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Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1884, p. 8

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Heard's Improv'd HARROWS. Arttmetia, June l&th, 1883. MK. JullN 11. HKAHI). I > ;ir Sir, I uke pleasure in testifying that the set of ten-bulled Harrow! 1 poreiiMtd from you last April has >;iveu me entire satisfaction. It being. -;vi n t'> me on trial, I closely watched its operations when at m - ork to find a la nit with it, hut 1 failtd to see any. It is no heavier on my tram than niy sivlmll wooden IHUTOXV. I am yours tnily, . JOHN Wiimiy. District ChuukK. The population >f Paisley is 1,5.18. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLIMAY'S PILLS &OINTMENT THE PILLS- I'.irify tUu lllood, correct all LUsordur&of the , and Iio\vels. They i ivii;.>riiti'nd rc-t.ire to ! .ilih |itl'ihtt*d CoimWtutious. nml are inmlnahle iu all Com- * plaint-* ictital to '.'in.ii--- of all a^os. For i'lnldrtm ami the aged thy are pricl**aa. THF OINTMENT 1* an infallitilo reti. Ha i Hreasti. old Wound*. Sore* aurl I'lcern. It 11 famous for t nn I lllh' inmtiMii 1 or disorders of tin- i'he.-t it ha no uqnal. ,,rSff/n-: TJIHO. rj. niwxcHiTis, COUGHS, COLDS ( ..... rl lall Skin l)i*easc' it ha no rival; and for contracted and stiff joii.!- -. i- like a charm. , . :ilyat rrofei.orHoi.i.owtv's Ki>taliliUuient, Oxford Slrt'i-l ( Into .%:.:.. Oxford Ktrerl . London, an<1 reoldat 1. 1J<1..2 ftl.. 4*. rl., II- -V~ mi I :ti. each ft.u or Vot. and mj he had of all Medi- cine V h>r> throughout Un Wnrld. ; -. I'nn-h'imrt tlu'iil I !' .;. I" tin- I*tl"! on tin l'<:ti tui-l lt>ist.i. If t\t addreu u ) . . ' ' / 8tt '. /,O,II/,,M, th>,j n This is not the " Ked Flag M you have read so much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dealing Flag, carried by Mr. Thos. Duncan, Tailor, Flesherton. FL.KSIIE RTO S,l$IUND DOUR FACTOBl 7 PLAMXG HILL A IV IJ CARRIAGE WORKS, WILSON 1 McKECHNIE, - - Proprietors. O;ir f.ictory in now complete with all the hitest, best, and most improved :IH ry necessary for tnriiin" out everything in our various lines of busi- I, iiiul it will be in thorou;li running order in ;i few days. 1 mtracti for boildingl in town or country takm at the most reasonable i-.Uo*. Work will be guaranteed first-class in ev i v particular, this dfuarl- li in? under the iniiiii.diut.. supervision of H. M. .McKechnic. Sash and in >!.' to order on short notice. Scroll sawing will icceivc prompt and i',i'. 'I'nl iiUnition. I'lanino; a specialty. In C.irria'je in; k kiii- our repulation for first-class work is too well known to any further comment here. A lar.u'c and excelU'iit stock of carriim-es. T suli-. Call at our show rooms and inspirt them. Orders for any tiling 'i this line will receive prompt ntt*ution and the fact that it is direct fy im- Icr th" sup, i-vision of T. \V. Wilson, is a sufficient guarantee that the work nnd nntrrial used will bo (Irst-claBS. WILLIAM HOGG, FLESHEETON STATION. l(p.)]M>ctfully announces Hint lie IIKH received a Large Supply of New Gocds, for UM MM0B, (fl of whicli have liwn purrhtued to tlio bost advantage, and will be mild fheai> for Cash or Country I'roilncr. The new arrivals are KxtoiiBivc and varied in Dry Goods, Winter Clothing, Boots &c., &c.,&c. Also H full Riippiv of IliinUvarr. (.rm-rrii-.. Provisions, C'rorkery. Ac. In upwtion of thn Htnrk invited. .Mi/ J Ira n.c Ii More at EUGENIA kept fully supplied with I offer FOR SALK or TO LET. ray SAW MILL at Little, Fall. ; drivon nnder ,lfi ft h<M4 ,f water ; all in puid order, with aboul 4(K acres of Tnnl.ei Lnnd on which the MiH it fitnaled. 'I here nre iils<> M-veral other Good Mill Sites on the property. Liberal Term* . t> < ithor purouaxc or lesoe to cwnprtrnt mna. \\M. llutji, I'm, lt Nov., 1883. Durham has organized a Woolen Factory Company with u capital of $5,000 in 10 Mr. Stephens, late of the Chesley Kiitrrpriie, has assumed the editorial management f the Walkortun Trlrtcope. Mr. Farewell, of the Thornbury W-n.- ilinl, will prea* his libel suit against the Vtnturt publishers. Orillia has now no. less than three the public favor latest claimant tlio .Vcic-A<r(. /. for Mr. Joseph Knoxt, who was so seri- ously injured at the Stayner explosion, is improving. Buridan are at work in Collingwood. Tlie Mount Forest Agricultural So- ciety'" annual exhibition will be held on the ''2nd and 3rd of October. Mr. John Queen has returned from Dakota and taken up Ins residence in On-hardville axun. He says it is not all (old that (,'hUTs in that country :uiy more than in Uli*. Mt. Forest ('n/i< rotr. A petition, largely signed by ratepayers of Nonnunby, will shortly lie presuuted to the Ministej'.'f JustJve. nxkinu him to commute the sentence. pasi>d ui><>n aie young iiiiiu Nsnh, of AytiMk, some tluee ywurs ago. A religious controversy will shortly l> in full blast in the columns of the Slid buMie Ecoiumuit. The Hrst letter ap- l>cars above thi if(nature " .Miiiih.>d. The Barrio Atlniiu-c has a lengthy article in its last issue, headed, " Ex- ixwing Frauds. The Ailnince claims t .e largest circula ion of any v.eekly pa| or published iior.h of TomnUi in Ontaiio. The Hanovir l'<>*t says "the Walker- ton " egg me "are on the path again, and the hens are obliged to put in overtime to keep them supplied !" "S. Gulliver Kustard ' has an original story in last week's I'.'tl entitled : "His Tara (Jirl ; or A Hanover V.'iing Man's Soliloquy on His Lady Love." Seneca's jot 'em bad. The Mount Forest Ailmc.ttf made its spiK-arance lant week as a four page, nine column paper. The pressure on the advertising cohnnns of this Rplendid journal, necessi|aU.'d its enlargement. Mr. Jewell, of the Stayner .Sun, m recovering from ;i sev mation of the lungs. of inflam- Salt Rheum. Salt Rhetinr, 1'imples and Blotchs^can he thoroughly removed by ft proper np- plirnliim nf Md ire (tor A I'arke's Carbolic Cerate to the part, and a few doses of McGregor's Speedy Cure for impure blood. Be sure and get the genuine Pre- pared by XcCregor & Pnrke. Sold at Ufi cents at Richardson's Drug Store. An 111.-. .1 Attempt to Klovr 1'p r;irli;iiin nl OTTAWA, April 10. - A man who gives his name as " Dr. Coss, from Chieau... has waited on the premier and informed him that IIP wax one of the gaiii; of feuians who had arranged to blow up the parlia- ment buildings. Me ollercd his survive - to thwart tin M'heme. whirli were aceepte.l conditionally. The result is that r. coiipl.- i.f dtttuctirrp are w ..telling ill. movements of the " Dr. TliriT Miillihs III II I'il. MoNTltr.Aj., April III \ well-known fanner .'f t "tmn St. I'i, rre niyht'-rioii.ily disappeared three months :IL'O. He WIIH uddieted to .liink, and .VMS liniineiallv em- \ se.'ireli being inntitiite.!. liis clothes were ...iin.l at the e.lj; . ..f ;ui nn holi- in the l.'e nil file li\i". ||e was mourned us dead, but it see'"- , -.-en'teil himself in an iiiioeenpie.l ) ' |.it until a day ortw.iago. wji-n ui m-nii^lit walks he ^piaiued bis ,'inkl i pn-k ed up and t.iken to the h- i,, . wife found him. Mi, , . . MoNTIll U \,'',l . ,;,,.) hupvctor "f hve xt. , from IM I'lMirie Co t H four-fifths of the I inf, cted with c'n-, , (piarantni" u. tin ii . (,, ( , ru . vent tin ipread . fiir.-e.l. S..IM.' < i -Tii.llf any wool hate , ,,,,( reci.nilneli(l."l f A CA-! HWDl ,. ,,{ Mr John ioi W | )n was affliet.'d With a I ..( the ki'i.i. |,,, v _ ins I'ailod. his lid- wns '("spairo'l of Two I'.'ttlen 'f I', ..-! liittors Cllr^l hi. Hi.-t sUtnipnl - v.'uchc.l f r l.y .1. ! M Lpod.J. I' new hi' condition. Tl cnrelt.coiKi'lornd mnrvlloiiH in thi* town. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. SD ntlier complaint! are so inalilioui In their ntuck an those iilf voting the thront :u.>l limp: none so trifled with by Ike majority i>f sutler- en. The ordinary cough or cold, it-suiting lrua|i from a trilling ur uuconfci.'iu x- |H*ure, it often but the beginning t>f a lain! ricknen. AVEit'8 CIIKKKY I'l i i"iiu. liu well proven its efficacy in a fortv yc:in' fiyltt with throat nnd lung diieaac*, uud kbould N* taken in all cages \vithouldelay. A lei I Ililr Cough < nrril. "In IKSTl took Hwvi-r.'onld. uliirhanYrti'il riv IUII^P. I lirx.l :i t.-rnl'le rough. nli4|>iiMi4'.l nlgui alter nlKlit without |M.|I. T lie oetOTI KK- me up. 1 tried A IKK'* CIIKIIKV I'M - I.IKAL, ivlm'li relii-v^l my lmiK,,,-.d sl.'f|'. Hint :itt"i.l.-,l ni the nl no.-. --ON lor tiu* reo>vfry of my Min.^ili. liy the fontlnitrd IIM- of the I'M Toit.\ I. u ]H>rnt- In-iit eui'e \\HS ettei'U'il. 1 mil iinw i.: 1 year! old, hale Hiid hearty, and am haliMWd jour I lll.KHV 1 M K'HAI wtYM Inc. 1 1. '11 A. F. I-' \ll:|:U"i 111 K." Itocklnfliun, Vt., .Inly 1ft, Iss;. Croup A Molhrr'a Tribute. " While in the coiiMry lat \vintvr HIT little N-T. ilirec >i-ars olil, n* iHkf.ii ill with eroup; il j'eiiie<i :i* if ln-"iiM die from^u- hitlon. tine of the family Mi^geKted ih. HIM "I Ull;'- <'m IIKV I'M 'role .\ I., I'otlV of uln.-h nan ulwnj-4 k. i t In the houiw. TliU was trll in Muall and frv.iur-i.i .1 . - n .1 tootir delimit in li -- limn half mi Loui lht> litlle |.ai'iii :m IT. ,,l!i iif encily. Tli.- <ioi- t"i sutt Ilint Ui- IlllKltv J'l .' loi; A I. li,.t Mir->l niv <t.ii line's life. Can >ou v. ;.!! at tmr grutiuiile'.' Sinctn-ly \ouf>, MK. KHM4 <:ri>xr.v." 160 Wet l:>lu St.. Nuw York, Mn> Hi. i- f >, " I have llffed A \ 1 it's I'm I:IM I'l i ] 1: \ 1. ill niy fainih for S.-M-I.I! y.ii-. :nnt lo not lieaitalc to (.1 -I'loui:!-.' II the n rwt . tl.-.-lnal for vou^lis Hud in-Kin u* hm i- r\ir tried. A. !. <'u \ N l ." 1-ake Crystal. Minn.. March 13. -'. I ftVml for fight yc-nr* from Urniirhillii, and after ti\iiijr ni:tnv un . .!i, - with ii MH-- rw, I Wlt cured li\ I he u.- i it A \ I r ' I III k- ln I'l.i i 01; \ i . .|IIH I'll \V.\l.ln. >." Krhalla, Mi--.. April :.. ls*2. " I cannot ay > nou^'ii in |t:n-ot Avrn'A CllKKII\ I'liti'llM. h.!:.Mi.- ; , | do that 1'Ul for itn llftc I should loii| rincf liav.' <tii>d li.'in liilin Ir.'Ulilen I!. r.iLVoiu.v." ralcitini, 1 1 xa-. April I". 1 . I--.'. tin ciuw of n nffcetif>ii of tho thmat or rung* rxittit which cmmAt lx* pretl> n-lteTeU hv ih^ n* of Avn:' rmi'iiv I'KI Tnit.M., and it will nlirayi ntrr when the dlw iw i* nut already hryoud the control of me.l . inc. rnrrAKEU nv Dr. J.C.AyeriCo., Lowell, r/.asi. Sold by ul> Alr PLESHBRTON Jewelery STORK. J. R. TRIMBLE, DBALEfi IN EUGENIA Grist Mill, is Lath Mill AVatelies, (locks, Jewelry, Spectacles, I'iuli. >.<. <Vv. No Bogus Discounts f or ofhrr Cltrp-Tr j> ln<ln<-t li/rttfx of/'frcd, but NI' 1 1 i/t>i( (roex!* lift .'on 1 r/.v thi i, ii ii he ji"'n retl ciinsis'i'i, i : tfi ttOJfEST TRADE Watch Kc|aifi'ing a specialty- .-III II I- Ilsvinp raxlo rxtonsivr iinprovrmeiitH In my I M Isl Mill, I lllil r.mti.leiit I call ; l\ e good katisfartinn. CHOPPING DONE ANY DAY. Oood Fhnir always on linnd. Custom S;n\ inii, and BillB filled on the sin rt. -.t notiee. Lum- ber and I .:ith iilwii.x i- nu hand. WANTED : rhorry, Iliitternut, White Ash, lllaok Anli, Daawood, Pine and Hemlock Logu wantnl. M. AKITT, ECGKMA May Int. 1883. fin/mi' iii'i'iit/ I i>r..iin. .r< \ ,\ of Time. .Wiirv/i. Division. GOING NORTH. Toronto, ili'p.. 7 '.i' u in. 4.. r io |t,iu .. H 10 a.m. " Mi Kon-t " Harrit"M " 1.-. -WHI.T. nrr. Owun .S.HIII I Kin:, 1'J .lip in I'J'.'i ' 7 :ir, <!! '.1 !> 1U.:W lo:) li:iuii m. . .............. l.:K) " lo:) " iM p.m. GOING SOUTH. 'ii s. i Kul. flop. '..I'.a.m . . 7..10 a in Harriitun " 1.11. " i;.n . arr.ii.ou \\ \\IIVTI:. il.M. Sl-I-'T. Ml 4 Jl 4.10 7.30 y.v> lift p.m. v. M.MCOI.I,. (iklN'L E'AIIR. AOT. Mi i : \\ i: FLP.SHBRTON STATION: Norfh. nt ll.'onin, :; in p.m.. A H:H1 p in Smith, i.! i. l.i u in. . ,' :.lj|'in PRIVATE SALE OF FARM (& FARM STOCK .'(n.l I'-ifm /m/,/, ,,t: i,t.i. -- -ALSO - 50-11 RK IMKH TO KEXT. mmsi:s KOI: I li ..... lmtchd I 1 . 'am nt ui><"\ wo^kinf! lior- ^.H'.i- inn Man, good (IrtTor, T IK. nold r cii-li. TO I Imven.Kinrre i'.-in it.i H..iit T! : ; Farm in I niil.t limn KI.'Kii.irtiMi, llan Ko.i.1 IniiMiDpi on it aii'l in wi II " L' - i FAKM IMI'I.KVKVTS nil SALE. Tor H.ile nt .1 llarituui D.inliln Hnrnew.Hingln Tinnier, \Viwi;.. IIH. slHi(jli, lUmiwr. Sulky Kko, 1'lown. ana n luga nnrabn t utnpr [niutaCMiits, Km in ticiilarn, Jan. 44. 1 , i.. ninrr, PATENTS MFXN * m.. r.f the srirvrinr AvrniiM\. << n- Itnuetoitct in llollclton for I'ulv: nV Mrk. Copirluhli". for the L'a.uii >'..ii -. i n ula. KtiKlniuJ, h ntn< -. to-rnwiy. eti\ Ii M 'I r l*Ktrnm MMit friM*. Thlrtv-" ' **n jrcarV I uce. I'xtenliiohOlnedlhniui-hMl .N N \\ ( " I IntbeSfiKNTiMC AM tun A\. th.' '.nil inotit widely rirrulatiHl wlentlflc |WI|K- r. M T.oemr. We'klj. Hplendld enirrnvlniiH ami IMi r. ,i, In- formation. Kueclnienroiijr f iho MclfiillBc Amrr. Iraniu'nt fr>f Ad.ln- Ml'N N A i 11 . >. n .\nrio AMEUU'AN omcv. Hit Broadway, New \ rk WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DVSPEPSIA, \ INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE 1 ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING V Of THE HEART, ACIDITY OF \ THE STOMACH, DRY MESS OF THE SKIN, And evrry iperlM of dliraia arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS. STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. HILBURN 4 CO., ^'ara YELLOW OIL : CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S ' WORM POWDERS. Am pleasant to tak.v Contain thnlr oi Parstivn. Ii a safe, tarn, nn.l fftfria*! warmt in Childrau or DO "5TOTT ! ; the LISTS OF "FARMS FOR SALE" AID "FARMS WNTT.D- DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL TIC M*u ti ^ IT. in- I lie lt.T..isnl<-.l NnHani far Farm Ait- And eonl.Vin* more rf tKem than nil other L'unlKlhn Mpen co^v bmcd. I thai 390,000 reader* of the ricfct c1s. APVMtTIAKI^MT!l of'T^mn for Sale" I -' ^Vante.1. " "Stock "-oa V Sed fr Sale" Of "Wauled" n^ftf, I ip II WTIKIV MAIL. yt^"I>rt >ncd mk InotUj.' 'i HfM'* rr*f, frt vpptt f"f fit tHtrrt,a*t, ur In Till- klA ^| V MAIL M < "ft t*l/*u jnr il k h Imerttofl. THK HAIL

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