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Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1884, p. 5

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Wedding Bells: Our Worthy Township Clerk no Longer a Bachelor One of the most interesting events which has taken place in this section of Grey for some time was the marriage of the worthy Township Clerk of Artemesia, Mr. W.J. Bellamy, to Miss Mary E. Osborne, daughter of James Osborne, Esq., Osprey, on the n9th inst. The matrimonial knot was skillfully tied by the Rev. C. Shaw, of Maxwell C.M. Church, at the residence of the bride's father, after which the newly married couple, accompanied by a number of friends and relatives, drove to Flesherton, where they sat down to a splendid supper at the residence of the bridegroom's parents. After doing apple justice tot he bountiful repast, the young married pair drove to Flesherton Station, where they took the train for Toronto. They have the best wishes of all for their future happiness and prosperity. Hanley-Carson.-By Rev. Thos. Grandy, assisted by Rev. A. Wilson, on the 9th inst., at the residence of the bride's brother, James G. Carson, Esq., William C. Hanley of Artemesia, to Margaret Carson of the same township. McMullen-Rowe.-On the 9th inst., by the Rev. D. C. McDowell, at Flesherton, Mr. Wm. McMullen to Miss Amelia Sophia Rowe, all of Artemesia. (Til 1 1ffilif IfGl il ill f i / f I am I 1 LI At tJie Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a large assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. -Local and Other News. Brevities Muter Frank Uollainy is home on a ahort visit. We have to thank Mr. CXrnfield for copies of some American paper*. Somebody broke a pane of ".liws in tlie front window of Gordon&apos;s harness shop on Good Krnl.iy. "\V. It.&apos; 1 made an exhibition of himself on the hotel square, Flosherton, on Good Friday. Whiskey, of course. Mr. R. Cook, agent for the celebrated Maunders&apos; Ontario Iron Harrow, has already manufactured and sold 25 sets of Early Birds Uexcrrr the Worm Mr. T. H. Firth has a fine brood of young Plymouth Rock chickens just htitched, the first of the season. Plymouth Rock eggs, (Young Pilk ins Bride ) imported stock 91.00 and $1.50 per setting, 13 ; also Im|>orted Pekin Ducks eggs ; imported stock, 91.60 per (tting,9. splendid harrows this season. A little excitement was caused by oue of the chimneys in Mr. R. J. Sproule&apos;s residence Fleaherton, oatchiux fire on -Good Friday. Tli.- j lumber is at work in M. Richard, aun&apos;s new block fitting in the gas pipes. lie will probably finish his work this week. Mr. J- G. Kefer formerly of THE Ai> VAXCE and late foreman in the news de- partment of thu St. Thomas L&apos;ui/y .is now on the Forest AVee Frew stalt The ynuth who "acted drunk," and made use uf vulgar language in thu pot oftioe on (iinid Friday afternoon, had no idea what a fool and laughinx stock he of himself. Ayer&apos;s Cathartic Pills are suited to very age. Being sugar-coated they are ay to take, and though mild and pleasant in action, are thorough and searching in effect. Their efficacy in all lisorden uf the stomach and bowels is certified to lr.&apos; eminent physicians, irominunt clergymen, and many of our Mist citizens. We direct attention to Russell, the noted Fleshertou Jewelry man&apos;s lar^e ad- t crtiacmeiit in another column. He in v-mls, we U-liuve, to keep a large stock oi first-class pipes for sal o shortly. Mr. Tims. Duncan, our re*i>octed tail < r, fell from tin- t"|> f the stain, leading t" hia :i;iartm:iit* ill Richardson&apos;s block, to the bottom, n C<MH! Friday. He bad a very narrow i-vapo from hciiiK killed. ALasG. A. N. l*age bus just returue* front <hnm ffnatid with all the latest shape* in H it. and M prv|>nrod to make up am do wur sti.iw , Fult, and Leghorn Huts in all the UUat sty lea, at Hulmor&apos;s l&apos;li..t. graph Gallery, Fln>herton. - If you want lirst-alns photographs to Ja\ Ciilnn : Klenliertoii. If yr. wnnl photinmiphs copied or ciilargetl in first- vi:issstylu, -.1. to the same place. It you want frame* anil frninu lixnu-n, e>. t" the name place. Everything at rc;un.nable prices. - The DuiMlttlk II--I ill is soaii&apos;.&apos;ry with us, tliat he failed t" notice our visit to his sanctum in thu last issue of his delectable hevt Who hut an iyitorumtti would b so wanting in common courtesy, let alone the ordinary usage* of journal - isin ? The man who rwVusudMr. R. Mcdill, FleshcrUn Station agent, of putting the wp&apos;in: date <>n a retuni ticket he pur- chased fnim that gentleman, inutile :i l.i- mut.t&apos;hr when he treacherously iuu*/uilt< .1 him. Mr. McOill should >< that the fellow is judged. Perfect situndmiM i>f body and mind is possible only with pure blood. Leading authorities of all ciuh/c.l countries order Ayer&apos;s Sar8a|>aiilla as the liest blood-purifying incdicino in ex- istence. It VMtly increases the working mid productive powers of iM.tli hand timin. N >, | , rin. Messrs. Milburn A Gadd have entered nto partnership in the carriage-making and blacksmithing business, M aiiii&apos;>uncvd n our advertising columns today, in the stand* formerly occupied by Mr. T. W. Wilsol in the same business in Fleiilierton. Mr. Mi &apos;.burn, senior member of the new inn, is a fint-cUas carriage maker in every respect as hi* work shows ; and Mr. <is4d takes lunsecond plaee in the blacksuiithurg The rirm<mpli>y good hands, and use only the best material in the construction ol the various kinds of vehicle* manafartured liy them. They are both young men of good business habits, industrious and rnergetic, and we are very much mistaken if they do not succeed in working up an extensive patronage. Repairing in both lines of business promptly and cheaply at- tended to ; and hone-shoeing, as usual, second to none. GREY SPRING ASSIZES- Seduction ( ase. nnover "Post&apos; Libel Suit. -Cook I. , i. a., . Tho County of Grey Spring Assizes were opened ill the Court House, Owun Sound, mi Tuesday last at une o&apos;clock p. dge Wilson, presiding. suay [), J N TYPES. FROM Tax IM.AXU PUMTIB. U alike tlie H y.lra. that mrth K> druaJed, We&apos;re niany-bodlm! withutt a hea,l; Of paraJoi jit hurt- *r trace*. Though l.i-U< s wu Lave siauy (aca*. Wee &apos;rv %ll liniinages alllsb. wu the wronn. ui li.&apos;la the right ; >e&apos;re a utMthty puwer. Hut aep&apos;rate. weak aa trailuat flower. **^" "&apos;-"&apos;>&apos;&apos;""&apos;* ~M"frll^ V~*y Krom the compo&apos;s wrath, u he makes a fc pi iMjr I &apos;" * nT nitr "that&apos;s not vet tnea, tnc I impor- wbteh u ^ing nude up lot . de up lot the bid. in., his lordship Of the civil iant OM was an Jurt ^^ ^ Mr Jy ellcfc Ae wv&apos;re li-.-i 1 .1 Uwether into tho itlck, . . &apos; SooSlto b locke.1 up iu U.chaM, under promisti of aiamaKe, brought by VMio a think our master were eo base ? Eleanor Guy, f ill. Township of St. \ oht ^ toogu-i . cry wjlh ^ \ mount, againat Jaines Bell of tho same For now we&apos;re uouoded with mallet and plane, Township. When placed in the witness * I "J." r &apos; r To l>r iT *" u"." 1 , , He It OasapbeJl, or PoMar, liabcock, or Hoe, box, tho plamtitt showed how keenly she I felt her tryinu poaition ; but alth*igh * &apos; oJr&apos;Vaiw."^"&apos;^"/^^ hlle undergoing the . AJ every man our nintht can leal, Ho to oar craft we&apos;re true M stvul. \V* Us&apos; times she faltered One Day Lair. We are one day late iuuiug THE An- this week. We held liack ill urder to nive our readers a full report of thu severe cross cianiinstioii, her evidence was clear aud convincing : in fact the evi- dence for the prosucution throughout was clear and sttai|(htfurward, and created a| favorable iiu|>reasiuo on judye and jury. chlii"eu oratlui u" The defendant, 11*11, cont radicted liimaelf unce or twice m refuroiice to a certain date&apos; which was aii important "link" in thu case. Ho uainav FLATLY tho more important stateutentsof the plaintiff and her brother*. Th>*idcnc% of di lViidanU| own siswurs, howvvor, comiJctely destroy- ed his &apos;&apos;line of defence outside of his own | contradiction. Tho cross examination by 1 plamUda solicitor was masterly. The judita charxed strnnu&apos;ly in favv>r of plaintiff. Thu jury retired, and brought in a verdict i&apos;"r |>laintltlf<>r $. r >00 dana^es, defendant also to pay costs. It was generally conceded, that the jury made a VKHV SMALL AWAKU to the j . &apos;1114 lady wh<*e reputation is n..w blasted for life by the libertine IVll. As aoon as the jury brought in thnr verdict. Hell was arrested on a new charge winch had U&apos;i&apos;ii ilevi 1"| &apos;) in the course of the soductioii case. Ho evidently did not anticipate this LITTL* "fII&apos;RliK I-AETT." Another important c.-uie on tbe civil list, was that of a certain Meafurd medicine cm|>any vr* Ketchuni of tin 3m. FKOf. IX>WH MAOIC Sl&apos;I.l&apos;Hl&apos;K SOAP lli-aliug. M>tlilux. aiiJ i-I>-ali>liii! tor all (rruptlte dliesiii of the kiu Delitthtf ul (or toilet use MARRIED. HASLKT-- Taaanv Hy Ke. Thou ( as- iteil by ll-T A Wllmin. un tin- Jth m.t . at the reeidenee of the brlile * brutlwr, Jaitiee G. t&apos;anon.Kiwi ."\Vilhau. (&apos; llanley n( .Vrtomeila, to Margaret C&apos;arxju of thu aajuvtuwnahiy. M. Mi I.M-. U wr. -On the Btk hut. by the Kev DC Vlcl>.>wll. at riealwrton. Mr. Win MeMulltn to MM* Au.rlia 8opka Howe, all uf Cook Twts case. This cast), however, has bsX&apos;ii |Ht|>oned until next assices. ADVERTISEMENTS- Birriap TTcrks! Milburn & Gadd, oKS .f ili.. ai-.v- work*, are pra- tteod to ever) tlunii m U.u LffiE FOR SALE ! In Apply to MKS LOCIBA Dl&apos;C&apos;KETT The Thorough Bred DUEHAM BULL I>nke." W.I) itan&apos;1 for ( &apos;.iwstk* season of lw4. all/&apos; 1J M Bases Wawt. ArtanMsla. neai t :. -I . Htatiou Tuue.-l per <xs , to WMH bring 1B ove four eow > reduction will be uia.i.- Ouwe ol returned n^ularly to the ball will t nhsrgert ss iessrm i ----- *.^*v.^ 1: , ,.f ., ,.^ Tu DK paid for oo or befor* January lit. imv DONALD UcKF.N7.IE. l*roi>rletor VMK to the ynmlM of the tubaaibw. Lot V Uon 4. TowSMhip uf Oeprey. a .ma, 1 two feai ..Meer, laaS fall. Owner can have atiue by l>rrin yro|ierty anxi>a)taeipae. 1 W HODGSON Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE It hreby liven that the partner heretofore . luting between u the awl Hl<-tniil,<. ha> been (hit . day direolved by mutual eoownt All iUbu uwtus to the said uartaeimhlp. arc t I- ILL! to JauiM. 1&apos;. OatlJ at rieehertuu. an<l . :aiii.<a|ainel the >aM iMtrtnnhi|> are t< i preaentra lo the >ai I Jaiuee V. Oadd. by whoi i the aauie will be acttiixl Dated at rUaheru-u. this h day of Man HssE JAMES P (ADD. J H CAlirVH.Mt. iWiinessi W. J. BILLAMT. THE FAMILY WELCOME, TliU it on* of th* larrwt andbert tor> I |HM - published lu AmerUa. It U full of Mis(!. A. N. l&apos;.i&apos;,v I*-, just reiiirneil In. in Owen KiMind with all the latent nh.ip> in H:it.i, ami IM pre|>ared to mnku up and do ovur Straw, Kelt, and Leghorn Hut* in nil the latest styles. Shop cip- |Msito M. Kicliurdson&apos;s general .it ore. rlcfilicrUn. &apos;Net .1 dollar&apos;s worth of hddy or trashy auction ipnuls are allowed on the shelves of W. J. McFurland&apos;.i store. He Oranitc Lol|{rs. Two now Orange Lodges were orxan- ixed in the Township of Euphrasia during tin&apos; pic.M-nt uinuth by District Master Thos. (iilra.v, >, v " *&apos;" IM4 &apos; &apos;""&apos;">- Hill, and Su. 9)4. McDonnell&apos;s Corner&apos;s. U. ,l,li.:- It. II.. Our Worthy Township Clerk no &apos;ijoiiger a Bachelor. (hie of the m.*: interesting events which has taken place in this section of I irey for some time, was the marriage ..f tho worthy Tuwnsirp Clerk of Artcmesia, Mi W. J. Bellamy, to Miss M.iry . <M.riie, daii:jlit< i- of James Ol ,. rno, EMI., Osprey, on the !1h inst. Tin- matrimonial knot was skillfully tied by the -Key. <&apos;. 8lnW, of Maxwell f M Church, t the residence of the biiile&apos;s father, after which the newly maim-.l couple, accompanied by a nnmlier of friends and relative*, droveto Fleolierton, when 1 they siit il..wn ton splendid supper at the residence uf bridegroom&apos;s fain-ntx. A ft i i -doing ample j&apos;l.stiee to the bonnti fid repHHt, the yoiuu{ niarneil pair ilr.v.- to Kh&apos;shcrtoii Statrwn, where they t.>k train for Tor. .nto. &apos;1 bey luive tho heat wishes of all for t&apos;n ir future b:i].; and prosperity. Anioriraii N. v><,>;t|i< i In IHH4. From the editii.h of .MriHm (ieo. I* |{o well A t&apos;o.i AMKKICA* NKWSI-APKR f Carriage Making & Blacksmithiiig ! Hues promptly and well Repairing in both Branch&apos;s iue.liciiie.Nimi.Htiy made an advertisiiiK Promptly attended to. .-..ntra.-t w.thth.- fW man for a stat. -.1 HoKSK SHoKING A Sl&apos;KCIALTV. |.tTioil, thu r.&apos;inpaiiy to pay quarterly. | __- _ _ At the end .if th tint three month* of tlif c. iMtimt, Ketrlium .- nt 111 his ac- count, audl&apos;ailmvft.. elicit a reply, wrote aoiin. The 111. lieine companv n. t l.-inu- & ii>., |mid their &apos;little lull at the time agreed iijKin. nisryvt. for i.|ne tisae afterward*. Ketcliurn ilrnoiinwd tlrviu tliroiUfh *u- /&apos; &apos; .K ti.iii.U ; hence -nit IT 111 . 1 Was Li&apos; u^lit .i.&apos;iin-t linn, tin- damage.!) IK&apos;IIIL.&apos; ].!.in ! at )*."p.<N(O. Mr .lax. - i n t.iry "f the nifdicinu c< .iii|n\ , U-nii; placcil in the Ixix, coubl n aay whether the t&apos;oiiipanv li.ul vujitaiiK&apos;d any damage* or not l>y tliu imhliiatioii of tbe Hem Ntory nil K .tmi Humor. \n..|oe anil td. niur. . In fart, tkerei will net be s elm** line of dull llilie.1 the l>t an. I IMh I . >. . . One dollar per annum m ail . Pabllilie.1 the l>t an. I IMh I . >. . . month. Terms : One dollar per annum m ail vaiioe Aurnta wanted everywhere. MulHSi free. Addrees " Tbe Family Wsiseo Out. Tenders Wanted. ved u|> to a t-&apos;liun-li at ill be Hi "t Me> !>m..r iU&apos;il.\ Church to be oantlum i.n >f>m> ("Uiidatinu. an. I I. nek veiMered. I&apos;lam ail. I Sor^lQcall&apos;Mii I IM) x-v:i at I. 1. &apos;rii"ini>-n -. <>I>IN>II.. ih.. (lrit Mill Tli- e-imuiiti- ilon n.>t bin.l theuuejves to acci&apos;l&apos;ttliu lt-t <r any t.-n.!- i UOHN HI HI.Iil-RT. Becy. G noli i lli:>TK]l Will I K IIOMt VOK KAI.K ( lii-|i A|i|ily l.i W H. C&apos; l.lltl.. Mill*. ArtaiueeU. ri&apos;ferrt-d t Ketch um to p.-i\ I&apos;be mat) was settled : T. H. FIRTH, hiinter. Glazier. Sign n,,. trk.iof rook i.ct, curved with&apos; Writer. Paper Hunger and |M>isoninK his wife, WHS. postnitisd until J^dlxnnt-inet&apos;. tin- next assixesi. Tlie pnrticulam in > n ,,,it,,.,i witiuh..tnvi--drathof *mu*b\PAl&apos;Klt HANGING AND are well kn.&apos;Wii to our readen. GORDON&apos;S HARNESS SHOP TOHV. now in press, it :t|>|>ears that tile newspaper* H"d |K rioili, ;il> <it nil kin U il present i.^^u.&apos;il m t*e I lilted Stataand C;i:i;id.i roiw&apos;i a rand total i.f IM,4<>-_&apos; This in n net gain f precisely 1,1&apos;HHl ilur n\i tht! lafll tw> Ive ni<i>itli4, .unl I&apos; an increase, of .Viil.S on r ihe total her pnlilil&apos;d just ten M ur< illiiv. ini|H,rU direct fn.m the Hritish and Can- wa8 . 4>M &apos; l)lln " i. 1 &apos; 10* have increased In f " r tho wieklies from &apos;.(.m&apos;,-. 1 to adian niaiuifactiirit;*, and pays cash every dollars wnrtli of sfood.1 hv hnmllefi ; henui&apos; hit iiuinuiisu business and*uci-e:t* a merchant. A> 1,&apos;xrnoTicTKii PJUIII.T. Is one that lias Dot Unit valuable n ninlv, llngyHiua Yillow Oil iu I In&apos; b&apos;VIH&apos;&apos; (or ,i. lit- IIUil . :i . I,;, n oies. Il cures ould*. croup, noro il.i out, Jeof ueas, rlHiiuiatiMii. ururalKin, chil i&apos; bruisrn, ou4 all paiuf..! injuru-s. increase in IS7lo\er tin total for ,-.1 xeai the I.IIIH to I, lO.d&apos;.&apos;H : monthlies from I , <ri| to l.t&apos;.c.i niiin- Tin th ami The l>re:itet iiuTease 1^ in the \\ . slern Stiite* Illinois, for instance, now shows l.ixt&apos;i ps|ier* in place ot l.i-t \e:n&apos;s total of !HM, wkile MiMoiui ities i;o4 insleinl of the 6&apos;J:J reported m 1SH.1. Oilier leading; Western States nl.-o exhibit a grent pT cenUigc (>f increiisi&apos;. &apos;!&apos;!,. t.&apos; nuinlx r of papn In New Yoik Stitii. i- I ...&apos;.;. . _ i.u st 1.J1VI in 18S3. Ca-a&apos;j* !i. liarol in lie j* "! .! iucswa e. A K. -ni. IM Raid. Predicted by Mr J Sterling-of Maxwell. It is nit xeticlully known that the |in.r little villai;c of Maxwell, in tbe I&apos;.. i. -hip of iNpri&apos;y.i.i the happy |MswdSor if a genuiiie " fond Her of en ntH. &apos; Hut Mich re.&apos;illv ap|i*M to ).e tin. fjwo. 1&apos;Jie ..&apos;iitb-man who no iipiesthis dist in\&apos;iii.&apos;<bi-<l .unit i. in m thu vilku;.&apos; roferted t.., is no ii-wi a I.IT-.II than -Mr. .1. Sterlun.&apos;, who ii well ki,"vvn totli* voojile .1 Kb-sherton .iid locahli. Mi. !t-erliii|{ predicts till* I&apos;loMiiev will IK&apos; over-run ni.&apos;iin ibiMiii; tin tir>t week in June tt. Hi- advisos &apos; ill.,&apos;er ami towns- |>eo|>le to eej; seclusion ill tho forests tin) r. >rkv faatiii&apos;KrM "I the rural districts. He foumU his pivil.ctioiis on soinetlnil); il . ..nci 1&apos;iniiv " \rmai;eililoii " m tbe hook of .!&apos;., 1. \V t! Imvo not hud an apportunity t.. interview Mr. St.&apos;H ni{ personally on tho subject, but arc informed that ho is lioroiiijlily ill I&apos;lirn. H in tho expression f his views. tho In-ok of Joel i HII lullv fn i i !"_:iiiiiiir^ to end, but failed to sc-e iui\ tiling aUmt a Fenian invasion in Ontiiio in Juno of tho yen- A. D. 18K4 in its sacred pai{os. Wo would rsxpe&apos;-tfully sti^i-Ht that Mr. rhii&apos;^ L:U e&apos;. IK n IH. .ni for iiiakiin( such a remarkaU* as will as- me&apos;.l a A SPECIALTY Orders left at Ric)i<ir<Lwriii Drug Store, Ftr\/n-rfon. will lie I.TOIH ptltj filled. FLESHERTON. Steam Float* Hill A T FLESHERTOy KTA HO.V. For Sale! l*rl<* *S Ml ; HO> down . l*laace In > < Ih.laliii.&apos;ht* . will, llir prtrUff^of !> ,-. -lit i-r aiiniMM "n uii|>id |>rinvi|.*l I&apos;t l&apos;> KBIT oa BAST TBHIsV Win. SKI. I, < iu vr au.M<il l&apos;ii&apos; I A|i|ily li> OK KV II \Vi.l-: KOli IK. i \,.ai&apos;.mi{ Colts, wefl W. W fniMllt.K 2.-F ARMS !-2. TO RENT OR SELL. Both wOI wsU&apos;rwl. All In tbe TownU> f The Thorough lircd AYRSHIRE BULL. "Colonel Ross," . TTTII.I, .nii.l f ( . r rowsMMUK.n ..f I MM t W CoWafwood 81, Tillage of FUelMrtM .f I MM tt Lot 10. tM r if n..t |i t tinin TWO THOKOU0H-HKKl> DURHAM BULLS ! (With lioo.1 KrKts*vrvl IVI^i&apos; . FOU SAL I-:. On 1 yaars old, lor 3C.aiil oue \ for SSS. I > nM (1 p. i ow >ai>h . , f tt&apos;r\ u &apos;. lu |>rr fi&apos;lit ill . or bstor* Jaaoary 1st, IHK&apos;. Cows ao% rasnriMd r.u&apos;uUtU will b Ohargsit for wh..|hi.r 1n rait or I not 1&apos;artnti liriiiitiiiK 4 or nn-r a r-ltirllon ill u. iua>le. Uruuninfeee 111 -nt at lUn.i uf wr- flsje \v \v April Hth, !. For rvirthorrsrticulan |&apos;|.l> tu ROOEK LF5VEK. .&apos; &apos; BUTCHER SHOP! IN FLESlJER&apos;lON. J. W. BATES, Furniture Undertaker, OXT Vrtt to announcv to trs) ix^-i&apos;K- "f Klre!u-i ami vicinity. teWt he hat O|H-MO*| <>ut it But* I &apos; Mi.. ! in tin. alejn.l forinejly e&apos;i&apos;i U&apos; I kjr J. \V. Matf as a /niejture tor,4rtier l.u ,ill !> , i. - |.rl tu At) sk>onln (or rKKtHl MK.1T V- FISH .&apos; )>r<&apos;in|itly audat fair pnou*. |- Mrai .l.-lun. 1 tu ll )*> U uf Ihe vUlagc.

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