and outspoken expreaaion* from sour o** wbioh are the highest in Uie land. Were there tbe *ligbt**t quraliou regarding tbtir authenlioily they woi.l 1 not be maie pub ic, bat as tby furnish inch valuable tnilbs tor all who are suffering, we oubesi tatiugly publish them for tbe gjod of ail. Hew UM Hlee Tbs debt of Canada has beeu added to f by 146 000,000 at the present session t'.rliaiuoni, but it would puule a smarter man than tbey rai** m the** part* to die - iver any good il would do the country AlmoKt tbe entire amount is to b* given away to speculator*, monopolist* and budeot prey gvuerall/. -Waterloo Chronicle. Tu ~Hc jtlisb IIi|{blauder* hav* so-trad jolber victory. Tney war* iu the fore- trout at Tel el- K-.bir and at Teb, aud now they have won a peaceful victory in tbe Motherland. It wa* proposed to do away wnh tb* feather b >M '., whiob lias always beeu worn by tb*) Highland regiment* for upward* of a oeutary in many a victorious oami.iugu. Tbe Bubj.'Ol wa* discussed iu tu* Ujuse of ('. >iu:u m". th* other bight aud wbeu all bad beeu said th* Manquis ol Hartuigton, a* Beorelary uf War, deoUre< that hi had, to view ot tb* public feeling tvokftd iu onnaotion with thai *ubjaoi r. d i.p iu deferring tb* final Mtlleineu of tb* question (or anjiter year. Anger is a paasiou wbiob may b* read iu the lace. Wben ii batter Ilk* Irish ebildrm? When II 1* made) lolo ir.ile pal* PINKHANT8 ; COMPOUND' . IS A POSITIVE CURE **.*, ^^ -^ ^ ^-^-^ ^^ ^ % For all "i ikow r.ilniul i uiti'i imi* .in. l \\ -akn<-*M- MI roMitiu* lu our brat * *, . Ki:>l \LI IMPI I.I Tll>. , ' IT iu. n n ririar.i T TII".>IUT pnuiur KB-' n u r r. m-i MS : , AM. . > VIUIN i ii"; BLBA, I -, 1 ri v >!!-> AM. 1 I. rilT|..!C. K. I 1 ISO AMI IMA.J l-l-A. Er.VT. AM. Till ...N-Kyl'lSr >|-1>AL WAk , Aiiil-rrn TO Tar, NSMI. AMI 1* r*KTl- t I k KLT ix..i or l.iri. IT 111. l I--I-1 V r AMI I ' :-.* H:> i Till I rrin >l AI sr Tin rUCKlL*. BJMrasT. *IIT uriri.n i i :r- ' - e * * \ IT faBrnsaa. FLATt-LsOK-r, Dswvtswn i i . i.iiiv- - ii i >^ ivtaWBAfc- l iN.i.llcai- '.rNMUL UuiLJTf, I ra> --I ^ AMI I%UIUS>1 ^ f % 111 *T rt M IN-. > I > . I'AIS, VV l I..IIT \Mi IU K> , III ! M . -.HJITl.! iim> *r IT* \ -r. , * * * * e * I r H1. AT 11 : 1 1 II r- AMI I MICH ALL '1B> fB- \ s, t - A< T l> IIM.M- M Ullll TIIS LAW* THAT ' -1-TEH e * e * * a)-ln n n-r i- -' 'I.KI.Y r.R TIIII.ZUITUUTS r I-AIN. AM. nur IT i - M I ' -IMMOF - IA> ULAUI.I ra-iin * . * w l . TUC i HI or KM i i i-LAi>m M . f . ri.i i:r:.\ I- i s - 1 KrAaaBO. Y..I\ K. ritkiux * v. mixTRD a, ,<1 at Ljnn. Ha. I I Ms U,tUa> (ur *L A, * paid, la r- I N \ 1 I.. I - NEVER BE WITHOUT COOICS BEST WEN D SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. ^ * - w >rk of tbem. Try it coaxes them out. Putnam s Corn Extractor, gist*. Sold by dtug- Succeee doesu't happeo." tied. pre-empted, captured by ooiuiii ju MUM." ane*j /;. Il I* organ- consecrated Tb* woman who seeks relist from pain by th* free as* ol alaoholio stimulant* and narcotic drug* finds wbat she seeks only so far a* aaosibility i* destroyed or temporarily suspended. No cure was ever wrought by snob means, and tbe longer tbey are employed the unre hopeless Ihe cane become*. Leave chloral mor|btaaod bellsdoona alone, aud nee Mrs. Piukham's Vegetable Compound. A litll* girl j>y fully ssured ber motber Ibe other day tbal she bad found out where tbey mad* h jrae* ebe had seen man finishing one. " He was nailrjg on hi* last foot," tb* said. Wllk Hallalarilea. I'ulHon'n NKIVLLDII, the new and certain y. jr. ELIXIR llu (tool (he test for FiriY-TllKKE YaAks and ru proved it-*-lf tlV beat remixly known for the cure at Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough | and all Lung Diseases' 1 ' you:.,; Told. S> >t-i> I'.v i K\ vv luKa. Prfc* Vf. na L 00 pr BrtU*. )gWNS''ELIxT? 30 DAYS' TRIAL t Dh . f DYES! I'LFxTKo VOLTAIC oFXT *a<1 ' ' F.n M-nl ..n I' ! < Trial T<> >;. ^ . , v . , .IK "1 I'. I" auBrr Inn fr.iiu Nm> -n I-miliM I- 1 \Viri> i WrAK^nwAA, anil all 'h,> |'.H.AI. NTI aa, nullln in.m A> i^niKk i'At:na f*r*.1y n-ll.-r anil r>it..r* lu nini \i.h. an I i.'-Ttrn. S.".l at uoce fur IllustraUU ,l fno. Ail.lrr** Voltaic Belt Ca, Marshall. Mich. EYE. EAR AND THROAT. l^R. O. B. RYER80N. L. R. C. P. * .1 / K. K . Leotarer n In* Rye. Kar an I Tbroal Trinity Me>l cal Col'iege T .rmito (>ciiliat au.l Aurill to tb* Toronto Ui-naral HcoplUal, lat* Ollnlrsl Ai litant H i>*l l>n.t'm O|>bthalule EL?. !" *xz &sr22rs. \ Wfrxvu* ffssBSs lustauo*. Tbsr* U abundant reason fur inn, tor il perform* all thai ia claimed for it. Nervilma i a never-failing cure for cramps, paius HI tbe or back, lumbago, sore throat, chilblains, tootbsob*. Nervi- hue I* in fact a sure remedy for all paiu*. both internal and external. Try a 10 cent ample bottle at your druggi**- Ltrge bollle* only !i5 cents, by all druggist*. Toronto HHTAHUIHHKIJ 1*09. A New Y >rk biy saw a m\n about to sli|> dowu on a coal hole. He yelled to the man: "Ltok oat ; yoa'v* gite^icia your coat tail picket* I" The man dilu'l have time to red icl that saoh WM not the o*se, snd Ibe extra efl iris he made to save him- i.l( renulted lu hi* avoiding a fall, but yet h* wa* uol grateful to th* boy. AM kind* of !! Predwrta be.w4te4, also llHlirr fc. ..r . ,.. l-^.li, , . Titltew no Tat. Km Carrier* lupplie.!. i'e>*Mle;N- irnu llrlire. sa Uvlboiu* itrerl Toronto CONSUMPTION. !..*< i-.til.r-niHlff ---" ' ssWiJlna iis>Stn L,-MI ; ! IU*>mcsVj, t: .1 I w U txii 'US ' - MI* r is i ' tB i>. lil* Kli.r- SM t .1 f A. S>UK:IM. . I AD1KS OR OENT8 CAN OB- lJ TIN Ibe narnvltn.l a<1Jrs*or two lea. I Inn rorrrapoiiiUuu for (to , arrip or ilivor. M"'"*' A.eoi-y.hoi I.77T. H rnII..HIa. N.\ ,f H \trrt Han.) Tuor name and loo. in (taupe to K Kn Deer,

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