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Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1884, p. 5

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crj 31 UCJ (i -I TO] ffi At the Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a larg-e assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. Local and Other News. Brrvltle*. Mr. E. McDowell, son of Rev. D. C. McDowell, is now a, full-fledged M. D. We congratulate Mr. McDowell on his aucceaa. Mr. Ohaa. Porter, printer, is now on the <'. lliinrwood Etitrryrue. Charley is a goitd, itoady hand, and his wurk on "straight" or "croolwd" matter will do ilivrxnlit to no office. -What has become of 8. L. M. Luke, n well-known in this locality ( Many of In* friend* here are anxiuus to leani of his wfcurabouU, a he ha* not been leen iince Wfore Christmas. - -Mr. Thoa. Duncaa denies that he fell down stairs as stated in the "brevities'' last week. W! were so iaformed, or we would nut hav* inserted the item in our rulumns. Mr. Russell, jeweller, wa* our iuformant. -Richardson's 30 cent Teas ahould be fnund in every household. If you want to get and Frames, call .11 J soe Buliner's stock, madu in all sizes .n J shapes. Mottoes and all kinds of tiungs kept constantly on hand. -Mr. Sept Oood, of Flesherton meat in irket. purchased eight line fat cattle in < '-ipri-y on Friday last. All correspondence and advertise- ments must reach tkis office not later Tuesday at noon, in order to ensure insertion in cumint issue. Uicliardson sells Sugar, 16 Ibs. for one dollar. Raisins, 20 Ibs. for one dol- lar. Currants, 30 Ib*. for one dollar. Kiga, IVaniML Dates, Apples, Heedless and liy*r lUsmu- -ail choicest fruits at low ' >in 1. 1 HI- for job work and transient mlvertistriiienU aru strictly oash in a<I Rev Wesley Cassoli, of Markdale, j>i.MM.)nil iii Kli-iiliiTton Methodist Church, l;w^ ^SsJLrti^lj jnurvJUDg Wi'l .('veiling, to os\ttLjcif fi*4 Mi M *< d tl^ pulpit in jlv MetVxIiiit t'liurvh, Markdale. innrnini; ami evening of same day. " Ttif iififfirrl vfl pmrluiuu tkr num." .-.|.|..-i.ill\ the Hut- - s '.- Itttlinrdson's -' k and you ill ) emiviiicwl is n.. ii.-iil to wear a U-ul hat. Dr. I'arti-j i* H" a msfcletit of An ..M man naineU ferry, step-father Mr. Noltle Ijiwrriin , ilit-d st the residence <>f the latter gentleman, on Sunday iii'.rnm',' last. Deceased was Imrifd in Fleshurt" Hi cemetery mi Monday .iftl'l IIOOII. Cheap <'ntt.iii-t at Richardvun's, in J'.Miit.t. Shirtings, Cottonaden, lileached u.i ilrey Cottnim. Mnetli. A. X. Page him just relumed ii..n. Owen Sound with all tin- latest Hliajies in Huts, and is pr*|iarvd i.. make up and - ..-.IT Straw, Kelt, and l.i-._-ti..iii HH|* in all the latent styles, Ht Itiilinei ' l'h..|.. .ni|.|i Gallery, FUwherton. Kfwrybody can be suited in UooU at Ki. hardson's. Mr. C. W. Rutledgr, ..f the Mark- .l.ile iStum&ini, callud mi tu laitt Tuesday. Mr. John M. Dnvin, of Kviphnuia Township, called on us lust Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Fawcett, the well-known .in.l |pular Deputy-Reeve of KuplirMia, I us a visit last Monday. Dr. Ghent, of Priceville, gave us a |.|<-umnt call mi Tuesday. Nothing txjiiaU a good pair uf Imotn tlim sloppy weather, and thou it must I* i. in. inU-n-il that Mr. W. Clayton in - Mini.' all kinds of boots at " him) tnm-.s " |.i ire. That t the placu to get mi good :nnl cheap. Mr. W. A. llrown, the wul)-known n ii I popular Markdiili- v. atrlunakt-r ixnd . M . ll.-i . paid us a brief visit on Tuesday. Mr. W. W. Triuible a<lverti*e* his spli'iiiliil Aynthnv Hull, "Colonel Hoss," in unotlier column. Farmor aij,l ptix-k- iitiM'i-* gonerally will do well to consult it. Kea<l the advertisement in nnotlier . ..luinn anent Mr. tyobert C^k's im- JackasH, " iXjn lV-dn>." Rrmarkable. Ws clip the following from the Thorn- bury Sttiiulnnl of last week : We, the other day, saw the portion* of the -k nil that werv taken from the head of thu son of Mr. Angus McDonald. It is astonishing how near some can come to death and live. The portion of the skull token out U just above and back of the n-jli t ear circular in shape and about one and a quarter inches in diameter. The |K>rtin waa br*ken into several pieces, and the doctor hail to insert the hand over the brain under the skull to the left ear to withdraw the pieces, which he did with great difficulty. Some of the smaller pieces were driven into the brain. At the time n. uae thought the patient would recover ; and even for some weeks after it was merely considered life was prolonged by the youth and vigor of the young lad. Although portions of the brain and other matter copiously exuded not the leait *ign of mental aberration was |rceptible. It is among the rare cases one perhap* out of many thousands, here after auch a horrible wound the patient recovered. The enervation and 'assitude of spring time aru but indications of sluggish action of thu blood, overloaded with carbnnaten accumulated by the use of heating food in winter. Thi* condition may be remedied by the use of Ayer'* Saraaparilla, the bust blood purifier known. Hraford toad. (From our own Mrs. J. Rowe and family left here on Tuesday. They are at present spending a (hurt time visiting their friends previous to their departure for Manitoba. Mrs. Rwu leaves behind her in this neighbor- lui-d, many warm friend*, who wish a pleasant and prosperous journey, and every success in her new home. Mr. Jack Holly, jr., met with a bad accident while chopping in the wouds, giving hiiiuwlf severe gash in hi* foot widi tit* AM, The Fall W I.. .1 4 *w MA k* a* .-11 at M.. -I'lit a* * Ii. (i t lu -le \ went off, the i\lil frosty WMttlur has (riven it a <luH look. Very J;tji- ni>in IU^TM hen* yet. A Lawyer* Opinion of Interest to oil. J. A. Tawui'T, KM| , a li H.liov attorney nf \Viin.ini. Minn., wrilr* : Afu-r un'iig it fur lure limn tlirac ysara. 1 tak ^rt |>lrsiirr in -iHlinii thM I n-cr.l Dr. KiiiK'S Nrw l'i- onvcry fir('ii8uiii|)tioii. B tin- licit rrmrdy in ill. nurl.llur Cong)^ auil Cul.U. It luis in M r f .uli il to r uri- ttiH in, .-.t scvrn* rnlJ I linn- liH.l. invariitlily rrlirvrs tin- paiu in tli* rhwl " IlntUi'K uf tbis sure rurt for all Throat ami I.IIIIK l'i'iis<-my l> bsJ frve H| W. Ilirliarilsnu I>mg Htnro. l.r^ size. II.IN). A K. inark.ibl. Lamb. A laml<. belonging to Mr. John Porteous, ArteniMia, has a remarkable head. The lower jaw occupies the position of the upper jaw, snd there is no lower jaw, while the ears are on the opposite part of the head to that on which they are usually found. EMt Crey Spring Hhow. The above show was held on the Boc- iaty's grounds, Flttshnrtwo, on Tuesday Lu, 22nd inst. The weather was all that could have been desired, but the attend- ance of visitors wai not large. The exhibit of Stallions was, on the whole, very fab. Some of the horses, however, would have appeared to better advantage hitched to street can or scav- enger cart*. The Bull* exhibited were, with the ex- ception of the two which were awarded prizes, a scraggy, atarved-looking lot. Indeed, only the two bulls referred to were considered worthy of any recogni- tion whatever by the judges. The following it the prize list : ITALLJONR. Heavy Draught. 1st J. McAlear, 2nd R. Freeborn. Roadster, 1st J. A W. U. Johnston, 2nd W. Ii. Campaign*. General Purpose, 1st W. W. Trimble, 2nd Wm. Fawcett. Blood, R. Frwborn. Percheron, H. King. BULLS. Durham, R. Plantt. Devon, R. Olliver. Township of Artwnesia ! Abstract Treasurer's Acct. for I88M Da, Tn bal. from 1883, Jno. HiggininiihMn, M111882 XV 40 do. " 18tt : 1 .lli. -Jl J. B. Sloan, n>ll 182 :>,SH lui do. " 1883 140000 J. Hazastfd, " 1882 70.70 do. " 1883 264300 8. J. Coleman, roll 1882 I'.VUO do. " 1883 137H it) Fines 11.00 Mucellsjieou* 3667.32 fl57<M.(K> 93088.50 By paid County Treas. School F^uivalent 9 540 On Inilu-eiits 144*7 Ward So. 1 IHO.wi Ward No. 2 11'.' i" Ward No. 3 113. 7u Ward No. 4.... >:<'- School Section* 4794.7'. Debentures ft Coupons 11*43 V" Council Sessions 141.1" Salaries 463.00 Mi*cellansx>us 2991. I* 1 .' Balance Cash on hand. 4268. 1J 115760. 0-. We, the Auditors of the Township of Artemeaia, for the year 1884. hereby cer tify, That we have examined the Treasurer's books for the year 1883 ; also the r. ord of Receipts snd Disbursements, compared them with the Vouchers therefor, and find them correct. Dated at Flesherton this 4th day of April, 1884. C. C. JAMES. 1 . . . HKXRY MELDRCM. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Milburn d Gadd, nttOl'HIKTOBS nf the abort works, arc pn ijiared to attend to uvoryUilnii in tb Carriage Making <t Blacksmithing Uoss promptly and wall - both Branch's rroiuptlr altsMsdto. An Ansvwer wanted. Can any one bring as a ess* of Kidney or Liver complaint thai Klcetnc Nttm will u| I)*nnirin6 speedily ears r W say they sao not. af>oa - 1 sands of caw* already prnmn> nllv and who are .laily reomm*nding F.lctr,c HORSE HHOE1NG A iJl'ECIALT\. betes. \\Vak Dark, or any ariuary cvmpUunt M~ I'hrap Ai'7'W * w H C'uiraiiMiK. UttU quickly tunil. Th y parity tU bluuJ, rrga- late tin- bowtU, aul art ilirrrtlr I.D tlic Jl- M-a^l |.nrt. Kvsjy bottl* guarsntrW. Kor Mi "" T. H, FIRTH, I'm ...t.','iu,',l ngeni Ms A Smith, has, we an- ml i ineil. hrrn made the recipient of a IVtent Oat Km ! i. .in article of great value to every fanner, which we U-lifV only neetls t.. U- ,in (.. Iw duly .i|.|ii-.-iuti .1 J '. -i an agency will Iw . .ji-m-il in the \ illaue hen- a rapid aitle muH newsssnly follow. t'n inter. Clit-ii'r. }\'rittT. hi in' r Hanger ami ./ VonnK (.1. in Ii: ~ Koiili . INN4. " Yminx "lenek 1 ," the pmiyrty nf Mr. .1 .l.n MuAlear, will Htainl th svasoii of 18H4 a* followa - Monday, will leave his own itulile and pr.iceed to Priceville, noon ; Uienre t" H.I)> !!> fur the night. Tin M l.i \ , lie will I.IIH-I-I-.I In I lut K. tin. 1 aour ; tlirncu t<i Mr. Joattpli Sliar]. ', lind con., (ilenolg, fur mKin ; thenec in Wm. Lawrvnce'ii, Ktfrerai.nt, for the ni|(!it. \V,.,lnHil;iy , he will proceed to Sainuvl Ki-iinels. con. 10, Proton, noun ; thence to John Abbott's, Proton, for the nii<lit Thursday, he will proceed to Mr. Jor- ilnii'. Xekiu's t'orni'i-n, ilium : thence to I Thoa. Amott'ii fur the night. Friday, he will proceed to Mr. Miur- Im-rin, 4th mn., Artemesia, noon ; tht-nce to his own stnlile fur the ni.'lil Saturday , he will jinef*<l to Mr. Mar- tin's. Irish l-ikf. n. I., n ; thence to In* uwii Htable. The alwve i-uut* will I* c.ontiiiuvd throughi'iit tin- season heiilth and we.ttlu-r periiiittin;;. For full )i:trtu'iiliii>. in to Pexligre. Tenns, Ac., >w |Hitrs. hiu nri trim l.k-d Uli u RfttliT. if wrsrue-- mi'l the -umll of the Lack, with tliii-k liiyli toloreJ sliniy nriur, tbru yon hare nl inuil" SIKIIS! of ilsngcr. and slit uld remirt.lo Burdcxk llloud lllntxl Kit- tors. Hit- grant! kiinty i-KiiUUir mi I I lood and livir r|..uii( ton i. I'.-i/'KH n.L\ <;/.\ c SPSCIALTY. Orili-rs h'jt at Jficlini ii-i II he firuniptly /illetl. Blood Stock For Sale. WI1.I. HP.IJ. rllKAl* oil KXrtlAN<lK FOB .f..i.iri>^ Mv ^ <i &nit*nr u l>rrf Afsjsjrks \.%* TKlMHI.h The Thorough Bred DURHAM BULL Z>uke. Will itud lor I'owt UM Mwun of ISM. U U< 1H, Srd IUUM;.. WMI. ArtoiuMU, near Flhno. HtAtlon Trim* a. 1 pw cow ; to pwtlo brine lo< orcr tour row* raductioo wUl l iud riwi out raturnwl r8Tiirly to th bull will t ebanpxl u M**OD row* whrthor In clf or cot To bw |ld for on or before Janu&ry M. ISM. DONALD McEF.NEIR. f*ro *r i *t uf GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON. Sli-siiii ! lour Mill A T fLKSHERTOX .ST.I f/O.V. For Sale! l*rlr* UM.lown iu.tiiiirni with U prlvttsj< if .t.-ulil- itli In .in i*r i.n'ii HENToa KAS\ D tlw rau . f n|*iil |iriuci|l Oi r err. 'Irnlinrtoii i paul at tin i ID font* at tnuv <! wr- \\ \\ TIMMlll.K I'l-lTtoiar. fllK.KMAN S \Mlll\l 1-llNMlKKh nrf Faf in all cane* Thi-y ilmtrn) ami r"l|i"vti Vorion in elillilmi nrvliilt' The 'Iliurnii'jli liri'if AYRSHIRE BULL, " Colonel Ross," Heer in regard**! by many as a liealtby TTTII.I, >tan.l l-r < .- r.i.ii .-f i- , . ,' I W OoUtanraod M. VUlssK ol Ph It. u-rage. Le( m give you a few nf tn THMI. *i (~ r i,. .-n-li ..i if n.-t ingrr<lienU u-a,l in its manufacture. The I'l^'J^,^,'. lali'iianrViit *) "Yrw adulteration* inot commonly iiM-U to rncilarly wlllbs*s;rsjjdlor^whl ifive l.itterne^ re gentian, wormwood. i.,.iii*.lr i.r.-.uref. and qnaS8ia ; to impart pungency, u'i" gpr, orange |ifl and caraway. If tlies^ ArrimtJi. i" were all there would i- sina 1 nt^l of wanting the young gainst the n-- of beer on iireount of its injurious ingrvdiunta. But when tliure are mldul to preserve thr frothy head, alum iiad blue ritnol ; to intoxicate, roculus, nux voiuico and to- baaso ; and tu promote thirst, salt* then iinli-ril doe* it beconiu n*ce*4Sry to warn th Him .cent against the use of thin pois- onous beverage. I'.i.v* ami i.irlM. never touch it. As a au|*rn hair ibeswing and reno- vator Avers Hair Vigor |g universally i.iiiiiiieinleii It enuiicatvs scurf and .l.iinlnitt. cure* all eruptions and itchuigs of thu scalp, promotes the renewed growth f the hair, and surely prevent* it-, failing i or turning gri-y. T? A P TV/T ~~* AKM TQ RENT OR SELL f i-i at Ixitio., IWth w. wtrl All In Ib. TI>WBIS ArU-uiwia. TWO THoitoi'<;n-uin:i> DURHAM BULLS ! M itli nnml l<<tri*tri-l l'tTl.> FOR S.-ILK. ( >f 9 Tears old, lor MO . and ou 1 > oai For turtbcr |rtlcular aiu>l> ! ROGER LEVEK /' ' J. W. BATES, Furniture Dcn/rr and Undertaker, OJfT rLBMEBTOK. BUTCHER SHOP! IN FLESHERTON. SAJjE ! A liti. CASI Or HtaKVATlo*. To Starrs I A|iulr lo the lungs by laok of vital (ooii contained! in purr air. If Uie lunga are (ibntructed by j colds, remov* tin- arrimmlated | u/.-, m with ith tliat safe and plesiant throat aud luiuj In I-'. ML: '-ii i n . MKs U>riSA DCCKF.TT hol)1 . aoiitt fr. !%.- remedy. Hn^vd* I't-cttiral Hal*ni. M ..w. qnlrvd at which pw*m nf i-llli>.r <. .'I |t|M. .Nil IIIHBV, KrVMl %J !. llll- lllll^ *"J . ,, ,.rk with l~.|,it. on.iiu> . writ, f.u |.art*- to " . l>r> to y llti.i.KTT A (>., rJrtlau.l. Maine n annonnc* to th* |wo|>)0 of \ lmbrt. n and virinltv. lrt h haa opvntnl .-ut * Buulirr Shop in tin- i >ii 1 Ijrintirly .. nj-l^J l.y .1 \\ HaUw a> f ituKurr ttor*. lirrb< vill V i > l-ar.- 1 tu ft ail urdr> lor HiKSJI MEA1 < r ' FISH .' |>r. mil-Hi aiul t .'air prlca (f>.Ut dolitemi aro \\u

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