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Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1884, p. 8

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I ' Heard's Improv'd HARROWS. MR. JOHN H. HEARD. Artemttia, June Wth. 1883. Dear Sir, I Uke pleasure in testifying that tho Bet of ten-bulled Harrows I purchased from you last April has given ine entire satisfaction. It being given to me on trial, I closely watched its operations when at work to find a fault witli it, but I failed to see any. It is no heavier on my team than my The Salvation Army. From the HaniUvii Speetator. To the Edilcr : The progress in Eng- land and elsewhere f ih army has beu something phcnoiueotl. The total num- ber of stations in England and Ireland in the year 1880 was 111! ; in 1883 they were 528, with 428 little wldiera or children's corps and out poets: number of officers in 1880, 363; services held per week, 1,340; while in 1883 the number of tticni was 3,370, Berries* held per week, 11,600 ; i ... 'mill wooden harrow. I am yours truly. JOHN WHITBY. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purity the Blood, correct all Disorder* of the Liver, Stomach, Kldn'ys, and .Bowels. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitution*, and are Invaluable in all Com- plaiuu incidental to Female* of all ages. For Children and the aged they are prlocleei. THE OINTMENT I- an infallible remedy tor Had lx*. Bad BreaaU. Old Wound*, Soren and Ulcers. It is famous for limit and liliumiiatimii. For disorders of the Cheat It has no equal. for SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Swelling, and all Skin Dii eases It hai no rival ; and for contracted and itiff joiiiu It act* like a charm. Kanrfacturrd only at Profeaaor HOLLOWAY'S Eitabllahment, : v New Oxford Street i late 533, Oxford tttreet ), Londoa, and arc told at 1*. ltd , 9 9d.. M., lla., 9ta.. and 33*. each Hox or Pot, and may be had of all Medi- cine Vendor* throughout the World. JSsT /'itrcAnsrm ikauld look lo tke Label on the Putt aiul Bwret. If the nddrett a not MS, Orfund Sfrrcf, London, they art (purious. This is not the "Red Flag" yon have read so much abont ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dealing Flag, carried by Mr. Thos. Duncan, Tailor, Flesherton. FLESIIERTO SASH I Ml DOOR I- ll'liilil PL \\IMi MILL A. iv r> CAERIAGE WOEKS, WILSON I McKECHNIE, Proprietors. o- AYER'S PILLS. 1 FLESHERTON Our factory is now complete with all the latest, best, and most improved in.icliinery nccoesary for tuniing out everything in our various lines of busi- ness, anil it will bo in tliurougli running order in a few days. Contracts fur buildings in town or country taken at the most reasonable rams. Work will be guaranteed first-class in every particular, this dcimrt- Jiiont beiiiij under tho iuimediat snpcrvision of H. M. McKechnie. Sash and doors made to order ou short notice. Scroll aawiug will receive prompt and careful attention. Planing a upocialty. In C'arriaRO making our reputation for first-class work is too well known to ".eed any further comment here. A large and excellent stock of carriages, Ac. for sale. Call at our show rooms and inspect them. Orders for any thing 111 this line will receive prompt attention and the fact that it is directly un- '!> r the supervision of T. \V. Wilson, is a sufficient guarantee that the work iind material used will be first-class. WILLIAM HOGG, FLESHBETON STATION. Ki->|pivifully announces that he ka received a Large Supply of !\ew Goods, nUitable iur the season, Allot which liave boon purchased to the bot advantage, and will lie Hold clutap (or Caiili or Country 1'roduce. The new arrivals are K\ tensive anil variM in Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots &c., &c., &c. Also a full supply nf Hardware, Vrorerles, Provisions, Crockery, Ac. In- spection of the Stock invited. My Branch Store at EUGENIA 'kept fully supplied with Goods- I offer FOB HAT.E or TO LKT, ray SAW MILL at Little Falls ; drives under 8 J ft, hpnd of watrr ; all in Rood order, with abont 400 acres of Timber Lnml on which the Mill is situated. There are also several other Good MiU Bites <m the property. Liberal Terms i cither purchase or lease to a oompeUut man, V M. UOOO. I I. ajji-rtuu SUtiun, lit Nov.. 1888, stations in America; they have now corps in France, Sweden, Switzerland, United Sum*, Canada, Australia., South America aud India, about 150 corps and 300 offi- cer*. In 1880 the imonnt sut scribed by the public for spiritual extension work was $25,000; in 1883, 160,000. In ItWO the one official papr, the War Cry, had a circulation of 110000. They have now several official Wat Crys, with a weekly circulation of 510,000 copies. The head- quarters of the army is in London, Kng., where they have aa unmenie establish- ment, printirjK uffires, banking establish- ment, solicitors, otticus, with a large number of hand* ia the various depart- ments. They hold some large and val- uable properties, used a* barracks, in London and the province*, and also cen- tral stations in various parts of England, presided over by staff officers. The ad- ministrative ability shown in the man- agement of the army is of the very highest order, a* u proved by their rapid development. All this would not, how- ever, be of the slightest avail in it* de- velopment, was it nut for the good they are doing, without which they could not stand as high in the estimation of the masses. It has been said by a minister or ministers in sermons at London, that this work is the product of the evil one. Thu i<iuin, as given bf these gentlemen, was published in a large num- ber of Canadian newspapers, the Spetta- tor among thu number. It eeimis strange that gentlemen holding the position that these do should make such an assertion. I cannot conceive of what the kingdom of the evil one u to gain by the work of the army, as their universal testimony is is that they have been rescued from drink, immorality and sin, in large numbers and they become good fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, son* aud daughters. Where cursing, sit ribaldry reigned sup- reme, now there is singing, prayer and praise, and thi* in thousands of families. Where the evil one comes in here I am unable to fathom. Surely, this is the work tho ministers complaining are en- deavoring to do. How different are th* view* on any uus) subject, theological or otherwise, t different minds. The To- ronto Christian Guardian, the organ of tin- Canadian Wesleyan Methodists, writes in a \ cry different light in its issue of last week. 1 copy the following ex- tracts from it on army work in Canada : liappy Tom, of the salvation army, was at the prayer melting. He was remark- able for the simplicity of his faith and power in prayer. Again Happy Tom, of thu s.ilvtiipn army, with us again. Only six months ago he was a mere wreck of humanity in tbo city of Toronto ; to-day elothedandinhisright mind, sitting at the teet ol Jesus We listened to the well- chosen words from his lips with thank- fulness and joy. What wonder* grace can do. Got! bless him. Again, speak- ing of the village of Aurora, i int.. it says: I cannot nee why ROIIIO people leave our A large proportion of thu diseases which liuuiau suffering result from deraugo- aocnt u( isc (toiuacb, U>wU, and liver. AVBB'I CATHABTIC PILLS act direct); upuo Uies* organs, aud an e|>clall! designed to euro tb diseases caused by their derange- ment, Including <jmll|>atlu, liiilljt-.- thin. DrappU. Headache, Dysentcrj, mii.l a luist f other ailments, (or all of which they are a iafe, sure, prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these PILLS by eminent physicians iu regular prac- tice, shows unmistakably the estimation In which they an held by the medical profes- sion. TheM PILLS are compounded of vegetable substances only, and &r absolutely free from calomel or any other injurious ingredient. A SulTVrTT from Headache writes : "AVER'S PILLS are luvalushle toiue.unil sue my constant companion. 1 haw Devu A severe sufferer from Headache, and your FILLS are UM only thing 1 coald look to for relief. Une duM will qutokly move my boweli snd free my head from pain. They Are the uupst effective and the eaitril i*hyiio 1 have ever fouuJ. U U a pleasure u> we to peak In their praise, ana 1 always do to when occasion offers. W. U PAOK, of W. I.. Page It Bio." Prankllu St., Kichuiund.Va., June 3, IM2. "1 have used AVKU'S PILLS In number- Ices iiitiaiicee as recommended by yuu, and hav< never known them to fail to accomplish the deilred result. We constantly keep them on haiid at our home, and prise them aa a family medicine. are invaluable. J.T. HAVES." Mails, Tcaas, June 17, 1882. The KEV. KBAHCIS 11. HAHLOWK, writing from Allani.1. (ia., sayi: " For some years put 1 have been lubject to eoudipation, from which. In splu of the use of upedl- elnes of vartuus kinds, 1 suffered liicreuini Inconvenience, until aomo uionihi ag<i I ' PILLS. They uav Jewelery SI (MM. J. B. TRIMBLE, UEALKi; IN on hauu at our Lome. uleaaanl af, and relia FUU DTSPKntA they i began taking AVEM'S and entirely corrected the costive baud, a hare vastly Unproved my general health." Avea's CATHARTIC PILLS correct Irregu- terltlef of the bowels, stimulate the appe- tUe anil digestion, and by their prompt aud tkotough action give tuu and vigor to the whole physical economy. rasrABXo BT Dr.J.C.AyeriCo., Lowell, Mm. Sold by all Druggists. \\aivln-s (locks, Jewelry, Spectacles, i'iulins, $i: No Bogus Discounts ! All experience the wonderts.1 beneficial effects of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Children with Soit> Eyes, Sot* or any scrofulous or syph- healthy aud strong YOUNG, OLD, AND MIDDLE- AGED. Ittlie talot, may k? its us*. oU by aU DrtoM* i *. * * to ** or other Chip-Trap ments offered, but sell you Goods as low aft they can be figured consistent iritli HOXEST TRADE. Watch Repairin a, specialty- AU Work (Guaranteed- PATENTS MI'HN * CO., "f the "VTr.NTTTtC AMERICA*. COB. UiiueU>pi.-t w fk'lli-lfcini r..r I'ulenu, C. uaU.Tra<l Mn,-". 1'iiprnithui. f"r thu fi iuxl 8lie, Canute. KiiUnil, Kramv. (jijrnianT. etf U*ml 11-wk r.lut .'nt* pv>nl frw. Thirly-Mnn year*' ei|PWlence. EUGENIA Grist Mill, ui Lii Mill. Having made ritensivp irnpr<m menu In my Oriil Mill, I am confident I can give good. satisfaction. CHOPPING DONE ANY DAY. Good Floor alwtys on baud. service to attend the army nervices. That'the army isa^reut power for none can deny. Through it* instrumen- tality sinners of the tke worst possible type are beini; )>rou|>lil to the feet of Jes- iis. The doctrines taught by the Salva- tion army arc the doctrines of Metho- dism, anil their meetings are nothing loan than ho^c protracted meetings or re- vival survicvs without any ending, for when they capture place they hold it for Christ. This and much more is said favorable t the army. The follow- ing is a specimen : While the churches arc a groat help to tin- army, the army is a groat help to the chtrrches ; and in MIIIII- places blessed revivals in the chur- ches hnvu ari.sf n from tlio work of the army. Snrlcy the rcrerund Drg. must have been misinformed <>r lalHiring under an hallucination or error when they characterize the work I have sketched "tit as being the work of his Satanic ma- jesty. At any rate tho reverend gentle- man writing in tho Christian (iuardian is not of their opinion, and that for very good reasons . I will, Mr. Editor, by your consent, in a future number, give you some fact* from my own knowledge of the army'g work in Hamilton. OBSERVER. Custom Sawing, and Billx tilli'.l on the shortest notice. Luii ber and Lath always on hand. WANTED : Hurry, Dutternnt, White Ash, Blaok Ash, BasswooJ, I'iue and Hemlock Ley* wanted. M. AKITT, EUGENIA May lit, 1882. < )MI n !_:< of Time. t'titnitKuriiKj &ittiriiny, lit Marck, Toronto, < rr \ & Urn re DivUiwn. O O 1 N Gr N O R T H . Toronto, .. dep... T.XIa.m.,. 10O5 " Mi Ktiri-iit " ...18.90 p.m. Harrinton " .DIM Toowttor. arr.... 48S " llwrli h.niii.1 " ... 1.90 " GOING '' |i in H10a.m 7.f> " 900 " 1030 " 10 SO " C.OU p.Ul SOUTH. Owen Sound. dn|i... S.15 a.m., 3.10 p.m., 7.30 a.m Ttwwtr " 3.00 3.00 " tlarrintnn " fl.l " 4.80 ' Mt Knnwt " .*) " 4.90 " Oranitrrille - N.i7 " 7.90 " 1 M |i.ra. Toronto arr.... 11.00 " 9.M " 8.10 " W. WHYTK. D MrNICOMj, OKM'L ScpT. IEN'L !'*. ACT. TBAINH l.r.\\ r. FLE8HBRTON STATION: Going North.. 11:30 a.m, :ii(i|, ,,, , .1 'PHI ,,TH UolugHouth....atlkUa.m.,, ft 8:19 p.m. PRIVATE SALE OK FARM & FARM STOCK Ami Farm Implement!. ALSO :,<>- \ in FAKM TO RENT. lnthr.*-iicyrmr AMUIK AN. tho large*, Usct.and no*t wldelv circulated ecu-mile paper. St Tear. Weekly. gptuxlld mvravlni.-. and Intoijatlnn to. - vUxi. T3eaawu c7,pr .' in.- Hriratlnc Anrr. aent fWrT^ AOdrew MUNN A i IP , Miumric ~ . Broadway. New Tor*. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA. -, DROPSY, INDIOESTION, .FLUTTERING J A UN DICE. -1 W OfTHCHEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY Of SALT RHEUM, l- THE STOUACH, HEARTBURN, 'OftYNESS HEADACHE, > OF THE SKIN, And every tpeclM of dlteaia arltlni from disordered LIVER, KIDWEV3, STOMACH, BOWELS OR DLOOD, T. 11LBURH HOliHKH FOB HAI.K. I havo onr matcher] Team of KOO<! working hor- W>B. aii'l 1 Miiiinx Mare, Rood driver. To be sold r.hxap tor ciMh. KAKM TO RF.NT. I IIAVH a .Wncrr Farm to Rent. Thin Farm in 1 mllnfripiii Kleahorton, has good building* on it aud in well watered. FAliM IMPI/KMKNT8 FOB 8ALB. KIPT Hull, at a Bargain Dnahlri Harness, HinRle Harnram, WIU;K"|I. Hluliiho, leaner, Sulky Kakr, I'lnwn, and a large niiinlmr of other liuiilements. For partlcnlan, spplv to HAQVARD;S YELLOWOIL CURES RHEUMATISM XTtEEMAJTS WORM POWDERS. Anplsssanttotake. Contain lhtr ow PKtiTe Is a safe, sore, and MtoetMl .fMSrsrsr W wvriM in Cbildnn or AdmMs* DO "STOTJ "W-AJtSTT UtTI OP "FIH FM l*ur MO "FAawt WMffW- DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL THI' MAIL hu become The BeeegjBJstel mMmm f.r Vans Au Jan. 34, 1884. 0. L. WHITE. Oeiktr Ci.lin eapevl c leKtaft ol 111* rtf'l cl^" f-'F'' *?.>* ,' r .VjiJ,' ,,'Jt, Wi*it*a " "iitock 'of M to*" f*** Of wnnrii Intel -m Tilt *l EKI.Y MAIl..y~<-tt|>t werdmk l-''-. ("/. mS vit -wd fot uw~f. In Till- DAILY MAjt 2 / -W A.*- >" ~d -UP laMittao. n * - ; / Addin*- THE HAIL

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