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Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1884, p. 1

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. * '- , ... f a ; B I B t I Fleshertoii Advance. " TRUTH BEFORE FA VOR."-' PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN." VOL. Ill,, NO. 149. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, APRIL 24, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE, Rev. Father Wads' One ot the Uv'.mt !,..] and Family in Xrtln ru Uuterio. l'ublihud * \ KHUN i >st Orru r. Mrtrt, - - >7.. ii, "nf. THUMB OK SI'HSCKII'TION 1.00 per annum In advance, fl.5u if not iaid t the end of one year No paper discontinued until all arrearage* ar i -aid up, and no nubwrip- i ..-I* taken for leu* than one year, except wht- n IxH-tal arraiuimenu for tbdrter period* are I iusxl with thu publisher. ADVKBTIBINO RATKS. &c. Caiusl advertlieuienta,8oDtsiier l*tiuertlon mid 3 cent* per lia each ubMMluvul insertion. Transient adverUMiuent* to )> paM for when >rdered. Advertineim-ut* without t-pi-rial direc- tion) will be lawrtod till forbid .1:1.1 ohuvod accord! nxl y. LltHTaTlndneemenU to mrular advortiiers. Notice* aiuoav roeding matter, lu ci-ut* i>or ' i me each Insertion No advrtl*riii"iit discontinued until all ar rearaiiM are paid up. Copy for advertisement* iliould reach tm , office Dot later than noon on Tuesday to eniuru ' u.^rrUou in current lue. A. R. FAWCETT, i'llttor and Book & Job In every style of the art, at reasonable pricvs and oa abort notice Order* by mail will EXPERIENCE. The Krv. '/.. P. Wild*. wrU. known city i. ii-. i. nun In N. v, Vurk. m.l brother r the lute --mini-ill Jiulgv \* ilil. of iliti M - i. I..,., tl. Supreme Cuurt, nrll.. *> follow* : . ., ,tf rnrt. M<, u. 11*2. Mt<R. .1. C. AVKII * Co.. Urntl. Mien : (jut winter 1 wiu trout-led with a nuvt uncomfortable Itching humor HltWunn morn r|-.-, -Lilly my limbs, whii-k iu-h.- I > mlolrralily at sight, and l-m u.-.| *> nitrnr- Iv. I ouul.l --r-.-]v Uar tuiy rlilmi|( --T 111. -in. I was *l> a sufferer from ve/i- ratarrb and calarrtiMl i--ugli; my nifiuiiii wa> pnur. aud tut tytirm a good !' run ,|IIM. Kiionlit^ the mill.- of AVKK'S S*1UIAHHII.I A. by llbwrTnllon Of i' tit* .th.-r cafle*. and from p-r^.tml iue < former fan, I t~-|tn taking It for the """ named duordrn. My aiiprllle tin- (.nirr.l KittMMt from the Unit oVi.-. After * and ill ..* . M l.>..|. k wtT< !>!> tnd r u.'n Til fw*Sf ami It-'lilug wi*re "~" of Irritation .-f the My aiul couk-ti liy the nine in. ... N ,,,| greatly llnproreil, 'uin.l it II now SMSUsSkt, 1 (eel a hundred ( r -I *trn^--r, an>t I attribute tlie*e renult* t- the uxi at the SASJAPA mi l., wlo--h J rei-'-intiit-nd with all ci-nfl-tnice as tbe t- .1 bltMid iiMdicioo ever drvined. I l-N-k It Is *m*ll .(.,. thrve tlnm a day, and "IIH* a iUlctlv ca.b Flesherton YIeat Market. SEPT. GOOD, Cash paid for fat Cattle and Fresh Meats constantly on Land for Cash. Orders promptly tilled. .V. O. TJ. rr.sHKHTON Ia0tt No. 148. meet In their LodR Hoon. Straiu'i block, Toronto rtrcet. on it m l>t and 3rd Monday In oath month, at T.JO p in. iharp Vtaitiug brathren wlcoin. M. r. M>-UATHB.U.W. W. U. llcuu., Kec'r I ..- f.1,-1* at your Mrvlce, h>uuin i. .11 may d-> guild. Your* raipei-ifully, Z. I*. Witns." ilia above lattance It but one of the many emuUutly coming to our h--t.--e. which prove tlie perfect adaptability of A VIC* SAHSA- nsii.i.4 in the cure of all disease* arlninf fr-.ui Impure or imporeritbed blood. an* a wakanod vitality. Ayer'sSarsaparilla eli'ante*, enrichei, and utrei-niheun tin- blood, itunulatr* tbe lion of the ibmiaru aud b"Wl. and thereby enablee the >y*trsu to rwfit and the attacks of all .Vn/e- .. i j llttrtutt, Knpltinu ,/ tlu Skm, KJtru- m-tlum, fatarrlt, (; r ,.ral It, M,iy. aud all .1,. .-nlr resulting from poor or eomi|-trd blood aud a low ttate of thr *>*tcm. 1-1.1:1- tiu. n n\ Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Man. S- Id by all Drusjl.u; price l, six kettles lor *.'-. AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. __ Best Pur^itlvo Medicine (ureCoiwtlpatlon. ImllgMtlnn. Kradacue, and .ill llllioiu INtonlon. void everywhere. AJwm TO VENDOR Vvnnor. >ou miwrablu od frawdt A . ttiii' down an' writiuj lie*. An' makin out an bow That you'r a proffat t You awt to bo aihamed ' A purt> piorfel you air A uiakln' '-'ill-lit fu-meri think. In Uiunmoty. that they Could rainu KreeD |<ea> at' cabbig In JaulTary, an' oood fea4 On cowcumlwn an' lettli An ilch llk<- Karilln' a* An' plow, an hawl manorr. An', in thir iburt aluuviM Sat around on fenoee. A-wbitlln v an a Uwklu' |x>llytli Awl winter. An' here tl^c luc-rkery HIM got wav ilown so loo It'* lro*e, an* bunted M; forty -cvnt tbennomelvr ' You uiiavraliU-. lonteujpUblt-. Old frawd ; you'd better quit A m*klu' aliiianat an' go, An' hire out to a nerkiuun boil T* hovel MIOW YI--I aak " <it you re to Llai . 1>< kw it bcu .o i-ol,l Of coune you air ! Tba wutber clurk wui mad. Bckaw* of your a tr>m' To run tlii! tinuK, An' fur the lat >ix week! He'i ben a turutu' ol the crank. An' iviidin down Tbeee Manitoby waves. An' awl the time be't bet .laffln, An'a-pokiu' fun at you; While you, you uiiMraulo i Id tia^u Hi-v ben a poalu As a weather pruffet. A i. niakin of younelf Kodiulut. You tbo't a* bow you'd git \our nan B lu hint ry Alonir*td<- of Kluby'i, el a |mIet , But It'll be remembered, Along wltb your mild wlut< r An broke*, butted, old thermometer*. An' (roeted heeji, an' chilblain*. Ao liau-ti'l il'-oii. To fewcher gnu ratioui, Jc*t a a frawd! l'kaw> that what }cu ail I - H i.Kkl 11 DUFFERI1T LODGE NO. 186 L o. o. r. Flesherton- MKI'.TS every Tu.-*day Kvenisjg at H o'clock. LodtfB Koom, Htraln's block. Toronto itret. i itiiiK brethren eordiailjr invited. Ion IlLAL-aur MX, N ' . A. K V; J.P. tt \ICMI t I I . I .11 s 1 DENTIST. II. -h. rloii MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. THK neit Pair will take place on MONDAY. .intn . rui. im. * ^- ami <r-l Thtirnday in uacli inoatli for tbe prectio of hi* profesaion. J OC KAMULLN6 NOTES. What About Barney The VaJley Road Fleaberton. Bv VALENTINE M u OTJ^I n < ' What, my dear Mr. Edit- i. haJbeouno af that irrepreasible Irish ->m<s|>ondent ol "yours, Ilaniey O'Han- 7 Havo the n:i'. and bigftieiof Manitol* ' kilt him outright ontoirely," tli:t h -- ti" longer enlivens your numerous readers ind his many w.-irm friendn in Eaflt*(!rry r by his "letters til the EJithur,' KOIT^" Come, friend ll.imey. if y- i aro sfill m the land of the livm^, let us hear from you through the AI>VAT. IV-n't U' bashful, old Imy, because the either Karney Lsook Here. Do yau want a new Route or Barn ? If so I tumkyou will Ind It to your advantage to call and we me. As 1 do a large lmsini-i I ran I. ml. I on saiall profits. All contract* promptly atu-n ilod to aud workftiiaranteeil Tloinking tin- pul>- llc for pant patrmia. and by fair prioe* and <ood work, 1 dope U> nuo it a coutliuiaucf uf the H4:.i?. Toura re*pt-ctfully. JOHN WHITTES. every Tbunday it KLK.bHKUTCN J. W rKOBT. LLB AI.KRED ntOKT, Crown County Attorney STRAIN & LARGE, Duilderg and Contractors, FLBSHERTON Are nreparod to tttvnd t llrlck i St. -in- in all Itn branohn l>rdeni li-ft at tin- Ai.\ IM K Oflsswlll r-leuroniiit >ttntion. (io-ulwork t F.irlTtce* W. J. BELLAMY. T1r. rt.H.K AILTKMIHIA. ! ESTATE* IXMRANCE AKKXT COLLECTOR, AUCTIONEER. Mi'M.v Loaned on good security on tin- most lavoraMi- iiTiim ii-1 t nimln-ati- ratoof Kortawfee l~>iu(lit Office nt-ajly ui> - . Town Hall. Ki I.MIIKII - WQ * J. M. EUGENIA, LICF.NHRD Auctioneer for tlu- Cnunty i.f (trey. Monr-v to l.-nil a* iiaual. t reannnablo rat*-*. Fire an. I l.ii.- lumirancu. Coniininlrationii ad- Irn-iMyl to Knifi-iiia f promptly tu n.l.-.l t-> John W. Armstrong, ri.r.mirmoK, Co. QIIKV. DIVISION COl'HT n.EKK. COMMISmoNKH ill H. H., <'onvi*yanciir. Ar \i-etit for purchamt uid tale ol Inn-Ill Appralm-r t... r I, c c-.m and K P. II. it S Society. M.m.-v t,, i...:i .. th. lumtn-aiumable terms. I*trH or MAKRIAOR I.H KNKES. Alexander Brown. rfit'KR of Mtrrliii.-,- l.ii-i.nen. flenrrnl \K--ht j *c l.lcnM \in-tionoer for County ol i ran* vn.unF.0. nut. U ft l U .V. C. I'. X., OAT. \Vill 1* in Klwberton i-very Tiienlay ami Friday from U to 4 p. m. in Win Htraln block Money to Loan. At tl\ I'trl'ittt. lnt*r*-*t<m Stntuth WITH liit*-ri*tt pftul vrurl v, not In .wlvance. No i iiiiitin-ioi) i limrn >1 Appl> l.i . A. UK IKK. James Sullivan, The Tiijsmith, - Flesherton. tikirliiK. KftveiroiiHhiuit. Hiid in fart evry- iiiiit in thr bit-mii'MH wt)l tt-r.-ivt- my ]*roinpt IH| caraful nttmtinn at ;,:-,' & 1& Allison Hotel, AGENTS MAXWBLL ONT ra.UAJl"AkJ wantud for The Lives ol all the I 1 -, .I.I.-T.I-, ol the t' S. Th.- larKoat. handaoui flood accommodation ; bout brand ('Ulan OIK id r<tab1in and atteutl Tbe only Hotel in the place. W. AUJ105, - i tune. I see, Mr. Editor, you still have something to say about the Valley Itoad scheme; in your last, yu excuse the Kii]ihnuiia Council for not pushing the scheme, on the grounds that the nit.- .payers interested are ii.t uiiit--il im tlic i|iu-tiMii. My dear sir, that h>es not 'uictue the Council at all. It i* too ti;iiiH|,ar.-iit If the truth were known, i I'll bet you a conjier some of these self same councillors are afrY I that if they to"k any action in the matter, their northern constituents ini/it "i;-- l\ck on tin-in" next January. AJ that w.mlil be terrible ! I wouldn't vive a lig for tlir 'Councillor ln- dare not d.i his duty like n little man in face of .ill the o]-poiiti"M in thu Township. Then- are too many draw men in the majorit/ ->f Township Councils - indeed our t' unity Councils are not altogether free from such char- acters. Another thought stnk<:.<i me in eon .nection with this Valley Road. Why ii.-i Arteinesia C. MHiciI open up its |*rt of the Valley Rowl f I know the old i>li . i is put forth, that there is no use opening it up until Kuplinutin Ci.uncil in n-ady to e-i -ojieraU) with them. 1 Bt one t- me looked upon this pica M n reanon- nhle one ; but I have changed my iniiol. mill think Artemesia should op.'ii ii|> its iliiuv. as the n-ad would In* a useful one for its own ratepayers, and might iwt as an incentive to induce Kuphrasia to "con- tinue the Kod work." Let AiU-mesia et a gixxl i-x uapli- NVhat IK t. i.e. >.mi- "f Kleuherton this year, M-U ni; it u without its custoiuary illuati 1' -I;. - Tru-tce.n I And who arc- the He.t'tli Othcers for thi year of grace IHHI ' \\h-----H your Insptxtor of NuiKaiKi.-- ' \V!ut u to become of Reaherton umlei all these disastrous eireuin*tuiKi-i> Hum aiui deeolntion >lan- it in the ~u. . I'IITS- cows, ducks, grOM. turkeys, Ac . will bold a general jubilee this -oimmer. srtd sidewalks will sink Igiiuuumuusl) mt-- ruin tun! decay. I'IL; pens and cow stablua will adorn the main streets, and tilthv -en ulieds send t--rth their r.auseatui.; <>d->rs as of ynre Hi-pteii will trot leisurt-ly along the side- walks. and I- --' ;)a~ - - > ill have n-- I middle of the struct foe it wet IT dry. muil or, all the same.' Wa<v- u- and other vehicle, will be left nunding scroa* the sidewalks ; and out o: t!n< itark rectJMM of upeo sheils vehicle, oil! *!i->ot forth to tie- imminent pen! --I nnwai-y peduatri- aiia ! Th. ' the cw or horse- stable in noighbor As yard will be waahtil int. i n--n;hl- r H.t'kitchcn well by the spnng ami autumn rains unmoleated. N-- C--IKC Tri.- - n Healtli I Ithcers, no Inspivtor <>t .N 'iisaucea -no nothing' L*t no charitably draw the \-iI n^ht her*, and Uave Uie oalauue fur a future l-'tter inini. in .. \... :. To th Editor of thr Adcunc'. Ai this to;. ii- ha* bem more or leas men- -1, aJi-1 ruinon have it, that some iilly persons of the village are fryiny to recoivo Intiilel principles. It may be well to wy ihl it u n.. iit-w tiling, altho' it may be ran-, amonit a Christian peo- pl--, lo find one ejf suthcivut fortitude to lert his pnncipletj at all. much leas t do 10 openly and otfenaivnly. And this one may bna*t of laqre societies U-ing leg- ivii, vet if they really are so numerous, evidently ttit-ir f-.iti':r!r ouxei cut at thu ends of tht-ir hn^-'rn, for the censui i>f our ci-untry fails to record them. But. nuin emus or not, it s> -|IM <0r. wherever exoluaively doiuinant, al| snltfUimU for social and ri-lr, r <--u htierty K-c-ma- extinct. Wliat was tin- i-tfivl of disbelief in a pvr sonai (!<>J in the time <-f the Kn-m-h K? vylntiif '' Hi-wwas it in Knnce in tin- yraw 1T!2-!'H It I nii.i1;'.le not, 4t wanintho cathedral of X- tru Da'me* of that year, that a public profi-ssion of Atlu'ism and Infidelity wore made, and the act commemorated by /-" . ; > fftint"/ Lni>. t as the il "I'l- <* of Keam-n We are told that " Phi!.o].her ami dem- i^-'.-u- -. encyclopaedista ami pamphlet- eer*, princes and subaltenis, btuidml and leavurd t.>i;i-thi-r, to (five onpuno struc ture to vicv, ami to elu\ate tuibcliuf to the diifiiity f virtue. " Hut when the stays and aujn of Ohri"- tiaiutv were cut li-o*,-, wh.i' followeil ' Kv.i.-tly woulil follow ,1-,-niii ' No L!-ivi>riiiiieiit ; tiPMi-rip'i'.ns i-f thi- I-- 1 heads and hearts ; Ib-fiitioiwnesa lii-lil Inuli carmvttl iiiin-n^ tin- Uv.t Uunli.-.v Tin- uiniitl-li- f-niu-eiMi Ijinil- ll.i wit* dnw;- k'r-1 hulit'iwly :nutlliitil through the strm-ts, and other ladii- --f |-tU'"e) iniio- Cflico, undi-r tin- fold, cruel In'uli-l irros- |.niibilitv had to uo( iiinl- What wen- tin- words i-f Matlame Kolamlitx >he went to the scaffi-ld ! " Liberty, > !IHI rriim-s art- . -iiniiitii'il in Uiy iiuint T'II- siyinhranfe of nanuo wi-re changed .tin! every np-cu-a of intVrnal invi-ntioii, In sustain tlruiik>-n riot uml -ill tin- iiifor nal iqunU --f i-riininitl Inridi-lity wen- pn-n- ent. They pnvlaimed, "TV b n.- <i<*(," and that " I >', .. ./. " When, therefore, you hear lull- kleln blandly tell you of their inn.i-eiu-y and their iibjtvU, look at then- - Ifortii to make f/Vnwr/wn dishtilieve m If evident veiities ,u well iui of/writ, ami ti '.it them an yur direful eneinitM. 'l'ln-> Inive a viper's Mili, Wid the (M-HOII .( tlie .'vsp In under then tongue. Tom. I'aitif, Sir, may lk%T (ruldeai hiii uttentncM, and thon-fotf d" not compare with Ingenoll in vulgaiity ami Miuphrmj that shwks ; but he was noiu the U-~t an ajfeiit for evil aa much if u--t uiorvthui IiiXersoll. Hut, bv yur penniMion, I will r-f. r t.. tlu more particularly in my ueit. TIUTH A HiM-r SoaoBo i. AJ a dressing fvr af manner of flesh wounds there) u nu- thiug bettor than Harvard s Y.-ll.-w Oil. It cleausn. allavs paiu, subjuen iuflammaliun and heala without a sear or uf!n-aa nf li parts injured U is equally vatoablu an a rniin rejsnedy for internal ase. >l .in. iui nu M I of Mi . . |. It o'ill |y any farmer wh.- pays any attention to raising sheep, to sejK-rat-- hi* lames from the rest uf his dock, his year- lings from tlie elder ones, and so on until Duthing but it. -ut. heavy sheep reinuri. Laiubg need more grmiu than the --I-i-: and stouter of the rlock, and the old, poor ones need more thau the laruhi. i;>\ plenty ef urain to thu ewes fur the first four uiouthi at' breeding, and ground lei-i fur the best result* in raising lauib. Oats, rye, com and bran mixed iii equal parts, with a little ttax-aecd meal ajde-l. makes a go<Kl leed. Fur breeding pur POM* get the best buck you call procure. For fine style get UQ<- that has very wrin kly, lung, staple and very uily w< < 1 built with short leg* nut wide apart, straight on (he back, broad butwceu the eyes, white face and Roinuu uie. u a kind that baa gi en me tlie best re- sults. Cive bucks nil the grain ( i-x:- j rye ) that they want, grind and frcd it with their hay and cum fodder- II good shod*, beds and plenty uf t; u u,!i- to feed m, with salt and tar in each, ami good sheep will be the result. - Fan,,,,:, DOHT BM liiPOT.-Msny people are tr> u bled with KiJdmeM or dixiines*, which i generally a sign of disordered dii-ti,,n . aueqoal circulation. Itardook Ulood IlitUrs restores the digestive powers, piosssln a healthy rircnlatioA of the vital fluid*, alliivn orvou imtalioB^tlius curing heads- 1. IT Is NATCBAL. It is natural for surif p o- i.U to be 1'iUoue. -_ ..._ . .. ...| t (J ! . ctUiar bilious tempwraiuunt, wbuh will u living-, toj groaay fiod, iu4i|!iMtiou fr m n- aotlvi- livt-r. is frt-quebt caiae. '1 hi' rme dy, abov/all oth.-rs.' i Itutdock bl.-.J i)i: tan. It is %vhly curative lor all l-ili o . otiiplaftit.. n. I far bVtti-r thau i<:ivU' fur Inactive conditions uf tlie l.i-wf Is. TRUTHFULNESS ! Courtesy, .111 Gorntn.-Gvlil, Siirer. Untied f'/atc, or Uihlc'l. fiohl /Hi-JH.vf irlitit Uifij arr in MatiTiiil iul h'ii <>j (Jnaltf;/. Tbn a nlc rarlrtv (o crlrrt f:oui of ., II.1MII I II. Ml,, tun! .li'it', '/rr/, li.-.i,li. a M l.\ KIS1 Electro Silver Plate Ware : Will t\n~\ It to their a-liitaire to Inspect My Stock ' AM) (tKT MY rillc I -. Hi-Jon- I'urr/ f|l nik T- r a iharn of l'<il.l In. l.a,i...| h. is 1 ,.-. I UKM.INi, 1'lulll <-.!. I . il.liii^ Kri. M . .v.-i-t Ml \\atrh work REPAIREI BY MYSELF: and \* arrantoii W. A. BEOWN, IW[arkdale

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