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Flesherton Advance, 3 Apr 1884, p. 5

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Death. -Dr. James Tilsonburg, brother of Mr. C. C. James, Priceville, died last week. ft TO ] fir 1 a At the Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames a largre assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. Local and Other News. An i ii ii nrim< stock of Spring Printi at Richardson&apos;s , lorely patterns; see them. DEATH. Dr. Junes, Tilsonburg, brother of Mr C. C. Jniei, PriceTille, died last wek. Sugar making season is here. Query - East direr Kprinc Hbow. The East Riding of Grey Agricultural Society will hold a Spring Show in the vilU -. of Fleshertoti, on Tuesday, April 22nd, init. Prizes will be awarded for Iwst Heavy Draught, Roadatr, General Purpose, Blood, and Percheron Stalliona ; also fur best Durham, Ayrshire, Devon, Hereford, and Pulled Angus Bulls two yean and over and 1 year and under 2 Doe* it pay to maks Maple Sugar when | years old. The general rule* governing you can buy 15 puiudi refined sugar fur One Dollar cash at M. Richardion&apos;s. Dr*. CKrintiK- & Carter, both graduate! if Victoria University, have entered into partnership for the practice of medicine in Flesherton, and will be prepared to at- t .-nd U . all calls and consultations night or day. TINDEU. Tendus have bean adver- tised fur the construction ot the stone fld brick work of Dr. ChriiUie&apos;s new building, to be erected on the corner of Callingwood and Beechel itreets. The wsrk is to be pushed as rapidly forward is possible. fall eihibitioni will also goiern this. See posters for full particulars. POCLTBT. Improve your poultry by purchasing eggs frum W. H. Campsugne. Imsortod birds introduced every year to keep up stuck. White and Brown Leg- horns 93 per setting , Plymouth Rocks 92. Iv/v* warranted fertile. Orders by mail receive prompt attention. t orr.-.llon. In our r.&apos;i-irt of Dundalk Brass Band&apos;s concert in the Town Hall, Flesherton, last week, we critizised the gentleman, who accompanied Mr. McEachem on the organ, rather severely. Tho gentleman&apos;s name is if r. v . . P. Kundle, and he takes objection and very properly, too, it must be admitted, when the circum- stances are fully known to our censuring inn for discords produced by the singer imiarlf. The discord in " Lotixjord Watch, Akoy," was, says Mr. Bundle, &apos;due solely to the soloists inability to retain the "pitch" of the piece being rendered." Of course, under these cir- cumstances, it will be seen at M. Richardson is now receiving the largest importation of tea ever brought into Flesherton ; his famous 30 eent tea is acknowledged en all haadi the best value in the country. PiuHCa." Mr. W. W. Trimble, of this village, has purchased from Mr. J. R. Trimble. Markdalu, the celebrated general purpose stallion. " Black Prince,&apos;&apos; rising 4 yean old. This tallii&apos;ii has only been exhibited three times, taking first at Rocklyn, in spring of 1883 ; 1st at Flesherton, fall i.f 1883 ; and 1st at Markdle fall of same year. " I*HTV KEwjr CANADA. "Parts 27 and 28 of this excellent work hava just been delivered to Flesherton subscribers. Te numbers before us are superior, from every point of view, to any yet issued by the enterprising publishers. Wo have had occasion in the jiast to criticise rather severely sevsral numbers relating to soenes in our immediate neighborhood ; but taken on the whole, it is the b work of art that has ever been issued in this country. Hold l.y subscription only : Art Pub. Co., Toronto, publishers. Richardson&apos;s Spring Importations are now arriving ; the puzzlo with him if where to put them, his old premises being far too small to accommodate his hi stock and new premises not finished yet. that we quite unintentionally, however did Mr. Bundle an injustice in reporting nut in the way we did ; and we thank .hat gentleman for so promptly calling our attention to the nutter. Xutitn of tiiriht, 3iarriagf4, and Dratht Cattle Fair day in Flesherton, ou Monday next, April 7th. J. W. Hodgson advertises a stray Steer in this issue of THE AI.VA.M-*. Mr. W. H. Campaigne advertises a boar for sale in another column. "Notes on IngersoU" for sale at this office. A lot of New Trunks for sale cheap at WM. CtAYTOS&apos;lt. Mr. Oeo. Wilson has started butchering in Flesherton. See Adv. Filthy sheds and pig pens on the front streets should be discountenanced. See advertisement for tenders for erection of a Methodist Church in Kiiuberley, in another column. MARRIED HUM FV lu.wi.KK. On the 1Mb March, by the I.. D i M. |i.,w..!l Mr Win John Holley to MlM llary Ann llowla*. all uf ArW.inu.ia. UKAT -Cuuwsu.. -On the IHth ult . bythe lie* T. J. ftoowdon. Mr H. T Urrny. of Duntruou. Co. of fUmooe. to Mla> Allle. you of Mr. Wm . Carawoll.ur 1VKW BUTCHER SHOP! IN FLESHERTOH. WI&SOJV IkV" to aummuoc to the people of KlMharton and vii inn > . that h nai opeuiKl out a Hutcher simp in tin- laud furnMrly uccuplwl by J. W u a furniture (torn, wtir ha *U1 be \m- Parties wanting first-class Leghorn pared to nil all ... ir fur or Houdan Egijs should apply tu W. MEAT # FISH ! Barnhouse, Flesherbm. pn.inptly and at fair price. raiUeat Messrs. Campaifnu & (iadd have tu all paru of the village. dissolved partnurship in the blacksmith | QBO. WOJQK. businuss. The business will be con- tinued by Mr. Oadd. Mr. R. Cook at Fleahertoii Station, has purchased a Jackass, and the folks in this village are now daily on the look-out for a shower of tiush frui that direction &apos; One of our villagu firms got its business cards printed in a neighboring village recently ; and now some of ou r The Thorough DURHAM BULL Will lUnd for Com Ibo xwunn of mi. at Lot I&apos;M. 3rd HHK W*M, ArVmwU. tt-ar Kk*h<rton HUitioD. TKHMN, ! per cow ; t-i |>rtl bricc lug* over four cow* a roducttou will !* tnal fx.wv uo raturuadraiularly t<i th.- bull wHl t iitairn nrirr irtir1h-r In calf or aot To b paid for oo or bufore Jtaiwry lit. 1SA IN. \ M.I. McKKN/ll Pruprtotor. Ntrnyed. P AMK 1.1 Uii- pntmlaM of tlio lutMcrlhir. Lot v COQ i, TnWDthip of (>(>rjr. *ni!l :>. old >ti.-r. lut fall Owoor can hv taia* by proving prupfrty and |myltM< pi|>*nflii. J W HOCoeON Dissolution of Partnership OTlCK horntuforo u that th parturhi; bvtweuo ui. th* day diieulvod by mutual xfti"-.M All ilebta owing In the saiil partuenhlp, are t > u- |.i.\ to Jawea P. Uadd at Fluahrrtuu. and all claim* agalu>l Uu >ai.l iHUVirrmiiiu are to b-* ueietod tu the said Jaiuw V GaJJ. by whotii Hi,- >auie will be eeMle*! I >l..| at lle^Mtlun, Uiu th day at Uarct- Steam Hour Mill A T FLESHERTON .S 1 TA 770 A&apos;. For Sale! I&apos;rloe fciJOO : MOO down . l-alam-u ID |30Q a year iti*tahncut iwtth tht* privilv of pa>luj{ Booaer if iliwlialilri. will. lntTvt at th.. rate of 6 iWltMSa) W. J. JA.MKS P. OADO. 1 II i VMl&apos;AiUNK i . ui IWT annum on unpaid principal, citizens are wondering where the printer RKSTou KASV TKKMH Or &apos; our Table. ORIF. Last week&apos;s issue of this great cartoon paper, contained some cleverly tecuted cartoons. The most interesting cartoon in the batch, however, is the main one. This is a large double-page cartoon supposed to represent the present situation of the famous "onmuracv" Tho law (n \rrmm) is represented with a black-snake whip in one hand and a rat-trap containing Messrs. Msk, Bunting, and Wilkinson in tho other Near by is a tub labelled, "Political question is asked "Will She Drown got the Chinese hieroglyphics to print them with. -People keeping cows in the village, 2.~F A R M! S !~ 2. ay of preventing should lutve some them becoming public nuisancus. IV tween pigs, and hena, this village will i stM>n become a veritable paradise - for filth and all unoleani TO RENT OR SELL THE FAMILY WELCOME. ThU u DUO of th* larueet anil beat story papvt * published ui Amarica. It u full jf Htory and . . Wit .UK! Humor t n. .lot, .....I %,! . M Hi r. . In fact. them will not ba slnU Uae of dml : ma-line; ui It Publiihfl the lit an.l IXli >( e . uiouth Terms&apos; On* itoltar per annum ID aJ vau<- .t..|ita wasted ovary wbvra. Halui&apos;l. fraa. Address" The Family Welcume &apos; London ""it lltlli. GORDON&apos;S HARNESS SHOP lloth wall \rtciii ...a ui th Townabip uf PIBSOMAI.. Mr. Robt. Hannah, who has been twenty ---in&apos; mnths connectod . - .r I. . ..I TS. cated his situation last Monday. Mr Hannali is a young man 01 sterling worth, and had become very popular, during his TWO TUOJiOUClU-UKED DURHAM BULLS ! (With Ciuod Hvtfltloral Pedigree*.) filled with water, ! stay h>iv, among all classes of the FOR SALE, Oblivion." Tho traveling publu- and II,,. villagers gen- 1 On , i yar. old. for WO; .nd on. | ^ old. orally. Tho very fact that he muld have &apos;or retained 1>U ptisition had he desintl so &apos; wt-ll-liki&apos;il was be by liis finploycr --H|aks volumes in hi fuvor, for nun.- host Munhaw, is very |*rti<uUir as to the kiml of mvn he kst>ps in IIIH employ . Mr Hannah will axiit liia futlior. Mr. Thorn ?" Near l.y Messrs. Meredith and Morris are standing, and one of them is saying, " If the worst comos, I hopu none of &apos; will st|uual. " Mr. Griffin, editor-! in-chief of the .If n/ has one of the "rats" { by the tail ( Hunting) and implores the law to &apos;&apos;drown the others if you like, but save, oh, tavo this innocent nnn ! &apos; Mr. Mowat who has his nnsu ni-ar a hole j l ttcr ll " tel &apos; to &apos;* k&apos;Jvatlj improved by in tlwgn.uml, uxclaims to Fraxcr, who ! Mr. Hitnnah. who takes |SSCWK>II m-xt stands by "I smell John A. in this I " j Moniay. Hardy anil Pardoe arc after Hon. Mr. Mcl&apos;hcnii.n with sticks, while Mr. Ki>r I irther partlriilan ipply to ROGER LEVER, F1nArr1,m I&apos;.n.. Out. - . FLESHERTON. A PRIZE. Ill 111 Cf ainl ri.-.-Mii fri^, a tly but of R"l whl"h will hl|i >..! t nmru uion.&apos;i ri^ht away thai, auvllilu; ri--l . ll.i-wi.rl I All. nf I&apos;ltlii&apos;i i Or-&apos;. li"iir Tin- l>m<1 road tfiirtun>. o|>.|in*fn ...kur. *tH.lutl; ur At uuo aiidrau. I u A Co.. An* ita. MHI. Alex, ll.inimli. lu tb ii Station Hou-l in future. t >.f This Cameron of the mounted on a barrfl.exultingly cries, " Here&apos;s Shields !" Mr. (lolilwin Smith alto ngures promi- nently in the cartoon. Mr. Hengough must have beon in ono of his happiest 4 *-&apos;> Blblr Prize. The publishers of tinting t Monthly offer twulve valuable rewards in their Monthly fur April, ainoin; which is th following : We will give |tO 00 to the {>erson telling us how many words thre are in the Epistle of J ude, as recorded in th New Testament Scripture* (nut tho Niw Rivigio*,) by April 10th, 1884. Should two or more correct answers lie received the reward will lie divided. The mono will IM) forwarded to tho winner Apri I. &apos;.ill. 1884. Persons trying for the re- uard must send 20 centa in silver (nu |Htage stamps taken) with their answer, for which they will receive tho May .M 1&apos;iit M ii, in which the namo and address of the winner of the reward and correct .taswer will be published, and in which vend more valuable rv wards will U- offered. Address KuTLKDUC l&apos;i FH.I--.IIN.. COXCAKT, East on, Pa. &apos; How are we ever going to get thro&apos; our xpring and summer&apos;s work We are all run down, tired out before it begins." So say many a farmer&apos;s family. We ans- wer, go ts your druggist and pay five dol- lars for six bottles of Ay or Sanaparilla. This is just the msdicine you need, and will pay compound interact on tli invesi- in. 1 1. .M Kalr M ii.l.iy, April 7th. Farm Stock, Iiiivli-iM,-nt.< and Household Furniture ; atLot20, X. D H., Atetuesia. com- u.&apos;tioing at 10 o&apos;clock a. m. H months .re.lit on all sums ovr |A. I Hi moods when he ciiceived this admirably I Hany, proprietor ; A. S. Y:itiL>usun, executed sketch. auctioneer. S bills. Tuesday, April 8th --Farm Stock, IVli-r . of " VounR Lrhon." Sire Lvtx.n ; imported dam, Kir Win Wallace ; grand dam, Robin Hi MX! Lebos is a dark bay, rising three veaa old, with black lev, mam-, and tail; stands K.l, hands high, with great fll ! >loCormick , aut . tl ,, neer bone, and superior action. He was a, Monday, April Uth.-In the Village of great prim-taker in England. Ubon&apos;s iv.-ville : by publie Auction sire-"01d Lebon " the $100 prize in 1878, at lioaton, England. He was ImplemsnU and H..IW. h. Id Furniture ; at l/.t 18 & 19, 2nd Rnngf S. l>. R., Artvmesia ; coiiimfiicing at 12 o&apos;clock, in .n t* months credit on all sums over |.&apos;. Arch. Me I., proprietor ; Duiptld FLESEERTON FOR Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry ! JAMESGaRySSELL OF HAMILTON brod by Thos. Fullard, K<.| , Thomey, in 1808; got by "Wonder." Dam by Hemmet&apos;s "Trumper;" g. dam by bid Furnitun-; Temu IcCormick, aucticnetir . Mrs. rop. Sci- bills. House- i D. &apos; The Not.! Watchmaker & Jeweler. now ou liautl a splendid assortment of A Vn.r un>: HINT. Arlizans. acton, |>i.rtHin..|i, ini^banicH and laluirini; mm, in act all who nnduly pxrrt munrnlar itrrngth. Mr. PnrantS oro iil.ji.i&apos;t to painful contractions of the " Honest Tom ;" Rrand-sire, Mr. <..od< e "" h - [&apos;." (:&apos;&apos;,&apos;!&apos;" &apos; ln-n.-M ; to all such, - J&apos;H Wllow Oil is s prompt relief ami cur*. Steward&apos;s " Mager," nf " Chatteris," noted horse sired In win&apos;s " Honest Tom ; " groat uraml-sir Mr. Bimgham&apos;s " England&apos;s Glory, which took prizes three years at Lincoll and Mr. li. refuHcd 400 Kuiiiuas for hint Wonder by Matchless ; Matchless &apos;&apos; Young Active ; dam by Young Staffol. J. W. Hodgson, |ror-rietor "Yoig Lebon." That slight d.ld you think so litt>>f may prove the forerunner of a coniphtt tint may be fatal. Avoid this resul^>y taking Ayer&apos;s Cherry Pec &apos;oral, theb"f known remedies for colds, coughs,:at- itrrl 4 bronchitis, incipient ornsunif>D, and, ail other threat and king diseasi Watches, Clonks, Cuff Buttons Specks. Rings, Brooches, Chains, &c. % Which he is offering, at Veir Low Prioes. WEDDIN6 RINGS MADE TO OJIDEK &apos;. Tenders Wanted. UKAI.KD TKNDKKS will ho nwlv O tho 1th i " lip to if May Im4 f,.r hulliltaK "( a ( l.nnh t Km. hurley. Haul < lunch Ui Iw ncinllint mms, e* stobs foandsUoB ami oru-k VSBSSVM! I&apos;U.M Mil Kpn-inoati&apos;ini to lx> >een at U. L. Tlniiii|Mon . np|H>.ii,- in.. i,.it Mill. Tho COU.IIllMe <I<W l.lll.l tlinl.IM.lviM to ai&apos;i-ept the loweel r any tiulor JOHN HflU.llfBT. Key Q(H)DCHK8TKHWHITK MOAU FOK HALF. If yon want a First Claw Article, At a Vry Low Fi^mv. i&apos; &apos; to 1< All Repairing Personally Attended te; Salixfaction, Guurfinteetf- AJHMIUs. March -i

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