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Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1884, p. 8

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Heart's Improv'd HARROWS. MU. JOHN II. HEARD. Arttmttia, June 16th, 1883. 1 '. .it Sir, I tuke pleasure in testifying that the set of ten-bulled Harrows I purchased from you last April has given me entire satisfaction. It being 1,'ivcn to me on trial, I closely watched its operations when at work to find a i.nilt with it, but I failed to sec any. It is no heavier ou my team than uiy tix-bull wooden harrow. I am yours truly, JOHN WHIIBY. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLO WAYS PILLS &OINTMEMT THE PILLS I'urify tbe Hlood, correct all Disordon of tb I .1 > r. Stomach, 1 v uln* \ - and I {< >\\ < 1-. They iurl^orate and restore to health Debilitated Court ltutlon. and are Inraluable HI all Com- 1 Imuu incidijutl lo Keuialt't of all S4{eii. For Children aud the axed they are priceless. THE OINTMENT ! an tofalllble reniMy for Had L8. liad UreU, Uld Wouuda, Hore and Uloer*. It li faiuoot for Uout aod HhtfUtuatiHiii. Fur diaordert of the Chtut it ttati 110 equal. For HO RE THROAJ, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Swellings, aud all Skin DUoaaea It hu no rival; aud for contracted aud stiff joinu tt acts like a cnanu. Manufactured only at I'rofuasor HOU.DWAV Eitabllabment, ?, New u \ i,, r i si r.-.-t ( hu . 533, Oxford Ktrect >. London. and are sold at Is. 1 J<1 , 8s. Od., 1. M., lls., 25W.. and :o. each liox or Pot. and uiay be had of all 11 edi- i in.- Vendors throughout the World. JsfT- I'unluittri Jumld look to the labd on tJit Pott and Bom. If the tMna ii not 5Ai, Oa/onj Otrtet, London, thry are njturunu. This is not the " Red Flag " you kave read HO much about ; this is a good, honest price, good quality, & square dealing Flag, carried by Mr. llios. Duncan, Tailor, Flesherton. i FLESHERTO SASH AND DOOR F1CTOIIV PLANIXfi 111 I'.M II. ill All place* that the u\e of heaven Are to a wise niau ports and happy baveni. How oft the night of means to Jo 111 deeds Uakeb ill Jculs doiie. IBID. Oft expectation fails, aud most oft there Where uiott it promises. Iu>. In imall proportion we jnst beauties eee, AuJ in nhurt measures life may pertect be. BIN JOHNSON. And oft I bare heard defended, Little said ii soonest uieuded. in:... \VIIIUK. Only the Actions of th jiut Smell sweet aud blossom in the dnit. JAB. SIIH.I i v Could we forbear dinpnle and practise love, We should agree as aii^clx do above. Kl'Mt MI W III. KB. (lix.,1 the runre Communicated, more abundant grows. MII.TO*. A Trying Trip. Terrible Experience of a Party Journeyiijg from Wolfe Island to Kingston. KIMGBTOV, Uarch 31.- Saturday afternoon last several persons It (t Wolfe Island HI two opu ttlt-bjttomod boats for Kingston, with srveml chests of'bttKgafcf and forty bays of mail. The boU were n runners to iilide ali.iiK the ice, but th-y frequently broke through. A furious lUnu raged, tin wind blowing at a terrific rat. aud the snow fairly blinding the party. They had a terrible lime, breaking through .t almost every step, and being most of the time in the water and icu flow. The hours p- -.. .1 aud -till they struggled, their clothing froten stiff, the eold wind cutting into the flesh, feet and hands. When within a short distance of the city they were so weak, m>re aud exhausted that they climbed into the boat aud huddled together as closely as their stiff su.l icy garments would ]>ermit. Some of them expected .1. nth and brcsme silent and re- signed. They got no little shelter that they pulled the leather and canvass bags over them, and patiently awaited the dawn of day. They eonld not klerp, they dare not do so. At daybreak they found that the frost had improved the condition if the ice, aud they made a new start for the city. They reached it more dead than nliv, . Some will lose thin toes, and one man will have his feet ipatated. All had frozen hands, and lisnU. but were glad to escape with their lives. lro M iirtl in the si r. . I. A diopiiti-h from Ksst Siu'iuaw, Mich., say* : Or bin Hotcbklss, aged '2H, was teized with an apoplectic fit anil fell into the water ou DongUsa street Kritiaf ana was drowned. He wan a married man from Wulningham. Nurfolk county, Canada. The streets io the I Kontlern part of tin- cilr, for thrf blocks I from the river, art- CV.VCM! with from one to t.. feet of w.ttr. street is under water, nnd it.- pavement is weighted down with irou. A Qt-KKTiox To THK I'.IIMT. Header, hart you a languid, weak aud tired ft . Inn;, " ''^ iit.-rvoUH 1'xhauntion. especially In the early spring? Then your livrr in inactive and < piH.r. Arouc the torpid liver i-li uuhc tin- blnggish blood aud regnlnte the i necretiou with that |IUII(MIIX tonic Burdock I Blood flitters. Rev. Father Wilds 1 EXPERIENCE. I -.- i.. v /. P. Wild*, wll-koowB oitr IMI-.I..M.M > In New York, and brolhrr >t MI- i it. eminent Judge \l ll.l*. of tliu >!H*-H* h int-tisj 8uprHMi Court, MMI*. an follow*: *' 7 /:. M/* Xf .. A>M* York, Mny 1C, 1*41. >lK*K. .1. r. AVKK& Co.. tientlviiwo: LJUI wlnli-r 1 wa* trouMud witli a u>*t HIM ..... iforlal'le itching humor uMr.-tn^ more eupvciRlly my Itmb*, which Urtieii K> tfiu>iVrftl>i> at night, wiM huniud to iitlew*- lv. that 1 court > un > **)y lu-nr any rli**luajc over tbm. 1 wa* al*t a intflVrcr frau a tver catarrh and ctarrhal cough ; my pprliiu was INT. and my VM<MU a (< deal run down. Kim whig the value of AY Kit 'ft 8 VU**PARIM,A. t.v ob*rnrtin cf 'M i,v H-ili -i . i*.-*, *iM from periMtiial M in f.., mer*, 1 tw^nn taking It for lU* attovc-namtH. di>nl*<r. My ai'in-tiie in*- >-,".'* 1 al'iimt from th first d<*-'. Aft-r r i >rt tun.- tin- f.-\.-r ami iU'liiiig wt-rw 'i i\ -I, mil all sijn* of Irritttlioo of U. !, ','ejirfd. Vl y c:ttiirrh and Cdi^li wrr H!* <Hittd Iv the .tum mean*. tttM my g>*n T;il h^.iltli >;rf;ith' iiiipnft"l, until tt I* IMW excellent. 1 I'***'! u liuntlr^l i?r ent trn< T. Aii'l I nitrihute thrno rmiultii t-> tll U-" >f til* SKtvf\KII.I.\. l.l'-b 1 r>-<-iiiiiii'-ii>L with uli uitid^mNi a* tht h***l I-, . -t in ! .-in-- \'-i .|f\i-..l. | i * ft In mirtll '!-* tliri--- ttiiie* a *lnf, find imiit. in all. lew UIHII t< h1tlv, I }>Uce llicv liit'n ^t )"in f rvicu, bo^'ing Uieir puii.i-'nl'ini niav <to giwM, Vourn n*pi*ctful)y. Z. P. WILD*.- The above Inntance U but one nf ill*- many eoiiktanlly coming ui <nir notice, *liich |r-to the |wrr<>ri AiUpUliilily of AVFB'A HABKA- I'AKII.I.A t" the cure of all <lia d"in iiMi'iii.' tr ini|overlft.itHl Ayer's Sarsaparilla ltiiw, mirlclifi, a:ul (trunntbens tliu blon.1, ti:ttui:iitf tlii* iK'ilun of tin- t'.tuach auti lh,v\..]. mnl tlii-rrliji enal)l the s>nni to rwii mi.) uicrronir thi- alUrki of all Sfm/n- Itmt ttttentri, />M/''N n/ lit Slii*, t-tnu- mafim, I'n'iirrh, llmrrxt DrbUiln. mill all UixinUra r<'uliii>e from |>-i<ir or eorru<<o*J li^yxl and a low itale of Ilir \mi-ni. I I1M' till 1> IIV Dr. J. C. AyeriCo., Lowell, Mass. \>f r..r - fl, botllvs AYER'S CATHARTIC _ _ PILLS. Best Purgative Medicine eart.'onslt|Mitlim. Imlig*<rtl<>*v M. ^.Uri,.-. n all Ilillmin Jt>nl<T. 8olil 1 1 rj li, r. . Always rrllablr. EUGENIA Grist Mill, A. IN CARRIAGE WORKS, WILSON & McKECHNIE. Rules In Poultr) o- Our factory is now complete with all the latest, host, and most improved machinery necessary for turning out everything hi our various lines of busi- ness, und it will be in thorough miming order in a few days. Contracts for buildings in town or country taken at the most reasonable rates. Won will be guaranteed first-class in every particular, this depart- ment beint; under the immediate supervision of H. M. McKechnie. Hash and doors madu to order on short notice. Scroll sawing will receive prompt and careful attention. Planing a specialty. In Carriage making our reputation for first-class work is too well known to iced any ftu-ther comment here. A large and excellent stock of carriages, .Vc. for sale. Call at our show rooms and inspect them. Orders for any thing certifies!* >n a reputable breeder. 'NO in this line will receive prompt attention and the fact that it is directly un- IuaM * r ' low we " the ''''' m y look, you der the supervision of T. \V. Wilson, is a sufficient guarantee that the work and material used will be tirst-class. Having made fxtctnive improrenirnti In my Urial Mill, I am conflilent I can giTcgoo<t satisfaction. CHOPPING DOXE ANY l^Y. <t<<i| Kl'.mr (Iways on band. Custom Sau inir, aud Bill* till' il on the shortcut notice. Lum- ber and I.ntli alwoyn ou hand. WANTED : Cherry, Botteront, White Ah, Ulark Aih, Basswood, \'iu- and II, ml... ], I.. ^, wanted. M. AKITTp EUOENM May in. 18R2. Ac nrticle entitled " fMid, Sound Rules," anil credited to Jno. M. Clai- l>ori '- v in llie Xnr lntlv> * r \l reads M fol- luwi : 1. Do not bny your | *r<-n t stock o because they are chi ap. Nn man can afford to M-ll a thoroughbred of any kind at a small }>ric. 2. Buy your stock a* near home M you j ran find your stock and an honest mail to deal with. It naves excuse, and you have atvli' <1 stork. 3. Buy your stock at an exhibition if you can, aa few breeder* will risk poor stock on fxliiliitii.n. 4. Neer bny your stock on the streets from vendors, uulosa accompanied by a WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, IJLACTCSMITHIIVC* A.S USUAL. Soliciting public patrouage aud guaranteeing good work in every depart- of our business. WILSON & MACKECHN1K J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, FLKHUCBTON, - . OUT. Gadd & Campaigne, GENERAL BLACKSMITHS FLESHERTON, are now fully prepared to attend to all work in their Inn. promptly, in H workmanlike uiaunitr, and at fair, liouest prices. Wo re now fully prepared for all the Spni^ work the public may favor us with. ne MioHuy a ftp* tally. , rVb. la, my be sure few breedein of thoroug- bred will allow their stock to be hawked on tin street. 5. Do not allow your fowls to run with an interior male. A fowl, however fine, having at any time run with an inferior male, will only now and then throw you a thoroughbred, and nerer one worth more than 25 cento. C. Never try to breed bul fowls into good ones. It cannot be done. 7. Never bny a fowl that you cannot exultingly show to your neighbor. Dis- I>nrag<-iuunt by a friend or neighbor U a sure euro fur fine at<ick fever. 8. V/hen Butting fine egv, J< not gire them too much attention. Many eggs are s|" ii Inl by to much handling, aud the same lule olit.iitiR with regnrd to chicks. 0. Kill nil" tho fowl* not up to standard ize. 'fhuii bn*d from your bent and you will ,ii\t n\ > hav 5111.1! f" i. iO. tiiv your fowls fresh, clean water cluuu witlkii and low n>ot*, and you can uuailv k. fj. tiiL-iu ui l,nt in-.ntli. Cafe ui moult it i f 'tin >.>. NATIONAI,, I'll. I ^ actn promptly upnn the I.ivHr n<{u]tf tlui Kownlii auu M a iu DtSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. 4 ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE. DROPSY, FLUTTERING Y OF THE HEART, ACWTY OF | THE STOMACH, DRY NESS > OF THE SKIN, And rvr y .|,,rla of tii.,,,. .ri,;.,. fron, diaord.r.d LIVER. KIONCVa, STOMACH BOWELS OK BLOOD, FLESHERTON Jewelery STORE. J. R. TRIMBLE, DEALER IN Watches., Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, Violins, $c. No Bogus Discounts! or other Clap-Trap Induce mcuts offered, but sell you, Goo'lx ,v Low as they can be figured coiiNixtenl icilh 1IOJVEST TllADE. Watch a specialty- .-111 Work Guaranteed- BE MOVAL ! MISS G. A. N. PAGE, ( LATI or OWM 8rNn I will be found in Mrs. liuliucr's shop, nemly oppoite Mr. M. Kicliardioirs general More Flesherton. whoro *\i* will be rnv|>ared ^ usual U> DO DVEH ,i,,i MARK IT LADIES' andCiMTi.KUKN'sFKM, STUAW, 1IEAVEH AM) CAMKJ.S HAIR HATS. in.! muie FQI AL TO M:W. The pnblii' hrv recpet ifully invited (o pM- in i a trial. OIXH! Hork guaranteed at nanonable price*. MISS G. A. N. PAGE. PRIVATE SALE FARM & FARM STOCK .tin/ I ui,, IiitiJemtiitt. XLW) 50-41 UL FA KM TO KIM . UOUSI:H KOK s.n.r. I hire nn niatrhixl Tram t>f H"f\ w^rklnc b< i . ami 1 yuu( Mar. KIK"! driTer. lo uu ol.l chua|> fur vaab. FARM TO 111 : NT. 1 have a .'Ml-acrv Kami ti> lUmt Thin Kami i> 1 niilr Irmii KlfliiTt<>ti. liafi|iil Iniililingt on it aud U well wstiTft KAKM IMI1.KMKXTH foH K.M.i: l"t Salt- at a Hawaii! .- Dnublr Harnrna, Kinclr Harn>.. \Vi4iu<>iii. sleltihu. k.-i-i Hnlkv Hnkr Plow*, and a IHIW nuuibvr of utlu-i ImplouivuU* For psjrtlotilan, appli t<> Jail 24. I4 U. L. WHITE. KI.KHHKKTON < let ii-.- of Time. y, lit Muivh ttriirt DivUUn. T. MILBURN i 60, Toronto, Grry G O 1 N O NO R V H . Tnronto. dep... T.90a.rn 4..Y)p.m... OrmiKvvllle " 100* 7.!tt " ItlWp.ui. Ml Funit " . U'JIpiu. 8IM " tUrn.ton " II M " Owou Hound " .. IX " m.rt O.OB p. m OOINO SOUTH. Owen Sound. W. WHITE. QK.N' VI ". am .,: MO p.m.. 7. a.n. .inn ?. *.7 1100 4.M 7.9) 9M l.Mpn. S.10 " D. UKN'I. I'AMI. ALT TRAINS I.KAVE PLESHERTON STATION: lolnc North... at HVIaiu. 3.10p.m., * tWM p ni Cii. inn South. , HMH * m . A 5:19 p. ui PATENTS YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAn WORM] POWDERS. i tinnitoift aa'.-Hioiton f..r i Mivnia, OkTmla.VrMKi Mrk>. Ci', for tblt I .,UKl Sim. .. QiosAh Hat^tit.iilAKlnoiihniii-'iMI NN*'ro ar nutli "i InttMiSt iKiriri.' AKiLitn-A ..tli,' lartrt.'. I vif.itnil miMt vkieir Mrwhuoa acii ntinc popor. >>. or yeitr. W<nly. Hlrioi'ili.l nutr.ivlnn aim InKTi'Mliiii In- RfSMUOB. Hpvvlnir-n (MPT I ! 'Ki-lriiliMc A lrB K-nt fr,-r roUln nwm Aitd MC.XIl Ara. > . Nrw 1 r /k /\ A a wtwk at : ,i .u i . *6 on t ii t f i M. Pay ao- \kf\v\ "olutrly nor*. Nortak. Capital not r* jniili ') 'll.-'l Hi 'U,I . if ,1111 *lll bUr-inSHN ^* ^^ ^^ tt waicti parsuD* of vithai MX, youiift or old, cau i. mk | et pay all the tiui* tli. , k*oliit orJn*)r, writ* lor paMkw- I I *ft Co.. l

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