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Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1884, p. 7

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CURRENT_TOPIC. Inr proprietor of the white elephant offers a prize of 500 for the best poem not exceeding fifty liaee on that saored animal, aiii the poet* wbo usually at this time of toe year sing the beaBtiea of ethereal upring tboold relieve the pr***ar* an the editorial wute-basketa by entering the raoe for the bow Bans stake. BOMI stupid people in Mantua are railing money to erect a monument to the poet Virgil. The next thing some crank seeking uotoriety, and oblivion* of ' Kxegi uiooumeiituiu .t re pereoulu*," will propone a monument for the late Q. Uoratiiu Flacous. It U the glory of the living, not the commemoration of the dead, which iuepiree inoat mouumeut building. A BBCKNT inquiry in England repealed ihe curious (*ot that within the lait two oesturiea no leea than twenty tteveu birfbly- isnportant questions in Parliament have been decided by a Mingle vote. Among them were the union of Kagland aud Ireland, the uaotinuanoe of the American war aud the Mooud reading of the ttret Ksforiu Bill. It baboo vee tbe parliamentary umr to be ou hand when tbe roll ia called. WE oould all eat with bora epoone in- Usd of eilver Observe* a oouteuiporaueoui) tLiioeo,<her), and give the differeuce to the poor but, if we did, civilizition would be loet under an oocau of mauufaoturud pau perism. Did not a olergyman in Khz* betb'e rei^u denouooe tbe rnoujtroun luxury of n*mg any fork* at all. when OoJ had ao i ublr given man five linger* to eat with . U the Dominion Senate yeaterday Mr Allan moved tbe House into cjuiuiitlee to ooniider tbe report of the Committee on Railway* and Telegraphs on tbe Northern Railway Bill. That part of the Bill pro viding for the consolidation of tbe boudi or etook, and the isiue of new block or bondi, waa atruok out, al*o tbe olauee providing for an extension of tbe ciutiuf greemeut with the Hamilton .V North weetern Company for a period of <. year*. A COMOCB fete ii to be held at 1'ompeii at the beginning of May. The dret day it is nQpponed there ie a viait of the Emperor of Home to Pompeii . there will be circus Kane*, chariot riding, a prooesaun and a number of ibope will be Jsoked out at they woald have appeared 1,804 yean ago. On UM Meond day there will be a marriage and a funeral, with their respective rite.. 1'ke third day are promised gladiatorial gamee and a gladiator fete. ASCHPICION U beginning to pervade men's minds that this balmy weather basicee* that the South annually bragiof at a season when the North is hidden beneath huge rao drifts and the inhabitant* well nigh frozen by the intense oold.n a delusion and a humbug. Stories have been brought home by travellers, who have aeaiched far and wide for a warm corner ID Louisiana. Miwiseippi and Florida, of the awful cold they experienced m the Land of Flowers " and other piotureeqnely ua.ued place*. A correspondent, wbo spent the coldest nisbt of his life in an Arkansas hotel some weeks ago, was not afliixbled when an alarm of are in the street at midnight partly roused him ; he only prayed that it waa next door, ia which case he could have got warm. A New Orleani paper cape the climax, bow ever, by stating thai of three boyi who ventured in bathing at Lake City, Fla., two caught snob severe oolda that they died in a taw days. A I-ATF cablegram says that the Emperor William is ill. K very attempt is made to conceal the fact, and the otlicial announce menu declare that be is merely sutlering from a severe cold. Bat cjurt circles iu Berlin know better, and the aged K liter's condition is regarded with absolute alarm. TUe Kmperor it the oldest monaroh in Korope. Vueen Victoria will be ;." on tbe -4th of May. King Christian of Denmark i* , and hie wife, the gjeen, is a year older. The Emperor of Aumria i* 5t and his wife is 46. while King Leopold of Bel- giam, 49 years old, has a wife aged SO. One of tbe youngest monarch* reigning is King Alfonso of Spain, wbo ha* aeen 97 years, and next to him come King Uaorge of Greece and Alexander of Ituasia, eaob of whom is in tbe neighborhood of ay. Tbe Hnltan of Turkey is 42. King O*c*r of Kweden . r >5, Louis of Portugal 46. Humbert of Italy 40, President Orevy of France 71. Tbe wife of the Russian ruler n three years younger than her husband, tbe wife of tbe German five and the Qne*u of Italy five. Rsv. DR. ( 'IUMBIBH. one of the American reviser* of the Scripture*, announces that the work of revision of the British and American authorities is now nearly com plated. " We have," toe say*, " been through tbe whole of tbe Did Testament twice, and at present we are going over dif- ferent passages in various books, giving the nninhing touobes, as it were. When tbe work will be finished I oannot *ay ; there ia no certain time fixed for a specific amount of work, and tbe traniUtors on the other tide will send ui from time to time book*, chapters, or passage* for pur criti- cism. The publication of the revised edi- tion will probably take place toward tbe end of this year, bat I oannot apeak with eertainty. Oar work has been confined exclusively to retranslati ng. We have not attempted to re-edit the saored book, that is, we have not exercised the function of critic* in any other way than in regard to the meaning of the language in tbe original. In almost every instance we have followed the Masoretio text. In point* in which there is a diOerenoe between the American and English translator! our veraion will be appended." earldom of Dalbooai* on tbe death of his father. The Counties 1s now in bar -'7t year, and in point of age ha* the advantag of her husband by 10 year*. Her mother tbe Countess of Tanker ville, n the daugbte of the late aud .inter of the present Duke o Manchester. Thus, Lady Ualbousie i ooniio to Viscount Mandeville, wbo mar ried Mint, Coosuelo Yznaga. and is as wel kdown iu New York a* in London society l.idy Dalbouaie can alao claim d from one of tbe noblest families of Franca for die ia a great-granddaughter of tbe Uu Duo de Gramout. bead of the princely an ducal bouss of Gramont. Tbs Karl c Dalbouaie m on* of the lords iu waiting u tbe gueeu. He is also a very keen poll lioiau of extremely radlc U opinions, ao( a* radical peer* are rare birds, he probabl ha* a notable future before him in English politics. In l.'t'num iledicaU Or. Dumootptllie show i that iu certain cauea tbe halluojna tions of ohronio mania can only be accounted for by the fact that oue half o tbe brain may become more aotive thai tbe otber a circumstance which lead him to conclude that there i* a fuuotioua ludepeudeuoe between tbe hemisphere* o tb* brain. The manner in wbiob h demonstrates tbi* fact i* interesting Tti patient i* put into tbe aomnambulitn late. The object u to produoe two differ eut yet sirnulutueou* hallucination*, oueo ea lined by the action of one- half o tbe brmu, aud the other by a "jolly indu pendent action upon tbe otber nemmphere Accordingly the doctor telle the patient a hi* right ear that the weather ID Uue and tbe nun warm aud bright; his astnUu upon the left tell* him at tbe same time that it rains. Tbe result i that tbe patiou mile* with one-half of the face, while dia content vhows itself upon the otber. The demonstration become* *till more market when tbe hallucination*, of two dittoreu euKorial nrgaim, hearing and night, are excited. For this the doctor telU the (islieut at hi* right ear that he is ia the country, and draws a mental picture, a piu mo, in which he u taking part. At the same m jtiient an assistant i* imitatiug tbe barking of a dog at the left ear. On on* side of tbe face tbe patient smiles with while tbe other expresses annoy aud terror. There is no mimic,' Haid tbe doctor, however skilful he may be, who can give expression mmultaueouily upon eaob tile of his fsci to amotiousso opposed." HIM* i... ! i M.I,. . First oaten your lover. Hold bim when yon have caught him. Don't let go of him to oatoh every new one that oomes along. Try to get very well acquainted with bim befire you take him for life. Coles* yon intend to support him, nnd out whether he earns enough to support yon Don't make up your mind be ian angel. DJU'I palm yourself off on bim for one either. Don't let bim apend hi* salary on you ; that right should be reserved until after marriage. If you have any conscientious scruples agaisst marrying a man with a mother, say so in lime that be may get rid of her to oblige you. or get rid of you to oblige her, as be tbiuks beat. If yoar adorer happens to fancy a certain bade of hair, don't color or bleach yours to oblige bim. Remember your hair belong* to you and bs doesn't. Be very sure it is the man you are iu love witb. and not tbe clotbea be wears. Fortune and fashion are both so fickle, it i* foolish to take a stylish anil for belter or worse. If you intend to keep three servants after marriage, fettle tbe matter before uauil. Tb* man wbo is making love to you may expect you to do your own wash- ing. Don't try to hurry up a proposal *v :arrying on a flirtation with some other 'ellow Different men are men of differ- ent material, and tbe one you want might {o off in a fit of jealously and forget to come lack. If you have a love letter to write, do not copy it out of a " Letter Writer." If your ,ouug man ever bapponnd to consult the same book he would know your sentiments were borrowed. Don't marry a iu%n to oblige any third >er*on in exmtenoe It is your right to suit yourself in the matter. But remem- oer at tbe same time that love is blind, and little friendly advice from one whose advice is worth having may insure you a ife of happiness or prevent one of misery. If yon have no fault to find with him >ersonally, financially, conscientiously, socially, morally, politically, religiously, or my otber way, be is probably perfect Dough to auit yon, and you can afford to Mlieve in him. hope in him, love him, marry him ! Tim Countess of Dalboume. who wss the bell* of tha great ball given by L%dy Aibburton, at Kant lloose, London, last week comes of an old Northumbrian family. Her maiden name was Litdy Ida Louisa Bennett, and ah* is a younger daughter of the present Earl of TankervlUe. Ia her Wth year ah* mariied Lord Ramsay, who four year* ago Bnooeeded to the) Scottish t'rtfrimml loj.a< il.n. In tbe IT. 8. Circuit Court in Maryland, t was. on the 10th of March, 1884, ad- ndged and decreed ttat a perpetual lujune- ion be nauud against Louis E. Wetter and ligbteen other*, restraining them from nutating tbe label* of tbe Kumford Ctaem- cal Wurks, manufacturers of Homford'* .Itkiug Powder, and also from using Heir old bottle*. Tb* defendants were equired to bring into court all fraudulent label*, and all imitation powder, for destruction. It waa decreed that tbe Uumford Chemical Works be entitled to receive tbe profits which have been diverted from it by reason of the infringement, and tbe defendants were ordered to pay all oo*tft. Tbu* is another victory soared for tbe Humford Chemical Works, wbo, not long mnoe, caused several parties to be heavily fined for violating tbe injunction of tbe Supreme Court restraining all person* from offering for sale "Acid Pboiphate" (o called) in any package which shall be a Hubntantial or eolorable imitation of Here- ford's Acid Pbospbate. Why i* it that a blessing enly when U is lost out* a* deep into the heart a* a sharp diamond T Why must we first weep before w* can love so deeply that our hearts ache ? Tbs new Governor Ueneral of Wilna is taking aotive measures against tha Polea All Polish employees of the Russian Gov- ernment have been dismissed aud the as* of tbs Polish language iu public places hi been prohibited. A I lhr, . I.,.,.,, M Late i. BJavr ill. rarrsii. Tbs ftraphi* ooourr*no* that U described below is on* uf th* 0.0*1 remarkable episodes in tbe domestic batory of Amenoa It i* absolute truth whiol can readily be verified . Tbe inhabitants of tbe pleasant town 01 Cortlaud. N. Y .. were shocked one moruini by the annouucemeut tlal Mr. Clinloi Kludge, oue of their most promineut cm Zen*, had committed Huidde. Tbg news spread rapidly auid aroosefi tbeantir* neirfb borbood where Mr. Kind*!*- wa* *o well aud favorably known. At nrn u seemed im |K)Hible that any one so quiet and domestic oould do BO raab a deed, aud tbe inquiry was beard on every Bide SM to the Tbe fact* a* developed uu investigation prove d to bs as follows : Mr. Kludge wa* duuiaxtio in bi* taste* and took tk< greatest eujjymeut iu th aociety of bir children aud pride in tutir development. And indeed be bad gooc reason to be proud, for tbey gave promise of lung lives of *uooe*s and u*ef uluew. Bui au BMI day oune. Ills youngest sou, VV'il liaui, began to show iigos *f an ear U decay lie felt unusual!) tired eaou day, aud wouic H iinetimee sleep tbveotireafieruoou i: per uiitted to do*o. Hi* bead paiued bim, not acutely, but with dull. !. y feeling Tbera was a mukiiit; aeuiiatiou i*>" the |>it of bia stomach. U) lu>t all relish for food aud much uf bi* luu-i M for thing* about bim Lie tried mauf uliy to ovarcjiue tbeae feel- 1UK4, but tbey aeemed stronger than In will. Us began t4>lj*e fle*h rapidly. TLe fattier became alarmed and couauited phy- sioiaos as to tba o*u*e of uis sou's illue**, but tbay were uuaale to explain. l'iull> severe sore* Woke out ou hi* arm*, and be wa* t.keu to Buffalo, wher* a paiuful operation wa* performed, revultlug u tbe loss of uiuoh bloud, but littlo relief. The young map returned dome and a CJUIKJ:. uf physician* was called. After au exuauatlve examination tuey declared there was no hope of liual recovery . aud iht L* mu*t die within a very few day*. To dencribe tb* agony wbiob this aummnoerneut caused the father would b impossible, ills mind failed to graap iu full meaning at first : then finally seemed to oomprebeui it. but the load was too great. Iu an agony of (reaiy he BSUM! a kuife and took bis own life, preferring deatb rather than to bis iJoli/rd on. At that time William Kludge wa* .IK) weak to know wba* was traun(iriug. ill* face bad turned black, hi* breath ceased entirely at times, EL! bit friends waited his deatti belitving tbat the uud Bright'* dixaae of the kidneys, from wbiob be was iuffcriug, oould not be emoved. In tun supreme moment Wil.iam s niter eauie forward and declared ibe would make a tinal attempt to savs ber >rotber. Tbe doctor* interposed, aaturing ler it waa usl*a* and that b* wonld only lameu th* *nd by tin laesus she proposed to employ. But sbe wa* arm, and putting all back, approached her brother's Bids sod administered a remedy whioh sbe for- unately bad ou hand. Wilbio an buur n s**msd more easy, and before tbe day waa ivar showed wgne of decided improvemant. These favorable axgiii continued, and to-dsy i\ in. >ia Ii. Uindg* I* wsli, baviii|{ beeu virtually raised from tbe dead tnrouxb tbe marv*lk>e* power of Warner Hats Cue, as oau bs readily verioed by auy CIUMD of Portland. Any on* wbo reflect* *>on the faot* abovs described must hav a feeling if aduesB. Tbe father, dead by his owu laud, Bupposiug hi* sou's recovery to be mpossible , the son restored to health to muurn tbe loaa of his fatbsr aud tbe agonised relative* with a memory of asd- ueas to forevtr darken their live*. Had 'liiiUm Kmdge known thai bis son oould eoortr bs wonld to day be alive aud bep|>y. but ths fact* wbiob tarued bis brain aud caused him to commit suioide ware *uob as any ous would accept a* true. However sad tbiscase may be, the tru.h emaiu* that thousands of people are at bis moment in as great actual peril as S illiam Kludge aud iu as great danger of oaunug miner) if not deatb to tbeir f neud*. iiver aud kiJoey di-teaaes ars become tse lust common aud most dangerous of any f all modern complaints. Tbsy are tbe most deceptive in their begiuuings and orrible in in*ir dual it-kgee. Tbey are far more deceptive than oonaumptian, aud oau arely be detected even by -xiltul hveiciaus nuleaa a microscopic aualyii* e resorted tu, and few doctors uudunlaud ow to do this. Tbeir slightest approaob, r pcuibikty of approaob, sboula ittike terror to tbe cue wbo i* threatened as wsll a* to all bia or ber friends. These iseaass bavs no diatinol symptom*, ut com* ID tb* form of la-Hiiude, oss of appetite, acbiug luuocle* and joiuts, till headache*, paiui in tbe back, stouiacb aud obeit, sour Btomaoh, recurring BI^UB of gold, irregular pulsations of tb* heart, and requent duumts*. If neglected, the** ymptoma are certsiD to ruu into chronic idney aud liver or Bright'* disease, from which tbere is mre to be a great auuuuui of agouy and only ou* mean* of escape, which a by tbe tue of Warusr's Sale Curr Tb* mportauee of taking thin great remedy pou tbe slightest appearance of any ol tbe bove symptoms oauuot be too strongly npressed upon the miuJ- of all reader* who demre to tsoapa deatb and paiu and roloug life witb aUl it* pleasures aud bleu* u>g. Two .1 a stiu.1. There are stveral ways of oalling a man puppy, but an Auitiu photographer did it i a very neat manner one day last week. feeble imitation of a Fifth avenue dude ppeared at tbe artist's stodto. with a bull dog attached to tbe other end 1 tbe Hiring iu bia baud. What will you charge me to take iotnre of tbi* dawg?" Two dollar*," replied tbe artlt. " Hut bow inuoh do yon awsk, ah, if I an n the same picture, yon knaw .' ' No extra charge for yon. I don't large any more for oue than I do for both f yea." There were several ladies in tbe studio ad to save bi* life, th* dude can't imagine by they became so visibly affected. Men from HI to 65 year* of age may fl- uently be **en playing marble* in tk* treats of Angara Oamp, Oal. Love one time layetb burden* ; another time giveth wing*. Sir P. 5<etay. .. u i A* A r Bag* ,, , H. . Tt.-ul..,.. Kev. Prin*i|>U Qraut, in the Wttk, give* tbe following amusing aooount of hi* >uc- oewful attempt to bag a peculiar kind of grouse iu tbe Selkirk range of the Rooky Mountains, through wkicu the C. P. K. i* to pass: "After lunofa, AJ. and I bad re maiued behind our party to make up a bag of fool bens, after a fashion that I am well aware will bring down upon u* tbe wrath and contempt of all aporlamen. Tbtre are variou* kind* of grouse in tbe mountain*, all eaily shot, but none taken ao ea ily as the fool ben, or rutUed tree grouse. Toene sit ou logs or underbrush, or tbe braucue* of tree*, and gace placidly at you. even wheu you are drawibg near to knock them over with a stone or atiok, or to snare them in some primitive way. Dr. Heotor say* that he never fouud much difficulty in catching them with a short piece of sinew twine, made into a noo*e aud fastened on a alsuder pole. As you approach alowly, tbe bird does not seem in tbe leant frigbteued, but aits gravsly watching your proceeding*, till you pan* tb* nooee over its bead, or perhaps wheu tbe uooee it close -it obligingly dodge* iu head, and thru yju have oulv to pull it off tbe tree. Tbe fiedi is tweet and tender, aud hall a dozen f->jl hen* iu a stew are to dainty appetiMa a welcome addition to the invariable bacon aud bannock* ol the camp supper, though packers aud ordi- nary uieu dudaiii anything Ins* nolid thai, l>i> in aome form or another. Well. A necured four ur five iu ten minute*. 1 knocked oue over with a itoue, aud, another into tbe buah, ilruok at it two or three times with a long stick, aud at last brought it down. Farilier ou, we peppered wi:b volli-ys of Htouee an old cock who bad perched ou tbe top of a tree, aud who looked calmly down t u* the while, occamoually changing hn pomtiou to another tree, a* if to Kive u* a beiter chance, and at last diiguited with our bad practice- fly ing away too far into tbe wood for u* to fullow * Warasia la A It >!. During the extreme cold weather o! January last a man was fouud leaning upright again*! a railing iu London, frozen to death. This oircuuiitauoe led au Eng- lish admiral to write a letter to 1'ubltc Opinion, in which be sayi : I would not impute ao improper use of pints to the watchman fouud frozen, bat 1 can unhesitatingly say that, from my >wn experience, nothing would be more likely to oauae a atoppaxe of the heart than for a person, after taking a draught of spirits iu a comfortable temperature, sud- denly to expose himself to such a biting cold as we have lately had." Tbs admiral was a member of tbe last Arctic committee, and says that tbe wit- nesses before it were uuaiimuus in th* opinion that taking spirits to keep out cold is a fallacy ; tea aud coffee being much bet- ter. He concluded hi* letter by *aymg Seamen who were with me in tbe Ar; tio regions, after oue day'* experience in rum dnukiBk came to tbe conclusion tbst tea, which was the only beverags used my self, was much ('referable, and they quickly derived great advantage from its use while dervoiLK bard work and considerable cold. If cabmen, watchmen aud other* exposed to tbe weather would give U| entirely the us* of spirituous liquor* aud uas hot tea aud ooffss. I eau promite tbey 'ould be better fortihed to withstand tbe cold, enjoy more comfort, aud have more HiUiug s to take home on Saturday night The I i. hb.,u. < l., ,o..,ni According to the Melbourne lltra'J, tb* unaticCreawell, now in Paramatta Ay turn, Arthur Orton, and tbe authorities of Saw b iuth Wale* seem to be inclined to adopt this view. I suppose that tbe matter capable of proof or disproof ; but if Arthur is restored to u*. we shall find our selves in a dimoult position with regard to our old frieud the claimant. I am convinced ibat be is not " Sir Roger," but it never was perfectly clear to my mind that be is Arthur )rton.-/.omion I'rutlt. Opossum breeding is a nsw and profitable ndustry in Georgia. Oue well Blocked arm will yield a yearly revenue of I4UO or Haw ii..- LI So-called respectable people would hesi- ate ooumdiTably before pilfering your lockets in a crowded thoroughfare. That would be too too The lame discrimina- tion is not indicated by Ib* so-called respectable druggitt when tbat wonderful corn cure, l'i T.NAM s Coax KXTKACTOB, I* asked for. lie will pilfer your pocket* in be most geuteel manner by substituting cbesp and dangerous substitute* for the ;euume Putnam's Corn Extractor. Watch or thess gentlemen, and take none other ban Putnam'* Corn Extractor. Hold by Iruggitta everywhere. N. C. Poison A Co.. iiugvcoD, prop*. Ladies inclined to go tithing for oomph me lit* will nod them oommouly in shallow ater Bayard Taylor. - i-..|. 1'olsoo's Nervilme, tbe great pain care, s sure pop every time. No need to spend a large nuui to get prompt relief from every nnd of pain, for 10 cent* will purchase a rial bottle. Oo to any drug store for it. -large bottles only 2.1 oenlai, at all drug- gists. Nervilina, tbe pain king, cures ramps, headache, neuralgia. An aobing ootb, filled with batting saturated with ierviline, will ease aching witbiu live minutes. Try Narviline for all kinds of iain. Tan aud 'lj cents a bottle. Tbe price of Circassian girls has lately dropped to about 'OO, or the lowest figure iv jr known. Women will sometimes confess their 'ins, but I never knew one to oeufess ber anlt*. U alibwto*. An important decision waa given by Chief Justice Bagarty at tbe Civil flsjsjsjaa. Toronto, this weak, in a MM involving Ike point whether an agrweneot mad* by *! phons waa good in law. Tb* Chief J astiea held that ao long a* tb* witness oould r* cognise tbe voiet of the party ipeakinx t* bim, tbe distauo* between them wa* us- material Druggist* in malarial districts say bat Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- x>nnd i* a* much th* atandard remedy for emale waaknaaaaa a* quinine i* for th* i wvailiBg chill* and fever It ia only necessary to grow old to be oome more indulgent. I see no fault com mitted that I have not committed myself . N**w LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S * VEGETABLE COMPOUND.* . . IS A POSITIVE CURE .' V . . Far till .l lhn*r fatal til ( < r>Uin( , * X\ 'Leu " -ii < iiitinmn |r> uur In ! * * - T - . ' . Ml >l U.I l.\riiN. i i. rii. . . n . i HE riTmri T Tiir wnnrr r-iai . mi. i | k 4 M . .. i N . -. . : ..M-.A-.'. lur r. ur LITE , , j < - MuiaTriiE I'riKrn 1 * * ' A Ir icr.--- K\IVTXI:<. ri.ATTLl^f-r. BietaoTS "J. \VkAk -.HA. Ii Ir ' ^ H .;. lljcatUTl ' B*****B**JB* as*> U * * a lii>Trr.ix . v .' -ii.i VAII \\ > I..IIT Mi llA. KA. Ill, I- .>- I . i.,,v. 1 ' i:rr> T ir*i rs * IT IU. AT All Tlt ANII IM.Ea ALL MHnea* -T*N. C>ATlNH k K*l->S\ *A|TI1TUS l.AWl* rHA T ' . * 'f . i -i-r. < f 9 HIAIlNuur UUEA.K AS1ITHK Kri IEP . >r rAIK. AX* TUAT IT 1X1E ALL IT I .l- 1 , i.,. TI1..I , t *TJ OP " KoK THE . I-KE ..f Kl|.\.l I , I mir.k 1 THI* KEIIia I- t N.I l E. l'l!OkHA*IK YnuKTABUC ml Ljoa. B*A t l*ili* or l,frmf*m o i| . ... ,.... _ _^. M.W.I, -.111 i.-uii^i rnri I . -. ' . i . uvn-i t: m. 17. M4. Loss of Appetite, Indigestion. Sour Stomach, Habitual Costiveness, Sick Headache and Biliousness. Piloa,t*. POT bottU. 30 DAYS' TRIAL .. - from s nriT m..i . i-i.srTBt.- > I rlul 1, . ufT.i . VrTAlJTl. .. II. k H'l'l UBI.X- I v l.u.mvnl r.t-.rtl n t I Iff. A.I <l*n Voltaic Bolt Co.. Mi.:h. Y. EAR KND THROAT. DR. G. B. RTERSON, L. R. C. P. * 8. R . I/eeturar nn th* Kr, Kr an, I Tl.rual rrtnlty Holloa! College, Turonto. OculUi anil Aurlit to Ui* Toronto GeiKral !!a*|nial, late Iniir*] AiMitant Hoyal Ix>nJnn O|iblblrul<i Ho*intal. McxiraaeU'i aad Oeotral LOD.IUB Throat ud Bar Hoepltml. 917 Church Htreel Toronto. BRICK MACHINES. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIR- CI'LAK. Prlo- I M an.l TMtlmootal* of llrlok alMbluM au I Brick Pr*****, w* alao make tb* "aurekm Oorub>n1 Briok and TU MaotilQ* " lor bora* or ** *x>w*r. L CLODK * BON, Woodstook, On*. I CURE FITS! wfifn I *T rur* i i\<f fiii'.l lh*>n hBivn l ,I'"M i , ! Bu:*.i t I ru*>*>n A rfxtt- I bY maulfl f.* -liar*,-* nt MTW, KPM.IIMr . r * U I. IS-IHirKN ** |i f. ... ,. .M* r*WTM|M ?pni"*lv in rur th*> wu**( . - h--*-i** "in**'*) ti**** fftllfHl ( n M*ftr>n fbr '' itf ax-fir* W^.l M t-nc,' f r irw*it*i *>n ft t * B >tli vf tnj InMJIbs* r-Mtll-fHl* t. I" (*-- ' ' -' "'!!*. It (MMki f9 >*>vl tt . N*> Tort MFN tacrn BtMni HiCIl .'ij*>*ri. $! k>nl your nain* n,l lOa m altuup-i K> K. KHTABLIHHKD OIDIJ J All klBdl Of II l'r..ln. knndb-4. alSO II. .11. l < K.r.. K(Sja. l*.ll,,. l,ll._ to. l't RX*. Carrier* tl|>|<!IM. < l*n>- ! xllrhrd. ti Oolburo* Mre*| Torooto Cetro l'l.4< inMcr'* a HiuinasB K'luoalum or HprneerUa Pan BnaskJp at the Otreulan tree

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