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Flesherton Advance, 17 Apr 1884, p. 1

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Flesherton Advance. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES. NOT VOL. Ill, NO. 148. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. APRIL 17, 1884. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE, One of the iMwling Ix>raJ and Family NewH|i*|>eni in Northern Ontario. I'umiihtMl Jvii*y M" < liiir*n<in.y J M l ill: Dl-ncr, ' '.(//in in 'f I Sfr> '. - tlnkntini. Out. TKItMS 01' SrilSOtll'TION: 1.06 |ier annum In advance ; #L..Wif not pai.l -it tlir en.l of ..lie yeal. N.I paper ditcontillllixl i ii til nil arrearage* are pai'l up ; and no nubm-rip -i. 'in. taken for loea than one year. Mcpt when I--. il arrangement* for ahorter period* an- mad* with the puhllaher. ADVK1ITI8ING BATKS. 4r. < aiaal advertiMinenta.a<-nt iwr lit uu,l 3 cents per Hnf each Mhaaanaaaal inM-rtton. Transient axlvertiKeuienlM t<. 1>- paid for when .'I A.lvi-rtlsi nivnt" witlloikt i.|Mx:ml dire, ll'.tlfc will be inMrtod till forl>id and , IIHTKU.! Liberal inducement* to nf.ilar ailvtrllaer*. Notice* anionu rciuliuc natter. IU t-i-uta i>er i.iie each inavrtion. No a.K, rn-eiii.'iit dieaontlniied until all ar rearaa<- are |wid up. Copy for ailvrrti4*iii*nt* abould reach th*> (Bee not Int. r than iion ou Tuesday to t-n*ur nmertiou iu < nrreiit i*ue. A. R. FAWCETT, Eiiitiit mi'/ I'MuJufi Book d Job Printing ! In every atyle nf the art. at rea*nal>la prKea aud oa aliort uatiue Oniurs by mail i)l recuive prompt attentiun. T.TIII.. alrictly eaab. A MARVELOUS STORY TOLB III TWO UTTERS. FROM THE SON : "S8fc1fcz: lirr'lrmrn : Sly father rwMee at (;|..r.-r, Vu He baa been a great sunVrrr from Srr..f- ii la, and the Uielnaud letter \fill tall you Uat a marreluoi affect Ayer's Sarsaparilla ha* had In bin caw. I think hit blood mart have contained tho humor for at teaat tea yawn ; bat It did not hw, rtcept In tho form of a acrnfulou* aore on the wrtrt, until about five year* afo. Prom a few not* wl.lcb ap- |are,l at that time, It gradually epread to aa. to eovtr hi* entire body. 1 aure you Ii,. wa* terribly arHkUxl. and an object of j.ity. when he begun ualng your medicine. Now, there are. few int-n .rf hi* *<e who enjoy aa good health aa he hv 1 cnuld eaflly name fifty pt-noua who w.iukl t.-t if r to the facu id lil* can. Vonn truly, \v. M. fiuujn." FROM THE FATHER : ^J a <lun for me to >tate t , you Lao benefit have derived (rum the uju of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Flesherton Meat Market. lay THE IRISH IMMIGRANT GIRL, For death liiul 8trurk the Iriali Kirl, mn\ .tinimed l:.-r axuu- ..yea, s..~.i|t mi.i plu< . jut liko tbv hu of Erin -.iiininiT Jit.-* Aa hlie lay t< 4*111^* on her Injd her ^i>Un<li.lcoid-n hair HhoiiH lik<- a halo round her lu-ait aa ah* lUllitl thru- She knrw in. nir<- the atrauger faoe. ahe knew nut wli.Tf hho ly. Bat erlad aloud far boaM and frind> th-> wt-ary ni^ht ninl day : Ah ! It would bmak a heart of atone to huar t he timi-ii M - crv. Oh. tnki- mi l'i-k where abainnicka grow and lav in., down to die: ob.tii-nU.I, darliiT. where art yoo. eomne to my aide. atbore. An' f..M vi.iiramm around my Beck and kla* my I||M ntice more; Why .11.1 I I... >...i i.naM .!. to ona ao far away , And lavii yon there behind, me lore, beyond the cruel aay: tie eya* are'ftlled with acaldln team, me heart i* -*'t aii'J MB note la \.-riun for your roiee ob. call m ' love ' once more. Ob. fold me .1 ..... t. <-rald dear, cloae to your faithful heart. For kouu-tli. in; r. .Id anil awful, dear, drag* you and me apart Oh. bol.l it..- rlui-r tighter yet-and whiaper. an of >.r... How nuicli you love your coll,, n hawn, and we uliall part no more, For I run limr the Shannon MMII 'mid badge* thik andnrra-n. And < aunaiiclit K iniintaiii to[<a hvyond are druaMMl iu living ahevn ; And I can hear the thrunbe* ainR ami. I tin haw- thorn Iroe. Where first you took me in your anna an-\ plUhUnl truth with ii.i- Thr roM> you itavu uie ou that night and twine-l amid uiy hair I* IVIIIK aafeaKaiuit my heart Ah! yon caa nn<l IT It > k'towiui! darker Herald dear ao I can aee no more. And wu inut part till uioruini: love, then kiM uie nuee. a'thore aik-li lilajt|>lii-iiiy I In- a.-, n Miifi- all'in It remain* tn I '1 111 TH. Tho .\orlli-Hrsl. [The folliiwinn letter, aililresneil ti I. W Hi-iiilervin. H<ij . , Man U;T i >nUri'i A t^tl'AlilD.llr I^lllil Oow, T .1 i .Imi IT'.li, 1-iM, i-\|ilaiii lUolf. III' AUVANIE. ] Aa y.Mi aro iiit.-r. t..l in tlir Nnrth- Went, and i-jieclally in the noction ar- ound here whure are m-ttli-tl, anil as we purebaaed a i|u.tntity of laud from the .SEPT. GOOD, 1'lU.rRUTOK Bis month* ago 1 wan completely eovprrd wit a terrible huiuor and ecrofolou* ore*. The) humor c*twe<l an Ineeaaant and Intolerable) Itchiuji, and the nkiu cracked *o a* to cauae the blood to flow In many place* whenever I inorrd. My aunVrlnga .-re great, and my life a. banleu. j commenced the u*e of the SAwm-tHiLLA In April hut, and hare tued . Alll , ,. , Ut . Ilttl( , 1)iM . ^ O<M | frrir T e*per It rafularly *ince that time. My condition < hytnnaliave annR. bagan to Improve at once. The aorei lue Thru you ,-n lea.1 me by tbt- hand the meadow* all healed, and 1 feel perfectly well In every r**|.ect being now able to do a good day'* wntk. although 73 year* of age. Many Inquire what hai wrought au<-h a cure In my ca*e, and I tell them, a* I have here tried to ull y.m, AVER'* SAuaArAKiLLA. (iloT.-r, Vu, Oct. SI, Utt. Vuuri. grM, lully. lilKAK I'lllI I IM " ereen a- "in-. An.l you can put. a uliamrock wreath about your K.tM.-n - head. Then. ood lierald darliu wa* dua.1. the -ir I Tnr K AX Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. .*.. O. U. Pill ): Ins I/, i... So. 142. IIIMI In tli. ir lAlh-e Itooln. Strain < MiM-k. Tri.nt. ..M tl.H l.t uii'l .(i.l Mou.Ut ill ..... nth. at r in |IHI|I Viiltinu I'M tlir.-n mlcumu. .1 1' M, MHIIII. M \V \V (i. fttXKLf.. Iloc'r ATFB'H RAWAPABILLA euro* ftnd all Krrofulou* (Complaint*. Kr)l|>- -!. Et-ariaa, RlnKworm, Illotrhr*. Sr-a, Ilullo, Tilninm. and -rii|.i|.,n. of the Kkln. It rl.-ar> tin- lil.-l r all Impa- rlU<, aid* dlgrnioo, tb. :i-n m of ttte bmri-1*. and thua rwtora* IUllly and ptraogtlioua the whole ajttem. rRPARCD BY Dr. J.C.AyerACo., Lowell, Mass. SolJ by all I>nig>u; Jl.iii bnttlm f..r H. DUFFERIH LODGE NO. 186 I. O. O. F. MCi: r-i . v.-rv Tu.-it.lay Kri-iiitiR at Ko'.-l.H-k CO.IL:.- It. M'tu. Strain hliK-k. r.irmit.. *t i. > ' I I^wlt:.-. |nt I u.-Hilay in *-ac-li inoiitli Vii- >UIIU lircthlell i-.ii.lmll> iuvlted. Joa. lli.A, KIII k\. N (1. A. 8. ViXDfiir.N. RR, Ilrntiotry. J.l. M v i:sUALL.I,.p.S ^ < ( '^ 1 1 1 : x T i s T . Who U Robert T-i ll>- /V./.for ../ r/i. Ailmitr. Sn.. Tin- al>i\- .iticit''.!! is KUBce|>til>li- ,J ;i l.iu-f niuwur, viz., K.-!-rt Ingt-nhill nun iiiiiili'l ! If inorv K H.intdl, thru it IIM\ L. stxti il. tint l:e u a lauyi-r, :Ulil rl. u (IK tin I In-ill^ it in tin- uriitj "t tli I n His I'lnnK MM.- l"ri !.\ t. iiani. hut HoU-rt very fur rli-|iirt..i frmu tin- WAJ- iif Ills f.Uhi IS Ill^iTH'.ll IllM until.- 'iini>i-lt n. it. .r. .u-. l>y lii |iulilic tkiclaina- tH'IIM :i.'.ilit ( hrintl.ll.l ., r Vfrni:tl alti.liH in |.i..|niiii nt | - anil if it mill* m._\ nu-rit, U i iy ! IIM-II .ti.'ix-il that li.-liiinxntti n i ! ..I. t..i> Itnt Inn ariu'lt-i, lu* l-.ok nil lim |.n>- ; - liuxr OK' tereyty|H.'<l ii Quu'Aj>ollo I.i.i. <'", in f 1882, I th.'uu'hi )"ii miiflit int. rotI in kin. win.' h.,w wo IT. .t ill "ur fanning .y|x.Tite-i:^ durip; thi year, and how our tr|i* yu-ldud ; l.eno- I wnto you theae fw liiion. \\iii. WilhaiiiaDH, of Top'tit" : Knlnrt \l .111(1 1,1. .. Mi NTiv...v. \\ \'a.. April IT. Henri l'riilinii(ra|ip'iiuii. nt i.fh'-ial nf thi>rhe>:i l^-uke and < tin.. Rulr>od. wa drawn nndi-i tin- wlip t U u| ,i |oi.iiui..!i\e \f it. rdy. . Ma.. April IT. Mr.M iliud lal night iiuvino; taken MUiitity "f curriMi\e i>ul)luu.u.- pii-n h.-r l.v IUT nurse in uiutake fur miiirml wa- Nrw v.ii:k. A|>nl 15.- A ferryboat tlii< morning ran down a yawl ronlaining *i\ *lurs. Two were drowned. FALI.S. Out., April 15. -A man nnmcd l'ri|>s-rs. a 1'riUMaii farmer, a^rcd (7. f'nnntuil tuicide in a wheat fi>-l'i n*-ar tlu- FalU hy hatiKing hiiuaelf in . t'arn loft. A unall r.'|- watt ittacli.^l t.i a rafter, which the man j.Ucvl arninnl lii" nifk. drew ii|> hi* kuwa a<> aj to k p MilU-r, E'lwiiril H ..... if, aii'J iiiv*i'lf, all I bu fM frmn tin- ft-.'.r arid tr-in^l..i practical farnn-rs fr-'in tin ri'ii.lii|. "t liiniM'lf. N'oiaui*. assi({nml for the act. ricUenng. puri-luwvil from y .ur|.;iny An iin|iii-st will !> lu-t.l t.i on tin- If.tli .Inn,-. l-vt-J. II-NI .. , . - land. Comnu-nci-d Imaknu .m t!,.- ltl, KUI HIXEK. Maas.. April 15 -By and i.roke ami l.a.kwt A am* l, . i iv IM . 1^,...._ . . .. i>"ot in Mount Hop* thu with huihliii-.' III.IIK.H. .talJe., Ao. hy t!:u m, rt:n:,'. .lohn Itn-liam *nd K-. M well a* cmtmi; luflcMnl hay lor oui ' i, t . rt Warinyt,.., w.-n- ,ir"nl. Both lom-s, tiiii.lio.1 our ,'^-rat.oi,,, f., r IHSi f | ea ve larg,.- imilha., Joht, HarrimD an.l UVjOV know ,',ir land M ., , ,, ,-.- d-ip > tlu- U.ttotn of th,- mile \Vet ..f Winnii , L .. m..! i and w^re rescued. Eaat of aWricM n th. i lil Hi i tin- Citna<liai) IVilio Railway. n< u tli-- Farm. Ill additi- M t" tin- .-il.'Vi. Fluid Lightning. not only cure* Toot!. Fluid t> i, n-he !!y, tint ,-\l.i Noi.ra!({ia, :><IK, Kiiru-i.. Klu -uiiiati-ni. _ with two hoinoitto ulit of liiil : :nl "lio |,reoin|'ti"ii. in:ik. u ii.lilll n of ajilcndid f-.iir niih-i > "'' "n mil- iniiinto Indian Head St.-itioii .-n the i ' I' K R. I ^ in n \. u h, :ir ..I Fluid Ij^htiiin^ In thu *|,riiv of IKK.'t w,- t."k; 'i;.twolvo "far ot one of the ^reatuM nurveln orf-r I'.un of my kind i-it"i mini, it M !n r<. . . .tin- iiii|.|,-tii.- and coiiiini-iKvil t< an.! ii; ami l>r, the llth of April. I 'ui uln i' w.i- -.. n ' ;i to tiie way uf a medu-n*. ai ;t n.- rer faila to cure, and not in ^ week .1 ly. i ut the in-' - applied ID tli. OI.M'I VTT. "f To,.,.,t., Mh-,..l of IKnintrX-. nthom h:no l.ooli annvr. re,l will l><- at Mark'lale tlie l-i an. I .ml \\<lno UlvtiaMld timet, ao, ||V. . . a<-li iiionth. 1,11.1 at Kli-h. rt..n on tin- lt li.l lr.1 TliurcUy rj ,-ai-li month fur the practice of In- |.rnf.-*ii.n . oil. FU-KlHTlOII MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR. TIIK nr\t Fair will taku U'ltlLTth. 1 lace on MOM'\Y i (tanlo. Here. intiilolii of Knt mi. I-'IMII.V .m.l St.itf-t jin-oilini; linn ; th>-\ void "f .'ri.-in.-ilit, . ui.l :ut all tho v.'fiil!> .1 li.'t-. In^.r 'lll'l Illl Hl-lW I ahlo ropliea, out, lawyer fwhi, .n, riirht and loft, until ln-.,'or<<ijfl i. -treat, , I In -hind hi* puhhaholl, uli.' : '.;- .1 I" .i.lnnt* rcpbfi aa was :i.'i..-l ill". n Hut if an\ "lio :, -.11,- to UIIOH tho merit of In-.'ertoUa producttont, th,- atreiiL'th "f IIIH .HL.-HII , i . HIM aee ait BAJIRWTEIW. HOLIf ITOK8, f ONVETA3 I.- , \, -u,,. ,,f hia sut.t h i . M.-H.IIIII.-". ina.le Otn. e I'.llllett Stre. t O\, , k S'' S|i Hll.l |...... , . ,1. . 1 .U... FROST ewry Tliur-lay at KLKHHKHTI s .1 \s HKiST. L.LH ALH ' t r,.n< ..iinty Atttirnry Do yon wanl a m-w ll-i.4,. <>r luru" If no 1 think you will fliul it t . y>'ir Ailvnntimi* t oil nn>l +** inr At I do a Un;.- liii<*iiii>!H I cau ImiM -i -mull |>roflt All I'ontract** pnmiptlv iittt-u <lrt to mi<) wnrk i;'if\t nntr.-it Tliatikii)^ t h- fitl.- l.cfor |mt iirtir.'n*.*f. MI| )>v tnir }.ii-t-^ tui-l a.-<M) l wrk. t hop* to DMrit * oont.aouiM "f th' am'- Youri resw-ct fullv. \\mnr.N J. HKLLAMV. STRAIN & LARGE. ttcrs a ml Contractors, FLESUERTON. \rr (irepari'.l to atteinl tn It-i.-k \ s;-n Wurk in all it* liranehe* l lnlrr lft nt III, VI.VAMF <lrni- will r.-.-,.ifi-|>roiii|.taiu-nti..ii i.,.,.,l work at Fair I'rie.-t I., the I... lie h( 111; up Inn lyin^.' hhuphoiiiy, hia utter r. LI. --,10-^-, in hut lust'Tii-al .|iiotationa, hi* uttor weakiu~>. In-, \.unpiie iixl:m-.r]it8 "II t 'liristiitinly ill f:u.-t an ,-|M >ure f a iui.,-r.ililo j.rr- t.ti-iioii, itli"iit truth, without L.tfio, TWI-. n.HK AKTI.VI Hithmit h"iinr, and w.'li.'iit any <|tuiliK- f STATE A INSURANCE AOENT ""'" "'" "i^tit'it, a (rentleman; l Coi.i.f.fTni;. .\n-THf\KKK. - '( >"" '' >" thi- show., hrincii and locioal deducuoii* from own ii--., iholi ro.ul ..iiefullv l-hh-t I". K.-x. I.. I h.iv. hoard i - u .ikn. ami "lii n Mi.MlY I .n. ,1 i. ii i.~l -K-curitv on the in.. f\,- t-'i in* an>l at iiMMlentte raUMi ml. r,--t M..I it .- IK. u . ,arl> .. I .n II .,1 I . A. Liu ilxit that 1i tins Medical. t!:,- pain villa;;.- ,,f Illliail-o, J. IYI. EUGENIA, LII'KXSP.n Aiirt.oiieer for Hi.- C..i:ii!i .' M'....-'. ' l.-ii.l - ii-inil at r,-ii...ii4 I ii.'i.M.I l.ifn liKiirun,-,, foiiiniinti. -ati, -n- , I - 1 t . i .i h . n in I'M |.i'.iii|.t ly at leu. i John W. Armstrong, Fir.IIRBTON, Co. OliKV. Tvivisii.s cm UT ci.r.HK. OOHUnUOKERl ** in II It.. Conveyancer. *e Affentfor purphane m.l le ..f A|.|irai-i<-r for ( I. r i -m an.) IV P II A S Soeiety Monfv t., Uian on tin- :not r.-aonai Iu term*. latCRR OK MAItltl U.I. L,ici:ssr.s. Alexander Brown. ISStJKIl of Marriitc I,irr.M>-4. (i.-.m,; \ A I.'. . !!*, 1 ViH'tiiini^-r for f "imly of <ir,-y r'lM, IVII.I.K I'O. lint W. ' GRIFFIN. W,D. i'. I'. >'.. "V /'. Will IK , mi I Friday <lo;i-. ,.|s to cli:illl|'l h..v.- j.iiu- ao fur a* to utter lihiNphoiuio*. " I mi; wornluppoil liy nino t.-. n twentieths of tin ullairo. prn- "iir ;.."in^ men it!i 11110^ illy i-l-ip trap. In t.i. t I mi inforiiiod, tluit uttoraiioos noh n "Lis-'ird" ami a ", ate lr,-,ily and/innlxiKho.Uy ina.l.- lino WOII|<|HII| IIOHO, tKt i-oiiiiin .n iK-ooin y. .-r ItM-line; nf ri-tpo-i t f,,r the . i ,-e .-I (no m<iiNilnitl "r the village. ttitt'j ami ilial 1 II, \. )t . .I'll.'! pp-i-oi-ll fi .in irt. Ill <-nt ii-|,rii. who ha\o t.ik.-n any |.:iins t., r inparp. l-.-tw.-on the l>ald .IMI I f.'Un.l itn.nloM thnne* of tho intidol. with the t.llr.-il.'.,- , in;, i nil of truth, of 1.1 -i-ili'v. ati'l virtfle. It w,.iild f'nk.' "in- -i , Miiiiiiitiin,' f i i n a (K'nioti who T . ,,. -n'l kn,'\\ .1 n r.n tr-in i xotl>. anil i Til : i. - Fle8nertOn. i,,l,leto u bKntiMo hUratwe by 1 o Loan. . .1 X. Wi ; moo. No . ...I \|'i'U t.. 4. <.;:n r:. nioitvici KI. James Sullivan, d.ty \ 11.-. .11 I . . .1, I . MAXWRM,. . . OXT (i v>,l *x-~omiB"vl.itir>n; ht l>rn-t< Li^-iorn* . Oood st'%l>llni! and attMtle llo-tl.-r only HnUUu the )>l*m Jai. A.i.t.i*txv, r 1,','itnn i',' ar.Mini. nta ,i N..I man ll..\le ihh U.y nf iho \dlii-.'o l.ik.o all "til. l t i ) . ' i , liit',.iols thinl. I in- tn. in tin e:lo of intolli- ln,-oi-s,,ll u Mi. T prnno niini-'ei what lie SIIYM in trtM : In* hl.-iKphoiny is t'.eirs . Inn \ili-iio* i- thoim A. H. ('. f,.r Hi. Uva* a< throiiirh<.ut. They ilrirel Inueraoll, a l M .f,,, ( . , :l j,l_ ; ..t the rt;f,-t e.n'ier* nny- 'II. I III flU-t > - --\ my .-nil Kltention nt ' ' .Ml. I I elll" Of th ^'"n'aTtT."".''"'',' 1 - 'hor,-and ovorywh.T, ! th,-y don't i ,: i k ni \ninrif* lin kti"\v why, "-tily tht liu'orx, ill Raid so Intelligent i*ople ], ls ,, n , VM l j,, U , , -.lint, rfoit nnd liar ' : Hll^a rK-rflll afc'ellt. n thu ami tfie ami JOth da\ i lTt.\-ti.l part. Sn|d at Kirhani*- ti>.- month . (>it< up t . th. HtK \ ...... I'tl.udiol. .,,.,. 11 % Bl)> .. H Lov< . for Hj^ TrliKlirr. 44.. buaholi "f hard I'M, K I,. l . . . , . . t In r iiui'.ir.l. rintli. (>atl vie i ill" aw.ut 4<i 1,114 ho - ; : J ing * .T-.WIM l V....I1 III life Wltll :. ;'" <Mk " 1 - N .:i,.'nt"h.-r \\.i '" |i: r ' """ lr '"-- " - im ont badly wh. U liv failn.j; in !..> with hi* moth, r \n- tuaii mav fall in I. \. with K < il <~. "> Rirl. 4tui the man ho is ynllint ' ^iti niny -t tli-' j"-or, wary wifr . ilt-r yearn. Hut tho hi-,' IM-V wli" i not aay with lartamty .-iJt.. tli.- yii'K tlnuk *l..ul :'^i buihMi t.. th.- Ii7 |.tlila 515 . i. !, 1. ut Iii>N t,. '!,. t.,tli. 1 \V I ,,ril,r f.,i rrop, in the ipni.i; ! !*.>< . u. |1I *.. ."iL'.'i aor<4 with haid I'll. \\ ! .t. tl., Si! UK-.- U) dalfi f..r our hontM. fi'Hii "i.r yield 4 la-t \, u . [6,000 bHktil "f \Mieat. nt addition t.. tl th. r , ii-.- 'mill* and r -,1 Mahle-i t" liolil 4" lion,-*, and huil.lin^a f,.r .tll'iiir inii'leinent*. I tni.'ht aNo,'. that the h. iin"ttriM t..r I-' mile* aii'iu.d aro all taken up. an.l the district i fat tilling ii]>. \\ n w. tit "ii "iir land, in tho uprnc "f 1-^-, hanlly a hoiio was t" I..- *oon : when we 1,-f' in , l.ntrof hi- i > tin-rat mi'ldlr a. '".:'"':'' kniirht a>ho will low oil wifc w MM ' a'i"Hnii .1- ).- .ii,l in the 'l.-.iu-*t > 1 i* no'huio " I'l-Mititullv i-hiv !r>'i a* the lore of* l.i k - hoy for hit uiotiuT. fail of t.> bondredeould In- ,.'imu-<l fr ...... mi phii-e. M:II . ,|. tl.a; tin- \\ e .ie -ti. N. itii \\ . -t . ..II excel f"r ( ro[> rai.i.iiL.'. tsperially in the pro- duotioft nf Wheat . Sum' halt- itanl that t!ie so.-uton* an- too !<h"rt. t"it our , v I , Hi lie,- llM In-ill, that til. TO ]< .-xtlllilo tinio f,.r all l.iinN . f .-i-a'.ns t" mature, aa well, if not In-iter than in I'litati" The KroMth i vori mpid after tho Juno ntina, and tho oo,.l ni^ht* during tho rii..-Mi>n; l>p<!-!t l-rinir* tho ;'n.".n t" p.-if.-i ti.'ti. \\.-have L; 1 wat. l ;n rin- .'.istiii't, mil Ix-f.'fo .- .-aino doun lino fall. ,- aw ovidoneo t,, <-"imnr,- us ''it th< ample '"al f<r the ooimini.pti.,11 of th,- ('"\intry. Ov untl eonmiata ni < ti< .'".. 'j.'i. 'J7 and .".."i li.'i!f "f "> ati'l '\<: >'<' -"'. Town- hi|. is, I'.'. W -t -.f _ niondian. \Vo take up in the S- and uxpi i-t t" lir-'.'ili up .'*' 11 :KH.I hiring the cotnuiK aeaHoii. Ai>kni)i y,,iir kind ui.iu.K .1. : for such a loiik'thy letter. I a-.ii Sir , yours ie|it.i-tfiilly. I Si -,'iied ) \v.,i - .Mi K \ .r Tiiaoii - Thi' common nnj rinf'il uffcction may lie readily eared In thepn mpt iipl'l'i- it., n of II .r> ml'- Yellow ",! i:. it nitern'ly nt tli ' > ','> rivtn.ii. In .Teiip. a-tliina, coldn, ~ - oll^?> k,-laiiiln. rlioutaitina ar.J other painful ,;.> it i- . nially I'fljt-a.- TRUTHFULNESS ! Courtesy, ./// (nintlfi. 1,'ufi/. Si'ffr, xahl in rjit .s7 ir/itif tli i'[i urn in .M<il< rial anil /V//i*;/f.v.v uj (} tin i it:'. Tboac i. o M T' FM-O I'EOIHI i Me nil-, proplioriee lfly of tl ,' weiither, lenven o:I ln.< tl'intirN i. un.l cat.l:.< ,-, !.l. :- i If you follow tliM film- pr .pli. 1 your rvoiMTi' Me-, in tn rd'l I'li-toral H.iNnni It i< tin i'-'-' . i -Ii rnre iiinl the safest thr.'Ht nil. I linif renn <ly known In tudii-al cioncp. : HII a H . -A v(o.|-.,rtlan'1, Ma4n<- 1 thu quiet, n village, t" ' .... If yiiti Wfinl.l avoid clear r>w*.y the tilth ninl riil'l'i'h nli.nit your prnnio. (>t*!<li pr>-; er ilrain- H^O .uid il!int pnro air. Tho akin. ki.|p.\- anil l.\vel nre the sliiuvwuya, ..f the Ini'iinu !nxly 11. r -ulnte ill,-.,- chaiinrl ,.f hrnlth with I'-'ir.look Illooil lilttflrs \\ lueli i<f. .lirer. th t i purify the Miioil ninl ululate the <|,.iu- ai-li, l:v.-r .'ii 1 ki In.-- - ........ W Ir;,, ..,-.; !.', ' Electro Silver Plalo Ware ! \\ i.: r.ii'i X\TION VI. I'll. I. S nre nnnrpa-. I'll). I. let tllrimilMh. puri(a!iv.. actllli: u|H'ii tli.' l.lllar) urnaiiK |iroiu|>tl) an. I ,.t!.-.-l m I , inspect My Slock " AM' i, Hi- jure 1'iirnliu.oin'J I'.'.^r It'lllTf. Ki\k for a II*PO <-f IVil --i PI: IMuIn (.uld Mi-iirtinz Kln:. n- 'V REPAIRBI BY MYSELF I an. I Warrant*! W. A. BROWN.

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