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Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1884, p. 4

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Russell's Noted Jewelry Store! Ricliarrison's Block, Flcslicrtoa, For Bargains ! People wonder at the prices, and ask, " How can he sell so cheap ? " The reason is, he BUYS DIEBCT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS FOR CASH, and therefore sells at WHOLESALE PRICES, giving the public the greatest bargains ever offered. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Impairing a Specialty ; Satisfaction Guaranteed. Hales for Cash only. THE ADVANCE. . .'.!! Fui rcctf. Editor. FLESHERTON : THURSDAY. APRIL '17, 1884. of'!; .Y AII intensely interesting new story, i :::ilkd ' Phyllii," by one of the most popular authors of the day, commences in this issue of TUB Anvx^-K. Any one subscribing for THE APVANCK I '.wii-n MOW and the first of June, will be supplied with back numbers of the paper, so as to get the story com- plete. In order to increase our cir- culation a hundred or more during t!.o next six weeks, we make the fjllowiii:' special offer, vui, we will si :id THK AUVANI-B to any addrc* ; in i ...da or the I'nited States from now till Jan. 1, 1HS5, for rtU cents. 1 i ibe now. < /; 1 1 AlilW- Spt-akinjr of the Salvation Anny, the t'...- T!: ir:ili;iry Htmnlard has the fol- lowing, wliich has more truth than . i:i it: Wo oft o.i think our churches are bo- cjiuiii;,' too tony by far. lirlon-you c-.m L-.JJUU a uistcla-- Clii-istian in our v-'r.iic:;. -.11 must talic- several decrees i.l tin 1 La, Vender Scented Aristocracy : t; !' I'D. \'i'i i'<i toduii'ch you : siv your boots shim- like pa- t. .it !iat!ur, an 1 that every hair is 1. veiled down with i x ptisite lljforc yon join tho chfirch \<ii L-- "goody." The Anny come 1 ; to e i.l tin- .sinners not tlij rightcoii i to n;Miitanee. We wish tho A- my t-vt-ry success, an.l A< far Vis M-al I'l.ii.iti.uiity goes, #.: believe the Ann/ is right, and is doing a work tl.o Lavender rJcenteJ'Chuich Aiisto- ci'acy have neither tho [>luck nor i.i-nal courage to do. THK ALl'ATHL\ AHMY. The lieutenant and one of the members of the Salvation Anny in Ovcu Sound, paid Fleshertou a brief visit last week. Three meetings were held by them in the Methodist Church ; one on Thursday evening, one at "2 o'clock on the afternoon of Good Friday, and one on the evciiuig of Good Friday. There were very large audiences at each of the servi-es, and good order prevailed throughout. The zeal and earnestness with which the young women conducted the services, together with the nightin- gale-like singing of the lieutenant, created a profound impression ; and many people upon whom tho "glad tidings" had heretofore produced no effect other than ridicule, were vofteucd and moved as they had never been before. And while the young lieutenant related some touching Incidents in connection with her conversion, many eyes grew dim with the tears that could not be restrained, and many earnest prayers Avero offered to heatcn in behalf of the young woman Him had given up home and kindred to enter on a life of hardships of almost every kind imaginable, in the Scrrico of hf- Master. SnVh kid-gloved religious aristo- crats as the Hi v. Thos. Hall, of Kingston, l:iay use all the vulgar and ungeiitli manly language in denounc- ing the Salvation Anny they [please, but the army i? doiii-,' a glorious work doing u wnrk. indeed, that such high-toned guillemot a.s the lii-v. Thos. Hall have long neglected to do, and which will ! reinenibert d nguinst lain and l.ieii of his ilk in the day of final reckoning. The Salvation Anny 'may ahvays defend rV.i receiving a warm welcome when they visit Fleshei ton. ElilTnltlAL X'oTEfl. The Fifth Division Court of tint County of Grey r.< holding it* regular quarterly sittings iu the Town Hall, , to-day. nml 1 rinn . />../ M.- Jlru,, 1 In-old. From the report, wliich appears in an- other cnliimu, of thu Walkertoii Literary Society's proceedings last week, it will be ssen that the 'numbers turned thuir attention to thu condition >!' tin- preas of Ontario and the influence it had on the moral welfaru < f thu people. Societies suck u.- this HI,.! Mil.jects such as this are worthy of much more thought and atten- tion than in usually paid to them for on the right determining of the mental food ot t lie rising geucr*.tion depends the fu- ture of the race. The alarming increase nf jim-uile crime in the United States of America ia luiunly attributed, by those who ought to know, to the pernicious trash miscalled " literature " which is de- voured with avidity by those who have not had thu benefit uf w i.- and timely direction in their studies aud the selection of iheir books. Organizations with the object* of our Literary Society merit the active sym- pathy of all except thoae who are dead to the 1 1 .(mi rmeiit.- of the hge and have loft nil moral sense. We have created a huge educational system wluoJi places in each chillis power at mi early age the means to become a creditable aud even u learned and cultured citizen it is for us to see at the same time that tliis power ia uot used to nuke IIIM child au intellectual and ac- complished scoundrel and hii mtl.i. r , a moral pestilence. lt.-!i<iild be rer i-m l-i red by severe dUciplinuriani that crime | consists in it inception in thought I than in action ami that piiuislnueiit winch follows the comuii'tal of an offence HMIHI- .lu.|uatu and often unjust for tli"-> who i trained the child and .-elected his mid her books are often more to bUnn . Tinware, Tinware, Tinware I EARLE JSTRATN, Is prepared 'to do all kinds of Tiu, Sheet I run. Copper, and Galvanized Iron \\.irk. I make a specialty of Milk Cans. Sap 1'uils, Kavetronghiug in fact everything in the business will receive prompt and careful attention. Kopsi iririyf done Neatly and on the Shortest Notice. Just received a ear loid of the Famous Speight Wagons ! ^^Agricultural Implements always in stock. Plows and Plow Repairs, &c. WM. STRAIN, - - FLESHERTON. The following in from .1. \V. I'tnli-mv, of v\ muling. K. i luci ly Kruinbuyer (r Win fiillcsby, et MI. I Uiimsby: " 1 w.ia t'H niaiiy MMIS much attln i. .1 \Mtli t '..atni-iii---, Hilimisiieiw, and ultim- ately I Kv'T* 1 -* I mitt'ered very mucti and MM many ilitTereiit niedicimx, which ^-.ivc mi- ,.n|y tfiii],4ii;iry reliifiind tin l. I u.i- ;u ln.l ai ewr u^'ain. 1 WOK recoiiimi-M led by a frii nd, who had been riktorid ID health hy it, to try McGre- gor's S|n-.-ii\ Cure. | diii m, .iiul it waa not long before 1 felt like u new mini, and 1 have i-njnyeit i-wil, nt health ever Mil- oe. I first commenced tiikini; it February TtH, 187<l. Sold by Kichanliiou's. A Fraud ii i KAKKIK, \]>ril 10. it'll. > !( l;onri:T I.\I;KA Tiio above ij the caption of a letter i:i tliid wcckfc AnvAHrtu, above the M :niif,ue, "Trtitli." 'Of course the if.kMiiuii is asked ironically by our c Mmpoadtat, as nearly everybody !.,.. heard about, or read about tin iii-st blasphemer in America l!./i. In^ersoll who is no more to be e I with respectable sceptics, .s.u.i u.s Pain.) .nl Voltaire, than i.uiikcj H are to be compared to l.n.u.i briii;,'.-;. There were some M !!., in; features m Paino and VolUiif there arc none in Ingersoll. His wriiinss, like the most malignant .~LS, taint the very atmosphere v.I.LUi they eirenlate. I'.iine and Vjltuirc misguided men, though they were were somewhat guarded iu tiicir statements ,_btit I ngcrsoll, backed t > by ti.e dollars of American lecture ' " bureaus," is utterly regardless as r > ti.e CQlTectllCSS of the statements i. ma'.v.M alioti} tlic J'liblo, 03 shown I/ I'.tii r Lainbeit in his brilliant .. . I in'mivo Xotet o* Iitgtrioll." A r.Urfi.l pe| ;,;i| of thi.1 Splcfldit'l \\jilc ttill repay any one. A complete report of the new school regulations relating to the exainiilutiuns for Teachers' .ertiticates will 1,-c found in onojof the inside pages of this issue of THK AUVANCK. It will no doubt prove iiiten-.-ting to number of our readers. Charles llcade, the great English novelist, iliul ut his residence, London, l-'.n^liini'. on Friday last, the llth in>it. He was born in li-ll, nnd was in the "Oth year of his age at the time of his death. Itroncliitis was the cause of his sudden and somewhat niiexpei-ted demise. l'ol<itirr. IHI-I Ill-own nk'u- lenler of luimilrii, was brought IxT'ie M.iM.r Sewery ill the jMilice ci.iut yester- ibiy chai-jred by Daniel Spry, po.-toftii-c n. sjieci'-r, sWrtedlvMoa, rilu having fraud ulently repri-senlf^l that he |totd a let- ter i-oniiiiiiin^ .<.n at Duncilin and had it ri-.-itti-ii >l, addrt-ased to Charles Sinclair, Sin llinnie. The money hu Hiiid was ab- slractnl while passing through tho Post- ottce. lirown reported his lusato Mr. Spry, who M-ni his ossittant, Mr. Henderson, U> invuHtigate thu matter, when it was ascer- tained that no money bad U-eii wnclosed. Hrown was therefore arrested and brought before tho in i.-Mti ;iie. who, after hearing Mr. Spry's evidence, committed the pris- oner for trial. Seeds at Richardson's drug Stor", Flesherton. a wii-k At IIOIIH-. i?."i ntitnt fri-o l'n> no Huluttlv Minr NiiiiKk. l'n|.iti*l not n- i|iiiri -I Km. lor. if you want lni-iiirn at Wlllrll |H-I ...IM of rltluT -T. \iillllk' or ulil. cn iiiukeKiuHt pay all tli tii.i.- tli>-\ wnrk. with abMiluU . * itmntv, writx (nr |iiirtu-u larn to II II M i . i i ,v (_'u . I'urtUuil, Mini..- Da. I,o\V.H WOUM sVKfl' will nmiove _ .j j{ '.\ J...L, f. .j.n c'.iiU. Mr. T. (iilray, llcevc of Knphra- sia, says the residents of the Braver Valley interested in the opening up of the much-talked " valley road," havt too many schemes on foot relative to the best route. He says nothing can be done t>y the Council until these parlies have all united on one feasible scheme. MCCH Is A LITTI.K. -Many proprietary iii.-.liciiic.:, if they cure at a'l, require auch a liii;-.. i|ii.nitii v to proilace effect tlmt it makoH tin m very uncertain and rxpcliitivr rt-mmliuR. Nut ><> with Liunlock lilooj liittors. It in biglily ciiiic, ntnieil. aud fur all diieams of hli.o.1, liver and kidiu-yn, oue or tuo buttles will curu more thuu gallons jf thuweuk mix- ture iiMiully Send (r fuctt and fi- gures. A PRIZE. H,-nil ln c',.|it< (,,r |Hwt- *i : -. MII.I tt-.i-ivi, tn-f. a contly box uf ftuudtt which will hi<Ip vnit tn l < niiim-y rielit away than anytliiiic MM In tllii> worlil. All,., I ,iitli, r -. , utii'Ci-cil fi tl,- ll mr Tin- lirou I r.ia.l to fiirtunr n|n n- Inifoni til* w I.KI.I-. ali-oliiti ly ur. At uucu atldri-Mi, TueK *v ('it . Aitij.iHta, Mum. Boots, Boots! I have on hand a very large stock of Ladies and Misses Balmorals & Fine Button Boots, BUTTON AND TIE SHOES, Fancy Slippers! A Large Variety of ( IrihliTns Hoofs, Shors & Slippers t ./ Large Quantify of MENS AND BOYS COARSE LACE BOOTS, FINE GAITERS, AND BALMORAL SLIPPERS AND SHOES. QUALITY & PRICE SEC'ND TO NONE WM. CLAYTON, FLESHERTON. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, THE MABKETS FI.KSHKKTON. Flour 8r, (Ml to 5 50 Fall Wheat $0 50 to 1 (Ml Spring Wheat 5) 1 0(1 Parley JO (I ;-,:> I'e-'i-i CD () 65 Utitter (l l.-i o IN Eggs,frmh. o l<> o 10 Potatoes 085 045 Pork 7 IM 7 50 Hay. per ton (! 00 701) Hiiii o 4 (10 G Wool IS iiO Sheepskins fi.) 1 (Ml (ieesc (H! OH i, per brace 40 60 , per-bracc.... 25 ^0 ALL. KINKS OK ./:::',: .',: ?/:,!::, Such as Monuments, Tomb Tablet*. IIcadstniu-. Counter and Table Tops in Aiueriean and Italian Marble and (iiaiute, and made on short miti r. Also Mantles in Marble nml Marblei/ed Slate, Ac., Ac. FUherton, Aug. !JO, TORONTO M A KKETS. Fall \\lieat Spring Wheat Harley Oats I'rilS Imtter !.') to $1 05 GOLD: Potatoes Pork . . . 'Hy i per bag) 1 08 (I M JO (> 75 '22 o ir, 75 7 75 C 00 i n (I 70 41 77 27 (i it; SO H (10 18 00 fur tho wm-kilitf cla-. Ki-inl 1 ' U f..i |.i>-taK. ami ! will mail von I IU:K. n 1 ..\ H). Vlllllllilr l.i.y . I pi* goods WM Win pal you I . tliu way of innklliK IIMUK mutiny In a fcwtUx than ion i-v.-r thought |n>itiN0 at any tin- CapltM not n-i|inn-il \\<- ill ktait ynll. YIPII caiiwofk all the time or lit k|Kiic time only. Tli work in miHi-rnally\|.t.-.l to liih s.-xt--. \ , anil nlil You n omnlly narn fr<iin :n i:rntK t.. - . I'li-n . yi'iniii; Tliat all who Haul wink may t-t tin- NIIMIICHH, we niakf lliin ll. Ili-il offci t<> all wlm ait t wi-11 sailsflsa we ill -.i.l l to pay for th- tioiiMe nf wrltinu \i~ Knll par- tlculam. ilirwjtiuiw, KU .x-nt fr. Km tiin.-h will ' iwli- I y tlu* hn Ki\,. thrfr In, . i ,. tl > wnrk. Ureat ^ CI-VH iili-olntfli MIIC I'. .it ill-lay Start now. Vililmw STINM.X * Co., I'mt Ian. I, Mbn.i-. The Advance till Jan. 1st, 1885, for 60 cents. .

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